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The Best Way to Improve Health is to Exercise Daily?

One of the key things in this century is healthy living. A person often prefers to take

on daily exercises to maintain a healthy body shape. In my opinion, we should all acknowledge

that although physical exercises are vital, there are numerous ways to keep fit apart from

physical body exercises. It is also important to note that a person can only take a specific routine

of healthy living considering the factors at hand, for example, time.

Our daily ways of living are mostly sedentary. A larger percentage of the population

spends most of their time working continuously behind monitors and computer desktops. The

more this habit of office working continues, less or no time is left for activities such as exercises.

Fatigue and body malfunction will soon follow, and cases of obesity may also be witnessed. In

this situation, physical exercises like walking to and from the workplace and being handy around

the office. These exercises are crucial in body metabolism, digestion, and assertiveness (Brotman

& Toskes 1997). All of these will prove helpful in the quest for healthy living.

Moreover, many individuals prefer fast foods to pick-up restaurants over self-

prepared foods. They choose because of less time available for cooking and saving time. These

foods have high sugar levels and salt, which may result in obesity. Diseases such as diabetes,

arteriosclerosis, and hypertension are also bound to be contracted. On this account, these foods

may be considered unhealthy. I believe the foods taken also play a major role in healthy living.

This is possible when one can major their diet on vitamin-enriched foods necessary for

bodybuilding and repair. Research conducted by students at the University of Michigan showed

that exercise would not promote health if the diet is uncontrolled.

Disease and body malfunction prevention. It has become more and more apparent in

this era that the antidote to body loss is through carrying out exercises. Moreover, the aging

population embraces workouts to maintain their body health. Muscle fibers become weaker and

shorter as one age. When these muscle fibers weaken and shorten. One is left vulnerable to

accidents, back pain, and even body stress. Stronger muscles imply that body flexibility is

enhanced, and the frequency of body risk occurrence is reduced. This is evident when a muscle

fiber burns more calories than its equivalent in fat.

Exercises are also critical for body balance. Balance of the body tends to diminish

as one becomes older. The remedy is performing regular exercises to protect against accidents

through falling, which may result in permanent body disabilities. Balance exercises consume less

time than other exercises, and their time allocation is equivalent to a recess before a game. Many

body strength workouts and exercises are good examples of balance exercises (Hlaing et al. 26).

In this case, there are a variety of exercises at one's disposal, for example, yoga, tai chi, and sit-

ups, rollers, and even pilates.

Generally speaking, there are many reasons why many people believe that body exercises

contribute to healthy development. Perhaps the key contributing factor is that physical exercises

increase blood circulation within the body and improve brain functioning. Therefore, a person

will feel healthier than a counterpart who is not dwelling on exercise for healthy living. This is

complemented by medical researchers who suggest that a heart attack rate is reduced by 70%

when one walks continuously for an hour at a medium speed (Qin et al. 475-484).

In conclusion, we can conclude that besides that daily exercise is a key step forward in

being healthier; I reckon that an appropriate diet is equally important. It is, therefore, necessary

to appreciate both of them with equal measures.


Works cited

Brotman, M, and PP Toskes. "The American Digestive Health Foundation: Advancing Digestive

Health Through Support Of Research And Education In The Cause, Prevention,

Treatment, And Cure Of Digestive Diseases." Gastroenterology, vol 110, no. 6, 1996, pp.

1997-1999. Elsevier BV,

Hlaing, Su Su, et al. "Updates on core stabilization exercise and strengthening exercise: A review

article." Asia Pac J Sci Technol 26 (2021).

Qin, Yuan, et al. "The effect of high-intensity interval training on exercise capacity in post-

myocardial infarction patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis." European

Journal of Preventive Cardiology 29.3 (2022): 475-484.

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