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Introduction to Globalization

A. DIFFICULT CONCEPTS (What concepts did you find difficult to understand?)

1. The Existing Definitions of Globalization
2. Regionalization
3. Deterritorialization

B. INSIGHTS (What new insights or learning did you gain from the topic?)

1. Before reading the material/ understanding the lesson, I thought that

globalization is simply a concept where interaction happens between countries and
the possibility of integration or adaptation of culture of one another may take place.
However, reading the material/ understanding the lesson, I now think/ realize that
there are actually different concepts regarding what globalization really is; that the
definitions given by a person about the topic of globalization is influenced by his/her
perception, be it positive or negative.

2. Before reading the material/ understanding the lesson, I thought that

the concept of globalization does not have any deeper meanings on how this
phenomena exactly happens.
However, reading the material/ understanding the lesson, I now think/ realize that
there are metaphors that are used for a better understanding on how globalization
occurs, which are the concepts of solidity and liquidity; including what the flows are,
which are observed in the current state of our society.

3. Before reading the material/ understanding the lesson, I thought that

globalization does not have any complex characteristics or named effects and only
have a rough idea about it.
However, reading the material/ understanding the lesson, I now think/ realize that
there are two theories present, which are homogeneity and heterogeneity, that
explains what kind of changes occurs in countries who are experiencing

C. QUESTIONS (What questions would you want answers for? Or vague areas you want
explanation more?)
1. In Homogeneity theory relating to the topic about media imperialism, what does it mean by
“the internet could end up being less diverse and competitive in the long run” and how?

GEED 10043- THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD Metacognitive Reading Report

2. What does Ritzer mean by “globalization can also be seen as a flow of “nothing” as opposed
to “something”, involving the spread of non-places, non- things, non-people, and non-services” ?

3. What does “the regionalization of the world system and economic activity undermines the
potential benefits coming out from a liberalized global economy” mean and what are those
potential benefits?

GEED 10043- THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD Metacognitive Reading Report

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