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Bifunctional Oxygen Electrodes

L Jöerissen, Zentrum für Sonnenenergie- und Wasserstoff-Forschung Baden-Württemberg, Ulm, Germany

& 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Introduction the negative electrode, to the so-called regenerative fuel

cells. Evolution and consumption of oxygen can take
In many parts of the world, increasing amounts of place in separate reactors such as an electrolyzer and fuel
intermittent energy sources such as solar or wind energy, cell (Figure 1(a)) or in the same reactor becoming a
are fed to the electric grid. In order to level out the daily secondary metal–oxygen battery or in the case of hydrogen
and seasonal fluctuations associated with these, storage of is used at the negative electrode, a so-called unitized
electrical energy is becoming an increasingly important regenerative fuel cell (URFC) (Figure 1(b)). In the latter
issue. Therefore, all kinds of energy storage systems in- case, bifunctional oxygen/air electrodes consuming
cluding secondary batteries are considered to be relevant oxygen during electricity generation (e.g., battery dis-
for grid management. charge, fuel cell operation) and evolving oxygen during
In secondary batteries, the amount of energy stored is battery charge or electrolysis mode are frequently used.
directly related to the amount of active masses in the When assuming oxygen as part of the atmosphere and
battery. The use of oxygen as ‘active mass’ at the positive neglecting its weight, electrochemical energy storage
electrode could become a viable option since oxygen is a systems using oxygen at the positive electrode stand out
part of the atmosphere and therefore does not add to the for their high specific energy and energy density. For
battery mass. practical purposes, it would be beneficial if the metal
Understanding the aqueous electrochemistry of oxygen, could be deposited from an aqueous electrolyte without
which is of practical importance for many technical pro- significant hydrogen evolution as a side reaction.
cesses is fairly complex. Oxygen electrochemistry is the key From the metals shown in Table 1, zinc, iron, cad-
to understanding air breathing secondary battery systems. mium, and metal hydride electrodes can be charged
The oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) is the key to fuel electrically in an aqueous electrolyte. The addition of
cell systems as well as secondary batteries in the discharge lead, mercury, or cadmium can further suppress hydro-
mode; it also is relevant as the compensatory process in gen evolution upon charge. Lithium, calcium, mag-
corrosion reactions. Oxygen evolution is relevant in the nesium, and aluminum systems can only be operated as a
charging of secondary batteries involving oxygen elec- primary system in an aqueous environment. Considering
trodes, it also takes place in water electrolysis and as a environmental aspects, additives of lead or mercury as
competing reaction in other technical synthesis reactions. well as cadmium–air systems will most probably not be
The use of oxygen as a reactant at the positive elec- used due to the high toxicity of the heavy metals.
trode of an electrochemical energy storage system leads Typically, aqueous alkaline electrolytes are used in
to metal–air batteries or in the case of hydrogen is used at metal–air batteries due to the better corrosion resistance

Electricity Electricity
Storageof negative active material

Storageof negative active material

Storage reservoir of oxygen

Storage reservoir of oxygen



Secondary battery



Electricity Electricity

(a) (b)

Figure 1 Concept of electrochemical power sources involving oxygen as a reactant. (a) Combination of electrolyzer and fuel cell.
(b) Secondary battery or unitized regenerative fuel cell (URFC).

Secondary Batteries – Metal-Air Systems | Bifunctional Oxygen Electrodes 357

Table 1 Characteristic data of metal–oxygen cells calculated

Metal anode Electrochemical Theoretical cell voltage Theoretical specific Practical operating
equivalent of metal with O2 electrode (V) energy of metal–oxygen voltage metal–oxygen
(Ah kg1) couple (Wh kg1) couple (V)
Li 3861 3.3 12 741 2.4
Ca 1337 3.4 4547 2.0
Mg 2205 3.1 6837 1.4
Al 2980 2.7 8046 1.6
Zn 820 1.6 1312 1.1
Fe 960 1.3 1248 1.0
Cd 478 1.2 572 0.9
H6LaNi5 367 1.2 440 0.8
Reproduced from Barin Y (1989) Thermochemical Data of Pure Substances. Weinheim: VCH and Linden D (1984) Handbook of Batteries and Fuel
Cells. New York: McGraw-Hill.

of the metals and the better performance of the oxygen Table 2 Standard electrode potentials of selected oxygen
electrode in the alkaline environment. reactions in aqueous electrolytes at 25 1C
Nevertheless, when considering hydrogen as the ac- Electrochemical reaction E0/V vs SHE
tive material at the negative electrode, progress in the O2 þ 4H þ 4e -2H2O
development of fuel cells and electrolyzers involving acid O2 þ 2Hþ þ 2e-H2O2 0.695
polymer membranes makes the development of revers- O2 þ 2H2O þ 4e-4OH 0.401
ible polymer membrane fuel cells an interesting option O2 þ Hþ þ e-HO2  0.053
O2 þ H2O þ 2e-HO2 þ OH

for energy storage. Besides energy storage, in principle O2 þ 2H2O þ 2e-H2O2 þ 2OH  0.133
metal–air cells can also be used as oxygen sensors. O2 þ e-O 2  0.284
Reproduced from Linden D (1984) Handbook of Batteries and Fuel
Cells. New York: McGraw-Hill.
The Electrochemistry of Oxygen SHE, standard hydrogen electrode.

Bifunctional oxygen electrodes must be stable under con-

ditions of oxygen reduction and oxygen evolution. Both A comprehensive presentation of the reaction path-
reactions show considerable high overpotentials. The op- ways involved in the reduction of oxygen has been
erating range of a bifunctional oxygen electrode spans from worked out by N. A. Anastasijevic and coworkers for
B0.7 V versus RHE during discharge to more than 1.8 V alkaline electrolytes (Figure 2) and converted into acid
versus RHE during charge. In the following paragraphs, electrolytes by Gattrell and MacDougall (Figure 3). Both
a short overview on the electrochemistry of the oxygen papers are referenced in the ‘Further Reading’ section.
reduction and oxygen evolution reactions is given. The overall reaction scheme involves only single electron
transfer steps. Table 3 shows the electrochemical and
Oxygen Reduction
chemical reactions and equilibria relevant in Figure 2.
It is well known that the electrochemical reaction kin- The reactions in acid electrolyte can be constructed
etics of oxygen is generally rather slow. Although it may straightforwardly by adding a proton to the charged
appear simple at first glance, the electrochemical re- intermediates. Reaction [V] is known to be highly ir-
actions taking place during oxygen reduction are rather reversible in acid electrolytes. The individual reactions
complicated to describe due to the strong irreversibility shown may involve more elementary reaction steps. The
of individual steps and a strong dependence of their re- oxygen reduction initially involves the adsorption of
action mechanism on pH. In Table 2, the standard molecular O2 on the electrode surface.
electrode potentials of reactions involving oxygen in The following sequence of reactions may involve
different electrolytes are given. pathways along strongly adsorbed species (reactions [III],
The reversible potentials of oxygen electrodes as they [IV], [IX], [X]) where the individual reaction steps are
are calculated from thermodynamic considerations are considered irreversible. It is assumed that the strongly
difficult to measure experimentally, since the reactions adsorbed (chemisorbed) species cannot desorb directly
taking place involve many steps and intermediate species. into the electrolyte.
Furthermore, mixed potential formation at the catalyst A second possible path can be constructed as a series
surface is frequently observed. In addition, the actual of reactions involving only weakly adsorbed (physis-
species involved are dependent on many factors such as orbed) species. This pathway involves a superoxide ion
the electrolyte and the surface chemistry of the catalyst (O2; adsorbed ) which is not stable in aqueous solution, how-
used and so on. ever, can react with water and an electron through eqn [II]
358 Secondary Batteries – Metal-Air Systems | Bifunctional Oxygen Electrodes


k12 OH–

Ostrongly, adsorbed

k21 k13

Diffusion k4(e–) k5(e–) k6(e–)

O2, bulk O2, Surface k22 O2–, strongly adsorbed HOO– O–strongly adsorbed OH–
strongly adsorbed
K–20 k–5(e–)
k23 k24
O2, adsorbed O2–, adsorbed HOO–adsorbed
k–25 k25

k10(2) HOO– surface


Figure 2 Reaction mechanisms of the oxygen reduction reaction in alkaline electrolytes. Reproduced with permission from
Anastsijevic NA, Vesovic V, and Adzic RR (1987) Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 229: 305–316.


k12 H2O

Ostrongly, adsorbed
k21 k13

k5(e ) –
Diffusion O k4(e–) k6(e–)
O2, bulk 2, surface k22 HO2, strongly adsorbed HOOH strongly adsorbed OHstrongly adsorbed H2O
k–20 k–5(e–)
k20 k2(e–)
k1(e–) HOOHadsorbed
O2, adsorbed HO2, adsorbed
k–25 k25

k10(2) HOOHsurface

k11(2) Diffusion

Figure 3 Reaction mechanisms of the oxygen reduction–reaction in acid electrolytes. Reproduced from Gattrell M and McDougall B
(2003) Reaction mechanisms of the O2 reduction/evolution reaction. In: Vielstich W, Lamm A, and Gasteiger HA (eds.) Handbook of
Fuel Cells  Fundamentals, Technology and Applications, vol. 2, pp. 443–464. New York: John Wiley & Sons.

or by the decomposition reaction [VII] to form a peroxide imaged by scanning tunneling microscopy. Strong non-
ion HO 2; adsorbed which can desorb from the electrode uniformity of the oxygen adsorbates has been observed.
surface into the electrolyte according to eqn [VII]. Molecular modeling of oxygen reduction is in the
Transitions from reaction pathways involving weakly initial stage. Indications could be found that the pathway
bound species to strongly bound species are possible. for oxygen reduction varies depending on the mode of
More insight into oxygen adsorption has been gained oxygen adsorption.
by gas-phase adsorption studies showing strong inter- For all practical considerations, oxygen reduction can
actions and dissociative adsorption on Pt-catalysts. take place through parallel pathways, one leading to
Interaction of the antibonding oxygen orbital with the water or OH through a direct four-electron reduction,
metal d-band has been found to be the key factor. the other one leading to peroxide through a two-electron
Atomically adsorbed oxygen species could even be reduction path. The overall reactions and the associated
Secondary Batteries – Metal-Air Systems | Bifunctional Oxygen Electrodes 359

Table 3 Partial reactions taking place during oxygen reduction

Electrochemical reactions taking place in alkaline electrolyte
k1 [I]
O2; adsorbed þ e - O
2; adsorbed

k2 =k2 [II]
2; adsorbed þ H2 O þ e - HO
2; adsorbed þ OH
k3 [III]
Ostrongly adsorbed þ e - O
strongly adsorbed

k4 [IV]
2; strongly adsorbed þ H2 O þ e - HO
2; strongly adsorbed þ OH
k5 =k5 [V]
2; strongly adsorbed þ e

- O
strongly adsorbed þ OH

k6 [VI]
strongly adsorbed þ H2 O þ e - 2OH

Chemical reactions of adsorbates to be taken into account

k10 [VII]
2; adsorbed þ H2 O - O2; adsorbed þ HO
2; adsorbed þ OH
k11 [VIII]
2; adsorbed - 2OH þ O2; adsorbed

k12 [IX]
2; strongly adsorbed - OH þ Ostrongly adsorbed

k13 [X]
2; strongly adsorbed - Ostrongly adsorbed þ O
strongly adsorbed

Reproduced from Anastasijevic NA, Vesovic V, Adzic RR (1987) Journal of Electroanalytical

Chemistry 229: 305–316.

Table 4 Potentials associated to oxygen reduction in alkaline and acidic media

Reaction E0/V versus SHE
Direct four-electron pathway
Alkaline solution O2 þ 2H2O þ 4e-4OH 0.401
Acid solution O2 þ 4Hþ þ 4e-2H2O 1.229
Peroxide pathway
Alkaline solution O2 þ H2O þ 2e-HO2 þ OH  0.065
Peroxide reduction HO2  þ H2 O þ 2e -3OH 0.867
Peroxide decomposition 2HO2  -2OH þ O2 –
Acid solution O2 þ 2Hþ þ 2e-H2O2 0.67 V
Peroxide reduction H2O2 þ 2Hþ þ 2e-2H2O 1.77 V
Peroxide decomposition 2H2O2-2H2O þ O2 –
Reproduced from Yeager E (1984) Electrochimica Acta 29: 1527–1537.

potentials versus standard hydrogen electrode (SHE) In the peroxide pathway, free H2O2 can be detected in
taking place are given in Table 4. the electrolyte, which can be used as an indicator. The
The peroxide path is favored on graphite and most H2O2 formed in solution can be decomposed either
other carbons, gold (with the exception of gold(100) in electrochemically or by simple chemical decomposition.
alkaline solution), oxide covered metals such as nickel or Oxygen from the chemical decomposition reaction can
cobalt, some transition metal macrocycles, and transition immediately react at the electrode. Therefore, a total of
metal oxides. four electrons are exchanged in both pathways.
The so-called direct four-electron reduction generally
involves a sequence of steps, sometimes involving even
adsorbed peroxide intermediates (Figures 2 and 3). This
Oxygen Evolution
reaction pathway is predominant on noble metal catalysts
such as platinum and platinum group metals, some On metallic catalysts, oxygen is generally evolved from
transition metal oxides having the perovskite or pyro- the corresponding metal oxides which may be either thin
chlore structure, some transition metal macrocycles such films as in the case of noble metals (platinum, gold,
as iron phthalocyanine, and silver. iridium, rhodium, and ruthenium) or thick films as in the
360 Secondary Batteries – Metal-Air Systems | Bifunctional Oxygen Electrodes

case of silver or nickel. In general, oxide film growth can SurfaceðOHÞ þ OH -SurfaceðH2 O2 Þphysisorbed þ e ½XVII
be considered as a parallel reaction to oxygen evolution.
Besides being catalytically active, an oxygen evolution Followed by
catalyst should be stable and conductive at the high po-
SurfaceðH2 O2 Þphysisorbed þ OH
tentials where oxygen evolution takes place. Metal redox
couples are probably present at the electrode surface. -SurfaceðHO2  Þphysisorbed þ H2 O ½XVIII
Platinum is a rather poor electrocatalyst for oxygen
evolution due to the formation of a stable oxide layer of
SurfaceðH2 O2 Þphysisorbed þ SurfaceðHO2  Þphysisorbed
low conductivity.
Ruthenium metal, although being a good electro- -H2 O þ OH þ O2 ½XIX
catalyst for oxygen evolution is strongly corroded at the
Changes in the oxidation state of the metal ion of the
potential of oxygen evolution. However, electrically
electrocatalyst itself can be taken into account by the
conductive bulk noble metal oxides such as ruthenium
following sequence:
oxide (RuO2) or iridium dioxide (IrO2) show rather good
performance. On the contrary, iridium dioxide (IrO2) Surface þ OH -ðSurface-OHÞ þ e ½XX
needs to be stabilized by thermal treatment or by doping
ðSurface-OHÞ-ðSurface-OHÞþ1 þ e ½XXI
with tantalum.
Nickel is widely used as an electrocatalyst for oxygen 2ðSurface  OHÞþ1 þ 2OH -2Surface þ O2 þ 2H2 O ½XXII
evolution in alkaline electrolytes. However, at high po-
Obviously, the electronic properties determined by the d-
tentials lower conductivity phases involving Ni4þ are
electrons, the composition and stoichiometry of the metal
formed which reduce the performance.
oxide, as well as the vacancies present in the metal oxides
Some transition metal oxides also show good per-
are important factors for the oxygen evolution reaction.
formance in oxygen evolution. This is particularly the
Also geometric factors in the catalyst lattice are of
case in some spinel-type oxides such as nickel cobolt
oxide (NiCo2O4) or copper cobalt oxide (CuCo2O4).
The reaction pathways involved in oxygen evolution
often are rather complex. Mechanisms are also likely to Design of Bifunctional Oxygen/Air
change depending on the electrode potential. On metallic Electrodes
surfaces, the rate-determining step is the electron
transfer from either H2O in acid electrolytes or OH in Owing to the slow kinetics involved in oxygen electro-
alkaline electrolytes to form adsorbed OH radicals at the chemistry, porous electrodes involving high-surface area
electrode surface. catalysts are required to achieve significant current
densities. Porous gas diffusion-type electrodes are used
SurfaceðH2 OÞadsorbed -SurfaceðOHÞadsorbed þ Hþ þ e ½XI for the oxygen reduction reaction. The porous structure
must be optimized to provide an extended reaction zone
Followed by two possible reactions at the three-phase boundary between gas, catalyst, and
electrolyte. Although the catalytic reaction site can be
2SurfaceðOHÞadsorbed -SurfaceðOÞadsorbed þ H2 O ½XII covered by a thin film of electrolyte, an open, rather
hydrophobic gas transport pore system must be main-
tained in order to optimize the gas access. Often the gas
SurfaceðOHÞadsorbed -SurfaceðOÞadsorbed þ Hþ þ e ½XIII diffusion electrode itself is divided into two layers. The
layer next to the electrolyte contains the catalytic active
Completed by two consecutive reaction steps material as a thin, mildly hydrophobic layer having fine
porosity, whereas a highly hydrophobic gas diffusion
2SurfaceðOÞadsorbed -SurfaceðO2 Þadsorbed ½XIV layer provides bigger gas transport pores. In addition, a
current collector such as a metal mesh or foam or a
graphite felt or cloth is incorporated into the gas dif-
SurfaceðO2 Þadsorbed-O2 þ Surface ½XV fusion part of the electrode.
In technical electrochemistry porous catalytic elec-
Oxygen evolution from metal oxide surfaces in alkaline trodes sintered on a metallic substrate such as titanium
media leads to the intermediate formation of H2O2 where are used for oxygen evolution. Good examples are the so-
the rate-determining step was found to be the breaking of called dimensionally stable anodes which are widely used
the surface-OH bond. in the chlor-alkaline industry. Porous, hydrophilic cata-
lyst layers (e.g., mixtures from ruthenium oxide, iridium
Surface þ OH -SurfaceðOHÞ þ e ½XVI dioxide, and tantalum pentoxide (Ta2O5) are sintered on
Secondary Batteries – Metal-Air Systems | Bifunctional Oxygen Electrodes 361

Separate electrodes, Single electrode,

Single electrode,
single catalytic layer multiple catalytic layers
single catalytic layer

O2 O2 O2 O2


Consumption Evolution

Consumption Consumption

catalyst layer

Electrolyte Electrolyte

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 4 Design principles of bifunctional oxygen/air electrodes.

the corrosion-resistant titanium substrate. Evolving gases In Figure 4(b) the separation of oxygen evolution and
are simply removed by bubble formation. oxygen reduction into two different layers is shown. This
The function of bifunctional oxygen electrodes gen- construction offers the possibility of separate optimiza-
erally involves a combination of both operating prin- tion of oxygen-reducing and oxygen-evolving electrodes
ciples. Therefore, hydrophobic catalyzed sites must be with respect to performance and stability. However it
present for oxygen reduction as well as hydrophilic sites adds to the complexity and weight of the system. Elec-
for oxygen evolution. Sometimes a mixture of different trically rechargeable metal-hydride–air batteries using
catalyst materials is used for oxygen reduction and separate electrodes have been described.
oxygen evolution. A double-layered electrode construction is shown in
Different design principles can be adopted for an Figure 4(c) and in more detail in Figure 5. Here the
electrically rechargeable electrochemical power source hydrophilic side for oxygen evolution which can easily
involving air (Figure 4). have a flooded pore system is facing the electrolyte
whereas the part used for oxygen reduction is oriented
toward the air side. A current collector could be placed
• consumption,
Use of separate electrodes for oxygen evolution and
between the two functional layers. Such electrodes could
provide better performance on the expense of higher
• for
Use of a multilayered electrode with separate layers
Oxygen evolution and consumption, complexity during manufacturing and possibly increased
mass transfer losses. A bifunctional air electrode design
• catalyst.
Use of single-layered electrodes with a bifunctional
using layers of different porosity and hydrophobicity
made from sintered nickel as a base and silver as a
Figure 4(a) shows a single-layer electrode handling both catalyst has been described. The electrode consisted of a
reactions. This construction is relatively simple to fine-grained reaction and coarse-grained transport layer.
manufacture and to integrate into batteries. However, it Spacers and hydrophobing agents were used to control
requires the use of highly stable catalyst materials and the porosity and wettability of the electrode respectively.
conductive support materials, which must withstand the Stability of more than 100 cycles in charge/discharge
highly oxidizing conditions upon oxygen evolution as mode has been achieved. Recently, thin-layer electrodes
well as the more reducing conditions observed under using vacuum-deposited catalytic layers have been in-
oxygen reduction at high-current density. Such elec- vestigated showing great promise to reduce the overall
trodes have been described for use in electrically re- catalyst loading and electrode weight.
chargeable metal-hydride–air batteries and in zinc–air During charge of bifunctional oxygen/air electrodes,
batteries. oxygen is generated in a highly reactive form thus
362 Secondary Batteries – Metal-Air Systems | Bifunctional Oxygen Electrodes

Current collector

Optional gas diffusion layer

Porous, hydrophobic

Porous, hydrophilic layer

Electrolyte Oxygen evolution

Figure 5 Possible microstructure of a multilayered bifunctional electrode.

causing highly corrosive conditions to the catalyst as their high conductivity caused by the high mobility of
well as to the conductive support material. Particularly protons in aqueous solution, alkaline or acid electrolytes
high-surface area carbon materials frequently used as are preferred to neutral electrolytes.
conductive support are severely attacked under the Many synthesis routes have been investigated for the
conditions of oxygen evolution. For high endurance, it is preparation of bifunctional catalyst materials. The
of utmost importance to prevent the corrosion of catalyst methods include precipitation from aqueous and non-
and catalyst support either by the use of highly cor- aqueous solvents, sol–gel processes, freeze drying,
rosion-resistant carbon materials or by the use of metallic chemical spray pyrolysis, cathodic sputtering, and elec-
substrates. Recently, niobium-doped titanium dioxide trochemical deposition. It is beyond the scope of this
(TiO2) has been proposed as a support material stable article to discuss the synthesis methods in detail.
under oxygen reduction and oxygen evolution conditions.
In multilayered electrodes, the oxygen reduction Alkaline Systems
catalyst is protected by a dual porosity design. Oxidation
of the electrode structure during charge is minimized by Most electrochemical systems using bifunctional oxy-
applying a slight pressure to the gas side thus breaking the gen/air electrodes are using an alkaline electrolyte since
electrolytic contact to the ‘oxygen reduction’ part of the evolution and consumption of oxygen can be carried out
electrode. at nonnoble metal catalysts. Furthermore, the exchange
For high-power applications, the bifunctional oxygen current densities of oxygen evolution/reduction are
electrode has to accept rapid changes in its potential higher than in acidic electrolytes. A wide variety of metal
imposed by phases of battery discharge during acceler- oxides have been investigated for use in electrically re-
ation or cruising followed by charging phases during chargeable alkaline fuel cells for application as catalyst
regenerative braking. Similar situations can occur when and catalyst support.
air base batteries or regenerative fuel cells are used in However, in alkaline systems the air electrodes are
combination with photovoltaic cells during occasionally sensitive to carbon dioxide, which reacts with the OH
cloudy days. Ideally, all components of the bifunctional ions to form carbonates. Bifunctional oxygen electrodes
electrode should withstand the conditions during charge operated in a pure oxygen environment failed in the
and discharge. Therefore, a single-layered electrode oxygen evolution (anodic) mode after B2500 h. Whereas
structure with a true bifunctional catalyst and a stable oxygen air electrodes operated in carbon dioxide con-
support structure should be the most efficient and cost- taining gas failed even at a carbon dioxide content below
effective design for an electrically rechargeable metal–air 1000 ppm after B250 h during oxygen reduction (cath-
battery or regenerative fuel cell. odic) mode. The carbon dioxide sensitivity of oxygen gas
diffusion electrodes in cathodic mode can be influenced
by the choice of the catalyst support material.
Catalyst Systems

Bifunctional oxygen/air electrodes are used in electric- Noble metal containing catalysts
ally rechargeable metal–air batteries. They are also In alkaline systems, oxygen reduction and evolution can
relevant in the so-called regenerative fuel cells. Owing to take place on catalysts involving noble metals such as the
Secondary Batteries – Metal-Air Systems | Bifunctional Oxygen Electrodes 363

platinum group metals. Transition metal oxides or mixed was backed by an additional PTFE film. In these in-
transition metal oxides have also been successfully used. vestigations La0.5Sr0.5CoO3 and lanthanum nickel oxide
CoIrO3 and NiIrO3 have shown reasonable activity (LaNiO3) showed good initial performance. However,
for oxygen evolution in a high-surface area form. Fur- their performance rapidly deteriorated upon cycling.
thermore, high-surface area rhodium dioxide (RhO2) and Admixture of graphite to the oxygen reduction layer
iridium dioxide show high activity for oxygen evolution. improved the electrical and cycling performance dra-
Good activity and stability has also been observed for matically. More than 280 cycles were carried out.
lead palladium oxide (PbPdO2). Lanthanum nickel oxide was investigated by several
groups as a bifunctional catalyst. It was found to be
Nonnoble metal containing catalysts reasonably stable. However, typical signals for the for-
Oxygen reduction in alkaline systems does not neces- mation of the NiOOH/Ni(OH)2 redox couple are evi-
sarily require the use of pure noble metal catalysts. dent even after short cycling. The performance of the
Transition metal oxides or mixed transition metal oxides material is largely dependent on the preparation method.
have also been successfully used. Charge–discharge effi- Particularly promising results have been achieved when
ciencies above 60%, current densities of 200 mA cm2, using the so-called malic acid method.
and power densities of 1 W cm2 have been claimed. A series of compounds of the type LaFexNi1xO3 has
However, only a few materials can catalyze oxygen been investigated as model compounds. Good perform-
evolution and reduction simultaneously. The perform- ance and stability in long-term operation were observed
ance of transition metal oxides and mixed transition for oxygen generation. However, perovskite materials are
metal oxides is often limited by their low bulk con- not very active for oxygen reduction. Degradation effects
ductivity and limitations in the active surface area, which become prominent after a short time under cathodic
can be achieved by chemical synthesis methods. Never- operation. Nevertheless, reasonable performance for
theless, properties such as electronic conductivity or ion peroxide decomposition has been observed.
mobility in the mixed transition metal oxide crystals can The activity of transition metal oxide catalysts can be
be tailored by their composition. correlated with the ability of the cations to adopt dif-
Three types of transition metal oxide catalysts are ferent valency states, particularly when they form redox
predominant. couples at the potential of oxygen reduction/evolution.
From early studies based on lanthanum cobalt
• Catalysts with the perovskite structure;
(LaCoO3), it was found that the conductivity of the
• Catalysts with the pyrochlore structure; and
material could be modified by doping A and B positions
• Catalysts with the spinel structure. of the material while maintaining the perovskite struc-
ture. A variety of substituted materials having the per-
Perovskite catalysts ovskite structure was investigated in low-area gas
Perovskite-type oxides have the general formula ABO3. diffusion electrodes to evaluate their stability with re-
Their properties can vary over a wide range depending spect to reducing conditions.
on the nature of A and B. The cubic perovskite crystal Perovskite-type oxides of the composition La1xCaxMO3
lattice is a rather rugged host for a variety of mixed were synthesized successfully by the amorphous citrate
transition metal oxides. The structure can even adapt method. Gas diffusion electrodes were prepared by mixing
distortions from the basic cubic symmetry giving rise to 25–70 wt% catalyst (3.5–9 mg cm2) with carbon black.
interesting properties. Substituted perovskites can gen- Carbon black of different surface area was used for the
erally be described by the formula A1xA0 xB1yB0 yO3. catalytic and the gas supply layer. Here, PTFE (15–25 wt%)
A wide selection of materials using lanthanum and was used as a binder. Teflonized powder mixtures were
neodymium in position A, strontium, barium, calcium in preformed from suspension, filtered, and heated at up to
position A0 , and nickel, cobalt, manganese, and ruthe- 280 1C. After pulverization, the powders were pressed on
nium in position B have been synthesized and shaped opposite sides of a nickel screen and sintered at 370 1C. It
into electrodes. Thermal decomposition of nitrates, was found that a material of composition La0.6Ca0.4CoO3
acetates, oxalates, or carbonates was carried out initially shows good catalytic activity and cycling stability. However,
followed by a solid state reaction at temperatures be- La0.8Ca0.2MnO3 almost showed no improvement with re-
tween 600 and 900 1C. The electrodes were made from spect to the pure carbon black.
two layers. In the oxygen reduction layer a mixture of Bifunctional air electrodes made using La0.6Ca0.4CoO3
catalyst and polytetrafluoro ethylene (PTFE) (25 wt%) catalyst were operated for more than 400 cycles in elec-
was roll bonded onto an expanded nickel metal sheet. trically rechargeable zinc–air batteries. The surface area of
The oxygen evolution layer consisted of nickel powder the La0.6Ca0.4CoO3 catalyst material could be optimized
bonded with 5% PTFE and was placed on the opposite by the synthesis conditions and subsequent thermal
side of the expanded metal. The oxygen reduction layer treatment. Well-crystallized materials were found to favor
364 Secondary Batteries – Metal-Air Systems | Bifunctional Oxygen Electrodes

the oxygen reduction whereas less crystalline materials are oxygen reduction deteriorated while the oxygen evo-
beneficial for oxygen evolution. A material prepared by lution activity stayed almost constant. The activity of the
calcination at 650 1C and subsequent quenching at room materials with respect to oxygen evolution could be
temperature showed the most promising performance in a correlated linearly with their ability to decompose per-
bifunctional electrode. The chemical stability of these oxide (HO2  ).
materials has been investigated by X-ray diffraction and Substituting iron for cobalt leads to catalysts of the
X-ray spectroscopic methods. The influence of vacuum general composition La1–xA0 xFe1–yB0 yO3 (A0 ¼ Sr, Ca, Ba,
annealing and subsequent reoxidation on the performance La; B0 ¼ Mn). Materials prepared by the mallate method
of La0.6Ca0.4CoO3x-type catalysts showed different op- show only slight voltage differences in the oxygen re-
tima for the oxygen reduction reaction and the oxygen duction reaction. To sustain oxygen evolution strontium
evolution reaction. Reoxidation at temperatures of 200 1C or calcium must be present in the A0 position with
resulted in the maximum activity for oxygen reduction strontium substitution showing better performance at
whereas the optimum annealing temperature for oxygen current densities above 100 mA cm2, whereas the cal-
generation was found to be 150 1C. cium-substituted material showed slightly better per-
Materials with substitution on the A and B positions formance upon oxygen reduction (Figure 8).
synthesized through the amorphous citrate method led to A strong composition dependence on catalyst per-
catalysts of the general composition La1–xA0 xCo1–yB0 yO3 formance resulting in steep maxima was observed for
(A0 ¼ Ca; B0 ¼ Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu). When used in PTFE- both A- and B-site doping. In the case of calcium
bonded gas diffusion electrodes one finds that except for
the Cu-substituted catalyst, which had significantly lower
surface area, all catalysts performed almost identical 1.0
Oxygen evolution
upon oxygen reduction (Figure 6). However, the Fe- E vs Hg/HgO (V)
substituted material performed best upon oxygen evo-
lution. Cycling experiments using a La0.6Ca0.4Co0.8- 0
Fe0.2O3 catalyzed electrode showed reasonable stability
over B240 cycles (Figure 7). The activity with respect to –0.5
Oxygen reduction
0 40 80 120 160 200 240
700 Cycle number (times)
Cu Mn Ni
650 Figure 7 Test of gas-diffusion electrode loaded with 70 wt%
La0.6Ca0.4Co0.8Fe0.2O3 for the cycles of oxygen reduction
600 Co (10 min) and evolution (10 min) at 100 mA cm2 (25 1C in
B′ = Fe 7 mol L1 KOH). Reproduced with permission from Shimizu Y,
550 Matsuda H, Miura N, and Yamazoe N (1992) Chemistry Letters
1033–1036; Figure 3.
E vs Hg/HgO (mV)

450 (b)
800 (Oxygen evolution)
(a) 600
E vs Hg/HgO (mV)

–50 Ca
–100 B′ = Mn 200 La

Fe Ni 0
(Oxygen reduction)
Cu –200
0 100 200 300
I mA cm−2 0 100 200 300 400
I (mA cm–2)
Figure 6 Polarization curves of gas diffusion electrodes loaded
with 25 wt% La0.6Ca0.4Co0.8 B0 0.2O3 (B0 ¼ Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu) in Figure 8 Cathodic and anodic polarization curves of the
7 mol L1 KOH at 25 1C. (a) Cathodic polarization (O2 reduction). oxygen electrodes loaded with La0.6A0.4Fe0.8Mn0.2O3 (A0 ¼ Ca,
(b) Anodic polarization (O2 evolution). Reproduced with Sr, Ba, La) in 7 mol L1 KOH at 25 1C. Reproduced from Shimizu
permission from Shimizu Y, Matsuda H, Miura N, and Yamazoe N Y, Nemoto A, Hyodo T, Miura N, and Yamazue N (1993) Denki
(1992) Chemistry Letters 1033–1036; Figure 1. Kagaku 12: 1458–1460; Figure 2.
Secondary Batteries – Metal-Air Systems | Bifunctional Oxygen Electrodes 365

+ 500 100 −600 150

– Ic at –300 mV
Ic at –300 mV vs Hg/HgO
vs Hg/HgO
+ 400 80

Specific surface area (m2 g–1)

Ic or Ia (mA cm−2)


I (mA cm–2)
+ 300 60

Ia (mA cm−2)


+ 200 40


−200 50
Ia at + 600 mV
Ia at + 700 mV
+ 100 20
– −100

0 0 0 0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
x in La1–xCaxFe0.8 Mn0.2O3 y in La 0.8 Sr0.2 Fe1−y MnyO3

Figure 9 Cathodic and anodic performances and specific Figure 10 The current densities of the electrodes loaded with
surface area of La1xCaxFe0.8Mn0.2O3 as a function of x. La0.8Sr0.2Fe1yMnyO3 as a function of y (7 mol L1 KOH, 25 1C,
Reproduced from Shimizu Y, Nemoto A, Hyodo T, Miura N, and Air flow). Ic: cathodic performance (oxygen reduction). Ia: anodic
Yamazue N (1993) Denki Kagaku 12: 1458–1460; Figure 3. performance (oxygen evolution). Reproduced from Shimizu Y,
Nemoto A, Hyodo T, Miura N, and Yamazue N (1993) Denki
Kagaku 12: 1458–1460; Figure 1.
substitution, a maximum in anodic and cathodic current
was observed at 40% Ca substitution. This maximum
correlated with the geometric surface area of the ma- Pb2Ir2O7–y and PbBiRu2O7y . However, oxides with the
terials as shown in Figure 9. pyrochlore structure show nonnegligible solubility in
A different composition dependence was found for the strongly alkaline electrolytes. Stabilization has been
system La0.8Sr0.2Fe1–yMnyO3 (Figure 10). The anodic achieved by incorporating the catalysts in a polymer
oxygen evolution performance dependence on B-site sub- electrolyte matrix. Catalysts of composition Bi2Ru2O7
stitution showed a steep maximum at 20% manganese showed limited performance for oxygen reduction;
substitution for iron. At higher levels the performance however, high activity in peroxide decomposition and
dropped below the one observed for the unsubstituted improved stability with respect to dissolution under
material, whereas the cathodic performance started to form conditions of oxygen evolution was observed.
a plateau from 40% substitution of manganese for iron. On the contrary, excellent performance for oxygen
Activity and particularly stability of bifunctional reduction/evolution has been observed for lead ruthe-
oxygen/air electrodes involving La0.6Ca0.4CoO3 catalysts nate pyrochlores when investigated in gas-fed electrodes.
are also influenced significantly by the carbon used to Substitution of iridium into the materials proved to be
support the catalyst. This was shown by comparison of beneficial for the oxygen reduction reaction. Further-
electrodes made from high-surface area Ketjen black and more, ruthenium corrosion has been suppressed by cov-
graphitized Vulcan XC 72. Electrodes made from Ketjen ering the catalyst with layers of anion conducting
black showed improved performance upon oxygen re- polymers.
duction. However, driving the electrode into oxygen Other studies involving iridium oxides, some of which
evolution led to a faster deterioration as compared to had the pyrochlore structure, revealed moderate-to-high
electrodes prepared with graphitized Vulcan XC 72. activities with respect to the oxygen evolution and lower
activity for the oxygen reduction. Materials of com-
Pyrochlore catalysts position Pb2(PbxIr2x)O7d and Nd3IrO7 showed the
Pyrochlore-type oxides have the general formula highest activities for both reactions. High-preparation
A2B2O7. Their properties can be influenced by the choice temperature increased the stability of the materials
of the A and B cations as well as by further doping of the whereas low-preparation temperature led to higher ac-
A and B positions. Pyrochlore materials of the general tivity. Addition of tantalum increased both activity and
composition A2B2xAxO7y (A ¼ Pb/Bi, B ¼ Ru/Ir) were stability.
active as bifunctional catalysts in alkaline electrolytes.
A strong dependence of catalytic activity on Spinel catalysts
the composition has been observed. As a bifunctional Besides oxides with the pyrochlore or perovskite struc-
catalyst, the optimum compositions were found to be ture, metal oxides having the spinel structure are also
366 Secondary Batteries – Metal-Air Systems | Bifunctional Oxygen Electrodes

100 Cobaltite spinels of type MxCO3xO4 have been

300 K synthesized to enhance the oxygen reduction reaction
O2 12 mol L−1 KOH (M ¼ Co, Ni, and Mn) and the oxygen evolution reaction
Current density (mA cm−2)

(M ¼ Co, Li, Ni, Cu, and Mn). copper cobalt oxide
proved to be a better electrocatalyst than pure cobalt
Discharge Charge
oxide manganese. Further doping with Mn decreases the
bifunctional activity; however, it increased the geometric
surface area of the catalyst powder.

Electrically rechargeable metal–air systems

In metal–air cells, the negative electrode reaction consists
in the oxidation of a metal having low electronegativity
−0.4 −0.3 −0.2 −0.1 0 0.5 0.6 0.7
such as aluminum, magnesium, cadmium, zinc, iron, or
Electrode potential (V vs Hg/HgO)
recently, metal hydrides and lithium. Metal–air systems
are typically operated as primary cells. They are used
Figure 11 Polarization curves for a 25 cm2 prototype air when high specific energy is required by the application.
electrode made entirely from carbon. The electrode was
Zinc–air cells represent the state-of-the-art for high-
fabricated by impregnating a mixture of graphite and a mixed
catalyst made from nickel oxide and spinel-type Co3O4 into a energy microbatteries used, e.g., in hearing aids. Mag-
carbon cloth. The electrode was equipped with a Teflon film- nesium–air cells and batteries are frequently used as the
backing layer. Reproduced from Ross P (1985) Extended so-called reserve batteries in marine applications or as a
Abstracts of the Seventh Battery and Electrochemical power source for emergency lighting in life vests. Details
Contractors Meeting, DOE Report CONF–851146-Absts 323l;
on the different primary metal–air systems can be found
Figure 6.
in the monograph by D. Linden and coworkers found in
the Further Reading section.
showing good performance in oxygen evolution and re- Owing to the redox potential of the metal electrode,
duction. Oxygen reduction at nickel cobalt oxides has zinc, iron, cadmium, or hydrogen can be deposited from
been shown with good initial activity, however, de- an aqueous electrolyte with reasonable current efficiency.
terioration is observed with time. On the contrary, this Electrically rechargeable metal–air batteries are attract-
material is quite stable under the conditions of oxygen ive from a specific energy as well as from cost point of
evolution. view. In the case of negative electrodes made from iron,
Pure or lithium-doped cobalt oxide (Co3O4), which metal hydrides, or zinc, also environmental aspects are in
also has the spinel structure, is considered a reasonable favor of metal–air systems.
bifunctional oxygen catalyst (Figure 11). A bifunctional Iron electrodes have been used for a long time as the
air electrode structure using nickel oxide or spinel-type negative electrode in the so-called iron–nickel batteries,
cobalt oxide (Co3O4) as an inexpensive transition metal which were used in heavy duty applications such as
oxide catalyst has been proposed to minimize cost and electric traction or powering of headlamps in the mining
weight of electrically rechargeable zinc–air batteries at industry. Electrically rechargeable iron–air batteries
the cost of some slight performance sacrifices. The having a capacity of 30 kWh and reaching a specific
electrode was made from graphite cloth formed from energy of B80 Wh kg1 have been demonstrated. How-
woven graphite fibers, which were coated by graphite ever, iron–air systems are limited with respect to specific
powder of a specific surface area of 25 m2 g1, which was power and coulombic efficiency due to the kinetics and
prepared by heat treatment of an inexpensive precursor the high amount of parasitic hydrogen evolution caused
material. The catalysts were deposited on the graphite by the iron electrode.
and the resulting powder was coated on the graphite Metal-hydride–air systems using AB5-type hydrides
cloth by Teflon bonding and sintering at 350 1C. A sec- have been evaluated as well. A specific energy of
ond Teflon film was roll bonded to the electrode back B100 Wh kg1 has been claimed. Designs involving
for wet proofing. Operation at a potential versus bifunctional air electrodes as well as designs using sep-
Hg/HgO of  130 mV at 10 mA cm2 during discharge arate electrodes for oxygen evolution and oxygen re-
and þ 620 mV at 5 mA cm2 during charge could be duction in the same cell have been proposed.
achieved. Electrode startup under low-current density Owing to cost, environmental, and efficiency reasons,
charge for 100 h followed by several conditioning cycles most work has been devoted to zinc–air systems. Initial
proved to be essential. The high-current density per- development of zinc–air batteries had already started at
formance of the electrode was hindered by oxygen the end of the nineteenth century. In the beginning, the
transport limitations caused by the PTFE film. The so-called mechanically rechargeable batteries were de-
electrodes were operated in oxygen and in air. veloped where spent anodes and electrolytes were used
Secondary Batteries – Metal-Air Systems | Bifunctional Oxygen Electrodes 367

for reprocessing of the zinc outside the battery. Designs The salts were reduced by sodium borohydride. Elec-
using a zinc slurry electrolyte as well as designs requiring trochemical experiments were carried out at BpH 3.
the dismantling of the battery have been proposed. The electrodes were simultaneously conditioned by an
Electrically rechargeable zinc–air batteries have also initial polarization to a potential of 1600 mV (vs RHE) in
been described in cylindrical and prismatic designs. an electrolyte containing a fluorescence indicator. The
Significant work has been done at the Paul Scherrer In- oxygen evolution activity was measured by stepping the
stitute at the beginning of the twenty-first century. potential from 1200 mV (vs RHE) in steps of 50 mV until
Electrically rechargeable zinc–air cells having a capacity visible fluorescence was observed. Oxygen reduction
of 20 Ah have been demonstrated. Bifunctional air elec- screening was carried out in using a different electrolyte
trodes using a La0.6Ca0.4COO3 catalyst were used. The and fluorescence indicator. After conditioning the library
cells had a specific energy of B100 Wh kg1. A total of at þ 600 mV (vs RHE), the potential was stepped down
150 cycles have been achieved. It has been found that the from þ 900 mV (vs RHE) in steps of 50 mV until visible
carbon used as a catalyst, support materials that had fluorescence was observed. High activity for oxygen re-
significant influence on the performance. Although high- duction and evolution as well as stability toward dis-
surface area carbon blacks resulted in electrodes capable solution was found in rather narrow range of the
of sustaining a current density of 300 mA cm1 at a platinum and ruthenium-rich section of the Pt/Ru/Ir
polarization of B200 mV, these electrodes were signi- catalyst library. A material with composition Pt4.5Ru4Ir0.5
ficantly inferior in durability when compared to grap- was found to be particularly active. This was also proven
hitized carbon support materials. Besides the bifunctional by a test of bulk catalyst materials. An activity plot of this
air electrode, the cycle life is also limited by the material in comparison to other catalysts is shown in
zinc electrode due to the tendency of dendritic metal Figure 12. It is evident that the Pt4.5Ru4Ir0.5 material
deposition. outperforms the commonly used platinum for oxygen
Despite the attractive specific energy of metal–air reduction and platinum/iridium materials for oxygen
systems on a cell level, one has to take into account that evolution. The material also showed corrosion resistance
auxiliary equipment will be required for air supply and under the test conditions used. Similar work has been
air purification. Since most of the metal–air systems use carried out using reduced titanium oxides (e.g., Ebonex,
potassium hydroxide as an electrolyte, removal of carbon titanium oxide (Ti4O7)) or niobium-doped titanium
dioxide from the air requires maintainance of electrolyte oxide as catalyst support material.
conductivity and to prevent clogging of the air electrode
pores by precipitation of carbonate. Besides carbon di-
oxide removal, attention is paid to water management.
0.8 Pt
Depending on the relative humidity of the air fed to the Pt4.5Ru4lr0.5
battery, the cells can either pick up or lose water to the 0.7 Pt4Ru4lr1
environment. PtRu
In summary, metal–air batteries, particularly zinc–air Ptlr
batteries are well established as primary cells. However,
Current density (mA cm−2)

no major technical application for electrically recharge- 0.5

able zinc–air batteries has been established.
Acid Electrolytes
Many studies have been published concerning oxygen
electrocatalysts in acid media, particularly for use in 0.2
regenerative fuel cells. Most studies concluded that Pt/Ir
or Pt/IrO2 is in a molar ratio of 1:1. Also mixed oxides
from rhodium and ruthenium in a molar ratio of 1:1 or
iridium and rhodium in a molar ratio of 1:2 were 0
promising electrocatalysts. 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800
A study using combinatorial chemistry methods was
Potential versus RHE (mV)
carried out to identify an optimum bifunctional catalyst
composition from a combination of platinum, iridium, Figure 12 Polarization curves of bifunctional oxygen electrode
in electrolysis (oxygen evolution) and fuel cell (oxygen reduction)
rhodium, ruthenium, and osmium. A library of model
modes for different catalysts in 0.5 mol L1 H2SO4. RHE,
electrodes of different compositions was prepared by reversible hydrogen electrode. Reproduced with permission from
dispersing aqueous solutions of the respective solutions Chen G, Delafuente DA, Sarangapani S, and Mallouk TE (2001)
on a Teflon-coated Toray carbon paper using a plotter. Catalysis Today 67: 341–355; Figure 4.
368 Secondary Batteries – Metal-Air Systems | Bifunctional Oxygen Electrodes

Unitized regenerative proton-exchange The membranes used in URFC are similar to the ones
membrane fuel cells used in ordinary proton-exchange membrane fuel cells
A unitized regenerative fuel cell (URFC) is an energy (PEMFC). Mainly polymer perfluorinated sulfonic acid
storage system based on hydrogen and oxygen, which can materials such as Nafion are used. Methods to apply
be operated similarly to a secondary battery. The system catalyst layers are also similar to the ones used in PEMFC.
electrolyzes water in charge mode, hydrogen and when Differences in design arise from the gas diffusion
appropriate, oxygen are subsequently stored. In discharge layers and the catalyst support materials used. In
mode, the system is operated as a fuel cell using up the PEMFC, highly hydrophobized GDL are used in order
stored reactants. Significant advantages of the specific to provide free oxygen access to the cathode. In the case
energy can be expected from the use of an URFC of a URFC also water access to the catalyst layer must be
(400–1000 Wh kg1) in comparison to other secondary ensured during electrolysis mode. Therefore, either a
batteries (220–250 Wh kg1 for advance lithium–polymer GDL providing an access path for liquid water to the
batteries). The URFC also offers the advantage of in- catalyst layer, or other means of transporting water to the
dependent sizing of the electrochemical reactor which reaction site must be used.
provides power and the energy/reactant storage providing Titanium-based materials have been successfully
the capacity. This advantage is particularly striking in ap- tested as corrosion-stable catalyst support and current
plications where long charge–discharge cycles at a given collectors. Another successful path to minimize the cor-
power are required. rosion of the electrode structure involved the prevention
The URFC can be operated in two distinctly different of water getting into contact with the carbon materials in
modes as shown in Figure 13. the GDL. A hydrophobized graphite paper has been used
as conductive fiber substrate on which a mixture of
• same
Oxygen evolution and reduction takes place at the
electrode therefore, the use of a true bifunc-
titanium powder mixed with iridium dioxide as an oxy-
gen evolution catalyst has been applied in a microporous
tional electrode is mandatory. layer. Fuel cell operation at 600 mA cm1 and 600 mV
• Anodic reactions such as oxygen evolution upon
charge and hydrogen reduction upon discharge take
has been shown. Oxygen evolution took place at
B1500 mV at the same current density. Stability over
place at one electrode, whereas cathodic reactions several hours has been demonstrated.
such as hydrogen evolution upon charge and oxygen Carbon-supported catalysts have been introduced to
reduction upon discharge, take place at a different minimize noble metal loading in PEMFC. However,
electrode. This method of operation allows catalyst high-surface area carbon materials are not stable during
optimization for anodic and cathodic reactions, re- oxygen evolution. Electronically conducting carbides or
spectively, which results in considerably lower losses. borides and selected titanium oxide have been investi-
However, flushing of the electrode compartments with gated instead.
inert gas (e.g., nitrogen) is required when changing Also in acidic electrolytes, the most prominent losses
from charge to discharge mode. are connected with oxygen electrochemistry.

2H+ + 2e → H2 2H2O → O2 + 4H+ + 4e 2H+ + 2e → H2 2H2O → O2 + 4H+ + 4e

Cathode A Anode Cathode B Anode

SPE membrane

SPE membrane
Pt-Ir catalytic

Pt-Ir catalytic

Pt catalytic


Pt catalytic

Anode Cathode Cathode Anode

(b) O2 + 4e + 4H → 2H2O
(a) H2 → 2H+ + 2e O2 + 4e + 4H+ → 2H2O H2 → 2H+ + 2e

Figure 13 Modes of operation for a unitized regenerative fuel cell (URFC). (a) Oxygen evolution and reduction taking place at the
same electrode. (b) Anodic and cathodic reactions taking place at the same electrode. Reproduced with permission from Tsypkin MA,
Lyutikova EK, Fateev VN, and Rusanov VD (2000) Russian Journal of Electrochemistry 36: 545–548; Figure 1.
Secondary Batteries – Metal-Air Systems | Bifunctional Oxygen Electrodes 369

Unitized regenerative fuel cells using a single were required to obtain a current density of
bifunctional oxygen electrode 400 mA cm2. The cell showed performance improve-
Electrodes using an internal dual layer have been used in ment within the first cycles (Figure 14).
URFC. However, these electrodes are rather bulky and Typically, mixtures of platinum and iridium oxide are
increase the thickness of the gas diffusion path leading to used in URFC. An attempt to use supported catalysts has
reduced performance. been reported. Mixed metal catalysts containing plat-
To optimize transport properties, thin-layer elec- inum, iridium, ruthenium, osmium, and rhodium were
trodes were investigated. The electrodes were made by deposited on conductive oxide supports. Titanium oxide
decal transfer methods originally developed for high- (Ti4O7) containing-materials as well as Ti0.9Nb0.2O2 have
power proton-exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFC). been used as active supports. The highest catalysts sta-
In this method, an ink consisting of catalyst powder, bility and activity was found at ternary compositions near
ionomer solution (e.g., Nafion in the Naþ form) and a Pt4Ru4Ir1 where X-ray near-edge spectroscopy showed
high boiling solvent (e.g., glycerol) is spread on a PTFE significant interaction between catalyst and support. The
release blank. After curing the catalyst layer at elevated Ti4O7-containing support materials showed significant
temperature, it is hot pressed to the electrolyte mem- degradation under oxygen evolution whereas
brane (e.g., Nafion 115). Later, the PTFE film is removed Ti0.9Nb0.1O2 as an oxide with a nondefective oxygen
from the catalyst layer. The membrane electrode as- lattice was apparently stable.
sembly (MEA) was rehydrated by boiling in 0.5 mol L1
sulfuric acid. The catalyst loading was 0.4 mg cm2 Pt-
black at the hydrogen electrode and 0.4 mg cm2 of a Unitized regenerative fuel cells using different
50:50 mixture of Pt-black and finely dispersed iridium electrodes for oxygen evolution/consumption
dioxide at the oxygen electrode. The thickness of the Work on URFC using different electrodes for oxygen
catalyst layer was about 5 mm. Carbon paper containing a evolution and reduction has been reported. Different
PTFE content of B30 wt% was used as an electrode catalysts were studied for both electrodes. Platinum was
backing. found to be a reasonably good catalyst for the cathodic
The cell was operated at 80 1C at a pressure of 0.3 bar. reactions, i.e., oxygen reduction and hydrogen evolution.
A current density of 400 mA cm2 at 0.6 V could be A single catalyst for the anodic reactions, i.e., hydrogen
achieved in fuel cell mode. In electrolysis mode, 1.71 V consumption and oxygen evolution is more difficult to

2 1
2.0 3


Cell volt (V)



0.8 Fuel cell


0.4 1
0.2 3

0 200 400 600 800 1000
Current density (mA cm–2)

Figure 14 Performance of a URFC using Nafion 115 electrolyte after four cycles (numbered in the digaram) fuel cell mode: T ¼ 80 1C,
pO2 ¼ 0.3 MPa, pH2 ¼ 0.3 MPa electrolysis mode: T ¼ 80 1C, ambient pressure. Reproduced with permission from Shao Z, Yi B, and Han
M (1999) Journal of Power Sources 79: 82–85; Figure 8.
370 Secondary Batteries – Metal-Air Systems | Bifunctional Oxygen Electrodes

find. Again, hydrogen consumption is best performed at a SPE solid polymer electrolyte
platinum catalyst. However, oxygen evolution is better URFC unitized regenerative fuel cell
performed at an iridium electrode. Since the hydrogen
oxidation is a rather reversible reaction even at iridium, a
mixture of platinum and iridium is considered a good See also: Batteries: Charge–Discharge Curves; Self-
‘oxidation’ electrode. Discharge; Batteries and Fuel Cells: Efficiency;
The wetting behavior of the electrodes is of consider- Chemistry, Electrochemistry, and Electrochemical
able importance for the water management of the cell. In a Applications: Oxygen; Zinc; Electrodes: Porous
comparative study, it was found that a URFC using dif- Electrodes; Primary Batteries – Aqueous Systems:
ferent electrodes for oxygen evolution and consumption Zinc–Air; Secondary Batteries – Metal-Air Systems:
can possibly be operated with little degradation. Iron–Air (Secondary and Primary); Zinc–Air: Electrical
Recharge; Zinc–Air: Hydraulic Recharge; Secondary
Batteries – Zinc Systems: Zinc Electrodes: Overview.

Bifunctional oxygen/air electrodes are a challenging re- Further Reading

search topic. In alkaline electrolyte, potentially low-cost
Anastasijevic NA, Vesovic V, and Adzic RR (1987) Determination of the
transition metal oxides are good candidates for bifunc- kinetic parameters of the oxygen reduction reaction using the
tional catalysis. Oxides having the pyrochlore structure rotating ring-disk electrode: Part I. Theory. Journal of
containing ruthenium or iridium show signs of dis- Electroanalytical Chemistry 229: 305--316.
Carbonino RE, Fierro C, Tryk D, Scherson D, and Yeager E (1988)
solution at elevated potentials even in alkaline electro- Perovskite-type oxides: Oxygen electrocatalysis and bulk structure.
lytes. Most transition metal oxides, particularly the ones Journal of Power Sources 22: 387--398.
having the spinel structure show higher activity with Carlsson L and Öjefors L (1980) Bifunctional air electrode for metal-air
batteries. Journal of the Electrochemistry Society 127: 525.
respect to oxygen evolution. Nevertheless, graphite Chen G, Delafuente DA, Sarangapani S, and Mallouk TE (2001)
shows a reasonable activity with respect to two electron Combinatorial discovery of bifunctional oxygen reduction - water
oxygen reduction. Binary oxides such as nickel oxide or oxidation electrocatalysts for regenerative fuel cells. Catalysis Today
67: 341--355.
spinel-type Co3O4 show the highest long-term stability. Conway BE (1992) A direction of study of electrocatalysis in anodic o2
In connection with transition metal oxides, peroxide re- evolution through characterization of chemisorption behavior of
duction is greatly enhanced. In acid electrolytes, the use intermediates. In: Murphy OM, Srinivasan S, and Conway BE (eds.)
Electrochemistry in Transition, pp. 161--177. New York: Plenum
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of Electrochemistry, vol. 5, pp. 369--483. New York: Plenum Press.
and cathodic processes at the same electrodes, respectively, Damjanovic A (1992) Progress in the studies of oxygen reduction during
thus reducing losses otherwise seen in more simpler sys- the last thirty years. In: Murphy OM, Srinivasan S, and Conway BE
tems where oxygen evolution and consumption takes place (eds.) Electrochemistry in Transition, pp. 107--126. New York:
Plenum Press.
at the same electrode. Recent work showed the feasibility Damjanovic A (1966) Electrode kinetics of oxygen reduction on oxide-
of metal oxide-supported catalysts for URFCs. free platinum electrodes. Electrochimica Acta 11: 791--814.
De Koninck M and Marsan B (2008) MnxCu1-xCo2O4 used as
bifunctional electrocatalyst in alkaline medium. Electrochimica Acta
53: 7012--7021.
Nomenclature De Koninck M, Poirer SC, and Marsan B (2006) Journal of the
Electrochemical Society 153: A2103--A2110.
Symbols and Units De Koninck M, Poirer SC, and Marsan B (2007) Journal of the
E potential Electrochemical Society 154: A381--A388.
Gamburtsev S, Zhang W, Velev OA, Srinivasan S, and Appleby AJ
E0 standard electrode potential (1998) Journal of the Applied Electrochemistry 28: 545.
Ia anodic current density Gattrell M and McDougall B (2003) Reaction mechanisms of the O2
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HA (eds.) Handbook of Fuel Cells – Fundamentals, Technology and
T temperature Applications, vol. 2, pp. 443--464. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
Abbreviations and Acronyms Goodenough JB and Manoharan R (1991) New oxide catalysts for
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MEA membrane electrode assembly Electrocatalysis and Oxygen Electrochemistry, Proceedings of the
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PEMFC proton-exchange membrane fuel cell Hoare J (1968) The Electrochemistry of Oxygen. New York: John Wiley
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Horowitz HS, Longo JM, and Horowitz HH (1983) Oxygen Shao Z, Yi B, and Han M (1999) Bifunctional electrodes with a thin
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