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of option
Option C2

multi-line 2 – version 2

Generator extra protections:

• Negative sequence current

• Negative sequence voltage

• Zero sequence current
• Zero sequence voltage

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Frisenborgvej 33, DK-7800 Skive Fax: +45 9614 9615
Denmark E-mail:
multi-line 2 4189340287D


1 Warnings and legal information........................................................................................................................................... 3

2 Function descriptions........................................................................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Positive sequence ................................................................................................................................................................... 3
2.2 Negative sequence ................................................................................................................................................................. 3
2.3 Zero sequence ........................................................................................................................................................................ 4
3 Settings .................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
3.1 Protection setup ...................................................................................................................................................................... 4
3.1.1 Negative sequence current (ANSI 46) .................................................................................................................................... 4
3.1.2 Negative sequence voltage (ANSI 47) .................................................................................................................................... 4
3.1.3 Zero sequence current (ANSI 51I0) ......................................................................................................................................... 4
3.1.4 Zero sequence voltage (ANSI 59U0) ....................................................................................................................................... 5
3.2 Relay function selections ........................................................................................................................................................ 5
4 Technical specifications....................................................................................................................................................... 6

This manual is valid for standard multi-line 2 PPU/GPU/GPC units with firmware version 2.31.0 or later.

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1 Warnings and legal information

This manual gives guidelines to the use and installation of the DEIF multi-line 2 units. It is, however, not a complete installation
instruction. Therefore, even if terminal numbers may be shown in the drawings, the drawings are to be used as guidance only.

Installing and operating the multi-line 2 units implies work with dangerous currents and voltages, and therefore only
qualified personnel should do it.

During the installation care must be taken to protect the terminals against static discharges. Once the units are installed and
connected, these precautions are no longer necessary.

DEIF takes no responsibility for operation or installation of the generator set. If there is any doubt about how to install or
operate the system on which the multi-line 2 unit is measuring, the company responsible for the installation or the operation
must be contacted.

2 Function descriptions
The measurements of the generator currents and voltages are split up in three fictitious systems: The positive sequence system with
a positive rotation direction, the negative sequence system with a negative rotation direction and the zero sequence system with a
positive rotation direction. The positive sequence system represents the fault-free part of the voltages and currents, being a result of
the generator’s power production to the consumers.The negative sequence system which rotates counter-direction to the generator is
used for the protections negative sequence current and negative sequence voltage to prevent generator overheating, the zero
sequence system is used for detection of earth faults.

b1 a2


Negative-sequence system

Positive-sequence system

c1 Zero-sequence system

2.1 Positive sequence

The positive sequence system is what we want to see, these are the voltages and currents that can be used by the consumers.

2.2 Negative sequence

A negative sequence current increases the risc of dangerous overheating in the generator which could lead to damage.

The negative sequence currents and voltages can occur e.g. in the event of single phase loads, unbalanced line short circuits and
open conductors, unbalanced phase-phase or phase-neutral loads.

Especially negative sequence currents can produce harmful overheating in the generator. The reason is that these currents produce a
magnetic field counter-rotating to the rotor. This field crosses the rotor at twice the rotor velocity, inducing double-frequency currents
in the field system and in the rotor body.

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2.3 Zero sequence

Zero sequence is used to detect a ground fault (ground current or neutral voltage). It is done using measurement of the vectorial
displacement of the zero (star point) value for both current and voltage. The zero sequence measurement can therefore replace the
more well-known methods of using zero voltage measurement or summation transformers (zero sequence transformers).

3 Settings
The alarms have definite time characteristics.

3.1 Protection setup

3.1.1 Negative sequence current (ANSI 46)

Settings relate to nominal current setting.

No. Setting Min. setting Max. setting Factory setting

1320 Gen Neg Seq I Selection display - - -
1321 Gen Neg Seq I Set point 0.0% 100.0% 20.0%
1322 Gen Neg Seq I Time 0.2 s 100.0 s 0.5 s
1323 Gen Neg Seq I Relay output A R0 (none) R4 (relay 4)* R0 (none)
1324 Gen Neg Seq I Relay output B R0 (none) R4 (relay 4)* R0 (none)
1325 Gen Neg Seq I Enable OFF ON OFF

3.1.2 Negative sequence voltage (ANSI 47)

Settings relate to nominal voltage setting.

No. Setting Min. setting Max. setting Factory setting

1330 Neg Seq U Selection display - - -
1331 Neg Seq U Set point 0.0% 100.0% 5.0%
1332 Neg Seq U Time 0.2 s 100.0 s 0.5 s
1333 Neg Seq U Relay output A R0 (none) R4 (relay 4)* R0 (none)
1334 Neg Seq U Relay output B R0 (none) R4 (relay 4)* R0 (none)
1335 Neg Seq U Enable OFF ON OFF
1336 Neg Seq U Select Gen. voltage Bus/mains Gen. voltage

* Depending on the hardware options selection.

3.1.3 Zero sequence current (ANSI 51I0)

Settings relate to nominal current setting.

No. Setting Min. setting Max. setting Factory setting

1370 Gen Zero Seq I Selection display - - -
1371 Gen Zero Seq I Set point 0.0% 100.0% 20.0%
1372 Gen Zero Seq I Time 0.2 s 100.0 s 0.5 s
1373 Gen Zero Seq I Relay output A R0 (none) R4 (relay 4)* R0 (none)
1374 Gen Zero Seq I Relay output B R0 (none) R4 (relay 4)* R0 (none)
1375 Gen Zero Seq I Enable OFF ON OFF

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3.1.4 Zero sequence voltage (ANSI 59U0)

Settings relate to nominal voltage setting.

No. Setting Min. setting Max. setting Factory setting

1380 Zero Seq U Selection display - - -
1381 Zero Seq U Set point 0.0% 100.0% 5.0%
1382 Zero Seq U Time 0.2 s 100.0 s 0.5 s
1383 Zero Seq U Relay output A R0 (none) R4 (relay 4)* R0 (none)
1384 Zero Seq U Relay output B R0 (none) R4 (relay 4)* R0 (none)
1385 Zero Seq U Enable OFF ON OFF
1386 Zero Seq U Select Gen. voltage Bus/mains Gen. voltage

* Depending on the hardware options selection.

3.2 Relay function selections

The relays can be configured in the three different ways described below. In the display menu structure this setup can be found under

Relay function PC utility Description

set point
Alarm 0 When an alarm activates the relay, it is activated as long as the alarm is present and
Alarm + sync. block 1 When an alarm activates the relay, it is activated as long as the alarm is present and
unacknowledged. Also it is not possible to synchronise the generator breaker as long as the
alarm is active
Limit 2 When an alarm activates the relay, no alarm message is displayed. After the condition
activating this relay has returned to normal, the relay will deactivate when the Timer setting
(“Off Delay”) has expired

In the PC utility software, it looks like this:

The availability of relays is related to hardware choice. Please refer to the description of hardware options. Therefore, the following is
just an example.

No. Setting First/min. Second setting Third/max. Factory setting

setting setting
xxxx Relay x Selection display - - -
xxxx Relay x Function Alarm (0) Alarm + sync. Limit (2) Alarm
block (1)
xxxx Relay x Off delay 0.0 s 999.9 s 5.0 s

The numbers in brackets refer to the setting numbers in the PC utility software.

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4 Technical specifications
Accuracy: Class 1.0 according to IEC 688, except:
Class 2.0 according to IEC 688 for negative sequence current

Operating temperature: -25…70°C

Response times: From the set point is reached till the output is activated when the delay is set to minimum.

All settings: 250 ms

Errors and changes excepted

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