Description of Option Option H3: Profibus DP Slave

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of option
Option H3

multi-line 2 PPU/GPU/GPC – version 2


• Profibus DP slave

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Frisenborgvej 33, DK-7800 Skive Fax: +45 9614 9615
Denmark E-mail:
multi-line 2 4189340279F


1 Warnings and legal information........................................................................................................................................... 3

2 General information .............................................................................................................................................................. 3
2.1 General introduction to multi-line 2 PROFIBUS DP ................................................................................................................ 3
2.2 Wiring...................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
2.3 Setting of address ................................................................................................................................................................... 3
2.4 Transmission speed and range............................................................................................................................................... 3
2.5 Configuration and the GSD file ............................................................................................................................................... 4
2.6 Data in/out............................................................................................................................................................................... 4
3 Data tables ............................................................................................................................................................................. 5
3.1 Measurement table (input data) .............................................................................................................................................. 5
3.2 Control register table (output data) ......................................................................................................................................... 9

This manual is valid for standard multi-line 2 PPU/GPU/GPC units with firmware version 2.00.0 or later.

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1 Warnings and legal information

This manual gives guidelines to the use and installation of the DEIF multi-line 2 units. It is, however, not a complete installation
instruction. Therefore, even if terminal numbers may be shown in the drawings, the drawings are to be used as guidance only.

Installing and operating the multi-line 2 units implies work with dangerous currents and voltages, and therefore only
qualified personnel should do it.

During the installation care must be taken to protect the terminals against static discharges. Once the units are installed and
connected, these precautions are no longer necessary.

DEIF takes no responsibility for operation or installation of the generator set. If there is any doubt about how to install or
operate the system on which the multi-line 2 unit is measuring, the company responsible for the installation or the operation
must be contacted.

2 General information

2.1 General introduction to multi-line 2 PROFIBUS DP

PROFIBUS is a vendor-independent, open field bus standard for a wide range of applications in manufacturing and process
automation. Vendor-independence and openness are insured by the international standards EN 50170 and EN 50254.

The multi-line 2 uses the communication profile "DP" Decentralized Periphery.

2.2 Wiring
The Profibus communication is placed in slot #2 (terminals 29-36):

Term. Description Remark

29 DATA+ (B) 9-pin sub-D pin 3
30 GND 9-pin sub-D pin 5
31 DATA- (A) 9-pin sub-D pin 8
32 DATA+ (B)
33 GND
34 DATA- (A)
35 Not used
36 Not used

2.3 Setting of address

No. Setting Min. setting Max. setting Factory setting

4060 External comm. Selection display - - -
4061 External comm. ID 1 247 3

2.4 Transmission speed and range

Transmission speeds between 9.6 kbit/sec and 1500 kbit/sec are available.

Baud rate (kbit/s) 9.6 19.2 93.75 187.5 500 1500

Range/segment 1200m 1200m 1200m 1000m 400m 200m

Up to 32 stations (master or slaves) can be connected in one segment.

The baud rate is automatically identified by the multi-line 2.

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2.5 Configuration and the GSD file

The GSD files "deif0632.gsd" and "deif0632.dib" are on the included CD. They are to be copied in the subpaths GSD and BITMAPS
of COM PROFIBUS. Then the PROFIBUS network is ready to be configured.

The station address is set in menu 4060 of the multi-line 2.

2.6 Data in/out

61 words input and 13 words output are used.

Data in is the input data from multi-line 2 to master. Data out is the output data from PROFIBUS master to multi-line 2.

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3 Data tables

3.1 Measurement table (input data)

Address Content Type

0 Application version
1 UL1-L2 Generator voltage. Measured in [V]
2 UL2-L3 Generator voltage. Measured in [V]
3 UL3-L1 Generator voltage. Measured in [V]
4 UL1-N Generator voltage. Measured in [V]
5 UL2-N Generator voltage. Measured in [V]
6 UL3-N Generator voltage. Measured in [V]
7 FGEN Generator frequency. Measured in [Hz/100]
8 IL1 Generator current. Measured in [A]
9 IL2 Generator current. Measured in [A]
10 IL3 Generator current. Measured in [A]
11 Cos-phi -99...0...100 Generator cosinus-phi. Measured in cos-phi:100
Negative value means capacitive cos-phi
12 PGEN Generator active power. Measured in [kW]. Negative value means reverse power

13 QGEN Generator reactive power. Measured in [kvar]. Positive value means generated
inductive reactive power
14 UBBL1-L2 Busbar. Measured in [V]
15 FBB Busbar frequency L1. Measured in [Hz/100]
16 [HI] RGEN Reactive energy counter. Measured in [kvarh]. Max. 300000 Mvarh
17 [LO]
18 [HI] EGEN Energy counter. Measured in [kWh]. Max. 300000 MWh
19 [LO]
20 Alarms Bit 0 1010. Reverse power
Bit 1 1020. Overcurrent step 1
Bit 2 1030. Overcurrent step 2
Bit 3 1060. Overcurrent inverse
Bit 4 1070. Fast overcurrent
Bit 5 1080. High overcurrent
Bit 6 Reserved
Bit 7 1100. U-DG high step 1
Bit 8 1110. U-DG high step 2
Bit 9 1120. U-DG low step 1
Bit 10 1130. U-DG low step 2
Bit 11 1140. f-DG high step 1
Bit 12 1150. f-DG high step 2
Bit 13 1160. f-DG low step 1
Bit 14 1170. f-DG low step 2
Bit 15 1180. U-BB high step 1

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Address Content Type

21 Alarms Bit 0 1190. U-BB High step 2
Bit 1 1200. U-BB Low step 1
Bit 2 1210. U-BB Low step 2
Bit 3 1220. f-BB High step 1
Bit 4 1230. f-BB High step 2
Bit 5 1240. f-BB Low step 1
Bit 6 1250. f-BB Low step 2
Bit 7 1260. Overload step 1
Bit 8 1270. Overload step 2
Bit 9 1280. Unbalance current
Bit 10 1290. Unbalance voltage
Bit 11 1300. Q import
Bit 12 1310. Q export
Bit 13 1320. Gen. neg. sequence current
Bit 14 1330. Gen. neg. sequence voltage
Bit 15 Reserved
22 Alarms Bit 0 1350. df/dt (ROCOF)
Bit 1 1360. Vector jump
Bit 2 3440. 4-20 mA input no. 1.1
Bit 3 3460. 4-20 mA input no. 2.1
Bit 4 3480. 4-20 mA input no. 3.1
Bit 5 3500. 4-20 mA input no. 4.1
Bit 6 3520. 4-20 mA input no. 5.1
Bit 7 3540. 4-20 mA input no. 6.1
Bit 8 3560. 4-20 mA input no. 7.1
Bit 9 3580. 4-20 mA input no. 8.1
Bit 10 3600. Pt 100 no. 1.1
Bit 11 3620. Pt 100 no. 2.1
Bit 12 3640. Overspeed (Tacho) 1
Bit 13 3120. Dig. input term. 23
Bit 14 3130. Dig. input term. 24
Bit 15 3140. Dig. input term. 25
23 Alarms Bit 0 3150. Dig. input term. 26
Bit 1 3160. Dig. input term. 27
Bit 2 3170. Dig. input term. 43
Bit 3 3180. Dig. input term. 44
Bit 4 3190. Dig. input term. 45
Bit 5 3200. Dig. input term. 46
Bit 6 3210. Dig. input term. 47
Bit 7 3220. Dig. input term. 48
Bit 8 3230. Dig. input term. 49
Bit 9 3240. Dig. input term. 50
Bit 10 3250. Dig. input term. 51
Bit 11 3260. Dig. input term. 52
Bit 12 3270. Dig. input term. 53
Bit 13 3280. Dig. input term. 110
Bit 14 3290. Dig. input term. 111
Bit 15 3300. Dig. input term. 112
24 Alarms Bit 0 3310. Dig. input term. 113
Bit 1 3320. Dig. input term. 114
Bit 2 3330. Dig. input term. 115
Bit 3 3340. Dig. input term. 116
Bit 4 3350. Dig. input term. 117
Bit 5 3360. Dig. input term. 118
Bit 6 3370. Dig. input term. 127
Bit 7 3380. Dig. input term. 128
Bit 8 3390. Dig. input term. 129
Bit 9 3400. Dig. input term. 130
Bit 10 3410. Dig. input term. 131
Bit 11 3420. Dig. input term. 132
Bit 12 3430. Dig. input term. 133
Bit 13 3660. Oil pressure (VDO sensor 1) 1
Bit 14 3680. Water temperature (VDO sensor 2) 1
Bit 15 3700. Fuel level (VDO sensor 3) 1

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Address Content Type

25 System alarms / Bit 0 Sync. fail. alarm
status Bit 1 Generator breaker ON failure
Bit 2 Generator breaker OFF failure
Bit 3 Generator breaker position fail. alarm
Bit 4 Phase sequence error alarm
Bit 5 Governor regulator fail. alarm
Bit 6 AVR regulator fail. alarm
Bit 7 Battery voltage alarm
Bit 8 Sync. timer runout
26 Alarm relay status Bit 0 Relay 0
Bit 1 Relay 1
Bit 2 Relay 2
Bit 3 Relay 3
Bit 4 Relay 4
Bit 5 Relay 5
Bit 6 Relay 6
Bit 7 Relay 7
Bit 8 Relay 8
Bit 9 Relay 9 (Stop engine)
Bit 10 Relay 10
Bit 11 Relay 11
Bit 12 Relay 12
Bit 13 Relay 13
Bit 14 Relay 14
Bit 15 Relay 15
27 Status Bit 0 Mode 1
Bit 1 Mode 2
Bit 2 Mode 3
Bit 3 Mode 4
Bit 4 Mode 5
Bit 5 Mode 6
Bit 6 De-load
Bit 7 Start sync./reg.
Bit 8 Alarm inhibit
Bit 9 Breaker position ON
Bit 10 Synchronising
Bit 11 Relay 16
28 Bit 0 3450. 4-20 mA input no. 1.2
Bit 1 3470. 4-20 mA input no. 2.2
Bit 2 3490. 4-20 mA input no. 3.2
Bit 3 3510. 4-20 mA input no. 4.2
Bit 4 3530. 4-20 mA input no. 5.2
Bit 5 3550. 4-20 mA input no. 6.2
Bit 6 3570. 4-20 mA input no. 7.2
Bit 7 3590. 4-20 mA input no. 8.2
Bit 8 3610. Pt 100 no. 1.2
Bit 9 3630. Pt 100 no. 2.2
Bit 10 3650. Overspeed (Tacho) 2
Bit 11 3670. Oil pressure (VDO sensor 1) 2
Bit 12 3690. Water temperature (VDO sensor 2) 2
Bit 13 3710. Fuel level (VDO sensor 3) 2
Bit 14 1370. Zero sequence currrent
Bit 15 1380. Zero sequence voltage
29 UDG-max Generator max. voltage. Measured in [V]
30 UDG-min Generator min. voltage. Measured in [V]
31 UBBL2-L3 Busbar voltage. Measured in [V]
32 UBBL3-L1 Busbar voltage. Measured in [V]
33 UBB-max Busbar max. voltage. Measured in [V]
34 UBB-min Busbar min. voltage. Measured in [V]
35 UBBL1-N Busbar voltage. Measured in [V]
36 UBBL2-N Busbar voltage. Measured in [V]

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Address Content Type

37 UBBL3-N Busbar voltage. Measured in [V]
38 Running time Hour
40 SGEN Generator apparent power. Measured in [kVA]
41 VDO 1 Oil pressure in [bar]/10
42 VDO 2 Water temp in [ C]
43 VDO 3 Fuel level in [%]
44 PHIBBL1-L2 0...359 Busbar phase angle. Measured in [deg]
45 PHIBBL1-DGL1 0...359 Busbar/generator phase angle. Measured in [deg]
46 CBoper Circuit breaker operations counter
47 USUPPLY Supply voltage. Measured in [V/10]
48 PT100 (1) -40 – 250 temperature in deg. (engine interface)
49 PT100 (2) -40 – 250 temperature in deg. (engine interface)
50 Control register table address 0
51 Control register table address 1
52 Control register table address 3
53 Control register table address 4
54 Control register table address 5
55 Analog input no. 1 (scaled)
56 Analog input no. 2 (scaled)
57 Analog input no. 3 (scaled)
58 Analog input no. 4 (scaled)
59 Analog input no. 5 (scaled)
60 Analog input no. 6 (scaled)

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3.2 Control register table (output data)

Address Content Description

0 Power regulator set 0...100% of nominal power
point Activated in menu 4051
1 PF regulator set 60...100 stated as PF value/100. The value 100 means PF = 1
point Activated in menu 4055
2 Control command Bit 0 This bit must be 1 when writing the command word
If the bit is 0, the control command is don’t care
Bit 1 Mode 1
Bit 2 Mode 2
Bit 3 Mode 3
Bit 4 Mode 4
Bit 5 Mode 5
Bit 6 Mode 6
Bit 7 De-load
Bit 8 Start sync./reg.
Bit 9 Alarm inhibit
Bit 10 Alarm ack. This bit is automatically reset in multi-line 2
Bit 11 Second set point (protection functions)
3 Frequency regulator -500...500%/10. Based on nominal frequency
set point Activated in menu 4042
4 Voltage regulator -100...100%/10 of nominal voltage
set point Activated in menu 4043
5 Reactive power -100...100% of nominal power. A negative value means capacitive reactive
regulator set point power, and a positive value means inductive reactive power
Activated in menu 4044

If terminal 26 ”Control via external communication” is activated, the regulators are controlled via PROFIBUS DP.
The digital input “Alarm ack.” is always handled even if terminal 26 is OFF.
In menu 4040 it is selected if a set point is to be controlled via analogue input or via the control registers. (Mode 3 and/or mode 6
must be ON).
It is possible to write to the control registers, even if terminal 26 is OFF.
The contents of the control registers are not lost in case of supply failure, so frequent updates are not necessary.

Errors and changes excepted

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