Let Us Study Activity 1 Let's Differentiate Reading Critical Reading

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) a
6.) a
7.) c
8.) b
9.) a
10.) d
11.) c
12.) d
13.) d
14.) c
15.) d
Let us Study Activity 1 Let’s Differentiate
Reading Critical Reading
Purpose Connect the ideas on the It is a deeper and more
page to your prior intricate interaction with a
knowledge. text that is more active
Activity It improves verbal power Presenting a reasoned
and sentence form. argument that examines
and analyzes what you
have read is part of critical
Focus to learn, be entertained, or The goal of critical reading
get a better is to analyze the strength
comprehension of of the evidence and
something argument, not to uncover
Questions Detail Questions How do you know this?
Direction Reading text progresses Will frequently search out
from left to right also count a text's essential idea or
objects from the left to the theme. Then examine the
right side of space. supporting evidence that
the writer uses to support
that fundamental claim.
Response examines, explains, and an argumentative subject
defends your own reaction sentence, proof for your
to a reading. argument in the form of
quotations or
interpretation of your
evidence in connection to
the argument, and a
powerful ending statement
Let Us Practice Activity 2 Probing
A. Formulating Assertions
Fact: “Adolescents need a solid 8, 10, even 11 hours of sleep to really function and to
think clearly”, reports Dr. Dowdell.
Opinion: This is due to the fact that many individuals’ resorts to junk food for instant
energy when they are fatigued.
Convention: Dowdell says that it’s common for teens’ sleep to be interrupted by texts.
B. Formulating Counterclaims
Claim: Life with no phone is not easy.
Counterclaim: However, individuals must remember that excessive device use is
never beneficial and might interfere with other more essential things in life. Avoiding
phone use for an extended period of time helps us to learn more about what's going
on in the globe. Furthermore, it allows us to become more socially inclined with the
people around us, particularly our families. Smartphones should only be used to
overcome communication gaps, not to overrun our holistic lives to the point that we
lose sight of what actually important. We can certainly function without the presence
of cellphones.
C. Citing Textual Evidence
1.) a
2.) d
3.) c
4.) d
5.) d
Let us Practice More – Activity 3 Spot Me
1.) They think that Atlantis was a fictitious location because Plato fabricated his myth
to demonstrate some of his philosophical notions. We may see some of his concepts
in this narrative that we can find in his subsequent works, such as thoughts about
human society or human nature. The tale tells of a spiritual, moral, and utopian
civilization, and how the gods were enraged as a result of their selfish actions, and
how Atlantis sank as a result.
2.) Individuals began to believe that Atlantis once existed because famous people at
the time began to talk about it and make it appear real.
3.) His point was that the known ancient civilizations were insufficiently developed.
to have created these things on their own, but rather to have received them from a
more sophisticated civilization.
4.) Suggesting that some accomplishments were done in Atlantis It was merely a
thought, not a fact. People began to believe it more and more.
5.) Berlitz became persuaded not only that Atlantis existed, but also that it was the root
of the Bermuda Triangle enigma.
Let us Assess
1.) d 9.) c
2.) b 10.) a
3.) a 11.) d
4.) d 12.) d
5.) d 13.) d
6.) d 14.) d
7.) b 15.) d
8.) a
Let us Enhance
1.) Fact 6.) Opinion
2.) Fact 7.) Fact
3.) Opinion 8.) Convention
4.) Preference 9.) Opinion
5.) Preference 10.) Preference
1.) Counterclaim: Many individuals believe that bullying is a natural component of our
humanity and that preventative efforts are ineffectual against this aspect of the human
condition, yet, they fail to see that bullying is a centuries-long cycle that may be ended.
2.) Counterclaim: College is not required since Senior High School aims to provide
pupils with critical information and abilities that will help them prepare better for

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