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Quarter 1 Module 2 Lesson 1

Activity 1: Question and Answer

1.) It gives an in depth understanding of how people come to comprehend, act, and
manage their day-to-day conditions in specific settings.
• Case Study
• Ethnography
• Phenomenology
• Content and Discourse Analysis
• Historical Analysis
• Grounded Theory
• Narrative Report
• Biography
• Action Research

What is it? Discussion of Activity 1

1.) The goal of qualitative research is to create a comprehensive broad overview,

analyze language, present specific interviewee opinions, and perform the study in a
natural context. Its types are subjective, necessitating data synthesis and
interpretation. Its key distinguishing feature is the utilization of interviews, participant
observation, and group discussion. The notion that data must always be interpreted in
relation to the use context of their generation is a strength of qualitative research. The
biggest disadvantage of this research is that it takes a long time to complete.
2.) Knowing what you excel at allows you to set higher goals and achieve much more.
Knowing your weaknesses offers you a better grasp of what may be holding you back,
and you can then concentrate on finding strategies to avoid allowing your flaws to drag
you down.

What I have learned

1.) Interviews, because qualitative research is typically concerned with acquiring

perceptions, thoughts, attitudes, and opinions, interviews are frequently the method of
2.) A diary is a good example to gather data from me, because the best way to explore
a person is to ask questions that explain their personal experiences in order to gather
specific occurrences or experiences.
a. Content Analysis
b. Case Study
c. Focus Group
d. Ethnography
e. In-dept Interviews
Additional Activities

1.) During World War II, Anne Frank was a teenage Jewish girl who wrote a diary while
her family was hiding from the Nazis. The diary ends abruptly on August 1, 1944.
This belongs to Phenomenological type of qualitative research as it recounts the story
of her family, who live in Frankfurt, Germany, and are forced to flee as a result of Hitler
and the Nazi Party's treatment of Jews in Europe during WWII.
2.) Poverty and inequality in the Philippines remain a challenge.
This study belongs to a case study type of qualitative research, as it explores the
ongoing poverty problem here in the Philippines.
3.) Software developers communicate and produce code using portals.
Grounded theory is to provide an explanation or hypothesis for the happenings. To
construct a theory based on the evidence, you typically use interviews and existing
4.) Anthropologist moving to an island, living within the civilization on that island for
This belongs to ethnography type of qualitative research, as it is researching its people
and culture through long-term observation and involvement.
5.) Mein Kampf of Adolf Hitler
This belongs to Phenomenological type of qualitative research, it details Hitler's
political beliefs and future plans for Germany, as well as the process through which he
became hostile.

Lesson 2

Activity 1: Question and Answer

• Scientific or Positive Approach - It is used to define a method of studying society
that is based solely on scientific data, such as experiments and statistics, in
order to uncover the true nature of how society operates.
• Naturalistic Approach - Psychologists and other social scientists use naturalistic
observation as a research tool. The technique entails studying subjects in their
natural habitat.
• Triangulation / Mixed Method - In qualitative research, triangulation refers to the
use of several methods or data sources to generate a thorough understanding
of phenomena. Triangulation has also been considered as a qualitative
research tool to assess validity through the convergence of information from
different sources.
2.) Hard sciences clearly use math, and they have more control over the variables and
conclusions. Physics, chemistry, and astronomy are among them. Soft sciences
employ the process of obtaining factual data and then analyzing the information using
the best methods available.
What is it?
1.) Qualitative research seeks to gain a better understanding through firsthand
experience, accurate reporting, and transcribed discussions. It is important to
comprehend how people gain meaning from their surroundings and how their meaning
drives their actions.
• Written Descriptions by Participant – asking people to write descriptions of their
• Observation – Having a descriptive observation of verbal and non – verbal
• Interview – asking people verbally to described their experiences.

What I have learned

Topics Subject Importance of research

2. Juan dela Cruz To learn about the life of Juan dela Cruz, a Filipino

3. Parents To see how they felt about the current mainstream

school and how they deal with situations like these.

4. Korean Car The significance of the study is for people who want to
purchase a Korean car and want to know what they
should expect from it and what kind of car it is.

5. Bacteria To determine the impact of bacteria in food consumed

by a human.
6. SHS Learners To learn how senior high school students approach their
studies in various ways.

7. Lemon Leaves To discover how lemons fight our body's bacteria.

8. Asian Novels To know how Asian novels are created and made
famous in the world.

9. Higa-onon To learn about the wedding traditions of the inhabitants

of the Butuan River basin in north-central Mindanao.

10. Corona Virus Through conducting the Corona's essence, the

researchers will know why it spreads quickly and how
and how to prevent Corona Virus disease and how to
prevent Corona Virus disease.
Additional Activities

1.) Title: Tidal Energy in Davao Gulf a Preliminary Study for Energy Source

2.) Method of Research: The researchers employed Descriptive method to determine

the potential of Davao Gulf to produce tidal energy that can supply the entire region.
This study aims to deeper develop the production of electricity in Davao city by the
use of Davao gulf as alternative source of electricity.
3.) Subject Area or areas of interest where the study belongs: Gulf of Davao,
Davao City.

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