Initiating Planning Executing Monitoring & Controlling Closing

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Initiating Planning Executing Monitoring & Controlling Closing

Determine Development Approach, Life Cycle, &

1 Select Project Manager 1 1 Execute work as per the Project Management Plan 1 to monitor and control Project work 1 Confirm work is done as per the requirement
how to plan for each of the knowledge areas
Determine Company Culture and Existing Measure Performance against Performance
2 2 Develop & Prioritize requirements 2 Produce Product Deliverables (Project Scope) 2 2 Complete Final Procurement Closure
Systems Measurement baseline
Collect Processes, Procedures, & Historical Measure Performance against any other metrics as
3 3 Create Project Scope Statement 3 Gather Work Performance Data 3 3 Gain Customer approal on Project Deliverables
Information per project management plan
Divide Large Projects into Phases or Smaller Assess what to purchase and create procurement
4 4 4 Request Changes 4 Analyze & evaluate Data and Performance 4 Complete Financial Closure
Projects Documents
Understand Business Case & Benefits Determine if any varaiances warrants corrective
5 5 Determine Planning team 5 Implement only approved Changes 5 5 Hand Off Project Deliverables
Management Plan actions or change requests
Uncover Initial Requirements, Assumptions, Continuously improve, perform progressive
6 6 Create WBS & WBS Dictionary 6 6 Influence factors (to change) 6 Solicit Feedback from Customer on the Project
Risks, Constraints, & existing agreements elaboration
Assess Project & Product Feasibility within
7 7 Create Activity List 7 Follow Processes 7 Request Changes 7 Complete Final Performance Reporting
given constraints
Create Measurable Objectives & Success Evaluation whether qualily plan and processes are
8 8 Create Network Diagram 8 8 Perform Integrated Change Control 8 Index and Archieve Records
Crtierias correct and effective
Gather final lessons learned and update historical
9 Develop Project Charter 9 Evaluare Resource Requirements 9 Perform Quality Audit & publish quality reports 9 Approve or Reject Changes 9
Identify Stakeholders and determine their Update Project Management Plan & Project
10 10 Evaluate activity duraations & costs 10 Acquire final team and physical resources 10
expectations, Interests, influence & impact Documents
Inform Stakeholders about results of all change
11 Request Changes 11 Determine critical path 11 Manage People 11
Evaluate individual and team performance; provide
12 Develop Assumptions Log 12 Develop Schedule 12 12 Monitor Stakeholder engagement
13 Develop Stakeholder Register 13 Develop Budget 13 Hold team building activities 13 Confirm Configuration Compliance
14 Determine Quality Standards, Processes, & Metrics 14 Give Recognition and Rewards 14 Create Forecast
15 Develop team charter & all roles & responsibilities 15 Use Issue Log 15 Gain Customer Approval on interim deliverables
16 Plan communication and stakeholder engagement 16 Facilitate Conflict Resolution 16 Perform Quality Control
Plan risk identification, qualitative & quantitative
17 17 Release Resources as work is getting completed 17 Perform Risk reviews, reassessments, & audits
risk analysis & risk response planning
18 Go Back - Iteration 18 Send and receive information; solicit feedback 18 Manage, evlaute, & close procurements
Facilitate stakeholder engagement and manage
19 Finalize Procurement Strategy & Documents 19 19 Manage Reserve
20 Create Change & Configuration Management Plan 20 Report on Project Performance 20 Evaluate use of physical resources
21 Finalize all management plan 21 Hold Meetings
Develop realistic & sustainable management plans
22 22 Evaluate sellers; negotiate and contract with sellers
& baseline
23 Gain Formal Approval of the plan 23 Use and Share Project Knowledge
24 Hold Kick Off Meeting 24 Execute Contingency Plans
Update Project Management Plan & Project
25 Request Changes 25
Initiating Planning
Determine Development Approach, Life Cycle, &
1 Select Project Manager 1 1
how work will be done for all knowledge areas
Determine company culture and existing
2 2 Determine and Prioritize Requirements 2
Collect Policies, Procedures and Historical
3 3 Create Project Scope Document 3
Divide Large Projects into Phases or Smaller Assess what to purchase and create procurement
4 4 4
Projects documents
Understand business case and benefits
5 5 Determine Planning Team 5
management plan
Uncover initial requirements, assumptions,
6 6 Create WBS and WBS Dictionary 6
risks, constraints, and existing agreements
Assess Project and Product Feasibility within
7 7 Create Activity List 7
given constraints
Create Measurable Objective and Success
8 8 Create Network Diagram 8

9 Develop Project Charter 9 Estimate Resource reqruiements 9

Identify Stakeholders and determine their

10 10 Estimate Activity Duations and costs 10
Expectations, interest, influence, & impact

11 Request Changes 11 Determine Critical Path 11

12 Develop Assumption Log 12 Develop Schedule 12

13 Develop Stakeholder Register 13 Develop Budget 13

Determine Quality Standards, Processes, and
14 14
Develop Team Charter and All Roles &
15 15
16 Plan Communication and Stakeholder Engagement 16
Perform Risk Identification, Qualitative &
17 Qualititative Risk Analysis, and Risk Response 17
18 Go back - Iteration 18

19 Finalize Procurement Strategy & Documents 19

20 Create Change and Configuration Management Plan 20

21 Finalize all management Plans 21
Develop robust and sufficient management plans
22 22
and baseline
23 Gain formal Approval on Project Plan 23
24 Hold Kick Off Meetings 24

25 Request Changes 25
Executing Monitoring & Controlling

Execute work as per the Project Management Plan 1 Take action to monitor and control Project Work 1

Measure Performance as per Performance

Produce Project Deliverables (Project Scope) 2 2
Measurement Baseline
Measure Performance as per any other metrics as
Gather Work Performance Data 3 3
per Project Management Plan

Request Changes 4 Analyze and Evalute Data and Performance 4

Determine if any variances warrants Corective

Implement Only Approved Changes 5 5
Action or Change requests
Improve Continuously and perform progressive
6 Influence Factors casuing Change 6

Follow Processes 7 Request Changes 7

Determine whether quality processes and

8 Perform Integrated Change Control 8
procedures are correct and effective

Perform Quality Audit and Issue Quality Reports 9 Approve or Reject Changes 9

Update Project Management Plan and Project

Obtain Final team and physical resources 10
Inform Stakeholders about results of all change
Manage People 11
Assess Individual and Teams Performance and
12 Monitor Stakeholder Engagement
provide training
Hold team Building Activities 13 Confirm Compliance Configuration
Give Recognition and Rewards 14 Create Forecast
Use Issue Log 15 Gain Customer Approval on Intermin Deliverables
Facilitate Issue Resolution 16 Perform Quality Control

Release resources as work is getting completed 17 Perform risk reviews, reassessments, & audits

Send and Receive Information; Solicit Feedback 18 Manage Reserve

Facilitate Stakeholder engagement and manage
19 Manage, evaluate & close Procurement
Report on Project Performance 20 Evalute use of Physicial Resources
Hold Meetings
Evaluate sellers; Negotiate and Contract with
Use and share Project Knowledge
Execute Contingency plans
Update Project Management Plan and Project

Confirm work done as per the requirement

Confirm final procurement closure

Gain Customer approval on final product

Complete financial closure

Hand off final product

Solicit Customer Feedback on entire project

Complete final Performance Reporting

Index and Archieve Records

Gather final Lessons learned and update knowledge

Plan Quality Manage Quality
Cost Benefit Analysis Flowcharts
Cost of Quality Matrix Diagram
Interviews, Brainstorming, benchmMulticriteria Decision analysis
Logical Data Models
Mind Mapping
Test & Inspection Planning
Matrix Diagram
Multicriteria Decision analysis
Scatter Diagram
Root Cause Analysis
Cause & Effect Diagram (Fish bone analysis, Ishikawa Diagram, why -why analysis)
Control Quality Agile Projects
Checklists Cost of Change
Histograms Create Trust environment
Scatter Diagram Daily Stand Ups
Root Cause Analysis Decision analysis
Cause & Effect Diagram (Fish bone analysis, Ishikawa Diagram, whyLead & Cycle Time
Checksheets Iterative and Incremental Development
Control Charts Retrospective
Pareto Charts
Performance Reviews
Quessionaires and Surveys
Statistical Sampling

Diagram, why -why analysis)

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