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Maskun Wicaksono

 (+62-817-719898)

Curriculum Vitae

Personal Details
Name : Maskun Wicaksono
Address : Jl. SMU 63 No 53 Rt 006/01 Petukangan Utara
Pesanggrahan - Jakarta Selatan 12260
ID Card (KTP) : 3174103112810007
Driving License / (SIM C/A) : 811212055134 / 81121205970186
Place, Date of Birth : Jakarta, December 31, 1981
Religion : Moslem
Gender : Male

My Contacts
Mobile : +62-817-71 98 98 , +62-8989-3333-23
E-Mail :,


University/School Major Degree Location IPK / Time

Universitas Satya Negara Information Jakarta 3.28 2000 – 2005
Indonesia Technology
SMU Negeri 32 Jakarta 1997 – 2000
SLTP 10 Nopember Jkt Jakarta 1994 – 1997
SDN 08 Jakarta 1989 – 1994


Organization Division Location Time

KIR (karya Ilmiah Remaja), of Member SMU 32 Jakarta 1998 – 2000
SMU Negeri 32
HMTI (Himpunan Mahasiswa Member Universitas Satya Negara 2002 – 2005
Teknik Informatika) Indonesia
Maskun Wicaksono
 (+62-817-719898)

Working Experiences

Company Position Time

Office Yayasan Pendidikan Dharma Technical Jan 22, 2003 – Dec 30, 2004 (1 year)
Bumi Putera Jakarta Support
Job Description:
Responsibilities to maintenance Trouble Shooting Hardware & Software
XL Axiata PT Activation Dec 22, 2005 – Nov 2008
Job Description:
Entry Data From new customer xplor( postpaid XL ) ,validate data customer by Phone & activate
their simcard (xplor) by system.

XL Axiata PT Revenue Nov, 2008 – Augst, 2011

Assurance -
Job Description:
Maintenance High Usage Report Out/In customer Roaming, maintenance manual and automatic
program. Monitoring Data Fraud Customer.

PT. Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison Quality September, 2011 – January,2013

Job Description:
Monitoring Quality process activation 3 postpaid, compiling and reporting.

PT. Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison Supervisor January, 2013 – 2018

Job Description:
Monitoring process data and analize to ensure all reporting process is complete with no errors,
provide supporting data to team credit,collection,qa and billing, develop a report in order to
more quickly and efficiently.

PT. Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison SMS A2P January, 2018 – now

Job Description:
process data for settlement, submit invoices and tax, remind partners to pay bills. perform volume
comparisons if there is a dispute between data partners.
Maskun Wicaksono
 (+62-817-719898)

Web Projects

If not describes, the websites that I build used PHP,ASP for web programming & MySQL,ORACLE
for the database.
Sistem Information Gegrafis Museum Nasional
Project Description:
Develop Website about Museum Nasional ( team works)

Sistem Information Indus International

Project Description:
Develop Website about Indus International at Indonesia ( team works)

Project Description:
Develop Website about advocates of maynslaw advocates

Project Description:
Corporate Status (Finance operation h3i) using asp,php and mysql

Corporate Status
Project Description:
Develop Website about Information customer bill of segment corporate at finance operation h31

Reporting Finance Operation tools

Project Description:
Develop Reporting Dashboard, develop automation adhoc job about finance operation (billing
division, corporate collection division , credit operation, qa operation) with jasperreport, ETL

Software Projects

Simulasi Pembuatan Rel Kereta Api
Project Description:
Develop program application computer “ simulation path of Train” Using Microsoft Visual Basic

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