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CHAPTER – Thermodynamics
MM: 20

SECTION – A [2 Marks Each]

1. Write Kelvin and Clausius’s statements of the Second law of thermodynamics. How are
equivalent. Explain?
2. Why Cp is greater than Cv for a gas?
3. (i) Why a room cannot be cooled by leaving the door of a refrigerator open?
(ii) Why an engine working under isothermal conditions can produce no useful work?
4. Derive a relation between specific heat capacities at constant pressure and constant
volume for a gas.
SECTION – B [3 Marks Each]
5. Derive the expression for the work done during adiabatic process.
6. A gas is suddenly compressed to 1/3 of its original volume. Calculate the rise in
temperature, the original temperature being 300K and γ = 1.5.
7. A refrigerator has, to transfer an average of 263 J of heat per second from temperature
– 10°C to 25°C. Calculate the average power consumed assuming ideal reversible cycle
and no other losses.
8. A 50g lead bullet (specific heat 0.02) is initially at 30°C. It is fired vertically upward with a
speed of 840 ms-1. On returning to the starting level, it strikes a cake of ice at 0°C. How
much ice is melted? Assume that all energy is spent in melting only. Latent heat of ice =
80 cal g-1.

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