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Seat Number (In Numbers): 421029

Seat Number (In Words): Four lakh twenty one thousand twenty nine
Semester: SEMESTER I
Name of the Course: Business Studies

Answer 1.

Ratan Tata was a skilled and strategic leader in the business world. He
was well aware of how to utilize his authority to maintain a chain of
command and the division of work in the organization. There are many
reasons as to why his leadership was unique. Elaborating on the elements
of his leadership, there are many lessons to be learnt for present
entrepreneurs to improve their leadership strategy.

Ratan Tata maintained a code of conduct and strict adherence to policy

which ensured that the discipline of the workplace was retained which in
turn guaranteed the continuing chain of command and the management
structure due to which order was maintained.

He was an icon of inspiration, the example of which highly motivated

employees and his subordinates to follow his footsteps. The visible
personal values that a leader adheres to, also plays a big role in arousing
a sense of admiration and a respect for the authority that a leader carries.
Ratan Tata was humble and well respected for his approach towards
motivating all employees and aspiring or progressive entrepreneurs
towards a goal of striving to do better by sharing his personal ideologies
and motivational thoughts or principles. His personal beliefs as an
entrepreneur were shared among many of those whom he inspired and
they were adopted by many others and continue to be done so in order to
apply his efficient leadership strategies or imitating his leadership in other
organizational set-ups.

Ratan Tata was a risk taker as a businessman and used his resources to
effectively further his organisation’s advancement in all means possible
from his end. He focused on the growth of Tata as an organization
primarily in India before expansion as a means of Tata staying an
organization true to its roots and maintaining loyalty to India as its
foundational base which meant that Ratan Tata had to go through many
sacrifices in order to ensure the organisation’s survival in India even if it
meant pausing the growth or expansion of the organization in other

Ratan Tata was strategic in knowing how to implement long term goals
and systematically facilitate further growth of the organization as a rising
multinational company. His plans were detailed and mapped out keeping
in mind the future risks that may pose to be detrimental to the
implementation of these plans thus proving that he had an entrepreneur’s
keen foresight or doubts or calculated uncertainties on the same knowing
that some of the risks may be untimely and may not be easy to
anticipate. Thus, these qualities depict his adequate risk management
techniques and strategy.

Ratan Tata also believed in giving back to the economy and the society by
maintaining charity and trust. Rather than focusing his all on maximizing
profits, he also ensured that the customer as an individual could rely on
the organization to maintain value and product quality making him an
adept entrepreneur in social aspects too.

Thus, Ratan Tata was first and foremost an effective strategist in the art
of doing and managing business while keeping intact the social principles
of a business which is to fairly price all commodities making the goods of
the business affordable to the public at large and making sure to maintain
a client’s and an employee’s trust in the organization.

Answer 2.

To design an adequate and stable recruitment process for a sales-

representative, I would ensure the compliance of steps or guidelines
necessary for the proper evaluation of the prospective candidates as well
as implement measures for the publicity of the recruitment process for
the candidates interested. These are –

 Advertising that the organization is open to providing employment

opportunities for the position of a sales manager through billboards,
blogs, newspaper advertisement columns, recruitment emails and
other various forms of media available.
 Well informing all interested candidates of the prerequisites for the
selection process on all advertisements possible.
 Evaluating the candidate’s curriculum vitae or resume for ensuring
that the candidate fulfills all requirements and the work experience
necessary to qualify them for further selection criteria.
 Evaluating the candidate on the basis of necessary tests to ensure
the retention of the skills required in the workplace.
 Holding interviews to understand and navigate through the
candidate’s body language and management skills and
understanding what ideas or novel skills or techniques the candidate
can bring to the organization.
 Looking into and investigating the candidate’s past work experience
through their former employer to ensure that the candidate can
withstand the current environment and possesses discipline,
workplace ethics, responsibility and other skills required as a
prospective sales manager.
 Measuring all candidates’ progress in comparison to such candidates
to make the best possible choice.
 Allowing present or former employees in the sales department to be
a part of the selection process to help understand the candidates
better by allowing such employees to understand if they can relate
to their experience or work ethics.

By the implementation of the measures that I’ve elaborated on, I can

ensure the best possible choice for a sales manager in the
pharmaceutical company.

Answer 3.

Organisational structure defines the job positions, the workplace duties

and responsibilities and the authority delegated to each position. It
ensures that the responsibilities of each employee do not overlap with
those of the others and maintains a separation of the powers attached
to each employee as every employee differs from every other
employee on the terms of their employment contract, tasks or duties
assigned, the department they are assigned or the capabilities of each
Organisational structure helps maintain authority on the lines of
hierarchy allowing for top level management to formulate and create
directive policies, rules, regulations and important guidelines and
ensure the leadership and direction of hierarchy. The mid-level
management ensure the implementation of these policies and delegate
authority and tasks to ensure the productivity and proper working of
each sectional division. The lower level management look into the
working of within each department they are allotted to supervise and
maintain the unity in ideology or approach and directives of their

Organisational structure also ensures the survival of the organization

by maintaining the requisite discipline and order in the way it is
assigned. This facilitates a continuous undying workflow within an
organization which helps make the company more stable.

Thus, a sound organisational structure is an essential prerequisite of

efficient management.

Answer 4. Henry Fayol emphasized on the following as principles of

management –

 Authority – Maintaining respect and a chain of command in the

 Division of work – Dividing work among the employees on the
basis of their skills and specialization.
 Discipline – Maintaining order and the guidelines in the
 Remuneration – Ensuring fair pay to all employees.
 Equity – Ensuring impartiality and fairness in the workplace.
 Initiative – Influencing the workplace employee’s to actively take
part in all projects or tasks assigned
 Unity of direction – Ensuring that the employees are moving
forward towards the same goal
 Unity of command
 Esprit de corps

Answer 5.
Social responsibility is necessary for businessmen to ensure the trust
of the clients. This means ensuring product quality, fair costs of the
price and wide availability to every type of customer regardless of their
background. Implementing policies that are also helpful to the public at
large is also a social responsibility (for example – go green movements
or initiates to reduce plastic usage). Charity and compliant policies that
improve the environment currently increases the trust of the clients
towards the business as well as contributes to interest of theirs as
members of a society.

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