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Complete the following dialogue

Billy: We're 10 minutes late. It's no way we could be at the school before the first lesson
Joe: Wait a minute, I think we could.
Billy: How?
Joe: . . . . . . . . . . take a short cut, there's a way behind gas station, that way lead directly to
the school, we won't be trapped in traffic jam.
Billy: You're genius.
a. Why do we
b. Why don't we
c. We are not allowed
d. Why we must

2. Anthony: There's someone in the backyard, I don't know who, but I'm scared. . . .. . ?
Dilla: Yes, let them check.
a. should I call the police
b. you should call the police
c. I should call the police
d. should you call the police

3. Complete the following dialogue

Dhika: Oh no, I'm so dead?
Igo: Why? What happened?
Dhika: My mom's tupperware is gone. . . . . . . . . . . . ?
Igo: You could tell her the truth, she'll be fine.
Dhika: You don't understand.
a. Do you see it
b. Do you know where it is
c. Where is it
d. What shall I say to my mom

4. Complete the following dialogue

Eddy: Hey Nat, your arm is bleeding, what happened?
Natasha: I fall at the parking area. I didn't realize, I thought it's just a scratch. . . . . . . ?
Eddy: Of course, you need a medical attention immediately.
a. Should I go to clinic
b. Should I forget it
c. Should I accompany you to clinic
d. Should I drink some medicine

5. Complete the following dialogue

Lex: I have an important call from my uncle, shall I pick up the phone?
Eza: . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. Dita will be okay.
a. Yes, you shall pick up the phone
b. No, it's not important
c. Yes, you could answer that
d. No, you couldn't answer that

6. "Your friend should attend OSIS meeting, but he also has to pick up his brother."
Your best suggestion will be . . . . . . . . . . .
a. You should attend the meeting and forget about your brother.
b. You should pick up your brother and forget about the meeting.
c. If I were you I would ask for permission for minutes to OSIS leader to pick up the brother
and then back to attend the meeting.
d. Why don't you attend the meeting until finish and then pick up your brother.

7. "You and your friend have a birthday invitation from a friend, but your mom expects you
and your friend to be at home on time to join the dinner."
Your best suggestion will be . . . . . . . . . . .
a. How about going home early
b. How about go home early
c. What about go home early
d. What if going home early

8. Complete the following dialogue

Wildan: It's really boring Sunday. Everything feels so boring.
Gadget is boring, online game is boring, social media is boring and TV program is also
boring. I want to do something else.
Oni: Hey, . . . . . . . . . .  it will be fun.
Wildan: Yes, that's a fun out door activity, let's do that.
a. Let's go to cinema
b. Let's swim at the river
c. Let's go to the mall
d. Let's play chess

9. Complete the following dialogue

Erica: I need to download some files, but I have an unstable internet connection.
Lilly: I think you should go to the lobby, there's a free wifi, the connection is stable.
Erica: . . . . . . . . . . Thanks for your suggestion.
Lilly: No problem.
a. Maybe some other time
b. I'm not sure about that
c. I'd better not
d. That's a good idea
10. Complete the offer below with the most correct order.
Would you like . . . . . . .
a. have lunch?
b. a cup of hot chocolate?
c. drink orange juice?
d. eat a bowl of noodle?

11. Complete the offer below with the most correct order.
Would you like . . . . . . . .
a. eat some ice cream?
b. have dinner with me?
c. drink a glass of fresh water?
d. to go home with me? I'll give you a ride.

12. Complete the following dialogue

Arif: Are you thirsty?
Ria: A little bit.
Arif: Do you want a bottle of spring water? Here you are.
Ria: . . . . . . . . . .
Arif: Don't mention it.
a. This is fresh
b. That's very kind of you 
c. I'm sorry I can't
d. No, but thank you for the offer

13. Complete the following dialogue 

Siska: Have you finished your report?
Linda: Not yet, I'm still working on it. I have to check some data on the computer and then
copy those documents.
Siska: That's a lot of things to do.
Linda: I know.
Siska: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Linda: Thank you, you're so helpful.
a. Would you like some coffee?
b. Would you like me to copy this documents?
c. What can I do for you?
d. You can handle it.

14. Complete the following dialogue

Student: Welcome back professor, how was your trip?
Professor: Thank you, it was nice and tiring.
Student: May I bring your briefcase Sir?
Professor: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Just help me with my car, can you park my car?
Student: Very well Sir.
a. Yes, I'd love to
b. That would very nice
c. Yes please
d. No, I'm good, thank you

15. You see an old man is trying to open a bottle.

What is your help offer?
a. Could I help you with that bottle?
b. Could I have that bottle?
c. Could I have some water?
d. Would you like a bottle of water?

16. Complete the following dialogue 

Adam: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e-learning?
Rika: In my point of view, e-learning is more practical. You can learn anytime and anywhere.
It's simple.
a. What do you think of
b. Do you like
c. What do you know about
d. Would you like to join

17. Complete the following dialogue

Seth: Tell me what do you feel about replacing human with robots in a factory?
Tisa: . . . . . . . . Robot can work faster and more effective, but we can't completely relay on
robots, we still need human to take control and make sure everything runs well.
a. I agree
b. I disagree
c. What I have in my mind is that
d. I don't have any comment on that

18. Complete the following dialogue

Ruben: If you see teenagers' life today, they prefer to spend most of their time on the gadget
than have real interaction . . . . . . . . . . . . ?
Mika: Well, there's no much I can say about it. Technology, the internet and gadget change
some habits in our today's society.
a. Do you agree
b. My comments are
c. In my opinion
d. Have you got any comments on that
19. What is your opinion about Chelsea Islan?
a. I think Chelsea is a young talented actress. She is adorable and smart.
b. In my opinion Chelsea is one of a great football club in the premiere league.
c. Chelsea thinks she is a young talented actress from Indonesia.
d. Nobody thinks that Chelsea is adorable and smart.

20. The following expressions is used to ask for someone's opinion, except . . .
a. Have you got any comments on
b. What is your opinion about
c. Tell me about your feeling
d. How do you feel about

21. Situation : Your friend is cheating during the test.

What is suitable warning to situation above?
a. Watch your step please d. Watch your head
b. Be careful or the teacher will catch you e. Look out behind you
c. Sit down please

22. A: Could you tell me how big a blue whale is?

B: Well, let me tell you. The blue whale is the largest animal ever known. It exceeds
elephants and
dinosaurs in size. A blue whale can weigh up to 115 tons.
B: ….
Complete the dialog above with the correct expression of surprise!
a. Could it be mammals d. Wow, that’s an amazing fact
b. It looks like blue whale e. I don’t think so.
c. I’m sorry , I don’t know

23. Give advice for this problem with the correct expression of offering advice!
I have a problem. I don’t have money to pay my English book. I’m afraid to asking it with my
because he sick and has not job.
What should I do?
a. Up to you d. I suppose so
b. That is not my affair e. I suggest you to get job
c. I don’t have opinion

24. Please don’t feed the animals.

Where would you expect to see these warnings?
a. at market d. at garden
b. at zoo e. at parking area
c. at home

25. What would you do in this situation?

You’ve been invited to dinner at a friend’s home. You’re about to sit down to eat. But you
want to use the
toilet first.
What would you do?
a. Excuse me. Where’s the toilet?
b. Do you mind if I use the bathroom
c. Say nothing and wait your fiend to ask you
d. Say nothing and show that you want to toilet first
e. Say nothing and start looking around the house for the toilet

26. What would you do in this situation?

You’re 20 minutes late for class. The teacher is explaining something to the class when you
What would you do?
a. Not go to the class
b. Say nothing and take a seat
c. Go in, walk up to the teacher and apologize
d. Go in as quietly as you can and take a seat
e. Wait out side the classroom until the class

27. Complete the following dialog with the correct expression of relief!
Situation : Andi borrowed Dinda’s novel. It suddenly page of novel is broken. Andi has taken
it back to
Andi : I’m sorry. I think I’ve broken it.
Dinda : It’s okay. I make it broken.
Andi : ….
a. This is great d. I’m glad to hear that
b. It’s very painful e. It gives me great pleasure
c. Oh, what shall I do

28. Situation : A student is talking with her advisor.

Student : Mrs. Wilson, what do you think I should do about my chemistry class? Should I drop
it or
continue with it?
Mrs. Wilson : I think it would be a good idea to talk with your instructor. Try talk with her about
the problems, and see what she suggests.
The underlined sentence is expression of…
a. Pleasure d. agreement
b. Pain e. asking for advice
c. relief

Personally think that English is the world’s most important language. Why I do say that?
Firstly, English is an International language. It is spoken by many people all over the world,
either as a first
or second language.
Secondly, English is also the key which opens doors to scientific and technical knowledge,
which is needed
for the economic and political development of many countries in the world.
Thirdly, English is a top requirement of those seeking jobs. Applicants who master either
active or passive
English are more favorable than those who don’t.
From the fact above, it is obvious that everybody needs to learn English to greet the global

29. What is the purpose of the writer in this text?

a. To inform the reader about the importance of English language
b. To persuade the reader about the importance of English language
c. To describe the reader about the importance of English language
d. To tell the reader about the importance of English language
e. To explain the reader about the importance of English language

30. The text is about….

a. English is a top requirement of seeking jobs
b. English is the universal language of international aviation and sport
c. English is the key which opens doors to scientific and technical knowledge
d. English is the most international language
e. The important of English

31. What tense is mostly used in the text?

a. Simple past tense d. Past perfect tense
b. Simple future tense e. Past continues tense
c. Simple present tense

32. According to the text which of the following is true?

a. English is the national language
b. English is the key which opens doors to scientific and technical language
c. English is not need for seeking jobs
d. In the international meeting between nations will not almost automatically converse in
e. English isn’t needed for the economic and political

33. Complete this sentence with suitable connectors!

Are you going to the party with us … will you stay home?
a. After d. But
b. Before e. Or
c. And

31. Complete the following dialog with suitable expression of asking opinion!
A: …?
B: I think the other one’s better.
A: Really? But this one’s cheaper. And look at the design. It’s great, isn’t it?
B: Yes, but it doesn’t have an Energy Star sticker.
a. Do you agree with this refrigerator? d. What do you think of this refrigerator?
b. Do you know this refrigerator? e. Have you complain about this refrigerator?
c. Are you satisfied with this refrigerator?

32. Complete the following dialog with suitable expressing of opinions!

Andi ; what is your opinion about my new car?
Budi : ….
a. Up to you d. I am afraid to tell it
b. I don’t know e. I don’t think so
c. I think it is luxurious

33. Complete the following dialog with suitable response!

Sandra : There are too many western films on television lately. Don’t you agree?
Tony : … because I can study English.
a. I disagree d. I see what you mean
b. I am very agree e. I don’t think so
c. I think that’s nonsense

34. (1) Ayu : What about telling about the human body?
(2) Andi : What should we present for the oral test next week?
(3) Ayu : Good idea
(4) Andi : Not a bad idea, but talking about animals is very ordinary. Many of our classmates
have told
about animals.
(5) Ayu : How about something about an animal species?
Arrange the jumble sentences above into a good dialogue!
a. 1,3,2,4,5 d. 2,5,1,4,3
b. 1,3,2,5,4 e. 2,5,3,1,4
c. 2,3,4,1,5

35. Complete the dialogue with suitable expression!

Arum : Good morning, Sonia.
Sonia : Morning.
Arum : Do you feel like going to the zoo?
Sonia : … I like it because I like to observe animals.
a. All right d. Great idea
b. I agree e. I am very painting
c. I satisfaction

36. Boni : How was your trip to Tawangmangu?

Yudha : … with it. I want to go there again next year.
Fill in the blank with the correct word!
a. I’m very pleased d. I’m very unsatisfied
b. I’m very disappointed e. I’m not happy
c. I’m very displeased

37. Endang : How was your visit to the museum?

Ayu : It was closed when I got there… about it.
Endang : I’m sorry to hear that.
Fill in the blank with the correct word!
a. I’m satisfied d. I’m very disappointed
b. I’m happy e. I’m delighted
c. I’m really content

38. Dito : Excuse me…?

Diah : Oh, of course. Here is it?
Fill in the blank with the correct word!
a. Can you help me? d. May I borrow your dictionary?
b. Could you do this for me? e. Would you mind opening the door?
c. Could you do me a favour?

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