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This text is for questions 1 to 6.

It was chilly late of July afternoon. 1 participated in a camping activity with my friends. It was my
first camping. I arrived at camp, my heart ; was racing. With sore and stiff legs we clumsily ; got
out of our car after being crammed in there for our three and a half hour journey from our
hometown to the camping area. I looked around n and examined this new place that I was ‘in
and y it was full of nature. The first thing my friends 1 and I did when we arrived at the location
was { to set up our camp. Thankfully I had my friends 1 with me who had gone camping a couple
of ’ times before. My friend also taught me to start i a campfire. The first night ran well. In the
next morn'ing we woke up early and started making L breakfast. We tossed some eggs. After that,
I we decided to hike. During the hike, my friends { and I were very lucky as we reached an area
with a waterfall squeezed between the rocks
of the mountain. Even though the water was ,1‘ a bit chilly, we decided to take a dip in it and
were definitely not left disappointed. We slept soundly because of tiredness. The third day was our
last camping. We cleaned the area i around our camp. We also took some pictures before we went
home. Overall, it was fun and exhilarating. i really hope i can go camping again next time.

17‘ What is the topic of the text above? v ‘ At The first camping; «

B. Hiking on the mountain.

C. How to set up a camp.

D. How to start a campfire.

E. Going picnic with friends.

0 What did the writer and his friends do on the

second day?

A. They walked surrounding the neighborhood.

B. They cleaned the camp area.

C. They went hiking to the mountain.“

D. They took some pictures with other campers.

E. They seeked a waterfall but they didn’t

find it.

“Q How long did the writer have camping? A. A day. B. Two days. ' C. Three daysy
D.Fourdays. , E. A week.
”Overall, it was fun and exhilarating.” The word ”it” refers to . . . . A. cleaning the area B,
the picture C. the area around camp v’ D. the camping activity E. the writer’s home


7 Rearrange the following sentences into a good paragraph! 1) l was very nervous, but my mother
encouraged me and gave me support.

2) On January 2017, I participated in a beauty contest.

3) It was my first contest after I joined in a modelling club.

4) Finally I won the second runner up and!

was really happy: . 5) I did what my mother told me and t didit.

6) She told me to take a breath deeply and think positively while walking on the

stage. The best arrangement is . . . . A. 2)'1)-4)-3)-6)-5) B. 2)-1)-5)-6)-3)-4) C. 2)'3)'6)-1)'4) ’5) p,

2)-3)-1)-6)-5)-4) v a _2)-5)-1)-4)-3)-é)

This text is for questions 4 to 6.

The Java War of 1825-1830 constituted the last

resistance of the Javanese aristocracy to Dutch

rule. Its central figure was Pangeran Diponegoro,

eldest son of ‘the sultan of Yogyakarta. The

immediate cause of Diponegoro’s revolt in 1825

was the Dutch decision to build a road across

a piece of his property that contained a sacred tomb. Thereupon ensued the Java War, a bitter

‘guern‘Ha conflict in which as many as 200,000

, Javanese died in fighting or from indirect causes.

When did the Java War begin?

A. In 1985 D. In 1825 B. In 1930 E. In 1830 C. In 1885

What was the cause of the war?

A. There was different view between the Javanese aristocracy and Dutch rule.

3.. The sacred tomb would be eliminated. C. ' Many Javanese peOpIe died in fighting. D. There
was a conflict among the Javanese

princes. E. The Dutch decided to build a road

across Diponegoro’ 3 property, v

“I vlivvvv ‘II. V uv------vv-v

This text is for questions 1 to 3.

Jason Mraz was born on 23 June 1977. When he was a kid, he had a comfortable childhood
growing up in a safe and friendly neighborhood.

Jason attended Lee Davis High School where he was a cheerleader. After graduation, he went to
the American Music and Dramatic Academy, New York, where he studied for a few months. He
later enrolled at the Longwood University in Virginia but dropped out to pursue a career in music.

In 1999 he moved to San Diego. In 2002 he signed a contract with Elektra Record and released his
major label debut album. In 2004 he went on a tour and while on the tour, he released a live
album. in 2005, his second studio album was out. It was a moderate success and peaked at No. 5
on Billboards Top 200. in 2008, he released his album ”We Sing, We Dance, We Steal Things”
which went on to become a super hit not only in the US, but also in several other countries.

Taken form:

From the text, we know that Jason Mraz is a/an. ~

A. actor ‘ . D. athlete . B. singer v’ ' E. producer ' C. artist ' '

The second paragraph mostly tells us about .

A 'Jason Mraz’ 3 childhood

B. Jason Mraz’s career

C. Jason Mraz’s achievementv D. Jason Mraz’s education

E. Jason Mraz’ 3 jobs

”It was a moderate success and peaked at No. ..5 ” .(paragraph 3)

The underlined word means . . . .

reached low point.

came to a head

had a sharp end ~

ran down


This text is for questions 1 to 6.

'A long time ago, there lived a widow with her son named Malin Kundang. He loved his mother
very much., Malin wanted to do something to make his mother happy.

One day, Malin Kundang told his mother that'he would go to town and work there. At . first, his
mother didn’t allow him, but finally she let him go with tears. Malin Kundang worked hard in a
big town, and in short time he became a rich man. He was also married to a beautiful woman.
When he was sailing on his trading journey, his ship landed on a coast near a small village. The
local people reoogniZed that it was Malin Kundang, a boy from the area. The news ran fast in the
town. "Malin Kundang has become rich and now he ishere.” When his mother heard about the
news, she came to meet him. Malin Kundang pretended not to know her. He said, ”You are not
my mother. Go away!” _ '

His mother was very sad. Finally,.feeling

.enraged, she cursed Malin Kundang that' he

would turn into a stone. The sea was calm but suddenly a thunderstorm came, Wrecking his huge
ship. The ship was drowned. Malin Kundang was thrown. It was too late for him to avoid the
curse. Finally he turned into a stone.
Where is the origin of the story?

A. WestJava. D. Central Java. B. West Sumatra; E. East Java. , ~C. NorthSumatra.‘ .

Why did Malin Kuhdahg want to go to town?

E. . What happened when the rich Maiin Kuhdang

Because. , , A. ,he wanted to have a rich wife

B. he wanted to look for a job: '

C. he wanted to sail 'around the world .D

he wanted to build a big house for his


he wanted to have a huge ship

met his mother?


B. ' C. D


He hugged her.

' He introduced his wife to his mother.

He didn’ t admit that she was her mother: He asked her mother 'to leave their house.

He cursed his mother

@ What is the morai value of the stery? A. We must look for a job in the town; ' B. We must not
forget our mother.C. We must not be egoist. D. We must not leave our hometown; ' E. ,We must
remember qur childhood.

Q ”The sea was calm but suddenly a thunderstorm ' came, wrecking his huge ship.” (paragraph
3) ' The underlined word has similar in meaning
to..... . , . A. fierce D. clear

B. deep x E. quietC. blue ‘ '

This text is for qdestions 1 to 3.

A long time' ago, there were many gods who lived on the island of Guam. The native people
decided to get rid of, or to destroy, all of the gods. Legend has it they misbehaved, and didn ’t
want the gods watching over them. There was one girl named Veronica, however, who did not
want the gods banned from the island because she strongly believed in their magical powers and
wanted them to ' favor her. When the gods heard of the plan of the people, they decided to destroy
all of the people of the island, except Veronica. They decided that they would build a bridge. of
beautiful colors for Veronica to climb Upon while they destroyed the others. Veronica

.climbed on the bridge to escape, and today you can see the bridge of beautiful colors made
especially for Veronica. The bridge is called the rainbow.

. Taken from: http://www.colours-of-the-rainbow. com”egends.html

0 What is the story about? Gods and human. Veronica, the goddess; The origin of island. The
magical powers.

. ‘ The origin of rainbow."


Why did Veronica not want the gods banned? ' Because . ; . . '

A. she wanted them to help her v

B. they weren’t misbehaved

C. she wanted to have magical powers

D. she wanted to have a beautiful bridge E. ' they wanted to build a bridge .

From the story, we know that the rainbow was . . . where Veronica would climb while the gods
destroyed the others.
A. color

B. a bridge _,

C. an island

D. legend

E. magical power

This text is for questions 4 to 6.

A long time ago, rabbits had short ears and a long fluffy taiI. He was proud of that long tail. He
was always showing it off to the Fox. The Fox got very tired Of all this ' bragging.

One cold winter day, the Fox came by the Rabbit’s house with a big string of fish he had just
caught. The Rabbit wanted to catch some fish, too, so he asked the Fox.

The Fox had caught the fish in the ordinary way, but he said to the Rabbit, ”I just sat on the age
of the pond and let my tail dangle in the water. When enough fish had grabbed on to my

tail, lpulled them out.” Then the Rabbit went to the pond. He did what the Fox said, but he
didn’t feel even one fish on his tail. It was very cold, so he wanted to go home. When the Rabbit
tried to pull his tail out of the pond, he couldn’t do it. The pond. had frozen solid, and histail was
stuck in the ice. He began to cry and wail for

i a help.

An owl saw him. He approached the Rabbit and helped him. The Owl grabbed the Rabbit ’s left .
ear and began to pull. The left ear began longer and longer, but the Rabbit was still stuck in the 1
ice. Then the Owl pulled the right ear. It got longer, ' too. Finally, with a strong pull, the Rabbit’s
tail was snapped off and he was set of the ice. From that

time, rabbit has long ears and a short tail.

Source: Multicultural Fables and Fairy Tales: Stories ' and Activities to Promote


G What Is the suitable title for the story? A. The Rabbit and the Fox. B. The Rabbit, the Fox, and
the Owl.“ C. Why Rabbit Has Long Ears and a Short

Tail. ‘ D. Why the Fox is the Enemy of the Rabbit.

E. The Friendship between the Rabbitand

the Owl. . , . ' © The characteristic of the Rabbit' IS. A kind % D.” childish

B. boastful , Egreedy C. helpful .

This text is for questions 1 to '5.

When You Believe ' (Artist: Mariah Carey)

Many nights we’ve prayed

With no proof anyone could hear

In our hearts a hopeful song

We barely understood ' Now we are not afraid

' Although we know.there’s muoh to fear

We were moving mountains Long before we knew we oould


There can 'be miracles

When you belieVe "

Though hope is frail

It’s hard to kill

Who knows what miracles

:You can achieve '

When you believe

Somehow you will

You will when you believe ‘

/ Taken partly from:'cs/ ' ' mariahcarey/whenyoubelieve.html


. It can be'concluded that“ the song is about .

A. motivation D. peace.

'3; ‘friendship. E. tragedy C. love ' ‘

From the song, what does the singer want to say? .

‘ . . We mUst believe that a miracle will happen.

B. ' We must believe what people say.

C. We must trust in destiny.

D We mLIst not achieve the miracle.

E We’must know the miracles. ' '

Now we are not afraid Although weknow there’s much t9 fear '

' Those sentences mean . . A. there is no stuff to fear B. We are scared. of everything , we are brave
to face our life D. there is no fear in the world . E. someone helps if we are afraid



”we barely understood” ' ' ' I The underlined word IS synonymous with.

_ A. really -. D. simply B.scarcely ~ . -E. seldom C. almost . . '

”T hough hope' IS fr_a__il”

The underlined word has similar' In meaning to.

A. fierce‘ ' -D. small B. weak .' E. lost C, slow

Most sOngs are created to . . . .

A. entertain listeners

B criticize conditions .
C. retell story

D. share experience

E help people

A set of words that make up a song is called

6. ”You’ll alwayis have my shoulder when you cry" it means that the speaker. will be there
when a friend cries

will solve a friend’ 3 problem will cure a friend’ 3 shoulder

will proVide comfort to a friend during difficulttime .. ~

El. 'Will prevent a friend cry when he has a

P .0an 3°

big problem . . , _ . 7. People usually called chorus as . ' .A. yerse . ,_ D. outro . "B. refrainé .' ' E.
stanza . C, bridge '\ . ‘

. 8. A set of words that make up a song is called /. A. ichorus ‘ ‘ I y. D. ‘tverse 8., bridge . E.

.0. intro ' ~ L ‘

IV; \ I

9. A repetition of similar words is ‘called ; g ,

A. ' a stanza , D. a chorus ‘ .I I B' a song E. a'verse ' ' '3 C. a rhyme « ' a "I

.1.“ ..;

This text is for questions 9 and 10.


To: All Students

To commemorate our school’s anniversary, there 'are two.contests. They are Storytelling and
Stand-Up Comedy, which will be held:
. On Saturday, September 24, 2016

/‘ ‘. 8 am. to 12 pm. At School Hall

Enjoy other performances, too.

Students who are interested In the contest, please contact Mr. Rudi before September 10, 2016.


9. What is the purpose of the text? .


A. . B.

C. D. E.

To persuade the students to participate in the contest. ~

To commemorate the schOol anniversary. .

To announce the students about the events.

To help students in public speaking. ' '

To entertain the students in their school anniversary.

From the text above, we know that . . . .

A. B.‘


the contests Will be held in one day the students must participate in the contest

the school anniversary will be held after the contest '

there is another contest, except the storytelling and the stand-up comedy

Mr. Rudi will be the judge of the contests

This text is for questions 11 and 12.



is opening registration .for new members. Meeting is held every Wednesday from 14.00 to the Language Laboratory.

For registration; please Contact: Nadya (XI D) and Hanung (XI F)




When Will the regular meeting be held? 3‘ A. At 14.00 every day.

'8. On Wedhesdays. C. jAfterschooI.

D.' At the laboratory. E. _Fortwo hours.

It can be inferred from the text that. .

.A. the students must join the club 1 B. the club is held'outside the school

C. the students who lack In English cahnot join the club .

D. . the meeting of the club is held for two ' hours

E the students may contact their teacher '

to join the club

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