Chap.2 Routledge, Major Concepts

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Talking about the machine aided tr has A surface level being

like toolbars with which we can deal when we are going to

translate and a deep level which are the major concepts that
shape the functions noted above.

These concepts govern the functions and are always stable .

while functions Constantly changing based on the user’s need .

The translation machine is supposed to help the translator put

together a system that is controllable And customizable, being
compatible with various file formats, and be like a human
translator (simulativity) Or even better (emulativity) And
through one team work Could translate a high quality
translation (productivity).


This means that the machine can model human behavior

through a series of tools such as concordancers, In text
analysis , it can comprehend the text .

Goal of translation
First we need to know the purpose of machine translation which
is obtaining a high quality translation. and this high quality tr
Supposed to fully automated. That is, without human
intervention . So the machine must be able to simulate human
behavior .

Translation procedure
They do a comparison between machine and human translation
and get ideas From tr scholars to design different models for
translation .

Two stage model

1. source text comprehension
2. target text formulation

And because the machine is not capable of comprehending This

model is a failure.
But it could be useful for lg pair spcfc system With the use of
the dictionary. This is the same as word for word tr.
(Figure below, p. 33)

Or it could be used as terminology based system .

Three stage model

1. Model of nida and taber
a. analysis of the text
b. transfer
c. restructuring. And there is no need to say that they use
Chomsky’s transformational gram to translate the Bible
and classical literature to modern text.
The message of the text must be analyzed in its simplest way
possible, translations are done on the same level, then being
restructured to form acceptable to the target audience.

2. Model of wolfram wilss

a. decoding,
b. transfer,
c. encoding

Translation is a linguistic procedure.

3. Model of roger bell

d. st interpretation,
e. tr process,
f. text reformation
In The last stage, the writer's intention, reader's expectation
And TL norms Should be taken into account .

4. Model of Hatim and Mason

this model is more sophisticate than the rest.
a. source text comprehension,
b. transfer of mnng,
c. TT assessment.

In 1st stage text parsing, specialized knowledge and intended

mnng is considered.
2nd stage considers lexical mnng, gramatical mnng and
rhetorical mnng
3rd stage is going to assess tt readability, TL convention and
adequacy of purpose

5. Model of Jean Delislie

There are three steps to the translation equivalent:
a. comprehension,
b. reformulation,
c. verification
firstly decodes the linguistic sign, Then, with analogy does the
reasoning, And lastly does back interpreting and translation
becomes ready.

We saw that three stage model is More like example based

models. that means that an input used as tr memory database
and glossary database. It can give a fuzzy matches of The words
and then translate.

Four stage model

from Georg Steiner .

a. knowledge of the author's time،
b. familiarization with author's sphere of sensibility،
c. original text decoding،
d. target text encoding

Here is an example yaxin which uses the four-stage model:

1. Input the Chinese webpage

2. Process the webpage with the multilingual maintenance
3. Process it with the terminology database
4. Generate a bilingual webpage

Five stage model

Model of omar sheikh alshahab
1. Edit the ST
2. Interpret the ST
3. Interpret it in the new lg
4. Formulate the tred text
5. Edit the formulation

In computer aided tr

1. Initial stage: setting computer specification, logging in a

system, creating a profile creating a project file
2. Data preparation: data collection, data creation, creation of
terminology and tr memory data base
3. Data processing stage: data analysis, use of system and
non-system dictionaries, use of concordancers, doing pre-
translation, data processing by human intervention or
without human intervention or data processing by
localization system
4. Data editing: has two types: editing for computer
aided tr system (This includes interactive editing like
editing environment, matching.
Data editing for computer aided tr includes post editing)

5. Finalizing stage: adapting databases

Eight stage model

From Robert Bly, the poet

1. Literal version
2. Mnng of the poem
3. Make it sound like eng
4. Make it sound like american
5. Catch the mood of the poet
6. Pay attention to sounds
7. Ask a native spker to check it out
8. Make a final draft with adjustment

In the machine tr, these eight steps are converted into five steps
or seven steps.


It deals with functions.

There is a computer brush easy Yes, but very difficult for
humans .

Alt tag tr
The user should understand the meaning inside image. This alt
tag stands for alternative message.
Because the image on the web is identified by IMG tag and the
user does not know anything about graphics, so, machine adds
an alt tag to each image inside the web to makes it more

Chatroom tr
Translating The content of chat rooms known as chat tr And
chatroom tr.
Bcoz chat is a subset of conversational discourse, all the rules
for discourse Can also be applicable for chat tr . But it should
comsider online jargons.
The System of Fluency has an access to chatroom’s function. It
has to be purchased and activated within the system itself .

Clipboard tr
Copy the text on the clipboard from any software in Windows
for the machine to translates the clipboard . Then the translated
text will be pasted somewhere else.
AtlasIt does this .

Conversion between metric and British system

Machines easily convert the volume and length, etc. to a
different mode.

Currency conversion
for example fluency has am access to the Internet, being able to
convert the currency of 220 countries .

Email tr

Bcoz emails are informal and gram it is difficult to translate it

Atlas is a machine that can tr email

Foreign language translation

Most machine tr systems are used among Indo-European
languages. And machines that support tr between major lgs and
minor ones r small in number

Gist tr
Just offers a gist of the whole text. Machine gets some essential
info of the text then user decides whether to tr it or not.

Highlight and tr
It highlights some part of the text and then tr thise part without
affecting the rest of the text.

Instant transliteration
Transliterates words and shows it in roman alphabet

Mouse tr
U click the mouse on a certain phrase and machine trs it for u
Atlas is an example

Online tr
Available any time a user wants

Lg learning, info dissemination, lg communication are possible

in this way

Pre tr
In two aspects
1. Preparation of the text like checking the spelling,
compilation of dictionaries and adjusting the text formats
2. Giving a draft of tr to be checked by human

Sentence tr
Machine tr works in sentential level. Unlike human tr that is in
textual level.
It facilitates post editing

Web tr
The info on web page is translated by machine
Has 3 functions
1. Assimilation, to transmit the info to the user
2. Dissemination, to make the message comprehensible
3. Communication, communication among different people
becomes enabled

Because technology in tr is a kind of entrepreneurial activity in
itself, the concept of productivity is Very important .
In the machine tr, productivity is achieved through The use of
technology, collective tr, recycling، reusing tr, prof competence,
profit seeking, labor saving And cost saving Take the field .

Using technology
Martin Kay says that it is true that translation is an art, but it is
very repetitive and mechanical most of the time, so the
translator’s productivity increases through the use of

Collective tr
if the translation is done through teamwork, productivity Goes
up. bilingual competence does not matter anymore in

Recycling tr
The exact equivalent can be extracted automatically from the
database memory .
Using the networked computer aided tr system to save the data
to the data. The translators create and distribute it among
themselves So, they do not use their own translations anymore ,
but the stored data.

Reusing tr
In most technical texts sentences are repeated, it means 90
percent of total requests for translation are of technical . The
machine helps make the translator not to translate a repeated
phrase several times .
A system like Across has this feature .
Key terms for increasing profitability are: reduce, reuse,

Professional competence
‫ و همهی‬.‫ماشین قرار نیست جایگزین انسان بشه بلکه به یاری انسان میشتابد‬
‫ قدیم‬.‫هاییه که انسان بهش داده بوده‬input ‫ی که ماشین به ما میده در واقع‬output

‫مترجمها فقط از دیکشنریهای دیجیتال استفاده میکردند االن دارند از‬

‫‪ concordancers , checkers‬و غیره استفاده میکنند‪.‬‬
‫اون جیزی که قدیم معروف بود به ‪ tr conpetence‬یا دانش مترجم دیگه کاربردی‬
‫نداره و االن از یک واژهای تحت عنوان ‪ professional competence‬استفاده‬
‫میکنند که شامل‬
‫‪Linguistic competence, tr competence, tr.or competence, technological‬‬
‫و بعد یه جملهای گفته که ماشین جایگزین انسان نمیشه ولی مترجمههایی که توانایی‬
‫استفاده از ماشین دارند جایگزین مترجمهایی که این توانایی رو ندارند میشوند‪.‬‬
‫ترادوس به تنهایی ‪ computer aided tror ۱۸۰۰۰۰‬داره‪.‬‬
‫‪Profit seeking‬‬
‫معمولن ‪ courses‬برای افزایش ‪ professionalism‬مترجمها هست و همینطور برای‬
‫باال بردن دانش تئوریکشون‪ .‬ولی کورسی برای بیزینس اونا و وارد صنعت شدنشون‬
‫و چون ترجمه ‪ field of entrepreneurial humanities‬هست به عنوان یک فعالیت‬
‫تجاری نیاز داره که ‪.profitable‬‬
‫‪Labor saving‬‬
‫با ‪ reuse‬کردن قسمت عمدهای از سختی و کسالت بار بودن کار کم میشه و مترجم‬
‫میتونه روی ‪ semantic‬و ‪ pragmatic‬فوکس کنه‪.‬‬
‫بنابراین کار مترجم از یک مترجم صرف تبدیل میشه به یک کسی که ‪authoring, pre‬‬
‫‪editing, interactive editing, post editing, term database management ,‬‬
‫‪tr memory management, text alignment , manual alignment‬‬
‫‪ verification‬انجام میده‪.‬‬
‫و کاری که شش تا مترجم باید انجام میدادند با ظهور تکنولوژی در ترجمه توسط‬
‫یکی انجام میشه‪.‬‬
‫‪Cost saving‬‬
‫‪The cost is reduced because the work that needs to be done‬‬
‫‪again and again is not to be repeated .‬‬
‫‪1. Cost of the tools, and its upgrades‬‬
‫‪2. Licensing policy‬‬
‫‪3. Support, maintenance, training‬‬

4. Affordability of the system for one tr.or
5. User friendliness
Should be taken into account.

Compatibility of file formats
Types of data are indicated by their formats that are shown by
the filename extension like a period and some letters.

General documentation types

If u look at the pages on 46 to 49 u can see the file formats and
the machine aided tr systems that support them.

Software development types

Compatibility of operating system

Trados92 works on DOS
Deja vu on windows 2
Windows 3 has some improvement and could rival mackintosh
at that time
Enhanced by stability, multimedia supported by it,
Trados 94 was supported by windows 3

Appletrans. Is the only system that designed specifically for
Wordfast too is supported by mac os
All cloud based support both mac and microsoft like google tr,
Some are cross platform like java based applications

Compatibility of databases
Compatibility of tr memory databases
Tmx (tr memory exchange) is an interchange format between
dif tr memory formats.
Tmx file are xml files whose formats were deloped by OSCAR
(open standards for container / content allowing reuse).
Tmx is supported by more than half the computer aided tr
systems, around 54.

Across, Alchemy Publisher, Anaphraseus, AnyMem, Araya,

ATLAS, Autshumato, CafeTran, Crowdin, Déjà Vu,
EsperantiloTM, Felix, Fluency, Fortis, Fusion, GE-CCT,
GlobalSight, Google Translator Toolkit, Heartsome, Huajian
IAT, Ling , LongRay CAT, MadCap Lingo, MemoQ,
MemSource, MetaTexis, MT2007, MultiTrans, OmegaT,
OmegaT +, Open Language Tools, OpenTM2, OpenTMS,
PROMT, SDL Trados, Snowball, Snowman, Swordfish,
Systran, Text United, The Hongyahu, TM Database , Transit,
Translation Workspace, Transwhiz, TraTool, Webwordsystem,
Wordbee Translator, Wordfast Classic and Wordfast Pro, XTM,
Yaxin CAT

Compatibility of terminology database

TBX (termbase exchange) is an international standard plus

industry standard
There are many types of termbase use by dif big organization or
small ones but the problem is that the available termbases
cannot be exchanged bcoz they are based on dif data models
that use dif data categories.

Compatibility of the rules

Segmentation rules

SRX (segmentation rules exchange) it gives a common way for

segmenting texts for tr. it was created to enhance the tr memory
exchange so that when exchanging data it works more

Compatibility with the lg supported

It said there are 6912 lgs around the world. But not all of the
machines support all lgs. So it is important to see what lgs they

With the help of Unicode machine most of the lgs are

supported. Unicode is an international encoding standard for use
with different languages. It means that each letter, digit, or
symbol is assigned a unique numeric value that applies across
different platforms and programs.

Book provides lgs that WordFast and XTM support. U can see
on page 53, 54 and 55

Two points here should be mentioned

1. The number of lgs supported by lg specific machines are
2. The indo-europian lgs supported are around 52 percent of
total lgs and non indo europian lg is 48 percent

One of the differences between human tr and machine tr is that
for human We do not need to have control over the language,

etc., but for the machine we must have the parameters as input
and should be controlled .
In the machine tr these parameters are realized by controlled lg
And pre editing method.

Controllability by use of controlled lg

To reduce the ambiguity of natural lg, controlled lg is Used. The
rational behind the use of conrolled lg is that from different
texts as input for the machine, it gives us a weak output. .
So a kind of natural lg is given to the machine that has restricted
lexical items And simplified grammar as an input. It, then
becomes easy to undrestand for the user . It also is applicable
for non native spkers and the machine itself to handle it .

a quality tr from machine has three stages:

1. Inputting a ST
Here st becomes in a way that machine can process the input
more easily. And the text produced in this stage is a controlled
lg text.

2. Transfer
The control is also in transfer stage.

3. TT generation
This is called controlled tr.

Goals and means of controlled lg

The controlled lg is for both humans and machine. The Goal has
always been to read and understand easier.

this goal is on two levels:

1. lexical
2. sentential

In the lexical level, we have one word for one mnng. That
means no complexity it should have.
It means reduction of homonymy, synonymy and complexity.

In the sentential level, it should not have syntactical ambiguity

but should be simplified in sentence structure and sentence
length Should be as short as possible. And voice tense Should
be limited as much as possible

Controlled lg checkers
it's an software that checks out if the text conforms with the
rules of controlled lg. It is A sort of automatic rewriting tool that
rewrites the text to controlled lg Without changing the

They are divided into two types

1. In-house checker which is done within the system
2. Comercial checker
P.58 above gives examples of some companies that use
controlled lg.

Advantages and disadvantages

H i g h r e a d a b i l i t y, b e t t e r c o m p r e h e n s i b i l i t y, b e t t e r
standardization, easier computer processing, better reusability,
improved consistency, customer satisfaction, cost reduction,
enhanced communication

Expensive system construction, high maintenance cost, time
consuming authoring, restrictive checking process

Controlled lg in use
Controlled lg in computer aided tr systems
Concept controlled authoring is realized in the computer aided
tr system.
authoring checking tools is used to check out and improve on
the quality of the Source text .
This authomatic rewriting system is also a tool for realizing
controlled authoring.

One of the machine aided tr systems That uses controlled

authoring is star transit, Which offers suggestions from memory
and used a powerful engine.

Included pre editing. It is an essential section in machine tr.
This facilitates the process of the translation.
degree of customization Depends on the purpose of the
translation and circumstances And the type of text to be
translated .

Lg customization
The user And adminstrator can customize the language,
meaning that the user can choose the lg s/he wishes
among available lgs.
For example XTM is a cloud-based system that both the user
and the Administrators will be able to reduce multiple languages
to a limited number..

Lexicographical customization
for each customer one custom dictionary is available. So,
several translators can work on a single project.

Linguistic customization
Here are two types customization:

1. Lexical
Before Translation, a customized dictionary is added up to the
dictionary that system already has. It increases the accuracy of
translation bcoz the ambiguous words decrease in this way.

2. Syntactical
Some sentences are added to the database so, it can translates
the texts that have highly repeated sentences. .

Resource customization

Website customization

Some MT systems allow users to create resource profile setting

Fluency for example has four URLs that r internet addresses of
Each doc has an address on the internet

Machine tr system customization

Some MT systems 'terminology databases could be customized

for producing the output, so we have a consistency in terms of
terminology in the output text.

Here, the focus is on the team work. People,from client to the
reviewer, work in a shared environment.

Across And wordfast Allow users to interact with each other

through memory servers And tr memory assets.
Project managemnet plays a role. With the advent of technology
translation goes under control and more efficient results will be
achieved. For example in Trados, the translator and project
manager interact with each other to get the better result.

Workflow of a tr project
1. The creation of term base
2. Tr memory data base
in the first stage, project manager sends a text to the translator
that may be freelancer . Translators creat units and term
databases and save in the memory of trados.

In The next stage, project manager initializes The project of

translation and monitors the progress . H/she sends ST by
email to freelancers (translators) and the Translator sends the
project to the project manager. The translators 1 . Uses again the
data saved in memory of machine 2 . Adds up new words and
phrases to the memory. The project manager finalizes the
project .

One tr team Consists of the following members :

1. Project manager
Which specializes in project management. Is Responsible for
planning, executing and finalizing the project .

Makes The specific objectives of the project, The specific

requirements of the project, cost and time scope of The project.

2. Terminologist
Manages the words in terminology database Management,
Which itself falls into two categories :
1. Customer specific: has an access to the Terminology of One
customer only.
2. Global expert: has an access To All the words of the System.

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