Risk Register Template

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Risk Register

ID Risk Description Impact Probability % Severity Owner

Unique Detailed explanation Determine The probability Use the Who will be
identifier of the risk the that the risk will matrix to working on
magnitude impact the project. determine if the
of impact if Refer to the it is Low, mitigation
the risk matrix. Medium or plan and
happens on High. This will tracking
a scale from be based on risk.
1-5. Refer to the
the matrix. probability
and impact.

Risk Register
Mitigation and Contingency Plan Follow up date Impact date Resolve date
Describe the steps that will need to take This is the date that This is date is This is the date
to prevent this risk(Mitigation) and steps the first action on the determined by when that the risk is
that will be taken if the risk mitigation plan is this risk, if not considered fully
occurs(Contingency). due. This date can closed, will turn into mitigated and
continue to move as an issue. Once a risk there is no longer
the mitigation plan is reaches its impact a risk to the
processing. date without a project.
resolution an issue
will need to be
created. At this time
close the risk out,
noting that it was
transferred to an
issue and document
that issue name in
Notes on Closing.
Risk Matrix
Resolve Notes
Describe how the
risk was mitigated
or if it was
transferred into an
1 Low
2 Medium
3 High

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