Test II Religion 9 Mr. Ninson

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Test II

Religion 9
Mr. Ninson

Use options A -E to answer questions 1-4

a. Faith b. Circumcision c. Sarah d. Patriarch e. Abram

1. Abraham’s wife

2. the biblical fathers of our faith

3. a gift of God by which one freely accepts God’s full Revelation

4. the outward, physical sign of the covenant God makes with Abraham

Use options A -E to answer questions 5 -8

a. Contract b. Covenant c. Rebekah d. Laughter e. Leah

5. a lifelong, unconditional commitment

6. a temporary, conditional arrangement

7. Isaac’s name is derived from a Hebrew word which means.

8. Isaac’s wife

Use options A -E to answer questions 9-12

a. Forgiveness b. Jacob c. Joseph d. Israel e. Strong

9. Isaac’s twin sons were named Esau and __________.

10. Jacob’s new name

11. Jacob’s favorite son

12. Joseph extends __________to his brothers who had harmed him.

13. Who are the Patriarchs of the Jewish?

a. Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac
b. Abraham, Isaac, Esau
c. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob
d. Abraham, Esau, Joseph
14. Which of the following best describes Abraham’s faith in God?
a. perfect
b. admirable despite its flaws
c. mediocre/average
d. poor

15. What is a covenant?

a. focuses on relationships
b. unconditional
c. a lifelong commitment
d. all of the above

16. Which of the following is an example of a covenant?

a. buying a house
b. getting married
c. attending school
d. taking out a loan

17. Who is the child of Abraham and the maidservant Hagar?

a. Joseph
b. Benjamin
c. Israel
d. Ishmael

18. Which of the following best describes Joseph?

a. a dreamer who goes through lots of highs and lows
b. a go-getter who takes an easy ride to the top
c. a downhill ride from beginning to end
d. a simple boy who becomes the Pharaoh

19. Which of the following lessons can be learned from the account of Joseph?
a. Forgiveness is necessary to heal family wounds.
b. God can work even in the worst of our situations.
c. The heavenly afterlife is open to all.
d. all of the above
e. a and b only
20. Which of the following is not one of Abraham’s sons?
a. Isaac.
b. Jacob.
c. Ishmael

21. The sign of God’s covenant with Abraham is:

a. Abraham’s circumcision.
b. Abraham’s name is changed to Israel.
c. a rainbow.
d. Ark of the covenant

22. The “name” of God that means “I am who am” is:

a. Elohim.
b. Adonai.
c. YHWH.
d. Jehovah.

23. The older sister of Rachel whom Jacob was tricked into marrying; mother of half of Jacob’s sons.
a. Sarai
b. Hagar
c. Rebekah
d. Leah

24. Which of the sons of Isaac was a good hunter?

a. Noah
b. Esau
c. Ishmael
d. Jacob

25. He was the first born of Jacob and Rachel.

a. Moses
b. Aaron
c. Joseph
d. Ruben

26. He was almost killed as sacrifice for God by his own father.
a. Jacob
b. Ishmael
c. Isaac
d. Joseph

27. Which of Jacob’s sons convinced his brothers to not kill Joseph.
a. Judah
b. Reuben
c. Asher
d. Zebulun
28. What did Joseph receive as a gift from his father?
a. a golden chain
b. Diamonds
c. a Purple robe
d. a new name

29. How much did Joseph’s brothers sell him for?

a. 10 pieces of silver
b. 20 pieces of silver
c. 30 pieces of gold
d. 20 pieces of gold

30. Joseph was sold to these traders.

a. the Midianites
b. the Ishmaelites
c. the Israelites
d. the Levites

31. Who attempted to seduce Joseph in Egypt?

a. Pharaoh
b. Pharaoh’s daughter
c. Pharaoh’s wife
d. Pharaoh’s sister

32. How did Joseph rise to prominence in Egypt?

a. He fought battles
b. He interpreted Pharaoh’s dream
c. He was a businessman
d. He was a lawyer

33 -40 True or False: Mark A if statement is True and B if statement is False.

33. Joseph had three (3) sons in Egypt.

34. Potiphar was captain of Pharaoh’s guard who owned Joseph

35. Jacob died in Egypt.

36. Joseph had the gift of interpreting dreams.

37. Benjamin was Rachel’s firstborn.

38. Jacob wrestled with an angel.

39. Jacob and Esau never reconciled.

40. Esau sold his birthright to his brother for food.


1. Make a chart of Abraham’s family tree using the following people: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob,
Hagar, Sarah, Ishmael, Rebekah, Esau, eleven brothers, Joseph.

2. Briefly describe how Joseph’s brothers ended up in Egypt.

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