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This document has been

prepared during my
Internship under supervision
of Ermina Begovic.
Roberto Sasso

Ariane v8
Quick Start Guide

1. Introduction ....................................................................................................... 2
2. Start ................................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Home page .................................................................................................... 4
2.2 Conventions .................................................................................................. 5
3. Vessels ................................................................................................................ 6
3.1 Loading case ................................................................................................. 7
4. Lines Store ......................................................................................................... 8
5. Environment Store............................................................................................. 9
6. Mooring Definition ........................................................................................... 11
6.1 Site .............................................................................................................. 11
6.2 Vessels settings .......................................................................................... 12
6.3 Anchors and lines settings ......................................................................... 13
7. Mooring Setup .................................................................................................. 14
7.1 Setup initial position .................................................................................. 16
8. Static Analysis: Equilibrium Single ................................................................ 16
9. Output .............................................................................................................. 17

Ariane v8 Quick Start Guide 1

1. Introduction
The Ariane software aims to be an interactive tool in a mooring project design. The software
enables the user to perform simulations: closer to reality:
 Multi-body simulations: no limits in the number of structures to be moored together;
 To perform the simulations in shallow water;
 The interactive interface allows the user to visualize easily the project construction,
ongoing simulations and visualise the results.
In the following, a global presentation is shown:

Figure 1: Global presentation

It is important understand the structure of this software. There are three main modules: input,
calculations and results. In the following, the scheme of a simple mooring calculation steps is

Ariane v8 Quick Start Guide 2

Figure 2: Block diagrams

In the next chapters the objective of the above modules and some particular considerations
about relationship between Ariane and HydroStar will be explain. The interface and commands
are very user friendly and easy to use. For more information, please refer to User Guide and
Theoretical Manual.

2. Start
Once Ariane is started, an empty display appears and it is possible to see a menu and tool bars.
In the menu bar, there are some options:
 File menu, to create, to load, to save, etc. a file
 Configuration menu, to setting several software parameters. A new window will be open
to configure them.
 Tools menu, where is possible to convert, to export, etc. different files. In this menu, there
is the first link to HydroStar. As shown below, there is the possibility to convert the mesh
(.hst file). Thus, with this tool the user is able to import the same mesh that computed in

Figure 3: Mesh conversion

Ariane v8 Quick Start Guide 3

 Help, to refer to user guide and theoretical manual.
Whereas, in the tools bar there are the same options that are present in the file menu, but here
in the icon format. It is important to know that the last bar, it shown below, represent an “on
fly store and load” system that can store and load different steps of a project quickly in
temporary files. Because Ariane8 does not have an undo function, this load and store system is
particularly useful when doing an experiment on a project.

Figure 4: on fly store and load system

Five slots are available in the combo box to save different versions of the same project
(possibility to set more temporary files in “Configuration > Options > General”).
Thus, to begin the computation the user have to define a new project just clicking on “new
Ariane v8 project” icon.

Figure 5: new project icon

2.1 Home page

Once a new project is created, the “Home page” is displayed. It is divided into two sections: on
the right part of the page, the user can find input fields and text zones intended to provide
information on the project.

Figure 6: Home page

Ariane v8 Quick Start Guide 4

On the left part of the screen is a zone called the "tree", allowing the
user to navigate through the software. Figure 7 represents the tree,
summing up all the steps necessary to go through when building a new
project. The tree is divided into several sections or "branches"; and its
branches will evolve with the project, allowing the user to visualize his
progress. Branches of the tree can be accessed left cliking on them.
However, some useful options can be displayed right clicking on the
different items.
Next chapters of this guide present the different items of the tree, in
order to build a project step by step.

2.2 Conventions

There are two types of reference system: global and local.

The global axis system is the axis system which origin is the center of
the mooring zone, called ’C’, located on the mean water line. Its axis are
pointing towards the East and North directions respectively called ’E’
and ’N’. Figure 8 gives a representation of this axis system.

Figure 8: Global axis representation

Figure 7: Tree
The environmental conditions and the vessel headings are given
from the north axis, as shown in the Figure 9.

The local axis system is linked to the vessel, representing its

coordinates in the global axis system. Its origin location according
to the vessel’s main dimensions is the following: always
 On the vessel’s keel;
 At a longitudinal location specified by the user from the aft
 At mid breadth.

Figure 9: Environmental reference

Ariane v8 Quick Start Guide 5

Figure 10: Vessel reference

The "default" units will be set by default to all the project data of a given dimension. A different
units can be chosen in a combo box within the "standard" units.

Figure 11: Units

3. Vessels
This chapter explain the creation of vessels and the description of their loading cases. Once
choose a kind of vessel between FPSO, tanker, semisubmersible, barge and buoy a page will
appears containing different parts:
 A brief description of the vessel. If the name of the vessel is changed, the tree will be
updated with the new name;
 Input fields allowing the user to enter the main dimensions of the vessel and the position
of the vessel local axis system. It is also possible to load an HydroStar mesh previously
 A three dimensions visualization of the vessel;.
 A note book allowing the user to define turrets, fairleads, control points, fenders attach
points and thrusters.

Ariane v8 Quick Start Guide 6

Figure 12: Vessel page

3.1 Loading case

At the vessel creation, a tree branch has been displayed under the vessel name:
"LoadingCase(1)". Each data is given a description to highlight for which Static or TDS
calculation it has to be defined.
A loading case contains many components that can be divided in the following categories:
 Hydrodynamics: this loading case component gathers all the hydrodynamic components
that will be useful in the calculations. Some of them are used during static calculations,
as QTF, but the majority is used for time domain calculations. These components are the
result of the radiation-diffraction calculation that should have taken place before
performing time domain simulations with Ariane8 ;
 Additional damping: linear and quadratic additional damping matrices used to provide
any kind of damping during time domain calculation;
 Wind: Definition of the wind coefficients that will be used to compute static and time
domain wind loads on the vessel;
 Current: Definition of the current coefficients that will be used to compute static and
time domain current loads on the vessel;
 External loads: Definition of user defined external loads on a horizontal spatial grid;
 Imposed motions: Definition of a user defined time trace for the vessel position.

Ariane v8 Quick Start Guide 7

To define these hydrodynamics loads, the better way is to use the HydroStar outputs, generally
they are present in the “rao” folder. Thus, before to run the HSrao module, is necessary to write
the following keyword in the input file (.rao):
ARIANE7C filename.dat
The output file will be generated and it is possible to load in the section Loading Case. Obviously
to generate that output the user has to compute the previous HydroStar modules, as diffraction
radiation computation, motion computation, etc.
In order to import hydrodynamics loads, the user has to right click on the “Hydrodynamics” to
import in the loading case tree. Once loaded the HydroStar output file, on each hydrodynamics
loads, will appear the word “Defined”, as shown below.

Figure 13: Hydrodynamics loads

4. Lines Store
In this page, the user can define the different segment of the line, specifying all their properties.
A line created in the line store can be used for many mooring lines if they have the same
properties and segments. Indeed the installed line length will be adjustable according to the
desired installed line paid out length. It is just a type model, that can also be used in different

Ariane v8 Quick Start Guide 8

Figure 14: Segment line

When creating a segmented line, the user will have to define the length of each segment, to
obtain the total line length. When the length of the segment is defined, a representation of the
line is shown at the top of the page. This is the available length of the line.

Figure 15: Line representation

Thus, one mooring line can be built with more segments, for example chain/wire rope
combination system.

5. Environment Store
This page gives a description of the environmental conditions possible to define. One or more
environment scenarios can be created. The environmental conditions page is divided into four
parts: waves description, wind description, current description and a graph zone.

Ariane v8 Quick Start Guide 9

Figure 16: Environmental page

On each conditions, it is possible to define maximum five (5) waves. The wave definition is done
using wave spectra, such as for the wind. The user just has to define some parameters about
these environment loads, the most important are the velocity and heading. It is also possible to
import a spectrum selecting “Discretised Spectrum” and load a text file as shown in the figure.

Figure 17: Discretised Spectrum file

Ariane v8 Quick Start Guide 10

Once an environmental condition created, the list boxes below the graph zone are updated. For
example if a wave has been created, its main particulars appear in the list boxes:
 Spectrum: a representation of the spectrum is shown in the graph zone;
 Time Series: a representation of the time series calculated randomly from the spectrum
is shown in the graph zone, according to the seed chosen (if 0, the time series will change
 Heading: the heading of the environmental condition is shown in the graph zone.

Figure 18: JONSWAP spectrum

6. Mooring Definition
Until now the user has to define just the part that will compose his mooring system. For the
mooring analysis, it is important to define some parameters i.e. site, anchor position, line, etc.

6.1 Site

The mooring zone can be define in the following way:

 Name of the mooring zone
 Coordinates of the centre of the mooring zone
 Water depth at centre of the mooring zone
 Bottom slope
 Azimuth of the main slope line
 Number of bands

Ariane v8 Quick Start Guide 11

Figure 19: Site page

6.2 Vessels settings

Once defined the site, the user has to import the relative vessel in that zone. Just by clicking
on “in” and then to define the position in the global axis system. It is helpful save this position
as initial position.
NOTE: The button “Set vessel to initial position” resets the current position of the vessel to
previously saved initial position. This option is useful for calculations, as it will permit to start
the calculation from this specific initial position.

Ariane v8 Quick Start Guide 12

Figure 20: Vessel in the mooring zone

6.3 Anchors and lines settings

One of the ways to create any anchors is “Relative to fairlead/turret”. It allows the user to enter
the distance and azimuth of an anchors from a specific turret or fairlead. The user has to choose
a vessel and fairlead in the dedicated combo boxes and to set the anchor distance and azimuth.
After defining, the user can click on “new” to place the anchor in the mooring zone.
Three parameters are necessary for an installed line creation:
 Line extremities, generally between fairlead and anchor.
 Line type, defined in the Lines Store.
 Paid out length. It is the installed length of the line, which has to be differentiated from
the available length defined in the Lines Store. Indeed, the paid out length is the real
length of the line between the anchor and the fairlead.

Ariane v8 Quick Start Guide 13

Figure 21: Line settings page

It is very important that all anchors have to be unlinked before performing a calculation, just
pressing the button “Unlink all anchors” in the “Anchor settings”.
After made the mooring system, clicking on “MOORING DEFINITION” in the tree allows the
user to display the mooring system main page. This page aims to be a summary of the mooring
system designed in the previous section.

7. Mooring Setup
This chapter deals with setting up the mooring system, such as to adjust the initial tension on
the fairlead.
In the “Line Setup” page, the user has to know that three line parameters are interdependent:
 The horizontal distance between both ends of the line
 The horizontal tension at one end of the line
 The paid out length of the line
If two these are known, Ariane can calculate the last one. This is how the line profile is

Figure 22: Line profile computation

Ariane v8 Quick Start Guide 14

Generally, in the beginning of mooring design the line will be discharge. Because the horizontal
distance is equal to:
Horizontal distance = Paid Out Length – Water Depth
It is possible to visualize the line model selecting the button “Line Profile”. This representation
shows the seabed, the free surface and the line profile.

Figure 23: Line profile representation

Another particularly of this graphical representation is the possibility to display a green dot on
the line profile. This can be done by moving the mouse cursor above the line profile. This option
allows the user to navigate along the line profile in order to obtain some of the line’s
particularities, as shown below the line profile.
Moreover, the line characteristic is displayed above the line profile. The blue vertical line
represents the horizontal distance for which the line profile is displayed, thus the line tension.

Figure 24: Line characteristic

Ariane v8 Quick Start Guide 15

In this section, it is possibile to edit the line adding buoys, sinkers or to adjust seabed and
control points on the line.

7.1 Setup initial position

The objective of this page is to setup the global mooring system according to the vessel current
position. This is done by calculating the paid out length of the lines or anchor position, setting
the lines tension. Please note that the vessel position after calculation may not be an
equilibrium position because the environmental loads are not considered.

Figure 25: Set up an initial tension

If the vessel has an symmetric configuration and the lines tension are equal, the vessel can’t
move from initial position.
Once defined the inital tensions, the line paid out lengths will be computed just clicking on
“Adapt paid out lenghts”.
The mooring system is now coherent for the current vessel position, lines characteristics are
calculated, meaning that static or time domain calculation can be performed.

8. Static Analysis: Equilibrium Single

The aim of this module is to calculate the static equilibrium position of the mooring system,
with the mooring loads only or combined to environmental loads (have been defined previously
in the “Environment Store”, external loads and thruster loads. These computations depend on
the vessel position and mean loads if any, but not on time. The equation resolved is:

Ariane v8 Quick Start Guide 16

Clicking on “Compute Equilibrium Position” will allow the calculation to start. The vessel then
moves to its equilibrium position taking into account the environmental conditions.

Figure 26: Equilibrium position

It is also possible to select different loads, for example only waves, and to compute. Another
customized computation is also to active or not one or more lines.

9. Output
All static analyses performed in Ariane lead to results that can be of two kinds:
 Interface results
 Output files results
When performing “Setup Initial Position” or “Equilibrium Single” a popup window appears at
the end of the calculation. Each line give the main following information:
 Vessel static data, where is possible to check the displacements
 Environmental mean loads. These loads are projected in the vessel’s local axis system.
The reference point for the calculation is the centre of gravity (COG)
 Installed lines data. It is a summary of the mooring system. So, there are all lines paid
out length, positions of the anchors and fairleads in the global axis system, for each of
the installed lines.
 Tensions data. Horizontal, vertical and axial tensions, angles of the lines, horizontal
distance, etc.
 Stiffness matrix. The 2-dimensions mooring stiffness matrix is given, calculated in
vessel’s local axis system.

Ariane v8 Quick Start Guide 17

Figure 27: Static analysis results

In addition to this representation of the mooring system, more precise results can be displayed
on the screen. There is a zone in the Ariane8 interface containing buttons showing off the
instantaneous mooring system configuration outputs. This zone, located at the top of the
graphical display of the mooring system is represented in figure.

Figure 28: Output zone

Where is possible to:

 Display a popup windows giving the same information described above. Thus, is the same
frame that appears after equilibrium computation. The user has to click on the following

 Display the profile of the lines in a popup window. Once this windows is displayed, the
user has to click on one of the lines in the mooring system graphical display. The user
has to click on the following button.

Ariane v8 Quick Start Guide 18

 Check the tensions in the lines, according to “Lines BL ratio”. This item enables the user
to specify the maximum tension that the lines should not reach (in percentage of tension
compare to breaking load of the segments). To do this check the user just has to click on
“Lines Failure Checking” after static analysis and a message in a popup window will be

Figure 29: Tension line check

 The “Turret max offset” button is specific to check a single point mooring. It gives visual
information to the user on the area around the single turret allowing no exceeding of the
offset level in the lines defined: if the turret moves out of this zone, one or more of the
lines will exceed the tension desired. This is represented in figure below.

Figure 30: Turret max offset area

Ariane v8 Quick Start Guide 19

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