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ƝAir Cooler: An apparatus for cooling the air. Here air is blown through water and atmosphere

ƝAltimeter: An instrument used in aircraft for measuring altitudes

ƝAmmeter: An instrument used for measuring electric current.

ƝAnemometer: An instrument to measure the speed and pressure of the wind.

ƝBeaufort scale: It is used to measure wind force.

ƝBarograph: An instrument which registers automatically the altitude reached by an airplane.

ƝBarometer: An instrument to measure atmospheric conditions and changes.

ƝCallipers : A compass with legs for measuring the inside or outside diameter of bodies.

ƝCalorimeter: An instrument used for measuring quantities of heat.

ƝCarburettor: An apparatus for charging air with petrol vapours in an internal combustion

ƝCardiogram(ECG): Traces movements of the heart ,recorded on a Cardiograph

ƝCathetometer: Determines heights and levels

ƝChronometer: Determines longitude of a vessel at sea.

ƝCinematograph: An apparatus for projecting pictures on the screen in so rapid a succession

that picture seems to be in motion.

ƝCrescograph: An instrument for recording electrically the response of living matter to various
kinds of stimuli

ƝCardiograph: Is a medical instrument for tracing heart movements.

ƝChronometer: Is a clock to determine longitude of a vessel at sea.

ƝCinematograph: Used for projecting pictures on the screen.

ƝColorimeter: Compares intensity of colours

ƝCommutator: Used in generators to reverse the direction of electric current.

ƝCrescograph: Used for measuring growth in plants.

ƝCryometer: Measurement of low temperature.

ƝCyclotron: It is an apparatus for smashing atoms.

ƝComputers: These are data-processing machines, which provide the information according to
the requirements.

ƝDictaphone: A trade name for a tape recorder.

ƝDilatometer: Measures change in volume of substances

ƝDynamo: A machine used for transforming mechanical energy into electrical energy.

ƝElectric Motor: Machine for using electricity as a motive power.

ƝElectrometer: An instrument for measuring electrical potential differences.

ƝEpidiascope: For projecting fLms as well as images of opaque articles on a screen.

ƝEudiometer: It is a glass tube for measuring volumes changes in the chemical reactions
between gases.

ƝElectroscope: Detects presence of an electric Charge

ƝElectron microscope: Used to obtain a magnifying view of very small objects (20,000 times).

ƝFathometer: Is an instrument used for measuring depth of the ocean

ƝFluxmeter: Measures magnetic flux

ƝGalvanometer: Measures electric current

ƝGramophone: A machine for reproducing recorded sound.

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