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Ana’s Class 2022


TITLE 1. Bilingual Language Development in Infancy: What Can We Do to Support

Bilingual Families?

2. Bilingualism in the Early Years: What the Science Says

3. A framework for building cognitive process models

AUTHOR 1. Laia Fibla1 , Jessica E. Kosie2 , Ruth Kircher3 , Casey Lew-Williams2 , and Krista

2. Krista Byers-Heinlein and Concordia University Casey Lew-Williams Northwestern


3. Jana B. Jarecki1,2 & Jolene H. Tan2 & Mirjam A. Jenny2,3

JURNAL 1. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2022

2. Learn Landsc. 2013

3. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review (2020)

EDITION 1. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2022

2. Learn Landsc. 2013

3. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review (2020)

VOLUME 1. 2022, Vol. 9(1) 35–43

2. 2013 ; 7(1): 95–112.

3. (2020) 27:1218–1229


Many infants and children around the world grow up exposed to two or more languages. Their success
in learning each of their languages is a direct consequence of the quantity and quality of their everyday
language experience, including at home, in daycare and preschools, and in the broader community
context. Here, we discuss how research on early language learning can inform policies that promote
successful bilingual development across the varied contexts in which infants and children live and learn.
Throughout our discussions, we highlight that each individual child’s experience is unique. In fact, it
seems that there are as many ways to grow up bilingual as there are bilingual children. To promote
successful bilingual development, we need policies that acknowledge this variability and support frequent
exposure to high-quality experience in each of a child’s languages.

And also because process models are widely used, but rarely agreed upon this proposes a framework
for characterizing and constructing cognitive process models. The process model models not only inputs
and outputs but also models the information transformation that is taking place at a certain level of
abstraction. We argue that the following dimensions characterize process models: They have a scope
spanning different levels of abstraction. They determine the hypothesized transformation of mental
information. They make predictions not only for the behavior of interest but also for the process.

1. The title of the first journal is Bilingual Language Development in Infancy: What Can We Do to
Support Bilingual Families explaining that research has been carried out on the key to understanding
bilingual development from an early age. In this study, it is bilingual language acquisition to
highlight the role of caregivers as well as the sociocultural environment in encouraging bilingual
infants' journey to reach their full potential. In doing so, we recognize that every bilingual experience
is unique—there are as many ways to grow bilingual as there are bilingual children. 

Study in to find out Many babies around the world grow up learning more than one language, but
raising bilingual children is not always easy. Families need individual and social support in
promoting positive attitudes towards bilingualism and biculturalism, and giving children adequate
opportunities to hear and use their different languages. Effective policies have the potential to
support families, physicians, and educational professionals to base decisions on the ever-evolving
knowledge of bilingualism. 

According to researchers, each bilingual baby's language learning experience is unique: children
differ in the particular languages they learn, when they start learning each, and how they deal with it.
As a result, every bilingual child will have his or her own developmental path (De Bruin, 2019). For
example, some bilingual infants who hear similar languages may be able to transfer syntactic and
lexical knowledge from one language to another (Floccia et al., 2018), while those who learn
different languages must learn different rules for each language. Bilingual children also differ in the
age at which they begin to learn each language: some hear their language from birth from their
primary caregiver, while others hear a particular language only at home and are exposed to additional
languages in their development. when they enter child care. Furthermore, circumstances can change
throughout a baby's life, influencing how much and from whom they hear each of their languages
(e.g., Prevoo et al., 2011
In this study, the researcher used an Explanatory Study study, because the researcher described
describing or explaining a relationship between two two or more variables in the development of
bilingual babies, the acquisition of a bilingual language in which each child has different abilities

2. The title of the second journal is Bilingualism in the Early Years: What the Science Says explains
that research has been carried out in various scientific fields including developmental psychology,
cognitive psychology, education, linguistics, and communication sciences and disorders Childhood
Study to answer questions about early bilingualism Consistency in questions is astounding Are
bilingual children confused? Does bilingualism make children smarter? Is it best for everyone? to
speak only one language with a bilingual child? Should parents avoid mixing languages together? Is
earlier better? Are bilingual children more likely to have language difficulties, delays, or
According to researchers, it is necessary to reshape the view of early bilingualism: children are
born ready to learn the language or the language of their environment without confusion or delay
(Werker & Byers-Heinlein, 2008). To promote successful bilingual development, parents who raise
bilingual children should ensure that their children have plenty of opportunities to hear and speak in
both their languages. As children get older, interacting with monolingual speakers (especially other
children) is important to motivate ongoing language use, especially for minority languages that are not
widely spoken in society (Pearson, 2008). Teachers, pediatricians, and speech-language pathologists
play an important role in dispelling common myths, and in communicating science-based information
about early bilingualism to parents. While our focus here is on language development, it is also
important to recognize that early childhood is also an emotional period. profound social, physical, and
cognitive development.
In this study, the researcher explains the contents of the journal briefly and concisely, where the
abstract represents the meaning of this journal, starting from the background of the problem to be
studied, the goals and answers from the research conducted

3. The title of the third journal is A framework for cognitive building process models explain that
research has been carried out because cognitive processes — how the mind changes information to
arrive at behavior — have been a topic of focus in psychology for a century (This study is to answer
the question Characteristics of process models Conceptual scope of process models: Levels of
multilevel abstraction Conceptual scope of models explains the purpose of the model and guide
interpreting the model variables  

According to the researcher, is that Modeling allows cognitive processes to be defined and tested at
a much greater resolution than before.In particular, process modeling can promote greater
understanding by testing theories and integrating p multiple perspectives to construct a complete
picture of human cognitive function. If the field is to take advantage of the explanatory potential of a
process model, there needs to be clarity about what constitutes a process model. 
In this study, the researcher explained the contents of the journal, the researcher had explained in
detail the results of the research that had been carried out not only through descriptions. Application of
cognitive process information systems for computation, algorithms, and implementation—does not
characterize process model properties sufficiently precisely


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