Sterile Gowning and Closed Gloving Technique

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Wearing a sterile gown necessary to safely carry out sterile procedures

1. Assess availability of sterile supplies
2. Assess availability of personnel (e.g., circulating nurse) if help is needed
3. Assess location of sterile field to avoid contamination

 Apply attire necessary to safely carry out sterile procedures.

 Surgical cap
 Surgical mask
 Sterile gown
 Sterile gloves (proper size)
 Mayo stand or flat surface above waist level


1. Before entering sterile area of delivery/ Prevents hair and air droplet nuclei from
operating room, wear surgical cap and face contaminating sterile work areas.
2. Perform thorough surgical hand wash. Removes transient and resident bacteria from
fingers, hands and forearms.

3. Ask circulating nurse to assist by opening Gown’s outer surface remains sterile.
sterile pack containing sterile gown (folded
inside out).

4. Pick up sterile gown below neck edge and lift it Provides wide margin of safety, avoiding
directly upward and step away from table. contamination of gown/ sterile field or table.
5. Holding folded gown, locate armhole. With Clean hands may touch inside of gown without
both hands, grasp front of gown just below contaminating outer surface.
6. Allow gown to unfold, avoid touching the inner Outside of gown will be sterile surface.
portion of the gown (right side) with bare
7. With hands at shoulder level, slip both arms Careful application prevents contamination.
into armholes simultaneously. Ask circulating Gown sleeves cuff covers hands to prepare for
nurse to bring gown over shoulders by closed gloving.
reaching inside to arm seams. Gown is pulled
on, leaving sleeves cuff covering hands.

8. Have circulating nurse to securely tie back of Gown must completely enclose underlying
gown at neck and waist. garments.

9. Proceed to closed gloving.

GLOVING (Closed Technique)

1. With hands covered by cuff of gown sleeves, Hands remain clean. Sterile gown cuff will
open inner sterile glove package. touch sterile glove surface.
2. With non- dominant hand inside gown cuff, pick Sterile gown touches sterile glove.
up glove for dominant hand by grasping folded

3. Extend dominant forearm with palm of glove Position glove for application over cuffed
against palm of dominant hand. Glove fingers will hand, keeping glove sterile.
point toward elbow. (Palm to Palm).

4. Grasp back of glove cuff edge with non- Seal created by glove cuff over gown prevents
dominant hand and gown cuff. Dominant hand, exit of microorganisms over operative sterile
thumb, and index finger, holding on to edge of field.

5. Grasp top of glove and underlying gown sleeve

with covered non- dominant hand. Carefully
extend fingers into glove, being sure glove’s cuff
covers gown’s cuff.

6. Glove non- dominant hand in same manner, Sterile touches sterile.

reversing hands. Use gloved dominant hand to
pull on glove. Keep hand inside sleeve.
7. Be sure fingers are fully extended into glove Ensures that nurse has full dexterity while
fingers. using gloved hand.
8. Hand tie to sterile team members who stand still. Contact with team member could
Allowing margin in safety, turn around to the left, contaminate gown and gloves. Gown must
covering back tie from team member and secure enclose undergarments.
tie to gown.

1. Contamination is prevented.
2. Sterile attire completely worn.
A sterile technique of washing hands, forearms and elbows with the use of liquid soap
containing anti- microbial agent using a surgical brush.

1. Assess agency policy regarding surgical hand scrub.
2. Assess hands for cuts, abrasions or traumatized skin that can harbor microorganisms.
3. Assess length and conditions of nails and cuticles. Long nails, artificial nails, and nail polish
should be avoided.
4. Assess that jewelries are removed from hands.

1. Remove as many microorganisms from the hands as possible before a sterile procedure.
2. Decrease the risk of infection for high- risk groups.

 Surgical cap
 Face mask
 Deep sink with foot or knee controls for dispensing water and soap (faucets should be high
enough for hands and forearms to fit comfortably)
 Antiseptic detergent (non- irritating, broad spectrum, effective in reducing skin microorganisms)
 Sterile surgical scrub brush
 Sterile towel


1. Before starting the hand scrub, remove all Jewelry harbors microorganisms.
jewelries on your hands and wrists; wear a Mask prevents escape into air droplets
surgical cap or hood and a disposable mask. containing microorganisms; prevents hair from
contaminating sterile work areas.
2. Turn on water using knee or foot controls.
3. Perform hand washing using antiseptic Water runs by gravity from fingertips to elbows.
solution extending up to 5 cm. (2 inches) Hands become cleanest part of upper extremity.
above elbow. (Hands need to be above Keeping hands elevated allows water to flow
elbows at all times.) from least to most contaminated areas.
4. Rinse hands and arms thoroughly under Rinsing removes transient bacteria from fingers,
running water. Remember to keep hands hands and forearms.
above elbows.
5. Get wet sterile brush and apply anti- Scrubbing loosens resident bacteria that adhere
microbial detergent. Scrub nails of one hand to skin surfaces. Ensures coverage of all surfaces.
with 15 strokes. Holding brush perpendicular, Scrubbing is performed from cleanest area
scrub palm, each side of thumb and fingers, (hands) to marginal area (upper arms) 2 inches
and posterior side of hand with 10 strokes above elbow.
each. The arm is mentally divided into three,
and each third is scrubbed 10 times.

Entire scrub should last 5 to 10 minutes. Rinse

brush and repeat sequence for other arm.
6. Discard brush and rinse hands and arms After touching skin, brush is considered
thoroughly. Turn off water with foot or knee contaminated. Rinsing removes resident
control and back into room with hands bacteria. Prevent accidental contamination.
elevated in front of and away from the body.
7. Bending slightly forward at the waist, pick Drying prevents chapping and facilitates donning
sterile hand towel on top of gown from of gloves. Leaning forward prevents touching of
opened package. Wipe hand thoroughly. Start scrub suits and contaminating the hand towel.
from fingers to elbow using a rotating motion.
Dry from cleanest to least clean area.
8. Repeat drying method for other hand with Prevents contamination.
unused portion of towel.
9. Discard towel to linen hamper. Prevents accidental contamination.

 Avoid touching unsterile areas while scrubbing. If scrubbed area is touched by unsterile
object, such as sink faucet, you must start the scrub over.
 Go to the comfort room before commencing the surgical scrub. It will be very tiresome to
scrub out then scrub in again.
 Same scrub procedure should be utilized for every scrub, whether it is the first or last one of
the day.

1. Contamination is prevented.
2. Sterile technique is maintained throughout procedures.

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