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Read this summarized article from Wikipedia. Observe how this article is
developed by using ways of expanding definition.

Time that is freely disposed by individuals

Leisure is defined as a quality of experience or as free time spent away from

business, work, domestic chores and education, as well as necessary activities such as
eating and sleeping. (Formal definition) Certainly, most people’s leisure activities
are not completely free choice and may be constrained by social pressures. For
example, people may feel the need to spend time gardening to keep up with their
neighbor’s gardens or go to a party because of social pressures. (Example) The
concept of leisure as a human right was realized in article 24 of the Universal
declaration of Human Rights. Historically, leisure has been the privilege of the
upper class since it comes with more money, or organization, and less working
time, rising dramatically in the mid-to-late 19th century, starting in Great Britain
and spreading to other rich nations in Europe. (Historical Background) But in US,
Europeans work harder than they did in Europe. Europeans in US are provided with
much less leisure despite its wealth. In Canada, leisure in the country is related to
the decline in work hours and the rest of the time is for leisure spent on shaping the
moral values, and ethnic-religious and gender communities. Leisure unites Canadians
behind their local or regional hockey teams. Play-by-play sports coverage of ice
hockey (fast contact sport played on an ice rink between two teams of six skaters
driving a small rubber disc(puck) into opposing goal with hooked sticks) (Short
definition)absorbs fans more intensely than newspaper accounts the next day. In
France, the city of Lille is filled with organized leisure spots like cabarets or taverns,
drinking and singing clubs, clubs for card players, clubs for bowling and clubs for
archery. Churches in France have social organizations. Each club had a long roster of
officers, and a busy schedule of leisures like banquets, festivals and competitions. In
UK, on the part of all classes, there is more time and interest in leisure activities
because literacy, wealth, ease of travel, and a broadened sense of community had
grown from mid 19 th century onward. (Similarities and differences or
Comparing and Contrasting)
The Serious Leisure Perspective is a way of viewing the wide range of leisure
pursuits in three main categories: casual leisure, serious leisure and project-based
leisure. (Categories) Casual leisure is immediately, intrinsically rewarding; and it is a
relatively short-lived, pleasurable activity requiring little or no special training to enjoy
it.(expanded definition) For example, watching TV or going for a swim.
(Example)Serious leisure is the systematic pursuit that requires high level of
perseverance, effort, knowledge and training of the three categories: amateurs,
hobbyists or volunteers and produces durable benefits. (Formal definition) The
internet is providing increased support for amateurs and hobbyists to communicate,
display and share products. (Example) Project-based leisure is a short-term
moderately complicated, either one-shot or occasional, though infrequent, creative
undertaking carried out in free time. (Expanded definition of the term) For
example, working on a single Wikipedia article or building a garden feature.
Source: Wikipedia contributors. (2021b, April 8). Leisure. Wikipedia.

Directions: Read the following paragraphs. Identify how these paragraphs were
written in an expanded manner.

1. Speed is a concept that marks our time. Everybody is in a hurry to go

somewhere. Industry is constantly demanding new inventions that will speed up
production so that the constant cry of the bosses to the workmen is speed it up! The
maker of the automobiles boasts of the newest type of a car which is faster than the
old model. Shoppers push and shove each other all about the counters. All are in a
hurry to get something. People who are going to school, shop, or office rush
breathlessly to do important tasks. They gulp their food and swallow it in haste.
Restless “hunters of fun” crowd into places of entertainment. Most of these people
cannot sit still. At a movie, they tap their feet or fingers in impatience. Yes, speed is
the word of the day.

2. Speed is a concept that marks our day. Sluggishness is out. Speed is demanded
by industry which is constantly on the look-out for new inventions. Sluggishness is
penalized, especially in industries where compensation depends upon output.
Speed is the attractive come-on for short-term courses in cooking, computerizing,
sewing, diving, learning a new language, and others. The slower long-term courses
are not so appealing. Instant coffee is usually preferred to coffee that needs to be
boiled. Yes, speed is the word of the day.

3. The process of speeding up in a vehicle begins with the setting of the gear level to
the first gear. This moves the vehicle from the stationary to a slow speed of about 10
kilometers per hour (kph). Gradually, you shift the gear to the next, pressing the
accelerator pedal at the same time to attain a speed between 10-30 kph. You pick up
more speed by shifting gears to the next higher levels at speed beyond 30 kph. To do
this, however along with the shift to third or fourth gear, ever-increasing pressure
must be exerted on the accelerator. The only time you lift your foot from the
accelerator is when you shift gears, so that you can step on the clutch pedal
simultaneously with the shifting. After releasing the clutch pedal, you immediately step
on the accelerator pedal while picking up speed. Maximum speed is attained once
you shift to the fourth, or in the case of some vehicles, the fifth gear, at which you
travel at speeds of 80 kph or above.
Source: Gorgon,E.R. et. al. (2012) English Expressways IV Quezon City, Book Media Press, Inc./ Printwell In

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