Polypropylene Composites With Natural Fibers and Wood - General Mechanical Property Profiles

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Composites Science and Technology 72 (2012) 550–557

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Polypropylene composites with natural fibers and wood – General

mechanical property profiles
Lukas Sobczak a,⇑, Reinhold W. Lang b, Andreas Haider a
Kompetenzzentrum Holz GmbH, Division Wood Polymer Composites, Science Park 2/2. OG, Altenberger Straße 69, 4040 Linz, Austria
Johannes Kepler University Linz, Institute for Polymer Materials and Testing, Altenberger Straße 69, 4040 Linz, Austria

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Natural Fiber Composites (NFCs) and Wood Polymer Composites (WPCs) based on polypropylene (PP)
Received 24 October 2011 have gained increasing interest over the past two decades, both in the scientific community and in indus-
Accepted 16 December 2011 try. Meanwhile, a large number of publications is available, but yet the actual market penetration of such
Available online 8 January 2012
materials is rather limited. To close the existing gap between scientific and technical knowledge, on the
one hand, and actual market applications, on the other, it is the purpose of this paper to analyze the cur-
Keywords: rent state of knowledge on mechanical performance profiles of injection molded NFCs and WPCs. As the
Natural Fiber Composites (NFCs)
composite properties are a result of the constituent properties and their interactions, special attention is
A. Wood
A. Short-fiber composites
also given to mechanical fiber/filler properties. Moreover, considering that NFCs and WPCs for a variety of
B. Mechanical properties potential applications compete with mineral reinforced (mr; represented in this study by talc), short glass
E. Injection molding fiber (sgf), long glass fiber (lgf) and short carbon fiber (scf) reinforced PP, property profiles of the latter
materials are included in the analysis. To visualize the performance characteristics of the various mate-
rials in a comparative manner, the data were compiled and illustrated in so-called Ashby plots. Based on
these comparisons, an assessment of the substitution potential of NFCs and WPCs is finally performed,
along with a discussion of still open issues, which may help in guiding future material development
and market application efforts.
Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction (lgf) and short carbon fiber (scf) reinforced materials [13–15]. In
addition, NFCs and WPCs can be processed similar to these other
While polyolefins, in particular PP, have been reinforced material classes, e.g. by injection molding and extrusion. In fact,
commercially with glass fibers and particle minerals (e.g. talc, in terms of processing behavior, NFCs and WPCs may even offer
wollastonite) for several decades, more recently natural fibers advantages with regard to equipment wear [13,15,16].
and wood have become of engineering and commercial interest Despite the high industrial interest in NFCs and WPCs, and the
to produce novel classes of Natural Fiber Composites (NFCs; see significant scientific efforts particularly over the past decade, no
Table 0-1 for abbreviations) and Wood Polymer Composites comprehensive overview exists on mechanical property profiles
(WPCs) [1–3]. In terms of markets and applications, it is particu- of various material grades that allows for a proper comparison
larly the automotive industry [4–6] and the building and construc- among these novel PP-based materials. Such a comparison is also
tion industry [7–9] which have expressed interest in using such lacking with materials already used commercially, such as mr,
materials. Along with cost saving aspects and expected ecological sgf, lgf and the more novel scf composites, with which NFCs and
benefits (e.g. improvement in CO2-balance [10, part III, 11,12]), WPCs are supposed to compete.
the main motivation driving these developments is related to the Hence, the overall objective of this paper is to provide a com-
mechanical property profiles of natural fibers and wood, which prehensive overview of the mechanical property profiles of NFCs
indicate a substantial reinforcement potential. Combined with and WPCs, and to compare these properties to those achieved by
the low density of natural fibers and wood (see Table 2-1), NFCs existing commercial composites based on mineral, glass and car-
and WPCs may result in lighter weight structures when compared bon fiber reinforcements. For various reasons (cost and/or perfor-
to mineral reinforced (mr), short glass fiber (sgf), long glass fiber mance), NFCs and WPCs are frequently produced with high fiber/
wood content, so that special emphasis was paid to cover the nat-
ural fiber or wood content range up to about 70 m%. This reinforce-
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +43 732 6911 4082; fax: +43 732 6911 2864. ment level also corresponds to the limit of adequate processability
E-mail address: l.sobczak@klus-wood.at (L. Sobczak). of high quality products by injection molding [17].

0266-3538/$ - see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
L. Sobczak et al. / Composites Science and Technology 72 (2012) 550–557 551

Table 0-1
Abbreviations used in the text.

Abbreviation Explanation
NFC Natural Fiber Composite, meaning a fiber/matrix composite that contains natural fibers or wood based cellulose fibers
WPC Wood Polymer Composite, meaning a filler/matrix composite that contains wood particles
Mw Weight average molecular mass
IS Impact strength
m% Mass percent
mr Mineral reinforced
sgf Short glass fiber, usually below 1 mm in length
lgf Long glass fiber, usually 5–10 mm in length
scf Short carbon fiber
PP-(x%)y Polypropylene reinforced with y (x m% of y)
unbl., bl. Bleached, unbleached (Figs. 4-1–4-3)
u.K.p., bl.K.p. Unbleached Kraft pulp, bleached Kraft pulp (Table 4-1)
Ten.Ò TencelÒ, wood based cellulose fiber (Table 4-1)

Table 2-1 The reinforcement prices range from about 0.2 €/kg for spruce at
Densities and prices of polypropylene and several conventional reinforcements plus the lower end to 20.0 €/kg for short carbon fibers at the upper end.
natural fibers and wood (spruce). For comparison, polypropylene typically has a price level of 1.0–
Material Density (g/cm3) Price (€/kg) Source 1.4 €/kg, depending on the specific grade and the order volume. In
PP 0.90 1.0–1.4 [18]
other words, from the reinforcements considered in this overview,
scf 1.70–1.77 10.0–20.0 [13,19,20] most are below the price level of the PP matrix, while in some cases,
sgf 2.50 0.9–1.6 [13,21] the reinforcement prices may exceed the PP matrix price.
Talc 2.75 0.3–1.0 [22] For the material property data of the reinforcement constitu-
TencelÒ 1.55 – [23]
ents and the respective PP compounds processed by injection
Flax 1.50 0.3–1.3 (upper [13,24, p. 12]
bound: pellets) [25, p. 119, 26] molding (Sections 3 and 4, respectively), the ‘‘ Ashby plot’’ [30]
Hemp 1.48 0.3–1.0 (upper [14,25, p. 119, was chosen as means of presentation. In terms of relevant proper-
bound: pellets) 26] ties, Ashby plots were generated as tensile strength vs. tensile
Jute 1.30 0.5–0.7 [13,25, p. 119] modulus for the reinforcement constituents, and as tensile
Kenaf – 0.4–1.5 [14,27]
Sisal 1.45 0.5–0.8 [13,25, p. 119,
strength vs. tensile modulus and impact strength vs. tensile mod-
27] ulus for PP and its various compounds (i.e., PP composites).
Spruce 0.45–0.50 0.2–0.4 [28,29] Due to the lack of data covering a wider range of test conditions,
(uncompressed)–1.30 for IS values room temperature data for unnotched Charpy speci-
mens were selected. To allow for a comparison of the material
property profiles in terms of the potential for lightweight struc-
tural design, the Ashby plots for tensile modulus and strength
are illustrated for absolute property values but also for specific
2. Materials and methods property values (i.e. absolute values divided by the respective
material density). For the latter representations, the proper mate-
All of the data presented here is taken from scientific literature rial density values were obtained from the literature when avail-
or from material data sheets provided by the suppliers. To ensure a able, or were calculated applying a simple rule-of-mixture model
sufficient comparability of the material property values given, only from the constituent volume contents and the constituent densi-
data generated utilizing injection molded specimens and applying ties in Table 2-1.
equivalent test procedures and conditions has been included.
Table 2-1 provides some general information on the densities
and current prices for the constituents of the various material 3. Fiber properties
grades included in this overview. Throughout this paper, the term
‘‘natural fibers’’ refers to plant-based fibers (like jute, hemp, kenaf, The tensile strength vs. modulus properties of various natural
sisal, flax) and wood based cellulose fibers (Kraft pulp, unbleached fibers are compared to those of conventional fibers for PP rein-
cellulose, regenerate cellulose such as TencelÒ). On the other hand, forcement (sgf/lgf, scf) in Figs. 3-1 and 3-2 in terms of absolute
the term ‘‘wood particles’’ as they are used in WPCs refers to the properties and specific properties, respectively. The data for the
grinded state of solid wood which lacks the characteristic of a high- various fiber types and grades were taken from the references indi-
er aspect ratio. cated in Table 3-1 and, in the case of the natural fibers, represent
One advantage of natural fibers clearly apparent from Table 2-1 dry fiber conditions.
is their lower density. While conventional reinforcements (scf, sgf, Before depicting the fiber properties in Ashby-plots, the follow-
talc) exhibit a density range from 1.7 to 2.8 g/cm3, the density ing aspect with regard to the variability of fiber strength and mod-
range for natural fibers and wood (compressed state as it occurs ulus values must be pointed out. While strength and modulus of
in WPCs as a result of processing) is from about 1.3 to 1.6 g/cm3. specific grades of conventional fibers usually meet quite narrow
The effects of the processing steps from solid wood to wood parti- tolerances, natural fibers are known to vary substantially [13,31].
cles, and of compression during WPC processing, are expected to For example, modulus and strength values of jute fibers may vary
result in a corresponding alteration in mechanical properties. Since from about 13 to 27 GPa and from about 390 to 770 MPa, respec-
no data for modulus and strength of wood fillers in the compressed tively. Similar variations are known for wood (e.g., European
state are available, the comparisons performed in chapter 3 with spruce: Young’s modulus range from about 7 to 21 GPa; tensile
regard to wood as reinforcement are perhaps of limited quantita- strength range from 20 to 250 MPa [28]). Kenaf has not yet been
tive value but were nevertheless included to provide an overall rel- investigated to an extent so that similar variations could be de-
ative picture. duced from the literature. In any case, the reported variability of
552 L. Sobczak et al. / Composites Science and Technology 72 (2012) 550–557

5000 Due to the density differences of the various fiber types and
wood, the specific properties depicted in Fig. 3-2 are somewhat dif-
ferent to those in Fig. 3-1. First, as described above (Section 2), the
4000 data points for the wood type reinforcements are of limited rele-
Tensile Strength [MPa]

3500 vance for PP composites, as they correspond to an uncompressed

state with very low density which is not representative of the more
highly compressed state in a PP compound. Second, the specific
2500 modulus data for glass fibers are shifted into the range of the cor-
Carbon E-glass
responding values of natural fibers, with hemp even exceeding the
2000 S-glass
specific modulus values of glass fibers. Third, the highest values for
1500 Tencel® Flax specific strength of natural fibers are achieved for flax, which is
Hemp Jute now approaching the lower end of the specific strength range for
Kenaf Sisal glass fibers. Finally, carbon fibers, due to their low density, still re-
500 tain their superiority compared to all other fibers with regard to
European Spruce European Oak
0 specific modulus values. The lower density compared to glass fi-
0 50 100 150 200 250 bers now also translates into higher values for specific strength
Young's Modulus [GPa] of the carbon fibers.

Fig. 3-1. Ashby plot presenting the absolute tensile strength vs. the Young’s
modulus for various fiber types. 4. Composite properties

4.1. Tensile properties

The tensile properties of various PP composites are depicted in
Figs. 4-1 and 4-2 in absolute and relative terms, respectively, as
Specific Tensile Strength [kJ/kg]

2000 strength vs. modulus diagrams. The data for the various materials
were taken from the references indicated in Table 4-1 and, in the
case of the natural fiber/filler composites, represent dry specimen
1500 conditions. In both diagrams, the property range covered by neat
PP homopolymers is included for comparison.
Carbon E-glass
From the illustration of the absolute properties in Fig. 4-1 it be-
1000 S-glass
comes apparent that the property regions covered by conventional
Tencel® Flax fiber/filler composites and by the natural fiber/filler composites
Hemp Jute approach one another, although they are clearly separated in
Sisal Fig. 3-1, which depicts the absolute fiber/filler properties. While
the general tendency of this shift can be explained by rule of mix-
European Spruce European Oak
0 ture considerations, several effects remain remarkable. To begin
0 50 100 150 with, the property areas covered by the NFCs and the WPCs overlap
Specific Young's Modulus [MJ/kg] to a greater extent than is the case just for the reinforcement con-
stituents in Fig. 3-1. This is at least partly due to the fact that the
Fig. 3-2. Ashby plot presenting the specific tensile strength vs. the specific Young’s WPCs included contain up to 70 m% wood particles while the NFCs
modulus for various fiber types (property divided by density). are limited to a fiber content of about 60 m% (in terms of fiber/filler
volume content the differences are slightly larger due to differ-
properties of a specific natural fiber type is accounted for by ences in density; see Table 2-1). Nevertheless, while with WPCs
including the reported upper and lower bound values in the Ashby modulus/strength combinations of up to about 7 GPa/55 MPa
plots below. In terms of absolute properties, Young’s modulus val- [17,33] are obtained, for NFCs about 11 GPa/75 MPa may be
ues of natural fibers and wood range from about 7 to 70 GPa achieved [34].
[14,28], while modulus values for conventional fibers range from When comparing the natural fiber/filler composite data to con-
about 70 GPa (sgf/lgf [13]) to 240 GPa (scf [19]). Alternatively, ventional PP composite data, the following observations are made.
the conventional fibers exhibit significantly higher strength values, NFCs and WPCs exist that outperform PP–talc composites, which
ranging from about 2000 MPa (E-type sgf/lgf [13]) to 4000– exhibit modulus/strength values of about 4 GPa/35 MPa [35], both
4570 MPa (scf, S-type sgf/lgf [13]), compared to natural fibers in terms of modulus and tensile strength. Conversely, PP–sgf/lgf
and wood ranging from about 20 to 1100 MPa [13,28]. In other composites cover a modulus/strength regime from about 5 GPa/
words, conventional fibers significantly outperform natural fibers 75 MPa [36] up to 13 GPa/135 MPa [37], which is clearly above
and wood in terms of strength, but in terms of modulus, some nat- the property range covered by NFCs and WPCs. Interestingly, the
ural fibers such as hemp and kenaf nearly reach the values of at values achieved for PP–scf composites, both in scientific investiga-
least glass fibers. Of course, when comparing just the two groups tions [19] and for commercial products [38,39], fall significantly
of natural reinforcements in Fig. 3-1, the fiber reinforcements are short of rule of mixture based expectations. This is particularly
seen to supersede the wood reinforcements both in terms of the case for the tensile strength values, where PP–scf composites
strength and modulus. cover a range similar to NFCs and even overlap with WPCs. Merely,

Table 3-1
References for the tensile property data of the various reinforcement types presented in Figs. 3-1 and 3-2.

Carbon Glass Tencel Flax Hemp Jute Kenaf Sisal Spruce Oak
[13,19] [13] [23] [13,31] [14,31] [13] [14] [13] [28] [32]
L. Sobczak et al. / Composites Science and Technology 72 (2012) 550–557 553

150 neat PP 120 neat PP

Carbon Carbon
20 20
140 27 27
40 110 40

130 Glass Glass

20 sgf 20 sgf
30 sgf 100 30 sgf
40 sgf 40 sgf
50 lgf 50 lgf

Talc 90 Talc
110 20 20
40 40

100 Flax 80 Flax

Specific Tensile Strength [kJ/kg]

25 25
30 30
Tensile Strength [MPa]

60 60
40 Hemp 40 Hemp

80 Jute Jute
40 40
50 60 50
70 60 60

Kenaf Kenaf
20 50 20
60 40 40
50 50
60 60
50 40
30 Sisal 30 Sisal
unbl. Kraft pulp unbl. Kraft pulp
40 30 30 30
45 45
30 40 bl. Kraft pulp 40 bl. Kraft pulp
33 Tencel® 20
33 Tencel®
Wood particles Wood particles
30 30
40 10 40
10 50 50
60 60
70 70
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Young's Modulus [GPa] Specific Young's Modulus [MJ/kg]
Fig. 4-1. Ashby plot presenting the tensile strength vs. the Young’s modulus of
Fig. 4-2. Ashby plot presenting the specific tensile strength vs. the specific Young’s
various PP compounds. The numbers in the legend give the fiber/filler content in
modulus of various PP compounds (property divided by density).

the modulus values of PP–scf composites exceed those of the other 60 neat PP
material classes in Fig. 4-1, although in this case too, to a lesser de- Glass
gree than expected based on the respective fiber modulus data. 50
20 sgf
30 sgf
The specific modulus/strength diagram in Fig. 4-2 reveals simi-
IS Charpy unnotched [kJ/m2]

lar tendencies as discussed above for the absolute property ranges 20
40 40
of the various material types. Reflecting the density differences, the
NFCs and WPCs now appear further improved compared to PP/talc 30 Flax

composites, and the upper bound strength ratio between PP/lgf 30 unbl. Kraft pulp
and NFCs is now reduced from about 1.8:1 in terms of absolute 45
strength to 1.5:1 in terms of specific strength. In terms of specific 20 33 Tencel®
modulus, the upper bound values of these two material classes
Wood particles
now even approach one another. Similar ratios were found by 30
10 40
Wambua et al. in a comparison of glass fiber and natural fiber rein- 50
forced PP composites (i.e. 40 m% fiber content, prepared by a film 60
stacking method) [66]. Furthermore, the differences in the upper 0
0 2 4 6 8 10
bound values of specific modulus data between PP–scf and PP–
sgf are slightly enhanced. Young's Modulus [GPa]

Fig. 4-3. Ashby plot presenting the unnotched Charpy impact strength vs. the
Young’s modulus of various PP compounds. The numbers in the legend give the
4.2. Impact properties
fiber/filler content in (m%).

The impact properties of the various material classes are illus-

trated and compared in Fig. 4-3 as unnotched Charpy values vs. Mw PPs reach unnotched Charpy impact strength (IS) values reach-
Young’s modulus values. Most remarkably is the specific NFC grade ing 100 kJ/m2 and even higher, up to a point where unnotched
utilizing the commercial cellulose fiber TencelÒ. It is the only rein- specimens do no longer break upon the impact [67]. Apart from
forcement type that allows for significant improvements in modu- the TencelÒ reinforced PPs, unnotched impact strength values of
lus without sacrificing the impact properties when compared to all other PP composites are reduced compared to neat PP, with
the lower bound range of neat PP which represents grades with PP–sgf exhibiting the least reductions, followed by PP–talc
low weight average molecular mass, (Mw) [23]. However, higher composites and NFCs, with WPCs revealing the most significant
554 L. Sobczak et al. / Composites Science and Technology 72 (2012) 550–557

Table 4-1
References for the mechanical property data of the various compounds presented in Figs. 4-1–4-3; neat PP data is taken from [64,65].

Filler Content [m%] Sources Filler Content [m%] Sources Filler Content [m%] Sources
scf 20 [39] Flax 25 [40] u.K.p. 30 [41]
27 [19] 30 [42–45] 45 [41]
40 [19,38] 60 [46] b.K.p. 40 [47]
sgf 20 [36] Hemp 40 [47–49] Ten.Ò 33 [23]
30 [50,51] Jute 40 [34] Wood 30 [52,53]
40 [35] 50 [34,54] 40 [53,55,56]
lgf 50 [37] 60 [34] 50 [17,33,53]
Talc 20 [57,58] Kenaf 20 [59] 60 [17,33]
40 [35,60] 40 [59,61] 70 [17,33]
50 [35,61]
60 [59]
Sisal 30 [62,63]

reductions. A study by Wambua et al. on compression molded matrix and the usually hydrophilic ligno-cellulosic reinforcements.
composites prepared by a film stacking method (cited already While numerous scientific studies in recent years aimed at improv-
above for tensile properties) also supports the data reviewed here ing the interfacial adhesion in these materials, a detailed under-
for injection molded composites in terms of material ranking and standing of the mechanisms of bonding affecting and improving
property ratios. Thus, for a comparable fiber content, glass mat the fracture properties and the failure behavior is still lacking
reinforced PPs also exhibit about twice the unnotched Charpy IS [14,81–84].
of natural fiber mat reinforced PPs [66]. Another aspect of practical relevance that needs further study is
Numerous studies exist on factors controlling the impact related to the effects of moisture on the material properties and
strength of NFCs and WPCs. As to the influence of the particle size, performance profiles of polyolefinic NFCs and WPCs. For example,
it is clear that this parameter may play an important role, however for WPCs with high filler levels (70–87 m%), Svoboda [10, p. 145 ff],
no clear and unambiguous tendencies can be deducted from the found that the tensile properties (strength and modulus) are re-
published literature as yet [52,68–71]. Conversely, for unnotched duced by up to 55% (70 m% wood) when the material has absorbed
specimens, IS is usually improved by enhanced coupling more than 10% moisture upon water immersion. Viksne et al. re-
[45,55,71,72], whereas for notched specimens, the improvement port significant reductions (up to 30%) in flexural properties for
is often not so significant, with even reductions in impact values PP-based WPCs with 50 m% filler content upon three water absorp-
resulting from increased coupling having been reported tion/desorption cycles [85]. Similar effects on tensile properties
[56,68,73–77]. Furthermore, it is well proven that IS of NFCs and were found by Arbelaiz et al. [46] for PP reinforced with 20–
WPCs can be enhanced significantly by rubber toughening of the 60 m% flax fibers. These studies provide a good indication of the
PP matrix, however in all cases at the cost of modulus reductions property reductions to be expected by moisture absorption, and
[55,78–80]. numerous other reports on the effects of moisture on the mechan-
Nevertheless, despite all the efforts to study impact properties ical behavior exist [71,86–100]. And yet, considering the pro-
of NFCs and WPCs, no study is available that unambiguously ex- nounced sensitivity to moisture uptake of these PP based NFCs
plains the cause of the poor impact performance of these materials, and WPCs, further investigations are needed to deduce guidelines
when compared to neat PP and PP–sgf and PP–talc composites. for component design and performance for applications under typ-
Moreover, there is not a sufficient database for a comprehensive ical climatic conditions.
comparison of impact properties for the material grades of interest Other aspects not sufficiently addressed so far are related to
to this paper. Particularly, a more detailed analysis of the effects of expected improvements in noise and vibration damping of PP based
notches on impact strength and the influence of test temperature, NFCs and WPCs [6,101–103]. In this context, advantages of NFCs and
to deduce brittle–ductile transitions, is lacking. In this context, it is WPCs over conventional polymer composites are frequently argued,
known from preliminary investigations that notched impact prop- however, quantitative data and information is rather scarce. Thus, to
erties of PP–sgf composites and PP composites with TencelÒ fibers our knowledge no article exists which compares the acoustic prop-
may even exceed the values obtained with neat PP [23,36,50,51]. erties of, for instance, NFC or WPC based automotive interior panels
Clearly, more work is needed to study and perhaps optimize the with PP–talc based panels. On the other hand, NFCs and WPCs are
impact behavior of NFCs and WPCs. used in several applications with proven positive results in terms
of acoustic performance (e.g. automotive interior [101], musical
instruments [104] loudspeaker-boxes etc. [105]).
5. Open issues As has been addressed above, and completing the list of open is-
sues related to NFC and WPC properties, natural fibers and wood are
As modern PP–NFCs and PP–WPCs still represent rather novel known to exhibit substantial lot-to-lot variations in their properties
classes of materials, and despite the fact that quite a lot is known depending on plant growth and harvesting conditions [12,106, p. 8].
on the properties and on the behavior of these materials, it is also Moreover, although several studies exist [107–111], emission and
not surprising that there are a number of issues that are as yet odor problems that may potentially arise particularly in indoor
unresolved and thus deserve further attention. These open issues building and automotive interior applications deserve further
include aspects related to material property and performance pro- attention and investigations.
files, to the processing behavior and adequate processing condi- Turning to open issues related to processing behavior and con-
tions, and – last but not least – aspects in relation to the ditions of NFCs and WPCs, reduced equipment wear is often argued
ecological impact and life cycle assessment. to be advantageous compared to PP–sgf/lgf or PP–mr [13,15,16].
With regard to material and performance related issues, a par- While it seems likely that natural fibers or wood, containing
ticular problem in the case of polyolefin-based NFCs and WPCs is mostly cellulose and lignin, should cause less abrasion on the
the inherent incompatibility between the non-polar hydrocarbon surfaces of processing equipment than hard and sharp-edged glass
L. Sobczak et al. / Composites Science and Technology 72 (2012) 550–557 555

fibers, for example, no published study exists supporting and quan- provide information on the ecological performance of particularly
tifying this assertion. In addition, more precise pre-conditioning polyolefin and PP based NFCs ad WPCs compared to other
and processing conditions need to be defined to account for the materials.
hydrophilicity of natural fibers/fillers, and for the degradation
sensitivity of NFC or WPC compounds when being processed at
elevated temperatures under simultaneous mechanical shear 6. Summary and conclusions
Another processing-related problem that arises when natural fi- As to the fiber properties, conventional fibers such as short/long
bers are used as reinforcements is their inaptitude to metering via glass fibers (sgfs/lgfs) and short carbon fibers (scfs) exhibit signif-
usual dosing scales. Traditionally, such fibers are supplied as bales icantly higher strength values than even the best natural fibers
or staple fibers, and are thus not free flowing. Basically, there are (factor 2–4). In terms of modulus, some natural fibers, like, e.g.,
two ways to overcome this drawback: First, by cutting or milling hemp and kenaf, show values similar to sgf/lgf, with scf modulus
the fibers down, until a sufficient ease of flow is achieved. Second, values superseding these fibers by a factor of 3. Due to the lower
pelletizing of the fibers is an option. Both of those technical solu- density of natural fibers compared to glass fibers, the specific prop-
tions increase costs. Furthermore, the first approach potentially erties of natural fibers, on the one hand, and sgf/lgf, on the other,
leads to a reduction of composite properties by a reduced fiber shift closer together. Particularly remarkable is that hemp even
length. The second approach, on the other hand, raises the issue supersedes sgf/lgf in the specific modulus, and flax approaches
of re-dispersion of the fibers during the compounding step and sgf in specific strength.
poses a problem when the pellets are well consolidated. A method For the resulting PP composites, in terms of absolute properties,
which avoids those issues is the long fiber granulate (LFG) process the picture is largely similar, with some remarkable exceptions.
developed by the Thuringian Institute of Textile and Plastics Re- First, the relative difference between NFCs and WPCs, on the one
search (TITK) [115]. It is a pull-drill treatment by which strands hand, and PP–sgf/lgf on the other, is reduced due to rule of mixture
of fibers are coated with a thermoplastic matrix. Thus, granules based effects. Second, WPCs supersede PP–talc composites, both in
containing long fibers (of the length of the granule) can be pro- modulus and strength, while NFCs largely overlap with the PP–sgf/
duced. Despite appearing like a promising alternative, to our lgf range for modulus and approach its lower end for strength. In
knowledge the process has not yet been implemented on industrial terms of specific properties the position of NFCs and WPCs relative
scale. to the conventional composites (except for PP–scf) is again some-
There are several other topics and problems that require atten- what improved, due to the aforementioned density differences.
tion when applying NFCs and WPCs in technical products. These The perhaps most significant drawback of NFCs and WPCs, com-
include the long-term performance of these materials and prod- pared to the conventional PP composites, is related to their lower
ucts, both in terms of mechanical properties but also concerning IS. While NFCs at least partly overlap with the PP–talc range, all
visual appearance (e.g. color change). In fact, quite a few studies WPCs exhibit inferior impact behavior. It should be pointed out,
are available on specific effects of weathering on optical and however, that one NFC grade, i.e. PP–TencelÒ, performs remarkably
mechanical properties, and thus on the long-term stability of these well, being the only PP composite presented which retains the
materials. The most obvious consequence of weathering on WPCs (unnotched Charpy) IS level of neat PP, thus even exceeding PP–
is whitening resulting from lignin degradation [116–120]. Of sgf composites.
course, weathering also affects mechanical properties, usually Overall, NFCs may substitute PP–sgf composites when some
leading to significant reductions [93,116,121,122]. However, anal- reduction in strength is accepted. WPCs, on the other hand, may re-
ogous to the effect of moisture absorption, it is difficult here too to place PP–talc composites, in applications where impact strength is
provide general guidelines for component design and performance not critical. Reflecting on the current state of knowledge and tech-
for applications under typical long-term weathering conditions. nology in the field of NFCs and WPCs, there are several open issues
To complete the most important requirements as to material and aspects yet to be addressed, These include the effects of tem-
properties and product performance profiles, flame retardance is perature and moisture uptake on mechanical properties and pro-
a prime prerequisite in certain applications. As PP-based NFCs cessing behavior. Moreover, there is a large variability in
and WPCs per se are not improved over neat PP and in certain properties of natural fibers and wood, depending on growth and
properties are even inferior [123,124], large amounts (usually harvesting conditions. Also, for a number of advantages usually
10–30 m%) of flame retardant additives must be employed to associated with NFCs and WPCs (i.e. reduced abrasiveness in pro-
achieve significant improvements [125–127]. Of course, utilizing cessing, improved noise damping behavior, improved overall eco-
such high amounts of additives may have pronounced effects on balance compared to conventional composites) there is a need
the processing behavior and the remaining property profile of for quantitative and reliable data in support of these reputed ben-
these materials [124,128,129], which must be accounted for in spe- efits. Finally, based on constituent property considerations, the
cific applications. performance potential of natural fiber and wood composites at this
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frequently used as selling argument [7130], only limited informa- warranted on elucidating structure–property relationships for
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