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Case 1:03-cr-00131-CC Document 374-6

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UNITED STATES Plaintiff, V. SCOTT H I N T Z , Defendant




M o t i o n f o r J u d i c i a l N o t i c e o f A f f i d a v i t s , M o t i o n f o r Iinmediate Emergency H e a r i n g t o R e s o l v e Due P r o c e s s Concerns, and Motion to Stay Revocation Proceedings NOW Court COMES S c o t t H i n t z , accept this filing and r e s p e c t f u l l y r e q u e s t s t h i s and: (1) Take judicial (2) Hold Honorable of the

notice an

affidavits emergency (3) Order



contained resolve


immediate and due

hearing t o the stay

a l l p e n d i n g Due P r o c e s s

concerns, after the

of revocation proceedings u n t i l any related proceedings are


concerns United


resolved. is aware to of


S t a t e s M a g i s t r a t e Judge

Janet 13,

F. King

D e f e n d a n t ' s AND a p p o i n t e d c o u n s e l ' s A p r i l Defendant to p r o c e e d p r o se because issues and due process concerns''";

2011 r e q u e s t c o n f l i c t s of


of serious see the




Exhibit A a f f i d a v i t s . T h i s Court has of of also been given record n o t i c e that the conflicts

i n t e r e s t a r e so g r e a t t h a t a p p o i n t e d c o u n s e l s a i d , i n the r e c o r d t h e May 27, 2011 h e a r i n g , t h a t he f e l t "^^awkward" a n d h a s refused

1 C t i i e f M a g i s t r a t e Judge K i n g was n o t i f i e d , 13, 2011 h e a r i n g s , o f v e r y s e r i o u s c o n f l i c t r e l a t i n g t o a t t o r n e y Jerome J . F r o e l i c h and Page 1 o f

d u r i n g t h e f i r s t p a r t o f the A p r i l o f i n t e r e s t i s s u e s i n c l u d i n g some the people a s s o c i a t e d w i t h him. 14 ^ f l

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counsel's interests; is herein

see a l s o doc.301 o f t h e r e c o r d o f t h i s c a s e w h i c h as i f set f o r t h at length.


DISCUSSION Robert Willison and Michael Garone have a long history of

d e f r a u d i n g o t h e r s t o g e t h e r and then t o g e t h e r l y i n g

to t r y to


up t h e i r c r i m e s - o r e v e n w o r s e t o t r y t o b l a m e t h e i r c r i m e s on o t h e r s . T h e a c t s o f W i l l i s o n a n d G a r o n e a r e s o e g r e g i o u s t h a t a n U n i t e d States BaxLkmptcy Tzrastee report on the Willison behavior was titled,

''^Chronology o f Events C o n s t ! t n t i n g Fraudulent MiscondTict.: Recap of 21^^ Century T e c h n o l o g i e s , Inc. DisbTirsements t o TransOne Willison'^. shameless, that the The report shows and as the the S Robert is so

W i l l i s o n - G a r o n e team report states:

manipulative, report calls


'''law enforcement agencies t o prosecute t h e

miscreants f o r b n s i n e s s f r a u d and grand l a r c e n y " . H e r e a r e some m o r e excerpts: ''WiUison who was aware of the fact that Dunn was i l l with two forms of cancer and...'Willison knowing that Dunn was not i n f u l l possession of H s faculties, cleverly manipulated Dunn. ..for a total of $785,000.00" This W i l l i s o n - G a l a n i s team has p e r f e c t e d t h e i r past couple of decades; document #'s evil c r a f t over the also

see h e r e i n i n c o r p o r a t e d E x h i b i t B, s e e

339, 339, 329, 310, 309, 303, 296, 294, 292, and 284

i n the r e c o r d o f t h i s case - a l l o f w h i c h p r o v i d e a d d i t i o n a l e v i d e n c e in support of Defendant's claims. as The i f filings set above are all

incorporated herein,

by reference,

f o r t h at



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" h are t h e checkered p a s t s o f W i l l i s o n and Garone importan-b? Wy

T h e c h e c k e r e d p a s t s o f R o b e r t W i l l i s o n a n d M i c h a e l G a r o n e show they are very even well-rehearsed the most fraudsters with to a willingness accomplish to





illegal goals. to present

T h e i r p a s t s a l s o p r o v i d e s i g n i f i c a n t m o t i v e f o r them statements this into these in proceedings. numerous ways They in have their

false to

attempted attempts

prejudice hide the




Willison and Gaxrone hoth know Def endant does not, and never did, own PT Holdings. They know Willison met with the owner of PT Holdings, before the f i r s t item df work heg-an in Coltanhus Ohio and used fraudulent inducements to have the owner of PT Holdings agree to supervise subcontractors around the country for a f e e . Willison and Garone know there was never any PT Holdings overbilling'' and they knovr Befendajit never altered any liens because they were involved in the preparation and approval of these items. The f a c t s with Robert and e v i d e n c e w i l l prove these falsehoods and M i c h a e l Defendant wanted go a s to a was way originated These


George Turkovich, were and w o r r i e d the they plot all would


long-time their


f i g u r i n g out to discredit possible lies to



Defendant'. they the

To e n s u r e t h e i r o r more -

s m o o t h l y as promote their

f o u n d one Government Willison's


willing price.

for a very hefty and G a r o n e ' s evil,







planted the

and k n o w i n g l y f a l s e ,

seed w i t h the U . S .

P r o b a t i o n O f f i c e a n d w i t h t h e U . S . A t t o r n e y ' s O f f i c e , b u t he d i d n o t stop t h e r e . F r o e l i c h c o n t i n u e d as a p s e u d o - a g e n t f o r the government every

b y e n s u r i n g h e was w e l l - i n v o l v e d

w i t h and w e l l - i n f o r m e d about

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nuance o f t h e t o guide any Willison, Froelich

' i n v e s t i g a t i o n ' o f t h e s e p r o c e e d i n g s s o he c o u l d e n s u r e 'Government' Garone false c o n c l u s i o n toward the and their interests Five o f Robert associates. emails, he

Michael included

Gerova-Net in



f o r w a r d e d f a l s e s t a t e m e n t s as a b s o l u t e f a c t , a n d o u t r i g h t l i e d many i t e m s . investigation Jerome J. F r o e l i c h was w o r k i n g so c l o s e l y w i t h t h e that subpoenaed instead J. materials of the went to the


"government's" law o f f i c e of see doc, 339 with get

Froelich, Jerome in


pgs.18-19. Government 'non-public' clients

Froelich's proceedings

'agent-like' also

involvement Froelich



i n f o r m a t i o n about l o c a l c r i m i n a l i n v e s t i g a t i o n s of h i s These v e r y t r o u b l i n g , Defendant, Officer. on The have

( R o b e r t W i l l i s o n and M i c h a e l Garone) . concerns to were

and p o s s i b l y i l l e g a l , numerous dozens gone occasions,

relayed by t h i s U.S. Probation


o f Defendant emails warning the U . S . P r o b a t i o n O f f i c e r i f not wholy, been ignored because of the


invasive Froelich

n a t u r e a n d c l o s e a s s o c i a t i o n o f c r i m i n a l a t t o r n e y Jermome J . with the U.S. Probation Office and with these


proceedings. Defendant has d i s c u s s e d the c o n d i t i o n s o f t h e c u r r e n t bond w i t h counsel. Defendant's and have attorneys told of his have advised he is in Defendant of legal the

definitions standard

Defendant bond.

compliance with


Defendant has NEVER been a r r e s t e d and Defendant has NE'i/ER been charged o r questioned as a suspect f o r A . prime s i n c e being released NY
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on bond March 23, 2011.


Defendant has

informed his each This

probation o f f i c e r immediately p r i o r to, visit to law enforcement to report

and i m m e d i a t e l y a f t e r , other people.

crimes by


i n f o r m a t i o n was e m a i l e d t o D e f e n d a n t ' s

U.S. Probation associates. were relayed U.S.

O f f i c e r , b u t has f o u n d i t s way b a c k t o t h e G e r o v a - N e t F i v e These v e r y t r o u b l i n g , by this Defendant, and p o s s i b l y i l l e g a l , numerous occasions, concerns to



Probation O f f i c e r .

Dozens o f Defendant emails have warned the U . S .

P r o b a t i o n O f f i c e r o f s e r i o u s due p r o c e s s c o n c e r n s , b u t t h e y have been largely, i f not wholy, ignored. refused to allow Defendant to

The U . S . P r o b a t i o n O f f i c e r h a s go t o a c o p y s t o r e o f f i c e r , has to

copy or scan items requested

by the

probation to by

refused to let

D e f e n d a n t go t o t h e p r o b a t i o n o f f i c e items, and has refused to items. stop It

drop o f f or r e v i e w the


D e f e n d a n f s home t o p i c k u p o r r e v i e w t h e r e q u e s t e d appears, from the of Government's recent that the


doc.340 f i l i n g , U.S. Probation

and f r o m the Officer and

statements attorney

investigators J.


F r o e l i c h have c o n t a c t e d t o g e t h e r ,

that the U.S, requested

Probation O f f i c e i s already i n possession of the very items w h i c h l i k e l y makes t h i s it appears criminal Officer a moot i s s u e . attorney made Jerome

Upon i n f o r m a t i o n and b e l i e f , J. to Froelich and and the U.S. to

Probation criminal five


statements into the

p r o v i d e d items of the



activities even of got

Gerova-Net chance to

associates get

BEFORE t h e a l l

investigations to the benefit 14






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associates brought

and w i t h




d i s c r e d i t Defendant. to the attention of

Defendant the U.S.




P r o b a t i o n O f f i c e t o t r y t o f i n d s o l u t i o n s f o r t h i s s e r i o u s due p r o c e s s concern, but the e m a i l s have gone u n a n s w e r e d and ignored.

F u r t h e r , Defendant has r e q u e s t e d a copy o f the f u l l set o f r u l e s f o r home c o n f i n e m e n t o n n u m e r o u s o c c a s i o n s . ignored and have not been addressed to The r e q u e s t s have been date. Attorney Brian

Mendelsohn, the

and t h i s

Defendant, have t r i e d to get

i n f o r m a t i o n from get replies to

U.S. Probation Officer, emails and

but have been unable t o desperately Attorney needed Brian


requesting permission.

information, Mendelsohn has


r e c e n t l y t:old Defendant t h a t Mendelsohn has that the U.S. Probation Officer has

come t o t h e c o n c l u s i o n the

b e e n v e r y much f o o l e d by

Gerova-Net F i v e a s s o c i a t e s and the statements o f i n d i v i d u a l s prejudiced with their m a s t e r f u l smear campaign.


I, to Scott Hintz, hereby s t a t e under p e n a l t y o f p e r j u r y pursuant that the following statements Brian are true:

28 USC S e c t i o n 1 7 4 6, 1. Since the

very beginning of attorney i n this case, we h a v e

Mendelsohn's serious

appointment conflict

discussed very

of interest


t h a t have p u t

B r i a n Mendelsohn

i n the awkward p o s i t i o n o f h a v i n g to choose between pursuing my d e f e n s e o r p r e s e r v i n g h i s c a r e e r i n t e r e s t s . Some o f t h e s e

c o n f l i c t s were d i s c u s s e d d u r i n g the s e a l e d h e a r i n g of A p r i l 13, 2011 b e f o r e Chief M a g i s t r a t e Judge 14 King.

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One s i g n i f i c a n t i n r e g a r d s to the Mr. Jerome J .

i s s u e Mr. Mendelsohn

and I have d i s c u s s e d


i n v o l v e m e n t o f a t t o r n e y Jerome J . is two the criminal defense

Froelich. attorney

Froelich at least

representing Willison


defendants is

[Robert director Group

and M i c h a e l Garone,


a recent

and Garone i s a r e c e n t bookkeeper o f Gerova R e a l E s t a t e (now k n o w n a s " N e t F i v e " ) ] . Garone:

B o t h R o b e r t W i l l i s o n and M i c h a e l

h a v e made previous death threats to me, have made threats to cause unwarranted probation and civil problems to me i f I did not back of valid civil claims, and have in other ways also attempted to keep me and others from t e s t i f y i n g about their illeg-al activities at Gerova Real Estate Group (""Wet F i v e " ; a n d since my departure from the company. 3. A t t o r n e y B r i a n Mendelsohn least one other person, is to working these stated specifically that criminal glove" s t a t e d t o me, attorney the and J. in at


Froelich regards

"hand i n


Government Brian way for

revocation hearings. he is not



a w a r e o f ANY l e g a l receipt of

a t t o r n e y Jerome J. F r o e l i c h ' s r e q u i r i n g the of this case, order of a judge and of in light of

a non-public record

item facts

(based upon the Froelich's




Robert W i l l i s o n

and M i c h a e l



Jerome J . F r o e l i c h . very s p e c i f i c a l l y s t a t e d he has already t a l k e d t o Judge K i n g and Judge Cooper about me regarding t h i s
case. Jerome J . F r o e l i c h a l s o s t a t e d t h a t Judge Cooper t o l d to s e n d me b a c k t o j a i l . He made

h i m e v e r y t h i n g was a l l s e t

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these statements i n a c l e a r attempt o f my v a l i d associates. that State

t o i n t i m i d a t e me t o b a c k

c r i m i n a l complaints against the Gerova-Net Five I h a v e b e e n i n f o r m e d , b y more t h a n one p e r s o n , I have p r o v i d e d t o the United

non-public information

P r o b a t i o n O f f i c e has been g i v e n t o a t t o r n e y Jerome J . The i n d i v i d u a l s Jerome J . i n f o r m i n g me o f t h e s e Froelich facts

Froelich. stated


c o n t a c t e d them and intent to d i s c r e d i t me. provided, and

p r o v i d e d them i n f o r m a t i o n w i t h the After I reviewing least some o f t h e some o f t h e

information Froelich information, to

found at

documents, be false



o f Jerome F r o e l i c h


misleading. I have, on numerous occasions, informed the United States recent

P r o b a t i o n o f f i c e and a t t o r n e y B r i a n Mendelsohn o f the leaks of non-public information to and, i n p a r t i c u l a r , to the

Gerova-Net Five Jerome J. admitted

associates Froelich. attorney


My U n i t e d S t a t e s Jerome J . I have Froelich

P r o b a t i o n O f f i c e r has has contacted her

on v a r i o u s that giving his her

occasions. criminal false

a l e r t e d my p r o b a t i o n o f f i c e r Jerome J . Froelich himself is




(clearly to protect


clients). Attorney Brian Froelich has Mendelsohn and o t h e r s are aware Jerome J. to

received non-public information


t h e s e p r o c e e d i n g s a s e v i d e n c e d b y a n e m a i l s e n t f r o m my U n i t e d P a g e 8 o f 14

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P r o b a t i o n O f f i c e r to



Mendelsohn. occurring lies to

R o b e r t W i l l i s o n t h r e a t e n e d me w i t h e x a c t l y w h a t i s in and

these revocation proceedings: W i l l i s o n i s using his his access jail

t o w e a l t h y and i n f l u e n t i a l p e o p l e t o t r y and to buy a pass for review of

s e n d me t o own




I h a v e b e e n v e r y r e c e n t l y t o l d b y o n e o r m o r e p e o p l e , who h a v e communicated d i r e c t l y Gerova-Net associates me a r e Five have with Jerome F r o e l i c h that the and the other


Gerova-Net Five against

(with the knowledge the a l l e g a t i o n s


"spent many times the a l l e g e d


amount o f $16,000''' " t o t r y to d i s c r e d i t " me a n d " t o back [me] off the [my] c i v i l RICO claims against them." Gerova-Net Five I was a l s o these told

group s p e c i f i c a l l y brought United States


crimes" t o t h e

Probation Office,

a s o p p o s e d t o o t h e r more t r a d i t i o n a l l a w e n f o r c e m e n t a v e n u e s , so they " c o u l d a v o i d having to a c t u a l l y prove, to a jury, 1 was f u r t h e r t o l d their it

g u i l t beyond a reasonable doubt." choice to use the

U.S Probation O f f i c e route

a l s o made

" e a s i e r f o r [attorney Jerome J. F r o e l i c h ] to c o n t r o l [my] t h e process. " D u r i n g a M a r c h 1 0 , 2 0 1 1 m e e t i n g t o d i s c u s s a c i v i l RICO c a s e w i t h a t t o r n e y Steven Estep, Steven Estep s p e c i f i c a l l y he and a t t o r n e y Jerome J . F r o e l i c h were r e t a i n e d " t o stated contact

y o u r [my] p r o b a t i o n o f f i c e r " t o t r y t o c a u s e p r o b l e m s f o r me. P a g e 9 o f 14

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S t e v e n E s t e p a l s o s t a t e d t h e p r o b a t i o n p r o b l e m s w o u l d go away if I would j u s t dismiss the civil RICO c a s e against his

Gerova-Net Five c l i e n t s . me w e r e m a d e w i t h a t t o r n e y the (a) following items

A t t o r n e y Steven E s t e p ' s t h r e a t s to Steven E s t e p ' s full knowledge of clients:

regarding his Gerova-Net Five they

Gerova-Net F i v e a s s o c i a t e s a d m i t t e d

o w e d me money

and s t o c k ,

(b) Gerova-Net F i v e a s s o c i a t e s s t a t e d I d i d a g r e a t

j o b f o r G e r o v a - N e t F i v e d u r i n g my e n t i r e t e n u r e w i t h t h e m a n d that I was only being were of l e t go b e c a u s e G e r o v a - N e t flow Five

associates after some

having s i g n i f i c a n t "cash

problems" Group L t d


h i g h - l e v e l Gerova F i n a n c i a l


t o o k m i l l i o n s o f d o l l a r s , a n d (c) G e r o v a - N e t F i v e recorded threatening Steve Estep listened me. to some of the

associates h a d been On M a r c h threats, Michael 10, 2011,

and o t h e r Garone, 2011,

relevant recordings,

of Robert

Willison, PM on

and o t h e r s . I

A t approximately 2:53 States

March 11, Officer,

a g a i n a l e r t e d my U n i t e d of the threats I was

Probation I had

via email,


p r e v i o u s l y w a r n e d my p r o b a t i o n email, of the serious

officer verbally, nature of the

and v i a threats I

and dangerous

had been r e c e i v i n g f r o m the Gerova-Net F i v e a s s o c i a t e s the 4^^ q u a r t e r of 2010.


R e c o r d n o t i c e has been g i v e n t o U . S . M a g i s t r a t e Judge


U . S . D i s t r i c t C o u r t Judge Cooper, a t t o r n e y B r i a n Mendelsohn, and the Government of the very "questionable" 14 and very

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involvement of Robert W i l l i s o n



Garone i n r e g a r d t o the c r i m i n a l charges District Court c a s e o f U.S.

of the A t l a n t a U.S.

v. M c M u r r i a n ,

# 1 : 0 4 - C R - 3 8 0 - W B H - J F K , w h i c h was h e l d b e f o r e t w o j u d g e s i n t h e record of this case U . S . M a g i s t r a t e Judge Baverman, and

U.'S. C h i e f M a g i s t r a t e K i n g . his associates, and/or

I was i n f o r m e d R o b e r t W i l l i s o n , companies were also I was


"alleged victims"

i n the

case of U . S . v.


i n f o r m e d R o b e r t W i l l i s o n and M i c h a e l G a r o n e a r e known t o have been v e r y much i n v o l v e d w i t h the activies of the Thomas

Mcmurrain case; to take t r i p s

W i l l i s o n i n f o r m e d me t h a t h e a n d G a r o n e u s e d

t o C o s t a R i c a a n d Panama w i t h Thomas M c M u r r a i n interests. of in

to f u r t h e r the operations of t h e i r mutual business

W i l l i s o n i n f o r m e d me t h a t h e a n d G a r o n e w e r e p a r t i c i p a n t s M c M u r r a i n ' s o p e r a t i o n s i n Panama. Panama, M c M u r r a i n was a r r e s t e d and

e x t r a d i c t e d back to' the U n i t e d S t a t e s , based upon the orders


pending t r i a l Baverman. 11.

of U.S. Magistrate

I h a v e b e e n a d v i s e d member ( s ) o f M a g i s t r a t e B a v e r m a n ' s f a m i l y (within other, has the t h i r d degree o f r e l a t i o n ) h a d financial, and


i n the case of U . S . v . McMurrain. of Robert W i l l i s o n ' s family. continuing

The C o u r t actions

record notice the

regarding 12. I


have been

recently Five

informed, by people well 14 and have

who k n o w

the with




P a g e 11 o f

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them, t h a t t h e G e r o v a - N e t F i v e a s s o c i a t e s (and t h o s e s u p p o r t i n g them) a r e now a t t e m p t i n g t o r e v o k e my s u p e r v i s i o n i n a way i n t e n d e d t o t r y t o c i r c u m v e n t t h e n e c e s s i t y f o r t h e s w o r n t e s t i m o n y demanded u n d e r t h e C o n f r o n t a t i o n C l a u s e o f the C o n s t i t u t i o n of the United States of America. NEVER b e e n a r r e s t e d a n d I h a v e NEVER b e e n c h a r g e d I have or

q u e s t i o n e d a s a s u s p e c t f o r ANY c r i m e on bond i n M a r c h 2011. probation officer after, each visit Additionally,

since being released I have i n f o r m e d my

immediately p r i o r t o law enforcement

t o , and

immediately since I my


r e c e i v e d my b o n d i n M a r c h 2 0 1 1 . probation officer

I have r e q u e s t e d

come t o my home t o d i s c u s s


i n v e s t i g a t i o n s ; I h a v e r e q u e s t e d t o go t o a c o p y s t o r e t o s c a n or c o p y i t e m s r e l a t e d t o my t r i p s away f r o m my home; I h a v e

requested t o v i s i t the probation o f f i c e t o provide requested information. I have n o t r e c e i v e d p e r m i s s i o n from my

probation officer 2011.

f o r t h e s e e m a i l e d r e q u e s t s s i n c e March

S t a t i n g t h e above s t a t e m e n t s d a y o f May 2 0 1 1 .

are true,

I s t a t e t h e a b o v e t h i s 31^







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case V.03-or-0^

-iH a c c e p t

+ - a i n e c i t^-^

j u d i c i a l " " ' ^

^ . v c c a t i " -



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I Bryan Rush, hereby state the fotlowfttg are true statements under the penalty of perjuty.


1. lamovertheageof eighteen, i an, of sound mind. I am a resident of the state of Georgfe and! am an attorney In good standDig wfth the State Bar of Georgia 2, Onorahoutianuary26,20ai,fieflT,Weil, Grozbean S Davis flletfScoMtobv.^^ a d J i e t a m S E O U a U ^ ^ in the Atfanta Ofvfeion ofthe Unfted States Oistrfc^ourt for the N ^ r t w i District of Georgia, civil action ffle no. i:ll-cv-W265-JOF (hereinafter cailed the "Ovif Actional on behalf of the PIsintiffs In that action. 3. On oraboutthemcmingof March 10,2G11, attomey Steven i , Estep metwith me, attorney Doug D^vts and Scott Hmtz at my law office which is ionated-at 8010 Roswefl Road, Sufte 200, Atfanta, OA 30350 to ' discuss the dvil litigation listed In paragraph # 2 (hereinafter cafied the '^QVfi litigation Discussion"). Attorney Steven 1 Estep entered an appearance on behalf of several defendants In the Qvif Action and was representing these same clients during the CivfE litigation Discussion. 5. During the CWn litigation Discussion, and fn the presence of Scott Hfntz, Doug Davis and myself, attorney Steven I Estep specifically mentioned he and hfs dfents had prevfousfy conversed with Scott Hintz's United States Probation Officer, Usa Moore, seemingly to gain advantage In the clvi! action. 6. Attorney Steven J, Btep was made aware by Scott Hintz, durfng the Civil Utigatlon Discussion, that his dients threatened to cause Scott Hintzttnwan-anted problems with his supervised release and attorney Steven J. Estep listened to tbe recorded threats of Net Fh^e assodates. Specfifcaffy, the vofce recordfngs of Paul Rohan, Mike Garrotte, and Robert Willison threatening Scott Hintz were played for Steven i . Estap.' 7, 1 and Scott Hintz, told attomey Steven J. Estep thatwe wouid not withdraw the Civil Action against his' , dients, which Included a cfaim of dvii RICO, during the Civil Utigatlon Discussion, S. Scott Hfntz was arrested on March 22,2011, apparently pursuant to allegations presented by Net Rve associates to Lisa Moore, and released on bond March 23,2011 I hereby state tha above are true under the penalty of perfury. f ^ t e the above this x ^ ^ d a y of May 20U.

V-Brfanft^ The Individual, above, has signed this affidavit In my presence afterfirstproviding sufficient proof of his identity.



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AfBdavit of Lisa HuItiTi I, lisa Hulfxa, liereby state all of the foUowing statements are true and oorretrt mdex the penalty of peaj-urys 1. I am over the age of eighteen and am of sound roind. The statements in this affidavit are derivedfrommy own personal fcaowledge, 2. On November 20,2010, and vidle at a restauraat enj oyiag a birthday party for afidend,I witaesaed Robert "WiHisoB. malce the foUomag statements to Soott Hiatzi "shut the iuok up abont the FBI iavestigations against me", "don't teH anyone about the investigations or you will never see what is owed", "all it will take is for two of us to teU the same lie about you and your ass will go to jaU", 'Ifyou think wa faoked you tea years ago, wait until you see what we do to you fhis time around." After Scott Hintz told Robert "Willisoa to leave him alone and oontinued to walk awayfromRobert "Willison,'Robert "Wllison said to Soott ESntz, "remember I am a black belt" and Rob ert'WiIlIson then told Soott Bintts that he would "lip I^Scott" faddng head off. Soott Hintz ignored Robert "VTillison and went to sit down to eat Robert Willison oame up behiad Soott Hintz and threw a large glass, and its contents, to hit Scott Hintz ia the back 8. I have heard various threats of Robert "Wiffisoii, Michael Garone andPaul Rohan to Scott Hiatz tellmg Soott to stay quiet about what he learned about the activities of Robert "Willison's, Michael Garone's, and Paul Rohan's questionable regardiag Gerova and Net Five, Some threats iaoluded death threats and threats of causing fals e and unwarranted problems with Soott Hintz's probation ofBoer. It was clear they were using the death threats and threats of imwarranted dvii and crirninal proceedings to try to exert influenoe over Scott Hintz to try to keep him quiet about them. 4. I witnessed attomey'Steven Estep meet with attomey Bryan Rush, attomey Doug Davis, and Soott Hiatz at fhe law offices of Belli, "WeU, Grozbean &:Davis at 8010 Roswdl Road #200, Atlanta, GA SOS0 on or aboutMarch 10, SOU, I speoiScally remember fhe outrage caused when Steven Estap threated to cause problems with Soott Hintz's probati.on officer if Doug Davis, Bryan Rush and Soott did not dismiss the civil BIGO that wasffledagainst the Gerova-Net Five clients of attomey Steven Estep. Doug Davis, Bryan Rush and Scott Hintz xefosed to dismiss the dvii RICO against the Steven Estep's Gerova-Net Five clients, On March 11, soil, and pursuant to fhe Net Five assodate's request, SupervismgUS Probation Officer SheUey S Jones signed a T etition for Warrant and Order to Show Cause" that was subseijuentiy signed by TJ.S Disbiot Covirt Judge Clarence Cooper on March 14,2011. I mtuessed Scott Hinte arrested pursuant to fhis order on March 22,2011 and released on bond on March 2S, 2011. e. On Apra sa, 2011,1 was supposed to testify in a Fulton County court agaiast Miohad Garone and Robert "Willison in regards to criminal allegations agamst them. The court date was reset because Robert "Wmison stated "Willison's and Garone's crmunal defease attomey, Jerome J. Frodioh, was observing the religious holiday of Good Friday, During this court appearance, anditmneiaatdy outside fhe court, I experienced a death threat and ofher mtimidation tacticsfromRobert "WiUison and Michael Garone which were clearly meant to discourage mefromtestifyiag against Michael Garone and Rob ert WilEson. The threats included very long and exaggerated stares and ahand gesture to out offahead. 6. On April 29,2011,1 witnessed attomey Jerome J. Froelioh talking with his clients ia fhe public areas of the Fulton County court During this same court appearance, I was supposed to testify against Robert "Willison and Mchael Garone. Instead, I witnessed attomey Jerome J, Frodioh state he had already talked with the judges and Jerome J, Frodioh stated the only iiing left was to set Soott Hinte's sentence for jaiL Attomey Jerome J. Frodich then tried to get the court clerk to reset the Aprfl 29,2011 court date a second lime. Soott Hiatz went up to attomey Jerome J, Froelida and said he did not want a second reset because Robert "VWlisoi], Mchad Garone and the witnesses against them were aH present la court 7. Jerome J. Frodioh stated he wanted the date to be reset "as far iatiiefuture as possible" but oertaintiy at some point "after Scott HSntz goes to jail", Scott Hintz told Jerome J. Frodioh he had not b een found guilfy and that there would stiU have to he afindingof guilt Jerome J. Froelich continued by tdhng Scott Hintz that Jerome J. Frodioh had aheady talked to Judge Oarenoe Cooper and that Judge Cooper Affidavit pageXf 2. initials:. Exhibit A

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has ah-eady found Scott Hintz guflty for the revooation proceedings. Jerome J, Froelich told Soott Hiatz . that the only thing left to do -was for Judge Cooper "to set the sentence on June i s * to send CSoott Hintz] hack to jail." The judge and clerk, on Jerome J. Froelich's req;uest, reset the April 29* court date to June 2,2011. Jerome J. Frodioh was aotiag so loud ahd irrational that others stepped up to him and asked to quiet down. Jerome J. Froelich was Shnedhy CBS immediately after this April 29,2011 court appearance, Jerome J. lYoelicli's demeaner oanle seen at; httrp;//w\w.cb3Ianta,oom/news/sessssss/detaiUitml 3, I have receaiiy seen a April 8, so 11 letter addressed to Jerome J. Froelich that was used in fhe revocation proceedings of Scott Hiatz. I statefileabove are true under thepeaalty ofperjmy. I state the above this ?( day of May 2011.

The person, above, has appeared before me aad signed this affidavit ra my presence this J\

day of May 2011.

Notary ^ ^ l i p ^

Affidavitpage i o f 2 . Initials: Exhibit A

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Affidavit Statement

T M H s a swom affidavit statementAmder penalty of perjw

I, Paul Hackett, xesiding at 172 Elysian Way N W , Atlanta, Georgia 30327,;do hereby testify that on the night of Novembfer 20, 2010 at Cantina restaurant I witnessed Robby WiUison throw a glass of margherita on Scott Hintz, Scott Hintz was sitting at the time ofthe event.

Exhibit j ^ .

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MMa.nt of Scott Bmiz 3, &ott Biat2^ hamby siatefeefoDwifig statmsrts are tra* lir^^^

1. lam over eightsen, am ofsomsd uani andgiveftese statemaiJsfirommy j>ersoaal kmmhSgi 2. Iiave kttawi Robert'Bobbie" WSlfeoasJace U I9P0's aad W considered IiimaftfsndBeoaBseof our ittteracfioas in the past l i s items I <&cova'ed about Mr, Wilfeott ohaaged veryfbiag I had b^lfcyed about Msi* 3. I {Sscovered Robert Willisoa baa a very slgaiScaut assorfafioa, sdk! mvolveHieut, wi& an ^^leged multibiffioadoHarcrHnmal organizafloutbat has beea iwolvedwSli mimerous crimes, imSudiHg somettatare alleged to be very vioJeat la tbe SeptetQbr/October2010 timefiame,I visited Robert WiBison's home in AlpSarettaaadwas verballyand physically as^idtedbyMr. WiKsoa, Itwas clearfevmmedmeto stay quiet about ids aSegediy illegal activities, 4. Oft November20,2010,1 learned wen more abontRolxsrt Wifiison and reaBzed he had nvr bees a Mend but has rather always boon using me v?hsi he staie4 ^ y o n think weftidkedyon ten years agOi -wait rada you see what "vve do to youtiiistimearoiaid " 5. Ihis aatemait was made to me at Pad Haofcett's baftday parts' atthe Caatfaa resfetoraatfaAtlanta, GA, Itried to avoid Robbie Willisoa during this party by sitting far &<m him. 7. Robbie Willison caatimied to follow me and c m ajd-areatea me. He said things Ss^sJiut ihe fdckijp aboat the FBI iavestigafloiis agamst me [Rohhie WilUsoa]", **dm*t tell myoae abontfeeinvestigations of you wfE never see what is owed", aH it wiS t^e is for "im of us to tsR the same He aiotit yoa aad yonr ass will go to jaif. I toM Rob^b WBBsoafeeparty was not aa appropriate place to talk becanse it showed disre^>ect towards Paul Hackett aad Hs o&er gpests. Wifflson conamied to cuss and. said he was *goingto tip-yonr[my|fttokiag head off,"" Se remmded me he was a blade belt 1 avoided him felher and sat down. WillEJon contiaued ii!s verbal assaults snd whai I took a seal; he threw a glass at me that Mt me mthe back, S. Robbie WiSfeon -ttea tried to get me to Mt Hm as he oontinaedtoYefbaSy taunt me. I refiised tofighthim and toM him to leave iho party. Others also asked "Wil&oa to l^-elhs pEdty, bmt he lefosed, 9. On ApiB 22,2011,1 was supposed to testify aiont my Icaowledge'of Robbie WiUison and MSce Garone, Outside Iho conrt room, Mike Garone said "see you in jail Monday". Inside ihe coarfroom Robbie WiUison and Mike Garone stared me down to try to intimidafe me. "ttts hearing was reset whea Robbie "WiEisoa toldfeecoart cferfe fist Ms attorney, Jerry froeSoh, was obsa-mg Good Rriday and could not mdco it into coart 10. After leaving; tho courtroom, I waited tor Robbie WilHson and Mike Garone to ieaye as instructed by cotmsel to avoid aay interaofion wi& liem, 11, WittIgotto1kepai3dttgdeofc,Ifo\mdRobbieWiIl3sonandMi5iGatoaewait5^ BwascJear they WHO staMag me. Bolh Robhie "WilHson andM&e Garorte yfsce in Robbie's oonveflifale and slowly drove by me, stared at mo aad made a gesture oleaciiig sending the msaga they intmded to out off my head, 12, I fed Robbie "WUlison, M k e Garone an4 tveir associates have threatened to sue me, unjustly put me itt Jail, aad threatened my life to try to keeji me Srom talking aboat iheir allegedly illegal activities. Staling the d>ove are tme under penal^ ofpenury, I hereby state the above this 2S* day of April2011.

Scott HiSai

i l

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f i i f e gfrt fe?& f f e ^

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ftis C M C@al^ ^ IE?*,

t^feg sisasfc ^ s l to fete tipei Oill CJgrgm. its ^^sife ^ * ^ wgi m


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Entered H/OI/O'/18:38:21


W L L I A M M . K O A L L , BSQ. HevadaBarHo. 3549 B-tiiail: Wim@gordoiisilyer,(ioiii MA-TrHB-F a m z o ? ? ; BSQ. B-jBflil: iata@godoHailTe!r,oom HwaJaBarHo. 7757 B-mall: l3goHy@gordcais2yeroota 3950 Howard Bx^esHcf?y., MtMoor Las Yegas, jSr7ada 89X69 Tefcplioiie{702) 796'-5555 Bacsfanfle (702) 369-2556 Attoia??s?s for Hamtiff

B-MedQn. j [ - ) - c ) 7

CaseNct BKrS-05-28IS5-BAM (Siaptetli 21ST C B M m Y T E G H N O L O O B S . M C . , Debtor. LAES.Y L BBRTSOB; AS TRtJgTEB <3S I B B 21gT CEHTORY TBCBHOtOGBS LIQTJH>ATIOH I S n S T ,

32 23 "24 25 26 27 28 3-0 H V o O H l r 54 O WH O B W |< } f - S 5 r S 745 S

XRANgONB,I3>rC., a<5eorgkoc!rpotatict; ROBEKT Y . -WH^LISON, aaiaasidua]; M I 0 H A B L V . GAKOiffijattiadividnai,' r>K^^ KOSTALDI, aafatSTidoal; aad g ' M M B J S a x ; mC-rf ^ oorporagoD, Dsfeaidanis. Larry-

Solted'o&ig Copferenoe; Date^ JattTiajy2,2008' ISme; 9;30ajn.

Seafcdv as Tiasfee of fee 21*^ Ceatmy Tocifeiologies Hgoidation, Stost

("p-MaSfi"), ^jj and fcongh. iiis mdexsigned ootmsel, fe law firm <ji Gordon & gUYar, Ltd., lierebyfilesi i ? Gomplaiat ^gainstptfepdante, limtsGas, Iho. ("XcansOue"), Robert Y . "VCTison

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Case05-2M85-bam 1 2 3 4 5 1.


Entered 1-(/0l/0718:S6r2f

Page 2 of 7

(WiI&orf% M o i a o l V . Garone ("GaroBo"), DaMel inc. C'gyiamofdsf)^ and a l l ^ fbe foUo-v^g;

Koaldi (-Rfcaldi"),


On Hoyomber 1, 2005,21^ Centmy Teoinologi^s, Jio. ("21* Goatniy"), filed lis

Yolnntaiy Chapter 11 Baalorttpfqy petition-raft-are aioyo-oaptoned Gonrt C^eiitionDats"}. 2. This Gomtias jroisdiofionoVer fhis adYorsatyproceedmgpxim^ . 28 U.S.C,

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 25 27 28
tliHtHpIXlK 3 >i Ha/iwtD HUSHES WW S .o

1334 andPed/H. Bankr. P. 7001(1). 3.

TMs adyersary piDoeoo&g is a ' W o ptoceediiig" as that term is defined ia 28

tXS.C. 1570)(2), aad Mses in artdis related fo fto Oiapter 11 hankruptoy case 6f 21"* Centcay oTOontiy peniStig in fhis Distdot 4. Vonue fer liis adyersary prooeedmg is proper i n fhis Dlstriot pmsuant to 2S

U,S.C 1409(a) t ecaoso 2 l f Centmy filsd apetifion for reEef in diat Conrt 5. On or aiont Jtme 29, 2007, fhe 21"* GeniXEy HqTddation Tmst oame into effect

pursnani to 21**; Centmy's oonSnned' Han of RBorgamzaHon, and Plaiatiff received all of Debtor's liglil; titio and interest in and to the olsims proseooted pnrsnant fo this advermy proceeding. 5. TransOne, Inc. is a Georgia corporafion, and its agent for service of process is

M o i a e l Garone, U f f i S Yista Poiest Drive, Alpiaretta, Georgia30005, 7. Robert "Willison is art in(vidTiEl an4 npon information and IseEe:^ resides at

S695EiV6rBltiffLane, S-Oswoll, Georgia S007S. 8. M o i a e l Garono Is an indiyid^ial and, npon information and Ijelief, resides at 1495

Masters drib Drive, Atlanta, Georgia30350. 9, Daniel Sinaldi is aa iadividxral and, trpon informaiion and Tjelio:^ resides at 210

RoyaHytham Conrt, Doltifh, Geor^a30097, 10, gynim.fEi2;Iao,isacoapaisttonofTjnknov?nod^n,



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Ittor al)ottt2003,21^ Centory acquired a25% intccesi; inltansOne. TtaBQttewa^pmportedlyiOTolYediiicre On M m a i i o a and Belief WiUison, Garone, Binaldi and Symetdz v^ere insldots

and/or affiliates ofTransQue, 14Upon information and TjeSe^ 2Ist Caotey's 25% m liansOne was o-fatained in

6 7

exdiange for a transfer of $50,000 (*liivesftoene')15. 2Ist Ceariray advanced approximately $790,000 ("Adyanoes") to TransOne,

9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

eXoltisive offh.e Invesfanentto TransCne,-wifh.fti.e expectation ofrepayment 16. Among potentially ofket Advanoes, 21* Centmy advanced flie sum of $50,0 00 on

NoYsmber 13,2003, $75,000 on December 3,2003, $35,000 on Janxmry 5,2004, $50,000 on Jannmy20,2004, $50,000 onPebmsry 18,2004, $5&;000onMBroli 17,2004, $50,000 onApal 29, 2004, $50,000 on May 26, 2004, $75,000 on Jane 28,2004, $55,000 on Aogust 4, 2004, $20,000 on September 8,2004, $25,000 on Ootober 5,2004, $30,000 on Oototer B , 2004, and $25,000 on OotoW 28, 2004. 17. AddifionaHy, 21st Centmy made personal loans to 'Willison in fire apprdximate

amotmt of $195,000 ('!Loans")18. Among potendally other personal Loaiis to "WilHsoiL, 21* Cesatmy loaned fhe stim

of$I5,000 on eaci. offhefoHovwng dates: Pekoary 11,2004, Maroiil7,2004,Maroi.26,2004, ' A p i a 2,2004, AprU 29, 2004, May 19,2004, May 25,2004 and M y 2,2004. In addition, 21^ Centmy made fhe foEovidng additional Loans to "WHisom $50,000 on Janoary 20, 2O04, and $50,000 onJanoary 16,2004, 19. lliereinaylmeieenodieramomtstransfferredtol^iinsonfhatYffl'bexnioovered

dming discovery, and Hainiiffreserves ifs right to amend fhis oomplaint to add sucli transfers. m S T C L A M yOB-SBDIBg (Breac^L of Contract - TransOne) 20. pfaT-nfifF repeats and realleges its aHegafens in fbe pr&vions pac^rscphs as fbongh.

faHy set fbrfhteein. 3


ayitiHDivwoBiioiesiw USVEoAr.HiVAo'.Sfli? p 27 W S 0)? 5 5

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Cass 05-28185-bam 1 2 3 4 5 repaid 2$.


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21. 22.

TransQae agreedtolepay-flie Advsiioes made t y 21st Cenicny. 21st Centmy demanded repayment of the Advance "bnt && Advances wae not

Defendant has mafeally feieadbedfisagreement vrffh. 21^ Centoty by failing to

repaySie Advances to 21st Ceatmy. 24. A s a direct and proxEmate resnlt of the breaolr of its agreement between 21st

6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 IS

Centmy and TransOne, 21st Centoiy bag been damaged in an amormt to be detenniaed at friai 25. It bas been necessary for Ibe Haindfrto expend time and iaonr expenses iu oxder

to proseonte this acfion, and fberefore, fbetrcstee is entitled to an award of reasonable attomey fees and costs. SECOM) CLAlMgQB.KBLIMB' preach of Contract-Against WilHson) 26. Plaintrff repeais and realleges ife allegations i a fbe previo"Qs paragrapbs as fhongb

ffcdly set forfh berein. 27. 28. 29. Willi5onagrBedtorepff7fheLoansmadeby2lstCanfanyto'WitIisoiL 21st Centnry demanded repayment of Ibe Loans b-af fhe Loans were not repaid, "WilHson las rosteiially Taeacbed its agreement vdfh 21^ Centory by falling to

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

repay fhe loans to 21st Cenfary. 30. A s a direct and prosimate resnlt of fhe breaob o f fhe agreement between 21st

Centory and "WilEson, 2Ist Centory bas been damaged in an amormt fo be deteimfned at tdaL 31. It bas been necessaryferfhe PMndff to expend lime and incur expenses in order

to proseonte fhis aetion, and therefore, fhe trastee is entitled to aa award of reasonable attomey fees aad costs. TBJSD d A I M g O R B a L I E y QBreaeih, of Centract igaiost TransOne) 32. Plaintiff repeals and realleges its allegations in fhe previons paragrapbs as fbough

27 28

fiilly set forth tereiru 33. On November 29, 2003,21* Centmy and TransOne made and entered into that 4


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1 < ^ v r a t i o a Agreement ( f b AgreemenfO, I

2 3 s m of $250,000 to TransOne. 34.

I t e Agreement was fertter e-rfdenoed by tbat oerfam Seonred Promissory Note

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

dated as ofNoveiaBer 30,2003. 35TransOne breaolied the Agreement by, among otker matters, faiHng to repay ih&

soms to 21^ Ceatmy perfi:sAgreement and feiiiag to provide fbe stook as pront&ed pnrsnant to fbe Agreement 36, A s a direct and prosimate resnlt of fke breaob. of fbe Agreement 21st Centory bas

been damaged in. an. amoimt fo be detemiined at tdaL 57, It i a s been necessary for fbe Plaintiff to expend time and inonr expenses in order

to prosecnte this acHon, and fberefore, Ibe PIMnlif^ per Section I I of fbe Agreemetrf, is enMed to an award of reasonable attomey fees and costs,

(Oh3nstlrnicbmentAgaiDstTr2nsOnemd"W2^ 38, Plainfiff repeats and realleges its aHegaSons in fbe preyions paragrapbs as fbongb

15 15 17 18 19 20 2i 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 42,

M t y set forfb. bererm 39, 21*' Centory made fbe Advances, Loans, and/or the monies .advanced per -Qie

Agreement wifb tbe expectation ofrepaycaent 40, ItensOne and Willison. world be mjnsfLy enridbed if they were allowed to keep

aay offbe Advances, Ix5ansand/or fbe loomes advanced perfbe Agreement with fhe expeotafioii. ofiBpayment 41, It bas been necessary for the Plaiofitt to expend time and inonr expenses in order

to proseonte fhis action, and -giesefore, tbe trustee is entitled to an award of reasonable attomey fefesand costs.

(Ayoidance of Erandrdenf Transfers Ptrrsnani fo 1 1 U S - C 548 Against TransOne and TViHison) Plaintiff repeate and realleges ifs allegations bi fbe previons paragcapbs as fbongb 5

3?i!ClKol'lAK> H G E (WfK U HS PC2)7?4-SS5


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21* Cqatqiy made fhe Adyaaoes fo TmnsOne and &e Loans fo

(collsotiv-dly, fhe 'Tiatisfeis'^. 4445, Transfers, 45Tht Smisfersweremade oaor wahintwe (2) years before fhe pettaon]^^


4 5
6 7.

21sf Century received less than areasonably ertrnvatenf valne iti excliange for fhe

2l5t Centmy -was insolyent or engaged in bnsiness and tensaotions for wHob it

bad tmreasonEibly smalt coital onfbe date fbatfhe Transfer were made, 47. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 48TheTtansfets aieayoi(3ableinjrsaarf:to 11 U S . C . 548(a)(l)CB). S P g l g C L A I M 'SOR SaXISB' (Ayoidanoeofltandidenf ibransfmpnrsnantfo 11 U.S,C. 544^b), arid K R $ 112.180(l)(b) igalnst TransOne and "VTiri&oa) . PtriTitiff repeats and realleges its allegatioiis in fbe preyions paragnipbs as fbongb

fblly aetforfhl-eceiQ. 49. Transfers. 50. 21st Centory was engaged or was abont to engage i n a bnsiness or a transaodon 21st Centcoy did not reoeiye reasonably eqtdvalent yalne i n esoiange fer fhe

for wbidb its remaining assets were nnreasonably small in. reMon tc tbe b'osiness or transaction. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2&AuobHBsA-UW 3MOHOM!I>KIJC5SP1W

51. 52. 544(b)a).

TbeTransfersweremadewifhbifora: (4) years offbe filmg of fhe Petifion Date. Tbe Transfers are ayoidable pnrstmnt to HRS 112,180 and 11 U-S-C

SlirmttHCIAIMiE'OK.KSrJEg (Ilecoyery of Staudnlent Transfers Pnrsnant to 11 XLS.C. 550 - AttDefendants) 53. PMoSff repeats and realleges its aEegaiions in the preyions paragraphs as fhongb

felly set forth b-erern 54. i f fbe Transfers to TransOne were avoidable transfers, then fbey are recoverable

by Plaiatiffpursnantto 11 n.S,C. 550. 55. To fhe extent Pinaldi, Garone and Symmetdx, and any other parties received 6



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same of fte bene of fhe Ttaasfers, then these o-ttier parfies are tbe immedigie, mediate tsnSJ^x subseijneuttransfteeesfiomwMoiPMatiffmayr H f j . S . a 550,

"WHBREPOKB, Plainii&|irayfarjn%netit againstBefeodartts

1. % 3, 4, Oa the First C M m for Refie:^ for damages h.

as follo-ws:

amormt to beproven at toal.

On fbe Second Claim for Relief fbr damages in an amonnt ia be pxoyea attdal. On fhe Unrd Claim for Relief for damages ia an amonnt to be proven atfdal, QnfheFotnfbGIaim>rR.eIie:5fordamagesiQ.anamotratto be proven attdal Onfbel'iftbClaimfprReHe^.voiding'theTiansferspnisaaatto 1111,8.0. 548, On tbe Sixtb a a i m for iLeSef, voiding the Transfers pmsuant to 11 U,S,C.

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 25 27 28 GKo & J n 7 > n o aK SHT. Ti i y (702l7y-55S

5, 6,

544(b) HRS 112.l80(l)(b). 7On fhe geventh Claim for Rahe:^ providiag recovery of tbe liansfers of fheir

Vdnefo ft.eTIaiatifepmsnantto II TJ.g,C, 550. 8, Awarding PMntiff i i s reasonable attorneys' fees and conrt costs to fhe orient

p erroitted by law and tbe Agreement 9. Granting Plainliffsndh ofher andiinfher leEef as to wHobbe may be entifled

DATED fhis 1st day ofHoVember, 2D07. GoitDON&S-lcm

MATTBB-WG. 7S$^> ESQ. LEBLIOLODY,BS<i. 3950 Howard Hogbes Pfo?y 9fbPloor Las Yegas, Heyada 89169 Attomeys for Plaintiff

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C3oJCD01T & SSLVSK, L m "WLXIAM M . N O A L L , BgQ. N&Ya(!aBarNo-3549 E-mmt wnm@gor<ioiisitTOr,<;cmi L E B L IGLODY, ESQ, NevaaaSarNo,7757 B-mail: E@gor4oasilyer.coffl: 3960 Sowed. H a ^ e s l ' i w y . j ^ f l i K b o f Las Vegas, ITevada 89169 iSaosiinfle (702) 359-2555 Attoidieyp for HaicriiEr

6 7

Telephone (702) 795-5555


latex 21ST CBNTUEY TBOHNOLOOIBg, ESfC^ Debtor. CaseNo.:BX;-g-05-28l85-BAM CE^terll

10 11 12 13 14 15 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 25 27 2S



gottedtilnig Corrferggoe; Date: IStnej

JASON GALANIS, Defsndants. Larry L . Bertscb, as trustee of tbe 21^ Centory Teolinologies Ligrtldatioa TnM (^MatifiF^, b y and ibxon^ bis imdersigtied oomisel, tbe law firm of Gordon & SiLyer, Ltd, bereby files bis Goniplaint agaitist Defeodard: Tason Galanis ('Defendant^, and alleges the foUowing: PASTIES, JDKISPICTION AND YSNUS 1. On NoYember 1, 2005 (Tetiaon Date"), 21* Century Tedhnologies, Tna. ('21*

Cgufany") filed its Yolnnfary Gb^tes II bankmptcy pefittoji wifb fbe aboYe-capfioied Conrt


(C )T^ 5S 7 C7 4 S 5

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TMs Comt ias 5mis(3icfim oyer fhis adyersary proeeedrngprirsaaa: to 28 JJXQ,

1334 and P e l K . Banfar, 1,7001(1). 3, This adyersary proceetiitig is a oore proeeedfer as that tenn is defined in 28

U.S,C. 157(b)(2X aad arises k and is related to the Chapter l l bahbaptcy case of 21^ Caatoiy ontrenflypeQdrag Bithis l&tdcfc 4, Venne for fhis adyarsaty pioceafing is proper in fhis Msfrtct pmsuant to 28

U . g . a 1409(a) tecaase 21*^ Centcayfiledapetition for reliefia fhis Conrt 5, On or aixmt Jmie 29j 2007, fhe 21* Centory LiqmdaGon Tmst came iuto efieot

pnrsuant to 21* Century's confimied plan of reorganization; and PlamtiS' receiyed all of 21** Centmy's right; title and iaterest i u and to fhe olaims prosecnted pmsnant to fhis adversary proceeding, 5, Defendanf is aa individual On infomiation and 'belief, at aH times relevant:

11 12 13 14 15 15 17

Iiereto, Defendant v?asxesidnigiaXos Angeles, California, G^HBME/iXLEOA^gOlSrS 7. On December 23, 2003, Defendant issued 21^* Centmy a promissory note

("Hote") i a ib.e amotmt of $10,500,00 together v?ifh interest as stated i n fhe Hote, A fme and oorreot copy of fbe Hote is attached bereto as Exhibit 1 and incorporated liereiaby ftns referenoe, 8. Commenoiag on JaatiKry2l, 2004fitcon^LJtme 22,2004,21^ Centmy transferred

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 25 27 28

$97:,950.00 to Defendant (fbe "Transfers"),

(Breadb of Contract) 9. Plaintiff repeats and realleges Ms allegations contained in Paragrapbs 1 fhrongh g

fhongb fidly set fortblietein. 10. Defendant bas materially breached fhe Hots by failiag to pay 21*^ Century fhe

amonnts dasfberenndar, 11. Tbe omrent priacipal balance dne and owing 2lst Centory nnder Qie Note is

SlO,50O, ezolnsive of interest and attomey fees and costs, vriicb contnme to accrue. 12. A s a direct aad proximate result of Defendant's failure to repay fbe Note, 21st 2

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C&xiSmy-ims been damagedii m amotmi e^oal to $10,500plus interest 13, It lias beeti neoessaiy for Hamtifif to ezpead time and inonr expenses in order to

prosecnte fMs action, and, therefore, PMntrECis enffledto an award of reasonable attomey fees and costs, SBOOHD C L A I M gORBELUlB' (Ayordaitce of Eraadnlenf Transfer Birsitani fo XI 'DljS.O, S48) 14Plarojxff repeats and realleges ife attegadons oontained in Paragrapbs 1 fkoogh 8

as fbongb fiilly set forfb iLsrein. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

HWUKOOll 39i0 HOyWO H S E P W OB S R Us Y3KWJiAS?l if


21^ Centmy made payment to Defendant in tbe amomit of $97:^50 betweea

lamrary21,2004 aad Inne22,2004. 15. 17. Traosfes. 18. 21st Cenioiy was insolvent or engaged in btisiness and transactions for w i i c i it 13ieTransf6rsweremadeonorwidnntwo(2)yeatsbefoxefbePetitionDate. 21st Centmy received less than areasonably eqmvslent valne i n exobange for fhe

bad tmreasonably small coital on file date that fbe Transfers were made. 19. Tbe Transfers are avoidable pnrsaant to 11 XLS.C. 548(a)Cl)(B}. THIEtD ca^AMPOPLPM/lSB' (AvoidanceofPrandtdenf Transfers Pm^uaatfoHBS 1I2,180{1)(1}) andllU.S.G. 544Cb)) 20. Plaintiff repeats and realleges i i s aEegadons contained in. Paragrapbs 1 tbrongh 8

and 14 fbtongh 19 as fbougbfidlyset forfb berein. 21. Transfers. 22. 2lSt Centmy was engaged or was abont tc engage i n a bnsiness or a transaodon 21st Century did not receive reasonably eqmvalent vaiie i n exobange for the

fbr'VKbicb its xemairiittg assets were nnreasonably smad in relation to fbe business or fransacdon. 23. 24. 5440)C1). 3 Tbe liansfers were made WiSm fom: (4) years of fbe filing offbe Petition Date, T i e Ttansfers.are avoidable pmsnant to NRS 112.180 and 11 U.S.G

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(RBcoyeecy- of Steaaafeaf Tjmsfers ]?nisJiattt to 11 IT.S,a 550} PMafiff xepeats and realleiges Ms attegafions oontaiaed i a Paragrapiis 1 fbiough. 8

and 14tkoug!i24asfkoi3^M7sef fofSilieretQ, 25, i f Ilie Transfeis to Defeadani w e sn avoidable iransfeis, fben fbey are

reooverd^letyPIafaiiffpttrsaaarfcfo 11 US.C, 550. 27, To fbe extant any ofber persons received some of&e benefit offbe Transfers fbea

fbose pKtsons are fbe iamrediate, mediate and/or scibsequeat transfereesfiromwHdb Plaintiffmay rscoyerfiompnrEaiant to II U.S.C. 550. KESTH CTAIMa'OR.PSBLIBg (pisaHbTvaace Of CSaims Pmrsasat to 11 TJ.g-C 502(d)) 28, PlsiniiEPrepeats and realleges bis allegafions contained in Paragrapbs 1 fbrongb 8

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 25 27 28 KiRiSRocK

and 14 fbcongb 27 as fbongb fidly set forfbbearein, 29, PlarnfifF is iofbtmed and beEeves, md based fbereapon alleges tbe Transfers are

avoidablefiaxtddleiatfransfers. 30, 11 U.S.C. 502(d) provides that fbe Banlonptcy Conrt sbalLdisallov?-any claim of

a parfy from ydnob. properiy is recoverable nnder 11 U.S.C, 550 or fbat is a transferee of avoidable ttansfers tmless snob eaiifybas paid a dsbtor tbe recoverable amonnt of sncbproperiy. 31, To fixe extent Defendant asserts claims against 21^* Century, snob claims sbonld

be disallowedpomuantto 11 U.S.C. 502(d), "WHBKBP'OKB, pMattEfprays forjndgment against Defendaat as follows; 1, On fbe Pirst d a i m for Relief fbepiiadpal amonnt of $10,500 pins iotereEft as set

forth, ra fbe Note fbrougbfhe date of entry of judgment and continuing fbereafterunfil pdd. 2, 548. 3, On fbe Third Claim fbr P.elis voiding fbe Transfers pnrsnant to NRS On fbe Second Claim for Relie:^ voiding fbe Transfers pmsnant to H tJ.S.G,

112.180(l)(b) and 11 U S . C . ? 5440). 4, OnfbePonriib ClaimforRelie^-providiagreoovery of tbe Tcansfeis or fheir value 4

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1 2 3 4 5

Doa 318

E f i W l 1/01/0718:03:55 Page 6 of 7

to PlaiKfiffp-msnanf fo II tISlC. f 550. 5. On fhe Fififc Olaim. for I^M, disallowance of any olairns of Defcadanfs

pinsttaatto 11 US.C. 502(d), 6t A w S t t g Plakfiff ids reasonable attoweys' fees and ooatt costs fo fbe <adsaf

petrifited1?yla'W'. 7. OranflagPlainfiEE sacb. ofber aadfcpAerrelief as tp wiiob be maybe pctLfLed, ofHoYCraber, 2007.

6 1


10 11 12 13 14 15 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ' 24 25 26 27 28




3950 HowmdHngiies Piwy., 9b51oor Las Y e ^ Heyada. S9159 Aftomeys forPlainliBf


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b:xsibit 1


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febtmor ate-waived.


TOTH- P.ei

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6025 Sandy Spnng C3rd Sti{fe32& Atlanta, Georgia. 30328

S R O U P , I-LC

y 678-6^3383 F404-4?2-7Oa4 itinfflsoiiiiet5group.coni


{878) S44-S3a3~' '

\ $7?


A T L A N T A , O A 30076 Y . "...'i-.i-j;;;--... -..-'.tB.rf.;.,.. . .

! PENN ? L A 2 ; A
-. i-

N E W Y O X K , H Y 10(101

Exhibit B

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