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Lớp TOEIC cô Huyền Mít

Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383


TỔNG QUAN PART 1 ............................................................................................................................... 2

UNIT 1: TẢ NGƯỜI ................................................................................................................................. 20
UNIT 2: TẢ VẬT ...................................................................................................................................... 28
UNIT 3: REVIEW PART 1 ...................................................................................................................... 37
TỔNG QUAN PART 2 ............................................................................................................................. 43
UNIT 4: WHO – WHERE – WHEN ....................................................................................................... 48
UNIT 5: WHAT – HOW – WHY ............................................................................................................ 57
UNIT 6: CÂU HỎI YES/NO, CÂU HỎI ĐUÔI, CÂU HỎI LỰA CHỌN ........................................... 64
TỔNG QUAN PART 3 ............................................................................................................................. 70
UNIT 7: BUSINESS, PERSONNEL, EVENTS AND WORKPLACE ................................................ 71
UNIT 9: RESERVATION, SHIPMENT, CUSTOMER SERVICE ................................................... 103
TỔNG QUAN PART 4 ........................................................................................................................... 115
.................................................................................................................................................................. 116
UNIT 11: INFORMATION, TALK ...................................................................................................... 132

Lớp TOEIC cô Huyền Mít
Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383


I. Phân loại
Tranh Tranh Tranh Tranh tả vật
1 người 2 người nhiều
Trọng Con người - Nếu 2 người có - Tả 1 Cách sắp xếp hoặc trạng thái
tâm trong tranh tương tác với nhau: người khác của đồ vật
mô tả Tập trung vào hành biệt
động tương tác của 2 - Tả hành
nhân vật động
- Nếu 2 người không chung của
có tương tác với nhóm
nhau: mô tả riêng 1 người
trong 2 người
Chủ - He/ She - A woman/ the woman/ a man/ the - Tên đồ vật cụ thể
ngữ - The woman man - Các từ chỉ chung: item,
- The man - They/ people/ the men/ the merchandise...
- One of the men/ one of the
Cấu - S + tobe + Ving - S + tobe + Vp2 + cụm giới từ
trúc - S + is/are + being + Vp2 - There is/ are: Số lượng của
mô tả cái gì
Lưu ý - Chú ý vào tương tác của người với người hoặc người với đồ vật để loại trừ
- Loại trừ các câu có “being” nhưng con người trong tranh không tác động vào đồ vật

II. Đặc điểm mô tả

1. Tranh tả một người: Cần lưu ý các động từ mô tả: MẮT, TAY, TƯ THẾ, HÀNH ĐỘNG
TỔNG QUÁT của người trong tranh, đồng thời lưu ý vị trí, trạng thái của các đồ vật, cảnh vật.

Lớp TOEIC cô Huyền Mít
Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

- Quan sát động tác tay và mắt

 The woman is holding some paper
 The woman is looking down at the machine
- Quan sát động tác tổng thể
 The woman is making some copies
 The woman is operating a machine
- Xác định đồ vật xung quanh
 There are some plants next to the window
 The door is closed
Từ vựng thường gặp
Từ vựng Từ Dịch nghĩa của từ Ví dụ Dịch nghĩa ví dụ
Type (v) Đánh máy Type on the keyboard Đánh máy
Reach for (v) Với lấy Reach for a book Với lấy cuốn sách
Sweep (v) Quét Sweep the floor Quét sàn
Pour (v) Rót (nước) Pour something into a cup Rót thứ gì vào cốc
Hold (v) Cầm, nắm Hold in a hand Cầm trong tay
Carry (v) Mang, vác Carry a ladder Vác một chiếc thang
Operate (v) Vận hành (máy móc) Operate a machine Vận hành một chiếc
Put on (v) Mặc (quần áo) – Put on a suit Đang mặc bộ lễ phục
đang mặc
Wear (v) Mặc – Đã có sẵn trên Wear a suit Đang mặc bộ lễ phục
Look (v) Nhìn Look at the monitor Nhìn vào màn hình
View (v) Xem View arts in the museum Xem tranh trong bảo
Examine (v) Xem xét, kiểm tra Examine something Xem xét cái gì đó
Climb (v) Trèo Climb the ladder Leo thang
Speak (v) Nói, nói chuyện Speak into the Nói vào micro
Work (v) Làm việc Work at the monitor Làm việc máy tính
Clean (v) Lau dọn Clean the street Dọn phố
Take photos (v) Chụp ảnh They are taking photos Họ đang chụp ảnh

2. Tranh tả hai/ nhiều người: Cần lưu ý mô tả sự tương tác của những người trong tranh, mô tả
hành động chung của họ hoặc hành động khác biệt của một người nào đó trong tranh. Chú ý các
từ vựng diễn tả mỗi quan hệ vị trí của con người và sự vật.

Lớp TOEIC cô Huyền Mít
Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

- Quan sát điểm giống nhau của mọi người

 The women are sitting on the bench
 People are relaxing outdoors
 They are looking at the same direction
- Quan sát điểm khác nhau của mọi người
 One of the women is having her legs crossed
- Xác định vị trí của mọi người và sự vật xung quanh
 The women are sitting side by side
 The bench is placed next to the trees
Từ vựng thường gặp
Từ vựng Từ loại Dịch Nghĩa từ Ví dụ Dịch nghĩa ví dụ
Relax (v) Thư giãn Relax outdoors/ Thư giãn ngoài trời/
indoors trong nhà
Same/different (prep) Theo hướng Look at the same Nhìn cùng một hướng
direction giống/ khác nhau direction
Cross (v) Vắt chéo (chân) Have one’s legs Vắt chéo chân
Side by side (prep) Bên cạnh nhau Sit side by side Ngồi cạnh nhau
Along (prep) Dọc theo Along the fence Dọc theo hàng rào
Bench (n) Ghế dài Sit on the bench Ngồi trên ghế
Document (n) Tài liệu Examine a document Xem tài liệu
Audience (n) Khán giả The audience is lining Khán giả đang xếp
up hàng
Musician (n) Nhạc công Musician is playing a Nhạc công đang chơi
musical instrument nhạc cụ
In a row (prep) Thành 1 hàng Wait in a row Chờ theo hàng
Water fountain (n) Vòi phun nước Rest near a water Nghỉ ngơi gần vòi
fountain phun nước
Suitcase (n) Cái vali Pack a suitcase Đóng gói hành lý
Shake (v) Rung lắc, bắt tay Shake hands Bắt tay

Lớp TOEIC cô Huyền Mít
Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

Chat (v) Nói chuyện Chat with each other Nói chuyện với nhau
Face (v) Nhìn Face each other Nhìn nhau
Attend (v) Tham dự Attend a meeting Tham dự 1 cuộc họp
Interview (v) Phỏng vấn Interview a person Phỏng vấn 1 người
Address (v) Gửi, nói chuyện Address the audience Nói chuyện với khán
Hand (v) Đưa, trao Hand something to Đưa cái gì đó cho
another người khác
Stand (v) Đứng Stand in line Đứng theo hàng
Across from (prep) Đối diện Sit across from each Ngồi đối diện nhau

3. Tranh tả đồ vật: Trong tranh không có người mà chỉ xuất hiện đồ vật. Cần lưu ý về mối quan
hệ vị trí và trạng thái của các vật trong tranh.

- Xác định trạng thái của đồ vật

 The carts are stacked neatly
 The carts have been put in a line
- Xác định mối liên hệ vị trí giữa các vật
 Some carts are placed along the wall
- Xác định điểm giống và khác nhau giữa các vật
 All the carts are identical
 None of the carts are loaded with items
Từ vựng thường gặp
Từ vựng Từ loại Dịch nghĩa từ Ví dụ Dịch nghĩa ví dụ
Stack (v) Sắp xếp thành cụm/ Stack on the shelf Xếp đống trên kệ

Lớp TOEIC cô Huyền Mít
Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

Display (v) Trưng bày Some items are on Một vài sản phẩm được
display trưng bày
Place (v) Đặt, để Be placed on the table Được đặt trên bàn
Arrange (v) Sắp xếp Be arranged in a circle Được sắp xếp thành vòng
Identical (adj) Giống nhau The carts are identical Những giỏ hàng giống
Load (v) Chất (hàng) lên Load on a truck Chất lên xe tải
Clean (v) Lau dọn Clean the carpet Dọn thảm
Sign (n) Biển báo Study a sign Xem 1 biển báo
Park (v) Đậu xe The cars are parked Những chiếc ô tô được
along the street đỗ dọc theo con phố
Dock (n) Bến tàu (tàu thuỷ) The boats are lined up Những chiếc thuyền
at the dock được sắp theo hàng ở bến
Sidewalk (n) Vỉa hè Pedestrians are walking Người đi đường đang đi
on the sidewalk bộ trên vỉa hè
Pedestrian (n) Người đi đường
Fill (v) Chất đầy Be filled with fruit Được chất đầy trái cây
Purchase (v) Mua Purchase some items Mua 1 vài sản phẩm
Empty (adj) Trống rỗng The carts are empty Giỏ hàng trống rỗng
Occupied (v) Bị chiếm (có người) The room is occupied Căn phòng có người
Unoccupied (v) Không có người The chairs are Những chiếc ghế còn
unoccupied trống (chưa có ai ngồi)
Cover (v) Bao phủ Be covered with snow/ Bị phủ bởi tuyết / thảm

4. Tranh có hình ảnh thiên nhiên

Lớp TOEIC cô Huyền Mít
Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

- Đoán từ vựng về thiên nhiên hay sự vật trọng tâm của tranh
 Many trees are growing in the area
 The path goes through the woods
- Xác định mối liên hệ vị trí giữa các vật
 The fallen leaves are scattered on the ground
 There are trees on both sides of the path
- Mô tả chung
 The area is heavily wooded

Từ vựng thường gặp

Từ vựng Từ loại Dịch nghĩa từ Ví dụ Dịch nghĩa ví dụ
Path (n) Con đường mòn
Forest (n) Rừng cây The group is hiking Nhóm người đang đi
through the forest bộ qua khu rừng
Fallen leaves Lá rụng The fallen leaves are Những chiếc lá rụng
scattered on the ground rải rắc trên mặt đất
Scatter (v) Rải rắc
On both sides (prep) Ở cả 2 bên On both sides of the Ở 2 bên cầu thang
Bridge (n) Cây cầu The bridge is reflected Cây cầu được phản
on the river chiếu trên dòng sông
Reflect (v) Phản chiếu
Plant (v) Trồng (cây) Be planted in rows Được trồng theo hàng
Mow (v) Cắt (cỏ) Mow the lawn Cắt cỏ
Pile (v) Đống/ chồng chất Books are piled up on Sách được xếp chồng
the table trên bàn
Water (v) Tưới nước Water the plant Tưới cây
Feed (v) Cho ăn He is feeding birds by Anh ấy đang cho
hand chim ăn bằng tay

Lớp TOEIC cô Huyền Mít
Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

III. Từ vựng phân loại theo chủ đề

1. Hình ảnh liên quan đến công ty
A. Máy tính

Từ vựng thường gặp
Turn on Mở/ bật
Stare at Nhìn chằm chằm
Type Đánh máy
Keyboard Bàn phím
Be disconnected Bị ngắt kết nối
Be blank Trống
Các cụm từ cơ bản + các đáp thường gặp trong tình huống
Các cụm từ cơ bản Ý nghĩa
Using the computer Sử dụng máy tính
Typing on the keyboard Đánh máy
Typing a document Đánh tài liệu
Being seated at the computer Ngồi bên máy tính
Looking at the monitor Nhìn vào màn hình
The monitor is blank Màn hình trống
Các đáp án thường gặp Ý nghĩa
The monitor is turned on Màn hình được bật
People are working on the computers Mọi người đang làm việc máy tính
They are sitting at the table Họ đang ngồi bên bàn
They are staring at the screens Họ đang nhìn vào màn hình

Lớp TOEIC cô Huyền Mít
Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

B. Cuộc họp/ phát biểu

Từ vựng thường gặp

Dress Mặc quần áo
Present Trình bày
Podium Bục giảng
Address Nói chuyện với
Enter Đi vào
Gather Tự tập
Audience Khán giả
Face Đối mặt
Be unoccupied Trống (chưa ai ngồi)
Các cụm từ cơ bản + các đáp thường gặp trong tình huống
Các cụm từ cơ bản Ý nghĩa
Be gathered for a meeting Tụ tập cho 1 cuộc họp
Standing at the podium Đứng bên bục giảng
Facing the front of the room Nhìn về phía trước của căn phòng
Speaking into the microphone Nói vào micro
Some of the seats are unoccupied 1 vài ghế vẫn còn trống
Các đáp án thường gặp Ý nghĩa
The man is presenting something Người đàn ông đang trình bày cái gì đó
He is standing at the podium Anh ta đang đứng bên bục giảng
He is addressing the audience Anh ta đang nói chuyện với khán giả

Lớp TOEIC cô Huyền Mít
Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

C. Tài liệu/ photocopy

Từ vựng thường gặp

Copier Máy photo
Lid Cái nắp
Cabinet Cái tủ
Examine Xem xét
Hand Trao/ đưa
Sign Kí
Contract Hợp đồng
Sheets of paper Những tờ giấy
Các cụm từ cơ bản + các đáp thường gặp trong tình huống
Các cụm từ cơ bản Ý nghĩa
Examining a document Xem xét tài liệu
Standing by the copier Đứng cạnh máy photocopy
Handing some paper Đưa tài liệu
Looking through the document Xem xét tài liệu
Making some copies Photo tài liệu
The lid of the copier is open Nắp đậy của máy photo đang mở
Các đáp án thường gặp Ý nghĩa
He is using the copier Anh ta đang sử dụng máy photo
The lid of the copier is closed Nắp đậy của máy photo đang đóng
There is a cabinet above the photocopier Có 1 ngăn tủ phía trên máy photo
He is making copies in the room Anh ta đang photo tài liệu trong phòng

Lớp TOEIC cô Huyền Mít
Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

D. Điện thoại

Từ vựng thường gặp

Similar Giống nhau
In use Đang được sử dụng
Place Đặt / để
Be lined up Được để thành hàng
Insert Nhét/ chèn (vào đâu đó)
Các cụm từ cơ bản + các đáp thường gặp trong tình huống
Các cụm từ cơ bản Ý nghĩa
Talking on the phone Nói chuyện điện thoại
Lined up at the phone booth Sắp hàng ở bốt điện thoại
Using the telephone Sử dụng điện thoại
Conducting a phone conversation Thực hiện 1 cuộc nói chuyện điện thoại
None of the phones are being used Không có chiếc điện thoại nào đang được sử dụng
Các đáp án thường gặp Ý nghĩa
The telephones look similar Những chiếc điện thoại nhìn giống nhau
The phones are not in use Những chiếc điện thoại đang không được sử dụng
The phones are placed next to each other Những chiếc điện thoại được đặt cạnh nhau

Lớp TOEIC cô Huyền Mít
Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

2. Hình ảnh liên quan đến nghỉ ngơi, giải trí

A. Mua sắm

Từ vựng thường gặp

Item Vật/ món/ hàng hoá
On display Đang trưng bày
Shelf Kệ/ giá để đồ
Occupy Chiếm (khoảng trống)
Stock Chất (hàng hoá)
Examine Xem xét
Purchase Mua
Be stacked (Hàng hoá) Được chất
Be unoccupied Trống (chưa ai ngồi)
Các cụm từ cơ bản + các đáp thường gặp trong tình huống
Các cụm từ cơ bản Ý nghĩa
Be on display Đang được trưng bày
Be placed on the shelf Được đặt trên giá
Browsing the store Xem xét cửa hàng
Examining some goods Xem xét hàng hoá
Purchase the goods Mua hàng hoá
Be stacked on the floor Được chất chồng trên sàn nhà
Các đáp án thường gặp Ý nghĩa
The items are on display Hàng hoá đang được trưng bày
None of the chairs are occupied Không có chiếc ghế nào được ngồi
The shelves have been stocked with items Những chiếc giá được chất đầy hàng hoá
The products are displayed for sale Hàng hoá được trưng bày để bán

Lớp TOEIC cô Huyền Mít
Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

B. Không gian trong phòng

Từ vựng thường gặp

Painting Bức tranh
Make the bed Dọn giường
Be covered with Được phủ bởi
Tile Gạch ngói
Couch Ghế dài
Stove Lò
Balcony Ban công
Carpet Tấm thảm/ trải thảm
Brick Gạch
Các cụm từ cơ bản + các đáp thường gặp trong tình huống
Các cụm từ cơ bản Ý nghĩa
The bed has been made Giường đã được dọn
Be hung above the couch Được treo phía trên của chiếc ghế
The food is cooking on the stove Thức ăn được nấu trên bếp
There are plants in front of the windows Cây cối được đặt trước cửa sổ
There is a balcony at each window Mỗi cửa sổ đều có ban công
Các đáp án thường gặp Ý nghĩa
There are lamps on both sides of the sofa Có những chiếc đèn ở cả 2 bên của ghế sofa
The painting is hanging on the wall Bức tranh được treo trên tường
Cushions have been placed on the sofa Những tấm đệm được đặt trên ghế sofa
The couch has been placed along the wall Chiếc ghế được đặt dọc theo bức tường

Lớp TOEIC cô Huyền Mít
Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

C. Nhà hàng

Từ vựng thường gặp

Customer Khách hàng
Meal Bữa ăn
In use Đang được sử dụng
Wear Mặc
Take an order Ghi món ăn khách gọi
Study Xem
Pour Rót
Be set Được sắp sẵn
Polish Lau chùi
Các cụm từ cơ bản + các đáp thường gặp trong tình huống
Các cụm từ cơ bản Ý nghĩa
Taking a food order Ghi món ăn khách gọi
Be served to the table Phục vụ bàn
Pouring water into a cup Rót nước vào trong cốc
Having their meal Dùng bữa
Be busy with customers Bận phục vụ khách hàng
Be set for a meal Được sắp sẵn cho 1 bữa ăn
Các đáp án thường gặp Ý nghĩa
Customers are having their meals Khách hàng đang dùng bữa
There is a table cloth on each table Có tấm trải bàn trên mỗi bàn ăn
Some of the chairs are not in use Một vài chiếc ghế đang không được sử dụng
The man is studying the menu Người đàn ông đang xem thực đơn

Lớp TOEIC cô Huyền Mít
Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

D. Bờ hồ

Từ vựng thường gặp

Dock Cập bến/ Bến (tàu thuyền)
Shade Che mát
Float Nổi
Harbor Cảng
Row Chèo (thuyền)
Stroll Đi dạo
Along Dọc theo
Overlook Nhìn ra
Rough Động (gợn sóng)
Các cụm từ cơ bản + các đáp thường gặp trong tình huống
Các cụm từ cơ bản Ý nghĩa
Floating in the water Nổi trên mặt nước
Standing on the deck of the boat Đang đứng trên boong tàu
Rowing the boat Chèo thuyền
Strolling along the beach Đi bộ dọc theo bờ biển
Overlooking the water Nhìn ra hướng mặt nước
Các đáp án thường gặp Ý nghĩa
The boat are docked at the lake Con thuyền bị buộc ở hồ
Some ducks are swimming in the water 1 vài con vịt đang bơi trên mặt nước
The water is very calm Mặt nước rất êm ả
The ground is partially shaded by the trees Mặt đất được che mát 1 phần bởi cây cối
Nâng cao
Be loaded with cargo Được chất đầy hàng hoá
Try on a pair of shoes Thử 1 đôi giày
Centerpiece Đồ trang trí ở giữa bàn ăn
Browse the shelves Nhìn lướt qua các kệ hàng

Lớp TOEIC cô Huyền Mít
Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

Be laid out Được bày ra

Be piled up Được chất đống
Be on display on the rack Được trưng bày trên giá
Be stocked with items Được chất đầy hàng hoá
Be sorted on the rack Được phân loại trên giá
On both sides ở cả 2 bên

3. Hình ảnh liên quan đến đường phố

A. Phương tiện giao thông

Từ vựng thường gặp

Point Chỉ
Park Đỗ xe
In front of Phía trước
Pull Tấp vào, ghé vào (vỉa hè)
Load Chất hàng
Opposite Đối điện
Land Hạ xuống
Ground Mặt đất
Platform Sân ga
Repair Sửa chữa
Các cụm từ cơ bản + các đáp thường gặp trong tình huống

Các cụm từ cơ bản Ý nghĩa

Parking the car Đỗ ô tô
Pulling into the station Tấp vào bến
Loading onto a truck Chất hàng lên xe tải

Lớp TOEIC cô Huyền Mít
Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

Be parked along the street Đỗ dọc theo con phố

Be landed on the ground Hạ xuống mặt đất
Các đáp án thường gặp Ý nghĩa
The door of the car is closed/ open Cửa xe ô tô đang đóng/ mở
the cars are parkedin front of the building/ Ô tô đỗ đằng trước toà nhà/ dọc theo con phố
along the street
The man is working on the car Người đàn ông đang sửa ô tô
There are cars on both sides of the street Có những chiếc ô tô ở cả 2 bên đường

B. Đường phố

Từ vựng thường gặp

Pedestrian Khách bộ hàng
Walk along Đi dọc theo
Cross Đi qua, băng qua (đường)
Traffic light Đèn giao thông
Sign Biển hiệu, biển báo
Sidewalk Vỉa hè
The rest (n) Người/ vật còn lại
Rest (v) Nghỉ ngơi
Fountain Vòi phun nước
Curb Lề đường
Các cụm từ cơ bản + các đáp thường gặp trong tình huống
Các cụm từ cơ bản Ý nghĩa
Walking along the street Đi bộ dọc theo con phô
Crossing the road Băng qua đường
Waiting for the traffic light Chờ đèn giao thông

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Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

Resting around the fountain Nghỉ ngơi quanh vòi phun nước
Sitting on the curb Ngồi bên lề đường
The trees are along the street Có những cái cây dọc theo con phố
Các đáp án thường gặp Ý nghĩa
Pedestrians are walking along the street Hàng khách đi bộ dọc theo con phố
There are some signs on the street Có những biển hiệu trên phố
Some people are walking on the sidewalk Vài người đang đi bộ trên vỉa hè
People are moving in the same direction Mọi người đang di chuyển cùng 1 hướng

C. Công trường xây dựng

Từ vựng thường gặp
Material Vật liệu
Be piled up Được chất đống
Site Công trường
Be in operation Đang hoạt động
Tower Tháp
Move Di chuyển
Object Vật
Dig (v) Đào
Earth Đất
Protective Bảo hộ
Các cụm từ cơ bản + các đáp thường gặp trong tình huống
Các cụm từ cơ bản Ý nghĩa
Be under construction Đang được xây dựng
Moving a heavy object Di chuyển 1 vật nặng
Digging the earth Đào đất
The crane towers are against the sky Tháp cần cẩu ở trên nền trời
The wall are being built Bức tường đang được xây dựng
Các đáp án thường gặp Ý nghĩa
The area is under construction Khu vực này đang được xây dựng
A number of construction materials are piled at Nhiều vật liệu xây dựng được chất đống ở công
the site trường
The crane is in operation Cần cẩu đang được sử dụng
They are digging the earth Họ đang đào đất

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Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

D. Lao động

Từ vựng thường gặp

Lift up Nâng lên
Outdoors Ngoài trời
Machine Máy móc
Store Cất giữ
Tool Thiết bị/ dụng cụ
Ladder Cái tháng
Carry Mang
Fold Gập
Plant Trồng

Các cụm từ cơ bản + các đáp thường gặp trong tình huống
Các cụm từ cơ bản Ý nghĩa
Doing some work at the table Làm việc bên bàn
Using a tool Cầm 1 dụng cụ
Climbing the ladder Leo thang
Carrying a box Cần 1 chiếc hộp
Painting the fence Sơn hàng rào
Mowing the lawn Cắt tỉa cỏ
Assembling the parts Lắp rắp các bộ phận
Các đáp án thường gặp Ý nghĩa
The man is fixing the roof Người đàn ông đang sửa mái nhà
The man is wearing a helmet Người đàn ông đang đội 1 chiếc mũ bảo hiểm
The man is holding a tool Người đàn ông đang cầm 1 dụng cụ
One of the men is climbing the ladder Một trong những người đàn ông đang leo lên
cầu thang

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Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

I. Nghe và điền từ vào chỗ trống (File 001)
Verbs 1:
Stand/ look at/ look in/ look out/ look through/ hold/ work/ sit/ wear/ play/ use/ face/ paint
Check up 1:
1. The people are ……………….by the airplane.
2. The man is …………………the computer screen.
3. She is ……………….a drawer.
4. They are …………………………of the window.
5. The man is …………………………a telescope.
6. He is ……………….a book in his hand.
7. He is …………………………a bicycle.
8. He is ……………….alone by the water.
9. She is ……………….glasses.
10. He is ……………….an instrument.
11. The woman is ……………….laboratory equipment.
12. The audience is ……………….the front of the room.
13. She is ……………….a picture.
Carry/ cross/ examine/ handle/ move/ pack/ push/ reach for/ read/ talk/ walk
Check up 2
1. They are ……………….bags on their shoulders.
2. Some people are ……………….on the street.
3. She is ……………….some produce.
4. The man is ……………….a patient.
5. They are ……………….a box.
6. They are ……………….in a line.
7. She is ……………….a suitcase.
8. The gardener is ……………….an empty wheelbarrow.
9. She is …………………………a book.
10. The man is ……………….a newspaper.
11. They are …………………………each other.
12. A woman is ……………….a dog on the shore.
Verbs 2:
Change/ clean/ cook/ deliver/ do/ eat/ enter/exit/ fish/ focus
Check up 3:
1. The woman ……………….a light bulb.
2. She is ……………….the board.
3. He is ……………….some food.
4. She is ……………….the mail.
5. He is ……………….construction work.
6. She is ……………….a meal.
7. They are ……………….a building.
8. A passenger is ……………….the taxi.
9. He is ……………….from a boat.
10. The group is ……………….on the computer screen.
Gather/ gaze at/ get out of/ go up/ greet/ sign/ lay/ lean/ lift/ light

Lớp TOEIC cô Huyền Mít
Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

Check up 4:
1. Some people are ……………….for an outdoor event.
2. He is ……………….……………….a painting hanging on the wall.
3. A passenger is ……………….……………….a car.
4. They are ……………….……………….the stairs.
5. They are ……………….each other.
6. She is ……………….a paper.
7. He is ……………….bricks.
8. They are ……………….against the railing.
9. They are ……………….a chair off floor.
10. She is ……………….a candle with match.
Operate/ pass/ pick up/ point/ pour/ put/ rearrange/ repair/ rest/ review
Check up 5:
1. He is ……………….heavy machinery.
2. One woman is ……………….a cup to another woman.
3. He is ……………….……………….a chair.
4. He is ……………….……………….something on a piece of paper.
5. She is ……………….water into a glass.
6. A woman is ……………….something into a bag.
7. They are ……………….some furniture.
8. He is ……………….the bicycle.
9. They are ……………….on a bench.
10. She is ……………….some documents.
Run/ speak/ trim/ type/ unload/ view/ wash/ water/ wheel/ wipe
Check up 6:
1. He is ……………….on a street.
2. He is ……………….……………….a microphone.
3. A man ……………….some bushes.
4. The man is ……………….……………….a keyboard.
5. He is ……………….some packages.
6. They are ……………….some artwork in a gallery.
7. The man is ……………….some dishes.
8. He is ……………….some plants.
9. The man is ……………….a cart.
10. He is ……………….the table
Verbs 3:
Cut/ fix/ adjust/ drive/ ride/ shake/ shop/ wait/ watch/ write/ seat/ fill
Check up 7:
1. He is ……………….the grass.
2. He is ……………….a wheel.
3. He is ……………….some equipment.
4. He is ……………….a vehicle.
5. Some people are ……………….bicycles by the water.
6. The men are ……………….hands.
7. The man is ……………….for groceries.
8. They are ……………….in a line.

Lớp TOEIC cô Huyền Mít
Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

9. Some people are ……………….a performance.

10. She is ……………….in a notebook.
11. They are ……………….in a row.
12. She is ……………….her car with fuel.
Listen and choose the statement that best describes each photograph. (File 002)
(A) She is ……………….………….the
(B) She ………………………. on the
(C) She ……………….……………….the

(A) She ……….……………….a
(B) She …………….a………….from the
(C) She …………….a ……………….at a

(A) A ………….is ……….……on the
(B) One man is …………………….the
(C) Some people are ….……….their

Lớp TOEIC cô Huyền Mít
Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

(A) The man ………….…………….a
(B) The man ……………………….a suit.
(C) The man …………….………….…the

(A) They ……….just……………….the
finish line.
(B) The bikers ………….………helmets.
(C) The bicycles ……….……………on the

(A) The man is ……….……………….the
(B) The man is ……………….some
(C) The man is ……………….………….

Lớp TOEIC cô Huyền Mít
Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

(A) A woman ………….……….a broom
(B) The area is
(C) A woman is ……………….the

(A) They are ……………………………..
(B) They are …………………… a
(C) They are………………………in step

(A) She is……….………….the clothing
(B) She is ……………….………….the
(C) She is ……………….……………….

Lớp TOEIC cô Huyền Mít
Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

(A) He is ……………some……………
(B) He is ……………some……………
(C) He is ……………some……………

(A) She is ………….her ……………….
(B) She is ………….at her ……………….
(C) She is ………….some ……………….

(A) They are sitting …………each other.
(B) They are ……….by the …………….
(C) The flower pot ………….the

Listen and choose the statement that best describes each photograph (File 003)

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Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

1. 2.

3. 4.

5. 6.

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Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

7. 8.

9. 10.

Lớp TOEIC cô Huyền Mít
Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

I. Nghe và điền từ còn thiếu vào chỗ trống (File 001)
Nouns 1: Transportation and Structures
Car/ boat/ ship/ train/ airplane/ vehicle/ bicycle/ truck/ platform/ intersection/ building/
bridge/ area/ stair/ step.
Check up 1:
1. Some …………………..are parked near a building.
2. The ………………… next to the dock.
3. The ………………… waiting in the railway station.
4. There are …………………..on the highway.
5. The …………………..are parked in a row.
6. Some …………………..are crossing a bridge.
7. The ………………… empty.
8. The ………………… deserted.
9. Boats are going under the …………………..
10. A flowerpot has been placed on the …………………..
Nouns 2: Furniture and Office Facilities
Chair/ table/ picture/ clock/ furniture/ sofa/ drawer/ cabinet/ light/ lamp/ document/ paper
Check up 2:
1. There are …………………..on the lawn.
2. A …………………..has been hung on the wall.
3. The …………………..are lined up on a wall.
4. There is ………………… the doorway.
5. Some …………………..are arranged around the table.
6. The ………………… full of folders.
7. There are …………………..under the counter.
8. Some …………………..have been turned on.
9. …………………..are displayed by the wall.
10. Some …………………..have been organized on a counter.
Nouns 3: Displayed Merchandise and Containers
Display shelf/ shirt/ merchandise/ basket/ box/ carton/ container/ suitcase/ book/ globe/
guitar/ food/ dish
Check up 3:
1. Display …………………..are stocked with products.
2. Some …………………..are on display in a store.
3. There is …………………..on the shelves.
4. Some …………………..are filled with food.
5. There are ………………… a vehicle.
6. Some …………………..are arranged in a row.
7. The ………………… filled with clothes.
8. The …………………..are different sizes.
9. Some …………………..are hanging on a wall.
10. …………………..are stacked on the table.
Nouns 4: Floral Decoration and Crops
Plant (potted plant)/ fruit/ flower/ flower arrangements/ grassy area/ crop
Check up 4:

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Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

1. Some …………………..are behind the sofa.

2. …………………..has been placed on the table.
3. …………………..…………………..on display.
4. There is a …………………..…………………..beside the path.
5. …………………..have been planted in rows.
Nouns 5: Tools and Equipment in rows.
Ladder/ equipment/ machine/ instrument/ tool/ cord
Check up 5:
1. The ………………… leaning against the tree.
2. Some …………………..has been arranged in front of the man.
3. There are ………………… a construction site.
4. There are …………………..leaning against the wall.
5. There are some ………………… to a work area.
Verbs 1: Past Participles
Parked/ arranged/ placed/ unoccupied/ lined up/ displayed/ stacked/ attached/ connected/
piled up
Check up 6:
1. Cars are …………………..along the street.
2. The merchandise is ………………… rows.
3. A picture has …………………..…………………..over the bed.
4. The room is …………………..
5. Trucks are …………………..…………………..on the street.
6. Some food items for sale are …………………..
7. Books are …………………..on the shelves.
8. There are cords ………………… the machine.
9. The train cars are …………………..
10. Some building materials are …………………..up.
Verbs 2: Past participles
Filled with/ organized/ posted/ set/ situated/ stocked/ surrounded/ taken out/ turned
on/ laid out.
Check up 7:
1. Some baskets are …………………..…………………
2. Some documents have been …………………..on the desk.
3. Some papers have …………………..…………………..on the board.
4. A table has …………………..…………………..for a meal.
5. Two chairs have …………………..…………………..on the lawn.
6. The shelf is …………………..…………………..products.
7. The house is ………………… a fence.
8. The boats have …………………..…………………..on the water.
9. Some lights have …………………..…………………..…………………..
10. Some products are …………………..…………………..for sale.
Verbs 3:
Hang/ lean/ cast/ cross/ float/ grow/ stand/ approach
Check up 8:
1. Some shirts are ………………… a store.
2. Chairs are …………………..against the tables.

Lớp TOEIC cô Huyền Mít
Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

3. The ladder is …………………..shadows.

4. Some trucks are …………………..a bridge.
5. A bicycle is …………………..against the wall.
Prepositions 1: on/in
On display/ on the ground/ on a cart/ on the highway/ on the hill/ on the shelves/ on either-
each side of/ in a vehicle/ in the corner/ in the parking area/ in the middle of the room/ in a
line/ in rows/ in a similar style
Check up 9:
1. Some goods are …………………..………………….. in a store.
2. An aircraft is …………………..…………………..…………………..
3. Some flowers are …………………..…………………..…………………..
4. There are vehicles …………………..…………………..…………………..
5. There are buildings …………………..…………………..…………………..
6. There are lamps …………………..…………………..…………………..the sofa.
7. A plant is …………………..…………………..…………………..…………………..
8. There are cars …………………..…………………..…………………..…………………..
Prepositions 2: near/ beside/ by
Near the beach/ near the building’s entrance/ by the doorway/ by size
Check up 10.
1. There are buildings …………………..the beach.
2. Plants are …………………..the entrance.
3. There is a cabinet …………………..
4. The saucepans are arranged …………………..size
Prepositions 3: around/ at/under/behind/between/over
Around the table/ at the station/ under construction/ behind the sofa/ between the cabinets/
over the water
Check up 11.
1. The chairs are …………………..…………………..
2. The train is …………………..…………………..
3. Some chairs are …………………..…………………..
4. There is a gap…………………..……………

II. Nghe và chọn đáp án mô tả đúng cho bức tranh (File 002)
(A) The woman is ……………some
(B) Different kinds of bread
……….........….for sale.
(C) The woman is ……………….a
shopping cart.

Lớp TOEIC cô Huyền Mít
Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

(A) The ……………….door is
(B) There are ……….on
……………….….of the stairs.
(C) A ……………….is
……………….down the stairs

(A) Some people are …………….their
(B) The bikes are ……………….next to
(C) Some of the bikes………….baskets.

(A) One woman is ………….a cup of
(B) One man is ……………….in a
(C) There are some ……………….on
the ……….

Lớp TOEIC cô Huyền Mít
Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

(A) Some ……………….is on the
(B) The tables are all ……………….
(C) A waiter is ……………….the

(A) The woman is ……………….her
(B) The suitcase is ……………….the
(C) The porter is ……………….the

(A) The ……………….are being
(B) The wagon is full of ……………….
(C) There are several types of

Lớp TOEIC cô Huyền Mít
Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

(A) The vehicle is in the ……………….
(B) The garage door is ……………….
(C) A woman is ……………….the

(A) There are some ……….on the
(B) The river is …………….with
(C) A ship is …………….under the

(A) There are no ……….in the ……….
(B) People are wheeling carts out of the
(C) The status is ……….………….the

Lớp TOEIC cô Huyền Mít
Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

(A) There are monitors all ………….the
(B) All of the people are ………….the
(C) The men are …………….monitors.

(A) Many ……….are ………….in the
(B) The wheelbarrow ….………….on
the path.
(C) The gardener is …………………….

Listen and choose the statement which best describes each photograph (File 003)

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Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

1. 2.

3. 4.

5. 6.

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Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

7. 8.

9. 10.

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Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383


Exercise 1: Nghe và chọn đáp án đúng cho mỗi bức tranh. (Lưu ý rằng một vài bức tranh
có 2 đáp án đúng). Bạn sẽ nghe 3 lần (File 001)

(A) He is …………….a………………...
(B) He is ………………………………..

(A) She is ……………….a page.
(B) She is ……………….a

(A) He is ……………….a ……..…….
(B) He is ……………….a ……………….

Lớp TOEIC cô Huyền Mít
Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

(A) The woman is ……………….a pen
(B) The woman is ……………….on a
(C) The woman is ……………….a
(D) The woman is ……………….a file

(A) He is ……………….a picture
(B) He is ……………….a piece of paper
(C) He is ……………….something on the
bulletin board.
(D) He is ……………….a magazine.

(A) The man is ………….in a ………….
(B) The man is ……………….gloves.
(C) The man is ……………….a chart.
(D) The man is ……………….a

Exercise 2: Nghe và chọn đáp án đúng cho mỗi bức tranh. (Lưu ý rằng một vài bức tranh
có 2 đáp án đúng). Bạn sẽ nghe 3 lần (File 002)

Lớp TOEIC cô Huyền Mít
Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

(A) They are ……………….a
(B) A tire is ……………….

(A) People are ……….
(B) A train is ……………….the

(A) She is ……………….a …………….
(B) The door is ……………….

Lớp TOEIC cô Huyền Mít
Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

(A) The silverware ……………….
(B) There is some food ……………….
(C) The waitress is ……………….
(D) Chairs ……………….in the corner
of the room

(A) Some people are ………….the
(B) A bus is ………………..
(C) Passengers are ……………….a bus.
(D) The cars are ……………….at the
railroad crossing.

(A) Two women are ……………….in a
(B) The products are ………….on the
(C) Merchandise is ……………….for
(D) Customers are ……………….their

Practice 1: Nghe và lựa chọn đáp án đúng cho mỗi bức tranh (File 003)

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Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

1. 2.

3. 4.

5. 6.

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Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

Practice 2: Nghe và lựa chọn đáp án đúng cho mỗi bức tranh (File 004)
1. 2.

3. 4.

5. 6.

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Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383


I. Loại trừ những phương án đồng âm so với câu hỏi
VD: Is there a recommendable restaurant nearby?
A. The restaurant is remodeled
B. They didn’t comment anything
C. Do you like Thai food?
Các cặp từ đồng âm hay gặp (nên loại trừ)
1. Contract – Contact Hợp đồng – Liên lạc
2. Coffee – Copy Cà phê – phô tô
3. Tax – Fax Thuế - Fax
4. Meet – Meeting Gặp gỡ - Cuộc họp
5. Book (v) – Book (n) Đắt chỗ - Quyển sách
6. Park (v) – Park (n) Đỗ xe – Công viên
7. Building – Build/ Bill Tòa nhà – Xây dựng/ Hóa đơn
II. Nghe từ để hỏi để phân loại câu hỏi
Ta có 4 loại câu hỏi chính hay gặp trong bài thi TOEIC
1. Câu hỏi có từ để hỏi (Wh/ How questions): Ko trả lời bằng Yes/No
2. Câu hỏi Yes/ No và câu hỏi đuôi: Có thể trả lời bằng Yes/ No hoặc đôi khi lược
bỏ yes/no. Tuy nhiên tỉ lệ trả lời có chứa yes/ no sẽ cao hơn
Ta có 1 số từ tương đương với Yes = Ok = of course = sure = actually
Ta có 1 số từ tương đương với No = Not = Sorry
3. Câu hỏi lựa chọn dạng A or B: Ko trả lời bằng Yes/ No
4. Câu trần thuật
1. WHO: Câu hỏi ai: Đáp án đưa ra cần có 1 người. Thông thường được diễn tả
theo 1 trong các cách:
- Tên riêng: Mr Kim, Ms Cook, Emily, Tom, Jeans...
- Tên riêng phòng ban, chức vụ
Tên phòng Phòng ban/ bộ phận
Marketing Department
Sales Division
Human resources Group
Personnel Team
Shipping Company
Customer service
Public relations
- Tên chức vụ
President Chủ tịch
Manager Quản lý
Chief Executive officer (CEO) CEO

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Director Giám đốc

Assistant Trợ lý
Secretary Thư ký
Supervisor Giám sát
Technician Kỹ thuật viên
Receptionist Lễ tân
Security guard Bảo vệ
- Trả lời người bằng 1 đại từ: I, You, Me ......
1 số câu hỏi WHO đặc biệt 1 số CÂU TRẢ LỜI thường gặp
- Who can pick Mr Sachiko up at the airport? - I’m free this afternoon
- Who can give me a ride to the airport? - What time is your flight?
- Who is responsible for cleaning the room? - We take turns

2. WHERE: Ở đâu: Câu trả lời cần tìm 1 nơi chốn

1 số câu hỏi WHERE thường gặp Các đáp án thường gặp
Where is the office supplies/ documents/ the Desk/ table/ Cabinet/ Shelf/ Bookcase/
report/ my pen? Drawer/ Closet/ Warehouse
Where is the nearest gas station/ bookstore/ - Down the street
post office/ bank? - Few blocks away
***Trường hợp trả lời đặc biệt
Where was you yesterday? - With the clients

3. WHEN: Khi nào: Cần tìm 1 mốc thời gian. Có 2 cách diễn đạt mốc thời gian
Diễn đạt thời gian cụ thể Diễn đạt thời gian không cụ thể (có chứa
các liên từ chỉ thời gian)
2 o’clock = 2 Pm After I finish the project
This afternoon, in the morning Before the shipment arrive
3 days ago, last week Until the next meeting
As soon as possible

4. WHAT: Cái gì: Thường đi kèm 1 danh từ, ta cần xác định danh từ đó để đoán được
đại ý của câu hỏi
1 số câu hỏi WHAT thường gặp 1 số câu trả lời thường gặp
What time = when 2 o’clock = 2 Pm
This afternoon, in the morning
What color Gray, Brown,...
What problem Out of ink/ paper/ order/ service
Stop working
It’s broken
What subject (of the meeting) Goal, marketing campaign, Budget...

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Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

*** Trường hợp đặc biệt: “WHAT ABOUT” How about = what about = why
don’t: Là 1 lời mời, đề xuất nên
thường trả lời bằng các mẫu câu sau:
- What about going for some fresh air? - It sounds great
(Bạn thấy sao về việc ra ngoài để tận hưởng - It’s a good idea
không khí trong lành?) - I’d love to
(có thể trả lời bằng “yes/no” cho câu hỏi - Sorry, I’m busy
“how about”) - Sorry, I have another plan
- I wish I can

5. HOW: Như thế nào: Thường đi kèm 1 tính từ, ta cần xác định tính từ đó để đoán
được đại ý câu hỏi
1 số câu hỏi HOW thường gặp 1 số câu trả lời thường gặp
How long 2 hours
How much 10 dollars, euros, cents, yen
How many 20 people
How often Once/ Tiwce/ 3 times/ every 15
How soon ~ How late ~ When 9 am/ mid night
How you go/ get to the seminar: Bạn đi hội By car, bus, train
thảo bằng phương tiện gì? I drive my car
Jeans gives me a ride
How do I use this machine? I show you
How do I apply for a loan? There is a form / manual/ instruction
*** Trường hợp đặc biệt: “HOW ABOUT”: How about = what about = why don’t:
là 1 lời mời/ đề xuất Là 1 lời mời, đề xuất nên thường trả lời
bằng các mẫu câu sau:
- How about going for some fresh air? - It sounds great
(Bạn thấy sao về việc ra ngoài để tận hưởng - It’s a good idea
không khí trong lành?) - I’d love to
(có thể trả lời bằng “yes/no” cho câu hỏi - Sorry, I’m busy
“how about”) - Sorry, I have another plan
- I wish I can

6. WHY: Tại sao: Câu trả lời cần tìm 1 lý do hợp lý cho câu hỏi
Các câu trả lời đúng thường có: Because, Because of, Due to, To V... Một số trường hợp
các từ này có thể bị lược bỏ nhưng vẫn mang nghĩa đúng, nên với câu hoi WHY ta cần
nghe hiểu câu hỏi và câu trả lời chứ ít khi phán đoán được giống 5 loại câu hỏi trên
1 số câu hỏi WHY thường gặp 1 số LÝ DO thường gặp
Why cancel an appointment? Busy, Scheduling conflict
Why late? Miss train, car broken
Why close? National holiday

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Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

Why delay/ postpone? Bad weather (snow, rain, storm...)

Traffic jam (accident, construction...)

Tuy nhiên WHY còn mang 1 ý nghĩa GỢI Ý, ĐỀ XUẤT trong mẫu câu WHY DON’T
(có thể trả lời bằng “yes/no” cho câu hỏi “why don’t”)
1 số câu hỏi WHY DON’T thường gặp 1 số câu trả lời thường gặp
Why dont we take a short break? How about = what about = why don’t: Là 1
(Tại sao chúng ta ko nghỉ giải lao 1 lời mời, đề xuất nên thường trả lời bằng các
chút nhỉ?) mẫu câu sau:
Why dont we take a walk for some - It sounds great
fresh air? - It’s a good idea
(Tại sao chúng ta không đi bộ để hít - I’d love to
thở chút không khí trong lành) - Sorry, I’m busy
- Sorry, I have another plan
- I wish I can


Có thể trả lời bằng Yes/ No hoặc đôi khi lược bỏ Yes/ No. Tuy nhiên tỉ lệ trả lời có chứa
yes/ no sẽ cao hơn
Ta có 1 số từ tương đương với Yes = Ok = of course = sure = actually
Ta có 1 số từ tương đương với No = Not = Sorry
Eg: Have you finished the report?
Trả lời có Yes/No Trả lời không có Yes/No
- Yes, I have - I submitted yesterday
- No, I haven’t - I have few pages left

*** LOẠI 3 CÂU HỎI LỰA CHỌN A OR B: ta có 1 số cách trả lời thường gặp sau:

Eg: Do you like tea or coffee?

1. Chọn 1 trong 2 lựa chọn A/B - Tea please
- I prefer tea
2. Chọn cả 2 hoặc không chọn cái nào - Both are fine/ OK
trong 2 cái - Either is fine/ OK
- Neither
- Whatever/ whichever
3. Chọn 1 cái khác - I like juice / a cup of water
4. Chưa quyết định - I need more time
- Can I see the menu again?
- I havent decided yet

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Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

1 số câu hỏi lựa chọn thường gặp Các câu trả lời thường gặp
- Would you prefer a window seat or an aisle - Either is fine
(Bạn muốn ngồi ghế gần cửa sổ hay ghế ơ giữa
lối đi)
- Would you prefer a seat outside or inside? - It’s hot outside
(Bạn muốn ngồi bên ngoài hay bên trong)

*** LOẠI 4: CÂU TRẦN THUẬT: Có thể trả lời bằng yes/no hoặc không. Thường có
1 số dạng câu trần thuật như sau:
1. Lời phàn nàn Đáp án thường đưa ra gợi ý, đề xuất
Eg: This room is really hot - why dont you
- How about/ what about
2. Lời nhận xét (có thể tốt hoặc Đáp án thường bày tỏ sự đồng tình hoặc
không tốt) không đồng tình
Eg: The presentation is interesting - Yes, It’s really informative
- No, I think it’s too long
3. Lời gợi ý, đề xuất, rủ rê Đáp án thường đồng tình hoặc từ chối
Eg: We should take a short break - It sounds great
- It’s a good idea
- I’d love to
- Sorry, I’m busy
- Sorry, I have another plan
- I wish I can

III. Các câu trả lời thường đúng/ sai

Các câu trả lời thường đúng Các câu trả lời thường sai
- Các đáp án “Tôi không biết” thường đúng - Các đáp án có chứa đại từ chủ ngữ khác
 I don’t know với đại từ chủ ngữ trong câu hỏi thường sai
 I have no idea Eg: Why do you late for the meeting?
 I’m not sure A. She met me sometime last week
 I haven’t decided yet = It hasn’t been => Sai. Chủ ngữ của câu hỏi là “you”,
decided yet trong khi chủ ngữ câu trả lời là “she”
- Các đáp án gợi ý sang 1 nguồn thông tin B. The meeting was informative
khác => Sai. Lặp từ so với câu hỏi
 There is an online form C. I miss the first train
 You should ask your manager
 Check your email
- Các đáp án có chứa “I hear/ I heard”
thường hay đúng

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Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383


Common vocabulary (File 001)
Address Design Repair
Ask for Give Review
Assign Handle Revise
Attend Lead Take over
Authorize Organize
Conduct Present
Check up 1
1. Who will ………the reception?
My team will prepare it.
2. Who is going to ………………the proposal?
Mr. Kent will do it.
3. Who was ………………to the marketing team?
I have no idea.
4. Who is supposed to ………………the sales pitch at the staff meeting?
We have not decided yet.
5. Who should I ………………this letter to?
To the sales manager.
Titles/ Positions/ Departments
President Public Relations Department
Manager Customer Service Department
Executive officer Marketing Division
Director Human Resources Department
Chief executive officer (CEO) Shipping Department
Assistant manager AccountingDepartment
Supervisor Personnel Department
Secretary Sales Department
Check up 2:
1. Who is in charge of the ……………………………… now?
The former ………………………………, Mr. Johnson.
2. Who will be attending the meeting?
Some of the ………………………………
3. Who should I send this file to?
Mr. Gomez in the ………………………………
4. Who is giving a presentation at tomorrow’s meeting?
Our ………………………………, Mr. Watson
5. Who handles complaints regarding deliveries?
The ………………………………, I think
Practice A: Listen and choose the correct answer. Then fill in the blanks. (File 002)
1. Who is the woman?
(A) She is ………………new ………………

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Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

(B) She is ………………with her client.

2. Who organized the reception?
(A) That would be the ………………
(B) The ………………is complicated.
3. Who is supposed to pay the bill?
(A) The ……………………………… is ………………
(B) The Maintenance Department is ………………… it
4. Who will organize the annual meeting?
(A) I ………………no ………………
(B) ………………a ………………
5. Who has a copy of the contract?
(A) I’m ………………………………
(B) I ………………it to your ………………
6. Who is going to repair the copy machine?
(A) ………………the coffee shop ………………the street.
(B) ………………Steven ………………the maintenance office.
Practice B
1. Who ………………the ………………?
(A) The reception is ………………
(B) Mr. Robinson and ………………………………did
2. Who is supposed to ………………the ………………?
(A) Please ……………… it ………………me.
(B) My office is ………………the ………………
3. Who ………………the ………………?
(A) She is the ………………
(B) She is ………………………………her ………………
4. Who ………………………………the annual ……………… ?
(A) ………………a ………………
(B) The Planning Department is ………………………………it.
5. Who ………………………………………………the copy machine?
(A) A technician ……………………………… it tomorrow.
(B) ………………the ………………across the street.
6. Who ………………a ………………of the contract?
(A) I’m ………………now
(B) Mr. Smith ……………… it
Practice C
1. Listen and choose the correct response to each of the questions. (File 003)
1. A B 5. A B
9. A B
2. A B 6. A B
10. A B
3. A B 7. A B
4. A B 8. A B
2. Listen and choose the correct response to each of the questions. (File 004)
1. A B C 6. A B C 11. A B C
2. A B C 7. A B C 12. A B C
3. A B C 8. A B C 13. A B C

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4. A B C 9. A B C 14. A B C
5. A B C 10. A B C 15. A B C

Common vocabulary (file 005)
Buy Hold Put
File Keep Stay
Find Locate Store
Get Park Submit
Go on vacation Purchase Try
Check up 1
1. Where can I …………………….folders?
…………………….the stationery store down the road.
2. Where is the press conference going to be …………………….?
At the Hamilton Hotel
3. Where are you planning to …………………….…………………….this year?
I haven’t decided yet.
4. Where did you …………………….my purse?
You left it on my desk yesterday.
5. Where should I …………………….the contracts?
In the cabinet next to my desk
Shelf Drawer Floor
Cabinet Closet Office supplies
Check up 2
Cashier Warehouse
Theatre Storage room
Library Dining room
Post office Meeting room
Headquarters Conference room
Branch office Fitting room
1. Where is the key to the …………………….?
I left it on the …………………….
2. Where should I put my coat?
In the …………………….by the cabinet
3. Where is the women’s shoes section?
It’s on the third …………………….
4. Where do you keep extra envelopes?
In the top …………………….of my desk
5. Where did Mr. Gonzalez go?
To our new …………………….
Practice A: Listen and choose the correct answer. Then fill in the blanks (File 006)
1. Where is the copy machine?
A. On the …………………….

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Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

B. I need …………………….
2. Where are the documents stored?
A. The store is …………………….on …………………….
B. …………………….the drawer of my …………………….
3. Where can I submit my application?
A. You can …………………….it …………………….
B. I …………………….it.
4. Where is the closet supermarket around here?
A. I will …………………….some…………………….
B. Next to the …………………….
5. Where is the guest list for Friday’s reception?
A. Mr. Smith …………………….knows.
B. It will be …………………….the banquet hall.
6. Where is your new office located?
A. Yes, his office is …………………….New York.
B. In the …………………….
Practice B
1. Where are the documents…………………….?
A. The store is …………………….
B. …………………….Sharon
2. Where is your …………………….?
A. …………………….…………………….in LA.
B. …………………….to the convention …………………….
3. Where is the …………………….?
A. …………………….Michael’s office.
B. I need …………………….copies.
4. Where can I …………………….my …………………….?
A. Please go to the …………………….
B. He …………………….it
5. Where is the …………………….?
A. I will …………………….…………………….cheese.
B. Just …………………….the …………………….
6. Where is the …………………….for Friday’s …………………….?
A. The …………………….has it
B. It will …………………….at the Hilton Hotel.
Practice C
1. Listen and choose the correct response to each of the questions (File 007)
1. A B 4. A B 7. A B
2. A B 5. A B 8. A B
3. A B 6. A B 9. A B
10. A B
2. Listen and choose the correct response to each of the questions (File 008)
1. A B C 6. A B C 11. A B C
2. A B C 7. A B C 12. A B C
3. A B C 8. A B C 13. A B C

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Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

4. A B C 9. A B C 14. A B C
5. A B C 10. A B C 15. A B C

Common vocab (File 009)
Announce End Move
Approve Expect Receive
Arrive Expire Release
Begin/ start Finish Relocate
Complete Hire Reopen
Deliver Leave(for) Return
Check up 1
1. When will the package …………………….?
Next Tuesday
2. When is your company planning to …………………….new employees?
The plan is for January of next year.
3. When will the opening in the Accounting Department be filled?
When Mrs. Sato…………………….from vacation.
4. When will the marketing company …………………….to New York?
Not until next month.
5. When do you …………………….the merger to be…………………….?
By the end of the week
Application Board meeting Deadline
Appointment Contract Exhibition
Flight Proposal Shipment
Passport Renovation Warranty
Plant = factory Result
Check up 2
1. When is your …………………….scheduled to depart?
At 5 p.m.
2. When did you submit your job…………………….?
Three days ago
3. When can I get …………………….of my physical examination?
Later this week
4. When are you going to turn in your …………………….?
Sorry. I’m still working on it.
5. When is the budget report due?
The …………………….is Thursday
Practice A: Listen and choose the best answer. Then fill in the blank (File 010)
1. When is the concert supposed to begin?
A. It’s written on the …………………….
B. At the …………………….
2. When are you taking your driving test?

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Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

A. I failed …………………….
B. …………………….from now.
3. When will your new book be published?
A. …………………….next month, I …………………….
B. That sounds …………………….
4. When are you going to start the project?
A. ……………………., I will
B. …………………….this work
5. When is the construction scheduled to be finished?
A. I’m …………………….it
B. Not for …………………….weeks
6. When can I expect my order to arrive?
A. I …………………….a new printer
B. It will take ……. days
Practice B
1. When are you …………………….your…………………….?
A. At …………………….tomorrow
B. I will …………………….the …………………….
2. When are you …………………….the …………………….?
A. Early …………………….
B. …………………….weeks…………………….
3. When can I …………………….my …………………….to …………………….?
A. Tomorrow ……………………., I think
B. I …………………….a new…………………….
4. When is the construction …………………….to be …………………….?
A. Of course…………………….
B. At the …………………….next month
5. When is the concert …………………….…………………….?
A. At the …………………….
B. In …………………….
6. When will your new book …………………….?
A. …………………….next week
B. At the …………………….of the …………………….
Practice C
1. Listen and choose the correct response to each of the questions (File 011)
1. A B 4. A B 7. A B
2. A B 5. A B 8. A B
3. A B 6. A B 9. A B
10. A B
2. Listen and choose the correct response to each of the questions.(File 012)
1. A B C 6. A B C 11. A B C
2. A B C 7. A B C 12. A B C
3. A B C 8. A B C 13. A B C
4. A B C 9. A B C 14. A B C
5. A B C 10. A B C 15. A B C

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Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

Practice A: Listen and choose the best answer. Then fill in the blanks (File 013)
1. Who is driving you to the train station?
A. It …………………….10 minutes
B. I …………………….a taxi
2. Who should I contact to confirm the reservation?
A. …………………….the receptionist
B. I …………………….a …………………….for this weekend
3. Who does this handbag belong to?
A. It would …………………….
B. I am not …………………….
4. Who is in charge of the Planning Department?
A. Mr. Kent is …………………….that
B. I …………………….so
5. Who is responsible for hiring salespeople?
A. You …………………….…………………….any higher.
B. Mr. Conner usually …………………….…………………….that.
6. Who is coming to the party tonight?
A. Some …………………….from my college
B. It is a …………………….party
Practice B
1. Who is in …………………….of the …………………….Department?
A. …………………….be Ms. Elliot
B. I …………………….so
2. Who does this handbag …………………….?
A. It’s …………………….Jane’s
B. It’s very …………………….
3. Who should I …………………….confirm the reservation?
A. I reserved a …………………….
B. …………………….this …………………….
4. Who is …………………….the …………………….tonight?
A. The …………………….in the Marketing Department
B. The …………………….at 10
5. Who is …………………….you to the …………………….?
A. It will …………………….
B. Johnson will …………………….with …………………….
6. Who is …………………….for …………………….sales people?
A. You …………………….be there.
B. …………………….would be the personnel …………………….
Practice C
Listen and choose the correct response to each of the questions (File 014)
1.A B C 5.A B C
2.A B C 6.A B C
3.A B C 7.A B C
4.A B C 8.A B C

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Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

Practice A: Listen and choose the best answer. Then fill in the blank (File 015)
1. Where did you hear the news?
A. A …………………….of mine …………………….me.
B. He will be here …………………….
2. Where should I put my suitcase?
A. The handbag suits …………………….
B. In the closet in the …………………….
3. Where are you traveling next summer?
A. I haven’t …………………….
B. …………………….the Bahamas!
4. Where will the trade show be held?
A. …………………….some new clothing lines
B. …………………….Chicago
5. Where are they going to build a new factory?
A. On the outskirts …………………….
B. Is …………………….the …………………….?
6. Where did Samantha leave the application form?
A. She left an …………………….
B. In the …………………….
Practice B
1. Where will the …………………….be …………………….?
A. To show …………………….
B. At the …………………….
2. Where are they going to …………………….a new factory?
A. Yes, they …………………….in the …………………….
B. Several options are being …………………….
3. Where did you…………………….the …………………….?
A. Everyone …………………….it
B. He will be …………………….
4. Where should I …………………….my …………………….?
A. The …………………….you well.
B. You can …………………….
5. Where did Samantha …………………….the …………………….?
A. She left …………………….ago
B. I have no …………………….
6. Where are you …………………….next summer?
A. Hawaii
B. …………………….Hong Kong
Practice C
Listen and choose the correct response to each of the questions. (File 016)
1.A B C 5.A B C
2.A B C 6.A B C
3.A B C 7.A B C
4.A B C 8.A B C

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Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

Practice A: Listen and choose the best answer. Then fill in the blanks (File 017)
1. When is the next bus to Manhattan?
A. It’s …………………….
B. …………………….
2. When is your appointment with the dentist?
A. This …………………….
B. In the …………………….town
3. When does your passport expire?
A. …………………….from now
B. First of all, you should …………………….the …………………….
4. When did you wake up this morning?
A. …………………….o’clock
B. I have not …………………….it yet
5. When do you move into your new office?
A. …………………….two …………………….
B. It’s …………………….the …………………floor
6. When is the deadline for the gas bill payment?
A. By …………………….
B. On …………………….15
Practice B
1. When did you …………………….this morning?
A. I have not …………………….yet
B. Very …………………….
2. When is the …………………….for the gas bill payment?
A. In …………………….
B. Next …………………….
3. When do you …………………….into your new …………………….?
A. No…………………….October 10.
B. It’s on the …………………….
4. When …………………….your …………………….with the dentist?
A. At the …………………….
B. I have to be …………………….by …………………….
5. When …………………….your passport…………………….?
A. Next …………………….
B. I lost my …………………….
6. When is the …………………….to Manhattan?
A. Not until …………………….
B. It’s my …………………….
Practice C
Listen and choose the correct response to each of the questions (File 018)
1.A B C 5.A B C
2.A B C 6.A B C
3.A B C 7.A B C
4.A B C 8.A B C

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Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383


Common vocab (File 001)
Accept Include Reach
Apply for Install Recommend
Enclose Intend Recover
Explain Look for Require
Happen Look like Serve
Check up 1
1. What ……………………to your shirt?
I spilled coffee on it
2. What is the technician doing in your office?
He is ……………………some new software to my computer
3. What time does the restaurant …………………… lunch?
From 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. every day.
4. What type of camera would you ……………………?
How about this one?
5. What does the new employee ……………………?
She’s tall and has long black hair
Accommodation Interest rate Procedure
Agenda Leave of absence Receipt
Currency Offer Refreshment
Exchange rate Pay rate Retirement
Impression Plan
Improvement Postage
Check up 2
1. What should I do with these …………………… from my business trip?
You should submit them to Mr. Thompson.
2. What was today’s meeting about?
We discussed ……………………pensions.
3. What is your ……………………of our company’s logo?
It goes well with the company’s image.
4. What did you do during your ……………………?
I studied abroad.
5. What is on tomorrow’s ……………………for the workshop?
I’m not sure
Practice (file 002)
Practice A
1. What is the problem with my computer?
A. It isn’t plugged ……………………
B. Sure, you can ……………………
2. What time are you leaving the office today?
A. It takes about ……………………

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Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

B. ……………………this report
3. What is Mr. Jackson’s position at the company?
A. He is a ……………………
B. In the ……………………
4. What time will the train arrive?
A. In ……………………
B. It runs ……………………
5. What is the best way to contact you?
A. I …………………………………………my mobile number.
B. It’s a ……………………contract
6. What is the total cost of the construction?
A. It will ……………………at least ……………………
B. It is estimated at ……………………
Practice B
1. What is …………………………………………to contact you?
A. We should ……………………
B. ……………………my office……………………
2. …………………………………………will the ……………………?
A. It runs ……………………a day
B. ……………………a.m
3. What is the ………………………………………… my …………………… ?
A. I think it’s infected ……………………a ……………………
B. ……………………
4. ……………………are you ……………………the ……………………today?
A. That ……………………like a……………………
B. In ……………………
5. What is the …………………………………………of the construction?
A. It will not exceed ……………………
B. It will take ……………………three……………………
6. What is Mr. Jackson’s ……………………at the ……………………?
A. He is …………………the……………………Department
B. The ……………………me
Practice C
1. Listen and choose the correct response (file 003)
1. A B 5. A B 9. A B
2. A B 6. A B 10. A B
3. A B 7. A B
4. A B 8. A B
2. Listen and choose the correct response to each of the questions (File 004)
1.A B C 6. A B C 11.A B C
2.A B C 7. A B C 12.A B C
3.A B C 8. A B C 13.A B C
4.A B C 9. A B C 14.A B C
5.A B C 10.A B C 15.A B C

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Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

Common vocab (File 005)
Ask Contact Reject
Bring Delay Send
Cancel Discuss Stop
Change Join Work
Close Order
Come to work Postpone
Check up 1
1. Why don’t we have a meeting sometime next week?
Okay. I’ll …………………… you later
2. Why did David ……………………the restaurant reservation?
He ……………………his appointment
3. Why has traffic ……………………moving?
Maybe there’s a car accident
4. Why did they ……………………the construction proposal?
They said it was too costly
5. Why did you ……………………an umbrella?
I heard it was going to rain this afternoon
Nouns/ Adjectives
Promotion Late
Assistance Empty
Maintenance Tired
Air conditioner = AC
Recommendation Dark
Technician Open
Check up 2
1. Why were so many workers ……………………?
The bus got …………………… in traffic
2. Why didn’t you come to the party?
Unfortunately, something ……………………came up
3. Why does Jessica look so happy?
She got a ……………………
4. Why don’t we take a break?
Oh, are you ……………………?
5. Why did you call the engineer?
The ……………………broke down.
Practice (File 006)
Practice A
1. Why does Rachel want to move to Boston?
A. She got a ……………………there
B. Because she ……………………transportation
2. Why are you in such a hurry?
A. I will ……………………me
B. To ……………………the first train

Lớp TOEIC cô Huyền Mít
Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

3. Why do I have to submit this form again?

A. We never received the ……………………
B. To the ……………………Department
4. Why was the meeting cancelled?
A. The meeting ……………………at 10:30
B. Our manager had a ……………………
5. Why is the parking lot so empty today?
A. You …………………………………………your car here.
B. Today is a ……………………
6. Why is the company moving its office?
A. My office is on the ……………………
B. The current office building is ……………………
Practice B
1. Why is the ……………………so ……………………today?
A. You can ……………………this ……………………
B. Most people ……………………
2. Why is the ……………………its ……………………?
A. My office is ……………………the …………………… floor
B. ……………………a new building
3. Why does Rachel ……………………to Boston?
A. She wants to ……………………her family
B. Because she ……………………traveling
4. Why are you ……………………a ……………………?
A. I don’t want to be ……………………
B. I will …………………… you
5. Why do I have to ……………………this ……………………?
A. Some information is ……………………
B. To the ……………………
6. Why was the ……………………?
A. The meeting ……………………at noon
B. The president’s flight has been ……………………
Practice C
1. Listen and choose the correct response to each of the questions (File 007).
1. A B 5. A B
9. A B
2. A B 6. A B
10. A B
3. A B 7. A B
4. A B 8. A B
2. Listen and choose the correct response to each of the questions (File 008).
1.A B C 6. A B C 11.A B C
2.A B C 7. A B C 12.A B C
3.A B C 8. A B C 13.A B C
4.A B C 9. A B C 14.A B C
5.A B C 10.A B C 15.A B C
Practice: Choose the best answer. Then fill in the blanks (File 009)
1. ……………………this fax machine?

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Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

A. No, it’s not ……………………

B. ……………………you
C. It was ……………………
2. How much time …………………… for the ……………………?
A. …………this afternoon
B. The ………the desk
C. ………another week
3. How often do you ……………………?
A. ……………………
B. It ……………………5th street
C. Tomorrow would be fine
4. How ……………………?
A. I usually ……………………, but today I ……………………my car
B. Yes, I ……………………by bus
C. ……………………, thanks
5. How much ……………………?
A. 55 dollars
B. ……………………
C. In the ……………………
6. How long …………………… in this ……………………?
A. ……………………
B. At the end of the week
C. For ……………………
7. How much do you think ……………………?
A. ……………………five dollars
B. ……………………people
C. Is it raining outside?
8. How long would you like to ……………………?
A. Over two years
B. It ……………………
C. The largest one ……………………

Practice A (File 010)
1. What do you think of the new plan?
A. I don’t have any plans ……………………
B. It ……………………a good one
2. What did they discuss at the meeting?
A. A ……………………
B. They will …………………… it ……………………
3. What is the weather forecast for Thursday?
A. I don’t ……………………whether……………………will ……………………
B. It’s …………………………………………pretty ……………………then
4. What kind of book are you reading?
A. I’m ……………………a comic book

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Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

B. I am ……………………the ……………………team
5. What should I do with these books?
A. …………………………………………to Mr. Jones
B. Yes, he is a ……………………
6. What do you think of opening a branch in Manila?
A. I ……………………it is a good idea
B. I think we should ……………………the ……………………
Practice B
1. What is the weather forecast ……………………?
A. I will ……………………a ……………………
B. I ……………………it will be ……………………
2. What do you ……………………of the ……………………?
A. I have a ……………………
B. It looks like we’ll ……………………
3. What did they ……………………the ……………………?
A. ……………………raises
B. They have ……………………it
4. What do you think of ……………………a ……………………in Manila?
A. What is the advantage of that ……………………?
B. We will ……………………the ……………………at 7
5. What kind of ……………………are you ……………………?
A. I …………………………………………the library
B. It is about ……………………
6. What should I ……………………these ……………………?
A. Yes, he is a ……………………
B. I’ll …………………………………………them
Practice C
Listen and choose the correct response (File 011)
1. A B 5. A B
2. A B 6. A B
3. A B 7. A B
4. A B 8. A B

Practice A (File 012)
1. Why don’t you get some rest?
A. Let me ……………………this ……………………
B. I will ……………………a ……………………
2. Why didn’t John get the promotion?
A. To promote a ……………………
B. He ……………………qualified
3. Why did Mr. Thompson leave the company?
A. He ……………………his office this ……………………
B. It was due to this ……………………
4. Why did Linda send the letter?
A. She ……………………us to her ……………………

Lớp TOEIC cô Huyền Mít
Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

B. At the ……………………
5. Why don’t you join us for dinner tonight?
A. I’d ……………………to
B. ……………………is waiting for you.
6. Why did you stay up so late?
A. I had ……………………to do
B. I …………………………………………very long.
Practice B
1. Why don’t you ……………………us for ……………………tonight?
A. Thanks, but I have …………………
B. ……………………is ready
2. Why did Mr. Thompson ……………………the ……………………?
A. He ……………………a ……………………for you
B. He started …………………………………………business
3. Why did Linda ……………………the letter?
A. To ……………………somebody about the ……………………in the schedule
B. At the ……………………
4. Why did you stay up ……………………?
A. I stayed …………………… for two ……………………
B. I had to ……………………my…………
5. Why don’t you …………………………………………?
A. I will ……………………the ……………………
B. The deadline is just ……………………
6. ……………………John ……………………the promotion?
A. ……………………advertise a new ……………………
B. I …………………………………………
Practice C
Listen and choose the correct response (File 013).
1. A B 4. A B 7. A B
2. A B 5. A B 8. A B
3. A B 6. A B
Listen and choose the correct response (File 014)
1. A B C 5.A B C 9. A B C
2. A B C 6.A B C 10. A B C
3. A B C 7.A B C 11. A B C
4. A B C 8.A B C 12. A B C
Listen and choose the correct response (File 015)
1. A B C 5.A B C 9. A B C
2. A B C 6.A B C 10. A B C
3. A B C 7.A B C 11. A B C
4. A B C 8.A B C 12. A B C
Listen and choose the correct response (File 016)
1. A B C 5.A B C 9. A B C
2. A B C 6.A B C 10. A B C
3. A B C 7.A B C 11. A B C
4. A B C 8.A B C 12. A B C

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Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

I. Câu hỏi Yes/ No
Common vocabulary (File 001)
Borrow Edit Overwork
Declare Figure out Run out of
Defer Slip one’s mind Stay out of trouble
Disqualify Mind one’s step Transfer
Check up 1
1. Do you have an extra umbrella?
Yes, you can …………………… mine.
2. Are you going to be ……………………to the new branch?
Yes, probably next month.
3. Do you know why the manager ……………………the meeting?
I have no idea
4. Have we …………………………………………office supplies?
Yes, we should order some more of them
5. Do you remember you need to submit your report by tomorrow?
Oh, it ………………………………………………………………
Practice A: Listen and choose the best answer. Then fill in the blanks (File 002)
1. Are you leaving work early today?
A. ……………………, I will
B. Yes, I will ……………………on it
2. Do you have Jessica’s phone number?
A. Let me ……………………my ……………………
B. Yes, she ……………………me this morning
3. Is there a gas station around here?
A. It ……………………five minutes ……………………
B. There is one ……………………the ……………………
4. Is it okay to park in front of the building?
A. I couldn’t ……………………a……………………
B. I don’t ……………………
5. Are you satisfied with the service you received?
A. Are you ……………………?
B. Yes, ……………………
6. Does your new laser printer work?
A. Yes, it is ……………………than the old one
B. I think he is ……………………
Practice B
1. Is there a …………………………………………around here?
A. It ……………………ten minutes ……………………
B. The …………………………………………is five minutes away
2. Is it okay to …………………… in ……………………of the building?
A. Yes, there is a ……………………
B. No, it is a no-……………………

Lớp TOEIC cô Huyền Mít
Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

3. Are you …………………………………………early today?

A. Yes, I will ……………………to ……………………
B. Yes, at ……………………o’clock
4. Are you satisfied ……………………the ……………………you received?
A. It was ……………………
B. No. it is not ……………………
5. Does your new laser …………………………………………?
A. Yes, it ……………………
B. I think …………………… is …………………… now
6. Do you ……………………Jessica’s phone ……………………?
A. Yes, I ……………………
B. No, she ……………………me.
Practice C
1. Listen and choose the correct response to each of the questions (File 003).
1. A B 5. A B 9. A B
2. A B 6. A B 10. A B
3. A B 7. A B
4. A B 8. A B
2. Listen and choose the correct response to each of the questions (File 004)
1. A B C 6. A B C 11. A B C
2. A B C 7. A B C 12. A B C
3. A B C 8. A B C 13. A B C
4. A B C 9. A B C 14. A B C
5. A B C 10. A B C 15. A B C

II. Câu hỏi lựa chọn

Practice: Nghe và chép chính tả (File 005)
1. ……………………give a presentation, in China …………………… in Russia?
A. ……………………would be good
B. I can ……………………for you
C. Yes, in the room
2. Will we ……………………or would you like to eat in the ……………………?
A. Yes, I ……………………there.
B. ……………………cafeteria ……………………
C. I’m ……………………ready.
3. Did you ........................Marry Newton or did you send an email?
A. I’m fine. Thanks
B. Actually, she .................................
C. I need to ..................his email
4. ……………………Jerry or would you ……………………yourself?
A. You can ……………………me at this number
B. We ……………………the contact
C. ……………………him
5. Would you like to ……………………again or have you ……………………?
A. I’m ready ……………………
B. That sounds good

Lớp TOEIC cô Huyền Mít
Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

C. It’s ……………………
6. Can we ……………………now or should we ……………………first?
A. Yes, ……………………have time
B. That ……………………to me
C. ……………………the orders first
7. ……………………by email or send a letter?
A. It doesn’t ……………………
B. I think ……………………
C. Yes, I can……………………
8. Should we discuss the suggestion today or ……………………a decision?
A. We need to decide now
B. Yes, we ……………………today
C. You will …………………… later

III. Luyện tập câu hỏi lựa chọn và câu hỏi Yes/No
Practice: Nghe và chọn phương án trả lời đúng cho mỗi câu hỏi (File 006).
1. A B C 5. A B C 9. A B C
2. A B C 6. A B C 10. A B C
3. A B C 7. A B C
4. A B C 8. A B C

IV. Yêu cầu/ Đề xuất

Common vocab(File 007)
Advertise Extend a contract Put off = hold
Afford Make a reservation off, postpone
Appreciate Make an appointment Put through (to)
Claim Participate in Renew
Demonstrate Pay in cash Stop by
Drop off Subscribe
Check up 1
1. Should we …………………the product in the newspaper?
Certainly.The sooner, the better.
2. Will you pick up the package after work?
Yes, I will ……………………………………around 7 p.m.
3. Can we ……………………………………the meeting?
No, we need to decide today.
4. Could you …………………me …………………at the airport?
5. Will you hire more employees for the new project?
I doubt if we can …………………that.
Adjectives/ Adverbs/ Nouns
Extensive On the way back home Route
For a second Credit card Survey
For sale Debit card Travel agency

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Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

On diet Option
On an installment plan Refund
Check up 2
1. Can I have ………………… for this jacket?
I’m sorry, but you can only exchange it.
2. Would you stop by my office ………………………………………………………?
Yes, I would
3. Would you like to pay in cash or by …………………?
By ……………………………………, actually
4. Can I speak to Mr Wright?
Please wait...................................................
5. Should we conduct a marketing ………………… for our project?
I think we should
Practice 1
Listen and choose the correct answer (File 008)
1. A B 5. A B 9. A B
2. A B 6. A B 10. A B
3. A B 7. A B
4. A B 8. A B

Practice 2
Listen and choose the correct responses (File 009).
1. The ……………………this morning was very ……………………
A. At 10 o’clock
B. Yes, it was
2. I think …………………………………………
A. At the convention center
B. Check with the information desk
3. I don’t like …………………………………………
A. Neither do I
B. It takes 30 minutes
C. She’s late this morning
4. I heard ………………………………………… in the park.
A. I’m very concerned about her.
B. You can park anywhere in the garage
C. Actually, it was last night.
5. ……………………the ……………………we saw yesterday
A. Neither did I. It was boring
B. It starts at 8
C. I enjoied it too
6. ……….. is being …………………., so I …………………….. to the ………..
A. I hope you get well soon
B. I’ll ask Eric for a ride
C. Two pairs
I. Listen and choose the correct answer (File 010)

Lớp TOEIC cô Huyền Mít
Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

1. A B C 5. A B C
2. A B C 6. A B C
3. A B C 7. A B C
4. A B C 8. A B C
II. Listen and choose the correct answer (File 011)
1. A B C 5. A B C 9. A B C
2. A B C 6. A B C 10. A B C
3. A B C 7. A B C 11. A B C
4. A B C 8. A B C 12. A B C
II. Listen and choose the correct answer (File 012)
1. A B C 5. A B C 9. A B C
2. A B C 6. A B C 10. A B C
3. A B C 7. A B C 11. A B C
4. A B C 8. A B C 12. A B C
IV. Listen and choose the correct answer (File 013)
1. A B C 5. A B C 9. A B C
2. A B C 6. A B C 10. A B C
3. A B C 7. A B C
4. A B C 8. A B C
V. Listen and choose the correct answer (File 014)
1. A B C 6. A B C 11. A B C
2. A B C 7. A B C 12. A B C
3. A B C 8. A B C 13. A B C
4. A B C 9. A B C 14. A B C
5. A B C 10. A B C 15. A B C
Actual test 1 (file 015)
1. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 16. Mark your answer on your answer sheet
2. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 17. Mark your answer on your answer sheet
3. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 18. Mark your answer on your answer sheet
4. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 19. Mark your answer on your answer sheet
5. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 20. Mark your answer on your answer sheet
6. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 21. Mark your answer on your answer sheet
7. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 22. Mark your answer on your answer sheet
8. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 23. Mark your answer on your answer sheet
9. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 24. Mark your answer on your answer sheet
10. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 25. Mark your answer on your answer sheet
11. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 26. Mark your answer on your answer sheet
12. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 27. Mark your answer on your answer sheet
13. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 28. Mark your answer on your answer sheet
14. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 29. Mark your answer on your answer sheet
15. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 30. Mark your answer on your answer sheet
Actual test 2 (file 016)
1. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 16. Mark your answer on your answer sheet
2. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 17. Mark your answer on your answer sheet
3. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 18. Mark your answer on your answer sheet
4. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 19. Mark your answer on your answer sheet

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Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

5. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 20. Mark your answer on your answer sheet
6. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 21. Mark your answer on your answer sheet
7. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 22. Mark your answer on your answer sheet
8. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 23. Mark your answer on your answer sheet
9. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 24. Mark your answer on your answer sheet
10. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 25. Mark your answer on your answer sheet
11. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 26. Mark your answer on your answer sheet
12. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 27. Mark your answer on your answer sheet
13. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 28. Mark your answer on your answer sheet
14. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 29. Mark your answer on your answer sheet
15. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 30. Mark your answer on your answer sheet
Actual test 3 (file 017)
11. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 26. Mark your answer on your answer sheet
12. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 27. Mark your answer on your answer sheet
13. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 28. Mark your answer on your answer sheet
14. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 29. Mark your answer on your answer sheet
15. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 30. Mark your answer on your answer sheet
16. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 31. Mark your answer on your answer sheet
17. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 32. Mark your answer on your answer sheet
18. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 33. Mark your answer on your answer sheet
19. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 34. Mark your answer on your answer sheet
20. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 35. Mark your answer on your answer sheet
21. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 36. Mark your answer on your answer sheet
22. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 37. Mark your answer on your answer sheet
23. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 38. Mark your answer on your answer sheet
24. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 39. Mark your answer on your answer sheet
25. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 40. Mark your answer on your answer sheet

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Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383


I. Cấu trúc: Nghe hội thoại và trả lời câu hỏi
Số lượng hội thoại Số lượng câu hỏi/ Tổng số câu hỏi của Số lượng người nói
mỗi bài part 3
13 3 39 2 – 3 người
- Mỗi câu hỏi sẽ có 4 phương án A, B, C, D
- Nội dung đoạn hội thoại sẽ không được in trong đề, học sinh phải tự nghe hiểu
- Nội dung của các câu hỏi và đáp án sẽ được in trong đề
- Học sinh chỉ được nghe 1 lần duy nhất

II. Một số lưu ý khi làm bài

1. Thứ tự câu hỏi trùng khớp với thứ tự nội dung bài hội thoại: câu hỏi nào được hỏi trước
thì thông tin đáp án của câu hỏi đó sẽ được đề cập trước.
2. Câu hỏi của ai người đó thường tự đưa ra đáp án trả lời:
- Câu của “the man”: cần chú ý giọng của người đàn ông
- Câu của “the woman”: cần chú ý giọng của người phụ nữ
3. Mỗi 1 lượt nói thường chỉ trả lời cho 1 câu hỏi: Khi audio chuyển lượt nói ta nên chuyển
câu hỏi
4. Một số câu hỏi đặc biệt
- Câu hỏi “Người nói là ai?”, “Người nói đang ở đâu?”, “Cuộc hội thoại đang diễn ra ở đâu?”:
Thường phải suy luận dựa vào ngữ cảnh, thông tin có liên quan
- Câu hỏi “Người nói sẽ làm gì tiếp theo?”: Có thể phải nghe giọng của 2-3 người nói để liên kết
- Câu hỏi có chứa hình vẽ: Đáp án sẽ không được nhắc đến trực tiếp trong audio, ta cần đối chiếu
thông tin nghe được trong audio và hình vẽ để tìm ra đáp án
- Câu hỏi ngụ ý: Cần nghe được nội dung của các câu xung quanh (thường là câu liền trước) để
hiểu được ngụ ý của người nói

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Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383


A. Business
I. Từ vựng thiết yếu
1. Chức danh, công việc
- Position - Headquarters (= main office)
- Executive - Department (= division, office)
- Director - Oversee
- Manager - Be in charge of
- Supervisor (= take charge of, be responsible for)
- Assistant
- Staff
- Colleague (= coworker)

2. Lịch làm việc

Scheduled As soon as possible
Deadline The end of the day
Complete On short notice
Postpone Early in the morning
Reschedule Not until
Extend Be due
(day/night) shift Work overtime

3. Thiết bị quan trọng

Copier Out of order
Projector Have a trouble/problem with
Printer Make a copy
Fax Work properly
Office supplies Run out of
Technical support department Break down
Maintenance department Turn off/on
Fix Set up
II. Điền từ vào chỗ trống (file 001)
1. His computer is not _______ _______.
2. Our department will _______ _______ _______ training employees.
3. It _______ be posted _______ about 15 minutes before the train is ready to leave
4. My replacement computer was supposed to be _______ _______ today
5. I’ve received a box of _______ _______ from your company
III. Luyện tập số 1 (file 002)
1. Where is the inventory sheet?
A. In the copy machine
B. On Ms Grillo’s desk
M-Am1 I don’t know where the _______ _______ went
M-Am2 I thought I saw it on Ms Grillo’s desk

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Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

M-Am1 Oh, that’s right. I gave it to her to make copies, but the _______ has been
_______ and she was waiting for it to get _______

2. When did the woman order the manuals?

A. Yesterday
B. A month ago
M-Am The new users’s _______came in the mail yesterday
W-Am It’s about time! It’s been a month since I _______that _______!
M-Am They included a letter of ______- they had some problems with their _______

Sales Leads for August

Company Contact
Nielsen & Cline LLC Nikolas Antonio
Plasticate Technology Chen yu
Green Label Production Rick Santorini
Gregson Metalworking Nisha Godavi

3. Why did the man go to San Antonio?

A. To visit a store
B. To meet a client
C. To attend a conference
D. To apply for a job
4. Look at the graphic. Which company did the man previously work for?
A. Nielsen & Cline LLC
B. Plasticate Techno
C. Green Label Production
D. Gregson Metalworking
IV. Luyện tập số 2 (file 003)
Questions 01-03
1. What does the woman ask the man to do?
(A) Change the time of the meeting
(B) Find an office building
(C) Finish some work early
(D) Call the building manager
2. What does the man want to know?
(A) A building name
(B) A meeting location
(C) The time of a move
(D) The reason for a move
3. When does the man expect to finish the minutes?
(A) Later today
(B) Tomorrow morning

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Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

(C) Tomorrow evening

(D) Next week

Questions 04-06
4. Where most likely do the speakers work?
(A) At a culinary school
(B) At a finance corporation
(C) At a national bank
(D) At a catering company
5. What part of the luncheon were the finance company employees satisfied with?
(A) The location
(B) The cost
(C) The food
(D) The decorations
6. What will most likely happen during the next monthly meeting?
(A) Positive feedback will be shared.
(B) Employee benefits will be explained.
(C) A corporate party will be announced.
(D) A customer's complaint will be discussed.

Questions 07-09
7. What does the woman want to discuss with the man?
(A) A travel budget
(B) A meeting location
(C) A deadline date
(D) A project idea
8. Why is the man unable to talk to the woman that day?
(A) He has to finalize and sign a contract.
(B) He has not finished writing a report.
(C) He has not read a proposal yet.
(D) He has to meet clients.
9. What does the woman mean when she says, "I can wait until next week"?
(A) She cannot meet on Friday.
(B) She does not want to rush a deadline.
(C) She can postpone some training.
(D) She has not submitted a form yet.

Questions 10-12
10. What is the topic of the conversation?
(A) Office space
(B) Computer training
(C) Vacation schedules

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Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

(D) Business supplies

11. How many interns have been hired?
(A) Two
(B) Three
(C) Four
(D) Five
12. What will the speakers probably do next?
(A) Hold a training session
(B) Look at an office
(C) Reschedule a meeting
(D) Meet some new employees

Questions 13-15

13. What did the speakers' company do recently?

(A) Opened a branch office
(B) Upgraded a Web site
(C) Started a sales contest
(D) Launched a new product
14. What does the woman plan to do?
(A) Show the workshop in several rooms
(B) Rent a larger meeting space
(C) Post a digital video online
(D) Schedule another workshop
15. Look at the graphic. Which workshop needs a time change?
(A) Sales Plus
(B) Teamwork
(C) Market Trends
(D) Leadership

B. Personnel
I. Từ vựng thiết yếu
1. Việc làm

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Hire Qualified
New employee Extensive experience
(Job) opening Apply for
Applicant/ candidate Offer ~ a job
Job application Accept a job offer
Résumé Look for a position (job)
Human resources department (= personnel Conduct an interview
department) Come in for an interview
2. Khuyến mãi/ kỳ nghỉ
Promotion Paid (unpaid) vacation
Deserve the promotion Take a vacation (=take time off)
Be promoted to Be away on vacation
Celebrate Leave for vacation
Celebration Ask for the time off
Organize a celebration Fill out the request form
3. Nghỉ hưu/ Thuyên chuyển
Retire Leave the company (job)
Retirement Move to
Resign Transfer to
Resignation Request a transfer to
Hard work Hold a party (=throw a party)
Dedication Have been with the company
II. Điền từ vào chỗ trống (file 004)
1. Louis _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ for over 30 years
2. You’re going to _______ _______ our research laboratory in London next month
3. I’m very glad you _______ _______ out magazine’s open position as a journalist
4. She is _______ _______ right now and won’t be back until next week
5. Ms Jackson _______ _______ _______ sales manager last week
III. Luyện tập số 1 (file 005)
1. Where will the woman work next year?
A. In South America
B. In Europe
W-Am We’re opening a new _______ in Europe and I’ll be _______ there next year
M-Am Great! You’ve _______ worked in Asia and Africa, right?
W-Am Yes, and South America, but never Europe. I’m really _______ _______ to this
2. Who is Daniela?
A. The new vice president
B. The new plant manager
M-Am Hi Sally. Did you _______ that the vice president chose Daniela for the _______
manager position?
W-Am Yes, that’s great news. I _______ about it yesterday from my secretary
M-Am We need someone like her _______ the plant is a _______ job

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Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

3. What are the speaker discussing?

A. A job applicant’s qualifications
B. A colleague’s retirement
C. A new employee’s training
D. C client’s request
4. What does Mr Cho plan to do next month?
A. Write a book
B. Travel overseas
C. Transfer to another office
D. Open a new business
IV. Luyện tập số 2 (file 006)

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Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

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Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

C. Events
I. Từ vựng thiết yếu
1. Kinh doanh
Business trip Travel expense
On business Travel reimbursement
Accommodations Receipt
Reimburse Accounting deparment
Reimbursement Be out of town
Reimbursement form Be ready for
Get reimbursement Get back/ return
Go away on business
2. Liên kết doanh nghiệp/ Giao dịch
Contract Client
Sign a contract Account
Estimate Proposal
Budget Overseas
Exceed a budget Do business with
Go over the budget Cooperate with
3. Các sự kiện khác
Hold Arrange
Anniversary In time
Reception Host a dinner
Banquet Make it to
Farewell party Prepare for
Opening ceremony Arrange transportation
II. Điền từ vào chỗ trống (file 007)
1. I can’t _______ _______ _______ this afternoon’s meeting
2. They _______ a five-year _______ with us yesterday
3. You’ll have the book _______ _______ for training session on Friday
4. Mr McGill is on his way to the meeting to _______ _______ _______ _______
5. I was at the conference in London and didn’t _______ _______ in town until yesterday
III. Luyện tập số 1 (file 008)
1. How does the woman suggest the report be delivered?
A. By express mail
B. By messenger

M-Am I’m finally done _______ our annual report. Shall we mail it to the _______? I can
use express mail if you like
W-Am Express mail... that’s too _______. We’ll send it over by _______ this afternoon
M-Am I would _______ it _______ there myself, but I have an important meeting at two

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Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

2. Why does the woman want to reschedule her meeting?

A. She cannot get to the meeting location this week
B. She is going on vacation for two weeks
W-Am I’m having _______ getting _______ to Kyoto for our meeting this week. Can we
change it to sometime next week?
M-Am Well, I’m starting a two-week _______ on Friday, so it would have to be after I
W-Am Why don’t I call you when you get back to ________ a new time?

3. What does the woman want to do?

A. Prepare an accounting report
B. Ask a coworker to give a presentation
C. Reschedule an upcoming seminar
D. Hire some new staff mambers
4. What are the speakers concerns about?
A. The lack of preparation time
B. The availability of a meeting room
C. The ability of a presenter
D. The location of a seminar
IV. Luyện tập số 2 (file 009)

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D. Workplace
I. Từ vựng thiết yếu
1. Hội nghị/ Thuyết trình
Meeting/ conference Be ready (for)
Presentation Be busy with
Report Be expected to
Agenda Talk about/ discuss
Handout Give (make) a presentation
Review Organize a meeting
Summary Write up a proposal
Conference call
2. Đào tạo nhân viên
Train As scheduled
Training session Schedule safety training
Training manual Take a class
Improve Recommend A for B
Required Register for
Attendant Focus on
Attend Fill up
Instructor Lead
Registration/ enrollment
3. Cuộc trò chuyện hàng ngày với đồng nghiệp
Recommendation Late for work
Employee handbook Call in sick
(Employee) benefits Leave early
Construction Get off work (= leave the office)
Sick leave Stop by/ drop by/ come by
Doctor’s appointment Take a short break
Job description Work extra hours
Relax Time sheet
II. Điền từ vào chỗ trống (file 010)
1. You should just go and ask the manager if you could _______ _______ today
2. They _______ _______ _______ attend the meeting this time
3. I just _______ _______ your office to thank you for planning the department picnic
4. I’m calling to _______ _______ the finance conference
5. A number of the _______ will _______ _______ new production processes
III. Luyện tập số 1 (file 011)
1. Why does the man apologize to Ms Patel?

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Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

A. He was late for work

B. Ha has to leave early tonight
M-Cn I’m so sorry I wasn’t _______ _______, Ms Patel. I had a _______ tire on the freeway
W-Am Oh... _______ has been very _______ this morning, so it wasn’t a problem
M-Cn Well, I’ll stay late this evening to _______ _______ the time

2. How do the speakers plant to rearrange the furniture?

A. By hiring an outside moving company
B. By having the maintenance staff do the work
W-Am We need to move these desks and ______ cabinets to make _______ for the new
M-Cn Right. Maybe we should ask the _______ staff to do the moving
W-Am The furniture does look pretty _______. Okay, let’s _______ them do that

3. What does the woman mean when says” She knows how to get there”?
A. The directions are easy to understand
B. Brenda has been to the restaurant before
C. A map has been provided to the clients
D. The speakers can leave without Brenda
4. What will the speakers most likely do next?
A. Review some notes
B. Cancel a reservation
C. Go to a meeting
D. Pick up a client

IV. Luyện tập số 2 (file 012)

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A. Entertainment
I. Từ vựng thiết yếu
1. Phim và buổi biểu diễn
Theater/ cinema In line
Play In advance
Musical A group of
Performance/ show Row 3, seat 8
Balcony seats At the box office
Review Next to each other
Brochure/ pamphlet Be about to
Main character/ lead actor Switch seats
Plot Reserve tickets
2. Triển lãm
Museum Be interested in
(art) gallery = (art) museum Be closed on Mondays
Museum director Look forward to Ving
Exhibit Sculpture
Exhibition Display
Explore the exhibit Admission
Artwork Painting
3. Du lịch
Trip Make a reservation
Tourist Confirm a reservation
Travel agency Check in
Sightseeing Check out
(tour) itinerary Take a city tour
Round–trip / one–way ticket Extend the reservation/ trip
Suite Adjust the itinerary
Room key Hotel guest

II. Điền từ vào chỗ trống (file 001)

1. I’m calling to _______ _______ dinner _______ for three people on Monday July 9th
2. You _______ the tour _______ by removing the visit to the botanical garden
3. The woman’s portrayal of the _______ _______ was wonderful
4. I’d like to _______ my _______ _______ for October 20th
5. I’ve decided to _______ _______ _______ to do some _______

III. Luyện tập số 1 (file 002)

1. When did the man go to the theater?
A. On Saturday afternoon
B. Yesterday evening

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Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

M-Am I wish I’d had time to get some _______ before I came in. It’s so hard to _______
_______ doing the inventory this early in the morning
W-Am Oh, that’s right! You went to the theater last night. Did the _______ end late?
M-Am yes, but it was a wonderful _______. Next time, though, I’ll try to go on Saturday

2. Why is the man going to Los Angeles?

A. To meet Kate
B. To visit his wife’s parents
M-Am We’re going to Los Angeles next weekend to _______ my wife’s _______
W-Am I didn’t knoe that Kate was _______ California
M-Am She isn’t. Her _______ moved there when they _______

3. Where did the woman just return from?

A. A business conference
B. An anniversary party
C. A vacation trip
D. An overseas meeting
4. What does the man ask the woman to do?
A. Reserve a hotel room
B. Check some seating arrangements
C. Reschedule a meeting
D. Purchase some plane tickets

IV. Luyện tập số 2 (file 003)

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B. Traffic
I. Từ vựng thiết yếu
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Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

1. Hãng hàng không

Flight Boarding pass
Connecting flight On board
Direct flight Take an earlier flight
Baggage Fly to
Weather conditions Check in
Gate Miss a flight
Flight attendant The flight has been canceled/ delayed

2. Tàu hỏa
Train station Take the train
Express train Catch a train
Overnight express Get off the train
Platform Leave from
Depart Transfer from A to B
Arrive Go directly to
Conductor Get to
Final destination Stop running

3. Xe hơi/ xe buýt
Vehicle Free of charge
Traffic Be stuck in traffic
Heavy traffic Give ~ a ride
Bus stop Get a ride
Traffic accident Get a (traffic) ticket
Parking garage Pick ~ up
Parking permit The traffic is heavy
Car rental The traffic is light
Rush hour traffic
II. Điền từ vào chỗ trống (file 004)
1. I’ve just _______ _______ _______ back to Seoul
2. The sign says the _______ _______ is already full
3. I just heard that our guest speakers are _______ _______ rush hour _______
4. I’m planning to _______ _______ _______ to the city tomorrow morning
5. Mary usually _______ _______ _______ _______ to work
III. Luyện tập số 1 (file 005)
1. How will the speakers get to their destination?
A. By bus
B. By car
W-Am If we _______ the bus, we have to _______ buses twice
M-Am Well then, maybe we should _______. It’ll cost a bit more, but it will also be much
W-Am We can take my car. I’ll _______ over and get it out the _______

2. What time is the woman’s flight?

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A. At 6:00
B. At 8:00
W-Am My plane _______ tomorrow evening at eight. Can you give me a _______ to the
M-Am Sure. What time should we leave?
M-Am It should only take _______ thirty minutes, but let’s leave at six

Kassel Train Station

Destination Departute time
Bebra 2:15 PM
Giessen 3:30 PM
Marburg 4:45 PM
Frankfurt 5:10 PM

3. Look at the graphic. What time will the speakers depart?

A. 2:15 PM
B. 3:30 PM
C. 4:45 PM
D. 5:10 PM
4. What does the man mention he would like to do?
A. Visit an art gallery
B. Find a hotel in Bebra
C. Exchange some tickets
D. Extend the length of a trip
IV. Luyện tập số 2 (file 006)

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C. Shopping
I. Từ vựng thiết yếu
1. Mua sắm
Clerk In stock
Vendor Out of stock
Customer (= shopper) On display
Item (= merchandise) On sale
Special offer A variety of (= a wide selection of)
Expensive Be sold out
Reasonable Try on
Display case/ table Get/ offer a discount
Rearrange Make a purchase (= purchase/ get/ buy)
Purchase Put / set aside
Showroom Provide delivery service
2. Thanh toán/ Đổi hàng/ Hoàn tiền
Pay Make a payment
Exchange Pay in cash
Return Accept a credit card
Receipt Refund
Cashier Get (obtain) a refund
Cash register Refund ~ the difference
Store policy Pick ~ up

3. Ăn ngoài
Meal Eat out
Dish Take an order
Bill Place an order (= make an order)
Serve Serve the food
Waiter (= server) Reserve a table (= book a table)
Prefer Make a reservation for
Cater Pay for one’s meal
Dining room Specialize in
Ingredient All tables’re booked
Vegetarian meal
Patio area

II. Điền từ vào chỗ trống (file 007)

1. Let me _______ _______ _______ _______ now
2. Why don’t I just _______ _______ _______ for the cake right now?
3. I’ll check out our database to see if we have that shampoo _______ _______
4. We _______ _______ South African cuisine
5. I’ll _______ the books _______ for you

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III. Luyện tập số 1 (file 008)

1. Who most likely is the man?
A. A salesman
B. A waiter
M-Am Would you _______ _______ some dessert of coffee today?
W-Am No thank you. I’d just like _______ please
M-Am _______. I’ll bring it back to your table and you can pay the cashier _______ you’re

2. What does this conversation probably take place?

A. At a bookstore
B. At a travel agency
M-Am1 Can I help you?
M-Am2 Yes, I can’t _______ to find the new _______ of Indira Kumar
M-Am1 Yes, It’s been very popular. I’m _______ that all of our _______ of the book have
been sold

3. What is the conversation mainly about?

A. A warehouse address
B. A recent shipment
C. An equipment repair
D. An out-of-stock item
4. What does the woman offer to do?
A. Look for a manual
B. Place an order
C. Ship an item
D. Contact a customer

IV. Luyện tập số 2 (file 009)

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D. Other services
I. Từ vựng thiết yếu
1. Ngân hàng
(Bank) account Withdraw

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Savings account Make a withdrawal

Open a (bank) account Transfer
Deposit Make a transfer
Make a deposit Transfer money electronically
Fill out Loan
Application form Get a loan
(Photo) identification Pay for a loan
Bank teller Approve a loan

2. Thư viện/ Bưu điện/ Thẩm mỹ viện/ Giặt là

Librarian Borrow a book
Overdue Return a book
Late fee Issue a library card
Fragile Weigh a package
Postal code Send ~ by air
Express mail Have one’s hair trimmed/ cut
Hair salon
Dry cleaner’s
3. Bệnh viện/ Nhà thuốc
Patient Be not feeling well
Clinic Be in good shape
Medical See a doctor
Pharmacy Medicine
(Physical/annual) checkup Take medicine
Dentist Examine a patient
Physician Have a dental appointment

II. Điền từ vào chỗ trống (file 010)

1. You’ll need to _______ _______ an _______ _______
2. I just need to _______ _______ _______ _______
3. I’d like to sign up for a library card so that I can _______ _______ books
4. You might want to _______ _______ _______ online
5. You must show your _______ _______ when you pick your package up
III. Luyện tập số 1 (file 011)
1. Where most likely are the speakers?
A. In a post office
B. In a train station
M-Am1 I need to send this _______ to New York so that it _______ there by Monday
M-Am2 Regular _______ takes four or five days, but the express service takes only two. It
costs a bit more, though
M-Am1 That’s OK. I don’t _______ paying a little extra

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Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

2. What does the woman mean when she says “ I don’t live in this neiborhood”?
A. She does not know the location of a park
B. She would like directions to an address
M- Cn Excuse me, do you know _______ Karlov Park _______?
W-Am I’m sorry... I don’t _______ _______ this neighborhood
M-Cn Oh, I see. OK. Thanks anyway

3. What does the conversation most likely take place?

A. In a museum
B. In a hospital
C. In a school
D. In a shopping mall
4. Why is the man concerned?
A. He cannot find the main exit
B. He forgot to bring an important document
C. He is unsure how to use some equipment
D. He wants to enter the building after regular hours
IV. Luyện tập số 2 (file 012)

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A. Reservation and Shipment
I. Từ vựng thiết yếu
1. Điện thoại liên quan
Reserve (= book) At the same rate
Appointment Call back
Reschedule Make an appointment (= set up an
Confirm appointment)
Confirmation number (code) Reservation under the name (of) +
Cancel Thanks for calling
Available How may I help you?
Private room This is +
Banquet hall
2. Đặt hàng
Order In bulk
Inventory Be shipped separately
Warehouse Track the status
Order number Place (make) an order
Large order Inquire about an order
Replace Give quantity (volume) discounts
Order status You’re reached
Standard This is + + from (with,at) +
Extra I’m calling to
3. Điện thoại liên quan
Arrive At additional rate
Deliver In 3 working (business) days
Delivery Be scheduled to
Delivery truck Make a phone call
Ship Guarantee delivery within +
Shipping Deliver it for free
Shipment Place a rush order
Merchandise (= goods) I’m calling about
II. Điền từ vào chỗ trống (file 001)
1. We are offering 20 percent off for _______ _______ this week only
2. I can _______ _______ an _______ for you to talk to him
3. They _______ _______ _______ 24 hours
4. Could you _______ _______ _______ for some more bottles today?
5. We were requested to _______ a _______
III. Luyện tập số 1 (file 002)

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1. When will the woman visit the dentist’s office?

A. On May 2
B. On May 4
M-Am I’m calling to _______ your _______ appointment on May 4th
W-Br Thanks. I’ll be there. What time is it again?
M-Am It’s at 2 o’clock

2. Who is the woman most likely talking to?

A. A hotel employee
B. A restaurant employee
W-Am Hi, this is Julia Thomas. I’m calling to _______ my room _______ for October
M-Cn Yes, we have your reservation – you’re _______ at the special convention rate
for two nights
W-Am That’s right, but I probably won’t arrive until about 8 PM. So please tell the
_______ desk I’ll be late



3 4

3. What does the woman mention about the Red Cellar Restaurant’s menu?
A. The design will be updated
B. It will be posted online
C. Some food items have been added
D. Some prices will increase
4. Look at the graphic. Which seating area does the man want to sit in?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
IV. Luyện tập số 2 (file 003)

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B. Customer service
I. Từ vựng thiết yếu
1. Điện thoại dịch vụ khách hàng

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Complaint Billing error (= billing mistake)

Complaint about Be overcharged
Notice Register a complaint
Charge Report a problem
Warranty I’m calling because ~
Quality I’m having a problem with ~
Customer service department I’m trying to ~
Valid coupon I have some questions about ~
Correct I don’t know how to use

2. Liên hệ với chúng tôi để được giải đáp thắc mắc về bất động sản
Property Close to
Real estate agent For sale
Rent Conveniently located
Deposit Be in a good location for
Tenant Look for office space
Lease View/ show a property
Furnished Move in/ out
Utilities The lease expires on
3. Hỏi đáp khác
Contact Phone
Connect Mobile phone
Reach Get back to ( = return one’s call)
Note Leave a message
Voice mail Get in touch with
Extension I’d like to speak to
Exchange I’ll transfer you to
Report Hold on
The line’s been busy
II. Điền từ vào chỗ trống (file 004)
1. Let me check with my manager and _______ _______ _______ you
2. I’d like to _______ a _______
3. I can _______ you _______ a different department
4. I’m calling to see if the motorcycle parked outside it still _______ _______
5. Does the _______ include _______?
III. Luyện tập số 1 (file 005)
1. Who is the man?
A. A restaurant chef
B. A hotel clerk
M-Au Hello, this is the _______ _______
W-Br Yes, I’m calling from room 508. What time does the hotel restaurant _______
for breakfast tomorrow?

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Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

M-Am Breakfast starts at 7 and ends at 10. And just a _______ that you’ll need to
check out of your room by 11

2. Why is the man unable to attend tonight’s show?

A. He is out of towm
B. The show is sold out
W-Am Slate _______, How may I help you?
M-Cn I have tickets for tonight’s performance, I’m in Detroit and my _______ been
_______. Can I get tickets for tomorrow’s performance instead?
W-Am You can _______ your tickets for another event, but it looks like tomorrow
night’s _______ is sold out

3. What did the woman recently do?

A. She won a sales award
B. She received a job promotion
C. She moved to a new city
D. She renovated a home
4. What does the man say “Do you know what they charge there”?
A. To suggest living in a particular building
B. To show the interest in renting an apartment
C. To warn about high rental costs
D. To confirm a real estate’s credentials
IV. Luyện tập số 2 (file 006)

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ACTUAL TEST PART 3 (file 007)

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I. Cấu trúc: Nghe một bài nói ngắn và trả lời câu hỏi
Số lượng bài nói Số lượng câu hỏi/ Tổng số câu hỏi của Số lượng người nói
mỗi bài part 4
10 3 30 1 người
- Mỗi câu hỏi sẽ có 4 phương án A, B, C, D
- Nội dung của bài nói sẽ không được in trong đề, học sinh phải tự nghe hiểu
- Nội dung của các câu hỏi và đáp án sẽ được in trong đề
- Học sinh chỉ được nghe 1 lần duy nhất

II. Một số lưu ý khi làm bài

1. Thứ tự câu hỏi trùng khớp với thứ tự nội dung bài hội thoại: câu hỏi nào được hỏi trước
thì thông tin đáp án của câu hỏi đó sẽ được đề cập trước.
2. Một số câu hỏi đặc biệt
- Câu hỏi “Người nói là ai?”, “Người nói đang ở đâu?”, “Bài nói diễn ra ở đâu?”: Thường phải
suy luận dựa vào ngữ cảnh, thông tin có liên quan
- Câu hỏi có chứa hình vẽ: Đáp án sẽ không được nhắc đến trực tiếp trong audio, ta cần đối chiếu
thông tin nghe được trong audio và hình vẽ để tìm ra đáp án
- Câu hỏi ngụ ý: Cần nghe được nội dung của các câu xung quanh (thường là câu liền trước) để
hiểu được ngụ ý của người nói

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A. Recorded messages
I. Từ vựng thiết yếu
1. Tin nhắn
Reach Customer service representative
Busy Operator
Agent At the moment
Extension number After the tone
Business hours During the hours of operation
Transfer Leave a message
Connect Stay on the line
Power outage Thank you for calling
Fitness center You’ve reached
Repairs To do ~ (please) press
Renovation To hear this message again, please press
Electricity company The office will be closed on
Voice mail

2. Thông báo qua điện thoại

Urgent Contact ~ by email
Confirm Return a call to
Appointment This is ~ from
Postpone This is a message for (= I’m calling for)
Contact You can reach me at
Inquire I’m calling about/ regarding
Response I’m calling to
Let ~ know We’re having/ experiencing problems
Currently with
Please call me on my cell phone
II. Điền từ vào chỗ trống (file 001)
1. I’d like to _______ _______ _______ for Mr Peter Brown
2. This is Sam Green calling _______ _______ _______ _______
3. We are currently _______ a _______ _______
4. If you would like to talk to a staff member, please _______ _______ _______ _______
5. If you’re interested, please _______ _______ _______ as soon as possible
III. Luyện tập số 1 (file 002)
1. Why did Jane Jackson leave this message?
A. To arrange a time for a delivery
B. To request a repair
W-Am Good morning, this is Jane Jackson from Deluxe Home Store. I’m _______ _______
let you know that the four chairs you _______ on March seventh have arrived in our _______.
Please call me at 555-1232 so we can set up a _______ date. I’ll be here until six PM today
and from nine to five on Tuesday
2. Why is the man calling Ms Kinnear?

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A. To apologize for a delay

B. To remind her of an appointment
M-Cn Hello, Ms Kinnear. _______ is a message from Rinsdale Electric. I’m _______ to
confirm the _______ of your new air conditioner tomorrow morning. Our service engineers
will arrive sometime between 9 AM and 12 noon to install it. They will also _______ your old
one _______. This should all take about 30 minutes. If the time is inconvenient, or you have
any other questions, please call our office at 555-0179 before 4 Pm today

3. What is wrong with the order?

A. It has arrived late
B. The prices are wrong
C. There are not enough flyers
D. The flyers are wrong color
4. What will the speaker use the flyers for?
A. To advertise a sale
B. To promote a concert
C. To invite customers to a party
D. To plan an event
IV. Luyện tập số 2 (file 003)

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B. Announcements
I. Từ vựng thiết yếu
1. Thông báo nội bộ

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Coworker (= colleague) As you know

Notice board Fisrt of all
Reminder On duty
Inspection Be required to
Company policy Make a decision
Shift Provide ~ with
Security Meet a goal
Customer survey Shut down
Increase I want to let you know
2. Thông báo liên quan đến giao thông
Flight Delay
Flight attendant Inconvenience
Captain Fee
Board Be scheduled to
Welcome aboard Apologize for
Destination Serve snacks and beverages
Depart ( = leave, take off) Attention passengers
Fasten Thank you for your cooperation

3. Thông báo khác

Customer As scheduled
Bargain Instead of
Volunteer Environmentally friendly
Participant Remind A of B
Audience Get started
Performance Enroll in
Banquet Sign in
Register Stop by
Refreshments We will be closing in 30 minutes
Gift certificate
II. Điền từ vào chỗ trống (file 004)
1. The first thing I’d like to talk about is the upcoming _______ of our restaurant
2. _______ _______, the 2 o’clock _______ to Korea will take off soon
3. We’re _______ to _______ Paris at 6:20 Am this morning
4. We are having our annual sale with fantastic _______ in every department
5. Any extra pieces of luggage will _______ _______ _______ an additional fee
III. Luyện tập số 1 (file 005)
1. Why does the speaker say “There’s no time to wait”?
A. To promote an athletic training program
B. To encourage in-store purchases
W-Au Attention, Arnold’s Sporting Goods _______! Today is the last day of our big _______
promotion. All the tennis _______ in our store in thirty percent off. We’ve extended our store
hours to 11 PM – for today only – so everyone can pick up great goods at great _______.
There’s no time to wait

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Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

2. What will happend in three weeks?

A. The company will receive new equipment
B. The company will move to another office
M-Am Well everyone, there are just three more weeks until we move to the new office. We
need to start _______. A good place to start is to _______ your paper files. _______
_______all documents and decide what can be _______ _______ and what must be moved to
the new office. Ask yourself, “is it a necessary document or can it be _______? Is there
another copy of this files?” If it isn’t needed, then we don’t want to spend the time and effort
packing and moving it to the new building

3. What is not working?

A. The automatic door
B. The computer system
C. The telephones
D. The escalators
4. Who is asked to go to the customer service counter?
A. Customers with complaints about the service
B. Customers with merchandise to exchange
C. Customers who want to use a credit card
D. Customers who want to apply for a job
IV. Luyện tập số 2 (file 006)

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C. Advertisements
I. Từ vựng thiết yếu

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1. Các tính năng của hàng hóa và dịch vụ

Feature Easy to carry
Beverage Available only by
Catering Be located in/on/at
Appliance Specialize in
Durable (Are you) looking for?
Friendly To order ~ call
Warranty For further/ more information, please call
We are opening a new

2. Hướng dẫn giảm giá

Price reduction On sale
Promotional event Discount
Annual sale 10% off the regular price
Offer Be discounted by 10%
Special offer Be known for
Save Be sure to
Hurry Take advantage of
Complimentary Don’t miss
3. Nghề nghiệp
Opportunity Contact information
Graduate Submit
Professional Be interested in
Job candidate Be considered for a position
Full-time worker Be offered positions for the company
Previous work experience Email your résumé to
Individual Successful candidates should have
experience with
II. Điền từ vào chỗ trống (file 007)
1. Are you _______ _______ new _______?
2. Apples are on sale at 15% _______ _______ _______ _______
3. This week only our store is offering _______ _______ sporting goods
4. Our store is _______ _______ excellent customer service
5. _______ _______ _______ or to sign up for a course, call us at 555-6666
III. Luyện tập số 1 (file 008)
1. What position is being advertised?
A. Marketing executive
B. Office assistant
W-Br Are you looking for a summer job? This radio station is _______ an energetic office
_______ to fill a two-month contract. The successful _______ must have experience with
computer word processing systems. If this sounds like you, then we’d like to meet you. Just e-
mail your _______ to This job begins soon, so don’t delay. Contact
us today

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Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

2. What kind of business is being advertised?

A. A restaurant
B. A hotel
M-Cn Looking for fresh and inventive _______? Come to Adrian’s! Located on the top floor
of the Metford Building, Adrian’s offers breathtaking views of the entire city. Along with the
stunning view, we _______ many authetic Italian _______ you won’t find anywhere else. Best
of all, our carefully prepared _______ are surprisingly _______. In fact, for the five years in a
row, we’ve been on Daily Times‘ list of “Best Bargain Restaurants”. So come to Adrian’s
today for an unforgettable _______ experience.

Weebli Sales Receipt

The Light +$20.00
20% Discount -$4.00
TOTAL $16.00

3. Look at the graphic. What kind of game is The Light World?

A. An adventure game
B. A puzzle game
C. A sports game
D. A racing game
4. What is mentioned about Future Sprint?
A. It can be bought online
B. It is a children’s game
C. It has not been released yet
D. It won an award
IV. Luyện tập số 2 (file 009)

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D. Tours
I. Từ vựng thiết yếu
1. Hướng dẫn tham quan

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Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

Tour Gift shop

Tourist Art museum
Tourist attraction Historical
Lead the tour Hiking
The tour will last Mountain/ forest hiking
Guide National park
I’ll be your guide today Scenery
I’ll be your guide for the next hour Photograph
I’ll be leading the tour today Artwork
Be famous for Exhibit
Be crowded with Special exhibit
Go sightseeing Sculpture garden
Take a picture (= take a photograph) Pottery
Look around Aquarium
Meet back here Cave
Follow me
Let’s get started (= let’s get going)
Watch your step (= walk carefully)

2. Thông tin du lịch

A tour of factory At all times
(factory) floor (= production floor) At the end of the tour
Safety procedures Refrain from
Guideline Be prohobited
Safety glasses Be not permitted/ allowed
Hard hat Be welcome to
Self-guided tour Have a few reminders
Explore Don’t hesiate to ask
Visitor Please do not
II. Điền từ vào chỗ trống (file 010)
1. I’d like to welcome you all to the _______ _______
2. My name is Steve, and I will be your _______ for the next two hours
3. This garden is _______ _______ various flowers from all over the world
4. Let me point out the _______ _______
5. The book is available in the _______ _______
III. Luyện tập số 1 (file 011)
1. What is the speaker about to do?
A. Show a film
B. Lead a tour
W-Au Good morning, and welcome to the Blanchell _______. I’m Akash, and I’ll be your
_______ today as we _______ our featured _______ on Mexican art. We have many
fascinating pieces in this exhibit, and I’ll only have time to discuss a few of them in detail. But
afterwards, I’ll be giving each of you a _______ about the whole exhibit so that you can learn
about it _______ _______ _______. And don’t forget to come back in November, when our
featured exhibit will change to prints from our permanent collection

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Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

2. What does the speaker say about Cedarton’s shopping district?

A. It is in the oldest part of the town
B. It is popular with students
M-Am Today we’re going to visit the _______ of Cedarton. We’ll be starting in the oldest part
of town. The area was once _______,, but now it’s the town’s _______ district. You’ll have
the morning the look at the _______ buildings and do some shopping. Then, after lunch, we’ll
head over to Cedarton University. As you’re _______ around the campus, don’t be surprised if
you feel like you’ve been there before. Because it’s so beautiful, this campus has been used as
the setting for a number of famous _______.

3. What most likely will listeners do first?

A. Watch how tea is produced
B. Touch the texture of tea leaves
C. Buy specialized tea containers
D. Drink a variety of tea samples
4. What does the speaker imply when he says “you won’t be able to go through all of
A. Only a few samples are available
B. There is a limit to the number of visitors
C. A product comes in many variesties
D. Some items are very expensive
IV. Luyện tập số 2 (file 012)

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Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

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Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

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A. Information
I. Từ vựng thiết yếu
1. Dự báo thời tiết
Weather forcast Degrees
Call for (= predict) Temperature
Windy Get colder
Foggy Clear out
(Rain) shower The road will be slippery
Low/ high pressure Temperatures will soar
Humidity What will the weather be like today?
Don’t forget to take an umbrella with you
2. Phát thanh giao thông
Traffic Slow
Motorist (= driver) Heavy
Public transportation Be stuck in traffic
Road (= street/ route/ avenue) Be backed up
Rush hour Avoid this area
Traffic congestion (= traffic jam) Take the highway
Congested Take an alternate route
Delayed The road is flooded
The road will be closed to vehicles
3. Tin tức tổng hơp/ buổi nói chuyện
Radio broadcast Official
Radio station Release
Business news In local news today
Commercial break On today’s program
Show Update on
Host Coming up after
Merger Let’s talk about (= I’ll tell you about,
Acquire we’ll discuss)
Acquisition Have difficulty in Ving
Expand Make progress
Expansion Call in with questions
Manufacturing facility Celebrate the opening of its new facility
City council I’m your host
Apartment complex

II. Điền từ vào chỗ trống (file 001)

1. Today’s _______ _______ _______ partly cloudy skies
2. The bridge is _______ _______ about one mile
3. High _______ should drop down to around 10 _______
4. The _______ should be completed by the end of the month
5. ARC Company announced that they will _______ a new product soon
III. Luyện tập số 1 (file 002)

Lớp TOEIC cô Huyền Mít
Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

__ _______
Lenor Expressway _______
Silver Peaks
12th Avenue

Rogers Way Bander Road

1. Look at the graphic. What road does the speaker sugguest avoiding?
A. Rogers Way
B. 12th Avenue
W-Am Big news for shoppers! The Silver Peaks Shopping Center will finally open this
Saturday. The opening will be celebrated with live music and special sales. The
celebration is _______ to be vey popular, so _______ will be _______. Try to _______
the shopping center’s _______, if possible, if you are going elsewhere this weekeend.

2. When did the man say the rain will stop?

A. This morning
B. This afternoon
M-Cn Good morning, this is Tim Woods with today’s weather. The _______, which
began yesterday evening, should stop a little _______ today. A _______ _______
system will set in, so it’ll be clear and dry, but it’s going to be quite a bit cooler
_______ _______. Be sure you wear a sweater or jacket tomorrow if you’re going to
be outside. It’s going to be _______.

3. What is the main purpose of the broadcast?

A. To publicize the completion of a project
B. To advertise a new department store
C. To report on road construction
D. To announce a schedule of events
4. What will listeners probably hear next?
A. An advertisement for a bookstore
B. Some international music
C. A review of a film
D. Some new stories
IV. Luyện tập số 2 (file 003)

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Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

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Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

B. Talk
I. Từ vựng thiết yếu
1. Hội thảo và giải thưởng

Lớp TOEIC cô Huyền Mít
Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

Conference Orientation
Convention Information session
Speech Thanks to
Reception Welcome to
Ceremony On behalf of
Prize A few words of thanks
Awards ceremony (= awards banquet) Be pleased to
Retirement ceremony Bo honored to
Celebrate Announce that
Anniversary Make a speech
Honor Express thanks for
Guest speaker Extend a welcome to
Support Win an award
Sponsor Meet/ achieve a goal
Donation Thank you for attending/ coming to
Present Will be introduced
Keynote speaker Will be promoted
Recognize I’d like to introduce you to
2. Hội thảo phát biểu
Agenda Following the talk
Attendance Despite the short notice
Performance Be on sale
Complaint Take place
Award-winning Take part in
Satisfaction Make it
Quality Give/ make a presentation
Reduce Keep up with
Fund Give a demonstration
Executive I won’t be back until
The board of directors
II. Điền từ vào chỗ trống (file 004)
1. _______ _______ the annual scientific research _______
2. _______ the talk, copies of Mr Boyds’ cookbook will be _______ _______ in the lobby
3. A lot of people _______ _______ _______ the meeting _______ _______ _______ _______
4. We decided to expand into Europe to _______ _______ _______ the increasing demands
5. I’d like to _______ a special _______ to those who came from oversea to attend
III. Luyện tập số 1 (file 005)
1. What is the purpose of the talk?
A. To welcome a new staff member
B. To honor a retiring employee
W-Am Thank you all for coming. It’s pleasure to _______ this _______ party for Frank
Thomas. For 25 years, he’s been a _______ employee of our company, and today we show our
_______. It’s because of his _______ skills that our advertising campaigns run so smoothly.
We’ll be _______ long after he leaves

Lớp TOEIC cô Huyền Mít
Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

2. What occasion is being celebrated?

A. The opening of a new school
B. The anniversary of an organization
M-Am Ladies and Gentlemen, today we come together to celebrate the 25th anniversary of our
_______. It was 25 years ago today that our founder opened the first of our schools _______ to
training young men and women in the technological skills they would need in the workplace.
Back then, the most popular _______ of study were automobile repair and airplane _______,
whereas today most of our students study computer programming. However, the mission of
the Song Lee Institude has not changed, and, like all of you, I look _______ to our next 25

3. What is the purpose of this announcement?

A. To celebrate changes to a schedule
B. To introduce a speaker
C. To annouce a workshop
D. To conclude a conference
4. What anniversary is the conference celebrating?
A. 2 years
B. 5 years
C. 10 years
D. 20 years
IV. Luyện tập số 2 (file 006)

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Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

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Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

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ACTUAL TEST PART 4 (file 007)

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Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

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Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383

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Facebook: Huyen Mit (Huyen Toeic) Hotline: 0972802383


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