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Evaluative Commentary Argumentative Article

The benefits of printed textbooks are demonstrated in this article. The author's tone is critical,
yet he emphasizes the necessity of printed textbooks, claiming that students can study more
effectively with printed notes than with eBooks.

Firstly, paper textbooks are the healthiest option for evening reading since they take less
cognitive work and, unlike eBooks, do not harm the eyes. You won't have difficulties sleeping at night
after late-night test prep if you use printed textbooks. Secondly, electronic devices, such as eBooks,
suppress the mind's production of melatonin, making it more difficult to fall asleep, making traditional
textbooks the ideal material to study with at night.

Next, students who studied from paper textbooks did better on tests than students who
studied from eBooks, according to research. This demonstrates that when you need to recall what you
read, eBooks are more difficult to comprehend. In general, printed textbooks help you recall what
you've read. Besides that, eBooks are exclusively popular among individuals who read for enjoyment
rather than for academic purposes.

Lastly, the author then goes on to explain why printed textbooks are better since they are less
distracting. Students are always sidetracked when reading or studying, wanting to do or watch
anything else. When a single notification appears when they are reading, for example, they are already
diverted from their reading. As a result, having access to a plethora of different apps on mobile devices
is more distracting than reading paper textbooks.

I agree with the author’s opinion because, that printed textbooks have their own merits, and that they
have long been utilized in the educational system across the world. Furthermore, the usage of printed
textbooks does not necessitate the employment of complicated and costly methods to deliver
knowledge. However, because printed textbooks are generally black and white, they will not draw
students' attention if utilized too frequently by professors. While it has innumerable advantages, it is
true that printed textbooks are something that causes pupils to become bored. This has an impact on
the motivation of pupils who choose to learn via printed materials.

In conclusion, I reiterate that paper textbooks are superior to digital textbooks. One of the
reasons is that studies have shown that consumers retain more information from physical books than
from digital publications. Nonetheless, I believe that everyone learns in their own way. As a result,
both printed and digital textbooks have their own set of advantages and disadvantages.

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