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The physical economy of the European Union: Cross-country comparison and

determinants of material consumption

Article  in  Ecological Economics · July 2006

DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2005.08.016 · Source: RePEc


264 403

7 authors, including:

Helga Weisz Fridolin Krausmann

Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna


Christof Amann Nina Eisenmenger

e7 Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt


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Ecological Economics 58 (2006) 676 – 698


The physical economy of the European Union: Cross-country

comparison and determinants of material consumption
Helga Weisz a,*, Fridolin Krausmann a, Christof Amann a, Nina Eisenmenger a,
Karl-Heinz Erb a, Klaus Hubacek b, Marina Fischer-Kowalski a
Institute for Social Ecology, Faculty for Interdisciplinary Studies (IFF), Klagenfurt University, Vienna,
Schottenfeldgasse 29, 1070 Vienna, Austria
School of the Environment, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, UK
Received 8 July 2004; received in revised form 10 August 2005; accepted 15 August 2005
Available online 12 October 2005


In this paper we investigate what determines observed differences in economy-wide material use among the EU-15 member
states. The empirical basis for our analysis is an extended and revised material flow data set for each of the EU-15 countries in
time series from 1970 to 2001. This data set comprises consistent data for domestic extraction, imports and exports as well as
for derived material flow indicators, broken down by 12 types of materials. We compare the level and composition of domestic
material consumption (DMC) in the EU-15 member states and identify determinants of the observed differences. Across the
European Union member states overall DMC per capita varies by a factor of three ranging between 12 tonnes per capita in Italy
and the United Kingdom and 37 tonnes per capita in Finland. This variability of DMC in the EU-15 is in a similar order of
magnitude as the variability of GDP per capita or total primary energy supply per capita. Linear correlation analysis reveals that
national income and final energy consumption relate to material use but cannot fully account for the observed differences in
material consumption. By breaking down overall material flow indicators into 12 categories of materials and analysing their use
patterns in detail, we identified a number of factors, socio-economic and natural, that influence the level and composition of
economy-wide material use. Many of these factors are specific for certain types of materials, others are more general, and quite
some driving factors counteract each other regarding the direction of their influence. Concluding we summarize the most
important driving factors for domestic material consumption stressing population density as largely neglected but important
explanatory variable for material use patterns, discuss issues of environmental significance, aggregation and the use of different
denominators in material flow accounting and suggest a re-interpretation of DMC.
D 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Physical economy; Material flow analysis; Material flow accounting; European Union; Industrial metabolism; Domestic material
consumption (DMC); MFA-indicators

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +43 1 522 40 00 410; fax: +43 1 522 40 00 477.
E-mail address: (H. Weisz).

0921-8009/$ - see front matter D 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
H. Weisz et al. / Ecological Economics 58 (2006) 676–698 677

1. Introduction But even if efforts towards a comparative perspec-

tive were undertaken, little attention was paid to
During the last decade, numerous material flow identifying the factors that determine the structure
accounts for national economies in various geographi- and magnitude of the use of materials. This is due
cal regions have been compiled. The literature on to the fact that until recently MFA indicators have
national material flow analyses predominantly dis- been analysed only at very high levels of aggrega-
cusses levels and trends of highly aggregated material tion. High levels of aggregation, however, mask that
flows for single countries1 and only few studies pro- the different types of materials are influenced by
vide comparative analyses across countries.2 different driving factors which determine their level
One of the insights gained from this body of of use.
research was that the per capita levels of material With the publication of the latest material flow
use and the composition of materials used can be accounts for the EU-15 countries (Weisz et al., in
quite different even among highly industrial econo- press-b), both comparability and level of disaggrega-
mies of similar per capita income levels (Eurostat, tion have increased. This data set covers the period
2002b; ETC-WMF, 2003; Bringezu et al., 2004; 1970 to 2001 and provides harmonized accounts
Weisz et al., in press-b). In this paper we ask for the which are–contrary to previous MFA data sets–broken
factors that determine the differences in material use down by 12 types of materials, thus allowing for a
across EU-15 countries. As potential explanatory vari- detailed but still comprehensive comparative analysis
ables, we consider natural (e.g. climate, resource of material use across EU-15 member states. It should
availability, natural productivity) and socio-economic be noted that a similar attempt of breaking down
factors (e.g. consumption patterns, trade patterns, the economy-wide material flow accounts by types of
structure of the economy, national income, population materials has been initiated in parallel by the Eur-
density) as well as the interrelations between them. opean Commission for the EU-25 and three accession
As far as we are aware this question has not been countries (van der Voet et al., 2005). This study,
addressed yet. To some extent this is due to a lack of though, aimed at weighting material flows by LCA
comparability among available data sets. Although factors and not at explaining differences in the level of
major steps towards methodological harmonization use.
have been achieved with the publication of a metho- The remaining paper is structured as follows. We
dological guide by the European Statistical Office first explain briefly the most important definitions and
(Eurostat, 2001), still a number of important issues concepts applied (Section 2). We then give an over-
remain to be standardized. Therefore, economy-wide view of the variability of per capita domestic material
material flow accounts still may differ substantially consumption among EU-15 member states for the
concerning the applied system boundaries and meth- year 2000 (Section 3) and put this into context to
ods for estimating missing data, thus obstructing the variability of other macro indicators (Section 4).
meaningful cross-country comparisons (Eurostat, Next we illustrate that neither national income nor
2002b; Weisz et al., in press-b). energy use alone are sufficient explanatory factors
for the differences in domestic material consump-
tion (Section 5). We continue with a detailed
Schandl et al. (2000); Machado (2001); Giljum (2004); Xiaoqiu description and analysis of the use patterns of the
and Lijia (2001); Scasny et al. (2003); Pedersen (2002); Mäenpää different types of materials and the identification of
and Juutinen (2001); Muukkonen (2000); German Federal Statisti-
cal Office–Statistisches Bundesamt (1995); German Federal Statis-
factors which influence their use levels (Sections 6–
tical Office–Statistisches Bundesamt (2000); Hammer and Hubacek 9). Concluding we summarize the most important
(2003); De Marco et al. (2000); Femia (2000); Rapera (2004); driving factors that determine overall domestic
Mündl et al. (1999); Barbiero et al. (2003); Isacsson et al. (2000); material consumption in the EU-15 countries, re-
DETR/ONS/WI (2001); Schandl and Schulz (2002); Castellano examine the interpretation and significance of DMC
(2001); Weisz et al. (in press-a).
Adriaanse et al. (1997); Matthews et al. (2000); Fischer-
as environmental indicator, and identify future
Kowalski and Amann (2001); Eurostat (2001, 2002b); ETC-WMF research needs for economy-wide material flow
(2003); Bringezu et al. (2003, 2004); Weisz et al. (in press-b). analysis (Section 10).
678 H. Weisz et al. / Ecological Economics 58 (2006) 676–698

2. Definitions and methods new methodological developments in areas not cov-

ered by Eurostat (2001) were necessary to achieve
Economy-wide material flow accounts (MFA) are cross-country comparability. A detailed description of
consistent compilations of the overall material inputs the accounting methods and the data sources can be
into a national economy, the material accumulation found elsewhere (Eurostat, 2002b). We therefore
within the economic system and the material outputs restrict ourselves here to a few clarifications and
to other economies or to the environment (Fig. 1). definitions decisive for the understanding of the pre-
MFAs cover all material inputs apart from water and sented analysis.
air of a national economy in tonnes per year (Eurostat,
2001). Economy-wide MFA thereby intends to com- 2.1. System boundaries
plement the system of national accounts monitoring
production and consumption activities in monetary In order to get comparable and consistent data, it is
terms, by a compatible system of biophysical national crucial to have a clear definition of the system bound-
accounts. aries. Economy-wide MFA is based on the concept of
The MFA data set for the EU-15 was compiled on society’s or industrial metabolism (Ayres and Simo-
behalf of the European Statistical Office and the Eur- nis, 1994; Fischer-Kowalski and Haberl, 1993).
opean Commission (Eurostat, 2002b; Weisz et al., in Hence, MFAs focus on flows between a socio-eco-
press-b). It integrates the following national MFAs in nomic system and its environment, which comprises
a consistent way: Austria (Schandl et al., 2000), Den- both the natural environment and other socio-eco-
mark (Pedersen, 2002), Germany (German Federal nomic systems. Flows within a socio-economic sys-
Statistical Office–Statistisches Bundesamt, 1995, tem as well as ecosystem internal flows are not part of
2000), Finland (Muukkonen, 2000), Sweden (Isacs- material flow accounts. The Eurostat guide on econ-
son et al., 2000), United Kingdom (DETR/ONS/WI, omy-wide material flow accounting states: bThe sys-
2001). Data for the domestic extraction of industrial tem boundary is defined:
minerals, ores, and fossil fuels have been slightly
revised from (Bringezu and Schütz, 2001) for the 1. by the extraction of primary (i.e. raw, crude or
years 1980 to 1997 and newly complied for all coun- virgin) materials from the national environment
tries and years not covered by the studies quoted and the discharge of materials to the national envir-
above. Data for the domestic extraction of biomass, onment;
construction minerals, and foreign trade data have 2. by the political (administrative) borders that deter-
been newly compiled for all countries and years not mine material flows to and from the rest of the
covered by the national MFAs, according to the meth- world (imports and exports). Natural flows into and
odological standards described in Eurostat (2001) and out of geographical territory are excludedQ (Euro-
based on data from FAO, UN,USGS, IEA/OECD, stat, 2001, p. 17).
Eurostat, and several national statistical sources
(Weisz et al., in press-b). In addition, a number of Regarding the definition of bcrudeQ or brawQ mate-
rials MFA applies the following conventions (Euro-
stat, 2001). Agricultural plants are considered part of
Input Economy Output
the natural system, therefore agricultural harvest as
Material reported in agricultural statistics is accounted for as
Materials accumulation
input from the natural system while flows of nutrients
extracted Air emissions,
e between the soil and roots of agricultural plants are
waste disposal considered natural flows and not part of MFA. Animal
etc. livestock is considered part of the economic system.
Imports Consequently, uptake of grass from pastures and mea-
dows has to be accounted for as material input but
Fig. 1. Scope of economy-wide material flow accounts. Source: production of meat and milk are flows within the
Eurostat (2001), slightly modified. economic system. Finally, the extraction of metal
H. Weisz et al. / Ecological Economics 58 (2006) 676–698 679

ores is accounted for as run-of-mine (ROM) or gross balance (which is exports minus imports), taking
ore (i.e. including the sterile parts) and not as metal account of the fact that in economies money and
content. Concerning the water content of the raw goods move in opposite direction (Eurostat, 2001).
materials the convention is to account for all raw A physical trade surplus indicates a net import of
materials in fresh weight, with the exception of materials, whereas a physical trade deficit indicates
grass harvest, fodder directly taken up by ruminants, a net export.
and timber harvest. These raw materials are accounted Apart from these basic extensive material flow
for at a standardized water content of 15% (see Euro- indicators, which have been defined by Eurostat
stat, 2001, 2002b). (2001), we introduce the following intensive MFA-
2.2. Material flow indicators DE to DMC ratio: The ratio of domestic extraction
to domestic material consumption indicates the depen-
Similar to national (monetary) accounting, also in dence of the physical economy on domestic raw
material flow accounting highly aggregated indicators material supply. We therefore denote the DE to
can be derived from the detailed data sets normally DMC ratio as bdomestic resource dependencyQ.
comprising several hundred material categories. The Import to DMC ratio and export to DMC ratio:
following section provides technical definitions of the The ratios between imports and exports, respectively,
material flow parameters and indicators which we to DMC indicate the import or export intensities of the
used in our analysis. physical economies. Together they can be addressed
Domestic extraction (DE): The aggregate flow DE as btrade intensityQ indicators.
covers the annual amount of raw materials (except A basic problem in comparing material flows
water and air), extracted from the national territory in between economies lies in finding common denomi-
order to be used as material factor inputs to economic nators for standardization. Here we use mostly popu-
processing. The term bdusedT refers to an input for use lation as denominator, as is commonly applied in
in any economy, i.e. whether a material acquires the material flow analysis. In addition, we also introduce
status of a productQ (Eurostat, 2001, p. 20). These total land area as a denominator. With the use of
materials consist of biomass, construction and indus- different denominators, also different aspects of the
trial minerals, gross ores, and fossil fuels. (Eurostat, physical economies become visible and comparable.
2001). We will return to this question in the concluding
Physical imports and physical exports: All section.
imported or exported commodities in tonnes. Traded
commodities comprise goods at all stages of proces- 2.3. Classification of material categories
sing from raw materials to finals products.
Domestic material consumption (DMC) equals Aggregated economy-wide material flow indica-
domestic extraction plus imports minus exports (see tors allow to monitor the material use of national
Fig. 1). DMC measures the annual amount of raw economies in a comparable, transparent and compre-
materials extracted from the domestic territory of the hensive way. To identify driving forces of national
focal economic area, plus all physical imports minus material use patterns and to further evaluate progress
all physical exports. It is important to note that the term concerning dematerialisation and sustainable use of
bconsumptionQ as used in DMC denotes bapparent resources, however, detailed material flows rather than
consumptionQ and not bfinal consumptionQ. DMC, highly aggregated indictors should be examined. The
thus, is defined in analogy to btotal primary energy same holds true for a closer examination of the envir-
supplyQ—TPES (see Haberl, 2001). We will address onmental relevance of the materials flows.
the question of the environmental relevance of DMC A breakdown of economy-wide material flows in
in the concluding section. turn has to be based on a consistent classification. Our
Physical trade balance (PTB) equals physical suggestion for a classification of economy wide mate-
imports minus physical exports. The physical trade rial flows is shown in Table 1. We distinguish between
balance, thus, is defined reverse to the monetary trade four main material categories and 12 material subca-
680 H. Weisz et al. / Ecological Economics 58 (2006) 676–698

Table 1
Classification of material flows
Main material Subcategories Aggregated items
Biomass Food All potentially edible biomass from cropland plus traded food products
Feed All biomass from grassland, by-products and crops exclusively used for feeding
livestock plus traded fodder
Animals All caught bwildQ animals (in particular fish catch) and all traded livestock and
animal products, including fish
Wood Harvested wood and traded wood-based products including paper, furniture, etc.
Other biomass Fibres and highly manufactured traded products predominantly from biomass
Fossil fuels Coal All types of coal
Oil All types of oil
Natural gas All types of natural gas
Other fossils Peat and highly manufactured traded products predominantly from fossil fuels
Industrial minerals Industrial minerals All types of metallic ores and metal-based products
Ores All non-metallic minerals used predominantly for industrial processes
(excluding fossil fuels)
Construction minerals Construction minerals All minerals used primarily in construction

tegories. This level of detail is determined by (1) our (1970–2001), experienced four phases of enlarge-
intention to cover all material flows aggregated to ment: 1973 (Denmark, Ireland and the United King-
DMC. Covering the whole economy and distinguish- dom), 1981 (Greece), 1986 (Portugal, Spain), and
ing substantially more material categories would 1995 (Austria, Finland, Sweden).3 Luxembourg,
exceed the scope of a single paper; (2) our choice of which is the smallest country in the EU-15 (2584
DMC as main indicator for the comparison. Consis- km2; 384 000 inhabitants), forms a statistical union
tent balances of extraction, import and export data, with Belgium, therefore those two countries are trea-
which are necessary to compile DMC, are difficult if ted as an aggregate (Belgium/Luxembourg) also in
not impossible to calculate at higher levels of detail. our analysis. Hence, we only refer to 14 bnationalQ
The reason is that at more detailed levels of aggrega- entities. The term bEU-15Q always refers to the
tion the material mix in complex traded products leads totality of all 15 countries, being member states of
to negative values for DMC, which cannot be inter- the EU in the year 2001, as one single economic
preted meaningfully; (3) the integration of six MFAs area.
which had been compiled by the national statistical
offices of Austria, Denmark, Germany, Finland, Swe-
den and the United Kingdom into the data set caused 3. Cross-country variability of domestic material
additional limitations on the feasibility of disaggrega- consumption
tion; (4) the chemical and physical properties of the
materials. The magnitude of domestic material consumption
For each of the 12 subcategories, the material flow in the EU-15 as a whole amounted to almost 6
parameters DE, imports, exports, as well as the billion tonnes or 15.7 tonnes per capita in the year
derived indicators DMI, DMC and PTB have been 2000. 5 billion tonnes were annually extracted from
compiled for each of the European Union member the domestic territory of the EU. On average, these
states and for the EU as a whole, for the time period quantities of biomass, industrial minerals, construc-
1970–2001. tion minerals, ores, and fossil fuels represent an
extraction of 1500 tonnes of raw materials per km2
2.4. The research area
In May 2004, after this study was completed, 10 new countries
The European Union is a political and economic joined the European Union, leading to a European Union of 25
entity which has, in the period covered by this study (EU-25).
H. Weisz et al. / Ecological Economics 58 (2006) 676–698 681

Industrial minerals and ores
Construction minerals
30 Biomass











United Kingdom

Fig. 2. Level and composition of per capita domestic material consumption (DMC) in European Union countries (2000). Source: DMC: Weisz et
al. (in press-b); population: Eurostat (2002a).

land area4, or 0.5 kg per GDP (measured in constant cantly. The percent shares of biomass and construc-
1995 US$). tion minerals equally vary by factor two, industrial
Across the European Union member states the minerals and ores by factor five, and fossil fuels by
quantity of per capita material consumption (DMC) factor three.
varies by a factor of three (the extremes being 12
tonnes per capita in Italy and the United Kingdom
and 37 tonnes per capita in Finland, Fig. 2 and 4. Cross-country variability of biophysical and
Table 3). socio-economic characteristics
Four countries with an exceptionally high DMC
(above 20 t/cap) and three with an exceptionally low The 15 European Union member states vary sig-
DMC (less than 15 t/cap) stand out, while half of nificantly in terms of extensive variables, such as area,
the EU15 countries can be found in the middle population, energy supply and national income (Table
range of 15–20 t/cap. The variability of DMC was 2). Total land area varies by a factor 18, population by
greater in 1970 (variance coefficient of 0.5) than in factor 22, GDP (at constant 1995 US$) by factor 25
2000 (variance coefficient of 0.34) indicating that and total primary energy supply by factor 24. The
the development in this 30 year period has not only material flow indicator DMC varies somewhat less, by
reduced income disparities but also disparities in the factor 16.
use of materials. The share of the four main material What about intensive variables? The variations of
categories in overall DMC per capita varies signifi- per capita national income (factor 3) and of primary
energy supply per capita (factor 3) are the same as
for per capita DMC (factor 3). Compared to the
This value refers to total domestic extraction per unit of land
area. However, it has to be noted that a small part of the DE of the
extensive variables they are lower by an order of
European Union actually is extracted from the sea, above all North magnitude. Contrary to that, the intensive variable
Sea oil and gas. bpopulation densityQ, varies by a factor of 25 among
682 H. Weisz et al. / Ecological Economics 58 (2006) 676–698

Table 2
Extensive structural indicators for European Union countries (2000)
(2000) Population (1000 inhabitants) Area (km2) GDP (109 US$) TPESa (1000 toe) DMC (1000 t)
EU-15 376 462 3 240 015 9786 1444 5 921 301
Austria 8103 83 858 267 28 146 419
Belgium/Luxembourg 10 675 30 528 343 62 177 969
Denmark 5330 43 094 206 20 125 771
Finland 5171 338 145 166 33 193 117
France 58 749 551 500 1756 255 898 907
Germany 82 163 356 978 2686 337 1 488 837
Greece 10 554 131 957 139 27 211 641
Ireland 3777 70 273 107 14 91 873
Italy 57 680 301 318 1205 169 675 091
Netherlands 15 864 41 526 497 74 229 284
Portugal 10 178 91 982 129 24 154 482
Spain 39 733 505 992 704 118 628 011
Sweden 8861 449 964 278 51 191 441
United Kingdom 59 623 242 900 1304 230 692 435
Sources: Population, Area: Eurostat (2002a); TPES: IEA (2002); GDP in construction 1995 US$: OECD (2002); DMC: Weisz et al. (in press-b).
toe = Tonne of Oil Equivalent.
TPES: Total Primary Energy Supply according to IEA Energy Balances refers to 1999.

EU member states, the same order of magnitude that minerals (1.14) and per capita DE of fossil fuels
we observe for the extensive variables (Table 3). (1.08). In general, per capita amounts of domestic
Next we take a closer look at the cross-country extraction show substantially higher variation across
variability of the intensive structural indicators: per the EU member states than the per capita amounts of
capita national income, percentage share of the ter- domestic material consumption, an indication of the
tiary sector in overall GDP, population density, and
final energy consumption per capita and compare their Table 3
variability to the cross-country variability of the over- Intensive structural indicators for European Union countries (2000)
all and disaggregated material flow indicators DE and (2000) Population GDP per TPESa DMC
density capita per capita per capita
DMC (Table 4). For this comparison we use the
(cap/km2) (US$/cap) (toe/cap) (t/cap)
statistical indicator bcoefficient of variationQ,5 instead
of the simple ratio between the maximum and the EU-15 116.2 25 993 3.8 15.7
Austria 96.6 32 955 3.5 18.1
minimum value used above. Belgium/ 349.7 32 093 5.8 16.7
The difference in the percent share of the tertiary Luxembourg
sector in overall GDP is lowest among the indicators Denmark 123.7 38 663 3.8 23.6
shown in Table 4 (coefficient of variation 0.05), indi- Finland 15.3 32 011 6.5 37.3
France 106.5 29 883 4.3 15.3
cating a relatively high uniformity in terms of macro-
Germany 230.2 32 697 4.1 18.1
economic structure across EU-15 member states. The Greece 80.0 13 176 2.5 20.1
coefficients of variation for per capita national income Ireland 53.7 28 235 3.7 24.3
and per capita final energy consumption (FEC) are Italy 191.4 20 889 2,9 11.7
equally 0.29. Netherlands 382.0 31 325 4.7 14.5
This is slightly below the variation calculated for Portugal 110.7 12 680 2.3 15.1
Spain 78.5 17 720 3.0 15.8
overall per capita DMC (coefficient of variation 0.34) Sweden 19.7 31 365 5,8 21.6
but well below the variation of the disaggregated United Kingdom 245.5 21 866 3.9 11.6
material flow indicators per capita DE of industrial Sources: Population EU, Area: Eurostat (2002a); TPES: IEA
(2002); GDP: OECD (2002); DMC: Weisz et al. (in press-b).
The coefficient of variation is defined as the ratio of standard toe = Tonne of Oil Equivalent.
deviation to arithmetic mean. This indicator compensates for differ- TPES: Total Primary Energy Supply according to IEA Energy
ences in the absolute numerical values between different variables. Balances refers to 1999.
H. Weisz et al. / Ecological Economics 58 (2006) 676–698 683

Table 4
Variability of intensive indicators across European Union countries (2000)
(2000) EU-15 Average Minimum Maximum Standard deviation Coefficient of variation
National income (GDP) [US$/cap] 25 993 26 826 12 680 38 663 7783 0.29
Population density [cap/km2] 116 149 15 382 111 0.75
Share of tertiary sector in overall GDP [%] 68 68 60 72 3 0.05
Final energy consumption (FEC) [toe/cap] 2.7 3.0 1.7 4.9 0.9 0.29

Domestic Extraction (DE) per capita

Total [t/cap] 13.1 15.9 8.0 33.6 6.5 0.41
Biomass [t/cap] 3.8 5.1 2.0 12.5 3.1 0.60
Construction minerals [t/cap] 7.0 8.2 3.4 17.8 3.5 0.42
Industrial minerals and ores [t/cap] 0.4 0.7 0.0 2.7 0.8 1.14
Fossil fuels [t/cap] 1.9 1.9 – 6.0 2.0 1.08

Domestic Material Consumption (DMC) per capita

Total [t/cap] 15.7 18.8 11.6 37.3 6.4 0.34
Biomass [t/cap] 4.0 5.4 2.5 11.0 2.7 0.49
Construction minerals [t/cap] 7.0 8.3 4.3 18.4 3.5 0.42
Industrial minerals and ores [t/cap] 1.0 1.2 0.5 3.3 0.7 0.56
Fossil fuels [t/cap] 3.7 3.9 2.1 8.0 1.5 0.39
Sources: Population EU-15: Eurostat (2002a); TPES: IEA, 2002; GDP in construction 1995 US$: OECD (2002); material flow indicators: Weisz
et al. (in press-b). toe = Tonne of Oil Equivalent.

different importance that the domestic territory has as the single EU countries (coefficient of variation 0.30
a source of raw materials in the individual countries as compared to 0.34).
of the EU.
For point source resources (such as fossil fuels,
industrial minerals and ores) the level of domestic 5. National income and energy use as explanatory
extraction may be in particular determined by regional variables
resource availability in combination with the competi-
tiveness of local prices as compared to world market A simple explanation for material consumption
prices (including transportation costs) for these could be national income. The richer a country gets,
resources. Thus, the high variations in the domestic the more materials it consumes. Across EU-15 coun-
extraction of industrial minerals, ores, and fossil fuels tries per capita GDP (in constant 1995 US$) shows
across countries are not surprising. only weak correlation (Pearson coefficient 0.37) with
Variations in the per capita amounts of domestic per capita DMC in 2000. Environmental Kuznets
material consumption are lower as compared to DE. Curve analyses of DMC for each of the EU-15 mem-
For the individual material categories, especially for ber states likewise provided no evidence for a strong
DMC of biomass (0.49) and DMC of industrial miner- relation between per capita DMC and per capita
als and ores (0.56), variation among the European income in the EU-15 countries (Eurostat, 2002b).
countries is substantially higher than the variation in Thus, income disparities alone cannot account for
per capita GDP, per capita final energy consumption, the differences in material consumption.
or overall per capita DMC (see Table 4). It is inter- The use of energy seems to be a better explanatory
esting to note that the cross-country variation of over- variable for cross-country differences in per capita
all DMC per capita between the EU as a whole, DMC: Final energy consumption per capita correlate
Thailand, The Philippines, and Vietnam6 is less than by 0.6 with per capita DMC. It is plausible that
the cross-country variation of per capita DMC among countries may achieve a certain income level with
more or less materials, for example by drawing
Calculated from unpublished results of the EU-FP5 INCO-DEV more or less of their income from (the materially
Project dSoutheast Asia in TransitionT ( intensive) primary and secondary sectors, or by func-
684 H. Weisz et al. / Ecological Economics 58 (2006) 676–698

tionally equivalent choices between rather producing ports) of biomass is considerable in several member
or rather importing materially intensive goods. The states (extremes being 4.9 t/cap of imports in Bel-
causal link between energy and materials should be gium/Luxembourg, 4.2 t/cap of exports in Finland).
closer, though. The relation between weight manipu- In the Netherlands and in Belgium/Luxembourg,
lated and energy required is a direct physical one. Of biomass imports even exceed biomass domestic
course, the kind of manipulation and its efficiency is extraction in terms of mass. In most countries phy-
varying, but one should never expect a complete sical trade balances for biomass are negative (indi-
independence between materials and energy use (see cating net imports) and amount to less than 1 tonne
Fischer-Kowalski, in press for an analysis of the rela- per capita. Exceptions are Finland (net exports of 1.5
tion between DMC and freight transport volumes). tonnes biomass per capita), France and Sweden (net
exports of 0.6 and 0.5) and Belgium/Luxembourg
(net imports of 1.3 tonnes of biomass per capita)
6. What determines the quantity of biomass use? see Table 5.
The level of per capita biomass use in an economy
Regarding its function for social metabolism, bio- depends on a number of factors. These factors are: (1)
mass, in providing food to sustain the human popula- the per capita availability of land area; (2) the applied
tion, is the most fundamental of all socio-economic techniques to increase area productivity; (3) the rela-
material flows. Biomass as raw material for food is tion between competitive and non-competitive uses of
virtually irreplaceable, thereby jeopardizing the com- biomass, in particular the relation between agricul-
mon wisdom of weak sustainability, which allows for tural biomass and wood; (4) the size of the livestock;
perfect substitution of natural and man made capital. (5) the physical volume of trade with biomass pro-
The environmental relevance of biomass flows is to a ducts. We will discuss each of these factors in the
large degree connected to the production phase. Agri- following paragraphs with special focus on their
culture is the most important single cause for compe- mutual dependencies.
titive land occupation, competitive in particular for (1) Biomass is an area dependent resource and by
most non-human species (Tilman and Lehman, 2001; this its per capita availability is closely related to
Haberl et al., 2004). This is particular relevant for the population density. On a global scale the quantitative
EU member states where 70% to 90% of the territory aspects of this relation largely depend on climate,
is used for agriculture and forestry (FAO, 2002). At technology, available substitutes for biomass as
the same time the production of biomass remains resource for extra somatic energy, and the diet of the
significantly dependent on natural conditions, even people. On all scales below the global one trade is an
in highly industrial economies. important further possibility to overcome the area
In the EU biomass accounts for 25% of total DMC. limitation of biomass production.
In most EU member states the share of biomass in Finland, Sweden and Ireland are the countries with
overall DMC is between 20% and 30% exceptions the lowest population densities (15.3–53.7 cap/km2
being Finland, France, Sweden, and Ireland where the compared to 116.2 for the EU-15, see Table 3) and
contributions of biomass to overall DMC are between have the highest levels of DE and DMC of biomass
40% and 50%. Per capita consumption of biomass (8.7–12.5 t/cap and 8.3–11.0 t/cap respectively, see
amounts to 4.0 tonnes in the EU as a whole. Across Table 5). In the case of Finland and Sweden, the size
member states, per capita DMC of biomass varies by a of DE is determined by forestry and in the case of
factor of 4, extremes being observed for the UK (2.5 t/ Ireland by grassland based agriculture. On the con-
cap) and Finland (10.6 t/cap). DMC of biomass is trary, the countries with the highest population den-
highly correlated to DE of biomass (r 2 = 0.97), and the sities are among the countries with the lowest values
domestic resource dependency (measured as DE to of per capita DE: Population densities in the United
DMC ratio, see above) is close to one for most Kingdom, Belgium and the Netherlands are the high-
countries (see Table 5). est in the EU, ranging from 246 to 382 cap/km2 (see
Despite this seeming self-sufficiency in overall Table 3) whereas their DE of biomass is only between
volume, the physical trade volume (imports or ex- 2.0 and 3.2 t/cap (see Table 5). This indicates that
H. Weisz et al. / Ecological Economics 58 (2006) 676–698 685

Table 5
MFA parameters and indicators for biomass for European Union countries (2000)
Biomass (2000) DE per Import per Export per DMC per DMI per PTB per DMC/km2 DE/DMC
capita (t/cap) capita (t/cap) capita (t/cap) capita (t/cap) capita (t/cap) capita (t/cap) (t/km2)
EU-15 3.8 0.5 0.3 4.0 4.3 0.2 465 0.9
Austria 4.3 2.2 2.0 4.5 6.5 0.2 434 1.0
Belgium/Luxembourg 3.2 4.9 3.6 4.5 8.1 1.3 1579 0.7
Denmark 6.3 2.5 2.1 6.7 8.9 0.4 834 0.9
Finland 12.5 2.7 4.2 11.0 15.2 1.5 168 1.1
France 6.1 0.9 1.5 5.6 7.0 0.6 592 1.1
Germany 3.3 1.0 1.0 3.3 4.3 0.0 757 1.0
Greece 3.3 1.1 0.4 4.0 4.4 0.7 317 0.8
Ireland 10.0 1.7 1.1 10.6 11.7 0.6 567 0.9
Italy 2.5 0.9 0.5 2.9 3.4 0.4 550 0.9
Netherlands 2.6 3.3 2.6 3.3 5.9 0.7 1267 0.8
Portugal 3.6 1.2 0.6 4.2 4.8 0.6 470 0.9
Spain 3.5 1.0 0.6 3.9 4.5 0.4 306 0.9
Sweden 8.7 2.3 2.8 8.3 11.0 0.5 163 1.1
United Kingdom 2.0 0.9 0.4 2.5 2.9 0.5 620 0.8
Minimum 2.0 0.9 0.4 2.5 2.9 1.5 163 0.7
Maximum 12.5 4.9 4.2 11.0 15.2 1.3 1579 1.1
Average 5.1 1.9 1.7 5.4 7.0 0.2 606 0.9
Standard deviation 3.1 1.1 1.2 2.7 3.4 0.7 374 0.1
Coefficient of variation 0.60 0.59 0.72 0.49 0.49 2.86 0.62 0.13
Source: Weisz et al. (in press-b).

population density and thus per capita availability of In contrast, the extremely densely populated
land area function as limiting factor for the domestic Northern European countries are characterized by
extraction of biomass in these countries, whereas in climatic conditions allowing for high natural produc-
Ireland and in the Scandinavian countries the lack of tivity In combination with the most intensive agricul-
such a limitation allows for exceptionally high levels tural production systems of the European Union this
of per capita biomass extraction. In countries with results in the highest agricultural yields in the EU
medium population densities, the existence or lack (Table 6). In the less densely populated countries
of an area limitation seemingly is not a decisive factor Ireland (54 cap/km2) and Denmark (124 cap/km2)
for per capita levels of biomass DE or DMC (see high yields are accompanied by high amounts of
Tables 3 and 5). domestically extracted biomass per capita. The Neth-
(2) Biomass yields per area are determined by erlands, Belgium/Luxembourg and the United King-
climatic conditions, technological factors and popula- dom, however, show low per capita biomass
tion density. All of these factors vary significantly extraction despite their high natural productivity and
across EU countries. Biomass DE is comparatively advanced agricultural industrialization, seemingly for
low in Southern European Countries (2.5–3.6 t/cap) lack of land, a consequence of their high population
where the natural area productivity as well as the densities.
agricultural area yields are typically below the Eur- (3) Agricultural biomass (i.e. the biomass subca-
opean average (FAO, 2002). Under the climatic con- tegories food, feed and animals, see Table 1) on the
ditions in the Mediterranean countries, hydric stress in one hand, wood and wood products on the other
summer is likely to act as a limiting factor to biolo- show very different patterns across countries and
gical productivity, despite irrigation. Intensification of follow different dynamics. Per capita DE of agricul-
the agricultural production–defined as higher levels of tural biomass (especially of food) is significantly less
inputs and increased output of cultivated or reared variable across countries than per capita DE of wood
products per unit area and time–is less pronounced (variance coefficient of DE of food: 0.38; agricul-
in the Mediterranean countries. tural biomass: 0.54 and wood 1.49). In most EU
686 H. Weisz et al. / Ecological Economics 58 (2006) 676–698

Table 6 comes understandable if we consider the biomass-

Selected biomass related indicators (2000) intensity of livestock production systems: One mass
Livestock Cereal Fertilizer Meat unit of animal products (e.g. meat or dairy products)
(LUa/cap) yield (kg/km2) consumption
is associated with up to 10 mass units upstream
(t/ha) (GJ/cap.a)
primary material inputs. In the European Union the
EU-15 0.31 5.6 54 0.65
largest per capita livestock, measured in livestock
Austria 0.35 5.7 28 0.76
Belgium/Luxembourg 0.40 7.8 97 0.49 units (LU) can be found in Ireland and Denmark
Denmark 0.68 6.1 103 0.70 (2.0 LU/cap and 0.7 LU/cap respectively, compared
Finland 0.26 3.1 9 0.73 to 0.3 LU/cap for the EU-15, see Table 6). These two
France 0.41 7.1 92 0.83 countries have the highest DE of agricultural biomass
Germany 0.24 6.7 80 0.55
(9.4 t/cap and 5.9 t/cap) EU-15 wide, and the highest
Greece 0.20 3.7 38 0.52
Ireland 2.01 7.5 96 0.64 DE of feed biomass in particular. Clearly, fodder
Italy 0.17 5.0 61 0.62 demand for the livestock influences per capita levels
Netherlands 0.41 7.4 121 0.66 of domestic extraction of agricultural biomass in these
Portugal 0.23 2.8 26 0.62 countries.
Spain 0.32 3.0 41 0.72
(5) However, this simple causal relation between
Sweden 0.24 4.5 7 0.47
United Kingdom 0.28 6.8 87 0.67 population, livestock size, and domestic extraction
Minimum 0.17 2.8 7 0.47 of agricultural biomass may be counteracted by
Maximum 2.01 7.8 121 0.83 foreign trade. Although imports and exports of bio-
Average 0.44 5.5 63 0.64 mass are quite balanced in the EU-15 and net trade
Stabw 0.45 1.8 36 0.10
(PTB) with biomass is low (less than 0.3 t/cap EU-
Vc 1.02 0.32 0.58 0.16
15 average) compared to DE or DMC (see Table 5),
Sources: own calculations based on FAO (2002) for livestock, meat
trade has a significant impact on the level of DMC
consumption, and cereal yield and Statistik Austria (2002) for
fertilizers. for agricultural biomass. As already noted, the agri-
LU = livestock units. cultural sector and the downstream food producing
sectors are characterized by a large discrepancy
countries, agricultural biomass accounts for at least between gross biomass inputs and net output in
75% of biomass DE. The two exceptions are Sweden terms of final products. In Austria for example
and Finland where wood contributes more than 70% biomass turnover in the agricultural sector is by a
to DE of biomass. The importance of timber extrac- factor 3–4 larger than the net output of food pro-
tion for the Swedish and Finnish physical economies ducts. If we now consider that imports and exports
can be illustrated by the fact that those two countries are included in DMC with their weight as they cross
together contribute 4% to the overall EU population, the border, it becomes obvious that with increasing
5% to total EU GDP, but 44% of the domestic volumes of final biomass products in the foreign
extraction of timber in the EU (the other major trade flows, the level for DMC is affected. This
contributors of timber being Germany (17% of EU applies in particular to livestock production but
total) and France (15%). In all non-Scandinavian EU also to other sectors such as the wood and ores
countries per capita amounts of wood domestic processing sectors. Earlier stages of the animal pro-
extraction are significantly lower, ranging from 1.4 duction chain (which starts with the harvest of plant
t/cap in Austria to 0.1 t/cap in the Netherlands. fodder and leads to meat and dairy products) may
Values for DMC of wood are roughly in the same take place in third countries. Products may be
order of magnitude in all countries as DE, indicating imported at later stages of processing, thus reducing
that not the raw material is traded but highly pro- the factual weight of primary material inputs into a
cessed wood products. We will return to the role of national economy and leading to a lower domestic
trade below. material consumption than would be expected from
(4) Countries with an emphasis on livestock farm- the size of the livestock.
ing in the agricultural sector usually have high per It follows, and the data support this, that particu-
capita values of biomass DE. This immediately be- larly high amounts of domestic extraction of agricul-
H. Weisz et al. / Ecological Economics 58 (2006) 676–698 687

1,0 PTB agricultural plant products

PTB animal products






United Kingdom





Fig. 3. Physical trade balances (PTB) for agricultural plant and animal products in European Countries (2000). Source: PTB: Weisz et al. (in
press-b); population: Eurostat (2002a).

tural biomass (under European conditions this would Most European countries appear as net importers
be above 4 t/cap) definitely indicate a huge livestock of plant agricultural products (exceptions are France
production sector. The highest per capita DE of food and Germany), while quite some are net exporters of
and feed are observed for Ireland (9.4 t/cap), Denmark animal products: Austria, Belgium/Luxembourg,
(5.7 t/cap) and France (5.5 t/cap), the very countries Denmark, Ireland and the Netherlands have net
with the highest livestock units per capita (Ireland 2 exports of animal products of more than 0.1 t/capita
LU/cap, Denmark 0.7 LU/cap, and France 0.4 LU/ (see Fig. 3).
cap) see Tables 5 and 6).7 The only EU-15 countries relying significantly on
The reverse line of reasoning, however, is not net imports of overall agricultural biomass (DE to
applicable. A large livestock not necessarily implies DMC ratio less than 0.9) are Belgium/Luxembourg,
high per capita DE of agricultural biomass, as highly Portugal and the United Kingdom.
processed fodder can also be imported. This clearly There is no empirical evidence that final con-
is the case in Belgium/Luxembourg and the Nether- sumption patterns, dietary habits in particular, sig-
lands, two countries, which have the same livestock nificantly influence the level of any of the biomass
densities as France (0.4 LU/cap), but much lesser flow indicators. The reason for this is that the same
amounts of domestic extraction of agricultural bio- level of meat consumption may be satisfied either by
mass (Belgium/Luxembourg: 2.9, the Netherlands: domestic livestock production or by imported meat.
2.6 t/cap, and France 5.5 t/cap). These countries In the former case the biomass intensity of the live-
import high amounts of feed biomass instead. stock production system is fully reflected in biomass
DMC, in the latter case those stages of meat produc-
tion chain, which are most materially extensive, are
We here use the food and feed aggregate to indicate the magni- externalised.
tude of fodder demand, because it is well known that a large
proportion of the edible biomass extraction actually is used as
Overall, our data on the domestic material con-
animal fodder, e.g. in Europe 60% of the total cereals production sumption of biomass across EU member states reveal
is used as animal fodder (see FAO food balances). that countries with the lowest per capita values of
688 H. Weisz et al. / Ecological Economics 58 (2006) 676–698

biomass extraction and domestic consumption have ficial fertilizers (see Table 7). We may thus consider
the most intensive land use systems, associated with the land related biomass flows to be a better indicator
comparatively high environmental pressures (mea- for the environmental pressure associated with the
sured e.g. in terms of fertilizer application see Table production of biomass (see Haberl et al., 2005) than
6) and vice versa. the per capita amounts.
A comparison of biomass flows between the EU-
15 member states reveals quite different results if we
relate DE or DMC of biomass to the territory (see 7. Piled everywhere but statistically neglected:
Table 5). The countries with the highest values for per construction minerals
capita DMC and DE of biomass show the lowest
values per km2. For example, Finland’s and Sweden’s The material consumption (DMC) in the EU-15 as
domestic material consumption of biomass amounts to a whole and in most of its member states is dominated
160–170 t/km2. At the same time the densely popu- by construction minerals (see Fig. 2). In 10 of the 14
lated countries Belgium/Luxembourg and the Nether- EU countries construction minerals account for more
lands with low per capita values of biomass DMC, than 40% of total DMC. Per capita amounts range
show the highest per area values, amounting to from 4.3 t/cap in the United Kingdom to 18.4 t/cap in
roughly 1,500 t/km2. This means that the extraction Finland, a variation by factor 4 (see Table 7).
of biomass in these countries is already in the order of It is important to note that the quality of the data
magnitude of their natural bio productivity (measured for construction minerals is low compared to all other
as net primary productivity per km2, which is ca. 1000 categories and uncertainties are considerable (Euro-
tonnes dry weight per km2 for Central Europe (see stat, 2002b; Weisz et al., in press-b). The same applies
Haberl et al., 2001) The per area levels of biomass to physical data on final uses of construction minerals
DMC also correspond to other indicators for the (such as data on transport infrastructure, dwellings,
intensity of land use, such as the application of arti- industrial and commercial plants, or net additions to

Table 7
MFA parameters and indicators for construction minerals for European Union countries (2000)
Construction minerals DE Import Export DMC DMI PTB DMC/km2 DE/DMC
(2000) per capita per capita per capita per capita per capita per capita (t/km2)
(t/cap) (t/cap) (t/cap) (t/cap) (t/cap) (t/cap)
EU-15 7.0 0.1 0.1 7.0 7.1 0.0 817 1.00
Austria 9.4 0.5 0.4 9.4 9.8 0.1 912 0.99
Belgium/Luxembourg 7.5 2.9 3.0 7.4 10.5 0.1 2595 1.02
Denmark 12.2 0.8 0.9 12.1 13.0 0.0 1502 1.00
Finland 17.8 0.9 0.3 18.4 18.7 0.6 282 0.97
France 6.8 0.4 0.3 6.9 7.2 0.0 731 1.00
Germany 8.8 0.5 0.4 8.8 9.3 0.0 2036 1.00
Greece 7.1 0.1 0.6 6.7 7.2 0.4 533 1.06
Ireland 6.6 0.7 0.2 7.2 7.3 0.5 384 0.92
Italy 5.1 0.3 0.3 5.0 5.3 0.0 961 1.01
Netherlands 3.4 2.1 0.7 4.8 5.5 1.4 1832 0.70
Portugal 7.9 0.4 0.2 8.0 8.2 0.2 891 0.98
Spain 7.9 0.2 0.5 7.7 8.2 0.2 605 1.03
Sweden 10.3 0.4 0.7 9.9 10.6 0.3 195 1.03
United Kingdom 4.5 0.1 0.3 4.3 4.6 0.2 1045 1.05
Minimum 3.4 0.1 0.2 4.3 4.6 0.4 195 0.7
Maximum 17.8 2.9 3.0 18.4 18.7 1.4 2595 1.1
Average 8.2 0.7 0.6 8.3 9.0 0.1 1021 1.0
Standard deviation 3.5 0.8 0.7 3.5 3.5 0.5 663 0.1
Coefficient of variation 0.42 1.07 1.11 0.42 0.39 4.37 0.65 0.09
Source: Weisz et al. (in press-b).
H. Weisz et al. / Ecological Economics 58 (2006) 676–698 689

physical stock) and to data related to the size of the gravel and crushed stone, the bulk materials deter-
socio-economic physical stocks (i.e. length of road mining DE and DMC, are generally abundant. In
networks, number of buildings, built up area, etc.). densely populated areas though, where mining causes
There are of course reasons for such a profound prohibitive disturbances for residents, access to con-
negligence towards data on supply and demand for struction minerals is becoming difficult. On the
mass minerals. Low prices, lack of political attention, national level, this is reflected in the need of the
and a production structure which often counteracts Netherlands and Belgium to rely on imports of con-
regulations for data gathering, contributed to a long struction materials.
term development which generated little incentive to The highest per capita DMC of construction miner-
accurately represent this category of material flows als can be found in the Scandinavian countries (Fin-
in national statistics. Finally, the environmental con- land 18.4 t/cap, Denmark 12.1 t/cap, see Table 7).
sequences of the use of inert mass minerals has Low population density leads to a higher per capita
attracted not much attention in the past (but see requirement of built infrastructure. According to data
e.g. Horvath, 2004), a fact that also contributed to from the European Environmental Agency, per capita
the relatively poor quality of statistics for mass land requirement for transport infrastructure amounts
minerals. to 200–350 m2 in Finland and Sweden compared to
This hampers an in-depth analysis of DMC of 60 and 75 in densely populated countries like the UK
construction minerals, in particular it implies that a and the Netherlands (EEA, 2000).
further breakdown into different kinds of construction Contrary, the lowest values of DMC construction
materials is not justified by the data quality. Therefore minerals can be found in densely populated countries
we here restrict ourselves to some structural descrip- with mild climatic conditions such as the UK (4.3 t/
tions and tentative conclusions. cap) or the Netherlands (4.8 t/cap), but also in the
One paramount feature of the use of construction Mediterranean countries with medium population
minerals is its localism, i.e. the locations of its pro- densities like Italy (5.0 t/cap) or Greece (6.7 t/cap).
duction and consumption are not far apart. In the These countries also show low per capita values of
material flow data this is mirrored by the high domes- transport area (EEA, 2000).
tic resource dependency of construction minerals. Another distinguishing characteristic of DMC of
Their DE to DMC ratio is close to 1 in all countries construction minerals is its volatility with economic
except for the small (in terms of area) and densely growth. The trend of DMC of construction minerals
populated Netherlands, which depend on significant over the past three decades corresponds better with
net imports of construction minerals (Table 7). Con- economic growth than the domestic material con-
trary to biomass flows also the trade intensity of sumption trends of any other material type (Pearson
construction minerals is low, actually the lowest of correlations of GDP trend and DMC construction
all material categories we distinguished. Import to DE trend is 0.8 for the EU a whole, the corresponding
ratios for construction minerals range between 0.02 coefficients for biomass, industrial minerals/ores and
and 0.6 and export to DE ratios between 0.02 and 0.4. fossil fuels are: 0.7–0.4 and 0.5 respectively). Cor-
This means that (bulk) construction minerals are relation with the growth of value added in the con-
hardly traded. struction sector is even closer.8 Periods of accelerated
There is a general explanation for the low trade economic growth often result in enhanced construc-
volume of construction minerals. Ubiquitous high tion activities. During these periods high amounts of
volume and low-price commodities are sold locally, construction minerals are used to build up stocks
as transport costs are high compared to production while during periods of baverageQ growth or in
costs. Thus, DMC of construction minerals predomi- recession phases, investment in physical infrastruc-
nantly reflects the size of DE (r 2 = 0.98) and Import to
DE ratios or Export to DE ratios are lowest among all 8
In Austria, Belgium, Germany, Portugal, and Spain the value
types of material distinguished in our analysis. added of the construction sector and DMC of construction minerals
In addition, availability of construction minerals is correlate between 0.73 (r 2) and 0.91 (r 2) (estimated for the period
hardly a limiting factor for DE and DMC. Sand, 1970–2000).
690 H. Weisz et al. / Ecological Economics 58 (2006) 676–698

ture and thus the use of construction minerals usually indicates a relatively higher pressure on terrestrial
declines. ecosystems in particular due to soil sealing and com-
From 1970 to 2000, DMC of construction minerals petitive land occupation during the use phase.
increased in many medium and high income countries
(overall growth between 12% and 64%, see Table 8),
remained more or less the same in Germany and 8. Industrial minerals and ores: key mobile
Finland and decreased in Sweden and the UK by ingredients of industrial production
11% and 12% respectively.
Special cases are the low income countries Greece, Industrial minerals and ores are a heterogeneous
Ireland, Portugal, and Spain, where the increase in the group of materials comprising various types of ores
domestic consumption of construction minerals from and non-metallic minerals and derived products.
1970 to 2000 was spectacular. Total increase over the Although we added a few complex products, which
whole period was 161% in Spain and 385% in Portu- are predominantly made form metals or industrial
gal, 354% in Ireland, and 358% in Greece (Table 8). minerals to this category, the quantity of these products
In 1970, these countries had values for per capita is very small as compared to the quantity of the pure
DMC of construction minerals (1.8–3.7 t/cap) far materials. The figures shown in Table 9 thus indicate
below EU average, in 2000 they had reached EU the quantities of raw materials and basic commodities.
average (6.7–8.0 t/cap). DMC of industrial minerals and ores is low in terms of
Similar to biomass flows an area related perspective weight compared to overall DMC in the EU-15 coun-
of construction minerals contrasts to the per capita tries. Per capita DMC of industrial minerals and ores
amounts. Sweden, Finland and Ireland, the countries ranges between 0.5 t/cap and 3.3 t/cap (EU average 1.0
with the highest per capita DMC, have by far the t/cap) and its contribution to total DMC varies between
lowest DMC of construction minerals per km2 while 2% and 13% (Table 9).
Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark and UK show the Technically and economically, however, industrial
highest values of DMC/km2 (factor 5–10 above the minerals and ores are the most important materials for
values for Sweden and Finland). A relatively higher industrial production. Moreover, these materials are
value of DE or DMC of construction minerals per area particularly harmful due to their high chemical reac-
tivity and the toxicity of the associated wastes and
Table 8 emissions. Consequently these material flows have
Total change in domestic consumption of construction minerals long been a focal area of material flow analysis as
1970 to 2000 well as of environmental policies.
Total change DMC In European countries, the mining of industrial
construction minerals minerals and ores has long been under national gov-
1970–2000 ernmental control. The governmental influence has
EU-15 32% been reduced considerably in the past decades mainly
Austria 64% due to EU liberalization politics. This effected in par-
Belgium/Luxembourg 31% ticular the domestic extraction of ores, which declined
Denmark 12% sharply in EU in the past 30 years (minus 67% for the
Finland 0%
France 51%
EU as a whole), as a result of high operation costs,
Germany 3% decreasing ore grades, international competition, and
Greece 358% increased efforts for environmental protection. An
Ireland 354% opposite trend in the extraction of ores can only be
Italy 73% observed for three countries. Portugal (total change in
Netherlands 16%
Portugal 385%
per capita DE of ores from 1970 to 2000 was 57%)
Spain 161% increased its domestic extraction in the 1990s due to
Sweden 11% the discovery of new copper and tin deposits. Greece
United Kingdom 12% continues to exploit large amounts of bauxite and is
Source: Weisz et al. (in press-b). now the only considerable bauxite producer in the EU
H. Weisz et al. / Ecological Economics 58 (2006) 676–698 691

Table 9
MFA parameters and indicators for industrial minerals and ores for European Union countries (2000)
Industrial minerals DE Import Export DMC DMI per PTB DMC/km2 DE/DMC
and ores (2000) per capita per capita per capita per capita capita (t/cap) per capita (t/km2)
(t/cap) (t/cap) (t/cap) (t/cap) (t/cap)
EU-15 0.4 0.8 0.3 1.0 1.3 0.6 114 0.42
Austria 0.6 2.0 1.5 1.1 2.6 0.5 110 0.53
Belgium/Luxembourg 0.0 6.0 5.2 0.7 6.0 0.7 258 0.00
Denmark 0.1 1.6 1.2 0.5 1.7 0.4 67 0.21
Finland 2.3 2.3 1.4 3.3 4.7 1.0 50 0.71
France 0.2 1.4 0.8 0.8 1.6 0.6 82 0.24
Germany 0.3 1.5 1.0 0.8 1.8 0.4 176 0.43
Greece 0.7 1.1 0.4 1.4 1.8 0.7 114 0.52
Ireland 0.9 2.2 1.1 2.0 3.1 1.1 109 0.44
Italy 0.2 1.9 0.6 1.5 2.1 1.3 281 0.10
Netherlands 0.3 4.0 2.8 1.5 4.3 1.2 565 0.21
Portugal 0.2 0.8 0.3 0.7 1.0 0.4 73 0.35
Spain 0.5 1.2 0.6 1.2 1.7 0.6 90 0.46
Sweden 2.7 1.4 3.1 1.0 4.1 1.7 20 2.67
United Kingdom 0.4 0.8 0.4 0.8 1.3 0.4 208 0.53
Minimum 0.0 0.8 0.3 0.5 1.0 1.7 20 0.0
Maximum 2.7 6.0 5.2 3.3 6.0 1.3 565 2.7
Average 0.7 2.0 1.5 1.2 2.7 0.6 154 0.5
Standard deviation 0.8 1.3 1.3 0.7 1.4 0.7 131 0.6
Coefficient of variation 1.14 0.67 0.91 0.56 0.54 1.23 0.85 1.17
Source: Weisz et al. (in press-b).

(total change in per capita DE of ores from 1970 to This shows that the extraction of these important
2000 was + 4.6%). Ireland continues to open new industrial raw materials, and to some degree also the
mines (for gold, lead, and zinc) and maintained a related heavy industries, which further process the
more or less constant level of ores extraction through- commodities, increasingly are being re-allocated to
out the past three decades (total change in per capita countries outside the European Union. The domestic
DE of ores from 1970 to 2000 was 1.0%). resource dependency of ores in the EU as a whole is the
Due to the combined influences of the natural lowest among all raw material types we distinguished
availability of deposits, world market prices and in our study (DE to DMC ratio of ores is 0.2 in the EU).
national regulations, DE of industrial minerals and Similar to the livestock production system, the
ores is extremely variable across the European primary production of industrial minerals and even
Union member states (0.0 to 2.7 t/cap, variance coef- more so of ores is characterized by enormous differ-
ficient 1.14, see Table 9). In most EU member states, ences between the mass of the extracted gross ore and
DE does not exceed 1 t/cap. The only countries with the mass of the final products (see e.g. Giljum, 2004
significant higher levels of extraction of industrial for copper production in Chile). We thus may expect
minerals and ores are Sweden, which exploits predo- considerable upstream flows of these materials left
minantly iron ores at still high but decreasing rates behind as wastes and emissions in the economies
(2.7 t/cap), and Finland (2.3 t/cap). that extract them.
At the same time, domestic consumption is con-
siderably higher than DE, still rising in most EU
member states. DE to DMC ratio in 2000 was 0.8 9. Fossil fuels: weight and energy disparities
for industrial minerals and 0.2 for ores in the EU as a
whole. Net imports of industrial materials and derived DMC of fossil fuels per capita ranges from 2.1 t/
products increased since 1970 by 105%, net imports cap (France) to 8.0 t/cap (Greece), with an EU average
of ores and derived products by 85%. of 3.7 t/cap (Table 10). The variability of fossil fuel
692 H. Weisz et al. / Ecological Economics 58 (2006) 676–698

Table 10
MFA parameters and indicators for fossils for European Union countries (2000)
Fossils (2000) DE per capita Import Export DMC DMI PTB DMC/km2 DE/DMC
(t/cap) per capita per capita per capita per capita per capita (t/km2)
(t/cap) (t/cap) (t/cap) (t/cap) (t/cap)
EU-15 1.9 2.3 0.4 3.7 4.1 1.8 432 0.50
Austria 0.5 3.4 0.8 3.0 3.8 2.5 289 0.15
Belgium/Luxembourg 0.0 9.9 5.9 4.0 9.9 4.0 1398 0.01
Denmark 4.7 3.5 4.0 4.2 8.1 0.5 515 1.12
Finland 0.9 5.1 1.4 4.6 6.0 3.7 71 0.20
France 0.1 2.7 0.7 2.1 2.8 2.0 225 0.06
Germany 2.7 3.3 0.7 5.2 5.9 2.5 1202 0.51
Greece 6.0 2.9 0.9 8.0 8.9 2.0 640 0.75
Ireland 1.7 3.5 0.6 4.6 5.2 2.9 247 0.38
Italy 0.3 2.6 0.6 2.3 2.9 2.0 449 0.14
Netherlands 3.9 9.1 8.1 4.9 13.0 0.9 1857 0.81
Portugal 0.0 2.7 0.4 2.2 2.7 2.2 246 0.00
Spain 0.6 3.1 0.7 3.1 3.7 2.5 240 0.20
Sweden 0.2 4.0 1.7 2.4 4.1 2.3 48 0.06
United Kingdom 4.5 1.7 2.2 4.0 6.2 0.5 977 1.12
Minimum 0.0 1.7 0.4 2.1 2.7 0.5 48 0.0
Maximum 6.0 9.9 8.1 8.0 13.0 4.0 1857 1.1
Average 1.9 4.1 2.1 3.9 6.0 2.0 589 0.4
Standard deviation 2.0 2.3 2.3 1.5 3.0 1.3 515 0.4
Coefficient of variation 1.08 0.57 1.10 0.39 0.50 0.62 0.87 0.98
Source: Weisz et al. (in press-b).

consumption across countries (variation coefficient of high DE of fossil fuels), fossil fuel imports account for
0.39) is almost as low as with food (variation coeffi- 40–55% of total imports and have the largest share of
cient of 0.31). Contrary, the domestic extraction of total imports.
fossils is extremely variable (variation coefficient In the highly industrialized EU-15 countries, DMC
1.08), a variability that is typical for point resources. of fossil fuels reflects the variations in the composi-
Most EU-15 countries extract only small amounts tion of the primary energy supply: DMC of fossil fuels
of fossil fuels per capita (less than 1 t/cap) compared is highest in countries with a high share of coal (the
to their domestic material consumption of fossil fuels. calorific value of coal is only 30–50% of that of oil
Exceptions with a significant domestic extraction of and gas) and lowest in countries with a high share of
fossil fuels are Greece (exploiting lignite deposits at immaterial or renewable types of primary energy sup-
increasing rates, 6.0 t/cap in 2000) and the countries ply. Germany and Greece, the countries with the high-
with access to North Sea oil and gas deposits, i.e. est per capita DMC of fossils, exploit domestic coal
Denmark (4.7 t/cap), United Kingdom (4.5 t/cap) and deposits and have a high per capita DMC of coal. In
the Netherlands (3.9 t/cap). Germany has reduced the these two countries, coal has an exceptionally large
extraction of coal (especially poor quality lignite) by share of total DMC fossils (Germany 54%, Greece
almost 60% since the reunion in 1989 and now has a 76%, EU-15 35%). In countries where immaterial
DE of fossils of 2.7 t/cap in 2000. In fact the closure energy forms, such as hydropower, nuclear energy,
of lignite production sites in the former GDR after the electricity imports or renewable energy forms, such as
German reunion in 1991 is the most important single biomass and wastes, substantially contribute to the
cause for the observed absolute dematerialisation of energy supply DMC for fossil fuels is low. For
Germany from 1980–2000 (Eurostat, 2002b). Despite instance, Sweden, Finland and Belgium/Luxembourg
the considerable amounts of domestically extracted have the highest energy consumption per capita in
fossil fuels, no European Union country is a signifi- Europe due to energy intensive industries and high
cant net exporter. In all countries (even in those with household and transport demand. Their per capita
H. Weisz et al. / Ecological Economics 58 (2006) 676–698 693

DMC of fossil fuels is in the middle range, though measure of the toxicity of the materials, but there are,
(Table 10), due to their low share of coal and com- as we have argued, other important environmental
paratively high share of nuclear power and renewable impacts associated to material flows. The second
energy sources. Within the EU, France has the lowest possibility, is to stick to mass as unit of measure-
per capita DMC of fossils, followed by Italy and ment, but to analyse the material flow indicators at
Portugal. While the low level for France is due to much higher levels of disaggregation as has been
the extremely high share of nuclear power in French done so far in economy wide material flow analysis.
energy supply (40% of TPES), Portugal and Italy have This has the advantage that not only questions of the
rather low levels of energy consumption due to less environmental relevance of materials flows can be
heavy industry and residential energy demand. Per addressed but also more general questions regarding
capita levels of DMC of fossil fuels, thus, indicate the structure and dynamics of physical economies.
the combined effects of the material structure of the However, the combined goals of covering the whole
energy supply system and the energy intensity of the economy and being specific regarding the types of
production and consumption system. materials at the same time, sets practical limits to this
In this paper we disaggregated DMC measures for
10. Conclusions the EU-15 countries by 12 types of materials in order
to analyse possible reasons for cross-country varia-
Statistical measures of macro-characteristics of tions in the levels of material use. One overall con-
countries, be they economic, social or environmental, clusion of the detailed comparison is that in the
all face the same fundamental problems. (1) Finding present EU-15 the level of use of biomass, industrial
ways to aggregate many elements of observed phe- minerals, ores, and fossil fuels is determined largely
nomena. These elements are not only highly diverse by the structure of the economy rather than by
and non-comparable at one point but also change over national income or economic development. In indus-
time. (2) Finding a common denominator for cross- trial economies only a few sectors are outstanding
country comparisons. As we know from the discus- material intensive, such as mining and quarrying,
sions about GDP or the Human Developmental Index livestock production, forestry, or heavy industries. In
(HDI), there is no fully satisfactory solution to these general DMC per capita is particular high in those
problems, and this also applies to material flow countries which economize in one or more of the
accounting. material intensive sectors, such as Finland and Swe-
Aggregation by a single unit of mass is probably den in forestry and mining (iron ores), Ireland and
the most often discussed limitation of MFA. In prin- Denmark in livestock production, Greece in mining
ciple there are two possibilities to deal with this (lignite and bauxite). Outside the EU-15, Norway (oil
limitation. First, developing a different method to and gas) or Chile (copper mining) would be typical
aggregate material flows. There have been attempts examples for economies with an extreme specializa-
to weight material flows by LCA factors (van der Voet tion in material intensive sectors (see Giljum, 2004 for
et al., 2005) but they have not been fully satisfactory an MFA of Chile).
yet. In particular, it is extremely difficult to reach a DMC of construction minerals appears to be less
similar level of standardisation and transparency, determined by the economic structure and more by
which mass as a unit of measurement easily provides. economic development. This is plausible since build-
Weighting material flows by embodied exergy (a ings and build infrastructure (in particular transport
thermodynamic state variable measuring useful infrastructure) are a prerequisite for industrialization
energy see (Wall, 1977; Ayres et al., 2004) is a and economic growth. Our data show a rapid increase
much more standardized approach. Exergy, however, in annual amounts of DMC of construction minerals
measures only one environmentally relevant aspect of in earlier stages of economic development and a
materials, namely their chemical reactivity vis-a-vis switch to more or less constant high levels of DMC
the earth crust, the ocean, or the atmosphere. These of construction minerals in later stages. The steady
thermodynamic distances can be regarded as a rough state use of construction minerals typically fluctuates
694 H. Weisz et al. / Ecological Economics 58 (2006) 676–698

with the economic cycles plus/minus 10%. The abso- construction minerals) physical trade volumes and
lute level, however, varies considerably in the EU-15 overall trade intensities are increasing rapidly in all
countries. This may partly be due to differences in EU member states. This supports, on the one hand, the
population densities. increasing attention issues of global inequality, e.g.
The structure of the economy (i.e. the structure of ecological unequal exchange, currently gain in ecolo-
the domestic production system) in turn is determined gical economics. On the other hand this causes diffi-
by a number of factors, the magnitude of trade, the culties in interpreting levels and interrelations of
stage of economic development, the standard of liv- economy-wide indicators. Specifically for material
ing, resource endowment of a country, population flow analysis this means that the nation state as a
density, climatic conditions, natural productivity of unit of analysis for the material final consumption of
land, or the structure of the energy system. its inhabitants (a material consumption for which we
In this regard, our results stress population density do not have any appropriate physical indicators yet),
as an important but neglected factor closely related to and the nation state as a territory where certain mate-
the variation in materials use. Although population rials are extracted and transformed into products are
density overall shows little (linear) correlation with drifting more and more apart, functionally and spa-
per capita DMC (r 2 = 0.29), its reverse bland tially. Measuring this in terms of raw materials would
availabilityQ (i.e. land area per capita), shows a corre- require to account for the raw material equivalents
lation (r 2) with DMC of 0.65. Our results indicate that (see Eurostat, 2001) of the domestic final consump-
high population densities are prohibitive for extremely tion of a national economy. This in turn requires an
high values of DMC per capita (Table 3). This might integration of material flow and input–output analysis,
be due to the influence of the following factors: (1) a pursuit already under way (see Duchin, in press;
High population density results in below average Weisz et al., in press-b; Weisz and Duchin, in press).
requirement of certain materials (e.g. construction Population is the most widely used common
materials) as there are material-saving high density denominator for cross country comparisons of mate-
settlement and transport patterns. (2) High population rial flows. We conclude that DMC per capita, if
density is equivalent to low per capita domestic analysed at more detailed level, is a good indicator
resource availability. (3) Low resource availability for the physical structure of an economy, similar to per
may constrain the possibility to economize in material capita GDP as indicator for the monetary structure of
intensive sectors and by this encourage (4) high net an economy. Environmental significance, however,
imports and hence the externalisation of materially cannot directly be deduced from per capita levels of
intensive processes (e.g. meat imports). socio-economic material use.
In turn, very low population densities allow for At the high level of aggregation of national mate-
extraordinary high per capita material consumption rial flow accounts, the best proxy for environmental
for exactly the same reasons, spelled the other way space probably is the size of the territory, i.e. the total
round. Low population density may cause a high land area. If we use area as denominator for domestic
demand of certain materials (e.g. construction minerals extraction and domestic material consumption and
in Scandinavian countries) and low population density compare the EU member states according to this
often relates to high per capita resource availability, ratio, a picture arises that completely reverts the
favouring the establishment of materially intensive impressions gained so far from comparing per capita
industries (e.g. animal products, timber products, ore values (Fig. 4).
mining) but also high per capita household consump- The area intensity of material use as expressed by
tion of abundant resources (e.g. wood). Land availabil- DMC per unit land area is over 5000 tonnes per km2
ity, thus, seems to be an explanatory factor especially in Belgium/Luxembourg and in the Netherlands,
for extremely low or extremely high values of DMC. around 4000 tonnes in Germany and 3000 tonnes in
Finally, our results show that trade plays an Denmark and the United Kingdom. In Finland and
increasing role in the physical economies of the Eur- Sweden, the countries dominating in their per capita
opean Union. Although the domestic resource depen- use of materials, there is only a material use of
dency is still high for some materials (above all approximately 500 tonnes per km2. However, also a
H. Weisz et al. / Ecological Economics 58 (2006) 676–698 695

7000 DE per unit land area

DMC per unit land area

[1 000 t/km2]










United Kingdom




Fig. 4. DE and DMC per unit land area (2000). Source: DE and DMC: Weisz et al. (in press-b); land area: FAO (2002).

land related perspective can only provide a very rough largely a function of their magnitude of use (as com-
indication of the environmental relevance associated pared to the scale of the eco-sphere), so they may be
to a given level of material use as the ultimate envir- denoted eco-sphere related materials. All three types
onmental impacts may take place at any spatial scale, of bulk materials are indispensable for the functioning
from the very local (as e.g. for some toxic pollutants) of industrial market economies, however their level of
to the global level (as e.g. with CO2), depending on use is highly variable and determined by different
the characteristic of the materials used. factors, as our analysis clearly showed. The categor-
Concerning environmental impacts our analysis isation of bulk materials into biomass (food, feed,
suggests a basic distinction between two broad cate- timber, and other) construction minerals, and fossil
gories. The first category comprises industrial miner- fuels (coal, oil, gas and others) should, thus, be a
als, ores and fossils fuels used as non-energy raw useful starting point for further analysis in terms of
material. In the European Union the supply of these driving forces, environmental impacts, best practise
materials is to a large and increasing degree satisfied examples, and potential for reduction. These materials
by imports. Their overall magnitude of use is low as seem to be the logical focal area of a sustainable
compared to the second group but their specific envir- resource use strategy, which could complement the
onmental impacts (impact per mass unit) may be traditional policy focus on toxic materials. It should
particular high, so their impact type may be denoted be noted, however, that the inclusion of mass minerals
as toxic. Measuring these material flows in embodied used for construction into DMC might obstruct the
exergy instead of tons would be a promising next step value of the indicator. This is due to the fact that
to improve the environmental relevance of the mate- construction minerals account for a large part of
rial flow indicators (see Ayres et al., 2004). This DMC (50% on average in the EU-15), but are in
would, however, require a much higher level of dis- most countries of a comparably low data quality.
aggregation, as the one presented here. Investment in improving the quality of the statistical
The second group comprises non-toxic bulk mate- data would be a sensible next step.
rials: biomass, construction minerals and fossil fuels Finally we ask, is there any environmental signifi-
for energetic use. Their environmental impacts are cance of overall DMC? We think, yes. To understand
696 H. Weisz et al. / Ecological Economics 58 (2006) 676–698

this, we draw our attention from the apparent con- agement. We are grateful to Martina Schuster and
sumption perspective, which represents the method by Caroline Vogel for their long standing support of mate-
which this indicator is compiled, to the final destina- rial flow analysis in Austria. The MFA data set for the
tion of all the material flows aggregated to DMC. EU-15 was compiled for Eurostat and the European
What happens with all these materials? They are all Commission as part of projects 2001/S 125-084782/
emitted from or accumulated in a given region. EN and 200241200002. We thank former project coor-
According to Matthews et al. (2000), the ratio dinator Anton Steurer for numerous discussions and
between accumulation and emissions/waste is roughly valuable feedback, which significantly contributed to
1:1 in industrial economies. As accumulated materials the quality of the data set. Special thanks to Joan
(i.e. physical stocks) will turn into emissions and Martinez-Alier and one anonymous reviewer for their
wastes at some point in time in the future, the indi- comprehensive and detailed comments, which helped
cative value of DMC is the waste potential of a region. greatly to improve the clarity of the paper. Finally, we
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waste potentialQ to indicate the significance of DMC. Heinz Schandl, Helmut Haberl, and Willi Haas for
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environmental pressure within the national territory
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transboundary flows, partly add to global environ-
mental pressures (e.g. in the case of Greenhouse References
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