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Carlos José Valenzuela Quezada
21 / 06 / 2022

Carlos José Valenzuela Quezada-1215869

1 You have to look for or find out about food and culture in 4 countries
of you preference Including your place of origin
a) Describe their geography, climate and food. (Write a paragraph, no
single sentences)
The Dominican Republic is a beautiful and warm country that is located in
the heart of the Caribbean, surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean to the north,
the Caribbean Sea to the south, and the central east of
Central America. The Taínos had a diet consisting mainly of tubers and
fruits, in which products such as cassava, bija, mapuey, peanuts,
pineapple, jagua, soursop, papaya and, of course, mabí stood out, that
"enduring heritage". Taino”. These products may be the only purely
Dominican ones.

b) Describe some type of food and dishes (specially your favorite)

One of my favorite foods is a typical Dominican dish that is sancocho, also
mofongo, mangu among other dishes.

c) What is a staple food?

It is considered that essential food for the content of its nutrients in a diet.
It should be understood as a concept related to a culinary culture, not
absolutely applicable to other cultures.

d) What is your country staple food?


Carlos José Valenzuela Quezada-1215869

e) Compare various regions of your country. (At least 2)
Southeast region and Southwestern region
In the Southeast region, the largest number of inhabitants is concentrated in
the province of Santo Domingo and the National District. Its economy is
based on livestock, agricultura, tourism and industrial areas. The
cultivation of sugar cane is key in this region, where important sugar
companies operate. While in the Southwestern region the largest number of
inhabitants is concentrated in the provinces of San Cristóbal and San Juan.
It is the most deprived region and several important development programs
have been earmarked for it. Its economy is based on the exploitation of salt
mines, bauxite gypsum and marble. In some valleys, such as San Juan,
coffee, peanuts and rice are grown, among other products. Write a guide
for tourists visiting your country;
- describe 3 food that are popular in your culture
1. The Tostones
Tostones is a traditional dominican dish that is made with fried green
plantains and salt to taste and can be accompanied by salami, brisket with
cream, among other things.

2 .The Mangu
Mangú is a traditional Dominican breakfast dish made with mashed green
plantain and served with eggs, salami, cheese and finished with onion
cooked .

3. The Green Salad

The green salad is a well-known Dominican dish that is served to
accompany rice, and it is made by washing and disinfecting the salad, then
chopping it, adding olive oil, salt and vinegar to taste.

Carlos José Valenzuela Quezada-1215869

say what tourists should try not to miss

- mention 3 food that tourists shouldn’t try to eat:
There is nothing they can't eat, everything is delicious in the Dominican
- mention 3 places tourists should go to :
You should definitely visit Bavaro, Bahia de las Aguilas and Catalina
- Mention 3 places they should not go, say why.
You should not visit Los guandules, Guachupita and Cristo Rey because
they are very dangerous places.
2 Draw or talk about a healthy pyramid food.
1- How healthy do you eat?
I consume many fruits and vegetables since they are the foods, after water,
that we should consume more frequently and in greater quantity, because
they are rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals. because they are rich in fiber,
vitamins and minerals.
2- What is the best food pyramid?
The base of the pyramid fundamentally represents foods rich in
carbohydrates (cereals, pasta, rice, bread, flour, potatoes, etc.),
therefore, they are consumed daily.
3- What is a wrong food pyramid?
One of the great mistakes of the food pyramid is that unhealthy products
such as alcoholic beverages, processed meats, bad fats and sweets are
4- What is a healthy diet?
A healthy diet is one that provides the nutrients that the body needs to
maintain the proper functioning of the body, preserve or restore health,
minimize the risk of disease, ensure reproduction, pregnancy, lactation,
development and proper growth.

Carlos José Valenzuela Quezada-1215869

5- Does sleeping well have any relation about health? Why?

Yes, it greatly influences what is health because when a person sleeps
enough, he recovers the energy spent, rests the brain and muscles, also
improves mood and maintains high defenses among other things..
6- What is a junk food?
They are foods low in nutrients, very high in calories, high in fat, sugar and
salt, elements that the body can easily abuse..
7- What is considered fast food?
It is characterized because the food is prepared and served to be consumed
quickly in specialized establishments. Historically linked to pizzas,
hamburgers, Tacos…
8- Is it pizza a junk food, a fast food or a kind of healthy food? Why?
I consider it a fast and junk food, because it does not provide anything
nutritious and increases cholesterol. As it has a very high level of fat,
calories and carbohydrates
9- Describe or mention one-day food for you. (what you eat for
breakfast, for lunch and dinner)
Breakfast with mashed potatoes, fried cheese and a glass of natural juice.
At lunch I eat rice, beans and meat and lastly at dinner I eat bananas with
About the video Funky smelly fruit
3 Answer the questions.
1 . Mentions 10 fruits names that have a strong smell
1. Stinky tofu
2. Natto
3. Stinky beans
4. lobster fruit
5. durian
6. centenary egg
7. Hakarl
8. Surströmming
Carlos José Valenzuela Quezada-1215869
2 . How old are the durian trees when day begin to produce fruit?
Four years
3 . How many American dollars can one durian fruit cost?
One dollar
4 . Where the hotel owners want people to eat durian fruit?
In hotel rooms
5 . Have you ever eaten or smell a durian fruit?
6 . After you prepare food with a strong smell in your home, how can
you get rid of the ador?
Throwing the peels of the fruit in a bag and tying it to throw it away. Then
clean the area.
7 . Do you brush your teeth after eating a strong smell food? Why
Yes, because otherwise I would have bad breath

4 . Match the people to their actions

1- Hotel staff__c__ a. try to bring durian fruits into hotel rooms.

2- Hotel guests_a___ b. use a special machine in smelly hotel rooms.

3- Hotel cleaning staff__b__ c. watch for people bringing in durian


Carlos José Valenzuela Quezada-1215869

5. About the video the food pyramid

Answer the questions.
1- What did Oprah Winfrey do in 1988 TV program and why?
Oprah took out a red car, because she wanted to show off all the weight she
had Asked for.

2- What did the red wagon have in it and what for?

It was full of animal fat, he took it out to show his audience the weight he
had lost.

3- What is the diabetes disease?

Is a disease in which blood glucose (sugar) levels are too high.
4- Does it affect in obesity?
5- How come?

Obesity together with diabetes can lead to dangerous complications,

particularly those related to abdominal obesity, which seems to be the most
problematic for Health. It can bring with it many health complications even
if you don’t notice it at the time, but it affects your body among the most
common consequences of these cardiovascular complications.

6- When the first food pyramid came out or appeared?

The first food pyramid appeared in Greece in the 1970s.

Carlos José Valenzuela Quezada-1215869

7- What was officially recommended? Why?

It was recommended to eat healthy, because if we don't eat healthy it can
give us health problems.

8- Did it work? How do you know?

It worked perfectly, I know because I went through the process.

9- In your view, has the food pyramid been effective over time?

Over time it has been very effective because people have improved their
nutrition by eating healthy.

10- Mention 10 reduced fat products names.

▪ Coconut oil.
▪ Milk and its derivatives.
▪ Chocolate.
▪ Butter.
▪ Beef.
▪ Pork meat.
▪ Lard.
▪ Margarine
▪ chicken meat
▪ fish meat
▪ Egg yolk.

11- Is the diet food industry a lucrative business?

The food industry uses strategies to make the consumer decide to buy
their products and not those of the competition. And if they are leaders in
their sector, they even dare to promote products in "generic". Healthy
eating is still a public health product. Is it ethical for public bodies to use
the most commercial marketing strategies to sell healthy habits? It is not a
frivolity. If industry uses human behavioral sciences to sell more, public
health should use them to achieve its objective, which is none other than
to improve the health of the population.

Carlos José Valenzuela Quezada-1215869

12- What happened in 2015?

In 2015 a new SENC (Spanish Society of Community Nutrition) pyramid
was published, a revision that has taken more than 10 years of waiting.
Subsequently, in 2018 the new version was launched, again, a simple
change in design but not in information or updating. And I ask myself, so
much time for what? Well, for a nice facelift. Currently the concepts of
"energy balance" or "emotional nutrition" (or as the SENC has preferred
to name it "emotional balance") are very fashionable, so these concepts
have been included in the pyramid.

13- What has done the American Heart Association after officially

The American Heart Association [AHA] is the highest scientific reference in

cardiology in the United States. Due to its volume of scientific
publications, it currently determines and defines the guidelines for
medical advances in the field of cardiology at the national and
international level.

The American Heart Association is an American non-profit organization

dedicated to the prevention and relief of heart disease, promoting
appropriate cardiac care to reduce disability and death from
cardiovascular disease and stroke.

14- What was the food pyramid greatest mistake?

One of the biggest mistakes of the food pyramid is that unhealthy

products such as alcoholic beverages, processed meats, bad fats and
sweets are present.

15- Do you believe in food pyramids? Why?

YES, because the food pyramid is the basis on which a healthy and
balanced diet has to be based. Its importance is enormous, since it not
only shows us which foods are the most suitable to nourish us properly,
but also gives us guidelines on how many times we should eat certain
foods each week.

Carlos José Valenzuela Quezada-1215869

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