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Time – 80 Min Class – IX Sub- Chemistry F.M. – 50

Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately.

You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes.
This time is to be spent in reading the Question Paper.
The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers.

Section A is compulsory. Attempt any THREE questions from Section B.

The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ].

SECTION A (20 Marks)

Compulsory (Attempt all questions from this Section)

Question 1 [20]

1. Fill in the blanks with the correct choice given in brackets. [5]
a. Characteristics of a covalent compound is _____________((Sharing /transfer) of
b. Number of valence electron in Mg2+ is ___________(6/8/10/4)
c. A neutral atom with mass number 36 and atomic number 16. Neutron number is
______( 16/36/52/20)
d. Rutherford’s alpha scattering model results in the discovery of
___________(proton/electron/neutron/nucleus/shell )
e. Isotope of ___________ has no proton.(hydrogen/Oxygen)

2. Choose the correct answer from the option given below:- [10]
a. Elements with valency 1 are

i. always metalPCl3 iii. either metal or non-

ii. always non-metal metal
iv. always metalloid

b. The atom as a whole is electrically neutral was proposed by

i. J. Dalton iii. N. Bohr

ii. Rutherford iv. J.J. Thomson

c. Valence electron number is case of noble gas is

i. 7 or 8 iii. 6 or 8
ii. 8 or 5 iv. 8 or 2
d. The only outermost shell of a neutral atom of an element consisting of 2 electrons.
Its group number in modern periodic table will be

i. II iii. XVII
ii. XVI iv. XVIII

e. Typical element of group 14 is

i. C iii. Na
ii. Si iv. Al

f. Representative elements are from

i. Gr I to XVIII iii. Gr XII to XVII


g. Lanthanoids are present in group

i. I iii. III
ii. II iv. IV

h. Gr XIII to XVIII elements are called _________ block elements .(Fill in the blanks)

i. s iii. d
ii. p iv. f

i. Actinoids are present in group

i. I iii. III
ii. II iv. IV

j. New element has been incorporated in Period

i. 4
ii. 5
iii. 6
iv. 7

3. Match Column A with B (ANY 5) [5]

SECTION B (30 Marks)
(Attempt any three questions from this Section)

Question 2

1. Answer the following [4+3+3=10]

a. The elements A,B,C, and D are given below
i. A -having atomic number 7 and mass number 13.
ii. B-having electronic configuration 2,,8,8.
iii. Having 11 electrons and 12 neutrons
iv. Having two protons and two neutrons.
Identify which element is
I. Metal
II. Non-metal.
III. Nobel gas.
IV. An element that follows duplet rule.
b. What type of covalent bond is formed in oxygen molecule ?Explain with orbital
c. If an element Y with group number 17 then find the following,

I. Its valence electrons and Valency.

II. Formula of its Magnesium salt (Mg salt).

III. Is it metal or non-metal.

Question 3
Answer the following: [8+2=10]

a. Name the elements with following atomic number and mention their

position on the modern periodic table.

b. Write the formula of the compound formed between X and Y if X has 2 electrons
in its M shell and Y has 7 electron in its third shell. Explain it with electron dot

Question 4

Answer the following: [4+1+1+4=10]

a. Explain the defects of Mendeleev’s periodic table.
b. How many periods and groups are there in modern periodic table.
c. Name the period consisting of largest and smallest number of elements.
d. What do you understand by the term isotopes? Why do isotopes of an

element possess identical chemical properties? Name the isotope of

hydrogen which does not have a neutron in it.

Question 5

Answer the following: [2+2+1+5=10]

a. What is meant by ‘Group’ and ‘period’ in the Periodic Table?

b. Explain why the elements of the same group exhibit the same chemical
c. behaviour.
d. In which Group are the inert gases placed in the Periodic Table?
e. A part of the periodic table is shown below with one element missing:

2. Based on the above table, answer the following questions:

(i) Name the element that has duplet structure.
(ii) Name the lightest alkali metal.
(iii) Name the halogen of period 2.
(iv) Identify the missing element.
(v) List the metalloids present .

Question no.6 [6+2+2=10]

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