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Is competition a good thing? | Debate.

Article by : Tanish Bhatt

Everything could be done together, is it even possible though? Well, first in my mind what comes up is
that if there was no competition then not they the world would not have great achievements.
Achievements are gained when you think of an idea and try to do it before your opposing team does it.

Firstly, everything could be done without competition and hate. If we all work together we will get ideas
about our next discovery quicker than staying in a minor compact area of employees. If we all work
together we could finish our project quicker with more efficiency and not only that we would also be able
to understand a problem and share it amongst each other.

Secondly, however if we don't have competition we would still fight about what wrong and right and
sometimes people may even decide to leave to start their own business and this way competition could
be created but we could apologize to the person who is against the company and tell them the importance
of them and try to fulfil their needs if it is possible.

Finally, I am on the yes side because after all about staying together if there was no competition all the
prices in the store would be the same, in every store you find the prices so high, all the prices would rise
up and many disadvantageous things would happen to the consumer. However people do become selfish
overtime during competition and comparison awakens up and quickly rises to a level where it's
unstoppable. In conclusion I believe that competition should stay as it has no benefits to the consumer if
there was no competition.

If we all work together we will get ideas about the next discovery quicker than staying in a minor
compact area of employees.

- Competition is a better way to get ideas about discoveries as everyone thinks to do

better compared to others.
- Competition not only leads to better ideas but also new things.

Competition leads to fight

- If competition is taken in a positive way then it would never lead to a fight
- Whereas it can lead to great friendship

Working together leads to better understanding of a problem and sharing it amongst each other.
- It is true but a positive taken competition can lead to even better results
- In competition also we work together but all have bit different thoughts

However people became selfish overtime during competition and comparison

- Yes people do become selfish during competition but it is necessary or else the stores
will have very high prices. Competition between businesses is good for customers
because it means that businesses have to offer good-quality products and services at
the right price
Dear Mr. Tanish,

I recently read your article on "Is Competition Really Beneficial" on the website In this article you state that competition is unhealthy and leads
to fights and hatred. I completely disagree with these statements as I believe that competition
leads to growth, inventions and finally progress. In the next few paragraphs I will prove to you
that competition is in fact beneficial and should be part of our routine.

“If we all work together we will get ideas about the next discovery quicker than staying in a
minor compact area of employees” - I strongly disagree with this statement, as I feel that without
any competition there would be less new ideas. As a group, everyone would be working on the
first new idea that would come up and that would be considered progress enough. It is only with
competition that a plethora of new ideas can be discovered, and then the best one picked and
used for progress; thus competition is definitely a better way to get ideas about new discoveries
and achievement. It is this spirit of trying to be the best that makes everyone think and want to
do better than the rest. While people work as a team, the quieter ones may never get the
opportunities to have their voices heard, thereby their discoveries might never see the light of
day. However, this same person working alone would not need approval to go ahead and work
on their discovery hence proving once again competition works better for discoveries.
Competition is something that is present not only in the lives of working people but also in a
student’s life. Without this competition how would one know failure and loss - a necessary
component to becoming a resilient and strong individual.

You further mention in your article that “Competition leads to fights and disputes”. Once again
on this point I believe that this can only occur when one looks at competition negatively. Looking
at the brighter side of competition, it can only lead to growth and success for the individual and
as a result for the organisation as well as the world. It is only when one is insecure within one’s
own skin that the advantage some else might have starts to be a bother. Do we not stop to
admire sportsmen and sportswomen who are willing to give up a medal in order to help a fellow
contestant at the time of trouble? Does it not teach us to be grateful in winning as well as
losing? I think competition teaches an individual, whether an adult or a child, to respect their
opponent as well as enjoying their win in the right spirit, as a win today could mean a loss
tomorrow. Additionally, it is this spirit that pushes a person to take a risk rather than just carrying
on doing things that they are comfortable with helping them to build self confidence and by
taking a step out of one’s comfort zone.

Mr. Tanish, you mentioned that “Working together leads to better understanding of a problem
and sharing it amongst each other”: and yes I would agree with this statement. However, I
believe that working in a competitive manner can lead to even better results. If competition is
allowed, it permits different ideas and helps to boost progress. It keeps one alert and helps
individuals to understand their strengths and weaknesses. Without competition one could settle
for much less. Competition is not always about individuals but in a lot of cases as teams as well.
It is with competition that one can learn about team spirit, sharing and back each other up. It is
through this that they learn that every competition produces a winner and a loser, and it is not
the win or loss that defines them as an individual. I would like to add here, when we do speak to
successful people world over, we always hear stories of how competition helped become
stronger individuals, make friends for life while working with them and getting their support; all
this would lead to one understanding that competition is beneficial in the long run. Even working
together and sharing under competitive conditions helps to stimulate achievement and
contribute to social change. It lifts the level of aspiration from lower to higher levels.

Finally, I am a firm believer that competition is necessary in life. Competition can be looked upon
as a less violent form of opposition where the goal and reward is the main focus and not the
competitor. One of the biggest truths of the animal kingdom talks about the survival of the fittest.
Similarly, competition helps individuals to understand challenges and overcome them, proving
that it is and should be a necessary part of life in healthy doses.

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