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4 CHAPTER — 1 6-12

5 CHAPTER — 2 13-16

6 CHAPTER-3 17-20




The main aim of the study to provide
the concept ofisone step towards success is all about
a motivation for the people who easily give up on
their dreams . Most success in life may take time and
what we need is patience. The one thing which we
should know that we just one step closer towards
success. In this world there is only people who never
fails is the people who never give up. So take the
chance and don't regret that's what this book tells
you . How failure can be overcome by success in life.
The quesstionairee was created and given to the
childrens in the many of the schools around the
Tenali.Based the answers of the questions we had
conducted a motivational classes for the chlidrens in
that particular school on the concept how can they
achieve their goals by facing the failure.

This is to certify that Siddela Jwalitha studying
ⅡB.S.C.,MPCS in J.M.J College for Women
In the partial fulfillment of project entitled as
guidance of Mrs B.Aruna in the Department of
Computer for the Ⅱ-semester 2021-2022
academic Year. Now here is published journals or
in the form of books and dissertation.

Project guide
I Siddela Jwalitha studying ⅡB.S.C.,MPCS
in J.M.J College for Women (A),Tenali. In the
partial fulfillment of project entitled as “TIPS FOR
SUCCESSFUL LEARNING”. Under the guidance
of Mrs B.Aruna in
the Department of Computer for the Ⅱ-
semester 2021-2022 academic Year. Now
here is published journals or in the form of
books and dissertation.

- Siddela Jwalitha
I am very much grateful to the Mrs B.Aruna
Department of computer , J.M.J College for
women(A),Tenali for her continuous help and
support to finish my project work in the college .
I profoundly thanks to the J.M.J.College
management and staff of the computer
This is to certify that Siddela Jwalitha studying
ⅡB.S.C.,MPCS in J.M.J College for Women
In the partial fulfillment of project entitled as
guidance of Mrs B.Aruna in the Department of
Computer for the Ⅱ-semester 2021-2022
academic Year. Now here is published journals or
in the form of books and dissertation.

Head of the Department

This is to certify that Siddela Jwalitha studying
ⅡB.S.C.,MPCS in J.M.J College for Women
In the partial fulfillment of project entitled as
guidance of Mrs B.Aruna in the Department of
Computer for the Ⅱ-semester 2021-2022
academic Year. Now here is published journals or
in the form of books and dissertation.




It is true, That we should believe in our past

for your better future. But many of you have lost their
strength in the past and and seeking the success in
present. Many of you have do not have such strength to
rise once again after falling down. But you know how
successful people are doing. Won't they have any past like
us? Won't they have lost their strength once? I know, you
all are just thinking that I have lost something but I haven't
achieve! But the fact is , you have just lost which was the
Medium of your achievement. according to you, Your
strength,your courage get lost but it is hide inside you. First
you Just need to find them out , then and then only you can
finish the first step of your achievement! Dream can be
seen when you are sleeping but can be finished when you
are awake! just stepped further, By keeping asiding your
past and think about your present and future . Every
morning keep reminding yourself that you can do it. If you
fail once it will not hurt you, but if you forget to stand once
again , then it will hurt you the most! Yes,sometimes that
is some circumstances because of which we cannot able
to pursue our career in that particular field,but if you want
to be successful person you have to over come your
weakness and tried to make your weakness your strength
! if there is a believe in your dream

then nobody will stop you to achieve them. Do Hardwork ,

your weakness will become your strength!if you have
strength to achieve them but you can’t believe in it,then
you cannot achieve! keep our trust on your dreams And
then work hard to achieve it! On this I want to tell you one
quote, "Is there anything more to ask, Is there anything
more to reveal, I just want to show them out, Which ones
lies in my courage!" There are many problems or many
struggles with I have faced silently. But that all reflect in my
work and success. In fact my struggle taught me the way
of my success , and I learn how to walk on it. And today ,I
passed Miles of it!

The present topic TIPS FOR

LEARNING is all about a motivation for the people who
easily give up on their dreams . Most success in life may
take time and what we need is patience. The one thing
which we should know that we just one step closer
towards success. In this world there is only people who
never fails is the people who never give up. So take the
chance and don't regret that's what this book tells you .
we have been created motivational speeches around the
5 to 10 schools for the students who are studies in the
higher classes i.e.,6th to 10th classes beacause now a
days so many students are misusing their precious time
period and taking the wrong steps and spoiling their life.
Beacause some of their parents are uneducated and they
have no knowledge to send their childrens in the sucha a
good way
.so that we have provided the motivation to the such
kind of the students.

In recent decades, the role of the English

language has increased throughout the world, and the
necessity of fully understanding it is generally accepted.
Nevertheless, how this language is addressed in Spain is
still insufficient, which is clearly demonstrated in the results
from the Education First: English Proficiency Index
(Education First, 2012), in which Spain is ranked in the
group of “medium level of English” along with a small
number of European countries such as Portugal, Italy, and
France; the remainder, meanwhile, are at higher levels.
This result is even worse if we focus our attention on
Andalusia, which is classified as having a “low level of
English” in comparison with the other communities in
Spain. By observing these outcomes, two assertions can
be made: 1. We recognise the importance of English
2. We are attempting to improve our English levels, but we
are doing it erroneously.
Regarding the first statement, it is important to
mention that the consideration of English as the essential
tool for communication has forced the Spanish
government and educational institutions to attach
importance to its presence in the learning development of
children and teenagers. Consequently, all students in
primary and secondary education in Spain are taught
English as a foreign language (EFL) as one of their
compulsory subjects. Since 2007/2008, students have

begun learning English at the age of 6 (the first year of

primary school), continuing to age 16 (the fourth year of
compulsory secondary education [CSE]) and, if they
continue studying, also in Bachillerato. Furthermore, the
Spanish Ministry of Education introduced the MEC
Programme1 in 2007, which was designed for students
and teachers who wanted to improve their foreign
language skills by living abroad for a short period of
time.Concerning the second statement, we can confirm
that it is also partly true because the current measures are
less than sufficient, which is shown in the poor results (only
23% of the Spanish population consider that they speak
English well [Education First, 2012]). One of the main
criticisms of the Spanish education system regarding
teaching foreign languages is that students spend
approximately 10 years learning English at school but that
very few of them end secondary education with a B1 level
(the level described by the Common European
Framework of Reference for Languages, Council of
Europe, 2001). There should definitely be some
incongruities in the process of teaching English in Spain
that can explain the differences between the number of
hours of English taught at school and the students’ low
levels of the language at the end. Consequently, this
research will focus on the different factors that affect
motivation in secondary school students who study English
to discover if there is a connection between their low
English levels and their motivation.




First, you must form a correct conception of how
you wish to develop and perfect yourself. You must
cultivate a clear-cut idea of what you want to become.
This will give you a definite and clear-cut aim in life.
Without such an aim, your life cannot move forward
powerfully and progressively. You will be pulled in
different directions and your mind will be distracted and
much energy will be wasted. You can avoid all of these if
you have a well-defined aim or a set of a few definite
objectives. Then there is no confusion in your way.
You knowwhat you wish to attain and in which direction
to proceed. Therefore, you also understand what is right
and what is wrong, what is desirable and what is
undesirable, what is to be accepted and what is to be
rejected in moving towards your aim of life. Such
definiteness gives you great inner strength. It develops
will-power. It makes you a positive personality. There will
be no more negative trends in your life.
The second important thing is to draw for
yourself a wise programme of life to help you to
develop along the desired lines and to gradually
attain the aim of life. Such a

programme will provide a plan of action in meeting with

all problems that face the young student, the growing
youth, to deal with all situations that arise in your life, to
meet and overcome temptations with firm mind and to
surmount obstacles with boldness and self-confidence.
The power to do this exists within you already in its latent
state. It has to be unfolded and activated. A proper
understanding of your own mind, its behaviour and
habits, and the law that governs the inner activity of the
mind become very, very helpful in living this wonderful
and interesting period of your life.
Now we come to the factors upon which depends
the proper working out of your programme of life. Health is
the key factor. Without health you can do nothing. Without
health you can succeed neither in studies, nor in character-
building, nor in sports and social activities, nor in home-life.
Health is a matter of careful living. It is got not only from
things you eat and drink, but it is also obtained from your
wise and careful avoiding of such things that are not good
for your health. Eat for your health. Eat for your strength
and not for your taste. Eat to live and to serve. Do not live
to eat. Eat simple food. Go to bed early and get up early.
Acquire healthy habits. Do regular exercise daily. Be
moderate in eating and drinking. Chew your food
thoroughly. Do not overeat. Do not eat without hunger.
Avoid things that do not agree with you.


Then you must conserve your energy. Never waste
your energy in useless pursuits. Too much talking and
gossiping, aimless wandering, habit of worrying, losing
your temper frequently—all these drain away your energy.
Give up, all habits that are likely to have an adverse effect
on health. Smoking and illegal drugs are a curse upon
students. Be established in perfect Brahmacharya (purity).
Abstain from sexual activity. Preserve health, conserve
energy, develop physical and mental strength and thus lay
the foundation of a successful life.
Value character more than anything else on the
earth. Be perfectly truthful. Do not, let your speech be
vulgar or rude. Speech must be clean, polite, and joy-
giving. Cast away egoism, pride and selfishness. These
three form the blemish upon human character. They arise
out of ignorance and greed. Ignorance makes you proud
and egoistic. Greed makes you selfish. They lead to
dishonour and unhappiness and failure in life. By leading a
simple life and having a cheerful disposition under all
circumstances, you can overcome selfishness and
egoism. Your life and conduct must be the cause of
happiness in other people

Adopt certain virtues and principles and stick to
them in all your activities of life. Never leave these
principles. Never move away from virtue. These principles
will be your true friends and helpers. They will assure your
progress and ultimately grant you supreme happiness and
success. Periodically make certain simple resolutions to
practice those virtues. Maintain a personal diary wherein
you make a careful note of your day-to-day conduct,
speech, and behaviour. This will reveal to you how far you
are advancing and show you your mistakes and where you
must correct yourself. Such a diary will be your friend. It
will reveal your weakness and teach you humility
Pray to God and ask Him for inner strength and
guidance. God’s Divine Name has immense power.
Repeat His Name always and remember him under all
situations Remember God constantly with love in your
heart. Have absolute faith in your inseparable relationship
with Him. Cultivate constant remembrance of God by
seeing His invisible presence in and through all things in
this universe around you. God is not some remote reality
far away from you. But God is here and now. He is all
pervading Reality, the ever present Divine Spirit pervading
this entire universe. And also He is your innermost self. He
is SUCCESS IN LIFE 7 closer to you than your

very breath. Never forget this. Even when you are

engaged in n your daily activity, begin to feel the
presence of God.
Reflect upon the lives of ideal personalities. Draw
strength and inspiration from their lives and teachings. Try
to mould your life upon their pattern. Always have a great
ideal before your mind. Think of it at all times-morning,
noon, evening, and night. Develop it into the constant
background of your thought. Then your mind will never be
idle or vacant. This is important because right thinking is
the key to noble living.
Out of your life there must flow out ceaseless
love, kindness, and compassion. Never hurt anyone.
Never hurt even the least one of God’s creatures either by
thought, word, or action. Even in dreams you should never
think of harming or hurting any creature. This sublime
principle of non-injury, harmlessness, is given a very great
place in the eternal Vedic way of life. Be a centre of help,
be a centre of benefit, be a centre of happiness and peace
to all. Never injure, never hurt, never harm any living
You must be rooted in absolute truthfulness. Even
at the cost of your life, never utter falsehood. Never be
dishonest in any of your dealings with anyone in this world.
Be a person

of integrity, of verity. Become established in truthfulness in

thought, word, and deed. Truth is God. One who practices
truthfulness rigidly will attain God. God is present in this
human world as the sublime principle of truthfulness.
The vexing problems of this modern world, its
clashes and conflicts, its greed and exploitation, its hatred
and hostilities, its mad craze for selfish acquisition will
never cease or be relieved until and unless there is a
change of outlook in man towards his neighbours and
towards his life around him. Man makes life what it is. And
life around man is but a reflection of what he is. The only
rational and lasting solution to the afflictions that beset the
organized society of civilized men is a reinstating of the
spirit of selfless giving into its rightful place in your life. The
more you give of yourself, the greater will be your conquest
over sorrows and sufferings and your ascent into peace
and bliss.


As you think, so you will become, just as you reap
what you sow. In the same way, you will ultimately
experience and attain what you constantly think and feel.
Your inner thoughts lead to outer action. Repeated actions
grow into habits. Such habits become permanent qualities
SUCCESS IN LIFE 8 in your very nature. This nature goes
to form your character. Your future and your destiny is the
direct result of

your character. Understand this very well. Carefully bear

this in your mind. Think and act with this knowledge. Your
inner thoughts are the seeds of your ultimate destiny.
Safeguard your thoughts and feelings. Think nobly and
virtuously. You will become a noble man or woman. You
will attain greatness and make your life fruitful. More than
all the books that you read and study, more than all your
lessons and examinations, more important than everything
in life is the cultivation of virtue. This is the source of
ultimate happiness. Become good and great.

• Organize all files and information in a way that makes
sense to you.
• Keep a copy of anything you submit in the
event a technology problem requires you to
resubmit it – even discussions from posts.
• Take good notes from readings and online lectures,
as you would in any class.
• Select a quiet and comfortable space to work (do
not use your bed as your study or work area)
• The space should be private, well-lit, with a desk and
• Coffee shops are enticing to set-up study time, but
they often can be distracting with people coming and
going, and an increase in overall environmental activity.
If you choose to study in a coffee shop, have a set space
you go to and get there early.
• Having a regular, designated space devoted to
studies can signal to your brain that it’s time to study.


• Just as you attend in-person classes at a regular
time each week, be sure to schedule enough time in
your calendar or planner to study the materials in your
online course, and complete assignments.
• Keep a close eye on assignment due dates. Set
specific times to check when work is due and if there are
any updates or changes in assignment deadlines. Update
your calendar with changes that might occur.
• Use available technology, including email and group
chat forums, to stay in regular contact with your
professor and classmates should you have questions
about content and assignments.
• Turn your cell phone off (or at least switch to silent) to
avoid losing focus every time a notification or text
message pops-up.
• If you can’t resist surfing the web or checking
email, download a website blocker.
• Keep in mind how and when you accomplish your
best work.

• Keep a regular sleep-wake schedule to stay alert and

focused during your scheduled review of class material
and assignments.
• If you’re a visual learner, print out materials to
lectures to review.
• If you learn best by listening, build time into your
schedule to play and replay all audio and video based
• Contribute to discussion boards or post questions
about a project you are working on.
• Read what other students and you professor are
saying, and if you have questions, ask for clarification
. • Check in as often as you can. If you feel you’re falling
behind, speak up. Don’t wait until an assignment is
almost due to ask for help (this goes for in-person
classes as well).


• Keep a regular sleep-wake cycle and do not use your
bed as your study and work space.
• Limit caffeinated beverages including energy drinks, in
order to stay up into the early morning hours to complete
work. You should be sleeping during this time.

• Taking online classes means that you may be more

sedentary than usual. Remember to take breaks and
move around however it works best for you
. • Keep healthy snacks on hand including: almonds,
fruit salad, Greek yogurt, air-popped popcorn, apples
and peanut butter, and homemade trail-mix

Two factors that influence learning are 1. Factors

Associated with Leaner and 2. Factors Related to
Learning Process!
I. Factors associated with learner:
Learner is the focal point in any learning. Without
learner there cannot be learning.

The following are some of the factors

associated with learner:
1. Motivation:
It is the most important factor influencing the
learner. If the learner has no motivation to learn, any
amount of force will be futile. More the motivation better
will be the learning. In addition to motivation, the learner
should have a definite goal. It will direct the individual
appropriately and help him to achieve the goal .

2. Readiness and will power:

This is just like motivation. If the learner is ready to
learn, he will develop motivation to learn. Along with
readiness a strong willpower is also essential to
overcome hurdles and problems. Readiness will help to
develop a positive attitude in learner.

3. Ability of the learner:

This refers to the level of intelligence, creativity,
aptitude and such other abilities necessary for
learning.Intelligence enables the learner to learn better
and understand things and relationship between them. It
includes both general and specific intelligence related to
specific area of learning.

4. Level of aspiration and achievement:

Learning depends upon the level of aspiration
to achieve. If the aspiration level is high, the learner will
work hard and achieve more. However, the aspiration
level should be in accordance with the ability of the
learner.Otherwise, it may affect negatively leading to
feelings of inferiority. At times the learner may not realize
his ability and keep low level of aspiration resulting in low
achievement, which is also a tendency to be rectified.

5. Attention:
Learner must learn to concentrate his attention on
learning. Attentiveness helps to grasp learning material.
Distraction of attention affects learning.

6. General health condition of the learner:

The general health includes the physical and
mental health of the learner. The learner should have
good physical health. Organic defects like blindness,
myopia, hypermetropia, deafness, paralysis, mutism,
severe handicappedness, etc., will affect learning.
Problem in sense organs will lead to improper perception.
Chronic illnesses may lead to fatigue and lack of
interest.In addition to physical health, the mental health of
learner is also important. Adjustmental problems, minor

mental problems like worry, anxiety, stress, and inferiority

complexes will affect learning.

7) Maturation of the learner:

Maturation and learning go hand in hand. We
learn things only according to maturity of our body. For
example, a child of 6 months cannot learn to ride a
bicycle even after vigorous training, because it requires
muscular or physical maturity.

Factors related to learning material:

The nature of learning material is also important.
The meaningful material can be learnt better and more
quickly than meaningless material. Because
understanding of lessons create interest in the learner. In
addition to meaning, the simple material can be learnt
better than the complex material.

II. Factors Related to Learning Process:

1. Methods of learning:
Effective learning depends upon the methods
of study also. There are certain methods which save
the energy and time of the learner. These are called
‘economic methods of learning’. They are:

a. Part v/s whole method:

Smaller and shorter lessons may be learnt at a
stretch-called whole method. If the material is too
lengthy, it must be divided into parts, so that it will be
easy for learning.

After reading in parts the learnt material should be

connected or associated with each other.

b. Spaced v/s un-spaced method:

Learning continuously without gap leads to
interference in memory called inhibition. Hence, it is
always advisable to keep small interval between each

c. Recitation v/s repetition:

Just repetition of lessons becomes rote learning
in which chances of forgetting are more. In recitation the
learner will check the weak points which may be
forgotten and put more emphasis on those points. This
process will help to overcome missing of points from the

2. Over learning:
It is experimentally proved that over learning
helps better learning and memory.

3. Knowledge of results as feedback:

It is essential to know the amount of material
grasped, so that changes may be made in process of
learning. Knowledge of results refers to getting feedback
by means of testing, examination, interview, etc.

4. Good physical atmosphere:

Sufficient light and ventilation, calm and clean
place, normal temperature, some minimum furniture will
help learning processes.

Information obtained through interviews

personal/visuals observations ,technical process
information and record reviews.We have been conducted
a motivational speech classes for the secondary education
students on the topic tips for the successful learning to
achieve their goals and to reach their goals through
counseling using posters,ppt’s and booklets.

The teaching-learning process is creating a positive

environment in which there is an exchange of
knowledge and learning takes place.
• In this learning environment, the students absorb the
knowledge from their teachers who are themselves,
masters, at the subject and can guide them when and if
they go wrong.
• The teaching-learning environment should always
encourage new ideas and motivate the students to
explore new avenues and experiment with new things
in life.
• Learning actually makes sense when the students are
able to apply the knowledge that they learned in their
own lives.
• To conclude, the teaching-learning process is an
enriching process for both teachers and students.
• Successful learning for teachers requires continued
coordinated efforts that range from preservice education
to early teaching to opportunities of lifelong professional
development. Creating these opportunities, based on the
knowledge of learning and teaching obtained from
research, is a major challenge but not
impossible.“Learning never exhausts the mind”.“For the
things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn
by doing them”.“Learning is not attained by chance, it
must be sought for with ardor and attended to with
diligence.” “The beautiful thing about learning is that
nobody can take it away from you.”

1. "Bloom's Taxonomy".

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2. Perkins, D.N.; Salomon, G. (Jan–Feb 1989). "Are
Cognitive Skills Context-Bound?". Educational
Researcher. 18 (1): 16–25
3. Pollan, Michael (2013-12-16). "The Intelligent
Plant". The New Yorker. ISSN 0028-792X. Retrieved
college- whatyou-need-to-know?hs_preview=rygflSvu-
ps-for- taking-online-classes/

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