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LOOK at your book p 36, 37 & 38.


NYC stands for N......... Y............ C..............
This city is also called « The…… ………… » or « The ………. ………. …never sleeps », or Gotham
It's located on the …….....…...coast of the U.S.A.
There ………….8.5 million ………………… NYC.
It's divided in 5 …………....… .: M………………….., B…………………, the B…………….., S………….
I……………. and Q……………….. .
Manhattan is the smallest but it's also the most …...................... .
Manhattan is composed of a grid of 228 …………… . (horizontal) and 12 …………………. (vertical).
2 avenues and streets form a rectangle called a …………….. .
People speak about 200 different …………………...because most of the population have ancestors from
other countries. The U.S.A is a country of …....................... .
This mixing of so many origins is called the « Melting Pot ».
There ………….different places where people of the same origin are more represented in NYC, such as
C………….. T………….., or L………… I………….. . ( p 37)
So you can eat different kinds of food.
Lots of people eat in fast food restaurants, but this food isn’t healthy , it's called « …............. ……… ».
There ………….. 251 very high buildings in NYC : they're called …................................... One of the
most famous ones are the E…………… S………. B……………, the C………………. B…………...……,
the F.............. I............... B..................... and the tallest / highest is now the
O…….. W………..T…………. C…………. , in the south of Manhattan , in the business center.
W………. Street is the place dedicated to finance : this is the stock exchange.
How can you travel to Manhattan ? If you want to move / get around inside the city, there …………..
13,000 yellow …………….. in NYC !
People can also travel by the…............................and some people come to Manhattan by …………………

C………….. P………. is the most famous park in NYC. People can have a walk, rest on the grass next to
the pond , go to the zoo, watch ….................... shows or ….................on the ice-rink in winter ! (p 38)
B…………………. is the longest and oldest avenue in Manhattan. It's famous for its musicals !
T...................S................. is also a famous place full of billboards : Lots of digital advertisings on the
NYC is famous for its ………………. of ………………… : this statue welcomes people who arrive to NYC.
it's a symbol of …................ It's located on L…………… Island.
The seven spikes represent the seven …............. in the world.
…........... island is also a famous museum : it's the place where all the immigrants were examined before
their admission in the U.S.A.
In fact, NYC is the place where you can do everything you want if you have enough money ! The city is
always ….............. and …...................If you want to stay quiet, go somewhere else !

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