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Extended Ruleset

This document includes extended rules to modify aspects additional movements follow the same rules as the
of gameplay to accommodate different types of player regular character movement players get (walking for 0
groups. Players can include some or all of these game Stamina once, running for 1 Stamina per node).
modules to add variety to their play sessions or introduce a
greater degree of tactical decision making. Extended Dodge
Before attempting a dodge roll, players may add dice to
their roll at a cost of 2 Stamina per die.
Exploration Resting
These modules are focused around streamlining the
exploration phase for players and providing interesting A player may skip their turn to rest. Resting allows a
decisions to make as a party. player to remove all black cubes from their endurance bar.
Note that the player still receives the Aggro token.
Speed Run
Players gain double the number of souls for encounters.
The cost for resting at the bonfire is split into two phases: Before the active player’s turn, other players may choose to
The cost for resetting encounters is 1 spark, and the cost to cooperate. Cooperating players may perform their
reset all other tokens is 1 spark. When players die, they do movement and up to one action in any order and at any
not reset encounters unless they explicitly do so by point during the active player’s turn. As a cost, after the
spending a spark. They are obligated however to spend 1 active player receives the Aggro token, all enemies activate
spark to reset all other tokens. N times where N is the number of cooperating players.

Bonfire Shortcut
When placing encounter tiles, place the Fog Gate token Character Abilities
adjacent to the Bonfire tile. Players may enter the Fog
Gate at any time between encounters, but should be careful Spaces to the left of the players' stat progression cube
not to face the boss until they are prepared. represent ability bars. Each space on the track may be
filled once per spark with a cube to elicit an action the
Hubris player may take. When a player rests at the Bonfire, they
remove all cubes from their ability bar. The same ability
Between encounters, the party may exhibit hubris and cannot be used more than once per activation.
continue to the next encounter to gain 1 soul per player.
• Strength – When you spend Stamina, you may use
These souls may be spent as normal along with any other
actions associated with returning to the Bonfire before this ability to reduce that Stamina cost by one.
continuing to the encounter. However, if players took this • Dexterity – During your attack or block, you may use
action, they do not remove any black or red cubes from this ability to add 1 black die.
their characters' endurance bars before the next encounter.
• Intelligence – During your attack or block,
add/remove the magic attribute to/from the attack or
switch your Block/Resist values for that block.
Combat • Faith – On your turn, you may use this ability to roll 1
These modifiers introduce additional tactical depth to black die and heal up to that many points of damage
combat for players who wish to have richer and riskier from the party, divided however you choose.
battle encounters. •

Additional Actions
At any point during the player character's turn, they may
take additional combat actions. These actions may be
taken in addition to the normal actions players get. They
may take these actions as many times as they like provided
they can pay for them. Note that the Estus Flask may not
be used by a player between taking normal actions and
advanced actions.
• Additional Attack – For 2 Stamina, a player may
make an attack against an enemy, spending any
additional Stamina associated with that attack. Before
the attack, the enemy activates. If this puts the enemy This character may still use the Dexterity and Faith
out of range, the player may spend 1 Stamina per node abilities once each during this spark. If the character
to get back in range. used the Faith ability during this activation, they may
not use it again during the same activation.
• Additional Movement – For 2 Stamina, a player may
initiate another movement action. Note that

Main boss/Mega Boss Item Shop
Dungeons Before purchasing an item from the Treasure Deck, a
player may pay one of the following costs, and then keep
If players would like to immediately enter a main boss or drawing cards until they reach a card that satisfies the
mega boss dungeon, follow these setup rules. corresponding condition. Cards drawn that do not meet
that condition are shuffled back into the deck.
• 4 souls: The item can be equipped by the
Main boss purchasing player, and requires at least one Tier 1
upgrade to equip. The item does not require any
• Each player deals themselves 2 of their initial class Tier 2-4 upgrades.
treasures at random, placing them in the
inventory, then shuffles the rest into the deck. • 6 souls: The item can be equipped by the
purchasing player, and requires at least one Tier 2
• Each player draws 4 treasures from the treasure upgrade to equip. The item does not require any
deck, placing them in the inventory. Tier 3-4 upgrades.
• Players randomly select a mini boss, and place the • 8 souls: The item can be equipped by the
boss’s treasure set into the inventory. purchasing player, and requires at least one Tier 2
• Each player gets 12 souls which they can only upgrade to equip. The item does not require any
spend to increase their stats. If they do not use all Tier 4 upgrades.
of these souls, they cannot be saved for later.
• Set up the game as usual for a main boss dungeon.

Mega Boss
• Each player deals themselves 2 of their initial class
treasures and 2 of their transposed class treasures
at random, placing them in the inventory, then
shuffles the rest into the deck.
• Each player draws 8 treasures from the treasure
deck, placing them in the inventory.
• Players randomly select a mini boss, placing their
treasure set into the inventory, and then randomly This player is a Herald that would like to buy from
select a main/mega boss, placing their treasure set the Item Shop. The player spends 6 souls at the shop.
into the inventory. They pull this item from the shop:
• Each player gets 24 souls which they can only
spend to increase their stats. If they do not use all
of these souls, they cannot be saved for later.
• Set up the game as usual for a mega boss

The player then checks the conditions for keeping the

weapon. The weapon does require at least one Tier 2
upgrade for the Herald and it does not require any
Tier 3 or 4 upgrades, so those two requirements are
satisfied. However, the Herald is not leveled up
enough to equip this weapon, so they put the weapon
aside and draw again until they reach a weapon that
satisfies all three requirements.

Ability Drafting
This expansion module includes abilities that replace the
standard abilities referenced in the Character Abilities
rule. At the beginning of the game, each player rolls 4
six-sided dice, counts the total of the dice they rolled,
and places the dice in the center of the table to form a
dice pool. In a clockwise fashion, starting with the player
who rolled the highest total value, players place a die Intelligence
from the pool adjacent to a stat progression track on
their character board. The value of that die indicates
which ability is relevant, referenced below. 1. Arcane Engineering – During your attack
or block, add/remove the magic attribute
to/from the attack or switch your
Block/Resist values for that block.
2. Advanced Study – Use an ability for a
Strength 3.
different attribute of your choice.
Exceptional Recall – On your turn,
provided a boss’s behaviour deck has been
exhausted at least once, look at the top card
1. Great Endurance – When you would spend of its behaviour deck.
Stamina, decrease that cost by 1. 4. Alternate Path – View the next encounter
2. Staggering Blow – When you block or attack card. You may draw a different encounter
a model, push that model 1 space. card of the same level to replace it.
3. Immovable Object – When you would be 5. Potent Sorcery – Add 1 to your magic
forced to move this turn, you may choose to attack roll and increase its range by 1. If
not move. using this ability for Faith, roll for a different
4. Massive Strike – Add 1 to your two-handed ability.
weapon attack roll. This attack also gains 6. Magic Attenuation – Add 1 blue die before
Stagger. your Resist roll.
5. Strong Arm – Use an attack from a two-
handed weapon in your backup slot instead of
your equipped one-handed weapon.
6. Fortified Armor – Add 1 blue die before your
Block roll when wearing armor that has no
dodge value.


1. Radiant Light – On your turn, roll 1 black

die and heal up to that many points of
damage from the party, divided however you
Dexterity 2.
Heavenly Assistance – When removing
Stamina or Health cubes from players in the
party as a result of an action you take, roll a
1. Elegant Swordsman – During your attack or blue die. Remove that many extra from the
block, add 1 black die. party, divided however you choose.
2. Skilled Acrobat – Add a dodge die to your 3. Grand Fortune – Look at the top two cards
dodge roll. of the Treasure Deck. Place each on the top
3. Critical Strike – Add 1 to your one-handed of bottom of the Treasure Deck.
weapon attack roll. This attack also gains 4. Good Samaritan – On your turn, exhaust
Bleed. your Luck Token, Estus Flask Token, or
4. Hidden Sidearm – Use an attack from a one- Heroic Action Token. Refresh the same
handed weapon in your backup slot instead of token for another player. Roll for a different
your equipped one-handed or two-handed ability if playing solo.
weapon. 5. Potent Sorcery – Add 1 to your magic
5. Falling Somersault – When you would be attack roll and increase its range by 1. If
forced to move this turn, you may choose to using this ability for Intelligence, roll for a
move an extra space. different ability.
6. Fleet-footed – After you take a move action, 6. Frantic Prayer – Use a spell action in your
move up to 2 extra spaces at no Stamina cost. backup slot instead of your equipped weapon
or spell.

Location Events

This module is designed to provide variety and tension in When destroying a barrel, check Strength. On success,
exploration. When you pull an encounter, consult the draw a treasure. On failure, spawn a Crossbow Hollow
event names below and their accompanying effects to on the destroyed barrel space.
discover what lurks within.
Dark Hollow – The hulking wretch stumbling around the
When a player finds an item, search through the unlit, rotting stable wears a bandolier that carries small glass
Treasure Deck for that item, place it in the inventory, jars, smudged from its filthy, frantic fingertips. Its eyes are
then shuffle the Treasure Deck. Each find resolution in pale and only accustomed to the dark; very nearly blind.
an encounter can only be used once per game. Above an unmarked tombstone, the ceiling is soft and porous
and prepared to give way to the harsh moonlight if subjected
When a player checks, they roll dodge dice equal to their to a strong blow. The glow pouring in would surely disturb
Tier of the checked attribute (minimum 1 die). One the creature.
success passes the check.
Each time an enemy ends an activation without dealing
Level 1 damage to a player, remove 1 damage from that enemy.
While adjacent to the gravestone, you may pay 2
Ruined Keep – An abandoned barracks with shattered Stamina to prevent an enemy from healing on its next
pillars and crates strewn throughout. There may be useful activation.
wares buried in the rubble, but the debris mostly serves to
obstruct your view. Some damned and charred soldiers of Unlighted Chamber – The open doorway to this cellar
Gwyn likely spent their final night here. yields to black. It smells of dust and spoiled wine. Your eyes
starve for threads of moonlight that won’t ever come. As you
Each time a player or enemy makes an attack with range listen to the regular scratching of shuffling feet, you
greater than 0, check Dexterity. On failure, that attack's desperately hope that residents here are similarly blind.
value is decreased by 1. While adjacent to the gravestone,
you may spend 2 Stamina to rearrange the top 3 treasure Attacks have a maximum range of 2. When a model
cards however you like. moves to a node, roll a dodge die. Upon failure, you must
choose a different node for that model to move to. When
The Forgotten – A cavernous, dusty home in the village you destroy the barrel, check Intelligence. On success,
slums. It is anachronistic and alien-looking to this region, find an Ember. On failure, that player takes 2 magic
built in accordance with Boleterian style. It is empty save the damage instead.
ghouls, long tapestries of dried leather, and a single barrel.
The barrel’s planks bow outward and twitch from something Broken Passageway – Underneath precarious floorboards
stirring inside. are milky skeletons of long dead soldiers, their weapons

pointed skyward. These poor souls perished during the Forsaken Depths – The path forward leads downward
unstoppable waning of the First Flame. This was a crucial beneath the city. The floor is solid but waterlogged, a sign of
passage for battle; there was likely time only to place the nearby sea weakening the foundations of the town.
improvised roads over their broken bodies. You pray that if Shifting silt can be felt below the floor with each footstep. As
you wrestle with a demon here, you can overpower it and a thick fog clears, silhouettes of enemies emerge. Their
avoid being skewered by the eager swords beneath your feet. weapons are ornate and serrated; likely decorative, but lethal
Any time two or more models are on the same space,
check Strength. Upon failure, that model takes damage Enemies' melee attacks have Bleed.
equal to a blue die roll.
Ash Gardens – The wind whips from above, playing
Shattered Dungeon – An impossibly old madman lies in a dissonant chords with its lazy moans. Makeshift pyres are
heap of chains behind a wall of bars to your right as you pass, blackened, giving up small clouds of ash with each gust. In
throwing his surprisingly strong voice into the darkness. “O the courtyard are lonely, shambling foes with hands that are
Gwyn, how we’ve failed! How I’ve failed! All of Man, your covered in burns; acolytes of the fragile Age of Fire.
Furtive Pygmy cannot stop the march of the Age of Dark!”
Men with eyes like his are invariably near to Hollowing, When destroying a barrel, find Firebombs.
although he shows no signs of it. The Deeps – The sickly green and purple pools on the floor
If both barrels are destroyed, draw a treasure. in this subterranean prison are smoking and putrid,
ostensibly the remnants of a massive chemical attack from an
Ashen Hollow – The creatures roaming the hollow look undead dragon or beast. Clever inspection may yield
more lucid than most, but only barely so. It’s likely that information about where it is safe to step, but the rabid fiends
they’ve only recently gone mad, as one drops a small book in the deeps give little chance to consider.
from its bony fingers. Literacy was common in regions this
close to Anor Londo, of course excepting the Hollowed. A soft When a player moves to a node, check Intelligence. On a
glow from a nearby barrel evokes a rare mood of hope; needed failure, that player is poisoned. Spend 1 Stamina while
levity in a land that offers so little. adjacent to the gravestone to remove Poison. If a player
kills an enemy, removes a Poison token by using the
If a player kills two enemies on the same activation, gain gravestone, and destroys the barrel on the same turn,
two souls. If a player destroys a barrel, their attacks are they find a Poison Gem or Poison Mist.
magic for that activation.
Hollow Cave – Speckling the ground are gaping mouths
Ghostly Keep – These walls are adorned with markings into the abyss. Mindless creatures dutifully claw their way
written with soapstone. Although missing bricks allow out to the surface from the wounds in the earth. Perhaps you
starlight to illuminate the runes, you glean no meaning from can use the debris littering the cave to slow their progress.
them. The ghouls in here are wandering and incorporeal,
long dead but unable to leave. The floor gently raises and If there are no models on an enemy spawn node at the
leads to a large wooden icon which the dull light bends end of an activation, spawn a Hollow Soldier there. Gain
around. a soul for each new enemy spawned. When a player
destroys the barrel, enemies do not move on their next
If a player does not kill an enemy on their activation, activation.
spawn a Hollow Soldier on the single sword space. Gain
a soul for each new enemy spawned. When a player
destroys the barrel, enemies do not move on their next

likely felled by the stoic monstrosity that guards the exit.
Level 2 Perhaps their whispers hold clues to aid your survival.
Demon Ruins – Evidence of dark rituals in these ruins While adjacent to the gravestone, you may pay 2
provide an unsettling juxtaposition against the glistening Stamina to draw from the Treasure Deck until you reach
stars overhead. Holes in the structure are patched with what a spell. Activate that spell's least powerful ability for 0
looks like pale leather in an attempt to keep light out. The Stamina, and then shuffle the spell back into the
Hollowed here fear benevolent gods who scorn them, but prey Treasure Deck. If the barrel was destroyed, the
on the hopeless with vigor. gravestone's ability was used, and an enemy was defeated
Players with Tier 1 or greater Faith deal +1 damage on on the same turn, find the spell that the gravestone used.
all attacks. All other players deal -1 damage on all Forgotten Gorge – You stand your ground on this
attacks. If a player kills two enemies in the same precarious spine, with bottomless, yawning gorges at each
activation this encounter, any player can destroy the edge. Strong sheets of wind scream in the distance, but only a
barrel to find a Lightning Gem. mild breeze stirs the air for now. A talisman hangs from a
Weathered Peak – Trudging up a steep path into the lone headstone that is nearly overgrown. Its inscription reads:
mountainside, you reach a settlement just as snowfall and “A resting devotee of the majestic Storm King.”
hail become unbearable. A small marble firepit glows, an Any time an enemy is on an outermost node and is
impossibility in a world starving for flame, especially in the pushed, that enemy dies. If a player is on an outermost
unforgiving storm. In the distance, Lothric can be glimpsed node and fails a dodge roll, they die. While adjacent to
through the whipping ice; a towering, regal marvel. the gravestone, you may spend 5 Stamina. All models on
All attacks have Frostbite. When adjacent to a the outermost nodes are pushed.
gravestone, players may pay 1 Stamina to remove Prison Tower – Hanging from the rafters by long chains
Frostbite. are cages dangling just above the floor. Some hold stirring
Sunrise Pass – A rare, quiet sun rises, painting the sky hues Hollowed prisoners in varied stages of sanity, flickering
of orange and pink and climbing above the crumbling walls candlelight casting grotesque shadows over their skeletal
that surround you. Standing at the side of the pass, glancing bodies.
upward across the ravine is a good-natured warrior in Once during this encounter, a player may end their turn
Astoran armour with his arms outstretched, surely rejoicing on an empty violet node to free a prisoner. That player
in this short moment of warmth. may find an Ember.
At the beginning of each model's activation, it heals 1 Burned Gardens – A once beautiful garden, filled with life
wound. If the encounter ends, no players have wounds, and flora, long reduced to ash and soot. Wooden crude
and the barrel is destroyed, find Heal. explosives lay in the brittle, black grass, gunpowder dribbling
Lightless Passage – The clatter of clicks and moving gears out between the cracks.
unsettle you. You fear that the lack of light will encourage a When a player destroys the barrel, all adjacent models
careless step, triggering whatever contraption in this black take 1 blue die of magic damage. Players may also
passageway endlessly churns. destroy the barrel by making an attack against the barrel
When a player fails a dodge roll, they take an additional at range 1+.
damage. If all traps were revealed and dodged, destroy Lost Labyrinth – You enter a winding, serpentine
the barrel to find Master's Attire. If all traps were labyrinth of tunnels that betray geometry and reason. With
revealed and not dodged (or none were attacks), destroy each step forward, you relive a step once taken. As each new
the barrel to find Exile Armour. passageway opens, you become less certain that an exit exists.
Black Dungeon – A torture chamber and pit of primordial The citizens that used these tunnels for trade and transport
forms of wretched magic. It’s been used recently; the stench of must have had a remarkable skill for navigation.
blood still hangs in the stale air. The ceiling is decorated Any time a model is on a node adjacent to a wall, they
lavishly with depictions of Everlasting Dragons returning to are considered to be adjacent to nodes located adjacent to
reclaim what the Lords had taken. the opposite wall(s). When a player destroys a barrel,
Players cannot heal wounds. Magic attacks deal 1 they may place an item from the inventory into the
additional damage. If each player has at least 1 wound, Treasure Deck and shuffle the deck. They then draw two
destroy the barrel to find a Blood Gem. cards from the top of the Treasure Deck and choose 1 to
place in the inventory.
Temple of the Deeps – This massive hall is a tribute to
both deities who guard the First Flame as well as tyrants of High Wall of Lothric – Lothric once stood alone as a
the Dark. Far in the past, it was a popular house of worship testament to might and conquest, a mountainside of polished
for residents of the Boreal Valley. If you kneel to give woods, marble, and silver. As you stand at its border wall
reverence at the altar, be mindful of whom you pray to. and look long upon its lifeless retreat into obsolescence, you
recognize it as a monumental but forgotten shell. The coming
When adjacent to the gravestone at the end of a player's of the Age of Dark must be inevitable if a kingdom like
activation, check Faith. On success, add a random Lothric fell with such a soft whimper.
treasure from the current boss to your inventory. On
failure, remove the location and replace it with Any time a player moves from an outermost node to a
Desecrated Church, setting up that encounter as normal non-outermost node due to a dodge, they take 1 damage.
with player models unmoved and player boards Attacks by models that start their turn on outermost
unaltered. nodes gain +1 damage provided the attack is against a
model in a non-outermost node and is at 0 range.
Sentinel's Wrath – Echoes of long dead practitioners of
sorcery can still be faintly heard in this hallway. They were

barrel was destroyed on the same activation the
Level 3 encounter was defeated, you may repeat this process.
Central Irithyll – An elegant stone fountain gleams with Dilapidated Bridge – The wide bridge leads to several
frost in the center of a once-bustling square of a once- spires with open doorways, but getting there will be
prosperous city. Even before these tenuous twilight years of treacherous. As the foes step toward you, the bridge begins to
the Age of Fire, Irithyll suffered unforgiving winters; a steep crumble beneath their feet, and bits of wood and rope tumble
price for the picturesque locale. into the gorge below. You eye a pillar and crossbar that seems
Each player enters this encounter with a Frostbite token. to support some parts of the bridge. Clever footing and a
strong blow could compromise the planks supporting the
Silent Tombs – The frigid air hangs so quietly in this malevolent soldiers.
graveyard that the displacement of small pebbles underfoot
causes a racket for the delicate ears of the blind, motionless Models may not move onto outermost nodes that are
Hollowed demons. A careless clang of your sword would only adjacent to 1 wall. If the barrel is destroyed, all
spring them into action, sending them leaping over models on outermost nodes die.
headstones to the source of the sound. Untended Graves – As you pass into a silent graveyard, an
Enemies do not activate on their turn. Each time a old blind woman you recognize from the border of Majula
player moves to a node or completes an attack, check passes, hooded and carrying a small pack of supplies. She turns
Dexterity. If the result of the roll does not meet or and cackles, looking in your direction, hazy eyes searching:
exceed the dodge value of an enemy's attack, that enemy “Ha! Travelling Hollow. What folly to find yourself here.
activates immediately. When adjacent to the gravestone, How foolish to live in this age. Step hither and scratch at the
a player may spend 1 Stamina to add a die to dodge rolls fraying threads of time. Undo a misstep and add kindling to
on their turn. the First Flame, however small.”
Desecrated Church – A strange person with an Upon completing this encounter, players may spend 1
androgynous voice is in this small church. They look puzzled spark to decrease all their skill attributes to Base level
and tentative as their eyes dart between you and the altar: and gain the number of souls equal to the cost of their
“Oh, it’s you, I’m sure I’ve seen you before. I hesitate to pray total skill investment to this point.
here, with or without these Hollowed beasts. Who knows Profane Shrine – Entering the rancid shrine is nearly
what protects them; what protects us? If Horace were here, I’d intolerable due to a dense iron stench from the blood that coats
feel bolder.” the cobblestone floor and soaks through the soles of your boots.
When adjacent to the gravestone at the end of a player's Though evidence of rituals and sacrifice is abundant, you see
activation, check Faith. On success, remove the location no idols or statues of tribute. Patrons of this place revere
and replace it with Temple of the Deeps, setting up that magic, but are godless.
encounter as normal with player models unmoved and Players with Tier 1 or greater Faith start with 1 wound.
player boards unaltered. On failure, reset this encounter Players with Tier 1 or greater Intelligence gain 3
with player models unmoved and player boards Stamina at the start of their activation instead of 2.
unaltered. All enemies' Health values are doubled.
Cemetary of Ash – Once you break through the wall of
Wretched Gardens – A small lush valley. It looks like an shields and upturned tables that sealed this tomb, you discover
outpost; maybe a strategic location for soldiers that fought to the purpose of the barricade. The creatures inside have
bring about or uphold the Age of Fire. There are weapons in characteristic boils on their dead flesh. All bear the curse, but
and around the bushes, but they are unusable, either rusted or these bodies are more broken and diseased than most. You
shattered. Pieces of parchment spill haphazardly across the recognize the sores as being common in particularly
floor, some torn. You pick a sheet up, but it’s written in script unhygienic areas of New Londo.
you don’t recognize.
Each time an enemy dies, place a Poison token where
When destroying a barrel, find Kukris. their model was. Players that pass over this token gain it.
Empty Crypt – Each sarcophagus in this damp crypt is ajar. When a player destroys the barrel, on the enemies' next
You can see a coloured glow from within one of them, faintly activation, they may gain Poison tokens that are on the
illuminating an iron breastplate nearby that is cleaved across tile.
its midsection. Pit of the Dead – This cavernous pit is piled high with
When gaining treasure upon completing this encounter, mountainous stacks of bodies. You hear clacks of shivering
you may instead draw cards from the Treasure Deck bones and a low, dull rumble deep in the distance. You
until you find a gem. Place that gem into your inventory, stumble on an errant bone and knock into a hill of dried
return other cards to the Treasure Deck, and shuffle the corpses, which slide downward and block your path.
Treasure Deck. If the barrel was destroyed on the same Each time an enemy dies, place a damage marker where
activation the encounter was defeated, you may remove a their model was. Models cannot enter this node.
gem from an item.
Perished Depths – Each soldier standing in your path
Lost Shrine – A narrow hallway adorned with brass goblets emits a subtle black haze that swallows the thin spears of
on finely carved mahogany pillars. A tattered, violet velvet light that shoot from drooping lit candles. They are acolytes of
runway leads to a sturdy table that holds a large wooden the Age of Dark, those who bear nothing but scorn for Gwyn
bowl and an enormous book that easily obscures a third of the and his ilk, whom they deem betrayers of Man and
table space. It smells strongly of toasted dusk herb. harbingers of the Undead Curse.
When gaining treasure upon completing this encounter, Models deal +N damage on attacks, where N is the total
you may instead remove an equipped spell or a spell in number of sparks used by the party since the beginning
the inventory from the game to draw cards from the of the game.
Treasure Deck until you find a spell. Place that spell into
your inventory and shuffle the Treasure Deck. If the
Weapon Arts
Weapon Arts are weapons and spell specific skills
players may use to aid them in battle. Weapons/Spells
To use a Weapon Art, a player must spend a Weapon Avelyn – You may consolidate repeat actions on this
Art token. The effect listed below triggers in addition to attack to use those dice on the same attack instead,
an action or attack the player makes with that weapon or however you choose.
spell, unless otherwise noted. The player still must pay
the Stamina cost for the chosen attack. Balder Side Sword – You may treat this weapon as a
two-handed weapon to add a blue die to this attack.
Weapon Art tokens can be obtained by either spending 1
Soul at the Bonfire per token, or flipping a player’s Battle Axe – Add a black die for each enemy targeted by
Heroic Action token to gain 1 token. Each player may your attack.
carry a maximum of 4 Weapon Art tokens at a time. Bountiful Light – Instead, gain 1 Stamina and 1
Each Weapon Art costs 1 Weapon Art token to use. Health.
Weapon Arts for legendary and boss treasures cost 2 Bountiful Sunlight – Instead, gain 3 Stamina and 3
Weapon Art tokens to use. Health.
Weapon Arts including instead indicate that they Brigand Axe – Also use a least-cost attack with an Axe
replace the chosen action or aspect referenced. Weapon in your Backup Slot for half Stamina cost.
Arts including also trigger in addition to the action
taken. Broadsword – Re-roll attack dice up to N times, where
N is the number of spaces you moved this turn.
If a Weapon Art refers to “half cost”, the cost is rounded
up, unless the cost is 0, in which case it remains 0. Caestus – Also use a least-cost attack from a one-
handed weapon in your backup slot for half Stamina
Carthus Curved Sword – If this attack kills an enemy or
As an example, a player decreases a boss's health to below its Heat Up value, use
using the Dragonslayer this Weapon Art to attack again at half cost.
Spear uses the first 4 Claymore – If you do not move this turn, this attack
Stamina cost attack gains a black die and Stagger.
against an enemy, and
adds two Weapon Arts Composite Bow – Pay 2 Stamina to add 1 repeat icon to
tokens to trigger a this attack.
Weapon Art (since it is Dancer's Enchanted Swords – Pay 2+N Stamina to add
a boss weapon). They 1 repeat icon to this attack, where N is the number of
first resolve the effect times you have used this effect this activation. You may
designated by that repeat this as many times as you like.
attack, then they make a
second attack against an Dark Sword – Push the target enemy 1 space and add
enemy at range 2 or 3 Stagger to this attack.
with the effect
designated by the 0 Dragon Tooth – Add Stagger to this attack. Add a black
Stamina cost attack. die to your next block.
Dragonslayer Spear – Also apply the lesser cost attack to
an enemy 2 or 3 nodes away.
Dragonslayer's Axe – Also apply the lesser cost attack to
an enemy 2 or 3 nodes away.
Since the Swordsword’s
Weapon Art specifically Drake Sword – Push an enemy on the tile 1 node in any
mentions a trigger for direction.
using the Art, this
player may make a guess Estoc – Move 1 space and decrease target enemy's Block
at their Block roll value by 1 for the duration of your attack. You must re-roll
before spending a your next successful Dodge roll.
Weapon Art token. If Falchion – Instead, for the cost of the greater attack, use
they are successful, they the lesser attack, move 1 space, and then use the greater
may spend 1 Weapon attack.
Art token to resolve the
Shortsword’s Weapon Fireball – Add a Poison token to enemies targeted by
Art effect this attack.
Firebombs – Use blue dice instead of black dice for this
attack. Then shuffle Firebombs back into the Treasure

Force – Enemies pushed by this spell also gain a Stagger Heal Aid – Add a repeat icon to this action.
Irithyll Rapier – Before your attack, move 1 space and
Fume Ultra Greatsword – Push the target enemy 1 decrease target enemy's Block by 1 for the duration of
space and add Stagger to this attack, even if the target is your attack.
a boss.
Irithyll Straight Sword – Guess the value of a Block roll
Gargoyle Tail Axe – Add a blue die for each enemy you make. If your guess is within 1 of the value rolled,
targeted by your attack. you may use this Weapon Art to make an attack with the
Irithyll Striaght Sword, paying half the Stamina cost.
Gargoyle's Halberd – Target an enemy and move
directly toward them before this attack until you are in Kukris – Also add Poison to this attack.
range. Pay Stamina to get to the node if you ran to get
there. Each enemy that shared a node with you during Long Sword – Guess the value of a Block roll you make.
this movement is also targeted by this attack. If you are correct, you may use this Weapon Art to make
an attack with the Long Sword, paying half the Stamina
Gotthard Twinswords – Pay 2 Stamina to add 1 repeat cost.
icon to this attack.
Lothric's Holy Sword – Also apply the lesser cost attack
Great Mace – The next time you take damage, reduce it to enemies on each node in a straight line between you
by the value of this attack. and the end of the tile.
Great Machete – Add 1 damage to this attack or regain Lucerne – Deal 2 black dice -1 damage to an enemy
1 Health. adjacent to you before this attack.
Great Magic Weapon – Add a Frostbite token to Moonlight Greatsword – Also apply the lesser cost
enemies that share a node with you this activation. attack to enemies on each node in a straight line between
you and the end of the tile.
Great Wooden Hammer – Instead, for the cost of the
greater attack, use the lesser attack against an adjacent Morning Star – The next time you take damage, reduce
enemy, move 1 space, and then use the greater attack. it by the value of this attack.
Greataxe – Add a black die for each enemy targeted by Murakumo – Apply this attack instead to up to two
your attack. enemies adjacent to you.
Halberd – Target an enemy and move directly toward Partizan – Deal 2 black dice -1 damage to an enemy
them before this attack until you are in range. Pay adjacent to you before this attack.
Stamina to get to the node if you ran to get there. Each
enemy that shared a node with you during this Poison Mist – Increase this spell's range by 1.
movement is also targeted by this attack. Rapier – If this attack damage exactly equals an enemy's
Heal – Instead, you may apply both effects for the cost Block value, you may use this Weapon Art to add 2 to
of the greater effect. the damage of this attack.

Reinforced Club – Add Stagger to this attack. Add a Thrall Axe – Move up to 2 spaces for free after this
black die to your next block. attack.
Replenishment – Instead, you may apply both effects for Titanite Catch Pole – This attack gains +2 damage if
the cost of the greater effect. Titanite Catch Pole has been upgraded with any type of
Titanite. Otherwise, it gains +1 damage.
Rotten Ghru Dagger – Also add Bleed to this attack.
Umbral Dagger – Also use a least-cost attack with a
Saint Bident – Target an enemy and move directly weapon in your Backup Slot with a -1 modifier on at
toward them before this attack. Pay Stamina to get to the least one of its attacks at half Stamina cost.
node if you ran to get there. Each enemy that shared a
node with you during this movement is also targeted by Warpick – Recover stamina equal to the amount of
this attack. damage done by this attack.
Santier's Spear – Spend a Weapon Art token to break Washing Pole – Choose one: Apply Stagger to all
the head of Santier's Spear during this attack (this effect adjacent enemies, or apply post-Block/Resist damage
persists for the remainder of the game). If the head is you take from a single source on your next activation to
broken, you may use this Weapon Art to use the that source instead.
Weapon Art effect of Spear, Carthus Curved Sword, or
Gotthard Twinswords. Winged Knight Halberd – Pay 2+N Stamina to add 1
repeat icon to this attack, where N is the number of
Scimitar – Before your attack, move 1 space and times you have used this effect this activation. You may
decrease target enemy's Block by 1 for the duration of repeat this as many times as you like.
your attack. You must re-roll your next successful Dodge
roll. Winged Knight Twin Axes – Pay 2+N Stamina to add
1 repeat icon to this attack, where N is the number of
Shortsword – Guess the value of a Block roll you make. times you have used this effect this activation. You may
If you are correct, you may use this Weapon Art to make repeat this as many times as you like.
an attack with the Shortsword, paying half the Stamina
cost. Winged Spear – Spend a Stamina to re-roll an attack
die. You may repeat this as many times as you like.
Silver Knight Straight Sword – Examine your highest
attribute value. If it is Strength, add Stagger to this Zweihander – Push the target enemy 1 space and add
attack. If it is Dexterity, add Bleed to this attack. If it is Stagger to this attack.
Intelligence, add Poison to this attack. If it is Faith, add
Frostbite to this attack. You may choose in the event of
ties. This attack's range is 1.
Smough's Hammer – Gain 1 blue die of Health instead
of 1 black die.
Soothing Sunlight – Increase this spell's range by 1.
Sorcerer's Staff – Instead, draw cards from the Treasure
Deck until you find a spell. Activate the lesser action on
that spell for free, or spend another Weapon Art token
to use the greater action for free. Return it to the
Treasure Deck and shuffle the Treasure Deck.
Soul Arrow – Apply the weaker Soul Arrow attack to
enemies between you and the target of this attack.
Soulstream – Also apply the least cost action to an
enemy adjacent to your target.
Spear – Target an enemy and move directly toward them
before this attack until you are in range. Pay Stamina to
get to the node if you ran to get there. Each enemy that
shared a node with you during this movement is also
targeted by this attack.
Spiked Mace – Instead, for the cost of the greater
attack, use the lesser attack against an adjacent enemy,
move 1 space, and then use the greater attack.
Spotted Whip – Increase this attack's range by 1.
Decrease the target's Block value by 2-N for the duration
of the attack where N is the node distance to your target.
Sunlight Straightsword – Use a 0 cost action of this
weapon in addition to this attack. Instead of spending
Weapon Art tokens for this Weapon Art, give them to
other players.
Talisman – Instead, you may apply both effects for the
cost of the greater effect.

Broken Passageway
Scenarios are single-session, pre-defined missions that
take your party through a dungeon only once through You are encouraged by your success in battle, even if only
pre-selected encounters and culminate in a boss fight. If against the most vulnerable of creatures. You backtrack a
players die during an encounter, they use one spark and short distance and take advantage of a small crevice in the
reset player boards, but do not reset completed wall to ascend the winding stone staircase you noticed earlier.
encounters and do not lose accumulated souls. Unlike A soft shuffle of steel from above echoes down the narrow
the standard rules, each scenario will provide you with corridor you ascend through as sunlight begins to pour
specific gear to ensure you are prepared for the final through the opening at the top of the stairs. As you emerge,
battle, as well as opportunities to earn bonuses along the you notice that it is a surprisingly small platform that holds
way for good performance. multiple foes.
Each scenario may have particular modifiers, theme, and Encounter rules: All attacks have a Range of +1. Before
win conditions. Unless otherwise specified, scenarios the encounter, the party may choose to fight the Silver
follow core rules, but are compatible with other extended Knight Swordsman as a Black Knight. If they do,
rules outlined in this document. Any rewards for remove all enemies except the Black Knight. The Black
completion of encounters apply in addition to typical Knight has the same stats as the Silver Knight
soul rewards unless otherwise noted. Swordsman, except it has +2 health and deals 7 damage
instead of 5.
The Undead Parish Reward for completion: Each player may flip their
Estus Flask token if it is used.
You are called upon to ring the bell atop the high tower that
juts out above the skyline. Hopeless Hollows cannot If the party defeated a Black Knight, search the Treasure
extinguish hope of keeping the Flame alight along the Deck for a Silver Knight Straight Sword or Black
cobblestone path that leads there, lest you make a grave Armour (whichever is nearest to the top of the deck) and
misstep. You take your first stride down this path, feeling the a Titanite Shard or Chloranthy Ring (whichever is
give of fresh moss that peeks out between cracks in the ground nearest to the top of the deck), and place them in the
beneath your tired leather boots, likely some of the last to party’s inventory. Then, shuffle the Treasure Deck.
sprout in this world.
Ongoing rules: Set each player’s class-specific non- Sentinel’s Wrath
transposed treasure aside (do not shuffle into the main An uncommonly enormous enemy stands between you and the
Treasure Deck). Players cannot use souls to draw narrow ladder that leads up the tower which holds the bell
treasures or increase stats unless otherwise noted. you are tasked with ringing. From your point of view, the
stoic behemoth’s height barely obscures the top of the massive
Ruined Keep stone wall behind it. Despite the soldier’s imposition, you
have every intention of climbing that ladder.
You come upon a spiral staircase that presumably leads to a
clearing on a tall pillar. It’s common for these outposts to be Reward for completion: Each player draws a treasure
guarded by well-regarded knights. Further down the path, from their class-specific treasure deck at random.
there are a small group of pitiable Hollows. You decide to face Increase their stats such that it is legal for them to equip
the frail soldiers first; best not to push one’s luck. the treasure.
Reward for completion: Each player draws a treasure Players may spend accumulated souls drawing treasure
from their class-specific treasure deck at random. from the Treasure Deck or increasing stats after this
Increase their stats such that it is legal for them to equip encounter is complete.
the treasure.
Boss Fight: The Bell Gargoyles
Shattered Dungeon As you pull your tired body past the ladder and stop the perch,
As you progress, you come upon a poorly lit structure that you take a spare moment to indulge in a view of the sunlit
creaks from its own weight. The moaning from blind, idiot countryside and long-crumbled kingdom around you. The
Hollows fills the space that the light fails to occupy. The brick calming silence is quickly dissolved as you hear cracking of
and wood dungeon is littered with barrels. There are likely stone. The place you stand quickly grows cool and shaded. You
too many to examine them all, but perhaps something useful look skyward and instead of the harsh sun, see a massive
could be found with some luck. silhouette with vast, outstretched wings, stone dust erupting
from their worn green flesh.
Encounter rules: Each time the party breaks a barrel,
roll a Dodge die. On success, the party gains 1 soul. Encounter rules: When the Gargoyle is defeated, the
party may gain the Gargoyle’s treasure if they haven’t
Reward for completion: Each player draws a treasure already, may take the opportunity to equip the treasure,
from their class-specific treasure deck at random. and each player may flip their Estus Flask token if it is
Increase their stats such that it is legal for them to equip already used. They must then defeat the Gargoyle again
the treasure. (it spawns at the designated mini-boss spawn point, but
players stay in their current location.)

The Path to Lothric Castle Perished Depths
Old Lothric beckons. Days of bustling commerce have long You follow a cobblestone walkway which yields to archways
faded, but there is still a patchwork of stumbling life. Sane and ostensibly the cathedral that holds the Basin, if the
residents stay shuttered in their homes, rations surely running crippled old man’s words held any truth. Ahead there is a
low. Such an injustice that the gaunt idiot hollows enjoy the small ensemble of fiends, both pitiable and fearsome. To your
bask of a warm sun and the grain of ancient wood on their right there is an imposing fountain, decorated with the bodies
feet. You haven’t been here since you were young, and are of venerable knights. You can’t see its wielder which stands
shocked how barren it has become even in that short period. behind the wall that gives way to the fountain courtyard, but
The dawn feels dimmer now. a great halberd crashes into the knights’ corpses, cleaving most
of them in two with the single blow.
The shattered old man lying in the road around the perimeter
mumbled about the Basin of Vows. The Basin is your Encounter rules: You may replace the encounter tile
birthright, as the descendent of an old Lothric knight. It must with the mini-boss tile. Instead face the Winged Knight.
reside among these parched spires. The Winged Knight’s special effect text does not apply,
and dies one it reaches 12 health.
Ongoing rules: Set up the game according to the
Extended Rules for playing a Main Boss dungeon, with Reward for completion of encounter: Players may flip
the following exceptions: 1.) Do not choose a main boss, their Estus Flask tokens if they are already used.
2.) Set the class transposed treasures aside rather than Reward for defeating the Winged Knight: Each player
shuffling them into the Treasure Deck. gains 1 soul and an Ember token, in addition to the
reward for completing the encounter.
High wall of Lothric
What a marvel this view still is! The dramatic, sloping Desecrated Church
architecture looks stoic like a flayed martyr. It is impossible You push hard and throw open the doors to the church. There
not to be held enraptured. Although you’re soon reminded is very little light now that twilight descends, save a
that this is no sanctuary by a plume of black smoke that rises flickering lamp at the alter past the pews. It’s enough to let
up the wall you look down upon. Over the ledge is a clearing the coloured panes of stained glass adorning the walls dance,
about two meters below, where mad devotees roast an bringing life to their images depicting old saints and a rich
unfortunate soul. Their milky, entranced eyes meet yours. daily life not known in Lothric for centuries, perhaps longer.
Encounter rules: Any time a player moves from an An enrobed woman crouched by the lamp rises and then leans
outermost node to a non-outermost node due to a dodge, back into an ornately decorated wooden throne. On her lap is
they take 1 damage. Attacks by models that start their the Basin, cradled by the violet fabric of her wares.
turn on outermost nodes gain +1 damage provided the Reward for completion: Each player draws a treasure
attack is against a model in a non-outermost node and is from their class-specific transposed treasure deck at
at 0 range. random. Increase their stats such that it is legal for them
Reward for completion: Each player draws a treasure to equip the treasure.
from their class-specific transposed treasure deck at If the party freed the Lothric Knight, defeated the
random. Increase their stats such that it is legal for them Winged Knight, and did not spend any souls, they may
to equip the treasure. spend all of their souls to acquire the Dancer of the
Boreal Valley’s treasure.
Prison Tower
You pass through the clearing and avert your sight from the Boss Fight: Dancer of the Boreal
body that still lightly smolders, making your way into a dim, Valley
musty dwelling. As you navigate through and descend a long
ladder, a doorway at the end of the hall beneath you emits a You approach the woman at the chair and your eyes dart
momentary glow as a deep rumble knocks dust from the stone quickly to the Basin of Vows. She knows that while your
wall at eye level. You proceed and cautiously peer around the lineage is that of a honourable Lothric guardian, the kindness
corner and out the doorway. Your gaze follows a short in your heart has rotted from this sick, pale shell of a
stairway to your left that leads up to a tall platform, adorned kingdom, and your patience extinguished. Her fingertips
by a massive wyvern that wraps itself around a towering whiten as she grips the lip of the Basin tightly. Neither you
prison chamber. On the platform is a cage that holds a man nor she knows if it was to protect the Basin or to grimace
in full Lothric uniform. You don’t know whether your mind while your drive the sword between her ribs.
can stand to watch the man burned alive. You’re immediately unsettled as she dies with a narrow
Encounter rules: Players that begin their turn on a non- smirk. As you take the Basin, the ambient chatter from
outermost node and end their turn on a non-outermost Lothric grows quiet and distant while the air turns thick and
node take 7 magic damage from the wyvern (which may dreamlike. You spin around sickly and with great effort as
be blocked or dodged). Any model in the same node as a though drugged. As vertigo eases its grip, you look skyward to
player who is attacked by the wyvern is attacked as well. see a vast, elegant titan that nearly scrapes the roof of the
If a player ends their turn on a purple node and spends 1 massive hall. Her grace is beautiful and terrible, a draping
Stamina, they may free the Lothric Knight. caged crown hides her face.
Reward for completion: Each player draws a treasure The profaned goddess commences her dance; a grand, black
from their class-specific transposed treasure deck at mass.
random. Increase their stats such that it is legal for them Encounter rules: A player that has the Dancer’s
to equip the treasure. Enchanted Swords and Dancer Armour equipped does
not pass the Aggro Token.

Precision Checks
Precision Checks are a mechanism by which players can
get an extra bonus at a risk. They are non-random Below are several actions in the game that are relevant
memory challenges that test players’ awareness of the for Precision Checks.
game state, and reward them for success.
Before the game, randomly choose a boss behavior deck Cycle
that is not currently being used. Shuffle all behavior If a player does not move or use an action with an item
cards together and draw 7. in either hand or Backup Slot on their turn, they may
One at a time, discard each card as though the boss cycle. They flip over any discarded cards on top of the
performed each attack. Without shuffling, flip the deck Precision Deck, and then Cycle the Precision Deck.
over and set it aside. It is considered the Precision Deck.
This process is called Cycling the Precision Deck. Focus
When Precision Test is triggered, roll one die of each Before a player makes guesses, they may pay N souls to
color. Discard cards from the Precision Deck equal to decrease a Precision Check’s difficulty by N.
the swords shown on the dice, flipping the deck over
before drawing if there are no cards left to draw. Then, Parry/Riposte
the player must guess the following attributes of each When a player is attacked, they may choose to spend 1
behaviour icon on the next behaviour card, in the order Stamina to Parry and Riposte.
that they appear:
Parry/Riposte is a Precision Check (N), where N is the
• Printed damage done by the behaviour icon. If Dodge value of the parried attack. This Precision Check
the damage is part of a push that also includes can never have a difficulty of less than 1.
movement, the damage and movement for that
icon can be declared in any order. • On success, the parrying player takes no damage
from the attack and may pay to perform an
• Printed movement shown on the behaviour attack on the attacking model if it is in range.
icon. If the boss Leaps, it is considered infinite Then, shuffle and Cycle the Precision Deck.
• On failure, the parrying player takes all damage
The difficulty of the check indicates the number of
from the attack.
consecutive cards the parrying player must guess correctly
to succeed the check. The difficulty is noted next to the
check (e.g., Precision Check (2) is a difficulty 2 check). Critical Hit
If the player was incorrect about any value, the check was When a player kills an enemy, they may pay N Stamina
considered a failure. Otherwise, it is considered a success. to attempt a Precision Check (N), where N is any
number between 1 and 4.
• On success, the player gains N Weapon Art
• On failure, shuffle and Cycle the Precision

On another player’s turn, a player may assist that player
by choosing an action with an item equipped in either
hand. They then attempt a Precision Check (N), where
N is 1 or the amount of Stamina the action costs,
whichever is greater.
• On success, the player’s action is successfully
performed. Then, shuffle and Cycle the
Precision Deck.
• On failure, the player instead attacks the
assisted player if the action taken was an attack.
The assisted player may Block that attack. If the
A player makes a Precision Check (1). They roll each action taken was not an attack, the item is
color dice and the total shows 5 swords. They draw 5 immediately placed in the party’s inventory.
cards from the Precision Deck and then guess the next
card. They guess 2 movement, 5 damage. They then
flip the next card, which shows Blade Dance. Because
they have correctly guessed, and the check only has a
difficulty of 1, the check is considered a success.

Coliseum is a competitive arena variant that pits players
against 1 another to see who can emerge from the
Returning to the Bonfire
dungeon with the greatest number of souls. When players return to the bonfire, players may take one
of the following actions:
Objective Upkeep
The game ends when the boss is dead. The player with
the greatest number of souls at that point wins. • Recover Health/Stamina.
• Buy treasure and/or equip gear: If multiple
Map Placement/Encounters players rest at the bonfire and wish to buy
The fog door to the boss is placed adjacent to the treasure, the player with the least souls gets first
bonfire. priority to buy 1 treasure and/or equip gear
from the inventory. Priority then proceeds in a
When an encounter is defeated, each player chooses clockwise fashion, with each player able to buy
whether to begin participating in combat in the next 1 piece of treasure and/or equip gear before
encounter or return to the bonfire. This resolves passing priority to the player on their left. This
simultaneously (see Turns below). continues until all players are done buying
treasure and equipping gear.
When all encounters have been defeated, draw new
encounter cards and return all players to the bonfire (or • Upgrade stats.
the first room if a player chooses to begin participating in
combat). Refresh

If players open a treasure chest as part of an encounter, • Refresh all tokens on the player display, akin to
the treasure goes immediately to the inventory (players using a Spark in the core ruleset. This does not
do not get a chance to equip until they return to the include Health/Stamina.
bonfire). Once this process is finished, players may remain in the
Players do not heal Health or Stamina when passing Bonfire tile to take another Bonfire action on their next
between encounters. Enemies (including bosses) do not turn, or return to the encounter on a valid entry node.
heal unless cards indicate otherwise, even if players die.
Soul Rewards
Turns Souls are not shared between players.
Players all act simultaneously. They may take their turns Souls are not accumulated upon beating encounters.
in order for simplicity and clarity, but turns resolve Players rather gain 1 soul per damage done to an enemy.
simultaneously. Players do not gain extra souls for doing damage beyond
Turns alternate as such: an amount that would kill an enemy.
• Enemies’ turn. If players simultaneously target the same enemy, they
both receive souls for doing damage (up to the amount of
• Players’ turn (all players). Health remaining on the enemy) and the enemy takes
the greatest number of damage dealt by a player this
The first Aggro token goes to the player with the highest turn. For example, if a Large Hollow Soldier has 2
taunt value, then proceeds around the table in a Health remaining, Player 1 does two attacks that deal a
clockwise fashion for the remainder of the game. If the total of 4 damage, and Player 2 does an attack that deals
player with the Aggro token is not in an encounter 3 damage, they receive 2 and 2 souls respectively and the
during an enemy activation, enemies attack the next Large Hollow Soldier is dead. If the Large Hollow
most appropriate player (typically by distance or taunt). Soldier has 5 Health remaining, they receive 4 and 3
On the players’ turn, a player may participate in combat souls respectively and the Large Hollow Soldier has 1
or return to the bonfire, but not both. Health left.

Deaths Node Model Limit

Sparks are infinite. Nodes may temporarily have more than 3 models
provided there are not more than two enemies on the
The death of a player results in each opposing player node, and it is the players’ turn. This is to resolve
gaining 4 souls. On their next turn, they must return to multiple players attacking the same model. As soon as
the Bonfire and take the Upkeep action. the players’ turn is over, all players must return from the
node that is over the limit to the node they came from.
Friendly Buffs
If a player’s item or ability would cause a positive effect Team Variant
to other players, they may choose to not apply that effect All rules are the same, but teams share souls.
to other players.


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