Possible Future Inventions in 2056

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Possible future inventions in 2056: Will won’t, might.

About the possible future inventions we will have so many gadgets for the day
to day as a flexible smartphone, a phone capable to be put like it were a watch,
also it might to be harder than the actual smartphone and resistant the water, it
already exists similar inventions like the smart watch that it have a tactile
screen, other thing we will have is solar chargers for all-type gadgets, from
cellphones until a entire house and all it’s machines inside, the solar panels
have a great capacities of clean energy if we are able to use it and exploit the
most of it, this is a plan that the companies is projecting for 2100, people drive
vehicles recharged only for clean energy, solar, Eolic, hydraulic, geothermal,
etc. One invention that might be revolutionary is traductor earphones, un gadget
that let the customer the ability to understand many languages in immediate
way, the expert people say that they even need access to internet, an
improvement in the way how we communicate each other, and that means that
we won’t need languages academies. Among all the inventions the most
necessary is a collector of contamination, a machine might to purify the air that
we breath, something that actually any cities in the world need, who’s that have
excess of polluting fumes from vehicles, chimneys and heaters, we are waiting
the company put it working soon. There will have inventions that when we hear
them looks like miracles, for example, glasses will enable to see the blind
people, mechanism might the people with incapacities take control of their own
body, computers that will give medical diagnoses and detect illness, made
pneumatics unable of puncture and they will have a superior path, other typical
invention that the humanity wait to have in the future for the movies is assistant
robots, flying cars, ultrasonic planes and chips put inside of our bodies. Other
invention that already exists today but it’s not accessible for all it’s the 3D
printers, in the future those will be as accessible as the common printers, from
the point of view ecologic we will have gardens in house, one technology that
we use is the drones, actually this gadgets are used for cops, militaries, farmers
in the application of pesticides and fertilizers, even for general public that they
use them as toys, in the future the drones might be even transporters for people
and delivery serviced, always controlled to distance, connected for internet,
speaking about internet, it will be bright big advances in the storage capacity
thanks the cloud, which is a virtual space of storage a uncalculated quantity of
data without the necessity to have a gadget USB, something that put us in
doubts when we forgot it or lost it, this invent will bright the improvement to don’t
need physical gadgets that later or soon it might last as polluting waste.

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