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LEAF cell Root hair cell Onion cell Jobs Have different shape to suit Can contain 3 extra

chloroplasts vacuole

Cell division by GROW Help things

skin e.g. Collect together to make

ORGANS e.g. Heart Sperm cell Hairy cell nerve cell blood cell

TISSUES collect together to make

Usually made up of 3 PARTS

ANIMAL cells

PLANT cells

can be seen using a microscope

nucleus cell wall cytoplasm which are the dots in the cell is the brain of the cell

Used to view cells by Robert Hooke

Cell membrane

which Surrounds the cell

which Protects the cell

7A CELLS topic
You have been given a CONCEPT MAP which has been made by a Year 7 group to help them to remember the main facts about cells. Unfortunately, they have NOT included all the information they need AND some of the information is NOT correct. YOU HAVE A CHOICE: EITHER Try to IMPROVE and CORRECT the concept map. Make sure that you indicate with a TICK those parts that you think are CORRECT and a CROSS beside any part that you think is INCORRECT. You may ADD as much detail as you like in the form of words or drawings. OR Develop your OWN concept map including as much information as you can in words and/or drawings.


(complex for cells as higher level concept however can make judgment on ability to extract information, recognise words and add information) Level 3 Will not recognise that some parts are incorrect and will try to correct information that is already correct, will tick most parts, will add little extra information but may add diagrams of cells or simple descriptions e.g. Sperm cell for making babies. Own concept map will be a COPY of the one given with some drawings. Level 4 Will use more scientific words in added details eg. Sperms used for reproduction, should spot that hairy cell is not scientific but may not know correct term, will identify most correct parts, will not identify cell wall/membrane as incorrect or skin. Should recognise that dots in cell is not scientific enough but may not correct appropriately. Own map will contain all keywords with an attempt at description. Level 5 Will recognise that cell wall and cell membrane are in wrong areas and may include fairly accurate drawings of plant and animal cells. Must add that tissues are a collection of similar/same cells. Should recognise skin as incorrect and add suitable tissue eg. Muscle, nerve Add simple detail about function of cell parts e.g. chloroplasts used to produce food, vacuole full of cell sap etc Level 6 Add more detail about parts of cell re. Nucleus..Controls the cell (not brain), chloroplast is green used in photosynthesis, cell membrane controls what enters and leaves etc. Add ciliated cell and detail about functions of cells eg. Used to filter the air, carries oxygen around the body (red blood cell etc) Most of drawings more accurate showing structure

Level 7 Add more explanation re. HOW cells are adapted for function. using evidence of cork to name cells etc All drawings accurate detail. All incorrect parts identified and corrected.

Add detail re. cell division or Hooke

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