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poop of the flagship. Thereupon, the captain- a fishbone at the end.

Those people are poor, but

general in wrath went ashore with forty armed men ingenious and very thievish, on account of which we
who bummed some forty or fifty houses i9; vith ealled those three islands the islands of Ladroni.
many boats and killed seven men. He recovered the ‘Their amusement, men and women, is to plough
small boat and we departed immediately pursuing the seas with those small boats of theirs. Those
the same course. Before we landed, some of our sick boats vesemble fucelere, but are narrower, and
men begged us if we should kill ‘any man or woman some are black, [some] white, and others red. At the
to bring the entrails to them, as they would recover side opposite the sail, they have a large piece of
immediately. When we wounded any of those wood pointed at the top, with poles Inid across it
people with our crossbow- shafts, which passed and Testing on the water, in order that the boats
completely through their loins from one side to the may sail more safely. The sail is made from palm
other, they, looking at it, pulled on the shaft now on leaves sewn together and is shaped like a lateen sail.
this and now on that side, and then drew it out, with For rudders they use a certain blade resembling a
great astonishment, and so died. Others who were hearth Shovel which have a piece of wood at the
wounded in the breast did the same, which moved end. They can change stern and bow at will, and
us to great compassion. Those people seeing us those boats resemble the dolphins which Jeap in the
departing followed us with more than one hundred water from wave to wave. Those Ladroni thought,
boats for more than one league. They approached ac- cording to the signs which they made, that there
the ships showing us fish, feigning that they would were no other people in the world but themselves.
give them to us; but then threw stones at us and "At dawn on Saturday, March sixteen, 1521, we
fled. And although the ships were under full sail, came upon a high land at a distance of three
they passed be- ‘tween them and the small boats, hundred leagues from the islands of Ladtoni—an
[fastened astern], very adroitly in those small boats island named Zamal [Samar]. The following day, the
of theirs. We saw some women in their boats who captain-general desired to land on another island
were crying out and tearing their hair, for love, I which was uninha bited and lay to the right of the
believe, of those whom we had killed. Each one of above-mentioned island, in order to be more
those people lives according to his own will, for they secure, and to get water and have some rest. He had
have no seignior. They go naked, and some are two tents set up on the shore for the sick and had a
bearded and have tied black hair that reaches to the sow killed for them. On Monday afternoon, March
waist. They wear small palm-leaf hats, as do the 18, we saw a boat coming toward us with nine men
Albanians. They are as tall as we, and well built. They in it. Therefore, the captain-general or- dered that
have no worship. They are tawny, but are born no one should move or say a word without his
white. Their teeth are xed and black, for they think permission, When those men reached the shore,
that is most beautiful. The women go naked except their chief went immediately to the captain-general,
that they wear a narrow strip of bark as thin as giving signs of joy because of our arrival. Five of the
paper, which grows between the tree and the bark most omately adorned of them remained with us,
of the palm, before their privies. They are good- while the rest went to get some others who were
looking and delicately formed, and lighter fishing, and so they all came, The captain-general,
complexioned than the men; and wear their hair seeing that they were reasonable men, ordered
which is exceedingly black, loose and hanging quite food to be set before them, and gave them red caps,
down to the ground. The women do not work in the mirrors, combs, bells, ivory, bocasine, and other
fields but stay in the house, weaving mats, baskets, things. When they saw the captain’s courtesy, they
and other things needed in their houses, from palm presented fish, a jar of palm wine which they call
leaves. They eat coconuts, camotes, birds, figs one uraca [arrack], figs more than one palm long
palm in length [bananas], sugar cane, and flying fish, [bananas], and others which were smaller and more
besides other things. They anoint the body and the delicate, and two coconuts. ‘They had nothing else
hair with coconut and beneseed oil. Their houses then but made signs with their hands that they
are all built of wood covered with planks and would bring umay or rice, and coconuts and many
thatched with leaves of the fig-tree [banana-tree] other articles of food within four days. Coconuts are
two fathoms long; and they have floors and the fruit of the palm tree. Just as we have bread,
windows. The rooms and the beds are all furnished wine, oil, and vinegar, so those people get
with the most beautiful palm-leaf mats, They sleep everything from that tree. They get wine in the
on palm straw which is very soft and fine. They use following manner. They bore @ hole into the heart
no weapons, except a kind of a epear pointed with of the said palm at the top called palmito, from
which distils a liquor which resembles white mist. saying that they would return according to their
That liquor is sweet out som subst tart, and [is promise, The island where ye were is called
gathered] in canes [of bamboo] as thick as the Jeg Hurnunu; [now Homonbon} but inasmuch as we
and thicker. They fasten the bamboo to the tree at found two springs there of the clearest water, we
evening for the morning, and in morning for the called it Acquadla da li buoni Segnialli (“the
evening. That palm bears a fruit, namely the Watering,place of Good Signs"), for there vere the
coconut, which is as large as the head or first signs of gold which we found in those districts.
thereabouts, Its outside husk is green and thicker We found a great quantity of white coral there, and
than two fingers. Certain filaments are found in that large trees with fruit ttle caller than the almond and
husk, whence is made cord for binding together resembling pine seeds. There a enyiso many palms,
their boats. Under that husk there is a bard shell, some of them good and others bed. | There sre
much thicker than the shell of the walnut, which many islands in that district, and therefore we called
they burn and’ make therefrom a powder that is them the _ archipelago of San Lazaro, as they were
useful to them Under that shell there is a white discovered on the Sunday Of St Laurus. They lie in
marrowy substance one finger in thickness, which 10 degrees of latitude toward the Arctic Pole, and in
they eat fresh with meat and fish as we do bread; a longitude of one hundred and sixty-one degrees
and it has 2 taste resembling the almond. It could be from the line of demarcation. ‘At noon on Friday,
dried and made into bread. There is a clear, sweet March 22, those men came as they had promised us
water in the middle of that marrowy substance in two boats with coconuts, sweet oranges) & jar of
which is very refreshing. When that water stands for Falmwine and a cock, in order to show us that there
a while after having been collected, it congeals and were fowls Pethat district, They exhibited great
becomes Tike an apple. When the natives wish to signs of pleasure at seeing us We purchased all
make oil, they take that coconut, and allow the those articles from them. Their seignior was 20 Old
marrowy substance and the water to putrely | Then chan who was painted [tattooed]. He wore two gold
they boil it and it becomes oil like butter. When they earrings in fis ears, and the others many gold
wish to make vinegar, they allow only the water to armlets on their arms and ker- chiefs about their
putrefy, and then place it in the sun, and 2 vinegar heads. We stayed there one week, and during “that
results like [that made from] White wine, Milk can time our-captain went ashore daily to visit the sick,
also be made from it, for we made some. We and_eveny morning gave them coconut water.
scraped that marrowy substance and then mixed “from his own hand, which com> Aorted them
the scrapings with its own water which we strained greatly. There are people living near thar island who
through a cloth, and so obtained milk like goat's have earrings in their ears so large that they can pass
milk, ‘Those palms resemble date-palins, but their arms through them. Those people are caphri,
although not smooth they are less knotty than the that is to say, heathen ‘They go naked, with a cloth
latter. A family of 10 persons can be supported on woven from the bark of a tree about theis privies,
two trees, by utilizing one of them during one week except some of the chiefs who wear cotton cloth
and the other during the other 8 days for the wine; em- broidered with silk at the ends by means of a
for if they did otherwise, the trees would dry up. needle. They are dark, fat, and painted. They anoint
They last a century. Those people became very themselves with coconut and ‘vith beneseed oil, as
familiar with us. They told us many things, their a protection against sun and wind. They have very
names and those of some of the islands that could black hair that falls to the waist, and use daggers,
be seen from that place. Their own island was called knives, and spears ornamented, large
Zuluan' and it is not very large. We took great shields, fascines,' javelins, and fishing nets that
pleasure with them, for they were very pleasant and resemble rizali, and their boats are like ours ‘On the
conversable. In order to show them greater honor, afternoon of holy Monday, the day of our Lady,
the captain-general took them to his ship and March twenty-five, while we were on the point of
showed them all his merchandise—cloves, weighing anchor, I went to the side of the ship to fish
cinnamon, pepper, ginger, nutmeg, race, gold and and putting my feet upon a yard leading, down into
all the things in the ship. He had some mortars fired the storeroom, they slipped, for it was rainy, and
for them, whereat they exhibited great fear, and consequently I fell into the sea, so that no one saw
tried to jump out of the ship. They made signs to us me. When I was all but under, my left hand
that the above said articles grew in that place where happened to catch hold of the clew- garnet of the
we were going. When they wore about er vetire mainsail, which was dangling in the water. I held on
they took their leave very gracefully and neatly, tightly, and began to cry out so lustily that I was
rescued by the small boat. I was aided not, I believe, through the slave that he desired to be cast casi with
indeed, through my merits but through the mercy of him, that is to say, brother. The king replied that he
that font of charity [the Virgin] That same day we also wished to enter the same relations with the
shaped our course toward the west southwest captain-general. Then the cap- tain showed him
between four islands, namely Cenalo, Hiunanghan, cloth of various colors, linen, coral [ornaments), and
Ibusson, and Abarien.' On Thursday morning, March many other articles of merchandise, and all the
twenty-eight, as we had seen a fire on an island the artillery, some of which he had discharged for him,
night before, we anchored near it. We saw a small whereat the natives were greatly frightened, ‘Then
boat which the natives call boloto [baroto] with the captain-general had a man armed as a soldier,
eight men in it, approaching the flagship. A slave and placed him in the midst of three men armed
belonging to the captain- general, who was a native with swords and dag: gers, who struck him on all
of Zametra [Sumatra], which was for- merly called parts of the body. Thereby was the king rendered
Taprobana, spoke to them. They immediately almost speechless. The captain-general told him
under- stood him, came alongside the ship, through the slave that one of those armed men was
unwilling to enter but taking a position at some little worth one hun- red of his own men. The king
distance. ‘The captain, seeing that they would not answered that that was a fact. The captain-general
trust us, threw them out a red cap and other things said that he had two hundred men in each ship who
tied to a bit of wood. They received them very ‘eve armed in that manner.| He showed the king
gladly, and went away quickly to advise their king., cuirasses, swords, ‘and bucklers, and had a review
About two hours later we saw two Balanghai made for him. Then he led the king to the deck of
coming. They are large boats and are so called [by the ship, that is located above at the stern; and bad
those people]. They were full of men, and their king his sea-chart and compass brought. He told the king
was in the larger of them, being seated under an through the interpreter how he had found the strait
awning of mats, When the king came near the in order to voyage thither and how many moons he
flagship, the slave spoke to him. The king had been without seeing land, whereat the ing was
understood him, for in those districts the kings knew astonished, Lastly, he told the king that he would
more languages than the other people. He ordered like, if it were pleasing to him, to send two of his
some of his men to enter the ships, but he always men with him so that he might show them some of
remained in his balanghai, at some little distance his things. The king replied that he was agreeable,
from the ship until his own men retumed; and as and I went in company with one of the other men.
soon as they returned he departed, The captain- ‘When I reached shore, the king raised his hands
general showed great honor to the men who toward the sky and then turned toward us two, We
entered the ship, and gave them some presents, for did the same toward him as did all the others. The
which the king wished before his departure to give king took me by the hand; one of his chiefs took my
the captain a large bar of gold and a basketful of companion: and thus they led us under a bamboo
ginger. The latter, however, thanked the king covering, where there was balanghai, as long as
heartily but would not accept it. In the afternoon we eighty of my palm lengths, and resembling a fusta.
went in the ships [and anchored] near the dwellings We sat down upon the stern of that balanghai,
of the king. Next day, holy Friday, the captain- constantly conversing with signs. The king's men
general sent his slave, who acted as our interpreter, stood about us in a circle with swords, daggers,
ashore in a small boat to ask the king if he had any speats, aid bucklers. The king had a plate of pork
food to have it carried to the ships; and to say that brought in and a large jar filled with wine. ‘At every
they would be well satisfied with us, for he [and his mouthful, we drank a cup of wine. The wine that
men] had come to the island as friends and not as was left Tin the cup) at any time, although that
enemies. The king came wi six or eight men in the happened but rérely, was put into a jar by itself. The
same boat and entered the ship. He embraced the king’s cup was always kept covered Prd no one else
captain-general to whom he gave three porcelain drank from it but he and I. Before the king took the
jars covered with leaves and full of raw rice, two cup to drink, he raised his clasped hands toward the
very large dorado and other things. The captain- sky, and then toward us; and when he was about to
general gave the king 2 garment of red and yellow drink, he extended the fist of his lef hand toward me
cloth made in the Turkish fashion, and a fine red (at first I thought that he was ‘about to strike me)
eap; and Fe the others (the king’s men), some knives and then drank. I did the same toward the king. They
and to others, mirrors Then the captain-general had all make those signs one toward another when they
a collation spread for them, and bad the king told drink. We ate with such ceremonies and with other
signs of friendship. 1ate meat on holy Friday, for 1 appeared as if bound with gold. He was perfumed
could not help myself. Before the supper hour T with storax and benzoin, He was tawny and painted
gave the king many things which I had brought, I all over. That island of his vas called Butuan and
wrote down the names of many things in their Calagen.'/When those kings wished to see one
language. When the king and the others saw me another, they both went t6 hunt in that island where
writing, and when I told them their words, they we were. ‘The name of the first king is Raia Colambu,
were all astonished. While engaged in that the and the second Raia Siaui. /# Early on the morning
supper hour was announced. Two large porcelain of Sunday, the last of March and Easter- day, the
dishes were brought in, one full of rice and the other captain-general sent the priest with some men to
of pork with its gravy. We ate with the same signs prepare the place where Mass was to be said;
and ceremonies, after which we went to the palace together with the interpreter to till the king that we
of the king which was built like a hayloft and was * were not going to land in order to dine with bim, but
thatched with fig and palm leaves. It was built up to say Mass. Therefore the king sent us two swine
high from the ground on huge posts of wood and it that he had had killed. When the hour for Mass
was necessary to ascend to it by means of ladders. arrived, we landed with about fifty men, without our
The king made us sit down there on a bamboo mat body armor, but carrying our other arms, and
with our legs drawn up like tailors, After half an hour dressed in our best clothes. Before we reached the
a plat- ter of roast fish cut in pieces was brought in, Shore with our boat, six pieces were discharged as a
and ginger freshly gathered, and wine, The king’s sign of peace We landed; the two kings embraced
eldest son, who was the prince, came Sver to us; the captain-general, and placed him between them,
whereupon the king told him to sit down near us, We went in marching order to the place con-
and he accordingly did so. Then two platters were secrated, which was not far from the shore. Before
brought in (one with fish and its sauce, and the other the commence ment of Mass, the captain sprinkled
with rice), so that we might eat with the prince. My the entire bodies of the two kings with musk water.
companion became intoxicated as a consequence During the Mass we made our offerings ‘The kings
Of so much drinking and eating. They used the gum went forward to kiss the cross as we did, but made
of a tree called anime wrapped in palm or fig leaves no offerings, When the body of our Lord was
for lights. The king made us a sign that he was going elevated, they remained on their knees and
to go to sleep. He left the prince with tis, and we worshipped Him with clasped hands. The ships fired
slept with the latter on a bamboo mat with pillows all their artillery at once when the body of Christ was
made of leaves. When day dawned the king came elevated, the signal having been given from the
and took me by the hand, and in that manner we shore with muskets. After the conclusion of Mass,
went to where we had had supper, in order to some of our men took communion. ‘The captain-
partake of refreshments, but the boat came to get general arranged a fencing tournament, at which
us. Before we left, the king kissed our hands with the kings were greatly pleased. Then he had a cross
great joy, and we his. One of his brothers, the king cazried in and the nails and a crown, to Which they
of another island, and three men came with us. The made immediate reverence. He told the kings
captain-general kept him to dine with us, and gave through the interpreter that they were the
him many things. Pieces of gold, of the size of standards given to him by the emperor his
walnuts and eggs, are found by sifting the earth in sovereign, so that wherever be might go be might
the island of that king whom I led to our ships. All set up those tokens. (He said) that he wish~ ed to
the dishes of that king are of gold and also some set it up in that place for their benefit, for whenever
portion of his house, as we were told by that king any of our came, they would know that we bad been
himself. According to their customs he was very there by that cross, and would do nothing to
grandly decked out, and the finest look ing man that displease them or harm their property. If any of
we saw among those people. His hair was their men were captured, they would be set free
exceedingly black, aad bung to his shoulders. He bad imme- diately on that sign being shown. It was
a covering of silk on his head, and wore two large necessary to set that cross on the summit of the
golden earrings fastened in his ears. He wore a highest mountain, so that on seeing it every
cotton cloth all embroidered with silk, which morning, they might adore it; and if they did that,
covered him from the waist to the knees. At his side neither thunder, Lightning, nor storms would harm
hung a dagger, the haft of which was somewhat long them in the least. They thanked him heartily and
and all of gold, and its scabbard of Carved wood.! He [said] that they would do everything willing- ly. The
had three spots of gold on every tooth, and his teeth captain-general also had them asked whether they
were Mus- lims or beathen, or what was their belief. seven days, after which we laid our course toward
They replied that they had po other worship but the northwest, passing among five islands; namely,
raising their clasped hands and their face to the sky, Ceylon, Bobel, Canighan, Baybai, and Gatighan." In
and that they called their god “Abba.” Thereat the the last-named island of Gatighan, there are bats as
captain was very glad, and seeing that, the first king large as eagles. As it was late we Killed one of them,
raised his hands to the sky and said that be wished which resembled chicken in taste. There are doves,
that it were possible for im to make the captain see turtle-doves, parrots, and certain black birds as
bis love for him. The interpreter asked the king why large as do- mestic chickens, which have a long tail.
there war so little to eat there. The latter replied ‘The last mentioned birds lay eggs ns large as the
that be did not live in that place except when be goose, and bury them under the sand, through the
went hunting and to see his brother, but that be great heat of which they hatch out’ When the chicks
lived in another island where all his family were. The voc been, they pus up the sand, and come out,
captain-general bad him asked to declare whether Those eggs are good Te eat, There is a distance of
he had any enemies, so that be might go with his twenty Teagues from Mazaua to Ga- tighan, We set
ships to destroy them and to render them obedient out westward from Gatighan, but the king of Ma-
to bim. The king thanked him ‘and said that he did raha 1d nat follow us [closely], and consequently,
indeed have two islands hostile to him, but that i we awaited him ane hee islands; namely, Polo,
God would again allow him to retum to those Ticobon, and Pozon? When he caught up with us he
districts, he would bring so many men that he would was greatly astonished at the rapidity with cane we
make the king's enemies subject to him by force. eailed. ‘The captain-general had him come into his
“He said that he was about to go to dinnet, and that sbip nen eal of his chiefs at which they were pleased.
he would return afterward to bave the cross set up Thos did we go to Zubu from Gatighan, the distance
on the summit of the mountain, They replied that to Zubu being fifteen Teagues. At noon on Sunday,
they were satisfied, and then forming in battalion April seven, we entered the port of Zubu, passing by
and firing the muskets and the captain baving many villages, where we saw many houses built
embraced the two kings, we took our leave. highest upon logs. On approaching the city, the captain-
mountain there. When we reached the summit, the general ordered the ships to fling their banners, The
captain- general told them that he esteemed highly sails were lowered and arranged as if for battle, and
having sweated for them, for since the cross was all the artillery was fired, an action which caused
there, it could not but be them. On asking them great fear to those people. The captain sent a foster-
which port was the best to get food, they replied son of his as ambassador to the king of Zubu with
that there were three, namely, Ceylon, Zubu, and the interpreter. When they reached the city, they
Calaghann, are very heavy drinkers. Their women found a vast crowd of people together with the king,
are clad in tree cloth from re vaist down, and their all of whom had been frightened by the mortars.
bair is black and reaches to the ground. their ears ‘The in- terpreter told them that that was our
which are filled with gold. They have holes pierced custom when entering into such places, as a sign of
in t Those people are constantly chewing a fruit peace and friendship, and that we had dis- charged
which they call areca, and which resembles a pear. all our mortars to honor the king of the village. The
They cut that fruit into four parts, snd then wrap it king and all of his men were reassured, and the king
in the leaves of their tree which they call betre had us asked by his governor what we wanted, The
[betel]. ‘Those leaves resemble the leaves of the interpreter replied that his mas- ter was a captain of
mulberry They vest with a little lime, and when they the greatest king and prince in the world, and that
have chewed it thoroughly, they spit it out. It makes he was going to discover Maluco; but that he bad
the mouth exceedingly red. All the people in those come solely to visit the king because of the good
parts of the world use it, for it is very cooling to the report which he had heard of him from the king of
heart, and if they ceased to use it they would die, Mazaua, and to buy food with his mer- chandise.
There are dogs, cats, swine, fowls, goats, rice, The king told him that he was welcome but that it
ginger, coconuts, figs, oranges, lemons, millet, was their custom for all ships that entered their
panicum, sorgo, wax, and a quantity of gold in that ports to pay tribute, and that it was but four days
island. Tt lies in a latitude of nine and two-thirds since a junk from Ciama [Siam] laden with gold and
degrees toward the Arctic Pole, and in a longitude of slaves had paid him tribute. As proof of his state-
one hundred and sixty-two degrees from the line of ment the king pointed out to the interpreter, a
demarcation, It is twenty-five leagues from the merchant from Ciama, who had remained to trade
Acquada, and is called Mazaua. We remained there the gold and slaves. The inter- preter told the king
that, since his master was the captain of so great a become his friend, he should send him drop. of
king, he did not pay tribute to any seignior in the blood from his
world, and that if the king wished peace he would
right arm, and -he-himself the-same [to
have peace, but if war instead — war./Thereupon,
him] as a sign
the’ Muslim merchant said to the king “cata raia
chita”; that is to say, “Look well, sire. These men are of the most sincere friendship. The notary answered
the same who have conquered Calicut, Malaca, and that the cap-
all India Magiore. If they are treated well, they will
tain would do it. Thereupon, the king told him that
give good treatment, but if they are treated evil, evil
all the captains
and worse treatment, as they have done to Calicut
and Malaca.”/The interpreter understood it all and who came to that place were wont to give presents
told the kking that his master’s king was more one to the other
powerful in men and ships than the king of
‘and asked whether our captain or he ought to
Portogalo, that he was the king of Spain and em-
commence. The in-
peror of all the Christians, and that if the king did not
care to be his friend he would next time send so texpreter told the king that since he desired to
many men that they would destroy him. The Muslim maintain the custom,
related everything to the king who there- upon said
he should commence, and so he did.
that he would deliberate with his men and would
answer the captain on the following day. Then he
had refreshments of many dishes, all from meat and
Tuesday morning the king of Mazaua came to the
contained in porcelain plat- ters, besides many jers
ships with
of wine brought in. After our men had re freshed
themselves, they returned and told us everything. the Muslim. He saluted the captain-general in behalf
The king of the king
of Mazaua, who was the most influential after that [of Zubu), and said that the king of Zubu was
king and the collecting as much
seignior of a number of islands, went ashore to food as possible to give to us, and that after dinner
speak to the king he would send
one of his nephews and two others of his chief men
to make peace.
of the great courtesy of our captain-general
The captain-general had one of his men armed with
Monday morning, our notary, together with the
his own arms,
and had the Muslim told that we all fought in that
manner. The
went to Zubu. The king, accompanied by his chiefs,
Muslim was greatly frightened, but the captain told
came to the
him not to be
open square where he had our men sit down near
frightened for our arms were soft toward our friends
him. He asked
and harsh to-
the notary whether there were more than one
ward our enemies; and as handkerchiefs wipe off
captain in that com-
the sweat so did
pany, and whether that captain wished him to pay
our arms overthrow and destroy all our adversaries,
tribute to the
and those who
emperor his master. The notary replied in the
hate our faith. The captain did that so that the
negative, but that
Muslim, who seemed
the captain wished only to trade with him and with
more intelligent than the others, might tell it to the
no others. -The
king said that he was satisfied, and that if the
captain wished to
‘After dinner the king’s nephew, who was the our fathers and mothers, and that whoever did
prince, came to otherwise was con-
the ships with the king of Mazaua, the Muslim, the demned to eternal fire; that we are all descended
governor, the from Adam and.
chief constable, and eight chiefs, to make peace Eve, our first parents; that we have an immortal
with us. The cap- spirit; and many
tain-general was seated on a red velvet chair, the other things pertaining to the faith. All joyfully
principal men on entreated the cap-
Jeather chairs, and the others on mats upon the tain to leave them two men, or at least one, to
floor. The captain- instruct them in
general asked them through the interpreter the faith, and [said] that they would show them
whether it were their great honor. The
custom to speak in secret or in public, and whether captain replied to them that he could not leave
that prince and them any men then,
the king of Mazaua had authority to make peace. but that if they wished to become Christians, our
They answered priest would bap-
that they spoke in public, and that they were tize them, and that he would next time bring priests
empowered to make peace. The captain-general and friars who
said many things concerning peace, and
would instruct them in our faith. They answered
that he prayed God to confirm it in heaven. They that they would
said that they
first speak to their king, and that then they would
had never heard any one speak such words, but that become Chris-
they took great
tians, [whereat] we all wept with great joy. The
pleasure in hearing them. The captain seeing that captain-general
they listened and
told them that they should not become Christians
answered willingly, began to advance arguments to for fear or to
induce them to
please us, but of their own free wills; and that he
accept the faith. Asking them who would succeed to would not cause
the seigniory
any displeasure to those who wished to live
after the death of the king, he was answered that according to their own
the king bad no
law, but that the Christians would be better
sons but only daughters, the eldest of whom was regarded and treated
the wife of that
than the others. All cried out with one voice that
nephew of his, who therefore was the prince, (They they were not
said that] when
becoming Christians through fear or to please us,
the fathers and mothers grew old they received no but of their own
further honor,
free will. Then the captain told them that if they
but their children commanded them. became Chris-

tians, he would leave a suit of armor, for so had his

king com-
The captain told them that God made the sky, the
earth, the manded him; that we could not have intercourse
with their women
sea and everything else, and that He had
commanded us to honor without committing a very great sin, since they [the
women} re-
mained pagans; and that he assured them that if now one thing and now another. Then he sent to the
they became king of Zubu
Christians, the devil would no longer appear to them through me and one other a yellow and violet silk
except in the robe made in
Jast moment at their death. They said that they Turkish style, a fine red cap, some strings of glass
could not answer beads, all in a
the beautiful words of the captain, but that they silver dish, and two gilt drinking cups in our hands
placed themselves
in his hands, and that he should treat them as his
When we reached the city we found the king in his
most faithful
servants, The captain embraced them weeping, and
surrounded by many people. He was seated on a
clasping one of
palm mat on the
the prince’s hands and one of the king’s between his
ground with only a cotton cloth before his privies
own, said to them that by his faith in God and to his
and a scarf em-
sovereign, the emperor,
broidered with the needle about his head, a
and by the habit which he wore, he promised them
necklace of great value
that he would
hanging from his neck, and two large gold earrings
give them perpetual peace with the king of Spain,
fastened in his
They answered
ears set round with precious gems, He was fat and
short, and
that they promised the same.
tattooed with fire in various designs. From another
‘After the conclusion of the peace, the captain had mat on the
round he was eating turtle eggs which were in two
porcelain dishes,
served to them. Then the prince and the king [of ‘and he bad four jars full of palm wine in front of him
Mazaua] present- covered
ed some baskets of rice, swine, goats, and fowls to with sweet-smelling herbs and arranged with four
the captain- small reeds in
general on behalf of their king, and asked him to each jar by means of which he drank. Having duly
pardon them, for made reverence
such things were but little [to give] to one such as to him, the interpreter told the king that his master
he. The captain thanked him
gave the prince a white cloth of the finest linen, a very warmly for his present, and that he sent this
red cap, some present not in
strings of glass beads, and a gilded glass drinking return for his present but for the intrinsic love which
cup, Those he bore him.
glasses are greatly appreciated in those districts. He We dressed him in the robe, placed the cap on his
did’ not give head, and gave

any present to the king of Mazaua, for he had him the other things; then kissing the beads and
already given him putting them upon
a robe of Cambaya, besides other articles. To the his head, I presented them to him. He doing the
others he gave same [i-e., kissing
them) accepted them. Then the king had us eat and are manufactured in the regions about the
some of those eggs Signio Magno which
‘nd drink through those slender reeds. The others, is called Chinag They are used in those regions as we
his men, told use bells and
him in that place the words of the captain are called aghon.
conceming peace and
his exhortation to them to become Christians. The
On Weduesday morning, as one of our men had died
king wished to
during the
have us stay to supper with him, but we told him
previous night, the interpreter and-I went to ask the
that we could
king where
not stay then. Having taken our leave of him, the
‘we could bury him. We found the king surrounded
prince took us
by many men
with him to his house, where four young girls were
of whom, after the due reverence was made, I asked
playing ments] — one, on a drum like we do, but
it, He replied,
resting on the ground;
“If Land my vassals all belong to your sovereign, how
the second was striking two suspended metallic
much more
discs alternately
ought the land.” I told the king that we would like to
with a stick wrapped somewhat thickly at the end
with palm cloth
the place and to set up a cross there. He replied that
the third, one large gong in the same manner; and
he was
the last, two
quite satisfied and that he wished to adore the cross
small gongs held in her hand, by striking one against
as did we. The
the other,
deceased was buried in the square with as much
Which gave forth a sweet sound, They played so
pomp as possible,
harmoniously that
in order to furnish a good example. Then we
one would believe they possessed good musical
consecrated the place
sense./ Those girls
and in the evening buried another man. We carried
were very beautiful and almost as white as our girls
a quantity of
and as large.y
merchandise ashore which we stored in a house.
They were naked except for tree cloth hanging from
The king took it
the waist and
under his care as well as four men who were left to
reaching to the knees. Some were quite naked and
trade the
had large holes
goods by wholesale. Those people live in accordance
in their ears with a small round piece of wood in the
with justice,
hole, which
and have weights and measures. They love peace,
keeps the hole round and large. They have long
ease and quiet.
black hair, and
They have wooden balances, the bar of which has a
wear a short cloth about the head, and are always
cord in the
barefoot. The
middle by which it is held. At one end is a bit of lead,
prince had three quite naked girls dance for us. We
took refresh-
at the other marks like quarter-pounds, third-
iments and then went to the ships. Those gongs are
pounds, and pounds.
made of brass
When they wish to weigh they take the scales which
has three wires
sailors who would have given al] that they owned
like ours, and place it above the marks, and so weigh for a small amount
of gold, and would have spoiled the trade
They have very large measures without any bottom. forever./On Saturday, as
The youth play
the king had promised the captain to become &
on pipes made like ours which they call subin, Their Christian on Sunday,
houses are
a platform was built on the ‘consecrated square,
constructed of wood and are built of planks and which was adorned
bamboo, raised high
with hangings and palm branches for his baptism.
from the ground on Jarge logs, and one must enter The captain-gen-
them by means af ladders. They have rooms like
wl seat men to tell the King not to be afraid of the
ours; and uncles the, house they
ep their swine, goats, and fowls. Large se2 snails,
that would be discharged in the morning, for it wat
beautiful to
our custom
the sight, are found there which Jill whales: for the
fo discharge them at our greatest feasts without
whale swallows
loading them
the ig ave, and when they are in the whale’s body,
with stones.)
they come out
of their shells and eat the whale’s heart Those
people afterward 7On Sunday morning, April fourteen forty men of us
find them alive near the dead whale’s heart, ‘Those
craze have ashore, two of whom were completely ‘armed and
preceded the
teeth, black skin, a white shell, and the flesh are
good to eat and royal banner. When we reached land all the artillery
was fired.
they are called laghan.'
Those people followed us hither ‘and thither, ‘The
captain and
ony on Friday we showed those people @ shop full
the king embraced. The captain told the King that
of our merchan-
the royal banner
dise, at which they were very much surprised. For
anno taken ashore except with fity men aumed as
metals i70n, and
vier® those two,
ther large merchandise they gave us gold. For the
war with fifty musketeers; but so great was his love
other smaller
for him that
Saicles they gave us rice, swine, goats, and other
he had thus brought the banner. Then we all
food. Those peo-
approached the plat-
ple gave us 10 pieces of gold for 14 pounds of iron
form joyfully. The captain and the king set down in
(one piece
chairs of red
Ghent one and one-balf ducats). The captain-
and violet velvet, the chiefs on cushions, ‘and the
others on mats.
The captain told the king through the interpreter
being wort that he thanked
are oe wish to take too much gold, for there would
bave been some
God for inspiring him to became @ Christian; and and set up a cross in their place. They were to adore
that [now] that cross
he would more easily conquer his enemies than daily with clasped hands, and every moming after
before. The king their custom,
replied that he wished to become a Christian, but they were to make the sign of the cross (which the
that some of his captain showed
Chefs did not wish to obey, because they ‘said that them how to make); and they ought to came hourly,
they were as at least in the
morning, to that cross, and adore it kneeling. The
intention that they
good men as he, ‘Then our captain had all the chiefs
of the king called, and told them that unless they had already declared, they were to confirm with
obeyed the king as their king, good works. The
he would have them killed, and would give their king and all the others wished to confirm it
possessions to thoroughly. The captain-
general told the king that he was clad all in white to
the king. They replied that they would obey him. The
captain told his sincere love toward them/They replied that they
could not res-
the king that he was going to Spain, but that he
would return agaio pond to his sweet words. The captain led the king by
the hand to
with so many forces that he would make him the
greatest king of the platform while speaking these good words in
order to baptize
those regions, as he had been the first to express a
determination to him, He told the king that he would call him Don
Carlo, after his
become a Christian. The king, lifting his hands to the
sky, thanked sovereign the emperor; the prince, Don Fernando,
after the em-
the captain and requested him to let some of his
men remain (witb peror’s brother; the king of Mazaua, Jobanni; 2
chief, Fernando,
him], so that he and his people might be better
instructed in the after our chief, that is to say the captain; the
Muslim, Christoforo;
faith. The captain replied that he would leave two
men to satisfy and then the others, now one name, and now
another. Five hundred
him, but that he would like to take two of the
children of the chiefs men were baptized before Mass. After the
conclusion of Mass, the
with him, so that they might learn our language,
who afterward on captain invited the king and some of the other chiefs
to dinner,
their retum would be able to tell the others the
wonders of Spain. but they refused, accompanying us, however, to the
shore. The
A large cross was set up in the middle of the square.
The captain ships discharged all the mortars; and embracing the
king and chiefs
told them that if they wished to become Christians
as they had and the captain took leave of one another. /”7
declared on the previous days, they must burn all 7 After dinner the priest and some of the others
their idols went ashore to
baptize the queen, who came with forty women. We island, and some from the other islands, were
conducted her baptized. We burned
to the platform, and she was made to sit down upon ne hamlet which was located in a neighboring
a cushion, island, because it
and the other women near her, until the priest Tefused to obey the King or us. We set up the cross
should be ready. there for those
I showed her an image of our Lady, a very beautiful people were heathen. Had they been Muslims, we
wooden child Jesus, and a cross. Thereupon, she would have
was overste ft
verted a column there as a token of greater
ceaew and. asked for baptism amid her tears. We hardness, for the
named her
Muslims are much harder to convert than the
Johanna, after the emperor’s mother; her daughter, heathen.
the wife of the

prince, Catherina; the queen of Mazaua, Lisabeta:

The captain-general went ashore daily during those
and the others,
days to
Pich with their [distinctive] namesypCounting men,
hear Mass, and told the king many things regarding
women, and
the faith. One
Shildren, we baptized eight hundred souls. The
day the queen came with great pomp to hear Mass.
queen was yours
Three girls
co penutifal, and was entirely covered with a white
preceded her with three of her hats in their hands.
and black
She was dressed
Sisth, Her mouth and nails were very red, while on
her head
Peevinck and white with a large silk scarf, crossed
She wore a large hat of palm leaves in the manner
with gold stripes
of @ para
Sol, with a crown about it of the same leaves, like
the tiara thrown over her head, which ‘covered her
shoulders; and she had
Gf the Pope; and she never goes any place without
such a one.
She asked us to give her the little child Jesus to keep tm her hat, A great number of women accompanied
in place her, who were
of her idols; and then she went away. In the
afternoon, the king
all naked and barefoot, except that they had a small
and queen accompanied by numerous persons covering of
came to the shore.
‘Thereupon, the captain had many trombs of fire
palm-tree cloth before their privies, ‘and a small
and Targe mortett
scarf upon the
discharged, by which they were most highly
head, and all with hair flowing free. The queen,
delighted. The captain
having made the
and the king called one another prothers/ That
due reverence to the altar, seated herself on a silk
King’s name was
Raia Humabon/fBefore that week had gone, all the
persons of that
cushion. Before the commencement
cher and some of her women with musk rosewater, should always have it carried before him by one of
for they de- his nearest re-
lighted exceedingly in such perfumes. The captain, latives; and he showed him how it ought to be
knowing that the carried. The king
responded that he would do that willingly for love of
him, and he
queen was very much pleased with the child Jesus,
give it to her, told the captain that he was making a jewel to give
to him; namely,
memory of
two large earrings of gold to fasten in his ears, two
armlets to put
telling her to Keep it in place of her idols, for it was
on his arms, above the elbows, and two other rings
for the feet
the soa of God. Thanking him heartily she accepted
above the ankles, besides other precious gems to
adorn the ears.
Those are the most beautiful ornaments which the
of the Mass, the captain spray- - kings of those
clad in his silk robe, and the chief men of the city, [to districts can wear. They always go barefoot, and
wit), the wear a cloth gar-

ing’s brother and prince's father, whose name was ment that hangs from the waist to the knees.
Bendara; an-
other of the king's brothers, Cadaio; and certain
One day the captain-general asked the king and the
ones called Simiut
other peo-
Sibuaia, Sisacai, Maghalibe, and many others whom
ple why they did not burn their idols as they had
1 shall not
promised when
name in order not to be tedious. The captain made
they became Christians; and why they sacrificed so
them all swear
much flesh to
to be obedient to their king, and they kissed the
them. They replied that what they were doing was
latter's hand. Then
not for them-
the captain had the king declare that he would
selves, but for a sick man who had not spoken now
always be obedient
for four days,
and faithful to the king of Spain, and the king so
so that the idols might give him health. He was the
swore, There-
prince’s brother,
upon, the captain drew his sword before the image
and the bravest and wisest man in the island. The
of our Lady,
captain told
and told the king that when anyone so swore, he
them to bum their idols and to believe in Christ, and
should prefer to
that if the
die rather than to break such an oath; so that he
sick man were baptized, he would quickly recover;
swore by that
and if that did
image, by the life of the emperor his sovereign, and
not so happen they could behead him [the captain]
by his habit
then and there.
to be ever faithful. After the conclusion of that the
‘Thereupon, the king replied that he would do it, for
captain gave the
he truly be-
king a red velvet chair, telling him that wherever he
went he
lieved in Christ. We made a procession from the in dhe king's house. Those idols are made of wood,
square to the house and are hollow,
of the sick man with gs much pomp as possible. in Hack the back parts, Their arms are open and their
There we found feet turned
him in such condition that he could neither speak
nor move. We
up under them with the legs open. They have a large
baptized him and his two wives, and 10 girls. Then face with
the captain had
Fear huge tusks like those of the wild boar; and are
him asked how he felt. He spoke immediately and painted all over.
said that by the
grace of our Lord he felt very well. That was a most
‘There are many villages in that island. Their names
and those
of their chiefs are as follows: Cinghapola, and its
spiracle [that happened] in our times. When the chiefs, Cilaton,
fap\to heard him
Ciguibucan, Cimaningha, Cimatichat, and Cicanbul;
speak, he thanked God fervently. Then he made the one/Mandaui,
sick man drink
wae ite chief, Apanoaan; one Lalan, aod its chief,
spe almond milk, Which he had already had made Theteyp one, La-
for him. After-
fotan, and its chief, Tapan; one Cilumai; and one,
some se sent him a mattress, a pair of sheets, a Lubucen.! All
cOveyTet of yellow
those villages rendered obedience to us, and gave
ws food and tib-
Cloth, and a pillow. Until he recovered his health, eee Near that island of Zubu was an island called
the captain sent Matan, which
formed the port where we were anchored/The
name of its village
him everyday almond milk, rosewater, oil of roses,
and some sweet was Matan, and its chiefs were Zula and Cilapulapuy
That vil-
Jage which we burmed was in thet jsland and was
eserves, Before five days the sick man began (0 walk,
called Bulaia.
He had
Pre ol that certain old women bad concealed in bis
house burned In order that your most illustrious Lordship May
know the
in the presence of the king and all the people. He
bad many shrines ceremonies that those people vse in consecrating
the swine, they
along the seashore destroyed, in which the
consecrated meat was fist sound those large gongs. Then three large dishes
are brought
ates. The people themselves cried out “Castiglia’
Castiglia!” and jn, two with roses and with cakes of rice and millet,
baked and
Gestroyed those sbrines. They said that if God
would lend them life, wrapped in leaves, and roast fish; ‘he other with
cloth of Cambaia
they would burn all the idols that they could find,
even if they were vad two standards made of palm-tree cloth, One bit
of cloth of
is quickly stopped with grass. The one who has killed
the hog,
Cambaia is spread on the ground. Then two very
‘old, women come, taking in her mouth a lighted torch, which has been
cat of whom bas a bamboo trumpet in her hand.
When they
throughout that ceremony, extinguishes it. The
other one, dipping
have stepped upon the cloth they make obeisance
to the sun. Then
they wrap the eloths about themselves. One of the end of her trumpet in the blood of the hog, goes
them puts a kerchief around mark-
with two horns on her forehead, and takes another
kerchief in her
ing with blood with her finger first the foreheads of
ands, and dancing and blowing upon her trumpet their hus-
she thereby calls
out to the sun. The other takes one of the standards
bands, and then the others; but they never came to
and dances and blows on her trumpet. They-dance
us. Then they
and call out thus for a little space,
saying many things between themselves to the sun.
She with the divest themselves and go to eat the contents of
those dishes, and
Kerchief takes the other standard, and lets the
kerchief drop, and
both blowing on their trumpets for a long time, they invite only women [to eat with them]. The hair
dance about the is removed
bound hog. She with the horns always speaks from the hog by means of fire. Thus no one but old
covertly to the sun women con-
and the other answers her. A cup of wine is
presented to her of the
secrate the flesh of the hog, and they do not eat it
horns, and she is dancing and repeating certain unless it is Killed
words, while the
in this way.
other answers her, and making pretense four or five
times of drink-
Whose people go naked, wearing but one piece of
ing the wine, sprinkles it upon the heart of the hog.
Then she im-
cloth about their privies, The males, large and small,
mediately begins to dance again. A dance is given to
have their
the same woman.
penis pierced from one side to the other near the
She, shaking it and repeating certain words while
head with a gold
both of them con-
cr tin bolt as large as a goose quill.An both ends of
tinue to dance and making motions four or five
the same bolt
times of thrusting
some have what resembles a spur, with points upon
the lance through the heart of the hog, with a
the ends, others
sudden and quick
are like the head of a cart nail. I very often asked
stroke thrusts it through from one side to the other.
many, both old
The wound
and young, to see their penis, because I could not would be their friend; but that if they wished
credit it. In the otherwise, they should
middle of the bolt is a hole, through which they wait to see how our lances wounded. They replied
urinate. The bolt that if we bad
and the spurs always hold firm. They say that their lances they had lances of bamboo and stakes
women wish hardened with fire
it so, and that if they did otherwise they would not [They asked us} not to proceed to attack them at
have com- once, but to
munication with them. When the men wish to have wait until morning, so that they might have more
communication men. They said
with their women, the latter themselves take the Ghat in order to induce us to go in search of them;
penis not in the for they had
regular way and commence very gently to introduce dug certain pitholgjgghetgyen the houses in order
it [into their that we might
vagina], with the spur on top first, and then the fall into them, /When morning came, forty-nine of
other part, When us leaped into
it is inside it takes its regular position; and thus the the water up to our thighs, and walked through
penis always waterfor more
stays inside until it gets soft, for otherwise they than two crossbow flights before we could reach the
could not pull it shore/'The boats
out. Those people make use of that device because could not approach nearer because of certain rocks
they are of in the water
‘The other eleven men remained behind to guard
the boats. When
‘The captain-general decided to go thither with
three boatloads. We We reached land, those men had formed in three
divisions to the
begged him repeatedly not to go, but he, like a good
shepherd, pumber of more than one thousand five hundred
persons. When
refused to abandon his flock. At midnight, sixty of us
set out they saw us, they charged down upon us with
exceeding loud cries,
armed with corselets and helmets, together with
the Christian king, two divisions on our flanks and the other on our
front. When the
the prince, some of the chief men, and twenty or
thirty balanghais captain saw that, he formed us into two divisions,
and thus did we
We reached Matan three hours before dawn. ‘The
captain did not begin to fight. The musketeers and erossbowmen
shot from a dis.
tance for about half an hour, but uselessly; for the
wish to fight then, but sent a message to the natives
shots only passed
by the Muslim
through the shields, which were made of thin wood,
to the effect that if they would obey the king of
and the arms
Spain, recognize
[of the bearers]. ‘The captain cried to them, “Cease
the Christian king as their sovereign, and pay us our
firing! cease
tribute, he
firingt” but his order was not at all heeded, When
the natives saw
that we were shooting our muskets to no purpose, vreistance. ‘The mortars in the boats could not aid
crying out they us as they were
[were] determined to stand firm, and redoubled
their shouts. When
Too far away, So we continued to retire for more
our muskets were discharged, the natives would than a good cross:
never stand still, but
leaped hither and thither, covering themselves with
bow flight from the shore, always fighting up to our
their shields.
knees in the
They shot so many arrows at us and hurled so many
bamboo spears
voter, ‘The natives continued to purse us and
(some of them tipped with iron) at the captain-
picking up the
general, besides
same spear four or six times hurled it at us again and
pointed stakes hardened with fise, stones, and mud,
again, Re-
that we could
cogoizing the captain, so many turned upon bim
scarcely defend ourselves, Seeing that, the captain-
that they ‘knocked
general sent some
sapmet of his head twice, but he always stood firmly
men to burn their houses in order to terrify them.
like a good
When they saw
night, together with some others. Thus did we fight
their houses burning, they were roused to greater
for more than
fury. Two of our men were killed near the houses,
while we bumed twenty or thirty ne hour, refusing to retire farther. An Indian hurled
a bamboo
spear into the captain's face, but the latter
immediately Kill-
Se, many of them charged down upon_us_that-
spPyim with his lance, which he left in the Indian's
they- shot the
Then, trying to lay hand on sword, he could draw it
captain through the right leg with & poisoned arrow. out but half-
On that
way, because he had been wounded in the erm with
a bamboo spear.
seeint, he ordered us to ¥etire-slowly, but the men oem the natives saw that, they all hurled themselves
took to flight, upon bim.
Or of them wounded him on the left leg with a large
secept six or eight of us who remained with the
captain, The na- hich yesembles a scimitar, only being larger. That
caused the cap"
vin to fall face downward, when immediately they
creer not only at our legs, for the latter were bare;
rushed upon
and so many
Non with iron and bamboo spears and with their
cutlasses, until
tives “the spears and stones hurled at us that we
they killed our mirror, our light, our comfort, and
could offer no
our true guide
When they wounded him, he turned back many
times 10 $28 whether
Me were all in the boats. Thereupon, beholding. him April twenty-seven, 1521. The captain desired to
dead, we, fight on Saturday,
wounded, retreated as best we could to the boats because it was the day especially holy to him. Eight
which were already of our men
pulling off, ‘The Christian king would have aided us, were killed with him in that battle, and four Indians,
but the cap- who had
fain charged him before we landed not to leave his become Christians and who had come afterward to
balanghai but aid us, were
to stay to see how we fought. When the king, Killed by the mortars of the boats. Of the enemy,
learned that the captain only fifteen were
vas dead, he wept. Had it not been for that killed, while many of us were wounded.
unfortunate captain,

Ta the afternoon the Christian king sent a message

vot a single one of us would have been saved in the with our
oats, for while
consent to the people of Matan to the effect that if
he was fighting, the other they would give
us the captain and the other men who had been
killed, we would
s retired to the boats.
give them as much merchandise as they wished,
I hope through [the effor
They answered that
they would not give up such a man, as we imagined
(they would
do}, and that they would not give him for all the
riches in the
rts of] your illustrious Lordship that
world, but that they intended to keep him as a
the fame of so noble a captain will not become
effaced in our times.
On Saturday, the day on which the captain was
more constant
killed, the
four men who had remained in the city to trade had
Among the other virtues which he possessed, he our merchandise
carried to the ships. Then we chose two
than ever anyone else in the greatest of adversity. commanders, namely,
He endured
Duarte Barboza, a Portuguese and a relative of the
hunger better than all the others, and more captain, and
accurately than any man
Johan Serrano, a Spaniard. As our interpreter,
in the world did he understand sea charts and Henrich by name, was
navigation. ‘And that this was the truth was seen
wounded slightly, he would not go ashore any more
openly, for no other had had so much
to attend to
natural talent nor the boldness to learn how to
our necessary affairs, but always kept his bed. On
circumnavigate the
that account,
world, as he had almost done. That battle was
Duarte Barboza, the commander of the flagship,
fought on Saturday,
cried out to him
‘and told him that although his master, the captain,
was dead, he
they spoken those words when we heard loud cries
was not therefore free; on the contrary he [Barboza] and lamentations.
would see
to it that when we should reach Spain, he should still
We immediately weighed anchor and discharging
be the slave
many mortars into
of Dofia Beatrice, the wife of the captain-general.'
And threatening
the houses, drew in nearer to the shore. While thus
the slave that if he did not go ashore, he would be
flogged, the
[our pieces) we saw Johan Serrano in his shirt bound
latter arose and feigning to take no heed to those
and wounded,
words went ashore
to tell the Christian king that we were about to leave
very soon, cxying to us not to fire any more, for the natives
would kill bim.
but that if he would follow his advice, he could gain
the ships and
all our merchandise. Accordingly they arranged a We asked him whether all the others and the
plot, and the slave interpreter were dead.
returned to the ship, where he showed that he was
more cunning
He said that they were all dead except the
than before. and their other companions to come to interpreter. He begged
dine with him that morning,
tus earnestly to redeem him with some of the
merchandise; but Johan
when he would give them the jewels. Twenty-four Carvaio, bis boon companion, [and others] would
men went ashore, not allow the
Rong whom was our astrologer, San Martin de Sivill. boat to go ashore so that they might remain masters
could of the ships.

fot go because T was all swollen up by a wound from Bat although Johan Serrano weeping asked us not to
@ poisoned set sail so
quickly, for they would kill him, and said that he
prayed God to
vrrow which I had received in my face. Johan Carvaio
and the ack his soul of Johan Carvaio, his comrade, in the day
of judg-
ment, we immediately departed. I do not know
constable returned and told us that they saw the
whether he is
man who had been
dead or alive.

cured by a miracle take the priest to his house.

Consequently, they In that island are found dogs, cats, rice, millet,
panicum, sorgo,
ginger, figs, oranges, lemons, sugarcane, garlic,
had left that place because they suspected some
honey, coconuts, nang:
evil. Scarcely had
‘eas, gourds, flesh of many Kinds, palm wine, and to send to the king of Spain were ready, and that he
gold. It is a large begged them for Eye
island and bas a good port with two entrances—one for Nose
to the west
for Jaws
find the other to the east northeast. It lies in 10
for Lips
degrees of latitude
for Mouth
for Teeth
toward the Arctic Pole, and in a longitude of one
hundred and sixty- for Gums
n, Its name is Zubu. We for Tongue
for Ears
four degrees from the line of demarcation. for Throat
‘head af Maluco there before the death of the for Neck
for Chin
‘Those people play a violin with copper strings.
for Beard
for Shoulders
Words of those heathen people
for Spine
for Breast
For Man ee
for Body
for armpit
for Woman paranpaon
for Arm
for Elbow
for Young woman beni beni
for Pulse
for Hand
for Married woman babay
for the Palm of the hand
for Finger
for Hair boho
for Fingernail
for Navel
for Face gay
for Penis
for Testicles
for Eyelids pilac
for Vagina
for to have Communication with

for Eyebrows

On Wednesday morning, the first of May, the

for Buttocks
Christian king
for Thigh
sent word to the commanders that the jewels which
he had promised for Knee
for Shin coco
for Calf of the leg pusut
. for Ankle boto
for Heel
for Sole of the foot billat
for Gold
for Silver jiam
ilon paha

apin tubud

olol bassag bassag

baba bitis
leghex bolbol
dilla tiochid
liogh Tapa Tapa
tangip balaoan
bonghot pilla


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