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Passport Cloud | PSD Templates -
ГЛАВА I. Учебник был написан и составлен

The textbook was written and compiled
History is that certainty produced at the point where the imperfections of memory meet the
inadequacies of documentation. - Julian Barnes

Introduction to document rendering.

The modern Internet industry largely consists on many services that provide
various intangible commodities. And sometimes we do not want to provide real data
when we are registering. There are several reasons: illegal activity; the desire to be
anonymous on the Internet; the need for a large number of different accounts on one
Rendering of documents was invented because these services began to require
identity verification. This is not the only industry that rendering affects, but we will
talk about the others later. A typical example: “Anton started an online business , for
example, selling T-shirts, but Anton is afraid that the state machine will find out that
he does not pay taxes from his business, and he decides to make bank accounts and
wallets on other people's data. Everything went well, until all accounts blocked for
ГЛАВА I. Учебник был написан и составлен

him, and they asked for a photo and a scan of the passport of a person who does not
exist (Or exists if he registered some account for someone else's passport scan). And
in the end, Anton will either lose all his money, or ask document drafters(renderers)
for help.
It often happens that these services block accounts for the most stupid reasons.
For example, Yandex-Money technical support can block your wallet because you
used public WIFI. And the Qiwi payment system has blocked almost 900 million
rubles from users over 10 years. Sometimes people who did nothing wrong fall under
these blockings.
Most likely, everything is calculated in such companies, and they understand
that no one will ever unlock a certain percentage of wallets. This is how they make
money.But I will not delve further into what drawing (rendering) is for, the one who
reads this most likely knows why he needs it.
I'll just give you the final list:
1. To register on various services (exchanges, wallets, online stores,
casinos, bookmakers)
2. To withdraw money from blocked accounts (wallets, bank accounts)
3. To register multiple accounts on various services that require PROOF
identity verification.
4. For the purpose of fraud or deception (SCAM).

I do not encourage the use of any material written here for any illegal
purposes. All this information is provided for your reference.
The first mention of document rendering can be found on the Internet as
early as 1997.
ГЛАВА I. Учебник был написан и составлен


Main programs:

Adobe Photoshop – the main program for working with documents. The work is
done either with a ready-made PSD document template, or this template is drawn
from scratch. I will not explain here how to use it, there are special video tutorials
or courses on the Internet.
Corel Draw – a program for working with vector graphics, as a rule, is used to create
a document layout, followed by printing on plastic, or on a letterhead using special
Adobe Acrobat Pro – in rendering, this software is used to edit bank statements,
utility bills or other similar documents.
Exif Pilot – program for editing photo metadata.
FaceApp – applications on the phone to work with changing faces, etc.
Barcode Studio и PDF 417 AAMVA Generator – barcode generators for various
Additional programs:

1. Adobe Bridge – program for batch work with image files.

2. Font Creator – software for creating and editing fonts.
3. Topaz Gigapixel – neural network to improve photo quality.
ГЛАВА I. Учебник был написан и составлен

— And what documents do you have?

- Mustaches, paws and tail - these are my documents!
- Cat Matroskin, Postman Pechkin


Renderers usually work with these types of documents:

A. Passport
B. ID cards
C. Driver's licenses
D. Proofs (Bank statements, utility bills, and other kinds of statements)
E.CC (Credit cards, plastic, bank card)

There are over 4,000 currently valid identity documents in the world. They
include: passports, driver's licenses, ID cards, visas. Each of these documents has its
own nuances in filling: fonts, standards for generating a passport number,
identification number, date of issue, etc. I will not describe the rules for filling out
each individual document here, but I can suggest similar principles and tips for
finding reliable information through search engines.

We can take for example the passport of USA:

For a good analysis of the document, it is
better to have several real scans to identify
matches. So, we can see that:
1.The photo goes beyond the white picture with
2. The expiration date is one day less than the
date of issue.
3. If you look at the original scans, you will
notice that the first digit of the passport number
depends on the date of issue. Passports with a
date of issue around 2006 start with the number
3, 2010 - 4, 2017 - 5.
4. The first is the Last Name, then the First
5. If you analyze the MP3 line, you can find an
incomprehensible set of characters in the
optional data at the end. Most likely this is some
kind of service information.
ГЛАВА I. Учебник был написан и составлен

Some websites can give some information, for example, when the document
was issued, etc.

The list of websites:
country.html - a website with a list of all existing passports and driver's licenses. - article on
Wikipedia, which describes the rules for generating identification numbers (TIN) of
all countries. This will be helpful as they are often used in documents.
document-numbers.pdf - lists of sites for checking documents for validity.

If this information is not enough, write to Google for example "USA Passport
Wikipedia", there will be a lot of information about the document.
If there is no information, you will have to find a seller of scans, buy the right
country, and analyze the document yourself. I advise you to search for scans of
documents through Yandex, because Google is a very limited search engine in
terms of image search.
ГЛАВА I. Учебник был написан и составлен

The generation of MRZ

Machine-readable zone (MRZ) - A string with machine-readable data in
English. It is used to read the passport by programs and bots in automatic mode
without human intervention. - generator of MRZ sting . - description of
MRZ sting on WIKIPEDIA. -
description of MPZ types.

Now there are MRZ generators. Therefore, I see no point in describing the
principle of generating check digits. I will only say that after each field (Passport
number, Date of birth (DOB), Expiration date (ISS)) there is a check digit, which is
calculated in a certain mathematical way. At the end of the MP3 line, a general check
digit follows, obtained from all the data in the passport. There are no check digits in
the field where the full name is indicated.
Each field has its own length. Passport number (9 characters + check digit),
Country of issue (3 characters), date of birth DOB (6 characters + check digit). If the
length of the value is less then a dash “<” is put instead. For example if the passport
number consists of 2 characters, then the line will look like this:
At the end of the second line there is a field with optional data, positions 29-
42 (see picture). Various information is usually entered into it (TIN (Identification
Number), or some other number). Sometimes there are no optional data, and dashes
<<< are put instead. At the end, a check digit 0 is put, or not put at all, it depends on
the document itself (you need to look at the original scans!)
The MRZ on ID cards is different because it uses three lines instead of

1. The first line contains the document type, country code, document number and
optional data. Optional data can sometimes be transferred to the end of the second
line, so look carefully at the original scans!
2. The second line contains DOB date of birth, EXP expiration date, SEX gender,
country code.
3. The third line contains the full name of the owner of the document.
ГЛАВА I. Учебник был написан и составлен
ГЛАВА I. Учебник был написан и составлен

You can't just move weapons of mass

defeat in our atmosphere, we must at least go through customs!
A small formality called "documents"
distinguishes us from animals. - Charlotte Miring

Photo, HolderPhoto - image of the passport holder. There may be one or
several identical photographs in different parts of the document.
Signature - the signature of the passport holder, also on some documents
there may be a signature of the person who issued the passport.
Passport Number - a set of characters that identify the document. It can be
either random or generated according to a specific algorithm. Consists of numbers,
possibly letters. Can be duplicated in perforated text.
TIN (Identification Number) - used in most countries, and is assigned to
each person for life. Each country generates differently. Sometimes found on
documents. If it is on the document, then most likely it will be duplicated in optional
data on the MP3.
CAN Number - contained on some documents. Used by authorities to check
a document for validity. In most cases random.
DOB - date of birth.
EXP (Expired date) - expiration date of the document. The expiration date is
determined by the rules for filling out a particular document. It can end 10 years
after the date of issue, or 10 years later, but on the day of birth, or one day earlier
than the date of issue.
ISS (Issued date) - date of issue of the document.
Barcode (Barcode) - some documents, such as US law, may have barcodes. On a
US driver's license, all the information contained in the document is entered into
them. In some documents, any other information can be entered in them
(Document number, link to the site with a validity check). The commonly used
barcode generation standards are PDF 417 and Code 128.
Type Document - document type, found on any document.
PN - national passport, P - foreign passport, etc. (See original documents). And
this must be taken into account when you are generating MRZ.
Place of birth - place of birth.
Issuing authority - Some documents indicate the issuing authority. There may be
several in each city. For correct filling, you need to look for official sites with lists
of issuing authorities.
ГЛАВА I. Учебник был написан и составлен


Many people get confused when they start filling in the fields that are
responsible for the names. I explain:
First name - name
Last name - surname
Middle name - middle name or patronymic
Any name, surname, etc. may have an attachment. Example: (Al Ali
Mohamed). The most important thing is not to confuse
prefix and middle name, so we search Google for the right one and check . If
a client drops the name of the drop and you don’t know what is the first name and
what is the last name, it’s better to search on Google and find out.

1. The face and upper part of the shoulders should fit completely in the picture,
the size of the face is 70-80% of the photo.
2. The person being photographed must look directly into the camera.
3. Skin tone should be natural. Brightness/contrast should be moderate.
4. Eyes should be open and visible, they should not be covered by hair
5. The face is strictly full-face, it is not allowed to look over the shoulder
(“portrait style”) or with a tilt of the head, the contours of the face must be clearly
6. Glasses and hats when shooting with glasses, the eyes must be clearly
visible, without glare from the flash on the glasses, shooting with tinted glasses is
prohibited. Also, if possible, you should replace the heavy massive frame with a
lighter one. The glasses should not cover your eyes.
7. When shooting, wearing headgear is not allowed, except in cases where this
is due to religious reasons, but even in this case, the face from the forehead to the
chin must be open, the contours of the face must be clearly visible.

Sometimes it happens that a client sends black and white photos and asks to
make a color photo, the following services will help a lot for this:
belyh-fotografij .html
It should also be taken into account that these are international rules for
photographing documents. In reality, the rules may differ. For example, on an old-
style Russian passport, all photographs go almost to the waist, in the new sample
they are inserted according to the international standard.
It happens that a client uploads a photo in poor quality, and it does not fit the insert
in the passport. To do this, we use the FaceApp service to change the face, or the
FindClone service to search for similar people.
ГЛАВА I. Учебник был написан и составлен

ELA analysis is used by offices to check documents. It shows the ratio of noise
and other attributes in the image. - ELA analysis service.

An example of quality rendering

Poor rendering example

To pass the analysis:

A. You cannot overlay a scanned passport on a completely white background.
B. After editing the document, merge the layers, duplicate the layers, apply
maximum noise and set the transparency to 1%
ГЛАВА I. Учебник был написан и составлен


Rendering the US DL is the most difficult of all rendering.

A driver's license in the United States is issued instead of a passport, and is
the main document in this country. The US passport is a foreign passport, and is used
only to travel abroad. -
the article about driver's license in the United States. - generator PDF 417 AAMVA
standard - official standard of generator PDF 417 AAMVA

The US license has a Barcode on the back. It is generated according to PDF

417 AAMVA standards.
When drawing US DL, you need to know a lot of nuances, one mistake will
ruin your entire rendering. All values and numbers on the driver's license are
generated according to a certain algorithm, if you do not adhere to it, then you will
not be able to pass verification.
Very often renderers make the following mistakes:

1.On some driver's licenses, the address always has 0000 at the end of the
index, or for example, a comma is always placed before the state code.

2.Almost on all DL, the shadow from the face falls into the background.
Many renderers don't pay attention to this.
3.Microtext. We must also not forget about him. It usually consists of the
initials of the full name and date of birth.
4.Mismatch between the values of Restrictions and Endorsements from the
front and back of the DL.
5. Almost all renderers put regular quotes in the HGT field, but this is
absolutely unacceptable. Here are the quotes that should be.

By American standards, in the United States, the day and month are written
in reverse in dates. That is, first comes the month, then the day, and then the year.
Nearly all US driver's license photographs of a person cast a shadow on the
background, because people are photographed against a wall, and this background
is not cut out later.
The following values are entered in PDF 417:
ГЛАВА I. Учебник был написан и составлен

STATE - state of the document (Canada or US states).

SEX - the gender of the owner (holder) of the document.
First, last, middle name - document holder names.
Street - the street where the holder lives.
City - the city where the holder lives.
ZIP code - postal code of the holder.
DOB - holder's birthday.
EXP - expiration date of the document. On most US driver's licenses, the
license ends on the day of birth. The validity period of each document is different,
and you need to look at the official documentation to find out.
ISS - date of issue of the document.
License Number - driver's license number. Most states have a generation
algorithm. You need to look at the official documentation, or use the generator.
Class - class of driver's license. Determines what kind of transport the holder
can drive, and if he can do it at all. Revision date - the date of revision of the driver's
license, it is the same in each separate version of the driver's license. Let's say on a
California driver's license of the 2012 model, the revision date will be the same
Restriction - restrictions and requirements that the document holder must
comply with when driving a vehicle.

•B: Corrective Lenses are required while operating a motor vehicle.

•C: A mechanical aid is required to operate a commercial vehicle.
•D: A prosthetic aid is required to operate a commercial vehicle.
•E: The driver may only operate a commercial vehicle with an automatic
•F: An outside mirror is required on the commercial vehicle.
•G: The driver of a commercial vehicle is only allowed to operate during
daylight hours.
•K: Drivers are authorized to drive a commercial vehicle within the state of
issue (intrastate) only.[9] This restriction applies to any holder of a CDL license
who is under 21 years old or is not healthy enough to cross state lines.
•L: Drivers are restricted from operating a commercial vehicle with air brakes.
This restriction is issued when a driver either fails the air brake component of the
general knowledge test or performs the CDL road skills test in a vehicle not equipped
with air brakes.
•M: CDL-A holders may operate CDL-B school buses only.
•N: CDL-A and CDL-B holders may operate CDL-C school buses only.
•O: Driver limited to pintail hook trailers only.
•Z: Alcohol Interlock Device required in the commercial vehicle.
•T: 60-day temporary license.

Endorsment - driving permits.

ГЛАВА I. Учебник был написан и составлен


•H: Authorizes the transportation of hazardous material (CDL only)

•N: Authorizes the operation of a tank vehicle (CDL or CLP only)
Authorizes the operation of a vehicle transporting passengers (CDL or CLP
•S: Authorizes the operation of a school bus (CDL or CLP only)
•T: Authorizes towing two (double) or three (triple) trailers over a specified
•X: Authorizes the operation of a combination of hazardous material and tank
vehicle (CDL only)

Document Discriminator (DD) - number located on the front side of the

driver's license. Needed to check the driver's license for validity. In most states, it
has a generation algorithm.
Inventory number - an inventory number, needed to check the validity of a
driver's license. In some states, it has its own generation algorithm. Duplicated in
PDF 417, and Code 128, and almost always written on the back of the driver's
Audit Information - located on the front or back of the driver's license, is
duplicated in the barcode.
Eye color, Hair color - eye and hair color.
Heigt - the height of the holder, measured in feet.
Weigt - weight is measured in pounds.

Also, the driver's license may have some marks, such as "Veteran" and "Organ

After we have entered all this data into the generator. We need to make our
barcode visually similar.
ГЛАВА I. Учебник был написан и составлен

To do this, we count the number of columns and rows. And we drive their
number into the generator. The number of columns is indicated by 2 less than we
counted. After that, we look carefully at the original barcode, if there are columns
that are slightly repeated visually, then you need to set error correction to a
minimum. If there are few or no repeating columns, then the error correction should
be set as high as possible.
In my barcode generator 2.0, on my website: All
these nuances are already provided, Discrimitator, Inventory, Audit and License
Number are automatically generated. There is no need to set the number of rows and
columns as it works automatically. To read the information, you can use the Regula
Document Reader for Android and IOS.
To check the validity of the code, you can use BCS Barcode Scanner or Show Me
ID (IOS only)

Reading PDF417 and creating a duplicate barcode:

Sometimes you need to create an exact copy of the barcode:
1.Install Barcode Studio
2.Go to the site -
3. Load the barcode there and get the line (see Figure 1)
4. First, instead of @\n\u001e\rANSI, put @\n\x1e\rANSI
5.After that, open Barcode Studio,



6.Choose «PDF 417»
ГЛАВА I. Учебник был написан и составлен

7. We go - "General" - "Data Entry Assistant". Right-click to call the context menu - "Add control
characters" - FNC1 - \ F

8. After that, we erase all the text and insert our line that we took from point 4
9. In the PDF 417 tab, set the necessary PDF 417 settings. We get the barcode.

Code 128 and Code 39

In addition to PDF 417, there are also codes.
In Code 128, the inventory number is most often entered. On older revisions, some other information
is often entered there.
Code 39 is rarely used. Most often, information from the Audit Information field or license number is
entered there. - Code 128 and Code 39 generator
ГЛАВА I. Учебник был написан и составлен

Rendering of selfie

1. Open the Play Market or App Store and download the FaceApp application.
2. Open the application, select the desired photo, select the face replacement
3. We change the face.
You can print a passport, take a picture of yourself with a passport and then
change your face to another. Or take another photo with a passport, replace the
passport in your hands and change your face.
I advise you to purchase the Pro version, as it does not cut the quality.
Sometimes the program distorts the objects around the photo, to correct it, you
should use the functions built into the program.


If we are making a template and cannot find the desired font, then we can try
to search for it through the font search service.

FontCreator is used to create fonts. Video lesson.

All MP3s use the OCRB-10BT font. Often used on documents: OCRB-10BT,
Arial, Helvetica, Meiryo UI.
It is also important to take into account that the robots that check rendering look
not only at the font itself, but also at its style. It is enough to confuse Narrow with
Regular and screw up rendering.
ГЛАВА I. Учебник был написан и составлен

The bank card number starts with 4 if it's Visa, or 5 if it's MasterCard.
On the front side of the card is indicated its number, full name in English (not
always), expiration date, bank logo, payment system logo.
On the back of the card, the bank's contact information, CVV number,
mirrored card number (if it is stamped on the front), bank logo (not always), payment
system logo are indicated.
Professional rendering services use bank embossers to print and emboss
numbers on the card.

If we work directly through Photoshop without printing documents, then after

saving the file, it is imperative to replace the metadata in it. Metadata is the EXIF
data of the file, which indicates all the information about the device from which the
picture was taken.
Work process:
To replace the metadata, we will use the Exif Pilot program.
1. Install the program, open it.
2. Do not forget to erase all old metadata. "Edit EXIF/IPTC/XMP" - Clear
3. Click "Import\Export" - "Import EXIF/IPTC from CSV"

For batch editing, install the software and the key to it from the folder. If we
do not have metadata templates, then we need to create them, for this:
1. We take an original picture from any device (iPhone, Xiaomi, Samsung,
2. Click "Import\Export" - "Export EXIF/IPTC from CSV". Choose a format
and save.
3. Now we can use our metadata template.

When inserting metadata, you need to consider the quality of the photo. If the
photo is of very poor quality, and the metadata contains a $2000 camera, it will be
at least suspicious.
In addition, after editing the metadata, you need to set the appropriate name
for the file, for example DSC_2123, IMG_1234.
ГЛАВА I. Учебник был написан и составлен

Mockups or layouts

If you don't have a printer, you can create document mockups.

A mockup is a photograph of an empty passport or ID Card overlaid with an
image of the document.
To create a mockup we need:
1. Cut out of paper with scissors (or a cutter and a rounder) a shape similar
in appearance to a passport or ID Card
2. Fold the passport in half, put the ID Card on the table.
3. Take a picture.
4. Load this image into Photoshop
5.Insert the top and bottom of the passport (separately)
6. Convert Parts to Smart Object
7. Using the Diffusion and Free Transform tools, adjust the image so that it
blends visually into the sheet of paper.
8. Select the type of overlay in the layer settings, so that it would look as
realistic as possible.
With the ID Card, everything is exactly the same.
Once a template has been created, it can be reused many times by opening a
Smart Object and replacing its content.

Mockup example Photodrop

In addition to mockups with documents, there are also mockups with

Photodrops. this is a person who is holding a blank document in his hand.
ГЛАВА I. Учебник был написан и составлен

I advise you to buy a printer, it will
greatly facilitate the work, and the work
itself will be done much better, since
printing removes all traces of Photoshop.
For printing, it is better to use matte or
glossy photo paper (the thickest). After printing, use a paper cutter and R3 corner
rounder for cutting.
The blank passport has a size of 88 x 125 mm. The blank ID Card has a size
of 85.6 x 53.98 mm.
In Photoshop, we create an A4 sheet, and adjust our passport to the size of the
original, for this you need to go to the settings and change the units of measurement
from pixels to millimeters. We print.
To improve the quality of work, you can buy holograms on the darknet. You
can buy a plastic printer to improve the quality of ID card printing. Or an embosser
for squeezing out symbols on bank cards. Instead of a paper cutter, you can use a
document cutter.

For printing on plastic, you can buy an expensive retransfer printer, but the
price will be around $ 4,000
The advantages of this printer is that it allows you to quickly and accurately
print cards.
I advise beginner renderers to take Epson L805. For him, you will need to
take a pigment ink, a card feeder and cards (specifically for inkjet printers). This set
of consumables can be found on Aliexpress.
After buying a printer, you need to pour the purchased pigment ink inside.
Also, for correct printing on cards, you must correctly install and configure the
drivers from the printer. When installing the driver, you need to install the driver
from another R260 printer and replace it in the settings.
To print cards, a special template is used in Photoshop.
You can find a printable template and complete installation instructions at this

This printer prints in good quality, but errors or printing problems may occur
frequently. Printing takes place not on ordinary glossy plastic cards, but on special
matte ones. When printing, you will need to work with the color settings, as the
printer darkens the image. After each card is printed, let it dry for 1-2 minutes, as
the card may leave some ink on the tray.
ГЛАВА I. Учебник был написан и составлен


So, we have studied all the subtleties and nuances of rendering, and we have the
first order. For example, a client ordered a US passport from us (photo). At the
beginning of communication with the client, it is important to find out what exactly
he needs. It is necessary to generate the correct MP3, insert a photo according to
the standard, and fill in the rest of the data.
If you are using cheap templates, then you should remember that the fonts must
match the original, since the robot that scans the document checks them with the
original. All check digits must be correctly generated. After finishing editing, you
need to scan the MP3 with the appropriate program to detect errors, if everything is
correct, send the work to the client.
Some orders should be treated as responsibly as possible, for example, if a client
needs a document for some very serious company. These companies check
everything. Passports and ID cards have a corresponding website where you can
check the document for validity. All these nuances must be taken into account.
Drawing(rendering) documents is, first of all, not a skill in working with
Photoshop, but the ability to work with data correctly.
ГЛАВА I. Учебник был написан и составлен

country.html - a site with a list of all existing passports and driver's licenses. - a wiki article

that describes the rules for generating identification numbers (TIN) for all countries.
This will be helpful as they are often used in documents.
document-numbers.pdf - lists of sites for checking documents for validity. - PDF 417 AAMVA barcode generator. - MP3 zone generator for passports and

ID cards. - a site for finding similar fonts by

image. is another site for finding similar fonts by image. - a site with a list of almost all existing
bank cards with scans. - service for creating wet seals. - service for removing the background in photos. - signatures for any

occasion. - random data

generator for any documents.

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