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MS-T Histology Written Exam #1 - 9/30/04 Version B Page 1 : a | - INSTRUCTIONS e 1. Choose the single best answer for each multiple-choice question, Ul. Record all answers on the computer sheet by blackening out the letter of your choice with a #2 peneil. : : =o TIL. Indicate the comect form (A. B.C, D) on your answer sheet, as well as your name and your 9-digit identification number. i V. vi with exam questions. If you must qualify an answer, please write your comments on the answet shect. V. There are 50 questions on this exam. 1 Tissue fluid is produced as a A. secretion by endothelial cells B. secretion by fibroblasts secretion by macrefhages filtrate of blood plasma by osmotic pressure ) filtrate of blood plasma by hydrostatic pressure 2. Microglial cells a are found in peripheral nerves > help to form the blood-brain barrier myelinate axons in the central nervous system > p. myelinate axons in the peripheral pérvous system _—¥ (©) are phagocytic 3. The cell membranes in a gap junction are nm apart. psy D. 50-65 , None of the above. The cell membranes in a gap junction are fused together. 4. Which of the following is a function of bone? A. It serves as an attachment for the components of the muscular system, acting as a system oflevers. Itprotects the viscera. It contains the bone marrow, which produces blood cells. It serves as a reservoir for ions. ®) All of the above are correct. ype curs aeeLology Written Exam #1 - 9/30/04 10. ML. Ina neuron, neurofibrils A. transport action potential (© transport neurotransmitter _&< cause contraction “2: disappear in response to injury < are located in the dendrites What is the source of osteoclasts? A. They are formed directly from osteocytes. B. oo bee directly from osteoblasts. ey are formed by fusion of cells of the mononucl i D. They arise from fibroblasts, sel cee 8. They are derived from mesenchymal cells. A motor neuron in the spinal cord is an example of a/an A. pseudounipolar neuron 3. bipolar neuron © multipolar neuron B. autonomic ganglion cell B. dorsal root ganglion cell All of the following are components of the extracellular matrix of cartilage except A. collagen fibers B. proteoglycans G2) mineral salts ; ‘D. structural glycoproteins B. water ‘The cell body of a neuron is also called the motor unit GP person c. terminal cistern D. Nissl body =. Paccinian corpuscle Granules containing histamine and heparin are characteristic of | A. astrocytes macrophages © mastcells D. osteoclasts E, plasma cells ao @ » s i a ¥ o Hematoxylin is a/an \ toe (G2 basic dye that is blue x & oO .. basic dye that is pink ~ t acidic dye that is blue acidic dye that is pink special dye used to stain carbohydrates noon Version B Page 2 12, B. 1S, 16. 17, 1B. Histology Written Exam #1 - 9/30/04 Varaion D Page 3 Regarding endochondral ossification, @ it involves cartilage tuning into bone . -_ it begins with a small model of the bone made of fibrocartilage 4, long bones rarely form by endochondral ossification 5 @ osteoprogenitor cells enter the cartilage model on the periosteal bud the bone collar is formed by endochondral ossification are embedded in the plaque of a macula adherens. 2S Connegons Microfilaments Intermediate filaments made of keratin # Terminal bars OX. Ciliary rootlets Select the correct statement regarding cartilage. G) Fibrocartilage lacks a perichondrium. 8. Elastic cartilage matrix contains no collagen fibers. ._Fibrocartilage lacks chondrocytes. _-©~ Hyaline cartilage is the least abundant form of cartilage. 7-#. Chondrocytes receive nutrition from blood vessels coursing within the cartilage matrix. is transformation of one type of epithelium to another, occuring under abnormal conditions. (® Metaplasia “B. Carcinoma cc. Adendocarcinoma D. Apoptosis B. Necrosis Which of the following structures is not a form of heterochromatin? (®D Nucleolus 8: Marginal chromatin ee Karyosome Tey Nucleolar-associated chromatin “e: Barr body Regarding the periosteum, ‘A. it has an outer layer formed by dense connective tissue B. osteoprogenitor cells are present in the inner layer c. Sharpey's fibers pass through the periosteum to insert in the bone Bs it sorves as a source of mutton forthe bone /Ap All of the above are correct. Atanode ofRanvier, ‘A. neurons make synaptic contact with other neurons 8, neurotransmitter is released CE! there is a gap in the myelin sheath “3. axons give off branches EB. dendrites give off branches 19, 21 25, EE EOS A ABO / 04 The intercalated disc is characteristic of ® cardiac muscle B. skeletal muscle ¢. smooth muscle . peripheral nerve 8. Typel, red skeletal muscle What lies in a canaliculus in bone? A. An osteocyte cell body B. An osteoblast ‘An osteoclast An osteocyte cell process A blood vessel The white matter of the central nervous system is composed mostly of A. cell bodies and dendrites B. connective tissue c. neuropil (© myelinated axons ®. unmyelinated axons A mesothelium is a epithelium. a. simple cuboidal 3. simple columnar & geudosratfed columnar 5) simple squamous & stratified cuboidal ‘What lies within the central (Haversian) canal of an osteon? A. Anosteocyte B. Anostcoblast Ee Adlood vessel D. Connective tissue only =. Osteoprogenitor cells Tendons and ligaments are formed by A, dense imegular connective tissue Bedense regular: ‘connective tissue “G. elastic connective tissue . reticular connective tissue E. fibrocartilage In the body, adipose connective tissue functions as a A. repository of energy B. thermal insulator cc. shock absorber Py Mller between tise and organs () All of the above are true. version B Page 4 _ MS-I Histology Written Bxam #1 - 9/30/04 Ave Version B Page 5 26. 21. 29. 30. o A _— Bland has sacclike secretory units made up of eosinophilic cells with round, centrally Jocated nuclei. A. mucous tubular B. serous tubular ¢- mucous acinar ) serous acinar mucous tubuloacinar The epiphyseal plate in a young child is formed by a. bone B. mesenchyme hyaline cartilage D. dense connective tissue B. mucoid connective tissue ‘The arrangement of osteoblasts on a newly formed bone spicule resembles @ simple cuboidal epithelium ~ simple squamous epithelium . transitional epithelium . stratified squamous epithelium B. fibroblasts in dense connective tissue ‘What is found in the internal callus after bone healing has begun at a fracture site? Compact¥one Bone spicules (trabeculae) Hyaline cartilage D. Fibrocgttilage 8. Dense regular connectiyé tissue __ are cylinders in which the wall is formed by 27 microtubules arranged in triplets. a. Centrioles 3B. Basal bodies 4 irgets = sel bobs & Cilia (>> A and B PAB andC Macrophages are also called Z& adipocytes Ze. Betymphocytes . fibrocytes @ histiocytes mast cells Each cardiac muscle cell contains a single nucleus located peripherally a single nucleus located centrally ‘multiple nuclei located peripherally multiple nuclei located centrally : =. multiple nuclei located centrally and peripherally MS-I Histology Written Exam #1 - 9/30/04 Version B Page 6 33. The I-bands of striated muscle cells correspond to arcas B sien wine e where only myosin is present where ectin and myosin overlap b. where adjacent cells are attached to each other ®. that appear dark with hematoxylin and eosin stain 34. A brush border consists of A. flagella B. cilia C- asa infodngs stereocilia @ niicrovil 35. The terminal cistern of a skeletal muscle cell A. connects adjacent cells 8, surrounds each individual cell ¢. is a specialized part of the rough endoplasmic reticulum (®) is a specialized part of the sarcoplasmic reticulum B. is a specialized part of the sarcolemma 36. is formed by a group of ribosomes connected by a strand of m-RNA. ‘&. Rough endoplasmic reticulum 8. Granular endoplasmic reticulum e A peroxisome ‘A polyribosome B. A karyosome 37. Microfilaments are composed of (ee actin * cytokeratin ¢. tubulin D. vimentin . desmin 38. The neurotransmitter at a neuromuscular junction is C&D acetylcholine dopamine epinephrine norepinephrine serotonin 28. is composed of cell membranes in the form of interconnecting tubules. aoawl AG, Rough endoplasmic reticulum (E> Smooth endoplasmic reticulum ‘¢ A Golgi apparatus Be A centriole @ 4 A mitochondrion Version B Page 7 At sites of inflammation, antibodies are produced by . fibroblasts + macrophages '. Mast cells Th eat ie connective tissue surrounding a fasicle of skeletal muscle is called the a. endomysium at @®) perimysium c. epimysium 2 D. perineurium ) x B. epineurium ° In smooth muscle, AT teansverse tubules are present 2, terminal cistems are present (€? sctin and myosin are present % gap junctions are not present TZ. the sarcolemma je fot present The fat cell of yellow fat 2% has no cytoplasm ey has no nucleus contains a single droplet of fat B. contains several droplets of fat B. contains basophilic granules "Puffy" cells that are frequently binucleate are characteristic of the surface layer of. epithelium. simple cuboidal simple columnar stratified squamous « pseudostratified columnar G) transitional ‘The ruffled border of an osteoclast is formed by wowp A. microvilli 8, cilia ‘€> membrane infoldings * pseudopodia B. lace In the central nervous system, myelin is composed of, ‘A. material secreted by an oligodendrocyte B. material secreted by a Schwann cell ¢. material secreted by an astrocyte (®,) the plasmalemma of an oligodendrocyte ‘E. the plasmalemma of a Schwann cell 48, 49. 50. eee Version B Page 8 Osteocyte cell processes are connected by : . 1. tight junctions e 8. intermediate junctions ¢. macula adherens D. fascia adherens ©) gap junctions In appositional growth of cartilage in the adult, the newly formed chondrocytes arise from AX fibroblasts. 2) pluripotential cells in the perichondrium which differentiate into chondroblasts Te” other chondrocytes _2* osteoblasts . mesenchymal cells Regarding cell membranes, 2 the width of a cell membrane is 7-10 microns (um) 45 the nuclear envelope is magéup of a single unit membrane (in the process of exocytosis, the membrane bounding the secretory vacuole fuses with the lasmalemma, releasing the cell product to the exterior of the cell ‘the glycocalyx lies on the ister surface of the plasmalemma integral proteins are easily removed from the cell membrane consists of closely ag; cells, tightly bound by junctions, with little intercellular Substance and found in the form of sheets, clumps or glandular units. e A. Muscle 2, Connective tissue & Epithelium D. Nervous tissue E. Bone

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