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  CRISPR-Cas9 is a gene editing technology that has enabled us to cycling such as

splicing and insertion in various parts of the genome or DNA.
  How does this system work?
  The CRISPR-Cas9 system consists of two important molecules that create
mutations in DNA.  One is the Cas9 enzyme. This enzyme cuts two strands of DNA
at specific locations in the genome, allowing DNA fragments to be added or
removed.  Another molecule is Guide RNA.  Also known as gRNA. The gRNA is
designed to find the sequence in DNA and connect.  So the RNA only binds to the
target sequence and is about 20 bases long.  Cas9 tries to repair the guide RNA,
noticing it by cutting the DNA in two strands and taking damage to the cell DNA.  The
master of science can switch pedals on the system.
  How did it come about?
  If we come to how exactly this system came about;  Some bacteria have a CRISPR-
Cas9-like system found naturally in their bodies.  They will protect this virus system
by pretending to be your system.  Bacteria remove parts of the pathogen DNA and
hide a piece of CRISPR against the problem of re-attack.  In 1987, Japanese
scientist Yoshizumi Ishino and his team discovered repeated DNA sequences, which
were later called CRISPR.  It was discovered in the CRISPR system in 1995 in many
types of bacteria.  At the beginning of 2007, Danisco company scientists discovered
the function of CRISPR in the bacterial system. The scientists who won the Nobel
Prize in 2020; Emmanuelle Charpentier (discovered a previously unknown fragment
of CRISPR-Cas called tracrRNA in studies with bacteria called Streptococcus
pyogenes), and Jennifer Doudna said that a repeating molecule in the scissors of the
bacteria in her lab can cut any point in the DNA chain at any point in the DNA
chain. proved.
  Why is CRISPR special?
  CRISPR is not the only checksum mechanism in faulty genes.  So what makes it
special?  Its speed, sensitivity, being cheaper than other techniques, and being able
to provide multiple genes at once.
  CRISPR Applications
  CRISPR is used in the industrial field to deliver strains to phage, to control working
insects and invasive species, to be a simple, simple, efficient and inexpensive system
in genome engineering and biomedicine to team up the genomic loci of numerous
organisms.  Embryonic stem cells and transgenic animals are another application
area.  At the same time, in the treatment of various diseases;  Tumors, drug
sensitivity in cancer, rapid modeling of malignant diseases and creating personalized
treatment options, treatment of many patients such as hemophilia, cystic fibrosis,
HIV, fever, blindness (lebar congenital amorosis) sickle disease, heart disease,
hunhington, mediterranean disease, muscular dystrophy.  method is used for
control.  For the Corona virus, the CRISPR-Cas9 system can be tested with 5
minutes.  The major problem, as seen as disadvantage, is DNA cleavage.  The
solution to this is to express two CRISPR modules with nikase activity.
  Ethical Concerns
  Exercising the human genome poses various problems with equity and fairness. 
Who can access treatment options and who can be applied to them is a matter of
debate.  Another big risk is that the gene release (reflection of genetic changes on
the whole society) exceeds the target population and cannot be controlled.  Also, the
emergence of new alleles with unpredictable effects after gene editing is a possible
problem.  All these problems are being studied carefully.
  CRISPR in the future
  Some studies on animals reveal that this technology can be used to delay aging,
increase the likelihood of living a healthy life and prolong life.
  At this time, the most important issue for this rapidly advancing technology will be
put forward in legal regulations.

Emel MANİSALI – Geneticist


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