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Department of Education

Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Activity Plan for the First Day of School

A. Content Standards : The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-
colonial Philippine literature as a means of connecting
to the past; various reading styles; ways of
determining word meaning; the sounds of English and
the prosodic features of speech; and correct subject-
verb agreement.

B. Performance Standards : The learner transfers learning by: showing

appreciation for the literature of the past;
comprehending texts using appropriate reading styles;
participating in conversations using appropriate
context-dependent expressions; producing English
sounds correctly and using the prosodic features of
speech effectively in various situations; and observing
correct subject-verb agreement.

C. Learning : Within the 60-minute period, the students are

Competencies/Objectives expected to have:
(Write the LC code for each) 1. Given information about themselves;
2. Crafted class rules and regulations;
3. Responded appropriately to the 50-item
Pretest for Quarter 1.

Quarter: 1 Week: 1 Day: 1 Date: _________________________


A. First Day Hello! (5 minutes)

The teacher cordially welcomes everybody to the class and wishes each to
enjoy learning English every day. He/she, then, provides a good background of
himself/herself and of the subject.

B. Step on the Line: Getting to Know Activity (15 minutes)

This activity is a fun way to get to know the students and ask for information
about them. This is done by stepping on the line (instead of raising their hands or
calling their names) when a statement is given or a question is asked.

Materials: Masking tape (to be used to mark a line across the classroom)
Set of questions or statements about anything that would give
information about the students (To be prepared ahead by the teacher)

1. Ask the students to move the chairs and tables along the
sides of the classroom (but this can be played or done outside of the
2. Mark a line across the room horizontally or vertically.
3. All students must stand along the sides, away from the line.
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

4. Instruct students to step of the line if the statements or

questions best describe them.

Example: Statement
1. English is my favorite subject. (The students who think
English is their favorite subject must step on the line. The
teacher may also ask some follow up questions to make the
session more interactive).
Example: Questions
1. Who lives outside Poblacion, Valencia City? (The students
who are living outside Poblacion, Valencia City should step
on the line. The teacher may ask the students on the line
where they are coming from).
2. Who among you is the only child in the family? (The
teacher may have a follow up question to those student
stepping on the line) What do you think is the advantage
and the disadvantage of being an only child in the family?

C. Rules are Made to be Followed (10 minutes)

This activity makes the students come up with their very own rules to follow
in their English class. It is presumed that students will be able to follow rules easily
when it is crafted by themselves.

Materials: bond paper sheets or manila paper, markers

1. Form the students into small groups (5-6 members).
2. Ask them to brainstorm and list down English class rules to
follow all throughout the school year.
3. Let the students present their output in class.
4. The teacher will consolidate the rules and come up with the
final English Class Rules.

D. Let’s See How Much Do You Know! (30 minutes)

The teacher administers the 50-item pretest for the quarter. Please refer to the
Teacher’s Guide pages 4-13 for the Table of Specifications and Learner’s Material
pages 4-9 for the test items.
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Detailed Lesson Plan in English 7

A. Content Standards : The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-
colonial Philippine literature as a means of connecting
to the past; various reading styles; ways of
determining word meaning; the sounds of English and
the prosodic features of speech; and correct subject-
verb agreement.

B. Performance Standards : The learner transfers learning by: showing

appreciation for the literature of the past;
comprehending texts using appropriate reading styles;
participating in conversations using appropriate
context-dependent expressions; producing English
sounds correctly and using the prosodic features of
speech effectively in various situations; and observing
correct subject-verb agreement.

C. Learning Competencies : At the end of the 60-minute lesson, 75% of the

/Objectives students are expected to discover literature as a means
(Write the LC code for each) of connecting to a significant past (EN7LT-I-a-1).

Quarter: 1 Week: 1 Day: 2 Date: ___________________________

Subject Matter: Literature
Integration: Social Studies –The Philippines during the Pre-Colonial Period
Strategies: paired work, group work


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages, 16-17
2. Learner’s Material pages, 12-15
3. Textbook pages - None
4. Additional Materials from LR Portal - None
B. Other Learning Resources - Paintings

IV. Procedures
A. Before the Lesson
- Prayer
- Greetings
- Mood Setting
- Attendance Check
- Presentation of Objective
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

B. During the lesson

Invite the students to work on the pre-requisites to check their background
knowledge and to prepare them for the development of their target skills through the
following tasks:

TASK 1. The Philippines during the Pre-Colonial Period (Paired Work)

Form a dyad (preferably sitting beside each other) and let each pair
look at the given paintings closely to describe the kind of life the Filipinos had during
the Pre-Colonial Period.

NOTE: Clearer photos of the above paintings can be found in the LM, pp 12-15.

TASK 2. A Way of Life (Paired Work)

Let the students work with a partner and state whether they agree or
disagree with the given statements related to the pictures in Task 1. Let them
justify their stand.

1. The early Filipinos had high literacy rate.
2. They had no foreign relations.
3. They were not self-sufficient.
4. Several professions already existed.
5. They already had an advanced civilization.
6. Early Filipinos enjoyed a high standard of government.
7. Our forefathers already possessed a working judicial and legislative
Ask them what they feel upon knowing the stature of their ancestors
during this period.
Encourage them to give their reason/s for their feelings.
Afterwards, motivate both members to share their answers in front of
the class.
Answers: 1. Disagree 2. Disagree 3. Disagree 4. Agree
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

5. Agree 6. Agree 7. Agree

TASK 3. Know This!

Explain to the class what literature is and why it is important in
knowing our significant past. Tell them that:

Literature are pieces of writing that are valued as works of art, especially
novels, plays, essays and poems, among others.
Tell them also that:
Literature is important because, among others, it enables us to know our
history. It unlocks the culture of a time period, gives us wisdom about life, allows us
to interpret our own life and emotions and finds ways to relate to the story we in turn
can reflect.
Ask the class to recall a Philippine literary masterpiece and be able to
share this to the class. The sharing should mention information the
masterpiece is telling us about the Filipinos and the Philippines in the past.

C. After the Lesson

Instruct the students to answer the question that follows in a ¼ sheet of paper.
Question: How can we connect to important events in the past?

Read the summary of “The Good Prince Bantugan,” pp. 73-76 and answer in a
½ crosswise sheet of paper the question: What characteristics of our ancestors can
be generalized from the epic? Explain you answer.


1. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation

2. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below 80%
3. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson
4. No. of learners who continue to require remediation
5. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
6. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?

Detailed Lesson Plan in English 7

Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

A. Content Standards : The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-

colonial Philippine literature as a means of connecting
to the past; various reading styles; ways of determining
word meaning; the sounds of English and the prosodic
features of speech; and correct subject-verb agreement.

B. Performance Standards : The learner transfers learning by: showing

appreciation for the literature of the past;
comprehending texts using appropriate reading styles;
participating in conversations using appropriate
context-dependent expressions; producing English
sounds correctly and using the prosodic features of
speech effectively in various situations; and observing
correct subject-verb agreement.

C. Learning Competencies : At the end of the 60-minute lesson, 75% of the

/Objectives students are expected to:
(Write the LC code for each) 1. Describe the literary genres during the pre-
colonial period (EN7LT-I-a-2);
2. Identify the distinguishing features of proverbs,
myths and legends (EN7LT-I-a-2.1).

Quarter: 1 Week: 1 Day: 3 Date: __________________________

Subject Matter: Literary Genres during the Pre-Colonial Period; Distinguishing
Features of Proverbs, Myths and Legends


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages -16-19
2. Learner’s Material pages -16, 20-21, 49
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from LR Portal
B. Other Learning Resources

IV. Procedures
A. Preliminaries
- Prayer
- Greetings
- Mood Setting
- Attendance Check
- Presentation of Objective

B. Checking of Background Knowledge

TASK 1. Gauge Me
Let the students read each item and accomplish the given table below
by checking the corresponding column of their preferences.
Topic I know a I know a I want to
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

little lot know more

1. Proverb
2. Myth
3. Legend

Ask them how many check marks they got in each column. Say:
“Raise your hand if you got three/two/one in I know a little.” Do the same thing
for the rest of the columns.

C. Presentation of the Lesson

TASK 2. Puzzle Me No More
Direct the students to look at the given boxes and try to read a word
out of the given letters by finding out which letter begins the word and which maze to
follow. Tell them to fill in the blanks with their spelled-out words using definition

1. A narrative that describes and portrays in symbolic language the origin of

the basic elements and assumptions of a culture is called _____.
Y T ☺
☺ ☺ H
M ☺ ☺
2. It is a brief instructive expression that suggest a specific action, behavior
or judgment.
E ☺ O
B ☺ P
3. It is referred to as a story or a narrative from the past that is believed to
have been historical.
E D ☺
☺ N G
L ☺ E
4. It is a long narrative poem about a legendary hero who exhibits qualities
☺ I ☺
☺ E ☺
C ☺ P

ANSWERS: 1. Myth 2. Proverb 3. Legend 4. Epic

Tell the class that these three are the genres of literature during the pre-
colonial period and that these will be the day’s topic.

C. Lesson Proper
Discuss with the students the following genres of literature during the pre-
colonial period including the distinguishing features of each:
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

TASK 3. Revelation of Truth

Have each student answer the true or false type of test to check on
his/her comprehension about proverbs.
Instruction: Write T if the statement is true and F if it is not.
1. Most of the early proverbs in the Philippines are written in English.
2. Proverbs are called “bugtong” in Filipino. (F)
3. Some proverbs are poetic and figurative in nature. (T)
4. Early Filipinos’ proverbs served as guideposts for upright living.
5. Proverbs may have geographical origins. (T)
6. People can’t react to the meaning of proverbs quite quickly. (F)
7. Proverbs can instruct and prescribe at the same time. (T)
8. Proverbs are less superior to the literary forms in expressing
messages. (F)
9. Proverbs reflect many things about our culture and identity. (T)
10. Proverbs cannot be preserved. (F)

Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

TASK 4. Myth as Folk Narrative

Let the learners answer the given questions by pair.

1. Is myth a traditional story of events? ( T)

2. Is it an attempt to explain or elaborate the origin or beginning of a
people or a practice, belief, or natural phenomenon? (T)
3. Are its primary characters gods or supernatural beings often shown
as having human-like qualities? (T)
4. Is a myth set in completely different from historical time? (F)
5. Does it narrate typical events from gods or supernatural beings’
experiences, deeds and living conditions, which are also basic to
human life? (T)
6. Is a myth set at the beginning of creation or at an early stage of
prehistory? (T)
Process students’ answers.

TASK 5. Likely Unlike

Have the class differentiate a myth from a legend through a simple
diagram. Call volunteers to present their work. Don’t forget to process the

Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

One kind of a narrative that is often told and retold is the hero tale, the
epic. This is a story about a legendary hero who exhibits qualities admired in a
person, in addition to great fighting ability and mental alertness. The epic is a
long narrative poem based on oral tradition. It presents the heroic deeds of the
main character embodying the beliefs, customs, ideals or life values of the
people. Philippine epics represent ethnic groups, and deal with regional

D. Evaluation
To check students’ understanding of the lesson, allow them to individually
answer the following:

A. Fill in the table with words and phrases that would describe the genres of
literature during the pre-colonial period.


B. Which literary genre is featured in the statements below? Write your answer in
the blank before the number.

_____ 1. It is a long narrative poem based on oral tradition.

_____ 2. It is a story about a hero who usually has historical roots.
_____ 3. It is a traditional story involving supernatural elements.
_____ 4. It is a narrative that is beyond logic.
_____ 5. It is referred to as “the wisdom of many and the wit of one.”
_____ 6. It is not true but is based on facts, such as a real person, a place or an
_____ 7. It recommends certain virtues and condemns certain vices.
_____ 8. It describes and portrays the origin of the basic elements and
of a culture in symbolic language.
_____ 9. It is written in the form of short assertions or poetic two-liner which has
_____ 10. It is always associated with a particular place and a particular time in

ANSWERS: 1. Epic 2. Legend 3. Myth 4. Myth 5. Proverb

6. Legend 7. Proverb 8. Myth 9. Proverb 10. Legend

E. Assignment
1. Read “The Origin of the World” in your LM, pages 47-48
2. Choose your favorite proverb and write it in big, bold letters in 1/8
illustration board. Consider having appropriate and colorful design on it.
Be ready to show it to class during the 10-minute Proverbs on Parade next
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City


1. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation

2. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored
below 80%
3. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the
4. No. of learners who continue to require remediation
5. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
6. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Detailed Lesson Plan in English 7

A. Content Standards : The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-
colonial Philippine literature as a means of connecting
to the past; various reading styles; ways of
determining word meaning; the sounds of English and
the prosodic features of speech; and correct subject-
verb agreement.
B. Performance Standards : The learner transfers learning by: showing
appreciation for the literature of the past;
comprehending texts using appropriate reading styles;
participating in conversations using appropriate
context-dependent expressions; producing English
sounds correctly and using the prosodic features of
speech effectively in various situations; and observing
correct subject-verb agreement.
C. Learning Competencies : At the end of the 60-minute lesson, 75% of the
/Objectives students are expected to:
(Write the LC code for each) 1. Use the appropriate reading style (scanning,
skimming, intensive reading, etc.) for one’s
purpose (EN7RC-I-a-7 :);
2. Scan for specific information (EN7SS-I-a-
3. Skim for major ideas using headings as guide

Quarter: 1 Week: 1 Day: 4 Date: _________________________

Subject Matter: Reading Style (Skimming and Scanning)
Integration: Literature: Noting details
Strategies: 4 As


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Material pages
3. Textbook: English Expressways II, pp 56, 118, 165-166, 216-217
4. Additional Materials from LR Portal
B. Other Learning Resources

IV. Procedures
A. Preliminary Activities
- Prayer
- Greetings
- Mood Setting
- Attendance Check
- Presentation of Objective
- Proverbs on Parade
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

The teacher facilitates this activity. At the end of the activity, he/she calls 2-3
volunteers to explain their proverbs. He/she, then, commends the class for a good job.

B. Activity (Skim, Scan and Shout!)

Material: 10 copies of the reading text below. (Pages 47-48 in the LM)

The Origin of the World (Maranaw)

Retold by Abdullah T. Madale

The Creator

According to Maranaw folklore, this world was created by a great Being. It is not
known, however, who exactly is this great Being. Or how many days it took him to create this

Layers of the Earth

The world is divided into seven layers. The earth has also seven layers. Each layer is
inhabited by a different kind of being. The uppermost layer, for example, is the place we
The second layer is inhabited by dwarfs. These dwarfs are short, plump, and long –
haired. They are locally known as Karibanga. The Karibanga are said to possess magical
powers. They are usually invisible to the human eyes.
The third layer of the earth which is found under the sea or lake is inhabited by
nymphs. These nymphs also possess certain magical powers. It is stated in the story of Rajah
Indarapatra that he met and fell in love with the princess nymph with whom he had a child.

Layers of the Sky

The sky also consists of seven layers. Each layer has a door which is guarded day and
night by huge mythical bird called garoda. The seventh layer of the sky is the seat of heaven
which is also divided into seven layers. Every layer in the sky is inhabited by angels.
Maranaws believe that angels do not need food. They all possess wings with which they fly.
Heaven which is found on the seventh layer of the sky is where good people’s spirits
go after death. Saints are assigned to the seventh layer while persons who –barely made it are
confined to the lowermost layer which is found at the bottom of heaven.
It is in heaven where we find the tree-of –life. On each leaf of the tree-of –life is
written the name of every person living on earth. As soon as a leaf ripens or dries and falls,
the person whose name it carries also dies.
The soul of every person is found in tightly covered jars kept in one section of
heaven. This particular section of heaven is closely guarded by a monster with a thousand
eyes, named Walo. Walo, in addition to his thousand eyes, has also eight hairy heads. The
epic Darangan speaks of Madale, Bantugan’s brother and, Mabaning, husband of Lawanen,
entering this section and retrieving the soul of Bantugan.

Source:http://digilearn.comph/pub/books/hs1_english01_a4.html on July 8, 2015

1. The teacher groups the class into 10. Group members shall sit together.
2. The teacher provides each group with the reading material.
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

3. The teacher asks the first question; group members read the selection and
shout the correct answer.
4. The first group who can give the correct answer earns a point.
5. The teacher asks the 2nd, 3rd and so on questions.
6. The group with the highest number of points at the end of the game wins.

1. According to Maranaw folklore, who created the world?
Answer: Great Being
2. The world is divided into how many layers?
Answer: 7
3. Which layer of the earth do we inhabit?
Answer: Uppermost layer
4. Who inhabit the third layer of the earth?
Answer: Nymphs
5. It is a monster with a thousand eyes?
Answer: Walo
6. In which paragraphs is the sky being described?
Answer: 5,6,7,8
7. What is being talked about in the second from last paragraph?
Answer: Tree-of-life
8. What is the text all about?
Answer: It is about the creator of the world and the division of the
world into different layers
9. What is the topic in the first paragraph?
Answer: The creator of the world
10. What is the purpose of the text?
Answer: To inform
C. Analysis

The teacher asks the following questions:

1. How did you find the activity?
2. What did you do to locate the answers to questions 1?
3. How did you find the answer to Question No.8? Did you do the
same thing as when you located the answer for Question No. 1?

Present to the class the lesson by telling them that what they did to locate answers
to Question No. 1 and No. 8 were scanning and skimming respectively.
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

C. Abstraction

The teacher discusses with the learners the following:

There are many strategies that teachers can employ to help students increase
their comprehension, as well as their engagement, while they are reading. These are:

1. Skimming

What is it?
Skimming involves running your eye very quickly over large chunks of text. It
involves the paragraph text. Skimming allows you to pick up some of the main ideas
without paying attention to detail. It is a fast process. A single chapter should take
only a few minutes.

When to use it?

To quickly locate relevant sections from a large quantity of written material.
Especially useful when there are few headings or graphic elements to gain an
overview of a text.

How to skim?
1. Read the table of contents or chapter overview to learn the main divisions of ideas.
2. Glance through the main headings in each chapter just to see a word or two. Read
the headings of charts and tables.
3. Read the entire introductory paragraph and then the first and last sentence only of
each following paragraph. For each paragraph, read only the first few words of each
sentence or to locate the main idea.
4. Stop and quickly read the sentences containing keywords indicated in boldface or
5. When you think you have found something significant, stop to read the entire
sentence to make sure. Then go on the same way. Resist the temptation to stop to
read details you don't need.
5. Read chapter summaries when provided.

2. Scanning

What is it?
Scanning is sweeping your eyes (like radar) over part of a text to find specific
pieces of information.

When to use it?

To quickly locate specific information from a large quantity of written

How to scan to answer questions?

1. Read each question completely before starting to scan. Choose your keywords from
the question itself.
2. Look for answers to only one question at a time. Scan separately for each question.
3. When you locate a keyword, read the surrounding text carefully to see if it is
4. Re-read the question to determine if the answer you found answers this question.

Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City


The Fabulous Fifties 3
The Swinging Sixties 21
The Storming Seventies 41
The Electric Eighties 61
The Nerdy Nineties 83
A turbulent Turn of the Millennium 103


Family and Values: Changes and Challenges in shaping the Youth 108
Common Myths About Young Filipinos’ Sexuality 176
The Interactive Generation: New Mindset. Traditional Soul 218
Youth and Sports: In Search of Balance, Focus and Excellence 292

Source: The Changing Face of the Filipino

Salesian Society of Don Bosco
Through Infinity- 1 Communications Services.
Makati City: Philippines 2002

D. Application

Part 1
The teacher allows the students to skim in groups of three the sample table of
contents excerpted from the book, “The Changing Face of the Filipino, the
Salesian Tribute to the Youth of the Philippines”. He/she then asks the groups to
answer the questions that follow.

1. What two main topics are covered in the Table of Contents?
(Five Decades of Filipino Youth and Perspective and Reflections)
2. What sub-topic can be found on page 41?
(The Storming Seventies)
3. How many sub-topics can be found in Part 2?
( Four sub-topics)
4. What topic probably discusses about the sexuality of the Filipino Youth?
(Common Myths About Filipino’s Sexuality)
5. What is this book all about?
( About the Filipino Youth)

Part 2

The teacher instructs the class to have a quick look through the advertisement
below, then answer the questions on the next page.

Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

1. What can you save from shopping at this place?
2. How many good reasons are there for shopping?
3. What is the telephone number
4. What can you earn with Argos?
5. What are the names of the catering firm?
6. How long does the offer last?

Answers: 1. Pesos 2. Over a hundred 3. 0151 207 3898

4. Hundreds of Pesos 5. Best -In Catering and Bestway Catering
5. 3 weeks



1. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation

Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

2. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below
3. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson
4. No. of learners who continue to require remediation
5. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
6. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?

Detailed Lesson Plan in English 7

A. Content Standards : The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-
colonial Philippine literature as a means of connecting
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

to the past; various reading styles; ways of

determining word meaning; the sounds of English and
the prosodic features of speech; and correct subject-
verb agreement.
B. Performance Standards : The learner transfers learning by: showing
appreciation for the literature of the past;
comprehending texts using appropriate reading styles;
participating in conversations using appropriate
context-dependent expressions; producing English
sounds correctly and using the prosodic features of
speech effectively in various situations; and observing
correct subject-verb agreement.
C. Learning Competencies : At the end of the 60-minute lesson, 80% of the
/Objectives students will be able to:
(Write the LC code for each) 1. Use the appropriate reading style (scanning,
skimming, intensive reading, etc.) for one’s
purpose (EN7RC-I-a-7 :);
2. Read intensively to find answers to specific
questions (EN7RC-I-cd-7.1)

Quarter: 1 Week: 1 Day: 5 Date: _________________________

Subject Matter: Reading Style (Intensive Reading)
Integration: Social Studies
Strategies: paired work, group work


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Material pages
3. Textbook:
4. Additional Materials from LR Portal
B. Other Learning Resources

IV. Procedures

A. Preliminary Activities
- Prayer
- Greetings
- Mood Setting
- Attendance Check
- Presentation of Objective

B. Review
Call 2 students to compare and contrast scanning and skimming. Process their

C. Presentation of the Lesson

Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Tell the class that other than scanning and skimming, there are still other
reading styles. Two of these are intensive reading and previewing the text.

D. Abstraction
The teacher discusses with the learners the following:

Other Reading Styles:

3. Intensive Reading
What is it?
Intensive reading is detailed, focused, ‘study’ reading of those important parts,
pages or chapters.
When to use it?
When you have previewed an article and used the techniques of skimming and
scanning to find what you need to concentrate on, then you can slow down and do
some intensive reading.
How to read intensively?
 start at the beginning. Underline any unfamiliar words or phrases, but do not
stop the flow of your reading.
 if the text is relatively easy, underline, highlight or make brief notes (see ‘the
section on making notes from readings).
 if the text is difficult, read it through at least once (depending on the level of
difficulty) before making notes.
 be alert to the main ideas. Each paragraph should have a main idea, often
contained in the topic sentence (usually the first sentence) or the last sentence.
 when you have finished go back to the unfamiliar vocabulary. Look it up in an
ordinary or subject-specific dictionary. If the meaning of a word or passage
still evades you, leave it and read on. Perhaps after more reading you will find
it more accessible and the meaning will become clear. Speak to your tutor if
your difficulty continues.
 write down the bibliographic information and be sure to record page numbers
(more about this in the section on making notes from readings).

4. Previewing the Text to Get an Overview

What is it?
Previewing a text means that you get an idea of what it is about without
actually reading the main body of the text.
When to use it?
To help you decide whether a book or journal is useful for your purpose; to get
a general sense of the article structure, to help you locate relevant information; to help
you to identify the sections of the text you may need to read and the sections you can
omit. to preview a text?
To preview, start by reading:
 the title and author details
 the abstract (if there is one)
 then read only the parts that ‘jump out’; that is: main headings and sub
headings, chapter summaries, any highlighted text
 examine any illustrations, graphs, tables or diagrams and their captions, as
these usually summarize the content of large slabs of text
 the first sentence in each paragraph

Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

E. Evaluation
Let the students read intensively the story of Maria Makiling, pages 53-54 in
the LM. Tell them to be ready to answer orally the Process Questions in page 54.
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Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Process questions
1. Who are the main and supporting characters in the story?
2. Why were Maria’s parents disagreeable with their daughter’s love affair with Gat
3. In their disagreement, what did her parents do to her as punishment?
4. What happened to Gat Dula when Maria Could not meet him physically?
5. How could Maria and Gat Dula’s love endure without seeing each other
6. What do you think happened to both of them?
7. Why did Maria ask for Gat Dula’s soul from the gods?

F. Assignment
To strengthen students reading comprehension skills, assign them to read
intensively “The Good Prince Bantugan”, pages 73-76 in the LM. Tell them to
answer the Process Questions in page 76 in a ½ crosswise sheet of paper.


1. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation

2. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below
80% ________________________________________________________________
3. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson
4. No. of learners who continue to require remediation
5. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
6. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?
Lesson Plan in English 7

I. Objectives

A. Content Standards : The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-colonial

Philippine literature as a means of connecting to the past; various reading styles;
ways of determining word meaning; the sounds of English and the prosodic
features of speech; and correct subject-verb agreement.
B. Performance Standards: The learner transfers learning by: showing appreciation
for the literature of the past; comprehending texts using appropriate reading styles;
participating in conversations using appropriate context-dependent expressions;
producing English sounds correctly and using the prosodic features of speech
effectively in various situations; and observing correct subject-verb agreement.
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives: At the end of a 60 minute lesson , 75% of the
learners are expected to:
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

1. recognize prosodic features: volume, projection, pitch, stress, intonation,

juncture, and speech rate that serve as carriers of meaning ( EN7LC-I-a-5),
2. listen for important point signalled by volume, projection, pitch, stress,
intonation, juncture and rate of speech ( EN7LC-I-a-5.1), and
3. note the changes in volume, projection, pitch, stress, intonation, juncture,
and rate of speech that affect meaning( EN7LC-I-a-5.2)

Quarter: First Week: 1 Day: 6 Date: ____________

II. Content:
Subject Matter: Prosodic Features of a Language (volume, projection, pitch,
stress, intonation, juncture and speech rate)
Strategies: Cooperative Learning, Read Aloud

III. Learning Resources

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages -19-22
2. Learner’s Material pages- 22-26, 51, 81
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from LR Portal
B. Other Learning Resources – list of words with stress, passages for reading

IV. Procedure

A. Before the Lesson

- Prayer
- Greetings
- Mood Setting
- Attendance check
- Presentation of Objective

B. During the Lesson

1. Invite students to read the following sentence the best way they can.
I go up and down in staircase.

2. Model reading the sentence with proper stress and intonation. Emphasize
that good speakers of English read with music-like, rising and falling of
their voice when speaking. Just like in the above sentence, intonation is
like going up and down in a staircase.

3. Invite the students to read the following pairs of words;

combat - combat record- record conflict- conflict

conduct- conduct protest- protest contact- contact
object - object content - content purchase- purchase
present- present desert- desert survey-survey

4. Note the difference in pronunciation due to stress. Ask some students to

differentiate the meaning of the words in each pair.
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Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

5. Inform students that the words maybe spelt the same but are pronounced
differently. These words are called heteronyms. The difference in
pronunciation is attributed to stress. Stress changes the meaning of the
words as indicated in the pair of words above. In heteronyms, nouns are
usually stressed on the first syllable, while verbs are stressed on the second

Stress is the relative emphasis given to certain syllables in a word,

or certain words in a phrase or sentence. In English, stressed syllables are
louder than non-stressed syllables. They are also longer and have a higher
There are four types of stress, primary (ˊ), secondary (`), tertiary (ˆ)
and weak (no symbol). Primary stress is most noticeable when spoken. All
the other stresses are no longer emphasized when read. As a general rule in
writing the stress (ˊ) symbol, you write it above the vowel of the stressed
syllable. Example: informaˊtion , neˊcessary

Task 1. Stress it out

6. Ask the students to refer back to the pair of words they have read a while
ago. Instruct them to read the words again, this time with proper stress.
Model reading the words if necessary.

combat - combat record- record conflict- conflict

conduct- conduct protest- protest contact- contact
object - object content - content purchase- purchase
present- present desert- desert survey-survey

7. Invite them to read the following words with stress on different syllables.
Be guided with the highlighted syllables where the stress is located.

accuracy ceremony family memorable

adolescent comfortable folklorist nationality
ancestor committee holiday preliminary
antecedent composite honorable preferable
attainment confidential innovative reasonable
baptism cooperative interested sovereignty
category establishment intestine talented

In long words, unstressed vowels even disappear.

accident(a)lly document(a)ry mis(e)rable

asp(i)rin element(a)ry pleas(u)rable
awf(u)lly delib(e)rate reas(o)nable
bev(e)rage fav(o)rable rest(au)rant
comf(o)rtable fav(o)rite sep(a)rate
choc(o)late int(e) resting temp(e)rapture
diff(e)rent laborat(o)ry veg(e)table

Sentence-stress refers to certain words in a sentence that are given

importance. There is no complete set of rules for sentence-stress. The
meaning intended determines the words to be stressed and the degree to
which they are emphasized. If you shift the primary stress, you get different
Intonation refers to the total pattern of pitch change within an
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Task 2: Pair-work. Work in pairs in practicing the right intonation to achieve the
purpose or feeling indicated. Emphasize the appropriate stress in the italicized

Sentence Purpose/Feeling
1. He is my friend. The speaker is stating a fact. (not the other fellow)
2. He is my friend. The speaker is sure.(no doubt on the friendship)
3. He is my friend. The speaker expresses ownership.(not anybody’s
4. He is my friend. The speaker emphasizes friendship. (not an enemy,
but a friend)
5. He is my friend? The speaker doubts if he is a friend.
6. He is my friend. The speaker is excited.

Task 3. Ask the whole class to read aloud the following sentences emphasizing the
italicized word. Ask them their idea on the message conveyed in each
I didn’t say you stole the money.
I didn’t say you stole the money.
I didn’t say you stole the money.
I didn’t say you stole the money.
I didn’t say you stole the money.
I didn’t say you stole the money.
I didn’t say you stole the money.

(Lead students to realize the importance of proper stress and intonation in

expressing and emphasizing what one’s meant.)

Continue discussing the following:

Prosodic features are variations in pitch (intonation), stress patterns

(syllable prominence), and duration (length of time) that contribute to
expressive reading of a text. Reading fluency is more than just the ability to
read fast; it includes an understanding of the message being conveyed by
the text. Prosody is a sign or an index that the reader is actively constructing
the meaning of the passage as the words are being identified and
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Voice Projection is the strength of speaking or singing whereby the

voice is used loudly and clearly. It is a technique employed to command
respect and attention, as when a teacher talks to a class, or simply be heard
clearly, as used by an actor in a theater.
Volume (loudness) is a perception of energy used in voice
 Speaker must be audible to the audience
 Variety will help retain attention.
 May be used to convey nuance and emotion (shout vs. stage
Sources: on Junne 26, 2015

Your rate of speech is how fast or slow you say your words.
Everyone has a different rate of speech depending on his/her location, age,
culture, and how he/she feels. In order to communicate effectively you must
speak at a rate of speech that your listeners can understand.
A FASTER speaking speed signals urgency, excitement, passion or
raw emotion. In contrast a SLOWER speaking rate signals importance,
seriousness or significant ideas. Slow says: LISTEN UP! YOU NEED TO
KNOW THIS. A new concept or complex information may need to be
delivered slowly to give the audience time to grasp it before moving on.
‘Slow’ is also useful for summarizing material. The combination of slow,
fast, and medium speed makes your speech easier to listen to.
Kjesco, R (2012). Using an Appropriate Rate of Speech Retrived from
http://www.superduperinc/handouts/pdf/351%20Rate%20Speech.pdf on July 28,2015 -speaking-rate.html on July 28,2015

Task 4: Hear Ye! Hear Ye!

Form students into groups of five to six. Instruct them listen to the short
passages (to be read by select students). Each group must accomplish the chart

Recordin Scholar Studen Newscaster Descriptions of Speaker’s

g t the speaker’s message

Suggested Passages (to be read by three best readers of the class)

Scholar: Folk literature consists of the rich beliefs, songs, sayings, and tales
of how things began or why events happened. It presents several ideas about
the cultural past of the Filipino people. It is important for young people to
study them so they may develop pride in our glorious past.
Source: Grade 7 Learning Package
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Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Newscaster: We are here at the launch of a new book of Philippine folk

literature. Hundreds of scholars and students are gathered here at the National
Library for this event. The phenomenal book was written by renowned
anthropologist Dr. Ishmael Santos who believes that we need to preserve the
poems and stories of our ancestors as part of our cultural identity. The book is
available at all leading bookstores nationwide for a reasonable price of one
thousand three hundred forty five pesos only. Hurry and get your copies now!
Source: Grade 7 Learning Package

Student: I believe that young people should continue to read the sayings and
stories crafted by our ancestors and passed on to generations of citizens. It is
our gateway to appreciate their lifestyle, aspirations, and vision. I am not sure
if we would grow up to become good citizens if we do not have an
appreciation and valuing of these national treasures.
Source: Grade 7 Learning Package

Elicit students’ responses on the following questions for discussion.

1. How do you know their identity whether scholar, student or newscaster?
2. What is the common idea which the three speakers talk about?
3. What is the message of the speech of each speaker?
4. What affected your understanding of what you listened to? Why?

C. After the lesson

A. Indicate the stress (ˊ) on the following words.

1. elementary (elemeˊ ntary) 6. origin (oˊrigin)

2. engineer (engineeˊr) 7. laboratory (laˊboratory)
3. committee ( commiˊttee) 8. pediatrics (pediˊ atrics)
4. delicacy (deˊlicacy) 9. complicated ( coˊmplicated)
5. interesting (iˊnteresting) 10. shampoo (shampooˊ)

B. Choose the appropriate word (heteronym) to complete the meaning of each

sentence. Write the letters only.

1. We ______ mangoes and bananas to some countries. (b)

a. EXport b. exPORT
2. Do not drive unless you have a _______. (a)
a. PERmit b. perMIT
3. My father was chosen to answer a _____ on job satisfaction. (a)
a. SURvey b. surVEY
4. How can we ______ these bulk of orders for our customers? (b)
a. TRANport b. transPORT
5. That man is the main _____ of the crime. (a)
a. SUSpect b. susPECT
6. The company does not give _____ to overpayments. (a)
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Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

a. REfunds b. reFUNDS
7. The whole class will ______ a social research. (b)
a. CONduct b. conDUCT
8. Liza turned in the best _____ so far on clay modelling. (a)
a. PROject b. project
9. The man had to ___ his car after having bumped into the edge of the bridge.
a. DEsert b. deSERT
10. Do not _____with your boss, or else you will be fired. (b)
a. CONtest b. conTEST


Look for a dialogue on a topic of your choice and prepare to read your
dialogues in front of the class next meeting. Internalize your roles as you
observe the features of a language. (Pair Work or Group Work).



1. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation

2. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below 80%
3. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson
4. No. of learners who continue to require remediation
5. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
6. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Lesson Plan in English 7

I. Objectives

A. Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-colonial

Philippine literature as a means of connecting to the past; various reading styles;
ways of determining word meaning; the sounds of English and the prosodic features
of speech; and correct subject-verb agreement.

B. Performance Standards: The learner transfers learning by: showing appreciation for
the literature of the past; comprehending texts using appropriate reading styles;
participating in conversations using appropriate context-dependent expressions;
producing English sounds correctly and using the prosodic features of speech
effectively in various situations; and observing correct subject-verb agreement.

C. Learning Competency/Objective: At the end of a 60 minute lesson, 75% of the

learners are expected to use structural analysis to determine the meaning of unfamiliar
words or expressions from the material viewed (EN7VC-I-a-8).

Quarter: First Week: 1 Day: 7 Date: ____________

II. Content:
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Subject Matter: Word Structures- Prefixes

Integration: Science
Strategies: Visualization, Brainstorming and Active Learning

III. Learning Resources

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Material pages- 45-50
3. Textbook pages- Honig, Bill, Linda Diamond, and Linda Gutlohn. (2000).
Teaching Reading Sourcebook: For Kindergarten Through Eighth Grade
4. Additional Materials from LR Portal
B. Other Learning Resources – Root Word Tree Graphic organizer, images


IV. Procedure

A. Before the Lesson

1. Preliminaries
- Prayer
- Greetings
- Mood Setting
- Attendance check
- Presentation of Objective
2. Dialogue Reading (Homework)
Call on three pairs or groups to read their dialogues to the class. Commend the
students for a job well done

3. Inform students that in today’s lesson, they will learn how to determine the
meaning of words by studying the different prefixes. Show them the following

Try to guess what the meaning of the word as indicated in the slide:

Based on the word constructed and the sentence, what do you think is the meaning
of the first word part re- ? (Possible answer: repeat or again)
Can anyone share the meaning of the word replay? (Student answers may vary)
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

What do you think is the possible meaning of the word part mis- based on how it is
used in the sentence? (Possible answer: wrongly, or not)
B. During the Lesson

1. Ask students’ prior knowledge on the topic so that the discussion should not only
be coming from the teacher.

Dividing words into small parts like a puzzle can help you determine the
meaning of an unfamiliar word. In English language words are mainly composed
of a root word, a prefix or a suffix. Every prefix has different meaning that may
alter a meaning of a root word once it is added. A prefix and a suffix are
generally called affixes.
A root word is a word that does not have a prefix and suffix attached and
considered as the base word that cannot be divided into smaller word parts.
Prefix is a word part added to the beginning of a root word and it can change the
meaning of a word.

Task 1: Root Word Tree

Divide the class into six groups and prepare them for the next activity.
Instruct them to form as many words as they can from the root word tree
graphic organizer below.

1. form (shape)
2. port
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Possible answers:

1. Form
a. Deform –make formless
b. Malformed- badly shaped
c. Formula- mathematical shape
d. Cruciform- shaped like cross
e. Cuneiform- shaped like a wedge
f. Conform- thoroughly shape to others
g. Transform- shape across
h. Formative- something that is formative shapes or influences the growth
of something else
i. Formality- requirement of etiquette or custom
j. Formless- having no definite form or distinct shape
k. Formatted- set (printed matter) into a specific format
l. Format- Format is a structure, plan, or arrangement for how something
is presented.
m. Informant - person who supplies information
n. Formulative- when you formulate an action you carefully plan or work
it out in great detail ahead of time.
o. Reform – to change
p. Formal –
q. Informal – not formal

2. Port
a. Import - bring (goods or services) into a country from abroad for sale.
b. Export - send (goods or services) to another country for sale
c. Portable - able to be easily carried or moved
d. Transport - take or carry (people or goods) from one place to another
by means of a vehicle
e. Porter - a person employed to carry luggage and other loads, especially
in a railroad station, airport, or hotel.
f. Deport - expel (a foreigner) from a country, typically on the grounds of
illegal status or for having committed a crime.
g. Report - give a spoken or written account of something that one has
observed, heard, done, or investigated.
h. Support - bear all or part of the weight of; hold up or give assistance to
i. Portal - a website or web page providing access or links to other sites.
j. Important - of great significance or value
k. Unimportant - lacking in importance or significance
l. Importantly- used to emphasize a significant point or matter.

2. Let the students enumerate the words they added before the root words to form
new words. Add the following information;
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Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

3. Ask students their own examples on the following prefixes.

Task 2. “Picture Word Science Trivia”

Let the students determine the unfamiliar words to complete the sentences
using the picture given.

1. ________ is a medicine against harmful biotic components/factors like

Anti- ______________________

2. ________ is one of the 5R’s of responsible waste management aside from

Refuse, Reduce, Reuse and Rot.

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Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City


3. If you have a _________ shoulder, first you need to ice your shoulder to
reduce pain and swelling.


4. There is an estimate of 4,000 __________ volcanoes or seamounts on the

floor of Pacific Ocean per million square kilometers.


5. __________-ation is the removal of a forest from land into conversion of

farms, or urban purpose.


4. Elicit students’ responses on following questions;

1. How did you guess the meanings through pictures?
2. Do you think the new word you constructed has a different meaning from its
root word?
3. What do you think is the importance of learning prefixes in word structure?

C.After the Lesson


A. Identification. Read each statement and identify what is asked for.

1. A word that does not have a prefix and suffix attached and considered
as the base word that cannot be divided into smaller word parts. (root
2. A word part added to the beginning of a root word and it can change
the meaning of a word. (prefix)
3. This word part means “under or beneath, below. (under-)
4. These refer to the word part indicating the meaning “against”. (anti-)
5. The prefix that means repeat or again. (re-)

B. Matching Type. Match the sentences in Column A to the prefixes given in

Column B to complete the sentences. Write the letter of your answer in the
given blank.
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Column A Column B
1. Some members of the football team want to _______ to a. unhappy
their coach. (f) b. misplaced
3. The group is _________ since three other students are c. overspent
absent. (i) d. dishappy
5. The students are________ with the result of the dance e. misagree
competition. (a) f. disagree
7. Ally ______ her money on brand new sandals and bags. (c) g. uncomplete
h. misspent
9. Sasha ___________ her bag out of the commotion in the i. incomplete
classroom. (b) j. overplaced

C. Sentence Writing. Write sentences using the prefixes and root words given.

Sentences Prefix Root word

1 re- use

2 un- conscious

3 mis- understand

4 im- possible

5 in- active
(Students answers may vary)


Read in advance about suffixes and list at least 10 examples in your notebooks.



1. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation

2. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below 80%
3. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson
4. No. of learners who continue to require remediation
5. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
6. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City


Lesson Plan in English 7

I. Objectives:

A. Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-colonial

Philippine literature as a means of connecting to the past; various reading styles;
ways of determining word meaning; the sounds of English and the prosodic features
of speech; and correct subject-verb agreement.

B. Performance Standards: The learner transfers learning by: showing appreciation for
the literature of the past; comprehending texts using appropriate reading styles;
participating in conversations using appropriate context-dependent expressions;
producing English sounds correctly and using the prosodic features of speech
effectively in various situations; and observing correct subject-verb agreement.

C. Learning Competency/Objective: At the end of a 60 minute lesson, 75% of the

learners are expected to use structural analysis to determine the meaning of unfamiliar
words or expressions from the material viewed (EN7VC-I-b-8).

Quarter: First Week: 2 Day: 8 Date: ________________

Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

II. Content:
Subject Matter: Word Structures- Suffixes
Integration: Social Studies
Strategies: Visualization, Cooperative and Active Learning

III. Learning Resources

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages -34-36
2. Learner’s Material pages- 45-50
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from LR Portal

B. Other Learning Resources – PowerPoint Presentation, Crossword Puzzles,


Teaching Reading Sourcebook: For Kindergarten Through Eighth Grade by

Bill Honig, Linda Diamond, and Linda Gutlohn. © 2000 Retrived from

Retrieved from

Ariquez, EJ. (2016). Philippine History Super Quiz Bee Reviewer by

Quizmaster. Retrieved from

Retrieved from

Retrieved from


IV. Procedure

A. Before the Lesson

1. Preliminaries
- Prayer
- Greetings
- Mood Setting
- Attendance check
- Presentation of Objective

2. Review previous lesson on prefixes and connect the present lesson.

B. During the Lesson

1. Try to match and construct a new word from the root words and suffixes as
shown below;
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Beauty -ness
Kind -or
Act -en
Drive -ful

2. Present the following information:

Suffix is word part added to the end of a root word and also changes
the meaning of a word.

Task 1: “Taboo Game”

The class will play “Taboo Game”, where the student will be given a piece of
paper to act or to explain a word to his/her classmates without saying the exact
word (taboo word which refers to the word with suffix). Also, there will be 1-2
exact clues about the Taboo word which can’t be mentioned or used by the student.

1. “driver” The student chosen by the teacher

will act or give clues to the class
-person or his/her groupmates without
-drive/driving saying the Taboo word (driver)
-car and the clues given like person,
drive/driving and car.

2. “nationality” 3. “happiness” 4. “ purity” 5. “abundant”

- Smiling - pure - plenty
- Nation
- happy - clean -a lot
- citizenship

3. Ask the class how they come up with the answers. Lead them to realize that the
meaning of the suffixes helped them figure out the unknown word.
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Task 2. “Historical Crossword”

Instruct students to find the words in the puzzle that complete the statement below:

1. Manny Pacquiao is a well known Fililpino _________ in the Philippines.

2. Sampaguita is the ______________ flower of the Philippines. national
3. Bagumbayan is the _____________ name of Luneta Park. original
4. Tarsier is the ________________ monkey in the world. Smallest
5. Palawan peacock is the most ________________bird of the Philippines.




C. After the Lesson

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Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
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KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

A. Identification. Read each statement and identify what is asked for.

1. The word part indicating the one who does an action or occupation? (-er)
2. A word that does not have a prefix and suffix attached and considered as
the base word that cannot be divided into smaller word parts. (root word)
3. What word part should be use to refer a past-tense verb? (-d, -ed)
4. Which word parts indicates the meaning “can be done”? (-able, -ible)
5. A word part added to the end part of a root word and it can change the
meaning of a word. (suffix)

B. Matching Type. Match the word with suffix underlined in Column A to

the meaning of the suffixes given in Column B. Write the letter of your
answer in the given blank.

Column A Column B

_______ 1. The space is plentiful enough A. state of something

for several homes to build.
_______ 2. Arnold works as a part-time actor in Manila B. full of
_______ 3. Sam thinks that his blindness is a gift. C. one who does
_______ 4. The students left quickly after the program. D. comparative
_______ 5. Damien is the biggest soccer player in their team. E. characteristic of

C. Sentence Writing. Write sentences using the suffixes and root words

Sentences Root word Suffix

1 polite -ness

2 embarrass -ment

3 wood -en

4 teach -er

5 low -est
(Students answers may vary)

Assignment: Write at least five (5) words using the suffixes below;

1. –ity 6. -ment
2. – un 7. - less
3. – al 8. -ant
4. – ness 9. -or
5. – ance 10. - ful
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Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City


1. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation

2. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below 80%
3. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson
4. No. of learners who continue to require remediation
5. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
6. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?

Lesson Plan in English 7

I. Objectives:

A. Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-colonial

Philippine literature as a means of connecting to the past; various reading styles;
ways of determining word meaning; the sounds of English and the prosodic features
of speech; and correct subject-verb agreement.

B. Performance Standards: The learner transfers learning by: showing appreciation for
the literature of the past; comprehending texts using appropriate reading styles;
participating in conversations using appropriate context-dependent expressions;
producing English sounds correctly and using the prosodic features of speech
effectively in various situations; and observing correct subject-verb agreement.

C. Learning Competencies/Objective: At the end of a 60 minute lesson, 75% of the

learners are expected to:
1. Distinguish between slang and colloquial expressions in conversations
2. Distinguish features of colloquial language (fillers, contractions, etc.) and
slang (EN7V-I-ab-22).

Quarter: First Week: 2 Day: 9 Date: ________________

II. Content:
Subject Matter: Slang and Colloquial Expressions
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Integration: Filipino
Strategies: Collaborative Learning

III. Learning Resources

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages – 22
2. Learner’s Material pages- 26-27
3. Textbook pages-
4. Additional Materials from LR Portal

B. Other Learning Resources – strips of paper, markers

Carolina T. Gonzales & Nilda R. Francisco (2017). Essential English. Rex
Bookstore Inc,
“Colloquial Language” retrieved from

IV. Procedure

A. Before the Lesson

- Prayer
- Greetings
- Mood Setting
- Attendance check
- Presentation of Objective

B. During the Lesson

Task 1: Your Words Sounds Familiar

1. Invite two volunteer students to read the dialogue between John and Jerry.
Let the rest of the class listen and prepare for some questions later.

John: Hey man, what’s up?

Jerry: Not much. I am just seeing what I am up to tonight.
John: I was kind of planning on just staying on and chilling at my place.
You can swing by if you want.
Jerry: I was thinking of going somewhere for a drink. I’ve been cooped up in
the office all week and I need to let loose a bit. Would you be up for
John: I don’t know man, I’m pretty beat, I’ll let you know later if I’ll get a
second wind.
Jerry. Ok, cool. Later!

2. Ask the students their answer to the following questions for discussion:

What did the two boys talked about? (About how they had been doing
lately, about their whereabouts)
How are they related to one another? How do you know? (Friends,
because they had a very casual, ordinary conversation)
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

What can you say about the underlined words in the dialogues? How do
we call them? (slang)
What are the two spoken forms of language used by people in everyday
speech? ( colloquial and slang)
What are the difference between these two forms?

3. Provide the students with additional info by discussing the information

below or letting them watch a video on “Colloquial Language” Retrieved

Linguistic fillers- are the utterances we use during speech that

do not have a particular meaning. They are often viewed as not
serving any particular purpose, and are often seen as a sign of
distractedness or nervousness. Examples :, em, uh, um, well, like, I
mean, you know

4. Ask students complete the chart below by giving the slang equivalent of
the following colloquial expressions from the dialogues. You may let them
use a dictionary for this task.

Colloquial Slang
1. How are you doing? What’s up
2. doing (up to)
3. relaxing (chilling)
4. go there (swing by)
5. have fun (let loose)
6. really tired (cooped up)
7. tired before but all of the sudden
got energy to do something

Task 2: Internet Lingo

Form the students into groups of 5-6 members. Ask them to guess the
meaning of the following slang, fillers and contraction words commonly found
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

by young generation in the internet. Provide them with strips of paper and
marker to write their answers.
FYI For your information
LOL Laughing out loud
BFF Best friends forever
YOLO You only live once
Kinda Kind of
Gimme Give
Dunno I don’t know

Task 3. Pinoy Lingo

Form the students into groups of 5-6 members. Ask them to come up
with a list of Filipino slang and its colloquial equivalent.

Slang Colloquial

C. After the Lesson


A. Underline the slang/colloquial words in each sentence.

1. Which do you prefer? Roast veg or garden veg? (veg)
2. Let’s chill at my place. (chill)
3. Be quiet, don’t cause a ruckus. (ruckus)
4. I want to buy fries, but I do not have a penny. (penny)
5. I don’t know if I can go, I’m pretty beat. ( pretty beat)
6. The new DIY video has been uploaded. (DIY or Do It Yours)
7. Hey man, what’s up? (what’s up)
8. I am late already, gotta go! (gotta go)
9. See yah later! (see yah)
10. I do not need you, just buzz off! (buzz off)

B. In the sentences, identify whether the language used is slang or colloquial.

1. A lot of people like Mark. I think he’s a cool dude. (slang)

2. He’s been running to and fro all day. (colloquial)
3. We are watching a basketball game ATM at the gym. (slang)
4. We just had odds and ends for dinner. (colloquial)
5. I only have a few bucks on my pocket. (slang)

Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

List down 10 slang words/phrases and 10 colloquial words/phrases in your



1. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation

2. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below
3. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson
4. No. of learners who continue to require remediation
5. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
6. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?
_ _____________________________________________________________________

Lesson Plan in English 7

I. Objectives:

A. Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-colonial

Philippine literature as a means of connecting to the past; various reading styles;
ways of determining word meaning; the sounds of English and the prosodic features
of speech; and correct subject-verb agreement.

B. Performance Standards: The learner transfers learning by: showing appreciation for
the literature of the past; comprehending texts using appropriate reading styles;
participating in conversations using appropriate context-dependent expressions;
producing English sounds correctly and using the prosodic features of speech
effectively in various situations; and observing correct subject-verb agreement.

C. Learning Competencies/Objective: At the end of a 60 minute lesson, 75% of the

learners are expected to distinguish between oral and written language use (EN7WC-

Quarter: First Week: 1 Day: 10 Date: ________________

II. Content:
Subject Matter: Oral and Written Language
Strategies: 4As

III. Learning Resources

A. References
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Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

1. Teacher’s Guide pages - none

2. Learner’s Material pages- 34
3. Textbook pages-
4. Additional Materials from LR Portal

B. Other Learning Resources –

IV. Procedure

A. Preliminary
- Prayer
- Greetings
- Mood Setting
- Attendance check
- Presentation of Objective

B. Activity

Wisdom from the Past

Form groups of five to six members. Provide markers and manila paper
or cartolina for them to write their outputs. Instruct them to choose a
particular proverb or saying from our Filipino ancestors which they find
appealing and relatable to their lives. Choose one or two representative for
each group to present and explain to the class the meaning of their chosen
proverb and how they could relate to it.

C. Analysis

Let the students answer the following process questions:

1. What made you choose the proverb you just shared to the class?
(Possible answer: its meaning or message and its significance)
2. What do you think the reason why these proverbs are lasting even up to
this day?
(Possible answer: young and old people alike can relate to its significance)
3. How did our ancestors pass their wisdom through these proverbs?
(Possible answer: by handing down from one generation to another
through oral and written language or literatures).
4. What are other examples of written materials? What about oral form?
(Students’ answers may vary)
5. Which form do you prefer? Why? (Students’ answers may vary)

D. Abstraction

Discuss the following information to the class;

Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

E. Application

A. Identify the following as oral or written language. Write O for oral

language and W for written language.

_____ 1. Loud chattering of students along the hallway. (O)

_____ 2. Radio announcer giving a weather report over the radio. (O)
_____ 3. A poster informing all students of a “clean up” drive. (W)
_____ 4. A purchase receipt from a grocery store. (W)
_____ 5. A singer singing an acoustic song. (O)

B. Differentiate oral and written language by completing the chart below.

Oral language Written language

(Students’ answers may vary)


1. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation

Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

2. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below 80%
3. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson
4. No. of learners who continue to require remediation
5. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
6. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?

Lesson Plan in English 7

I. Objectives:

A. Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-colonial

Philippine literature as a means of connecting to the past; various reading styles;
ways of determining word meaning; the sounds of English and the prosodic features
of speech; and correct subject-verb agreement.

B. Performance Standards: The learner transfers learning by: showing appreciation for
the literature of the past; comprehending texts using appropriate reading styles;
participating in conversations using appropriate context-dependent expressions;
producing English sounds correctly and using the prosodic features of speech
effectively in various situations; and observing correct subject-verb agreement.

C. Learning Competency/Objective: At the end of a 60 minute lesson, 75% of the

learners are expected to recognize the common purposes for writing (EN7WC-I-a-

Quarter: First Week: 1 Day: 11 Date: ________________

II. Content:
Subject Matter: Writer’s Purpose / Writing for a Purpose
Integration: Araling Panlipunan
Strategies: 4As

III. Learning Resources

Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages -25-26
2. Learner’s Material pages- 31-33
3. Textbook pages-
4. Additional Materials from LR Portal

Other Learning Resources –

IV. Procedure

A. Before the Lesson

- Prayer
- Greetings
- Mood Setting
- Attendance check
- Presentation of Objective

B. Activity

Form groups of five to six members. Provide each group a copy of the
following selections. Ask them to read the selection and prepare them to answer
some questions after reading.

Selection # 1

At one time, there was the sky, the sea, and the crow flying between
them. The crow got tired of flying, but could find no place to sit, and stirred up
the sea. When the waters of the sea reached the sky, it threw rocks, to keep it
down. These rocks then became the islands of the Philippines.
The crow flew down and lived peacefully on one of the islands; when
one day a bamboo struck the feet. Hurt and angry, the crow started pecking the
bamboo until it split in two – thus Malakas, meaning strong, and Maganda,
meaning beautiful, were born, Malakas and Maganda married and had
numerous children.
One day, fed up with the constant racket of the children, they started
beating them up. Terrified, the children fled all over the place, and became the
different people living on the Islands.
Source: Retrieved from July 9,2015

Selection # 2

Welcome to Palawan
Nothing defines Palawan more than the water around it. With seascapes
the equal of any in Southeast Asia, and terrestrial and aquatic wildlife, the
Philippines’ most sparsely populated region is also the most beguiling.
Because of the silhouette of its main island – a long sliver stretching 650km all
the way to Borneo – there’s a certain liberating logic to travel here.

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Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Selection # 3

Kaamulan Festival
It is held annually in Malaybalay City, Bukidnon. This ethnic-cultural
festival celebration starts in the second week of Febraury and ends in the
second week of March, the anniversary date of the foundation of Bukidnon as
a province in 1917.
The festival commemorates the cultures and traditions of the seven
tribes of Bukidnon or also known as “Kaamulan” – Bukidnon, Higaonon,
Talaandig, Manobo, Matigsalug, Tigwahanon and Umayamnon – that
originally inhabit the province. This festival is unique because it is the only
ethnic festival in the Philippines and people celebrate it as a sign of
recognizing the native groups in their province. The Kaamulan word
originated from the word “Amul” which means gather. The festival aims to
gather for these puposes: a datuship ritual, a wedding ceremony, a
thanksgiving festival during harvest time, and a peace pact.


C. Analysis

Instruct students to answer the following process questions:

1. What is the selection all about?

a. Selection # 1 ( The origin of the first man and woman –Malakas at
b. Selection # 2 ( About Palawan)
c. Selection # 3 (About Kaamulan Festival)
2. What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?
a. Selection # 1 ( to narrate the origin of Malakas and Maganda, to
b. Selection # 2 (to convince readers to visit Palawan)
c. Selection # 3 (to give information to readers about Kaamulan)

D. Abstraction

Discuss the following information to the class;

Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

E. Application

Identify the author’s purpose of each selection. Your choices are:

A. To inform
B. To persuade
C. To entertain

1. It is suggested that teachers read to the pupils every day. When

they read with their pupils, they are starting them off in life as life-long
readers and learners. It is never too late to pick up a book and read;
people in the old age have learned how to read and discovered the
pleasure of reading. Turn off the television and read a book!

Is it still important to know where we came from? People

2. nowadays tend to forget their elders and engage themselves in the
world of technology. It is important to remember that they played an
important part in our existence. It is good to be aware of the modern
world, but we should not forget where we came from.
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

A lot of people visit some of the tribes in the mountain. They

offer a variety of assistance for them from the basic things such as
food, clothing, and shelter. Some organizations even offer free
3. education for them. If they give assistance to them, how about you? As
a student, what can you offer?

Why make our life so dull when we can actively participate in

culture and arts? Why deprive ourselves the chance to reveal our very
4. own self and let culture do its part? We need to be reminded that
culture is formed based on what we have been through in life. It is an
avenue of one’s life struggle that eventually shaped the human aspect in
One day a mother took her two children with her when she
went to color cloth. Not far from her home was a mud hole where the
carabao liked to wallow, and to this hole she carried her cloth, some
5. dye pots, and two shell spoons.
After she had put the cloth into the mud to let it take up the
dark color, she built a fire and put over it a pot containing water and
the leaves used for dyeing. Then she sat down to wait for the water to
boil, while the children played nearby.
By and by when she went to stir the leaves with a shell spoon,
some of the water splashed up and burned her hand, so that she jumped
and cried out. This amused the children and their laughter changed
them into monkeys, and the spoons became their tails.
The nails of the monkeys are still black, because while they were
children they had helped their mother dye the cloth.
(Answers: 1. to persuade 2. to inform inform 4. to persuade 5. to

Instruct the students to look for two (2) sample selections or passages
for each writer’s purpose. It should be written or printed and compiled in a
bond paper to be submitted next meeting.



1. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation

2. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below
3. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

4. No. of learners who continue to require remediation
5. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
6. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?

Lesson Plan in English 7

I. Objectives:

A. Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-colonial

Philippine literature as a means of connecting to the past; various reading styles;
ways of determining word meaning; the sounds of English and the prosodic features
of speech; and correct subject-verb agreement.

B. Performance Standards: The learner transfers learning by: showing appreciation for
the literature of the past; comprehending texts using appropriate reading styles;
participating in conversations using appropriate context-dependent expressions;
producing English sounds correctly and using the prosodic features of speech
effectively in various situations; and observing correct subject-verb agreement.

C. Learning Competency/Objective: At the end of a 60 minute lesson, 75% of the

learners are expected to differentiate literary writing from academic writing (EN7WC-

Quarter: First Week: 3 Day: 12 Date: ________________

II. Content:
Subject Matter: Literary and Academic Writing
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Strategies: 4As, Brainstorming

III. Learning Resources

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages -
2. Learner’s Material pages-
3. Textbook pages-
4. Additional Materials from LR Portal

B. Other Learning Resources –

K-12 English 7 1st Quarter Learning Package, page 26
K-12 English 7 1st Quarter Teacher’s Guide, page 25

IV. Procedure

A. Before the Lesson

- Prayer
- Greetings
- Mood Setting
- Attendance check
- Presentation of Objective

B. Activity

Which is Which?
Form groups of five to six members provide each group a copy of the
following texts. Ask them to read the texts and take down notes of their
observation on the texts.

Text A
One day, a mound of earth shaped was seen growing in the east.
After several years, the mound grew into a beautiful mountain range
resembling Alunsina‟s face and her wonderful hair. The magical breeze
whispered to the unhappy Tungkung Langit that Alunsina grew old and
died of sorrow somewhere in the east. This made Tungkung Langit
mournful. As the sun rises in the east, the shadow of the mountain
reminds Tungkung Langit of his dear Alunsina. And as the shadow fades
away at nightfall, Tungkung Langit waters the earth with his tears.

Text B
Geologists observe that many of our mountains and mountain
ranges seem to resemble human-like forms. However, they argue that
these earth formations are the result of various interrelated geological
processes such as earthquakes, rock formations, and even volcanic
eruptions. They cited several conclusive research that detail the formation
of such natural wonders. They also conducted experiments that show how
bodies of water have contributed to rock formation worldwide. In the
years to come, scientists expect to generate more data to explain such
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

C. Abstraction

Have the students accomplish the chart below by comparing and

contrasting the previous texts. Ask them to brainstorm their ideas to fill in the
appropriate description for each aspect based on the texts they have read. Have
them present theit outputs to the class.

Aspect Text A Text B



Choice of Words

Organization of ideas


Intended audience

flows freely and spontaneously formal and authoritative

to inform, to explain, to argue/assert discipline-specific
serious and a bit impersonal varies, depending on complexity of text
to show/tell unfolding of details/events symbolic and imaginative
follows a pattern of presenting ideas simple, but may be figurative
reflective and personal uses specialized language of disciplines
Mini Lesson

Check students answers by providing them this mini lesson. They should be
able to identify which text is an example of literary and academic writing.
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

D. Application

A. Identify whether the following examples is literary or academic writing.

1. news report (academic)

2. short story ( literary)
3. research paper (academic)
4. poem (literary)
5. medical record (academic)

B. Compare and contrast literary and academic writing.

Literary Writing Academic Writing


Write an example paragraph of a literary and academic writing in a

whole sheet of paper to be submitted next meeting.

Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City


1. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation

2. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below
3. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson
4. No. of learners who continue to require remediation
5. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
6. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?

Lesson Plan in English 7

I. Objectives:

A. Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-colonial

Philippine literature as a means of connecting to the past; various reading styles;
ways of determining word meaning; the sounds of English and the prosodic features
of speech; and correct subject-verb agreement.

B. Performance Standards: The learner transfers learning by: showing appreciation for
the literature of the past; comprehending texts using appropriate reading styles;
participating in conversations using appropriate context-dependent expressions;
producing English sounds correctly and using the prosodic features of speech
effectively in various situations; and observing correct subject-verb agreement.

C. Learning Competency/Objective: At the end of a 60 minute lesson, 75% of the

learners are expected to observe the correct production of vowels and consonant
sounds, diphthongs, blends and glides, etc. (EN7F-I-a-3.11.1).

Quarter: First Week: 1 Day: 13 Date: ________________

II. Content:
Subject Matter: Critical vowel and consonant sounds, diphthongs, blends and
Strategies: Oral Reading
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

III. Learning Resources

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages -
2. Learner’s Material pages- 17-19
3. Textbook pages-
4. Additional Materials from LR Portal

B. Other Learning Resources – Choral Reading Rubric

IV. Procedure

A. Before the Lesson

1. Preliminaries
- Prayer
- Greetings
- Mood Setting
- Attendance check
- Presentation of Objective
2. Let the students read the following tongue twisters.

I scream you scream, let’s Silly Sally swiftly shooed seven silly sheep.
all scream, for ice cream! The seven silly sheep Silly Sally shooed
shilly-shallied south.
These sheep shouldn't sleep in a shack.
Sheep should sleep in a shed.
3. Ask them these question:
a. What have you noticed while reciting the tongue twisters?
b. Did you have difficulty in producing some sounds?

B. During the Lesson

1. Lead the students to realize that Filipinos have difficulty in producing critical
vowel and consonant sounds in English because some of these sounds are not
found in our language. In order for a second language learner to be fluent in
speaking the language, he/she must be able to pronounce these sounds
correctly and comfortably. If he/she wishes to improve, he/she must not cease
to practice speaking.

Task 1: Loud and Clear

Let the students read and enhance their pronunciation of few critical
vowel sounds and consonant sounds, diphthongs, blends and glides based on
the article entitled “Words of Wisdom”.
(The teacher will model the correct pronunciation and let students
repeat after him/her)
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

2. Explain the following information to the students:

3. Ask the students to give example words with diphthongs, semi vowels
(glides) and consonant blends.

Task 2: Practice Makes Perfect

Have them read the following clauses, sentences and paragraphs featuring
the critical vowels and consonants, diphthongs, blends and glides. Provide
corrective feedback if necessary.
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Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

C. After the Lesson

Group the class into three groups and prepare the students for a choral
reading of the following text entitled “Words of Wisdom”. Assign them with
specific paragraphs to read or they may draw lots. This will serve as their
evaluation for the day. They will be graded using the rubrics below.

Criteria 4 3 2 1
Volume The volume of The volume of The volume of The volume
the voice is the voice can the voice can of the voice
loud enough to be heard but be heard but needs
be heard and not too loud to does not have improvement.
gives impact give impact to impact to the
to the the presentation.
presentation. presentation
Pronunciation Pronounced all Pronounced There are There are a
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

sounds some sounds some errors in lot of errors

correctly and correctly and the in the
clearly. clearly. pronunciation pronunciation
Excellent Very good of some of sounds.
pronunciation pronunciation sounds.
Phrasing Employed Proper Oftentimes Phrasing and
proper phrasing and employed blending
phrasing and blending is proper needs a lot of
blending all evident. phrasing and improvement.
throughout the blending.
Over-all Held the Moderately Draw less Did not draw
Delivery attention of held the attention from attention
listeners by attention of listeners. from listeners
reading listeners by Reading because
accurately and reading accurately and reading is
expressively. accurately and expressively is inaccurate
expressively. inconsistent all and
throughout the inexpressive.
Words of Wisdom
(1) Damiana L. Eugenio, the mother of Philippine Folklore compiled and
edited what may very well be considered as the most comprehensive collection of
proverbs in our country. There is a limited number of works like this in existence. She
spent a lifetime collecting pieces of folk literature that reveal our ancestors‘ wisdom.
When she gathered proverbs from various areas in our country, she declared that our
elders lived by simple, yet very meaningful rules of righteous living. In fact, she
asserted that even the Spaniards who colonized our country noticed how proverbs
formed part of the native spirit. Spanish missionaries were found to have translated
such proverbs and other oral expressions in Spanish in order for their fellow religious
people to learn our indigenous languages. By doing so, they were able to interact with
the early Filipinos their and eventually introduce the Catholic faith.
(2) Proverbs are brief instructive expressions that suggest a specific action,
behavior, or judgment. Referred to by some scholars as ―the wisdom of many and
the wit of one‖, they are commonly written in the form of short assertions or poetic
two-liners which have rhyme. It is interesting to note that people are easily struck by
proverbs when they are woven in conversations or writings. This is perhaps because
they have the power to teach people the more essential truths about life and the
complexity of living. Compared to lengthy narrations, descriptions, or
argumentations, proverbs are able to effect quickly a change in view or disposition.
(3) In Filipino, proverbs are called salawikain or sawikain. They prescribe
norms, impart a lesson, or emphasize traditions and beliefs in a community. In the
anthology of Damiana L. Eugenio, she classified proverbs into six categories: (1)
proverbs expressing a general attitude towards life and the laws that govern life; (2)
ethical proverbs recommending certain virtues and condemning certain vices; (3)
proverbs expressing a system of values; (4) proverbs expressing general truths and
observations about life and human nature; (5) humorous proverbs and (6)
miscellaneous proverbs.
Our proverbs are not only witty expressions. They are also our cultural
treasures. As we continue to use them in various spoken or written forms and as we
explore ways of representing them in graphic, musical, or dramatic modes, we
facilitate their preservation. And through these, we strengthen our identity as a people.
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City


1. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation
2. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below 80%
3. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson
4. No. of learners who continue to require remediation
5. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
6. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?
Lesson Plan in English 7
I. Objectives

A. Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-colonial Philippine

literature as a means of connecting to the past; various reading
styles; ways of determining word meaning; the sounds of
English and the prosodic features of speech; and correct
subject-verb agreement.
B. Performance Standards: The learner transfers learning by: showing appreciation for
the literature of the past; comprehending texts using
reading styles; participating in conversations using appropriate
context-dependent expressions; producing English sounds
correctly and using the prosodic features of speech effectively
in various situations; and observing correct subject-verb
C. Learning Competency and Code: At the end the 60 minutes, 85% of the
students are expected to read words phrases, clauses, sentences
and paragraphs using the correct production of vowel and
consonant sounds, diphthongs, blends and glides. (EN7F-I-

Quarter: 1 Week: 1 Day: 14 Date:______________

II. Content

Subject Matter: Vowel and consonant sounds, diphthongs, blends and glides
Integration: Values Education
Strategies: Cooperative learning / Choral Reading


A. References
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

1. Teacher’s Guide pages,

2. Learner’s Material pages,
3. Textbook pages – Gonzales, C. (2017). Essential English 7. Rex
Bookstore Inc., pages 28-19
4. Additional Materials from LR Portal – None

B. Other Learning Resources-

IV. Procedures
A. Before the lesson
- Prayer
- Greetings
- Mood Setting
- Attendance Check
- Presentation of Objectives
B. During the Lesson
1. Motivation
 Let the students to read the tongue twisters.

a. Red lorry, yellow lorry

Truly rural
I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream
Rolling red wagons
Red blood, bad blood

b. A big black bug bit a big black bear, made a big black bear

2. Presentation

Read the words, phrases, clauses, sentences, and paragraph using the
correct production of vowel and consonant sounds, diphthongs, blends
and glides and let the students follow:
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Set A: Words
[I] [i]
bit unique
kinship east
basic appearance
archipelago camaraderie
Philippines fifteen

[s] [ʃ]

Spirit Spanish
Stock population
sturdy Indonesian
scattered distinguishes
some kinship

Set B: Phrases

1. a little bit of all the cultures

2. spirit of kinship
3. East meets West
4. Chinese and Spanish
5. people of the Philippines
Set C: Sentences

1. The Filipino character is actually a little bit of all the cultures put together

2.The bayanihan or spirit of kinship and camaraderie that Filipinos are

famous for is said to be taken from Malay forefathers.

3. Each regional group is recognizable by distinct traits and dialects – the

sturdy and frugal llocanos of the north, the industrious Tagalogs of the
central plains, the carefree Visayans from the central islands and the colorful
tribesmen and religious Moslems of Mindanao.
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Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

4. Some 80 percent of the population is Catholic, Spain's lasting legacy.

5. The history of American rule and contact with merchants and traders
culminated in a unique blend of East and West, both in the appearance
and culture of the people of the Filipinos.

Set C. Consonant Blend


C. After the Lesson


The teacher will divide the class into 5 groups and give the poem for group
presentation. (The piece is optional. The teacher may use other reading
material for group presentation. You may refer to the choral reading rubric on
Day 13)

Give 5 minute for class rehearsal

Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

V. Remarks:
[] Lesson is successfully conducted within the time frame allotted for the lesson.
[] Objectives are not met; I need to reteach the topic.
[] Insufficient time for the lesson due to the following factors:
[] Transfer of lessons to the following day as a result of class suspension.
Reason for class suspension:
[] Other remarks, please specify
A. No. of learners achieve 80%: _____
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation: _____
C. Did the remedial lessons work? _____
D. No. of learners who have caught up the lesson: _____
E. No. of learners who continue to require remediation: _____
F. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work? _____
G. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor help me solve?
H. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to share with
other teachers? _____

VI. Reflection:

A. Parts of the lesson that went well:

B. Parts of the lesson that were weak:
C. Thoughts and feelings about the lesson (including things that were successfully
implemented, needs improvement, or could be adjusted in the future):
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Detailed Lesson Plan in English 7

A. Content Standards : The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-
colonial Philippine literature as a means of connecting
to the past; various reading styles; ways of
determining word meaning; the sounds of English and
the prosodic features of speech; and correct subject-
verb agreement.
B. Performance Standards : The learner transfers learning by: showing
appreciation for the literature of the past;
comprehending texts using appropriate reading styles;
participating in conversations using appropriate
context-dependent expressions; producing English
sounds correctly and using the prosodic features of
speech effectively in various situations; and observing
correct subject-verb agreement.
C. Learning Competency : At the end of the 60-minute lesson, 75% of the
/Objective students are expected to observe correct subject-verb
(Write the LC code for agreement (EN7G-I-a-11).

Quarter: 1 Week: 2 Day: 15 Date: _________________________

Subject Matter: Subject Verb Agreement
Integration: Literature: AP, EsP
Strategies: Think-Pair and Share


C. References
5. Teacher’s Guide pages-24-25
6. Learner’s Material pages- 29-31
7. Textbook:
8. Additional Materials from LR Portal

D. Other Learning Resources

IV. Procedures

A.Preliminary/Routinary Activity
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Checking of the Attendance

B. Motivation

Motivate the students to read orally and study the given sentences. Lead them to
identify the functional and form of the underlined and encircled words as the subject and
predicate and singular or plural.
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

1. Our ancestors were value-oriented people.

2. God helps those who help themselves.

3. A proverb which teaches simple living is my favorite.

C. Presentation

The teacher will remind the students that verbs, unlike nouns have the s-form of the
word for the singular form and the base form for its plural form. Let them take a look at the

S-Forms (singular)
Helps, teaches, eats, is...

Base form ( plural )

Help, teach, eat, are...

The teacher will continue the lesson regarding the rules on subject verb agreement.
1. Subject and verb must agree in number.
Example: laziness is the sibling of starvation.
2. Who, that and which are considered singular or plural according to the noun directly
in front of them. Let them not be confused by the words that come between the
subject and the verb; they do not affect agreement.
Example: One who spends too much time choosing ends up with cracked wares.
Those who act tough are really coward.

3. Prepositional phrases between the subject and the verb do not affect agreement.
Example: Faith in God brings us success in life.
A friend in need is a friend in deed.

D. Application

With a partner, let them read the sentences and choose the correct form of the
verb given inside the parentheses.

1. A stitch in time ( saves, save) nine.

2. Noisy is the can that ( contains, contain) nothing.
3. He who speaks too much ( works, work) too little.
4. A desperate person ( holds, hold) on to a knife edge.
5. Whatever you ( does, do) , think about it seven times.
6. A monkey , which is dressed up, ( is, are) still a monkey.
7. When the blanket ( is, are) short, learn to curl up under it.
8. A person who is outwardly calm (has, have) anger raging inside his stomach.
9. He who does not love his native language ( is, are) worse than a beast or a rotten
10. A heavy burden is lightened if everyone ( participates, participate) in carrying it.
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Answer Key
1. saves 6. is
2. contains
3. works 8. has
4. holds 9. is
5. do 10. participates

E. Generalization

The verb agrees only to its subject. Intervening words do not affect the
numbers of its subject.


Let each student read the paragraph below and give the correct form of the
verb given inside the parentheses. They will write their answers in their notebook.

Barking Dogs Seldom Bites

We know that dogs _____(1. bark) when they _____(2.see) strange people. But dogs
that ______(3.grow) rarely ______ (4. bite) strangers. So those who _____ (5. be) talkative
_____ (6. need) not be always practical. They ____ ( simply boasting. Containers
which ______ ( full of water ________ (9.make) less noise. Educated people
______( not brag themselves very much. Great men ________ (11.act) and their
actions _____ (12.speak) for themselves. His worth ___ ( readily recognized by others.
So ______ ( less, and ______ ( more must be our motto.

Answer key:
1. bark 6.need 11. act
2. see 7.are 12. speak
3. growl 8.are 13. is
4. bite 9. make 14. talk
5. are 15. do

IV. Assignment:

Let the students construct 5 sentences observing correct subject verb agreement.

V. Remarks:

[ ] Lesson is successfully conducted within the time frame allotted for the lesson.

[ ] Objectives are not met; I need to reteach the topic.

[ ] Insufficient time for the lesson due to the following factors:

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Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City


[ ] Transfer of lessons to the following day as a result of class suspension.

Reason for class suspension:

[ ] Other remarks, please specify

A. No. of learners achieve 80%: _____

B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation: _____
C. Did the remedial lessons work? _____
D. No. of learners who have caught up the lesson: _____
E. No. of learners who continue to require remediation: _____
F. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work? _____
G. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor help me
solve? _____
H. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers? _____

V. Reflection:

A. Parts of the lesson that went well:

B. Parts of the lesson that were weak:
C. Thoughts and feelings about the lesson (including things that were successfully
implemented, needs improvement, or could be adjusted in the future):
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Detailed Lesson Plan in English 7

I. Objectives

A. Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-colonial

Philippine literature as a means of connecting to the past; various reading styles;
ways of determining word meaning; the sounds of English and the prosodic features
of speech; and correct subject-verb agreement

B. Performance Standards: The learner transfers learning by: showing appreciation for
the literature of the past; comprehending texts using appropriate reading styles;
participating in conversations using appropriate context-dependent expressions;
producing English sounds correctly and using the prosodic features of speech
effectively in various situations; and observing correct subject-verb agreement.

C. Learning Competency and Objective. (Write the LC code for each): At the end the 60
minutes 75% percent of the students are expected to observe correct subject-verb
agreement (EN7G-I-c-11).

Quarter: 1 Week: 3 Day: 14 Date:____________________

II. Content:
Subject Matter: Subject Verb Agreement
Math and Science
Strategies: Group Activity,Think-Pair and Share,


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages, 43-45
2. Learner’s Material pages, 60-62
3. Textbook pages - None
4. Additional Materials from LR Portal - None
B. Other Learning Resources - None

IV. Procedure:

A.Before the lesson

Classroom management, Prayer, greetings, checking of attendance

B. During the lesson

A. Motivation
 Motivate the students to perform the Word Game
 Before this game begins, ask the class to close their LMs and pay
attention to your instructions.
 Three ( 3) sets of flashcards with one word on each card are given
to three (3) groups.
 With seven learners each, seated close to one another.
 Instruct each group to rearrange each set to from one meaningful
sentence as fast as they could at your signal.
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

 The first group that can finish first deserves a prize and a big round
of applause.
 Let the members of every group come in front to show the cards
which are arranged in sentence form.
 Ask the class to read orally the rearranged words and analyze if
they make a correct sentence or not.
 Direct the members of every group to post their cards on the board
for discussion.
 To acknowledge all the participants, ask the rest of the class to give
them a big round of applause.


There is a lady living in the mountain


Do boys Believe in fairies?

The ants An the frogs are working.


C. Presentation

 While the correct sentences are posted on the board, ask the learners to
read one sentence after another orally.

Example: 1. There is a lady living in the mountain.

2. Do boys believe in fairies?
3. The ants and the frogs are working.

 Let them identify the highlighted words as verbs. Ask them to give the
verb tense and its form whether singular or plural.
 Have them give the subject of the sentences.
 Direct them to link of what to remember between the subject and the verb.
 Have them explain if the agreement between the subject and the verb
affect the meaning of the message of the sentence.
 Discuss the three rules of subject verb-agreement through the given

4. In sentence beginning with here or there, the true subject follows the
Example: There is a fairy living in the mountain.
Here are the people who went to the mountain.
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

5. In interrogative sentences, subjects don’t always come before verb. Make

sure to accurately identify the subject before deciding on the proper verb
form to use.
Example: Does a fairy live on the mountain?
Do the three fairies scare people away?
6. As a general rule, use a plural verb with two or more subjects when they
are connected by and.
Example: The mountain and the trees are useful to people.
Maria and the people live happily together.

D.After the lesson

With a partner, let them read and analyze the given sentences, and let them
write the correct form of the verb in their notebook. Let them use the words
inside the parentheses as their guide. Let them share and discuss answers with
other pair.

1. There (be) _______ animals in the mountain.

2. (Do) _________ animals protect Maria Makiling?
3. The trees and the flowers (protect) ______ the animals in the mountain.
4. Here (be) _______ a dangerous beast taken from the mountain.
5. The people and the animals (be) ______ all scared of her.
6. There (be) _____ an overwhelming power hidden within her.
7. There (be) _______ people who are lost in the mountain for a long time.
8. (Do) ______ Maria Makiling punish people?
9. Maria and the animals ( work) _______ hard to protect nature.
10. ( Do) ______ you believe in the story about Maria Makiling.

Answer Key
1. Are 6. is
2. Do 7. are
3. Protect 8. Does
4. Is 9. work
5. Are 10. Do


A present-tense verb (as well as a simple past form of the verb be) must agree
in number with its subject. That is, the verb must be singular if its subject is singular,
and plural if its subject is plural.

In most English sentences, the subject comes before the verb. But sentences
beginning with there is or there are, here is, here are follow a different order: the
subject comes after the verb is or are

In interrogative sentences, subjects don’t always come before verb.

As a general rule, use a plural verb with two or more subjects when they are
connected by and.
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City


The student will compete the paragraph using the correct form of the verb. Use
the verb inside the parentheses as guide. Remind them to use the rules given in the
previous task as guide. They will write their answers in their notebook.

( Do) ____ you believe in the beliefs of our ancestors? (Do) ______ it affect
you as a person? ( Do) ______ you think its significant? There ( be) ____ who
strongly believe in the beliefs of our ancestors. They reflect their way of life in the
modern world. Men and women (think) ______ that these beliefs should be taught to
younger children. Definitely, they will learn a lot from them.
Young boys and girls (need) _____ to learn from the humble beginnings of our
ancestors. It will give them a clear direction of their goals in life. Is there a chance for
them to become successful in life someday if they follow our ancestors’ beliefs? Now
that you have understood that our ancestors’ beliefs are important, (do) _____ you
want to share them to others?


Have students read a piece of text and write five examples of subject-verb agreement
as they read, underlining the subject and circling the corresponding verb.

V. Remarks:
[ ] Lesson is successfully conducted within the time frame allotted for the lesson.

[ ] Objectives are not met; I need to reteach the topic.

[ ] Insufficient time for the lesson due to the following factors:


[ ] Transfer of lessons to the following day as a result of class suspension.

Reason for class suspension:

[ ] Other remarks, please specify

A. No. of learners achieve 80%: _____

B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation: _____
C. Did the remedial lessons work? _____
D. No. of learners who have caught up the lesson: _____
E. No. of learners who continue to require remediation: _____
F. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work? _____
G. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor help me solve?
H. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to share with
other teachers? _____
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

VI. Reflection:

A. Parts of the lesson that went well:


B. Parts of the lesson that were weak:


C. Thoughts and feelings about the lesson (including things that were successfully
implemented, needs improvement, or could be adjusted in the future):
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Detailed Lesson Plan in English 7

I. Objectives

A. Content Standards : The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-

colonial Philippine literature as a means of connecting
to the past; various reading styles; ways of
determining word meaning; the sounds of English and
the prosodic features of speech; and correct subject-
verb agreement.
B. Performance Standards : The learner transfers learning by: showing
appreciation for the literature of the past;
comprehending texts using appropriate reading styles;
participating in conversations using appropriate
context-dependent expressions; producing English
sounds correctly and using the prosodic features of
speech effectively in various situations; and observing
correct subject-verb agreement.
C. Learning Competency : At the end of the 60-minute lesson, 75% of the
/Objective students are expected to observe correct subject-verb
(Write the LC code for agreement (EN7G-I-d-11:)

Quarter: 1 Week: 4 Day: 17 Date: ______________________

II. Content:

Subject Matter: Subject Verb Agreement

Strategies: Deductive method (Discussion)


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages, 89
2. Learner’s Material pages, 112
3. Textbook pages - None
4. Additional Materials from LR Portal - None
B. Other Learning Resources –

IV. Procedure:

A. Before the lesson

a. Preliminaries/ Routinary Activity

Prayer/ Greetings/ checking of attendance
b. Review the

c. previous rule on subject verb agreement

Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

B. During the lesson

Presentation of the lesson

D. After the lesson

Let each students answer the Task 11.2 Brighten Up in LM. They will write
their answers in one half sheet of paper.
Activity 1. Choose the verb that goes with the subject.
4. Few (was, were) punished for breaking the rules.
5. Each (has, have) a role to perform.
6. (Has, Have) you ever disobeyed your parents’ rule?
7. Everyone ( is are) expected to heed the wisdom of the
8. One of the rules( was, were) not no go out of their kingdom
Activity 2. Identify the error in the following sentences. If the sentence
is acceptable in standard English , circle letter D.

1. NO one is allowed to visit other kingdom. No Error

2. Many says there is no absolute rule. No Error.
3.Both gods have rules to follow. No Error
4.. One of Luna’s cousins reveal her secret to her father. No
5.Someone send a message to the god. No Error
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Answer key:

Activity 1
1. were 2. has 3. have 4. is 5. Was

Activity 2
1. D 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. B


Write a short paragraph giving piece of advice to one of the characters you like in the
story “ Why There Is High Tide During a Full Moon”. Underline your subject once and
predicate twice in all your sentences.

V. Remarks:

[ ] Lesson is successfully conducted within the time frame allotted for the lesson.

[ ] Objectives are not met; I need to reteach the topic.

[ ] Insufficient time for the lesson due to the following factors:


[ ] Transfer of lessons to the following day as a result of class suspension.

Reason for class suspension:

[ ] Other remarks, please specify

A. No. of learners achieve 80%: _____

B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation: _____
C. Did the remedial lessons work? _____
D. No. of learners who have caught up the lesson: _____
E. No. of learners who continue to require remediation: _____
F. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
G. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor help
me solve? _____
H. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers? _____

VI. Reflection:

A. Parts of the lesson that went well:

Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

B. Parts of the lesson that were weak:
C. Thoughts and feelings about the lesson (including things that were successfully
implemented, needs improvement, or could be adjusted in the future):
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Detailed Lesson Plan in English 7

I. Objectives

A. Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-colonial

Philippine literature as a means of connecting to the past;
various reading styles; ways of determining word meaning; the
sounds of English and the prosodic features of speech; and
correct subject-verb agreement
B. Performance Standards:The learner transfers learning by: showing appreciation for
the literature of the past; comprehending texts using appropriate
reading styles; participating in conversations using appropriate
context-dependent expressions; producing English sounds
correctly and using the prosodic features of speech effectively in
various situations; and observing correct subject-verb
C. Learning Competency and Code: After the 60 minutes lesson,75 % of the
students are expected to observe correct subject-verb agreement
(EN7G-I-d-11: ).

Quarter: 1 Week: 4 Day: 19 Date:______________________

II. Content:

Subject Matter: Subject Verb Agreement

Strategies: Deductive Method (Discussion), Brainstorming


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages, None
2. Learner’s Material pages, 112
3. Textbook pages – None
4. Additional Materials from LR Portal - None
B. Other Learning Resources -

IV. Procedure:

A.Before the lesson

Prayer/ Greetings/ checking of attendance
Review the previous rule on subject verb agreement

B.During the lesson

a. Motivation

Let the students read the sentences that follow and check if the subject
agrees with the verb. Justify tour answer.

1. Either the princessor the followers love Prince Bantugan.

Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

2. Not only Prince Madali but also his men were proud of Prince
3. Bumbaran’s prince and hero is back to life.
4. Half of the rice cake are eaten.
5. Half of the tribesmen leaves early.
6. No epic of legend are to be forgotten.
7. Each of the prince was given a reward.

Answers.1 yes
3. yes
5. NO
7. yes

b. Presentation of the lesson

Additional Rules to Remember in observing S-V agreemnet:

 The verb is singular if the two subjects are joined by and but
they refer to the same person, place or thing.
Example: My friend and hero is loyal to me.
 If one of these words each, every , or no comes before the
subject, the verd is singular.
Example: No smoking or drinking is allowed.
 If two subjects are joined by: or,nor,neither-or,not ony- but
also, the verb agrees to the nearest subject.
C.After the lesson

Subject-Verb Agreement Practice Exercises:

1. Each of the students (is/are) responsible for doing his or her work.
2. Either my father or my brothers (is/are) going to sell the car.
3. Neither my sisters nor my mother (is/are) going to sell the house.
4. Neither the dogs nor the cat (is/are) very hungry.
5. Either the girls or the boy (walk/walks) in the evening.
6. Neither the bride nor the groom (was, were) ready to walk down the
7. Either basil or mint (is, are) called for in the recipe.
8. Not only billing but also his expense reimbursement (needs, need) to
get done on the first day of the month.
9. Neither Joe nor his brothers are going to the beach.
10. Neither Joe’s brothers nor Joe is going to the beach.

Answers: 1. is 2. are 3. is. 4. is. 5. Walks 6. is 7. is 8. needs 9. are 10. is

c. Application
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Using the rules that you have just learned, write a paragraph about
your your own experience on how to save or how to earn for your


V. Remarks:

[ ] Lesson is successfully conducted within the time frame allotted for the lesson.

[ ] Objectives are not met; I need to reteach the topic.

[ ] Insufficient time for the lesson due to the following factors:


[ ] Transfer of lessons to the following day as a result of class suspension.

Reason for class suspension:

[ ] Other remarks, please specify

A. No. of learners achieve 80%: _____

B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation: _____
C. Did the remedial lessons work? _____
D. No. of learners who have caught up the lesson: _____
E. No. of learners who continue to require remediation: _____
F. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work? _____
G. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor help me
solve? _____
H. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers? _____

VI. Reflection:

A. Parts of the lesson that went well:

B. Parts of the lesson that were weak:
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

C. Thoughts and feelings about the lesson (including things that were successfully
implemented, needs improvement, or could be adjusted in the future):
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Lesson Plan in English 7

I. Objectives
A. Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-colonial
literature as a means of connecting to the past; various reading
styles; ways of determining word meaning; the sounds of
English and the prosodic features of speech; and correct
subject-verb agreement
B. Performance Standards: The learner transfers learning by: showing appreciation for
the literature of the past; comprehending texts using appropriate
reading styles; participating in conversations using appropriate
context-dependent expressions; producing English sounds
correctly and using the prosodic features of speech effectively
in various situations; and observing correct subject-verb

C. Learning Competency and Code: At the end of the 60 minutes lesson the 85 % of
students are expected to observe correct subject verb agreement

Quarter: 1 Week: 8 Day: 19 Date:_____________________

II. Content:
Subject Matter: Subject Verb Agreement
(Learning Area): Science
Strategies: Integrated Approach
Cooperative Learning
Think-pair and Share


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages, None
2. Learner’s Material pages, 139
3. Textbook pages – None
4. Additional Materials from LR Portal - None
B. Other Learning Resources -

IV. Procedure:

A. Preliminary / Routinary Activity

a. Prayer
b. Greetings
c. Checking of the Attendance
B. Motivation
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

The teacher will show a short video clip. Instruct the students to take down notes of
collective nouns mentioned in the story. (

C. Procedure

Activity 1 (I do, You Watch) Explicit Instruction (10 minutes)

The teacher will discuss the subject-verb agreement rules in collective nouns. The
teacher should give examples for each rule.

Activity 2. Let the students answer the given sentences . Choose the correct verb in
each sentence.
1. The team (is/are )headed to the nationals since winning the state finals.

2. The mock trial team (was/were) happy with their presentations to the judge.

3. Nearly 25% of the population (is/are) Muslim.

4. Our staff (meets/meet) on Tuesday mornings to discuss customer complaints.

Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

5. Our staff (works/work) hard to meet their goals and deadlines.

Answers key:

1.The team is headed to the nationals since winning the state finals. 
Team is being used as a cohesive unit so a singular verb is required.

2. The mock trial team were happy with their presentations to the judge. 
Team is plural because separate presentations were given. Also, when the
plural their is used, the implication is that the collective noun is being used as a plural.

3. Nearly 25% of the population is Muslim. 

The word population is a collective noun that can take either a singular or plural verb,
depending on the intention of the author. The intention here is to indicate that this
percentage represents a single group.

4. Our staff meets on Tuesday mornings to discuss customer complaints. 

Staff, a collective noun, is acting as a single unit in this sentence.

5. Our staff work hard to meet their goals and deadlines. 

Their is a clue that staff is not acting as a unit. Therefore, the plural work is needed.

D. After the Lesson


Let the students answer the sentences below.

Answer key:
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

1. depicts 6. is
2. was 7. is
3. were 8. is
4. agrees 9. are
5. gathers 10. Is


V. Remarks:
[] Lesson is successfully conducted within the time frame allotted for the lesson.
[] Objectives are not met; I need to reteach the topic.
[] Insufficient time for the lesson due to the following factors:
[] Transfer of lessons to the following day as a result of class suspension.
Reason for class suspension:
[] Other remarks, please specify
A. No. of learners achieve 80%: _____
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation: _____
C. Did the remedial lessons work? _____
D. No. of learners who have caught up the lesson: _____
E. No. of learners who continue to require remediation: _____
F. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work? _____
G. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor help me solve?
H. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to share with
other teachers? _____

VI. Reflection:

A. Parts of the lesson that went well:

B. Parts of the lesson that were weak:
C. Thoughts and feelings about the lesson (including things that were successfully
implemented, needs improvement, or could be adjusted in the future):
Detailed Lesson Plan in English 7
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

A. Content Standards : The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-
colonial Philippine literature as a means of connecting
to the past; various reading styles; ways of
determining word meaning; the sounds of English and
the prosodic features of speech; and correct subject-
verb agreement.
B. Performance Standards : The learner transfers learning by: showing
appreciation for the literature of the past;
comprehending texts using appropriate reading styles;
participating in conversations using appropriate
context-dependent expressions; producing English
sounds correctly and using the prosodic features of
speech effectively in various situations; and observing
correct subject-verb agreement.
C. Learning Competencies : At the end of the 60-minute lesson, 85% of the
/Objectives students are expected to discover literature as means
(Write the LC code for of connecting to a significant past (EN7LT-I-b-1) and
each) explain how the elements specific to a genre
contribute to the theme of a particular literary
selection (EN7LT-I-b-2.2)

Quarter: 1 Week: 2 Day: 20 Date: _______________________

II. Content

Subject Matter: Literature

Strategies: Directed Reading Thinking Activity (DR-TA)

A. References
1.Teacher’s Guide pages – None
2. Learner’s Material pages 59
3. Textbook pages – None
4. Additional Materials from K to 12 Grade 7 Learning Package page 23-
B. Other Learning Resources- None

Before the lesson
- Prayer
- Greetings
- Mood Setting
- Attendance Check
- Presentation of Objective

During the Lesson

A. Review
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

The five literary elements found in all fictional literature… –

Characters: who – Setting: where/when – Plot: how – Conflict: what

B. Motivation:

1. Let the students read the text:

1. Mary invited Jane to her house to work on their English project, but
Mary had no idea what a visit from Jane entailed. First of all, it was
raining and Jane neither bothered to take her boots off nor thoroughly
wiped them on the doormat. Then Jane ate a bag of hot chips on Mary's
white bedspread without asking, and Jane is a messy eater, so hot chip
powder got all over the bedspread. Mary tried to be polite and ignore
Jane's messy behavior, but then Jane threw her chip wrapper on the
floor. Offended, Mary pretended that she was sick and asked Jane to
leave. The next day Mary asked the teacher if she could work by
herself. After explaining her situation, the teacher allowed Mary to
work alone. Jane would have finished the assignment by herself, but
she spilled grape soda all over her assignment

What is the message of the story? Answers may vary.

Answer: Respect other peoples' property.

C. Presentation of the lesson.

Definition of Theme:

Theme is the central idea of a story. It is the moral or life-lesson that

you understand from the story.

Theme is not just about the characters or the story itself. A theme is a
universal lesson that is much larger than the story it is in. It has to be an idea
that applies to me, to you, to anyone!

Because it’s a broader message, a theme cannot contain characters or

the stories plot in it.
Theme vs. Subject
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

There is a big difference between theme and subject.

A subject is a thing that can be expressed in a few words. It is an idea
NOT an opinion.

Examples include: “love”, bravery”, “family bonds or “the importance

of friendship.”

A theme is a debatable point of view based on the chosen subject that

the writer expresses and then supports with evidence from the text.

“Family bonds” is a subject, not a theme.

Why this is considered as a phrase a subject and what does it need to

be considered a theme?

Answer: It only presents an idea and lacks a point of view. We re-word

the phrase so it’s an opinion.

“Family bonds are longer lasting than friendships.”

This is now an opinion and expresses a point of view, so it can now be

considered a theme.

How to figure out the theme:

Start: What topics or big ideas does the story deal with?

What is the author saying about one of these topics?

End: Put it into a THEME statement.

Activity 1. Identify the theme of the following passages:

1. Mark was born rich. He never had to work a day in his life and he got
everything handed to him on a silver platter. When he was six, Mark
wanted to go to a basketball game. His father paid the starting five of the
Bulls and Celtics to play a private game of Nerf-ball in Mark's bedroom.
When Mark turned thirteen, he wanted to start a band. His father hired the
Aegies to play with him every Saturday at the family's private concert hall,
though his family was never there. By the time he was twenty-one, Mark
was bored with life. He was surrounded by a bunch of possessions that he
didn't appreciate and Mark could find nothing new or exciting in his life.
Despite his vast wealth, Mark never found happiness. Jessa was born poor.
Her family hardly had anything to eat, but they loved each other. Jessa
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

appreciated every thing she got. When she was six, her father walked her
around the United Center before the Bulls played the Celtics. She was
excited by the crazy fans and feeling in the air. She looked forward to the
day that she could see a real game. When she was thirteen, she learned to
play the instruments. She was an extremely talented musician, a natural
pianist, and everyone on their block loved the rhythms that poured from
her palms. By the time she was twenty-one, Jessa was a successful
businesswoman. Now she had everything that she had ever dreamed of and
she truly loved to share her wealth and happiness with her family who
supported her through all of the hard times.

What is the theme of the story? (Answers may vary.)

Money doesn't buy happiness. You don't appreciate the things for which you
don't work.

What happens in the story that leads you to believe this?

Mark was rich but miserable. Jessa was poor but happy.

2. In his sophomore year of high school, Michael Jordan tried out for the
varsity basketball team at Laney High School in Wilmington, North
Carolina. But at five feet and eleven inches tall, the coach believed that
Jordan was too short to play at that level, so Jordan was cut from the team.
Jordan didn't let this obstacle defeat him. In fact, it pushed him to work
even harder. He trained vigorously and grew another four inches the
following summer. When he finally made the varsity squad, Jordan
averaged 25 points a game and went on to become one of the greatest
basketball players in history.

What is the theme of the story? Never give up. Persistence pays off.
What happens in the story that leads you to believe this? Jordan could have
quit basketball his sophomore year, but he continued playing and became one
of the best players in history.

After the Lesson:

1. Evaluation: The teacher will let he students read the story and let
them explain how the elements specific to a genre contribute to
the theme of a particular literary selection

2. Reread the myth of “How the World is Created”. As you read,

ask yourself “Why is the writer is telling med this ? What has the
writer learned from this situation?” Read carefully the first and
the last paragraph. Sometimes the writer makes a comment that
strongly suggest the main idea or the theme Fill out the subject
vs. theme worksheet with possible subjects and their
corresponding theme worksheet about the Myth of How the
world was created.

How the World Was Created (Panayan)

Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

One of the stories about the creation of the world, which the old
folks of Panay, especially those living near the mountain, do not tire
relating, tells us that in the beginning there was no heaven or earth—
only a bottomless deep and a world of mist. Selfish goddess whose
only work was to sit by the window of their heavenly home, and amuse
herself with her pointless thoughts. Sometimes, she would go down
from the house, sit down by a pool near their doorstep and comb her
long, jet-black hair all day long.
One day Tungkung Langit told his wife that he would be away
from home for some time to put an end to the chaotic disturbances in
the flow of time and in the position of things. The jealous Alunsina,
however, sent the sea breeze to spy on Tungkung Langit. This made
the latter very angry upon knowing about it.
Immediately after his return from the trip, he called this act to
her attention saying that it was ungodly of her to be jealous, there
being no other creature living in the world except the two of them. This
reproach was resented by Alunsina, and a quarrel between them
Tungkung Langit lost his temper. In this rage, he divested his
wife of powers and drove her away. No one knew where Alunsina
went; she merely disappeared.
Several days after Alunsina left, however, Tungkung Langit felt
very lonely. He realized what he had done. Somehow, it was too late
even to be sorry about the whole matter. The whole place once vibrant
with Alunsina‘s sweet voice, suddenly became cold and desolate. In
the morning, when he woke up he would find himself alone and in the
afternoon when he came home, he would feel the same loneliness
creeping deep in his heart because there was no one to meet him at the
doorstep or soothe the aching muscles of his arms.
For months, Tungkung Langit lived in utter desolation. He
could not find Alunsina, try hard as he would. And so, in his
desperation, he decided to do something in order to forget his sorrows.
For months and months he thought. His mind seemed pointless, his
heart, weary, and sick. But he must have to do something about his
One day, while he was sailing across the regions of the clouds,
a thought came to him. He would make a big basin of water below the
sky so that he can see the image of his wife, if she were just
somewhere in the regions above. And lo! The sea appeared. However,
Alunsina was never seen.
After a long time, the somber sight of the lonely sea irritated
Tungkung Langit. So he came down to the Middleworld and created
the land; then he planted this with grasses, trees, and flowers. He took
his wife‘s treasured jewels and scattered them in the sky, hoping that
when Alunsina would see them she might be induced to return home.
The goddess‘ necklace became the stars, her comb the moon, and her
crown the sun. However, despite all these Alunsina did not come back.
And up to this time, the folks in Panay say that Tungkung
Langit is alone in his palace in the skies. Sometimes, he would cry out
of his pent-up emotions and his tears would fall down upon the earth.
The people say that rain is Tungkung Langit‘s tears and that is why in
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

some localities in the island of Panay, the first rain in May is received
with much rejoicing and sacrifice. Incidentally, when it thunders hard,
the old folks also say that it is Tungkung Langit sobbing, calling for his
beloved Alunsina to come back – entreating her so hard that his voice
thunders across the fields and countryside.

Let the students answer on one half sheet of paper the task 16 on their LM The Main
Thing on page 58.

1. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation
2. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below
3. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson
4. No. of learners who continue to require remediation
5. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
6. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?

Detailed Lesson Plan in English 7

Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

A. Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-colonial

Philippine literature as a means of connecting to the past;
various reading styles; ways of determining word
meaning; the sounds of English and the prosodic features
of speech; and correct subject-verb agreement.
B. Performance The learner transfers learning by: showing appreciation
Standards: for the literature of the past; comprehending texts using
appropriate reading styles; participating in conversations
using appropriate context-dependent expressions;
producing English sounds correctly and using the
prosodic features of speech effectively in various
situations; and observing correct subject-verb agreement.

C.Learning Listen for important points signalled by projection

Competencies/Objectives: EN7LC-I-b-5.1
Note the changes in projection that affect meaning

Quarter: 1 Week: 3-4 Day: 22 Date: _______________

Subject Matter: Projection
Strategies: Oral Presentation, Collaborative Activity, Activity-based


A. References
Teacher’s Guide pages - NONE
Learner’s Material pages - 51
Textbook pages - None
Additional Materials from LR Portal - NONE
Other Learning Resources – on July 26, 2015
SPEECHDELIVERY.pdf on July 28, 2015


A. Before the lesson

1. Classroom Management (Greetings, Prayer, Checking of Attendance)

2. Review previous topic: (5 min)

B. During the Lesson

1. Introduction of the Lesson

 The teacher will present the objectives to the class.

Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

2. Motivation (5min)

Activity 1: Voice Projection Game (Learner’s Material, Page 51).

The Fruit Bags

a. Imagine that the three (3) fruit bags in front of you represent someone, one
about 5 feet away from you, the second about 15 feet away, the third about
40-50 feet away.
b. Look directly at the first bean bag. Ask his/her name and the name of his/her
favorite pet.
c. Say the exact same things to the second fruit bag.
d. Do it again but this time to the third fruit bag.
 The learner’s will share to the class their observation on the activity.
3. Lesson Proper
 Voice Projection - Voice projection is the strength of speaking or singing
whereby the voice is used loudly and clearly. It is a technique employed
to command respect and attention, as when a teacher talks to a class, or
simply to be heard clearly, as used by an actor in a theatre.

 Volume (loudness) is a perception of energy used in voice projection.

 Speaker must at all times be audible to audience.

 Variety will help retain retention.

 May be used to convey nuance and emotion (shout vs.

Stage whisper)

Source: on July 26, 2015
SPEECHDELIVERY.pdf on July 28, 2015

 Read the selection below using various voice projection that changes

 The learners will comment on the way the teacher changes her voice

The Importance of Education

First of all I would like to say good morning to the respected
teachers, parents and my dear friends. I would like to speech on the
importance of education which is a must to know by all of us.
Education plays a great role in the life of everyone all through the
Getting proper education is very necessary to get success and
happy life just like food is necessary for healthy body. It is very
important to live luxurious and better life. It develops personality
of the people, provides physical and mental standard and
transforms people’s living status.
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

C. After the Lesson


 The teacher will group the class with four to five members each.
 The teacher will give the sample text below for the students to perform in class.
 The first group will read the paragraph with feelings they wish to convey using the
appropriate voice projection..
 As the learners read the paragraph, they will also note the changes signalled by voice
projection in their presentation.

The reason some girls, although very pretty and intelligent, never get married is
because they are choosy and too hard to please. A man is introduced to them. “He is too
short. How will they look when they are together? Another man is too plain. Nothing
exciting about him. Another doesn’t have money. How will they maintain their lavish
lifestyle? They’re not willing to go poor. Another man is handsome but he is a complete
bore. He couldn’t talk nor carry on a conversation with her even just for five minutes. Thus
she’s not willing that they stare at each other all the time. Well…are you?
Goodness gracious! These girls can’t fall in love. They are too critical. They even think
and feel like a queen but have no palace though…honestly? They are wonderful but
-By Anonymous
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Rubric Excellent Good Fair

(5pts) (3pts) (1pt)
DELIVERY Speaks with Speaks with Speaks with uneven
fluctuation in volume satisfactory variation volume with little or
and inflection to of volume and no inflection.
maintain audience inflection.
interest and
emphasize key

ENTHUSIASM Demonstrates strong Shows some Shows little or mixed

enthusiasm about the enthusiastic feelings feelings about the
topic during entire about the topic. topic being presented.


 The learners will create a one minute speech about themselves. Then, they will deliver
it using the correct voice projection in the class.



1. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation

2. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below
3. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson
4. No. of learners who continue to require remediation
5. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
6. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?

Detailed Lesson Plan in English 7

Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-colonial

Philippine literature as a means of connecting to the past;
various reading styles; ways of determining word
meaning; the sounds of English and the prosodic features
of speech; and correct subject-verb agreement.
Performance Standards: The learner transfers learning by: showing appreciation
for the literature of the past; comprehending texts using
appropriate reading styles; participating in conversations
using appropriate context-dependent expressions;
producing English sounds correctly and using the
prosodic features of speech effectively in various
situations; and observing correct subject-verb agreement.

Learning Listen for important points signalled by pitch EN7LC-I-c-

Competencies/Objectives 5.1
Note the changes in pitch that affect meaning EN7LC-I-c-

Quarter: 1 Week: 3 Day: 23 Date: ________________


Subject Matter: English

Integration: MAPEH
Skill: Listening, Musical, Kinesthetic
Strategies: Oral Presentation, Collaborative Activity, Activity-based


Teacher’s Guide pages - NONE

Learner’s Material pages - NONE
Textbook pages - None
Additional Materials from LR Portal - NONE
Other Learning Resources -
movment-2.jpeg?resize=1170% 2C395

VI. Learning Tasks

A. Before the lesson

1. Classroom Management (Greetings, Prayer, Checking of Attendance)
2. Review previous topic: (5 min)
 The teacher reviews the previous topic

B. During the Lesson

1. Introduction of the Lesson
 Present the objectives to the class.
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

2. Motivation (5min)

 Show pictures of objects that illustrate high (sun, cloud, airplane) and low (grass,
flowers, worm).
 Display the high and low pictures and ask the students if they can find any
similarities between any of the pictures.
 Explain that the pictures show some objects that are found high up in the air and
some that are found low to the ground. The teacher will also explain that in speech,
there are high and low sounds and that they are called pitch.

3. Lesson Proper
 PITCH - Pitch, in speech, is the relative highness or lowness of a tone as
perceived by the ear.
 Pitch is vital in speaking and in listening. Pitch and its range are an important
part in spoken English. Pitch matters both at the level of individual words and at the
level of statements.
 The frequency of vocal cords vibration determines the pitch of voice. The
frequency of vibration of the vocal cord is determined by their thickness, their
length, and their tension.
 Pitch level depends on the size of the vocal cords. Mostly, men have thicker
and longer vocal cords than women and children. The pitch of a man’s voice is
generally lower than a woman or a child.
 Pitch range - Pitch range can be achieved by adjustments of the vocal cords.
This can be divided into three parts: Mid, High, Low
 Pitch range shows the speaker’s attitude towards the information that she/he is
 Mid-pitch range = neutral and unmarked - speaker’s modal pitch, to make a
statement in a neutral manner
 High Pitch Range = indicates an argument; it can be used to single out individual
words for special attention
 Low Pitch Range =
 Show sample sentence that shows Pitch Range and Movement.
 Listen listen and observe the pitch movement patterns of the sentence below.
“I didn’t tell you to argue with, I didn’t tell you to go fight with and I
certainly didn’t tell you to go smash his stereo.”
 The teacher will break down the sentence into different versions.

Version 1: I didn’t tell you to argue with him.

Version 2: I didn’t tell you to go argue with him, I just told you to go talk to him.
Version 3: I didn’t tell you to go argue with him and I didn’t tell you to go fight with him, I
just told you to go talk to him.
Version 4: I didn’t tell you to go argue with him, I didn’t tell you to go fight with and I
certainly didn’t tell you to go smash his stereo.

 The learners will notice how both pitch range and movement change
as the teacher expands the sentence.
 The learners will note the changes in pitch that affect meaning.
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Retrieved from:


Subject Integration: MAPEH

Skill: Listening, Musical, Kinesthetic

 The learners will be divided into five groups. The learners will listen to music.
If they think the pitch is high they should stand on tiptoe and when they think it is low
they should crouch down to the ground.
Doe a Deer a Female Deer
Doe, a deer a female deer
Ray, a drop of golden sun
Me, a name I call myself
Far, a long long way to run
Sew, a needdle pulling thread
La, a note to follow sew
Tea, a drink with jam and bread
That will bring us back to doe

C. After the Lesson

Activity 2: Pitch oral activity
Instruction: The learners will be grouped in three. Each group will be given an
elevator speech selection. The learners should produce the correct pitch
(highness or lowness of sound) based on the selection below. As the learners
undergo the activity, they should also notice the changes in pitch that affect

Elevator Speech
“Yuck - I can’t believe how much loose alpaca hair floats around in our barn. I just
got some in my mouth! Wouldn’t be great if someone kept this place hair-free? I’d
be glad to go around and scoop it all up. If we added a Chief-Wool-Gatherer
position, it would surely pay for itself by reducing waste and increasing profits.
Tell the boss you want me to start, right away!
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Rubric for Elevator Speech

Voice Excellent Very good Good
(5pts) (3pts) (1pt)
Pitch All words/phrases Some Few words and
are delivered with words/phrases are phrases are
correct pitch. Pitch delivered with delivered with
seems natural to the correct pitch. Pitch correct pitch. Pitch
speaker. is strained and too may be strained or
artificial. flat.

Research for any commercial advertisements on the radio and they will
memorize/familiarize the sentences used. Then, they will present the commercial
with the proper pitch used in the class.



1. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation

2. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below 80%
3. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson
4. No. of learners who continue to require remediation
5. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
6. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?

The teacher will show pictures of objects that illustrate high (sun, cloud, airplane) and low
(grass, flowers, worm).
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Worm Detailed Lesson Plan in English 7

Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-colonial Philippine

literature as a means of connecting to the past; various reading styles;
ways of determining word meaning; the sounds of English and the
prosodic features of speech; and correct subject-verb agreement.
Performance Standards: The learner transfers learning by: showing appreciation for the
literature of the past; comprehending texts using appropriate reading
styles; participating in conversations using appropriate context-
dependent expressions; producing English sounds correctly and using
the prosodic features of speech effectively in various situations;
and observing correct subject-verb agreement.
Learning Competency/Objectives: At the end of the lesson, 75% of the learners are
expected to give the meaning of given signs and symbols (road signs,
prohibited signs, etc. EN7VC-I-c-3.1.3
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Quarter: 1 Week: 3 Day: 24 Date: ________________

Subject Matter: Signs and Symbols
Integration: Araling Panlipunan (Respect and Obedience to the law)
Strategies: Game-based, Brain-storming


Teacher’s Guide pages - NONE
Learner’s Material pages – 70-71
Textbook pages - None
Additional Materials from LR Portal - NONE
Other Learning Resources – NONE


A. Before the Lesson (2 min)

1. Classroom Management (Greetings, Prayer, Checking of Attendance)

2. Review previous topic: (5 min)

 The teacher reviews the previous topic

B. During the Lesson

1. Introduction of the Lesson (1 min)

 Tell the students that at the end of session they will give the meaning
of the given signs and symbols.

 Raise awareness of using signs to protect themselves

2. Motivation (3 min)

 Form small group with five members and allow them to have small
group discussion. Let them identify the names of the attached picture
or icons used in connecting to the internet and other electronic devices.

 Give a follow through of the activity by asking the following


1. In what ways can these symbols be of help to you as student?

2. In what way can these be harmful to you as students?

 To hook the students’ interest, conduct a simple picture game by

letting them guess common pictures and icons.
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

3. Lesson Proper ( 20 min)

 Discuss the different signs and symbols with their meaning.

 Present the different road signs and symbols and ask them about the
meaning of these symbols and the essence of understanding them. (see
attachment Activity 3)

 Ask the class to share about other signs and symbols that they know.

C. After the Lesson

1. Evaluation: Task 3 Actors Connection (15 min)

 Allow students to go back to their original groupings with 5 members.

Each group will take turn in picking and acting out (silently) different
signs and symbols. Other groups will guess the name of the sign and
give the its meaning.

 First group who will answer correctly earns one points.

 Pen and paper test. ( Optional - see attachment activity 4 )


Enrichment: Task 4 Connected to the Past

 Guide the students in setting up their targets by allowing them to

creatively draw their own traffic light.

 Have them color their drawing following that of real traffic light.
Beside (or below, if the drawing is horizontal)

Red light- they have to write what they already know about the topic

Yellow- things that they are able to share about the lesson and

Green- things that they want to learn from the lesson.



No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation

No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below 80%
Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

No. of learners who continue to require remediation

Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?

A. Picture for Motivation:
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Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Background for signs and safety
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Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Attachment 3 (for teacher’s lesson proper)

Identify the common signs and symbols

Attachment 4 (optional) pen and paper test

Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Detailed Lesson Plan in English 7


Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-colonial

Philippine literature as a means of connecting to the past;
various reading styles; ways of determining word meaning;
the sounds of English and the prosodic features of speech;
and correct subject-verb agreement.
Performance The learner transfers learning by: showing appreciation for
Standards: the literature of the past; comprehending texts using
appropriate reading styles; participating in conversations
using appropriate context-dependent expressions;
producing English sounds correctly and using the prosodic
features of speech effectively in various situations; and
observing correct subject-verb agreement.

Learning At the end of the lesson, 75 % of the learners are expected

Competency/Objective: to use appropriate idiomatic expressions in a variety of
basic interpersonal communicative situations (EN7V-I-c/d-

Quarter: 1 Week: 4 Day: 25 Date: ____________________

Subject Matter: English
Integration: Filipino
Strategies: Dialogue Activity, Collaborative Activity, Activity-based


Teacher’s Guide pages - NONE
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Learner’s Material pages – 111,134

Textbook pages - None
Additional Materials from LR Portal - NONE
Other Learning Resources –


A. Before the lesson

1. Classroom Management (Greetings, Prayer, Checking of Attendance)
2. Review previous topic: (5 min)

 The teacher reviews the previous topic

B. During the Lesson

1. Introduction of the Lesson

 Present the objectives to the class.

2. Motivation (5min)

Activity 1: Match made in Idioms

 Show images of idiomatic expressions to the class.

 Each group will be given images of idiomatic expressions. Then, they
will identify the meaning of the idioms from the following choices:

 There is a heavy downpour

 To be daydreaming and not paying attention
 A person with little or no physical activity
 A person who does not take sides in a dispute
 When a person being spoken about
unexpectedly arrives
 To work early morning until late night
 To quit or to give up
 Keep your mouth shut

3. Lesson Proper
 Discuss idiomatic expressions presented through printed images to the
 Idioms are expressions whose meanings cannot be inferred from the
meanings of the words that make them up.
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

 Idiom is an expression that means something other than the actual

 You don’t take the words literally.
 Idioms convey complex ideas in a few words.
 It ensures the understanding of the listeners.
 The students will try to define the meaning of idiomatic expression
based on their previous activity.
 Give other examples of idiomatic expressions provided with meanings.
Department of Education
Region X
IDIOM of Cagayan de Oro City
A blessing in disguise A good thing that seemed bad at
Mambuaya National High first School-
Cadayonan Extension
A dime a dozen Something common
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City
Beat around the bush Avoid saying what you mean,
usually because it is uncomfortable
Subject Better late than never Better to arrive late than not to
Integration: come at all
 Discu Bite the bullet To get something over with because
ss the it is inevitable
following Break a leg Good luck
idioms to the
class. Call it a day Stop working on something
 Cut somebody some slack Don’t be so critical
Cutting corners Doing something poorly in order to
language and
save time or money
culture has
its own set of Easy does it Slow down
idioms, and Get out of hand Get out of control
the Filipinos
have Get something out of your system DO the thing you’ve been wanting
their to do so you can move on
own idioms Get your act together Work better or leave
as well.
Give someone the benefit of the Trust what someone says
Go back to the drawing board Start over
Hang in there Don’t give up
Hit the sack Go to sleep
It’s not rocket science It’s not complicated
Let someone off the hook To not hold someone responsible
for something
Make a long story story short Tell something briefly
Miss the boat It’s too late
No pain, no gain You have to work for what you
On the ball Doing a good job
Pull someone’s leg To joke with someone
Pull yourself together Calm down
So far so good Things are going well so far
That’s the last straw My patience has run out
Under the weather Sick
The best of both worlds An ideal situation
To get bent out of shape To get upset
To make matters worse Make a problem worse
Retrieved from: https://www.englis
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City


Bungang “fruit of the sun” Prickly heat
Bungang- “fruit of sleep” Dreams
Buto’t balat “bones and skin” Very skinny, malnourished

Makapal and “thick pocket” A person with a lot of cash in

bulsa their possession

Butas ang “hole in the pocket” Someone with no cash

Magaan ang “light-handed” Someone that is easily
kamay provoked/easily hits another

Maitim and “dark-blooded” Evil/bad person

Makati ang “itchy feet” Someone that enjoys going
paa places

Matigas ang “stiff-body” A lazy person

Retrieved from:

 The students will give their own examples of

Filipino idiomatic expressions.

C. After the lesson

Activity 2: Meaningful Journey. (Task 10. A & B|Learner’s Material Page 134)

Activity 3: Once in a Blue Moon (Learner’s Material, page 111)
Instruction: Familiarize the following idiomatic expressions available.
In groups of four members each, learners will familiarize their assigned idiomatic
expression. Then, they will create a dialogue involving a specific idiomatic expression. After
which, each group will present or read their dialogue to the class. Situations or topics for the
dialogue may vary according to the learners’ choice.

A. Cry over spilled milk - when you complain about a

loss from the past
B. Curiosity killed the cat - being curious can get you in
C. Take with a grain of salt - not to take what someone
says too seriously
D. Not a spark of decency - no manners
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Excellent Above Average Below

(4pts) Average (2pts) Average
(3pts) (1pt)
Dialogue Great Mostly Clear but Hard to
clarity, clear and with understand.
voice without distractions. Many
projection, distractions. distractions.
Idiom use Group used Group used Some Many
all idioms almost all idioms were
idioms were
correctly. idioms. used. used.
Teamwork All All All Not all
members members members at
contributed contributed least contributed
an equally to the contributed
to the
significant presentation something.
role. , but some Some or one or
members members
did not play are far less
a significant prominent
role in thecontributed
than others.
nothing to


1.No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation

2.No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below 80%
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

3.Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson
4.No. of learners who continue to require remediation
5.Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
6.What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?


Activity 1: Match made in Idioms

Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Activity 2:

Meaningful Journey. (Task 10. A & B|Learner’s Material Page 134)

A. Meaningful Journey. Identify the meaning of the idioms. Use the sentences as your
clue. Choose the meaning from the pool of meanings:
Idiom Meaning
1. Take heart
2. At the drop of a hat
3. Came off with flying colors
4. Far and wide
5. Scare you to death

Pool of Meanings
Be brave
Extremely frightened
Extraordinarily successful
Act instantly
Large area

1. Indarapatra told Sulayman to take heart in his quest for the horrible
2. Upon hearing about the monsters, Sulayman, at the drop of a hat,
accepted the challenge and set out to save Mindanao from the
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

3. Sulayman came off with flying colors when he killed Kurita single
4. Tarabusaw, a monstrous-looking creature in the form of a man,
devoured the people far and wide.
5. The mere thought of a monster will scare you to death.

B. Complete with Meaning

Instruction: Complete the following sentences by using the proper idiom. Choose
from the idioms presented in the previous activity.

1. The villagers need to __________ and fight the monsters which terrorize their
2. The heroes searched for the enemies _________ but they cannot find them.
3. These monsters will _________ because of their appearance.
4. The heroes always _________ after they slew all the monsters.
5. ___________, the heroes struck the monsters with their legendary swords.
6. It was just ________ when the flying monster grabbed the princess away from the
7. The monsters destroyed all villages ________ before the heroes were able to
defeat them.
8. The king ________ as he celebrated their victory over the monsters.
9. The princess has to __________ and try to slay the monster which abducted her.
10. The appearance of the monster will ___________ if you look directly at its eyes.

1. Take heart - be brave
2. At the drop of a hat - act instantly
3. Came off with flying colors - extraordinarily successful
4. Far and wide - large area
5. Scare you to death - extremely frightened


1. Take heart
2. Far and wide
3. Scare you to death
4. Came off with flying colors
5. At the drop of a hat
6. At the drop of a hat
7. Far and wide
8. Came off with flying colors
9. Take heart
10. Scare you to death
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Detailed Lesson Plan in English 7


A. Content Standards : The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-

colonial Philippine literature as a means of connecting
to the past; various reading styles; ways of
determining word meaning; the sounds of English and
the prosodic features of speech; and correct subject-
verb agreement.

B. Performance Standards : The learner transfers learning by: showing

appreciation for the literature of the past;
comprehending texts using appropriate reading styles;
participating in conversations using appropriate
context-dependent expressions; producing English
sounds correctly and using the prosodic features of
speech effectively in various situations; and observing
correct subject-verb agreement.

C.Learning : At the end of the lesson, 75% of the learners are

Competencies/Objectives expected to discover literature as a means of
connecting to a significant past ( EN7LT-I-c-1)

Quarter: 1 Week: 3 Day: 26 Date: ___________

Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Subject Matter: Literature

Integration: ESP
Strategies: Character Map, Story Pyramid, Role Play, Collaborative Activity,


A. References
1.Teacher’s Guide pages - NONE
2.Learner’s Material pages – 73-76
3.Textbook pages - None
4. Additional Materials from LR Portal - NONE
B. Other Learning Resources – NONE
A. Before the lesson:
1. Classroom Management (Greetings, Prayer, Checking of Attendance)

2. Review previous topic: (5 min)

 The teacher reviews the previous topic

B. During the Lesson

1. Introduction of the Lesson

 Present the objectives to the class.

2. Motivation (5min)

 Show printed image of Prince Bantugan.

 Present the word Maranaw to the class.
 Ask the class if they have been to Lanao region.
 Ask the class to describe the people living in Lanao.
Describe the kinds of people living in Lanao region in terms of
language, and tradition.

3. The Lesson Proper

 The learners will be grouped into ten with five members each.
 The learners will read the selection entitled The Good Prince Bantugan
using the activity Predicting Missing Context.
 In Predicting Missing Context activity, parts of a text is cut out or
hidden. Then, students will try to identify the correct/appropriate
words from the selection.
 Students will list all the possible words they could think that would fit
the hidden words.
 The teachers and the students will try to provide the meaning of the cut
out/hidden words.
 The teacher and the students will further discuss the story.
 The teacher will introduce that the selection they have read is a
Maranaw epic.
 The learners will try to guess the meaning of Epic.
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

 Support and Further discuss the meaning of epic to the class.

Epic is a narrative poem that is transferred through

generations by means of oral communication.
An ancient epic song Darangen incorporates knowledge of the
Maranao people who live in the Lake Lanao region of
Mindanao. Maranao is one of the three main Muslim groups in
the country.

 Integrate Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao (ESP) by soliciting answers from

the following questions:
Why was the old King of Bumbaran unhappy?
What characteristics of Prince Bantugan makes him a hero?

C. After the Lesson

Activity 1: Character Map
 The Character Map will be given. Students will give words that
describe a character of their choice.
Activity 2: Story Pyramid
 Group learners in five teams. Each teams will be given story
pyramid worksheets.

Activity 3: Role Play

 Role play a scenario from the selection that shows the
characteristic or belief of our ancestors.

Activity: Getting Into the Character
 Choose a favorite character from the story The Good Prince
 Create an illustration of favorite character based on the
descriptions provided in the selection.


1.No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation

2.No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below 80%
3.Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson
4.No. of learners who continue to require remediation
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

5.Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
6.What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?

Image used:
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Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Source: Google Images


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Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

id e
n ti
p ic
o nrib e
d e sc
B a n tueg a n in
th re ew wo o rd s

d e sc rib e th e se tti n g
u sin g fo u r w o rd s

Activity 3

Role-Playing Rubric
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

CATEGORY 15 10 5
ROLES All members of the Everyone in the group Few members stayed
group stayed in stayed in character but in characters and
character. some members didn’t others failed to stay in
seem to really be character.
“into” what they were
PROPS Appropriate props Props were present but No/few props were
were used during the they were not used used.
performance. appropriately.
COMMUNICATION Characters Some lines were Characters fails to
SKILLS communicated well all forgotten by some communicate with
throughout the members. each other.
GESTURES/FACIAL Gestures/Facial Gestures/Facial Although a few
EXPRESSION expressions are expressions are gestures and facial
effectively used to sometimes used to expression may be
emphasize important provide emphasis. used, they are not tied
points. to points of emphasis.
OVERALL Presentation was Presentation was fun Presentation lack
IMPRESSION entertaining and to watch, could have cooperation and
informative. been more support from each
informative. members.
Source: adapted from

Detailed Lesson Plan in English 7

A. Content Standards : The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

colonial Philippine literature as a means of connecting

to the past; various reading styles; ways of
determining word meaning; the sounds of English and
the prosodic features of speech; and correct subject-
verb agreement.

B. Performance Standards : The learner transfers learning by: showing

appreciation for the literature of the past;
comprehending texts using appropriate reading styles;
participating in conversations using appropriate
context-dependent expressions; producing English
sounds correctly and using the prosodic features of
speech effectively in various situations; and observing
correct subject-verb agreement.

CC.LearningCompetencies/ : At the end of the lesson, 75% of the learners are

OObjectives expected to express appreciation for sensory images
used. (EN7LT-I-c-2.2.1)

Quarter: 1 Week: 3 Day: 27 Date: _____________

Subject Matter: English
Integrations: SCIENCE
Strategies: Collaborative Activity, Activity-based


A. References:
A. Teacher’s Guide pages - NONE
B. Learner’s Material pages – NONE
C. Textbook pages - None
Additional Materials from LR Portal - NONE
B. Other Learning Resources – https://www.sensory-images.yf14


A. Before the lesson

1. Classroom Management (Greetings, Prayer, Checking of Attendance)

2. Review previous topic: (5 min)

B. During the Lesson

1. Introduction of the Lesson

 Present the objectives to the class.

2. Motivation (5min): Sensory Alert

Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Integration of Science subject.

 Show images of the five sensory organs.
 Identify the five senses that aid body functions.
 Give the functions of the sense organs.
 Choose which sense organ fits the following: Visual, Auditory,
Olfactory, Gustatory, and Tactile.

3. The Lesson Proper

Sensory Images  are images formed in your mind through the vivid
description of the author in a text
Five Kinds of Sensory Images:
1. Visual
2. Auditory
3. Olfactory
4. Gustatory
5. Tactile

Visual Images are images that appeal to the sense of

Auditory Images  are images that appeal to the sense
of hearing
Olfactory Images  are images that appeal to the sense
of smell
Gustatory Images  are images that appeal to the sense
of taste
Tactile Images  are images that appeal to the sense of

 Give examples of sensory images.

1. A cold breeze. (Tactile)
2. A bright sun. (Visual)
3. The chirp of birds. (Auditory)
4. Freshly mowed grass. (Olfactory)
5. The tang of a cold glass lemonade. (Gustatory)
(Source: Sensory images activity|Google Images)

 Identify what sensory images are used from the given examples.
 Create their own sentences using the appropriate sensory images.
 Express ideas on the result of having sensory images in sentences,
poems, songs, and stories.
 Ask the class the importance of sensory images in texts, poems, stories,
and songs.
Vivid sensory details are important in descriptive
writing because it appeals to the reader’s senses. It also
paints picture in terms of feelings and emotions towards
other people, situation, and places.
C. After the Lesson

Activity 1:
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

 Students will be grouped according to their PMAK Group or Poetic, Musical,

Artistic, Kinesthetic Group. PMAK Group members are already classified in
the beginning of the quarter to know who performs best in any of the four
skills. Therefore, four teams will be created with eight to ten members each.
 In their PMAK group, each team will relate the topic on sensory images
depending on the skill of their choice.
o Poetic Group  Write a two stanza poem with the appropriate sensory
images embedded in the lines.
o Musical Group  Create a song with sensory images embedded on its
lyrics. Then, they will sing their finish output in front of the class.
o Artistic Group  Draw an illustration from the predominant sensory
image found from the following: “Flickering fireflies” and “splashing
silver seas”
o Kinesthetic Group  Present an interpretative dance based on the
poem below:
The shattered reflection of the moonlit sky
was the spotlight of the lovers passing by.
I touched their tears under the rain,
And the wind smelled eternal pain.
Activity 2:
Write/identify the predominant sensory image found in each of the following:
1. flickering fireflies
2. the squeak of spinning wheels
3. chocolate, ice cream, and apple pie
4. the piercing rays of the noon day sun
5. a host of golden daffodils
6. splashing silver seas
7. the baby’s breath was warm on my face
8. apple blossoms filled the air
9. the lambent toiling of the bells
10. gentle swaying of the bamboo
11. full blast of moonlight
12. candlelight flickering
13. smoke which stung her eyes
14. the birds chirping
15. rain pouring down from the tin roof
(Source: Sensory images activity/ Google Images)

Activity 3: Express five senses using poetry (Visual, Auditory, Olfactory, Gustatory, Tactile)


Activity: Write sentences incorporating the five senses using the matrix below.

Visual Auditory Olfactory Gustatory Tactile

Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City



1. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation

2.No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below 80%
3.Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson
4.No. of learners who continue to require remediation
5.Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
6.What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?


Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Source: 84519194-5-senses-icon-in-outline-collection-with-filled-color Google images

Detailed Lesson Plan in English 7

Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-colonial

Philippine literature as a means of connecting to the past;
various reading styles; ways of determining word
meaning; the sounds of English and the prosodic features
of speech; and correct subject-verb agreement.

Performance Standards: The learner transfers learning by: showing appreciation

for the literature of the past; comprehending texts using
appropriate reading styles; participating in conversations
using appropriate context-dependent expressions;
producing English sounds correctly and using the
prosodic features of speech effectively in various
situations; and observing correct subject-verb agreement.

Learning : At the end of the lesson, 75% of the students are

Competencies/Objectives expected to :
1. listen for important points signalled by stress (EN7LC-
2. Note the changes in stress that affect meaning.
Quarter: 1 Week: 4 Day: 28 Date: ____________________


Subject Matter: English

Strategies: Collaborative Activity, Activity-based


A. References:
1.Teacher’s Guide pages - NONE
2.Learner’s Material pages – NONE
3.Textbook pages - None
4.Additional Materials from LR Portal - NONE
B. Other Learning Resources – https://prosodic-features.34.awqo


A. Before the lesson
1. Classroom Management (Greetings, Prayer, Checking of Attendance)

2. Review previous topic: (5 min)

B. During the Lesson

1. Introduction of the Lesson

 Present the objectives to the class.

2. Motivation (5min)

Activity 1: Murderousness
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

“I didn’t say we should kill him.”

The learners will listen as the teacher deliver the text using different stress
pointed on different words inside the sentence. Then, the learners will try to
give the meaning of the sentence.

1. I didn’t say we should kill him. = Someone else said we should kill
2. I didn’t say we should kill him. = I am denying saying it.
3. I didn’t say we should kill him. = I implied it / whispered it / wrote it
4. I didn’t say we should kill him. = I said someone else should kill
him /you should kill him, etc.
5. I didn’t say we should kill him. = I said we shouldn’t kill him / we
must kill him, etc.
6. I didn’t say we should kill him. = I said we should take him to
dinner /take care of him / send him on a diving holiday.
7. I didn’t say we should kill him. = We should kill someone else.

3. Lesson Proper
 Say the words with proper stress.

STRESS - Stress is the relative emphasis that may be given to certain syllables in a word, or
to certain words in a phrase or sentence.

WORD STRESS - When pronouncing words with more than one syllable, you will find that
one syllable is more prominent than the others.

Primary Stress or the vowel prominence
Primary stress is the loudest or higher pitch given in a

Acute accent [‘] is placed over the vowel nucleus in a word

to mean it’s the prominent pitch given.
Grave accent [ʽ] for the secondary stress


1. Two-syllable nouns and adjectives the first syllable takes on the stress.
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

2. Two-syllable verbs and prepositionsthe stress is on the second syllable.

3. Words ending in er, lythe stress is placed on the first syllable.
4. Words ending in consonants and in ythe stress is on the first syllable.

C. After the Lesson

Instruction: In a 1/4 sheet of paper, learners shall put the primary accent above
the vowel prominence of the stressed syllable.

1. Protect 1. Protect
2. Against 2. Against
3. Prevent 3. Prevent
4. Event 4. Event
5. Jumper 5. Jumper
6. Lovely 6. Lovely
7. Crowded 7. Crowded
8. Bathroom 8. Bathroom
9. Empty 9. Empty
10. Control 10. Control
11. Improved 11. Improved
12. Pavement 12. Pavement
13. Prefer 13. Prefer
14. Alarm 14. Alarm
15. Stomach 15. Stomach


 Learners will research for words with stress placed on its 1st, 2nd, 3rd syllable.


1. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation

2.No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below 80%
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

3.Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson
4.No. of learners who continue to require remediation
5.Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
6.What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?

Detailed Lesson Plan in English 7

A. Content Standards : The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-
colonial Philippine literature as a means of connecting
to the past; various reading styles; ways of
determining word meaning; the sounds of English and
the prosodic features of speech; and correct subject-
verb agreement.
B. Performance Standards : The learner transfers learning by: showing
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

appreciation for the literature of the past;

comprehending texts using appropriate reading styles;
participating in conversations using appropriate
context-dependent expressions; producing English
sounds correctly and using the prosodic features of
speech effectively in various situations; and observing
correct subject-verb agreement.
CC. Learning Competencies/ : At the end of the lesson, 75 % of the learners are
OObjectives expected to identify the genre of the material viewed
(such as movie clip, trailer, news flash, internet-based
program, documentary, video, etc.) EN7VC-I-d/e-6

Quarter: 1 Week: 3 Day: 29 Date: _____________

Subject Matter: English
Integration: ESP
Strategies: Collaborative Activity, Activity-based


A. References:
1.Teacher’s Guide pages - NONE
2.Learner’s Material pages – 90-92
3.Textbook pages - NONE
4.Additional Materials from LR Portal - NONE
B. Other Learning Resources –


A. Before the lesson
1. Classroom Management (Greetings, Prayer, Checking of Attendance)

2. Review previous topic: (5 min)

B. During the Lesson

1. Introduction of the Lesson

 The teacher will present the objectives to the class.

2. Motivation (5min)

 Activity 1: Let’s Get Familiar

Instruction: Below is a chart of materials or programs which you can view
from your television sets or through the internet. Examine each item and
out a check mark under the column not familiar if you do not know about
the material. Put a check mark under the column familiar if you know or
you have heard about the material, very familiar if you have watched one.

Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

1. Documentary
2. Internet-based
3. Movie trailer
4. News flash
5. Weather report

3. Lesson Proper
 News Flash – a single item of important news that is aired separately
and often interrupts other programs
 Weather report – usually a s part of an entire news program that tells
and foretells weather conditions on specific area
 Internet-based program – a program that is informative and can be
accessed through the website
 Movie trailer – a short clip from the film
 Documentary – a research-based reporting that deals with a specific
topic and format
 The learners will watch videos about the above mentioned

The following are the links to where the videos are found:

Subject Integration: ESP

 Ask the students the following questions about the viewed

documentary material:
 What is the material about?
 What is the biggest problem the people are facing?
 What are the solutions to the problems encountered?
 How does street children being defined?
 What values can we get from their lives?
C. After the lesson
Activity 2:Differing Views (Learner’s Material Page 91)
Instruction: The class will be divided into three groups. Each group will be
given a link and together with their group mates, watch the material. After viewing,
they will organize a report to be presented in the class, considering the following
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Group 1:
Group 2:
Group 3:

-What is the material about?

-What is the genre of the material viewed?
-What information can we get from the material?
-Are the information essential? Why?
-Are the information truthful? What made you say so?

 The learners will differentiate the genres mentioned using their own
 The teacher will recapitulate the things discussed.


1.No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation

2.No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below 80%
3.Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson
4. No. of learners who continue to require remediation
5.Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
6.What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?

Detailed Lesson Plan in English 7

Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-colonial

Philippine literature as a means of connecting to the past;
various reading styles; ways of determining word
meaning; the sounds of English and the prosodic features
of speech; and correct subject-verb agreement.
Performance Standards: The learner transfers learning by: showing appreciation
for the literature of the past; comprehending texts using
appropriate reading styles; participating in conversations
using appropriate context-dependent expressions;
producing English sounds correctly and using the
prosodic features of speech effectively in various
situations; and observing correct subject-verb agreement.

Learning Competencies/ At the end of the lesson, 75% of the students are
Objectives: expected to:
1. discover literature as a means of connecting to
significant past (EN7LT-I-d-1)
2. Explain the literary devices used (EN7LT-I-d-2.2.2)

Quarter: 1 Week: 4 Day: 30 Date: _______

Subject Matter: English
Strategies: Collaborative Activity, Activity-based


A. References:
1.Teacher’s Guide pages - NONE
2.Learner’s Material pages – 187-188
3.Textbook pages - NONE
4.Additional Materials from LR Portal - NONE
B. Other Learning Resources –


A. Before the lesson
1. Classroom Management (Greetings, Prayer, Checking of Attendance)

2. Review previous topic: (5 min)

B. During the Lesson

1. Introduction of the Lesson

 The teacher will present the objectives to the class.

2. Motivation (5min)

Activity 1:
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

 The teacher will read the poem out loud. The learners will follow
him/her by reading silently. The learners will also look for figurative
language used.

Gifts for the City

Shirley Mary de Leon

Along the wide span of sphere

Roads that connect into a sun
Names of leaders have laid their mark
From Garcia, Quirino and Quezon

I walked slowly along the avenues

Thinking of thoughts to help this city, too
From menial tasks to heavy burdens be
I thought of sharing my gifts to see

Follow traffic rules in signage on the streets,

Dispose garbage made of paper, plastic and silts
Remember to clear the air of smog
By planting green and shrubs

Gift as simple as a flower I can give

Simple thoughts to renew each life with a kiss
A person, a student or a citizen
There are gifts we can give and share

 The learners will answer the following questions:

 What is the poem all about?
 What gifts does the speaker want to give to the city?
 What does the speaker encourage others to do?

3.Lesson Proper
 The teacher and the learners will identify simile and metaphor
from the poem entitled, “Gifts for the City”.

Simile and metaphor are figure of speech that enhance the meaning and
imaginative quality poems.
Simile is a comparison of two unrelated objects with the use of as or like.
The destroyed houses during the storm were like trash scattered around.
(destroyed houses compared to trash)
The tide is as high as the mountain. (tide is compared to the mountain)
Metaphor is a comparison of two unrelated objects without the use of as or
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

The recent typhoon was a monster. (typhoon was compared to a monster
because of its destruction)
Source: English Arts Textbook for First Year by Ribo et al.

 Show the following examples of simile and metaphor.


His friend is as black as coal. My friend is a Shakespeare when in

English class.
He has learned gymnastics, and is as
agile as a monkey. He was a roaring lion in anger,
though now he is silent.
When attacked in his home, he will fight
like a caged tiger. They seem like jackals when
running in fear.
Can you dance like a money?
Kisses are roses in the spring.
Even when he was told everything, he
was acting like a donkey. This world is a sea of anonymous

C. After the Lesson

Activity 2: The class will be grouped in four. Each groups will be given a copy
of a poem entitled, First a Poem Must be Magical. Then, the learners will identify
the simile and metaphor from the poem. The learners will also explain the literary
devices used in the poem.


Jose Garcia Villa

First, a poem must be magical,

Then musical as a seagull.
It must be brightness moving
And hold secret a bird’s flowering
It must be slender as a bell,
And it must hold fire as well.
It must have the wisdom of bows
And it must kneel like a rose.
It must be able to hear
The luminance of dove and deer.
It must be able to hide
What it seeks, like a bride.
And over all I would like to hover
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

God, smiling from the poem’s cover.

 The learners will create their own poem embedded with literary devices.
Then, they will also explain the literary devices used from their self-made


1.No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation

2.No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below 80%
3.Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson
4.No. of learners who continue to require remediation
5.Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
6.What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Detailed Lesson Plan in English 7

A. Content Standards : The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-
colonial Philippine literature as a means of connecting
to the past; various reading styles; ways of
determining word meaning; the sounds of English and
the prosodic features of speech; and correct subject-
verb agreement.
B. Performance Standards : The learner transfers learning by: showing
appreciation for the literature of the past;
comprehending texts using appropriate reading styles;
participating in conversations using appropriate
context-dependent expressions; producing English
sounds correctly and using the prosodic features of
speech effectively in various situations; and observing
correct subject-verb agreement.
C. Learning Competency : At the end of the 60-minute lesson, 75% of the
/Objective students are expected to explain the literary devices
used. (EN7LT-I e-2.2.2)

Quarter: 1 Week: 5 Day: 31 Date: _______________________


Subject Matter: Literary devices (Irony, Oxymoron and Paradox)

Integration: Values Education
Strategies: Student-centered learning, brainstorming, differentiated activities

1.Teacher’s Guide pages, 215, 232, 248
2.Learner’s Material pages, 230, 252, 277
1. Textbook pages - None
2. Additional Materials from LR Portal - None
B. Other Learning Resources-

A. Before the lesson
- Prayer
- Greetings
- Mood Setting
- Attendance Check
- Presentation of Objective

B. During the Lesson

Pose the following recalling and motive questions for the students to
a. What are the literary devices discussed previously?
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

b. What are the differences between these three literary devices?

c. If those literary devices lead to compare similarities, how about
differences or contradictions?
d. Do any of you know other literary devices that refers to contradiction
of words or statements?

Lead them to recall the previous discussions on Simile, Metaphor and

Personification. Guide the students to discover other literary devices that shows
contrasting ideas on words or statements referring to Irony, Oxymoron and

Task 10: Isn’t it Ironic?

“The man was unafraid of his neighbor so he built high walls around his house.”

Ask the following questions for brainstorming;

1. What have you noticed in the given statement?
2. What conflicting ideas are presented in the statement?
3. What do you mean by the word ironic?

Present the Visual aids/Powerpoint presentation, showing the definition

and few examples of Irony, Oxymoron and Paradox based from the LM pp. 230,
252, 277.

Irony is the disparity or inconsistency between what seems and what is,
meaning, words are used that the intended meaning is different from what is
actually meant or a contrast between what is expected and what really happens.

The shoemaker wears shoes with holes in them.
Someone walks out in the midst of a hurricane and says, “Nice day!”

Source: Hovland L. (1997). Elements of Literature Introductory Course. Orlando,

Florida: Holt, Rinehart, & Winston, Inc
English Learner’s Material 7 pp. 230

Oxymoron is a figure of speech which employs contradictory words.

Generally, the oxymoron words appear together in one sentence.

original copy
found missing

Source: English Learner’s Material 7 pp. 252

A paradox is similar to oxymoron. But generally understood if you read

a statement as a whole, while oxymoron is two-word contradictory found in a

Child is the father of the man. (Wordsworth)
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Meaning: Mans habits are the results of his childhood ways.

(Another examples to compare Oxymoron and Paradox)

Oxymoron: What he said is a true lie. (The contradiction is plainly seen in

the two words: true and lie. We know that what was said is false.)

Paradox: Believe me, I always lie. (The contradiction is plainly seen in the
meaning of the sentence: Is the speaker’s message true or not?)

Note: You may add more definition and examples if necessary.

Source: English Learner’s Material 7 pp. 277

Group Activity: (Lit-Dev Matching-up Activity)

Divide the class into three groups, each group will be given seven strips of
papers containing different sentences or statements from the LM pp. 230, 252, 277.
Let them create a 3 column table indicating Irony, Oxymoron and Paradox to match
up with the strips of paper.

Irony Oxymoron Paradox

Remind the students that only five strips of paper are part of literary devices
from Irony, Oxymoron and Paradox and the other strips are just distractors. Tell them
to paste their strips of paper on the manila paper provided. (Note: You may use the
blackboard and chalk if there are no materials available)

Statements used:

Irony Oxymoron Paradox

The man built high walls At seventeen, Dodong is What a pity that youth
that can be easily climbed just an old kid. must be wasted on the
by intruders. young.
My neighbors are too Sometimes, love is a The youth are old while
wealthy that they cannot sweet poison. the old go back to
afford to buy a piece of childhood.
His neighbor, who is a Dodong’s story is a The story contains a
shoemaker, wears tattered funny tragedy. nightmare that leads to
shoes. good sleep.
Our neighbor loves us so Pan de sal tastes bitter Adulthood is the
much that he built high sweet when dipped into beginning of end of
walls to block us from his hot coffee. innocence.
My classmate is known for The bread vendor is Experience is a great
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

her straightforward going around on his bike teacher; it gives the test
speaking that lasted for at slow speed. first, before the lesson.
two hours.

Distractors: Note: May changed the statements and distractors if necessary.

1) The sky wept all day long.
2) David’s eyes were shining.
3) He was the only child in the family.
4) The family rented a big house that could contain the whole village.
5) The car slept on the bank of the distant river.
6) David’s feet are like propellers of a steamboat.

Source: Learner’s Material pages, 208-210

Present the rubrics and explain how they will be rated accordingly and instruct them to
present their work in front of the class after 10 minutes and take turns in explaining their
work in 5 minutes.

C. After the Lesson

Students’ outputs in the group activity will serve as their assessment for the day.
Ask them to present their outputs in the class. They will be rated with rubrics provided
by the teacher.

Encourage students to research about the basic features and kinds of paragraph.

A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?
Attachment #1
LitDev Matching-up Activity
By: Roxanne Tamagos

Group members:
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Criteria Very Good Good Needs Improvement

10 points 7 points 3 points
Content Content is accurate and Content is somewhat Content explanation
clearly explained. accurate and clearly is vague and
explained. incomplete.
Understanding The students clearly The students The students had
of the Task understood the entire understood most part insufficient
task as output met of the task as output understanding of the
beyond what is met what istask as output does
expected. expected. not meet what is
Presentation Held the attention of the Draw the attention of Voice was not loud
all listeners, spoke most listeners, spoke enough and
expressively and softly and sometimes presentation did not
employed proper verbal employed proper draw attention from
and non-verbal cues. verbal and non- the listeners.
verbal cues.

Total score: _______________

Comments: _____________________________________________________________

Detailed Lesson Plan in English 7

A. Content Standards : The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

colonial Philippine literature as a means of connecting

to the past; various reading styles; ways of
determining word meaning; the sounds of English and
the prosodic features of speech; and correct subject-
verb agreement.

B. Performance Standards : The learner transfers learning by: showing

appreciation for the literature of the past;
comprehending texts using appropriate reading styles;
participating in conversations using appropriate
context-dependent expressions; producing English
sounds correctly and using the prosodic features of
speech effectively in various situations; and observing
correct subject-verb agreement.

C. Learning Competency : At the end of the 60-minute lesson, 75% of the

students are expected to identify basic features and
kinds of paragraph. (EN7WC-I-d-4.3)

Quarter: 1 Week: 4 Day: 32 Date: _______________________

II. Content
Subject Matter: Parts of a Simple Paragraph
Integration: Values Education- Analyzation of the moral lesson of the story “Jack
and the Beanstalk”
Science- Brainstorming and analyzation on paragraphs related to science (Natural
Water Cycle and Sunset)
Strategies: Collaborative learning; Peer buddy, Brainstorming
Materials: Handouts, Visual aids


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages, None
2.Learner’s Material pages, 82-83
3.Textbook pages - None
4.Additional Materials from LR Portal - None
B. Other Learning Resources - Jack and the Beanstalk- Short Kid Stories (2014).
Retrieved from
Paragraph examples-Narrative, Persuasive, Descriptive and Many More

IV. Procedures
A. Before the Lesson
- Prayer
- Greetings
- Mood Setting
- Attendance Check
- Presentation of Objective
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Pre-activity. Divide the class into six (6) groups and each group will arrange
the jumbled paragraph “The Jack and the bean stalk” story.


Once upon a time there was a poor widow who lived in a little cottage
with her only son Jack. Jack was a giddy, thoughtless boy, but very kind-hearted
affectionate. There had been a hard winter, and after it the poor woman
had suffered from fever. Jack did no work as yet, and they grew dreadfully
poor. The widow saw that there was no means of keeping Jack and herself
from starvation but by selling her cow; so one morning she said to her son,

“I am too weak to go myself, Jack, so you must take the cow to market for
me, and sell her.”

Jack liked going to market to sell the cow very much; but as he was
on the way, he met a butcher who had some beautiful beans in his hand.
Jack stopped to look at them, and the butcher told the boy that they were
of great value, and persuaded him to sell the cow for them. And Jack was
so silly as to agree to this foolish bargain.


When he brought them home to his mother instead of the money she
expected for her nice cow, she was very angry and shed many tears,
scolding Jack for his folly. He was very sorry; but, he said, he might as well
make the best of it, so he put the seed-beans into the ground close by the
side of the steep hill under shelter of which their cottage was built, and
went to bed.

The next morning when he got up, he found that the beans had
grown, till the bean stalks reached right over the top of the hill, and were
lost to his sight. Greatly surprised, he called his mother, and they both
gazed in silent wonder at the bean-stalk, which was not only of great
height, but was thick enough to bear Jack’s weight.


“I wonder where it goes?” said Jack to his mother; “I think I will climb
up and see.”

His mother wished him not to go up this strange ladder, but Jack
coaxed her to agree to the attempt, for he was sure there must be
something wonderful in the bean-stalk.
Jack instantly began to climb, and went up and up on the ladder-like
bean till everything he had left behind him, the cottage, the village, and
even the tall church tower, looked quite little, and still he did not see the
top of the bean stalk.


Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Jack felt a little tired, and thought for a moment that he would go
back again; but he was a very persevering boy, and he knew that the way to
succeed in anything is not to give up. So after resting for a moment he
went on, and at last reached the top of the bean, and found himself in a
beautiful country, finely wooded; and not far from the place where he had
got off the bean-stalk stood a fine and strong castle.

Jack wondered very much that he had never heard of or seen this
castle before; but when he reflected on the subject, he saw that it was as
much separated from the village by the perpendicular rock on which it
stood as if it were in another land.

While Jack was standing looking at the castle, a very strange-looking

woman came out of the wood and advanced towards him.
Jack took off his hat to the old lady, and she said, pointing to the
castle, “Boy, that castle belongs to you. A wicked giant killed your father,
and took it from your mother; try and win it back from the monster who
now has it.” As she ceased speaking she suddenly disappeared, and of
course Jack knew she was a fairy.


He was much surprised; however, he walked up to the castle door

and knocked, and an old giantess came out. She did not wait till he spoke,
but pulled him in at once, for she thought he would make a nice supper for
her when her husband was asleep. Just at that moment, however, she
heard the giant’s step approaching, so she put Jack into a press, and told
him to hide there, or the giant would eat him. As soon as the Ogre came in,
he cried in a terrible voice.

“Fee, fa, fie, fo, fum,

I smell the breath of an Englishman.”

“Oh!” said his wife, “there is nobody here. You only smell a crow that
is flying over the chimney.” Then the giant sat down to dinner, which was
quite ready, and when he had eaten a whole sheep, he said, “Bring me my
hen.” The giantess brought a hen, and put it on the table before him, and
then she went away.


“Lay,” said the giant to the hen, and she laid a golden egg. Jack could
see quite plainly through a little hole which he had bored in the door. Three
times the giant said “Lay,” and each time the hen laid a solid gold egg.
Then the Ogre, being drowsy, shut his eyes, and soon snored very loudly.
Directly Jack found that the giant was asleep, he stole out of the
press, caught up the hen, ran out of the room, opened the door of the
castle, which the giant had left slightly open, and climbed down the beanstalk as fast
as he could go.
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

His mother was glad to see him again, and much surprised at seeing
the hen, which laid them three gold eggs every day. Jack’s mother took
them to the next town and sold them, and soon grew quite rich. Sometime
afterwards Jack made another journey up the bean-stalk to the giant’s
castle; but first he dyed his hair and disguised himself.

The old woman did not know him again, and dragged him in as she
had done before to eat him by-and-by; but once more she heard her
husband coming and hid him in the press, not thinking that it was the
same boy who had stolen the hen. She put him into the same press, and
told him stay quite still there, or the giant would eat him.
Then the giant came in, saying:

“Fee, fa, fie, fo, fum,

I smell the breath of an Englishman.”
“Oh!” said his wife, “it is only the cowherd, who has just been here.
We cannot spare him for your dinner.”

Then the giant sat down, and when he had eaten half an ox, he told
his wife to bring his money-bags to him. She instantly went and fetched
two large bags full of gold; and then left him to go about her usual housework.
The Ogre counted out the gold twice over, and then put it into the
bags and tied them up. In a few minutes Jack heard him snore. He directly
crept out of the press, grabbed the bags, and hurrying out of the castle,
carried them home quite safely.


Jack’s mother was glad to see him safe at home again, and for a
long time she would not let him go up the bean-stalk; but Jack knew he
had not yet obeyed the fairy’s command to win back the castle, so after a
time he set off once more on this adventure, and tapped again at the
castle door.

The giantess, who was very stupid, did not recognise him again, but
she stopped a minute before she took him in. She feared another robbery;
but Jack’s fresh cheeks looked so tempting that she could not resist him,
and so she told him come in.
But at that moment she heard her husband’s step approaching.
Afraid of losing her supper, the Ogress at once shut Jack in the
press; and she had hardly hidden him when the giant came in, saying as

“Fee, fa, fie, fo, fum,

“I smell the blood of an Englishman.”
“Oh no!” said his wife, “it is only the shepherd, who has been up with
a sheep for your dinner.”
The giant sat down, and when he had eaten a whole sheep he said, “I
should like some music; bring me my harp.”
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

The Ogress went and brought a golden harp to him, set it on the
table, and went away. Then the Ogre said, “Play,” to the harp, and it played
so delightfully that Jack was charmed.

By-and-by, however, the giant snored so loud that he could not hear
the music; and Jack quickly stole out, and seizing the harp, ran away with
it. But the harp was a fairy belonging to the giant, and as Jack ran, it cried
out, “Master! Master!” The giant woke up slowly and rushed after Jack, but
the boy was very nimble and outran him. You may imagine how fast Jack
went down the bean-stalk this time, hearing all the while the tramp of the
giant’s feet behind him.


Just as he reached the bottom he saw the Ogre looking down on him.
The next moment his great feet were on the bean-stalk.
“Mother, mother! bring me the axe,” cried Jack.
His mother hurried with it, and just as the giant was half way down
the bean-stalk, Jack succeeded in chopping it in halves; the lower half fell;
the upper half swung away, and the giant, losing his hold, fell heavily to the
ground on his head and broke his neck.


The same moment the fairy again stood beside Jack, and touching
the broken bean-stalk was turned into a flight of broad, easy steps.
“Go up,” she said, “and take possession of your own home, so long
kept from you. The Ogress is dead, and there is no more danger. You have
been brave and good. May you be happy.”
Jack thanked the fairy very warmly for her aid, and she again
departed to Fairyland, after explaining to Jack that it was her, in the form
of that butcher who sold him the beans.

Retrieved from

Note: Ask comprehensive questions to stimulate analyzation on the story’s moral lesson
and may change the jumbled paragraph in your discretion.

B.During the lesson Give a brief discussion on Paragraph (Features) and Kinds of
Paragraph from pp. 82-83 from the LM.
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Note: Provide other examples if necessary.

Task 14. Hitting Two Birds. Instruct the students to read and to check the paragraphs
on pages 96-97, Task 13. From the Top number 1-4 if it allows them to use their
imagination. Does it describe? Do they find it interesting? Does it inform? Can they
say if it is a literary or an academic writing?

Peer Buddy Activity. (Optional). Instruct the students to choose a pair, and choose
one from the two different paragraphs presented. Let them identify if it is Expository,
Descriptive, Narrative or Persuasive. The students share his/her ideas about the
paragraph to their buddy.

1. Sunset is the time of day when our sky meets the outer space solar winds.
There are blue, pink and purple swirls, spinning and twisting, like clouds of balloons
caught in a whirlwind. The sun moves slowly to hide behind the line of horizon, while
the moon races to take its place in prominence atop the night sky. People slow to
crawl, entranced, fully forgetting the deeds that must still be done. There is a
coolness, a calmness, when the sun does set. (DESCRIPTIVE)

Source: Paragraph examples-Narrative, Persuasive, Descriptive and Many More

2. Water moves around the planet in a repeating cycle, changing state between a
liquid, a gas and a solid. In a water cycle, the sun heats up liquid water on the earth
and causes it to become water vapour (evaporation) . The water vapour then rises in
the air and, when it hits cold air higher up, it condenses into clouds (condensation).
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

When the clouds become too heavy, it falls to the earth as rain/ hail/snow
(precipitation). (INFORMATIVE)


C.After the Lesson

Instruct the students to answer Task 15. Applied Connection in a ¼ sheet of paper
or activity notebook. Read and identify the kinds of the following paragraphs.

1. Our school library is a very attractive place. The books are stacked in neat rows
on bookshelves arranged in parallel rows. The spaces between bookcases are
large enough to allow students to pass easily and go from one case to case. The
room is large, well ventilated and well lighted. We can easily read the titles of
books. The library is a popular place for students.
2. We know that wood floats and iron sinks. This is not always true, however. Our
banca developed a leak and it sank. But generally a piece of wood will float
while a piece of iron will sink. Some wood float better than others. Any kind of
wood will, however prove the point. The weight and the size also determine its
floating qualities.

Source: Communication Arts and Skills through Filipino Literature

English 7 Learning Material pp.84
Read and research about the different parts of a paragraph on page 82 in the LM or
other resource materials.


1. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation

2. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below 80%
3. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson
4. No. of learners who continue to require remediation
5. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
6. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?

Detailed Lesson Plan in English 7

I. Objectives
A. Content Standards : The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

colonial Philippine literature as a means of connecting

to the past; various reading styles; ways of
determining word meaning; the sounds of English and
the prosodic features of speech; and correct subject-
verb agreement.
B. Performance Standards : The learner transfers learning by: showing
appreciation for the literature of the past;
comprehending texts using appropriate reading styles;
participating in conversations using appropriate
context-dependent expressions; producing English
sounds correctly and using the prosodic features of
speech effectively in various situations; and observing
correct subject-verb agreement.
C. Learning Competency : At the end of the 60-minute lesson, 75% of the
students are expected to recognize the parts of a
simple paragraph. (EN7WC-I-e/f-2.8.1)

Quarter: 1 Week: 6 Day: 33 Date: _______________________

II. Content
Subject Matter: Parts of a simple paragraph
Strategies: Student-centered learning, collaborative learning and hands-on learning


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages, None
2. Learner’s Material pages, 82
3. Textbook pages - None
4. Additional Materials from LR Portal - None
B. Other Learning Resources -

IV. Procedures
A. Before the Lesson
- Prayer
- Greetings
- Mood Setting
- Attendance Check
- Presentation of Objective

Pose the following recall and motive questions for the students to answer;
1. Who can remember the features of a paragraph?
2. What are the different kinds of a paragraph?
3. What do you think are the parts in writing a paragraph?

Lead them to recall about the features and different kinds of a paragraph and realize
that paragraphs have certain parts.

B. During the Lesson

Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Pre-activity. Divide the class into four (4) groups, each group will be given 3 strips
of paper with the name of each part of a paragraph and 3 bond papers containing the
definition or description of each part. Ask them to match the name of each part
(strips) to its definition or description (bond paper) in the board in 2 minutes.

Sample: Sample of description:

-Introduces the

Ask to groups how they answered the activity.

Do they have same information?
Which among the four groups answered correctly?

The students’ responses should lead to discovering the different parts of a paragraph.
Introduction- Introduces the topic
Body- Presents ideas that support the topic
Conclusion- Summarizes all the ideas presented

Source: K-12 English 7 Learners Material, p.82

Group Activity: “Part to Whole”-Paragraph Sequencing

Form the class into six (6) groups. Engage students into an activity where they are
going to identify and match each piece and determine which part of the paragraph must be
placed to first to last to complete the paragraph. Three groups will receive the same
paragraphs while the other three groups will be given a different paragraph. The paragraphs
are already divided to three, let them present the information in correct order using tape and
manila paper and to present.

The Heroic Brother (For group 1,3, 5)

Everyone in the land of Barogan feared the deep dark woods. The people were afraid
not only of savage animals that lived there but of fierce monsters and giants that walked
around the forest as well.
There were also stories about creatures that could change their appearance to deceive
people. One of these was a serpent that could change into a lady. It had enchanted many of
those who explored the woods. Some of them were turned into stone while the others were
put to sleep forever.
One day, a man with extraordinary strength went into the forest in search of his missing
brother. Unafraid, he fought every monster and giant with gallantry, until all of them were
vanquished. The man returned home with his brother and the people of Barogan never had to
fear the deep dark woods again.

Source: Grade 7 English Learning Package pp.55

Why the Sky Is High (For group 2, 4, 6)

Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

1 In the olden days the sky was so low---so low that it could be reached by a stick of
ordinary length. The people in those days said that God had created the sky in such a way
that he could hear his people when they called to him. In turn, God could send his blessings
to earth as soon as men needed them. Because of this close connection between God and his
subjects, the people were provided for, and they did not need to work.

2 Whenever they wanted to eat, they could simply call God. Before their request was
made, almost, the food would be on the table; but after the expulsion of Adam and Eve, God
made men work for their own living. With this change in their condition came the custom of
holding feasts, when the men would rest from their labors.

3 One day one of the chiefs, Abing by name, held a feast. Many people came to enjoy it. A
sayao, or native war-dance, was given in honor of the men belonging to the chief, and it was
acted by men brandishing spears. While acting, one of the actors, who was drunk, tried to
show his skill, but he forgot that the sky was so low. When he darted his spear, he happened
to pierce the sky, and one of the gods was wounded. This angered God the Father: so he
raised the sky as we have it today far from the earth.

Source: Grade 7 English Learning Package pp.40

Note: Before the group activity, show and discuss to them how their outputs are to be
rated using the Paragraph Puzzle Rubric. Can do revisions on the rubric, if needed.

C. After the Lesson


Students’ outputs in the group activity will serve as their assessment for the day. Ask
them to present their outputs in the class. They will be rated with Paragraph Puzzle Rubric


Encourage students to look for paragraphs in the internet or their Learning Material
book and indicate each part of the paragraph. (One whole sheet of paper)


1. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation
2. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored
below 80%
3. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

4. No. of learners who continue to require remediation
5. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
6. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me

Attachment #1
“Part to Whole”-Paragraph Sequencing
By: Roxanne D. Tamagos

Group members:

Criteria Very Good Good Needs Improvement

Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

5 points 4 points 3 points

Content Content is accurate and Content is somewhat Content is vague and
clearly stated. accurate and clearly incomplete.
Timeliness The students finished The students The students finished
the activity within the finished the activity the activity 4 minutes
time given. 1-3 minutes after the or more after the time
time given. given.
Presentation Presented specifically Presented properly Presented unclearly
and clearly and and employed some and did not employ
employed proper verbal proper verbal and proper verbal and
and non-verbal cues. non-verbal cues. non-verbal cues.

Total score: _______________

Comments: _____________________________________________________________

Detailed Lesson Plan in English 7

A. Content Standards : The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-
colonial Philippine literature as a means of connecting
to the past; various reading styles; ways of
determining word meaning; the sounds of English and
the prosodic features of speech; and correct subject-
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

verb agreement.
B. Performance Standards : The learner transfers learning by: showing
appreciation for the literature of the past;
comprehending texts using appropriate reading styles;
participating in conversations using appropriate
context-dependent expressions; producing English
sounds correctly and using the prosodic features of
speech effectively in various situations; and observing
correct subject-verb agreement.
C. Learning Competency : At the end of the 60-minute lesson, 75% of the
students are expected to sequence steps in writing a
simple paragraph. (EN7WC-I-g-4.4)

Quarter: 1 Week: 7 Day: 34 Date: __________________________

Subject Matter Writing a Simple Paragraph
Integration: Values Education: Learn how to respect elders and appreciate the wisdom
of our elders
Strategies: Student-centered learning, and hands-on learning


A. References
5. Teacher’s Guide pages, None
6. Learner’s Material pages, 83
7. Textbook pages None
8. Additional Materials from LR Portal -None
B. Other Learning Resources – None

A. Before the Lesson
- Prayer
- Greetings
- Mood Setting
- Attendance Check
- Presentation of Objective

B. Recall. Guide the students in recalling from the previous lesson the different parts
of a paragraph.
1.What are the parts in writing a paragraph?
2.How can we write a simple paragraph?

Tell them that this time they will be taught of the different steps in writing a simple

C. During the Lesson

Lead them in reading the steps in a writing a simple paragraph in the box on page 113-
115 in the Learner’s Material and elaborate the information given, if needed.

Steps in Writing a Simple Paragraph

Step 1: Choose a general topic.

Example: Elders
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

D. Let the students to read the sentences on Task 12.1 “Follow the Leader” and
instruct them to write the sentences in the given organizer.

 They are a living book where we can read valuable stories and get lessons in life.
 Our young generation today must learn to value the wisdom of our elders.
 The wise elders are a fountain of good counsels that can never be compared to any
material wealth in this world.
 The wisdom of our elders must then be treasured by our present generation.
 Our wise elders are a great source of knowledge, wisdom and information that will
help us, the youths to be better persons.

General Topic: ____________________

Specific Topic: ____________________

Topic Sentence:

Detail 1 Detail 2 Detail 3



General Topic: Elders

Specific Topic: Valuing Elder’s Wisdom

Topic Sentence: Our young generation today must learn to value the wisdom of our
Detail 1. Our wise elders are a great source of knowledge, wisdom and information that
will help us, the youths to be better persons.
Detail 2. They are a living book where we can read valuable stories and get lessons in
Detail 3. The wise elders are a fountain of good counsels that can never be compared to
any material wealth in this world.
Conclusion: The wisdom of our elders must then be treasured by our present generation.

Let the students to answer Task 12.2: True Follower, to write their own paragraph about
their grandparents. Remind them to follow the steps they have learned.

Note: Before the group activity, show and discuss to them how their outputs are to be
rated using the Paragraph Writing Rubric. Can do revisions on the rubrics, if needed.

Task 12.2: True Follower. Now, write your own paragraph about your grandparents.
Follow the steps you have just learned.
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City


D. After the Lesson

Students’ outputs in the group activity will serve as their assessment for the day.
Ask them to present their outputs in the class. They will be rated with Paragraph
Writing Rubric (teacher-made).


Let them answer Task 18. Local Connection pp. 85 in the LM in a one whole sheet
of paper/ activity notebook.

Task 18. Local Connection. You will be grouped according to your hometown. Recall a
person whom your tribe/ place considers a hero. Relate what he has done to the
community which you consider heroic. Brainstorm and write down your ideas in a
paragraph. Consider the features of a paragraph in doing your output. Share your work
with the class.

Note: May instruct the students to consider the kinds parts of a paragraph to
combine the application of learning


1. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation

2. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below
3. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson
4. No. of learners who continue to require remediation
5. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
6. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Attachment #1
Paragraph Writing Rubric
By: Roxanne D. Tamagos
Group members:

Criteria Very Good Good Needs

5 points 3 points Improvement
1 point
Content Content is accurate, Content is somewhat Content is vague,
clearly stated and accurate, clearly not clearly stated
aligned with the given stated and aligned and not aligned
topic. with the given topic. with the given
Structure The steps in writing a The steps in writing Did not follow the
paragraph was a paragraph was steps in writing a
accurately followed. mostly followed. paragraph.
Creativity All parts are written Most parts are Some parts are
creatively and written creatively written creatively
interestingly with with figurative with figurative
figurative language. language. language.

Total score: _______________

Comments: _____________________________________________________________
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Detailed Lesson Plan in English 7

A. Content Standards : The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-
colonial Philippine literature as a means of connecting
to the past; various reading styles; ways of
determining word meaning; the sounds of English and
the prosodic features of speech; and correct subject-
verb agreement.
B. Performance Standards : The learner transfers learning by: showing
appreciation for the literature of the past;
comprehending texts using appropriate reading styles;
participating in conversations using appropriate
context-dependent expressions; producing English
sounds correctly and using the prosodic features of
speech effectively in various situations; and observing
correct subject-verb agreement.
C. Learning Competency : At the end of the 60-minute lesson, 75% of the
students are expected to use correct stress (primary,
secondary and tertiary) when reading passages.

Quarter: 1 Week: 4 Day: 35 Date: __________________________

Subject Matter: Correct stress (primary, secondary and tertiary) when reading passages
Integration: ICT integration
Strategies: Collaborative learning


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages, None
2. Learner’s Material pages, 92-95
3. Textbook pages None
4. Additional Materials from LR Portal None
B. Other Learning Resources

IV. Procedures
A. Before the Lesson
-Mood Setting
-Attendance Check
-Presentation of Objective

B. Checking of Background Knowledge

Before reading the text, direct the class to the words taken from the selection. They
are words stressed on different syllables. Let them read the words and see if they can group
the words according to stress.
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Task 7. Stress it out! Below are words taken from the text which you are about to
read. Reread each word separately. In what syllable did you need to put emphasis while
reading? The emphasis that you put in a certain syllable is called stress. Check if you can
group the words according to stress. (In their Activity notebook)

kingdom beautiful favorite

turbulently diversion innumerable
persistent participate introduced
kingdom persistent introduced
turbulently diversion
beautiful participate
favorite innumerable
A. Lead them to recall their previous discussions on Stress and remind the class of the
objectives of the day and the expected output at the end of the lesson.

C.During the Lesson

Guide the students in doing Task 8: Read to Find and reading the story “A Tale in
Marinduque” retold by Alfonso P. Santos.

After reading, find the answers to the following specific questions:

Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

1. How did the friendship of Maringand Duque start?

2. What was Maring’s problem at the start of the story?
3. Why was Duque was not able to join the race?
4. What happened to the three kings?
5. Do you believe about the tale of islets?
6. Why did the king decide to give freedom of choice to Maring?
7. What lessons can we get from the story?

Task 9. Stressed. Before presenting this activity, make sure you have downloaded the
video for the class to watch. Direct the attention of the class on the words with lines
above them. Let them read the words with the lines as guide for emphasis.

Let them watch the video.

Discuss the rules given in the video. Encourage interaction among students. Then,
direct them to go back and check their answers on Task 7.

Word stress- whenever a word has two syllables or more, one of them is more
accentuated; it’s louder and longer.

Rule 1: With most nouns and adjectives with 2 syllables, the stress is on the first
Examples: PRO-gress PRE-sent RE-cord
Rule 2: With most verbs with 2 syllables, the stress is on the last syllable.
Examples: pre-SENT in-CREASE ad-MIT
Rule 3: The words ending in –TION, -SION, -CIAN are usually stressed on the second
last syllable.
Examples: e-du-CA-tion per-MIS-sion mu-SI-cian
Rule 4: Words ending in –IC are usually stressed on the second last syllable.
Examples: e-co-NO-mic rea-LIS-tic
Rule 5: Words ending in –EE and –OO are usually stressed on the last syllable.
Examples: em-ploy-EE degr-EE

(com-MIT-tee and COF-fee are exceptions)

Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Note: You may add more definition and examples if necessary.

Generalize the importance of stress and let them read the story again to find words
with two syllables and more, and group them according to stress.

This is Good to Know!

a ca de mic
Stress is the emphasis we put in one syllable of words having two or more
syllables. Generally, nouns with two syllables are stressed on the first, verbs on
the second.
project – noun project-verb

Group Activity. “Stress Choir”. Task 10. Read to Stress. Divide the class into three
groups, allow them to go back to the selection and choose a passage to read applying proper
stress on the words. Let them showcase their 3-5 minutes Stress Choir (simultaneous reading
with proper stress on words) presentation after 8-10 minutes.

Note: Elaborate the Stress Choir Rubrics beforehand.

D.After the lesson

Students’ outputs in the group activity will serve as their assessment for the day.
Ask them to present their outputs in the class. They will be rated with rubrics provided
by the teacher.

Encourage students to research about the non-linear visuals (line graph, bar graph
and circle graph).


1. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation

2. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below
3. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

4. No. of learners who continue to require remediation

5. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
6. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Attachment #1
“Stress Choir”
By: Roxanne Tamagos

Group members:

Criteria Very Good Good Needs Improvement

10 points 7 points 3 points
Voice All variation of stress is Some variation of No variation of stress
projection enunciated or stress is enunciated is enunciated or
(Enunciation pronounced properly. or pronounced pronounced properly.
of Stress) properly.
Organization Read the same passage Read the same Read the same
of reading altogether. Pause and passage altogether. passage altogether.
passage timing in reading is Pause and timing in Pause and timing in
organized accurately. reading is mostly reading is not
organized. organized.
Presentation Excellent reading Good reading Poor reading
presentation as a group presentation as a presentation as a
with 0-2 errors. group with 3-5 group with more than
errors. 6 errors.

Total score: _______________

Comments: _____________________________________________________________

Detailed Lesson Plan in English 7

Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City


A. Content Standards : The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-

colonial Philippine literature as a means of connecting
to the past; various reading styles; ways of
determining word meaning; the sounds of English and
the prosodic features of speech; and correct subject-
verb agreement.
B. Performance Standards : The learner transfers learning by: showing
appreciation for the literature of the past;
comprehending texts using appropriate reading styles;
participating in conversations using appropriate
context-dependent expressions; producing English
sounds correctly and using the prosodic features of
speech effectively in various situations; and observing
correct subject-verb agreement.
C. Learning Competency : At the end of the 60-minute lesson, 75% of the
students are expected to use non-linear visuals as
comprehensible aids in content texts. (EN7RC-I-e-

Quarter: 1 Week: 5 Day: 36 Date: __________________________

Subject Matter: Linear and Non-linear text
Integration: Math: Presenting information in graphs, tables and charts.
Collecting data from a simple survey.
Strategies: Student-centered learning, collaborative learning


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages, None
2. Learner’s Material pages, 77-79
3. Textbook pages - None
4. Additional Materials from LR Portal - None
B. Other Learning Resources - Population Consensus. Retrieved from,_Bukidnon#Barangays

A. Before the Lesson
- Prayer
- Greetings
- Mood Setting
- Attendance Check
- Presentation of Objective
Pose the following motive questions for the students to answer;
1. How many of you learn best when you read practically anything?
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

2. How many of you learn best when you can see visuals, like drawings
or illustrations?

Lead them to realize that some students learn while reading sentences and
paragraphs while others learn from visuals such as graphs, tables, diagrams and graphic

Remind the class of the objectives of the day and the expected output at the end of
the lesson.

B. During the Lesson

Divide the class into two groups, one group will be given a transcript of a text and
the other group will be given a table containing the same information as the sample text.
Ask them to read and study the text and the table/chart.

Sample table: Sample text:

The population of Valencia city has
drastically increased in number from 13, 898
in 1960 to 39, 708 in 1970. In about a
decade, it has a significant increase in
population of 11.06%. It almost doubled in
1975 with 64, 541. By the year 1990
onwards, the population still increases with
116, 110. Then in the year 2000, the
population rises to 147, 924. In the 2015
Retrieved from,_Bukidnon#Barangays

Ask the students any observation as to the given texts and tables/graphs.
Do they have same information?
Which among the two gives you a summarized information?

The students’ responses should lead to discovering the difference between a linear
and non-linear text.
Linear text- information is presented in sentences and paragraphs.
Non-linear text- information is presented using visuals such as tables, graphs,
and pictures.

Discuss some common examples of non-linear texts such as line graph, bar graph,
pie graph and etc. Ask questions regarding each graph (What does the graph all

Line graph is used to record and present changes in data over a period of time.
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

No. of
Number of Push-Ups Push Ups
ay ay ay ay ay ay ay
und ond esd esd urd Frid turd
S Tu edn h
M T Sa
Source: K-12 English 7 Learners Material, p.78
Days of the Week
Bar graph presents similar information like that of a line graph. It uses bars of
different heights to show different values.

What kind of pet do you own?

Pet Owners 15
Bird Dog Cat Fish Lizard
Source: K-12 English 7 Learners Material, p.78

Circle graph or pie graph is used to present proportions out of the whole.

A Budget Plan
Investment Other expenses
7% 18%
Housing 9%


Source: K-12 English 7 Learners Material, p.79

C. After the Lesson

Group Activity: “Our Survey Says”

Form the class into six (6) groups. Engage students into a simple survey among
themselves (within the group) on different topics of their choice such as, favorite subject,
preferred snacks, place of residence etc. Then, ask them to present this information into
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

an appropriate non-linear text using markers and manila paper. Ask them to present it in
the class.

Note: Before the group activity, show and discuss to them how their outputs are to be
rated using the Our Survey Says: Non-linear Text Presentation Rubric. Solicit students’
ideas and be ready for some revisions on the rubric, if there is any.

Students’ outputs in the group activity will serve as their assessment for the day.
Ask them to present their outputs in the class. They will be rated with Our Survey Says:
Non-linear Text Presentation Rubric (teacher-made).

Read the paragraph below. Examine the data presented in the text and interpret it
using any appropriate graphical presentation. Be creative, you may use colors to
highlight parts/data in your presentation. Present your output next meeting. Output
should be placed in a long bond paper.

On Saving
As a young teen, Riz does not enjoy as much as other teens would. Her
weekends are spent on looking for work so she can earn her allowance. She
spends two hundred pesos a week. One hundred pesos for her lunch, eighty pesos
for her fare and twenty pesos for classroom dues.
She earns more than what she needs for the week. On Saturdays, her
routine would be to go to a distant relative and wash clothes for a small earning of
one hundred pesos. In the afternoon, she volunteers weeding at a neighbor’s
garden for an hour and gratefully receives fifty pesos for the work extended.
On Sunday after church, she would iron out her teacher’s uniform for a fee
of one hundred pesos. Despite her weekend routine, she remains to be one of the
smartest in class.
Source: K-12 English 7 Learners Material, p.79


1. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation

2. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below
3. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson
4. No. of learners who continue to require remediation
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

5. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?

6. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?

Attachment #1
Our Survey Says: Non-Linear Text Presentation Rubric
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

By: Florlyn R. Domangcas

Group members:

Criteria Very Good Good Needs Improvement

4-5 points 3-2 points 1-0 point
Content Content is accurate and Content is somewhat Content is vague and
clearly stated. accurate and clearly incomplete.
Appropriaten All information is clear Most information is The choice of non-
ess of non- and is supported by clear and is linear text visual does
linear visual. appropriate nonlinear supported by not support the
visual. appropriate non- information
linear visual. presented.
Creativity Exceptionally creative. Creative and a good Output does not
A lot of thought and amount of thought reflect any degree of
effort was used to come was used to come up creativity and effort.
up with the output. with the output.
Understandin The students clearly The students
The students had
g of the Task understood the entire understood most part insufficient
task as output met of the task as outputunderstanding of the
beyond what is met what is
task as output does
expected. expected. not meet what is
Presentation Held the attention of the Draw the attention of Voice was not loud
all listeners, spoke most listeners, spoke enough and
expressively and softly and sometimes presentation did not
employed proper verbal employed proper draw attention from
and non-verbal cues. verbal and non- the listeners.
verbal cues.

Total score: _______________

Comments: _____________________________________________________________

Detailed Lesson Plan in English 7

Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City


A. Content Standards : The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-

colonial Philippine literature as a means of connecting
to the past; various reading styles; ways of
determining word meaning; the sounds of English and
the prosodic features of speech; and correct subject-
verb agreement.
B. Performance Standards : The learner transfers learning by: showing
appreciation for the literature of the past;
comprehending texts using appropriate reading styles;
participating in conversations using appropriate
context-dependent expressions; producing English
sounds correctly and using the prosodic features of
speech effectively in various situations; and observing
correct subject-verb agreement.
C. Learning : At the end of the 60-minute lesson, 75% of the
Competency/Objective students are expected to transcode orally and in
writing the information presented in diagrams, charts,
tables, graphs, etc. (EN7SS-I-f-1.2)

Quarter: 1 Week: 6 Day: 37 Date: _________________


Subject Matter: Transcoding Non-linear texts

Integration: Math: Interpreting information and drawing conclusion from graphs, tables
and charts.
Strategy: Collaborative learning


A. References
1.Teacher’s Guide pages,
2.Learner’s Material pages. 77-79,
3.Textbook pages - None
4.Additional Materials from LR Portal - None
B. Other Learning Resources - Interpreting Graphs Worksheet:
Graphs and Charts Quiz retrieved from

A.Before the lesson
- Prayer
- Greetings
- Mood Setting
- Attendance Check
- Presentation of Objective
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

A. B. Checking of Background Knowledge. Review previous lesson on linear and

non-linear texts. Solicit students’ ideas on the following statements;

1. Differentiate linear from non-linear text.

2. Name some advantages and disadvantages of presenting information in
non-linear presentation.

(The students should be able to name one disadvantage of presenting

information in non-linear text is that, it might be difficult for others to make an
interpretation or conclusion out of it.)

C. During the lesson

Call on five (5) students to present their homework on the previous day and
ask them to explain in class. If possible, choose those students who have presented
their outputs in table, line graph, bar graph or circle graph to show a variety of non-
linear texts.

Guide students especially on the accuracy of the details that should be

presented in their graphs.

Possible Answers could be presented into a circle graph.

Riz’s Weekly Expenses Riz’s Weekly Earnings


40% 40%



lunch P100 fare P80 Washing clothes P100 Weeding P50

classroom dues P 20 Ironing clothes P 100

Or it could be presented into a bar graph like this.

Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Riz's Weekly Expenses Riz's Weekly Earnings

120 120 P 100 P 100
P 100
100 100
P 80 80
60 P 50
P 20 20
0 0 0 0
0 Washing clothes Weeding Ironing clothes

Lunch Fare Classroom dues

Or simply in a table like this:

Riz’s Weekly Expenses Riz’s Weekly Earnings

Lunch P 100 Washing clothes P 100
Fare P 80 Weeding P 50
Classroom dues P 20 Ironing clothes P 100
Total P 200 P 250

Lead students to come up with a generalization that based on Riz’s Weekly Earnings
and Weekly Expenses, she has a fifty (50) pesos savings every week.

Small Group Discussion:

Form students into group of five to six (5-6) members. Instruct students to
brain storm with their group mates about their interpretation and conclusion of the
following non-linear texts. They should be able to explain their conclusion in class.

Grade 7 Rubidium
SY 2018-2019
35 32

Male Female

(Generalization: There are 41 students in this section, 9 males and 32

Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Grade & Rubidium
SY 2018-2019
Roman Catholic
15% Baptist
7% Islam
7% 41% Iglesia Ni Cristo
2% 5% Pentecostal
10% Born Again

(Generalization: This chart shows the religious affiliation of the students in

section Rubidium. Out of the 41 students, majority belong to the Roman
Catholic. If solved, you may have the following data; Roman Catholic 17, SDA
5, Baptist 4, Islam 2, INC 1, UCCP 3, Born Again 6, and Pentecostal 3).


Number of Students per Barangay

15 Grade 7 Rubidium
15 SY 2018-2019
10 8

5 3
2 2 2 2
1 1 1
0 0 0 0 0
n d s bo g n n an
ci o go aa pa la ga on
a Su nt Lu
m aa na
ti an p
bl go M Pi at ha
Po Ba B Ka

Male Female
(Generalization: This graph shows where the students in this section are
coming from. The students were distributed in eight (8) barangays within Valencia
City. Refer to the number of females and males in each barangay.)
D. After the Lesson

Read and analyze the graphs carefully. Then answer the questions that follow.
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Retrieved from

1.1 What does the graph show? Number of students enrolled in different courses
1.2 What class has the highest enrolment? Biology
1.3 How many students are enrolled in Chemistry? 140
1.4 How many students are enrolled in Anatomy?100
1.5 Which course is the least popular? Physics

Retrieved from

2.1. Among the brand of cars, which one is the most popular?Nissan
2.2. Which car brands sold over 150 each? Vauxhall and Peugeot
2.3. Which is the lowest selling car brand?Jaguar
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Retrieved from

3.1 Between years 1 and 2, what was the decrease in numbers of learners?
a. 15 c. 10
b. 20 d. 25
3.2 Which of the following statements best describes the graph above?
a. The number of learners we’ve had in our college has dropped significantly
over the last five years
b. There has been a small decrease in the number of learners in our college
over the last five years
c. There has been no significant change in the number of learners in the last
five years
d. There has been a small increase in the number of learners in our college
over the last five years



1. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation

2. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below
3. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson
4. No. of learners who continue to require remediation
5. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
6. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City


Detailed Lesson Plan in English 7

Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

A. Content Standards : The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-

colonial Philippine literature as a means of connecting
to the past; various reading styles; ways of
determining word meaning; the sounds of English and
the prosodic features of speech; and correct subject-
verb agreement.
B. Performance Standards : The learner transfers learning by: showing
appreciation for the literature of the past;
comprehending texts using appropriate reading styles;
participating in conversations using appropriate
context-dependent expressions; producing English
sounds correctly and using the prosodic features of
speech effectively in various situations; and observing
correct subject-verb agreement.
C. Learning Competencies 1. At the end of the 60-minute lesson, 75% of the
/Objectives students are expected to:
1. listen for important points signaled by intonation
that affect meaning (EN7LC-I-e.5.1)
2. note the changes in intonation that affect
meaning (EN7LC-I-e.5.2)

Quarter: 1 Week: 5 Day: 38

Subject Matter: Intonation and changes in intonation that affect meaning
Strategies: Student-centered learning, Collaborative learning


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages,
2. Learner’s Material pages, 24-25, 110
3. Textbook pages - None
4. Additional Materials from LR Portal - None
B. Other Learning Resources - None


A. Before the lesson

- Prayer
- Greetings
- Mood Setting
- Attendance Check
- Presentation of Objective

B. Motivation. Pose the following motive questions for the students to answer along with
the examples;
e. How are we going to read the following statements with rising and falling
(Assist the students in reading)
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

This is mine. This is mine?

f. What did you notice in reading the statements?

g. Did the meaning changed as we uttered the two statements?

Lead them to realize that as we utter or stress different words in a statement, the
meaning of the statement may change within the utterance.

C. During the Lesson

Present the definition of Intonation (Rising –Falling Intonation)

Intonation- means the rising and lowering of the voice when speaking.

1. Rising-falling intonation is found in:

 Declarative sentences
 Commands (very strong)
 ‘wh’ questions


We love to listen to our elders’ words of wisdom.

Follow your elders’ advice.
What’s the importance of following your parents’ advice?

2. In rising intonation, the pitch rises and stays high at the end of the sentence.
When you hear rising intonation it indicates that the speaker is waiting for a
reply. Rising intonation is found in;
 Yes/no questions
 Situations when someone is expressing doubt or surprise

Do you follow your mother’s advice?
Are you really following your parents’ rules?

Source: Serrano, J. (2009). Better English: For Philippine High School, Third

Note: May include the table on Task 8.2 Sentence Stress and Intonation during or
before discussion to recall previous discussion on Intonation.

Group Activity: “Your Tone Sounds Familiar”. Divide the class into three groups,
each group will have different copies of sentences or statements to read
orally in front the class and share the changes in meaning. Present the
rubrics and elaborate how they will be graded. (15 minutes)

Group 1-3 sentences or statements

 I don’t love you. –stating a fact that “I” doesn’t love the other person
 I don’t love you. – speaker is sure that he/she doesn’t love the other person
 I don’t love you. –speaker emphasizes his/her feelings toward the other person
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

 I don’t love you. –speaker emphasizes whom he/she doesn’t love

 I like your bag. –stating a fact that “I” doesn’t like the bag
 I like your bag. –speaker is sure that he/she doesn’t like the other person
 I like your bag. -speaker is pointing whose bag she likes.
 I like your bag. - speaker emphasizes what he/she really likes

She loves your painting. –stating a fact that “She” doesn’t love the painting.
She loves your painting. –speaker is sure that “she” doesn’t love the painting
She loves your painting. –speaker is pointing whose painting she loves.
She loves your painting? –speaker doubts if the person really loves the painting

D. After the Lesson

Students’ outputs in the group activity will serve as their assessment for the day.
Ask them to present their outputs in the class. They will be rated with “Your Tone
Sounds Familiar” (teacher-made).

Encourage students to research on Colloquial language and Idioms.


1. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation

2. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below
3. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson
4. No. of learners who continue to require remediation
5. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
6. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Attachment #1
“Your Tone Sounds Familiar”.
By: Roxanne Tamagos

Group members:

Criteria Very Good Good Needs Improvement

5 points 3 points 1 point
Content All sentences are Some sentences are Explanation on
explained accurately. explained accurately. sentences is vague.
Intonation Read all sentences with Read some sentences Read all sentences
correct intonation. with correct with incorrect
intonation. intonation.
Presentation Held the attention of the Draw the attention of Did not draw the
all listeners, spoke most listeners, spoke attention of the class
expressively and softly and sometimes and did not employ
employed proper verbal employed proper proper verbal and
and non-verbal cues. verbal and non- non-verbal cues.
verbal cues.

Total score: _______________

Comments: _____________________________________________________________

Detailed Lesson Plan in English 7

Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

A. Content Standards : The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-
colonial Philippine literature as a means of connecting
to the past; various reading styles; ways of
determining word meaning; the sounds of English and
the prosodic features of speech; and correct subject-
verb agreement.
B. Performance Standards : The learner transfers learning by: showing
appreciation for the literature of the past;
comprehending texts using appropriate reading styles;
participating in conversations using appropriate
context-dependent expressions; producing English
sounds correctly and using the prosodic features of
speech effectively in various situations; and observing
correct subject-verb agreement.
C. Learning Competency : At the end of the 60-minute lesson, 75% of the
/Objective students are expected to select an appropriate
colloquial or idiomatic expression as a substitute for
another word or expression (EN7V-I-e/f-22.2).

Quarter: 1st Week: 5-6 Day: 39 Date:___________________________

1. Subject Matter: Idiomatic Expressions
2. Integration: ESP (Valuing)
MAPEH (Music)
3. Strategies: Visualization, Collaborative and Discovery Learning


A. References
1.Teacher’s Guide pages, 87
2.Learner’s Material pages, 26-28, 111
3.Textbook pages - None
4.Additional Materials from LR Portal - None
B. Other Learning Resources - English idioms/ Learn English/ EF Copyright
EF Education First Ltd.
Colloquiallism- Examples and Definition of Colloquialism


A. Before the Lesson

- Prayer
- Greetings
- Mood Setting
- Attendance Check
- Presentation of Objective
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

B. Checking of Background Knowledge.

Divide the class into five groups, let the students match the information given on the
table. (May present the activity with manila papers, strips of papers or in the blackboard with
Present the word Colloquial expressions and Idioms as highlighted in the table below.
Each group will be given 2 examples and choose where it belongs.

Colloquial expressions vary from region to Idioms- are expressions whose

region. This presents a neutral tone, not so meanings cannot be inferred from the
much informal or formal. This is he level used meanings of the words that make them
in ordinary conversations, like in speaking up.
with classmates, teachers, visitors, etc.

Example: Example:
a. Bamboozle- to deceive a. It’s a piece of cake- it’s easy
b. Go nuts- go crazy or very b. Once in a blue moon- rarely
angry c. He’s off his rocker- he’s crazy
c. Buzz off- go away d. That ship has failed-It’s too late
d. Be blue- to be sad e. We see eye to eye- we agree
e. Wanna- want to

Pose these following questions for comprehension.

(May change the questions if necessary.)
a. How did you classify the examples?
b. What is the difference of colloquial expressions to idioms?
c. Which one is used more nowadays by the Generation Z?

C. During the Lesson

Task 10. Once in a Blue Moon. Let the students match the idioms and their meanings on the

a. cry over spilled milk- when you complain about a loss from the past
b. curiosity killed the cat- being curious can get you to trouble
c. take with a grain of salt- not to take what someone says too seriously
d. not a spark of decency- no manners
e. come hell and high water- no matter what happens
f. in the nick of time- just before it’s too late

A. Give a brief discussion on Colloquial language (Familiar language, Slang) and


Colloquial language is used in everyday speech. This presents a neutral tone, not
so much informal or formal. This is he level used in ordinary conversations, like in
speaking with classmates, teachers, visitors, etc.
Familiar language reflects the close relationship of the people speaking. The
intimacy is observed in the use of details and personal references in speech.
Slang is a sub-category of colloquial expressions. It refers to words, phrases and
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

use of language that are considered to be very informal and the usage is often restricted
to special contexts or is only used by a particular class, profession, social group, etc.
Some forms of slang include abusive, offensive or vulgar language and taboo words.
Most slang expressions are spoken, not written and would be considered inappropriate in
formal types of communication.

Sources: Retrieved from

colloquiallism-and –slang/ on July 24, 2015 on July 29, 2015

Idioms- are expressions whose meanings cannot be inferred from the meanings of the words that
make them up.

B. Group Activity. Divide the class into three (3) groups, let them do Activity 1-3 in 15
minutes and present their outputs to the class.

Activity 1: Visualization. Determine the appropriate idioms indicated in each picture.

It’s raining cats and dogs

Eat like a horse.

Soak up the sun

Black mood
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Saving for a rainy day

Under the weather

Drink like a fish

Activity 2: Idiom Hunt! Instruct the students to look for the meaning of the underlined
idioms in the passage. Idioms from the passage “John's Keys to Success”
1. Thinking cap – think seriously
2. Rags to riches- rises from poverty
3. Smooth sailing- activity that didn’t encounter any problems
4. Irons in the fire- task in progress
5. Busy as a bee- very busy and active
6. Ever manna from heaven- unexpected benefit or assistance
7. to know which side your bread is buttered on – to know how to act or how to treat
others in order to get what one want
8. gravy train-a much exploited source of easy money
Source: Retrieved from
English Idioms & Phrases phone application

Activity 2. Reading Passage

John's Keys to Success

John is an incredibly accomplished and successful businessman. As such, he is quite

popular as a mentor. He enjoys showing young professionals the ropes. The first thing he
says is that his career has certainly not always been smooth sailing. In fact, he learned a
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Activity 3: Sing a song. Instruct them to sing a song entitled Fireworks by Katy Perry
together and write the idiomatic expressions used on the board and select the appropriate
meaning of it.
Katy Perry "Firework" Lyrics
Do you ever feel like a plastic bag
Drifting through the wind, wanting to start again?
Do you ever feel, feel so paper-thin
Like a house of cards, one blow from caving in?

Do you ever feel already buried deep

Six feet under screams but no one seems to hear a thing
Do you know that there's still a chance for you
'Cause there's a spark in you?

You just gotta ignite the light and let it shine

Just own the night like the 4th of July

'Cause, baby, you're a firework

Come on, show 'em what you're worth
Make 'em go, "Ah, ah, ah."
As you shoot across the sky

Baby, you're a firework

Come on, let your colours burst
Make 'em go, "Ah, ah, ah."
You're gonna leave 'em all in awe, awe, awe

You don't have to feel like a wasted space

You're original, cannot be replaced
If you only knew what the future holds
After a hurricane comes a rainbow
May be a reason why all the doors are closed
So you could open one that leads you to the perfect road
Like a lightning bolt your heart will glow
And when it's time you'll know

You just gotta ignite the light and let it shine

Just own the night like the 4th of July
(Back to chorus)

Boom, boom, boom

Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

It's always been inside of you, you, you

And now it's time to let it through, -ough, -ough
(Back to chorus)

Answer Key:
Paper thin- feeling inadequate for a task
House of cards- not substantial or secure; even a breath can cause it to crumble
Cave in/Caving in- a complete/nearly collapse
Buried deep- being completely overwhelmed
Waste of space- inconvenient to be a productive part or not contributing in a meaningful way
Let your light shine- letting your positive spirit shine out can light the way for others
Own the night- to take full advantage of the situation
Six feet under- refers to the dead
Note: Change the meaning of idioms or song if necessary.

C. After the lesson

A) Read the following sentences and fill in the blanks with the correct idioms
through analyzing the colloquial meaning.

1. Sarah told Jerry to ______________________ in his upcoming surgery.

2. The horror movie that we watched last night ______________________.
3. Upon hearing the news, Archie, ________________________ volunteered
to be part of the Bayanihan in their Barangay.
4. Our lesson yesterday was _______________________________.
5. Vina is our youngest sister and she is the ______________________ in our
6. I will get a ____________________ at my bedroom just wake me up if the
guest are here.
7. Francis lost his job since last month and it is his wife stands as the
8. The accident happened to him was a ______________________ because he
met his long lost friend at the hospital.
9. She accidentally ________________ about their bridal shower plans.
10. He was __________________ when he heard her girlfriend’s voice.

Answer key:
take heart – be brave
scared me to death – frightened
at the drop of the hat – act instantly
a piece of cake – very easy
apple of the eye – most favorite person
cat nap – short sleep
bread winner – earn money
blessing in disguise – good thing that seemed bad at first
let the cat out of the bag – give away the secret
on cloud nine – very happy
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

B) Analyze the underlined idioms in each of these sentences and write the meaning
of it on the space provided.
1. I felt butterflies in my stomach when I was reporting in front of everyone.

2. He brought a car that cost him an arm and a leg.

3. Crizel cleans her room once in a blue moon.

4. Take it with a grain of salt, she was just joking, she doesn’t mean anything.

5. Ely won the championship round because he ran like the wind.

Use the following idiomatic expression in a sentence.

1. Beat around the bush.

2. Hit the sack.
3. Miss the boat.
4. Pull someone’s leg
5. Pull yourself together



1. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation

2. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below
3. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

4. No. of learners who continue to require remediation
5. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
6. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Detailed Lesson Plan in English 7

A. Content Standards : The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-
colonial Philippine literature as a means of connecting
to the past; various reading styles; ways of
determining word meaning; the sounds of English and
the prosodic features of speech; and correct subject-
verb agreement.

B. Performance Standards : The learner transfers learning by: showing

appreciation for the literature of the past;
comprehending texts using appropriate reading styles;
participating in conversations using appropriate
context-dependent expressions; producing English
sounds correctly and using the prosodic features of
speech effectively in various situations; and observing
correct subject-verb agreement.

C. Learning Competency : At the end of the 60-minute lesson, 75% of the

/Objective students are expected to use the the rising-falling
intonation with information-seeking questions, option
questions and with statement (EN7OL-I-f1.14.4).

Quarter: 1 Week: 6 Day: 40 Date: _______________________

Subject Matter: Intonation Pattern
Integration: Social Studies – Respect and obeisance for culture and traditions
Strategies: Oral drills


Teacher’s Guide pages, 106-107
Learner’s Material pages, 136-137
Textbook pages - None
Additional Materials from LR Portal - None

Other Learning Resources - None

IV. Procedures
Before the Lesson
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Mood Setting
Attendance Check
Presentation of Objective
Review (Individual activity)
Present a table with different words listed in it. In each column on the second table,
one number is underlined/bold to show the syllable that is stressed. In their notebooks, allow
the students to arrange the following words and write them in their corresponding column.
determine daughter Explanation familiar
beautiful information Education logical
kindness immortal distinguish

1-2-3 1-2-3 1-2-3

During the lesson

Let the class read the following sentences in chorus.

The rainy season has begun.

What’s the importance of following your parents’ advice?
Submit your papers.
Processing questions:

Group 1:
1. What have you noticed in the sentences? What kind of sentences are they?
Possible answers: The three sentences are different from each other. The first sentence is
declarative; the second is interrogative; and the third is a command sentence or imperative.
2. What have you noticed of your voice when reading the sentences in no 1, 2 and 3?
Possible answer: The voice rises then falls down when reading the sentences.

The teacher will process the answers of the students. Answers may vary.

The teacher will discuss the key points below and let the students read the examples:

Intonation- means the rising and lowering of the voice when speaking.

The First basic intonation pattern:

1. Rising-falling (2-3-1). This is a combination of the first two patterns. The voice
begins on the normal level 2, goes up to level 3, then drops or slides to level 1.

Intonation is found in:

 Declarative sentences
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Luna stayed in the garden for some time.

It is Mar trying to escape from his cave.
The young man smiled at her.
Galen sweeps the floor.
Gail dances gracefully.
 ‘wh’ questions
Who is the brother of Sulayman?
Where did he live?
Why did he visit Mindanao?
What were the monsters mentioned in the story?
Which monster was the strongest?
 Commands
Find my laptop.
Visit Mindanao.
Enter the cave.
Cook our food.
Call the visitor.

After the Lesson

Group activity : Oral Drills

Divide the class into three groups. Let each group read the assigned sentences orally.

Declarative sentences: Durian is a Davao delicacy.
Mark is my brother.
I’d love to go to Boracay.
Group 2
‘wh-question sentences: What is your most unforgettable experience in life?
What time did you arrive yesterday?
When do you plan to go to Tagaytay?
Group 3
Command sentences: Wash the plates.
Don’t disturb me.
Sing a song for us.

In a one half sheet of paper, let the students write five(5) interrogative sentences that
are answerable by yes or no. (2 points each)


Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation

No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below 80%
Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson
No. of learners who continue to require remediation
Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?

Detailed Lesson Plan in English 7

A. Content Standards : The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-
colonial Philippine literature as a means of connecting
to the past; various reading styles; ways of
determining word meaning; the sounds of English and
the prosodic features of speech; and correct subject-
verb agreement.

B. Performance Standards : The learner transfers learning by: showing

Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

appreciation for the literature of the past;

comprehending texts using appropriate reading styles;
participating in conversations using appropriate
context-dependent expressions; producing English
sounds correctly and using the prosodic features of
speech effectively in various situations; and observing
correct subject-verb agreement.

C. Learning Competency : At the end of the 60-minute lesson, 75% of the

/Objective students are expected to use the rising intonation
(Write the LC code for pattern with Yes-No and tag questions (EN7OL-I-
each) f1.14.4).

Quarter: 1 Week: 6 Day: 41 Date: _______________________

Subject Matter: Rising Intonation Pattern
Integration: Social Studies – Respect and obeisance for culture and traditions
Strategies: Oral drills, pair reading


A. References
Teacher’s Guide pages, 106-107
Learner’s Material pages, 136-137
Textbook pages - None
Additional Materials from LR Portal - None

B.Other Learning Resources - None

IV. Procedures
Before the Lesson
Mood Setting
Attendance Check
Presentation of Objective
You may ask the following questions

1. What was yesterday’s topic?

Possible answer: Intonation. It means the rising and lowering of the voice when speaking.
2. What are the two basic intonation patterns?
Possible answer: The two basic patterns are rising-falling intonation and rising intonation
3. What is the meaning of rising-falling intonation?
Possible answer: This is a combination of the first two patterns. The voice begins on the
normal level 2, goes up to level 3, then drops or slides to level 1.
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

4. Rising-falling intonations are found in what sentences?

Possible answer: They were found in a declarative sentences, wh-questions and command

During the lesson

 Inform the learners that as heroes, they should be able to express themselves clearly.
One way of doing this is through improving their intonation as they speak.

Task 1. Hero’s Intonation. Read the following sentences with a partner.

1. Kurita is a terrible monster, isn’t it?
2. The monsters live in the mountain, don’t they?
3. Mindanao was covered with water, isn’t it?
4. Indarapatra and Sulayman were heroes, weren’t they?
5. The people don’t want to fight the monsters, don’t they?
 After reading ,ask the following questions:
How did you read this sentences?
What is the purpose of each sentence?
 As the learners answers these questions, lead them to unlock the importance of using
proper intonation in communication.
 Provide more examples if necessary.

Rising intonation(1-2-3).

The pitch rises and stays high at the end of the sentence.When you hear a rising
intonation it indicates that the speaker is waiting for a reply.

It is a pattern in which your voice rises to a high pitch by the end of a thought or statement.

Intonation is found in:

 Yes/no questions

Examples: Are you going home now?

Have you eaten your lunch?
Can I borrow a pencil?
 Yes/No with tag questions.
Examples: She’s beautiful, isn’t it?
You are lovely, aren’t you?
They are smart, aren’t they?
 Situations when someone is expressing doubt or surprise.
Examples: Do you think I’m perfect?
Will you be okay?
Are you sure you’re alright?

Task 2. Try Me! Read the following sentences with the proper intonation proper
1. Tarabusaw is a very huge, isn’t it?
2. The monsters kill a lot of people, don’t they?
3. Mindanao is a very prosperous land, isn’t it?
4. Indarapatra was a very brave hero, wasn’t it?
5. The people were very scared with the monsters, weren’t they?
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

What intonation pattern is used in the statement?

What intonation pattern is used in the tag questions?
 If necessary ,do the modeling approach where the learners will repeat the sentences
after you read them.
 Provide more sentences for the learners to practice speaking with proper intonation.

After the Lesson

Task 3: High Chat. Act out a situation where the characters ask and answer questions. Use
the intonation pattern in asking and answering questions. You may be guided by the following:
Group 1- Indarapatra asking question to Sulayman
Group 2- Indarapatra to old woman
Group 3- Sulayman to Indarapatra
Group 4- Headman to Indarapatra
Group 5- Indarapatra to the beautiful maiden

Copy and answer in a one half sheet of paper. Ask the students to practice reading the two
sets at home and read them the next day.

1. Is your father a farmer?
2. Are there fruits in the farm?
3. Does your brother help in the farm?
4. Do you have vegetable garden?
5. Did your friends visit your farm?
1. What did you plant in your farm?
2. Where do you sell your products?
3. When is your harvesting time?
4. Who help your father in the farm?
5. How does it feel to have a farm?


No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation

No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below 80%
Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson
No. of learners who continue to require remediation
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?

Detailed Lesson Plan in English 7

A. Content Standards : The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-
colonial Philippine literature as a means of connecting
to the past; various reading styles; ways of
determining word meaning; the sounds of English and
the prosodic features of speech; and correct subject-
verb agreement.

B. Performance Standards : The learner transfers learning by: showing

appreciation for the literature of the past;
comprehending texts using appropriate reading styles;
participating in conversations using appropriate
context-dependent expressions; producing English
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

sounds correctly and using the prosodic features of

speech effectively in various situations; and observing
correct subject-verb agreement.

C. Learning Competencies : At the end of the 60-minute lesson, 75% of the

/Objectives students are expected to Listen for important points
(Write the LC code for signaled by rate of speech (EN7LC-I-g-5.1) and Note
each) the changes in rate of speech that affect meaning

Quarter: 1 Week: 7 Day: 42 Date: _______________________

Subject Matter: Rate of Speech
Integration: Social Studies – Respect and obeisance for culture and traditions
Strategies: Oral drills, pair reading


Teacher’s Guide pages, 58-59
Learner’s Material pages, 80-81
Textbook pages - None
Additional Materials from LR Portal - None

B.Other Learning Resources - None

IV. Procedures
Before the Lesson
Mood Setting
Attendance Check
Presentation of Objective
 Encourage the students to read the situation of two drivers. Let them compare
one driver with someone with fast rate of speech while the other with a slow
rate of speech.

Situation: Imagine your speech as a road. You are taking your listeners on
a journey. Your speech (the subject or content) is the vehicle carrying
them along and your mouth (how) you deliver (it) is the driver.

First Driver: You are the driver. As the driver you mske choices. You can
whirl them through so fast the scenery blurs. While you are busy
negotiating a series of complicated bends at full control, they are gazing
out the back window trying to work out what they have missed and where
they are. One by one your listeners get dizzy. Then they close off their ears
and sit quietly waiting for the ride to stop.

Second driver: You can proceed so cautiously your passengers want to get
out and walk. If you were a responsive driver you would be continually
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

adjusting your speed to meet road conditions ( speech content) and the
needs of your passenger ( audience).

 Have them identify themselves whether they are fast or slow speaker. They
should explain why speakers need to vary their rate of speech.

Process Questions:
1. To whom is the first driver compared? How about the second one?
2. Which one are you? Why?
3. Why do speakers need to vary their rate of speech

During the lesson

Discuss this lesson

Your rate of speech is how fast or slow you say your words. Everyone has a
different rate of speech depending on his/her location, age , culture and how he/she
feels. In order to communicate effectively you must speak at a rate of speech thst oyur
listeners can understand

A faster speaking speed signals urgency, excitement, passion or raw emotion.

In contrast a SLOWER speaking rate signals importance, seriousness or significant
ideas. Slow says: ‘LISTEN UP! YOU NEED TO KNOW THIS.’ A new concept or
complex information may need to be delivered slowly to give the audience time to
grasp it before moving on. ‘Slow’ is also useful for summarizing material. The
combination of slow, fast, and medium speed makes your speech easier to listen to.

After the Lesson

 Select a tongue twister from the list below.

1. "Sister Susie is sewing shirts for soldiers".

2. Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers

A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked
If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers
Where’s the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?
3. I saw a kitten eating chicken in the kitchen

4. If a dog chews shoes, whose shoes does he choose?

 Divide your class into groups of four. Three in each group will be the speakers
and the fourth, the conductor.

 The speakers repeat the tongue twister responding to the conductor's direction.
He/she can make them go faster or slower, louder or quieter.

 The goal of the exercise is to practice articulation coupled with vocal variety
ie. speech rate and volume.
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

 Swap the conductor role around to give everybody a turn.


Copy and answer in a one half sheet of paper. Ask the students to practice reading the
two sets at home and read them the next day.

6. Is your father a farmer?
7. Are there fruits in the farm?
8. Does your brother help in the farm?
9. Do you have vegetable garden?
10. Did your friends visit your farm?
6. What did you plant in your farm?
7. Where do you sell your products?
8. When is your harvesting time?
9. Who help your father in the farm?
10. How does it feel to have a farm?


No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation

No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below 80%
Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson
No. of learners who continue to require remediation
Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Detailed Lesson Plan in English 7

A. Content Standards : The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-
colonial Philippine literature as a means of connecting
to the past; various reading styles; ways of
determining word meaning; the sounds of English and
the prosodic features of speech; and correct subject-
verb agreement.

B. Performance Standards : The learner transfers learning by: showing

appreciation for the literature of the past;
comprehending texts using appropriate reading styles;
participating in conversations using appropriate
context-dependent expressions; producing English
sounds correctly and using the prosodic features of
speech effectively in various situations; and observing
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

correct subject-verb agreement.

C. Learning Competency : At the end of the 60-minute lesson, 75% of the

/Objective students are expected to draw similarities and
(Write the LC code for differences of the featured selections in relation to
each) the theme (EN7LT-I-h-2.3 )

Quarter: 1 Week: 8 Day: 43 Date: _______________________

Subject Matter: Theme
Integration: Social Studies – Respect and obeisance for culture and traditions
Strategies: Oral drills, pair reading


A. References
Teacher’s Guide pages, 41-42
Learner’s Material pages, 58-59
Textbook pages - None
Additional Materials from LR Portal - None

B.Other Learning Resources - None

IV. Procedures
Before the Lesson
Mood Setting
Attendance Check
Presentation of Objective
Group the students by pair .
Have them match the subject in column A with its theme in column B by writing the letter of
their answers in one’s notebook. Let them exchange notebooks for checking

1. The struggle between good a. People and dogs can make good
and evil. company but no one can
2. The degree to which people replace the joy and excitement
can control their own lives about life people can share with
3. The difference between what their fellowmen.
appears to be real or true and b. The good always prevail over
what actually is real or true evil.
4. Similarities between humans c. No matter how hard people try
and animals to control their lives, there is
always someone up there
allowing them to do everything
they want.
d. What actually is real or true
always comes out even if
people try to hide it.
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Answers: (1) b (2) c (3) d (4) a

During the lesson

Discuss with class the input in the This is Good to Know! Box and tell them to copy
the important points in their individual notebooks.

Theme- life lesson of a story or the author’s message; the idea the writer wishes to
convey about an important subject; expressed in a sentence; not usually stated directly; can
have two or more themes but one often stands out as the principal theme.
Subject – usually expressed in a word or two: love,childhood, or death

After the Lesson

Direct the learners to reread the attached Legend of Maria Makiling and the Origin of
the World ( Maranaw). Let them construct a Venn diagram similar to the one below on a half
sheet of paper and write the differences and similarities of these selections in relation to the
theme .

The Origin
of the
Let the students
bring their own baby picture.


No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation

No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below 80%
Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson
No. of learners who continue to require remediation
Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Detailed Lesson Plan in English 7

A. Content Standards : The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-
colonial Philippine literature as a means of connecting
to the past; various reading styles; ways of
determining word meaning; the sounds of English and
the prosodic features of speech; and correct subject-
verb agreement.

B. Performance Standards : The learner transfers learning by: showing

appreciation for the literature of the past;
comprehending texts using appropriate reading styles;
participating in conversations using appropriate
context-dependent expressions; producing English
sounds correctly and using the prosodic features of
speech effectively in various situations; and observing
correct subject-verb agreement.

C. Learning Competency : At the end of the 60-minute lesson, 75% of the

/Objective students are expected to determine the truthfulness and
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

(Write the LC code for accuracy of the material viewed (EN7VC-I-h.10)


Quarter: 1 Week: 8 Day: 44 Date: _______________________

Subject Matter: Truthfulness and Accuracy of the material viewed
Strategies: viewing


Teacher’s Guide pages, 68-69
Learner’s Material pages, 90-91
Textbook pages - None
Additional Materials from LR Portal - None

B.Other Learning Resources - None

IV. Procedures
Before the Lesson
Mood Setting
Attendance Check
Presentation of Objective
1. Form small groups of three members and allow them to do small group
discussion. Let them discuss about the pictures of a father and daughter who
have resemblance with each other. Let them talk about the truthfulness of the
material .
2. Then let them bring out their own baby picture which was assigned earlier.
3. Let them share about what their parents say when they were babies.
4. Let them talk about the traits that they got from their parents.

During the lesson

1. Invite the students to view the sample OBB ( opening billboard) and CBB
( closing billboard) of a news program.
2. Ask them about it. Where do they usually see it, What it is called and its
purpose. You may also ask if they know how to make one.

After the Lesson

1. Form three groups and assign different materials for them to view. The links
have been provided. However, you may also want them to let them watch parallel
materials. The first material is weather forecast, the second a movie trailer, the
third, a documentary.
Weather forecast :
Movie trailer (Marvel Studios' Avengers: Endgame - Official Trailer
Documentary (Philippines The Hidden History of Ancient Kingdoms and Empires
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

2. Before viewing, tell them about the required task that they will do. They are to
determine the truthfulness of the material. They will also get information or lesson
from the material viewed and organize it for presentation in the class.
3. Make sure you monitor each group so they are guided with the activity.
4. After the reporting, process the activity by asking them about their reactions
on the materials viewed.


Let them write in their notebook 5 colloquial and 5 idiomatic expressions



No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation

No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below 80%
Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson
No. of learners who continue to require remediation
Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Detailed Lesson Plan in English 7

A. Content Standards : The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-
colonial Philippine literature as a means of connecting
to the past; various reading styles; ways of
determining word meaning; the sounds of English and
the prosodic features of speech; and correct subject-
verb agreement.

B. Performance Standards : The learner transfers learning by: showing

appreciation for the literature of the past;
comprehending texts using appropriate reading styles;
participating in conversations using appropriate
context-dependent expressions; producing English
sounds correctly and using the prosodic features of
speech effectively in various situations; and observing
correct subject-verb agreement.

C. Learning Competencies : At the end of the 60-minute lesson, 75% of the

/Objectives students are expected to explain the predominance of
(Write the LC code for colloquial and idiomatic expressions in oral
each) communication. (EN7V-I-h-22.3)

Quarter: 1 Week: 8 Day: 45 Date: _______________________

Subject Matter: Idiomatic and colloquial expressions
Integration: Mapeh (Arts)
Strategies: Message relay game, discussion, collaborative learning, reporting,
discovery learning


Teacher’s Guide pages,
Learner’s Material pages,
Textbook pages - None
Additional Materials from LR Portal - None

B.Other Learning Resources - None

IV. Procedures

Before the Lesson

Mood Setting
Attendance Check
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Presentation of Objective

During the lesson

1. Motivation
Message Relay: teacher will divide the class into four groups to form a line
and they will play message relay by relaying some examples of idiomatic and
colloquial expressions. The last person in the line will write their answer on
the board. The group who will got it right will receive the score.
Examples: Zip your mouth, action speaks louder than words, he’s a pain in
the neck, he’s hard as nails, every cloud as a silver lining, don’t judge a book
by its cover.

2. Lesson proper
Activity 1- Idiomatic and colloquial connection
Learners will recognize the expressions on the board as idiomatic or colloquial
expressions. Teacher will provide a manila paper and marker to each group
and they will copy the template to be presented by the teacher on the board in
which they have to give the meaning, and use the expressions in their own
sentences as a group. After 15 minutes, they will report their output and
explain how they come up with the meaning in front of the class.

Idiomatic Expression Colloquial Meaning Sentence

Activity 2: Find your pair

Teacher will prepare idioms in a rolled paper inside the box, and
another box for the detailed meaning of each idioms. First group of learners
will pick from the idioms box and another set of students will pick from the
meaning box. Learners will then find their partners by matching the idioms
and its meaning.

Activity 3: Once the learners find their pairs. They will illustrate or draw the
literal meaning and figurative meaning of their idiom. They must also write a
sentence at the bottom of each picture to explain their idiom. Afterwards,
learners will share to the class their output. Learners will also explain how
their drawing helps in understanding the meaning of the idioms.

Name/s: Figurative drawing


Explanations: Explanations:
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Literal drawing

After the Lesson

Activity 4: Real-life Connections

Learners with the same groups will create a real life conversation using
different idioms and colloquial in a places assigned to them.
Group 1 – at home
Group 2 – telephone conversation
Group 3 – inside the classroom
Group 4 – at dining table
(5) (4) (3) (2) E
The speaker The speaker The speaker The speaker
provides a variety focuses includes says practically
of types of content primarily on some nothing. The
appropriate for the relevant irrelevant speaker focuses
task. content. The content. The primarily on
speaker sticks speaker irrelevant
to the topic. wanders off content.
the topic.
The speaker The volume The volume The volume is
delivers the is not too low is too low or so low and the
message in a or too loud too loud and rate is so fast
confident, poised, and the rate is the rate is too that you cannot
enthusiastic not too fast or fast or too understand most
fashion. too slow. The slow. The of the message.
pronunciation pronunciation
and and
enunciation enunciation
are clear. are unclear.
The message is The message The The message is
overtly organized. is organized. organization so disorganized
Organizatio of the you cannot
n message is understand most
mixed up and of the message.
Creativity Very original Some Little or no Repetitive with
presentation of originality variation; little or no
material; captures apparent; material variety;
the audience’s good variety presented insufficient use
attention. and blending with little of materials /
of materials / originality or media.
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

media. interpretation
After their performance, learners will explain their used of idiomatic
and colloquial expressions in their conversation. Learners will also explain
how idioms and colloquial expressions become useful and dominant in their


Read in advance the Epic of Maranao entitled “Indarapatra and Sulayman.”


No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation

No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below 80%
Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson
No. of learners who continue to require remediation
Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?

The Origin of the World (Maranaw)

Retold by Abdullah T. Madale
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

The Creator

According to Maranaw folklore, this world was created by a great Being. It is not known, however,
who exactly is this great Being. Or how many days it took him to create this world.

Layers of the Earth

The world is divided into seven layers. The earth has also seven layers. Each layer is inhabited by a
different kind of being. The uppermost layer, for example, is the place we inhabit.
The second layer is inhabited by dwarfs. These dwarfs are short, plump, and long –haired. They are
locally known as Karibanga. The Karibanga are said to possess magical powers. They are usually
invisible to the human eyes.
The third layer of the earth which is found under the sea or lake is inhabited by nymphs. These
nymphs also possess certain magical powers. It is stated in the story of Rajah Indarapatra that he
met and fell in love with the princess nymph with whom he had a child.

Layers of the Sky

The sky also consists of seven layers. Each layer has a door which is guarded day and night by huge
mythical bird called garoda. The seventh layer of the sky is the seat of heaven which is also divided
into seven layers. Every layer in the sky is inhabited by angels. Maranaws believe that angels do not
need food. They all possess wings with which they fly.
Heaven which is found on the seventh layer of the sky is where good people’s spirits go after death.
Saints are assigned to the seventh layer while persons who –barely made it are confined to the
lowermost layer which is found at the bottom of heaven.
It is in heaven where we find the tree-of –life. On each leaf of the tree-of –life is written the name of
every person living on earth. As soon as a leaf ripens or dries and falls, the person whose name it
carries also dies.
The soul of every person is found in tightly covered jars kept in one section of heaven. This particular
section of heaven is closely guarded by a monster with a thousand eyes, named Walo. Walo, in
addition to his thousand eyes, has also eight hairy heads. The epic Darangan speaks of Madale,
Bantugan’s brother and, Mabaning, husband of Lawanen, entering this section and retrieving the
soul of Bantugan.

Source:http://digilearn.comph/pub/books/hs1_english01_a4.html on July 8, 2015

Legend of Maria Makiling

According to the legend , there was a time when the gods could live like
ordinary mortals do. Although these gods were enchanted, they could speak, love, and
even go to the market like what people do in our time. This story tells what happene
to the daughrer of two such deities. This is the story of Maria Makiling.

Two deities, Dayang Makiling and Gat Panahon, had a only daughter named
Maria. Because of her beauty and charm, she was the delight of her parents. The
source of their joy and strength,Maria was ,to them ,a jewel, a treasure that made life
full of light and laughter.
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

At that time people could talk with the deities face to face, and even sit with
them side by side underneath a tree. People could also ask for help when they were in
need, provided that they asked in a solemn manner.

It was a custom of Maria to go to a small market,called talipapa, on weekdays.

Just like other women, she would on such occasions wear clothes made of silk,
embroidered with flowers and wide stripes for this was the fashion at that time.Maria
had long,black abundant hair which she usually decorated with pomelo flowers. When
she went to the market, her flowing hair would touch her ankles. As she passed
along,gallant men would bow their heads to signify their respects.

When Maria went to the market, she was always accompanied by two Aetas,
who served as her servants. These two servants stayed closed to Maria, and they both
carried a basket each that was full of golden ginger. These golden ginger Maria would
barter for such item needed for the home. There was no money at that time, and
instead of buying, people bartered and exchanged their goods for the things that they

On a market day,the residents of the area were not only ones who would go to
talipapa.Merchants and people from neighboring town would also go to the market.
One day, Gat Dula , ruler of the kingdom of Bay, came to the talipapa to while away
the hours. A piece of animal skin with fine hair caught Gat Dula’s eye and he reached
out to touch the fur. At the same moment, Maria was also reaching towards the same
piece of animal skin and their shoulders accidentally touched. Their eyes met and Gat
Dula bowed his head as a sign of respect and apology.And Maria responded with a
shy smile as they parted from each other’s company.

Since that first encounter, Gat Dula often visited the talipapa but he was not
able to see Maria during these visits. One day, he saw Maria at the very place where
they first met. He approached Maria and greeted her and Maria responded with a very
sweet smile.

That was the beginning of their friendship which blossomed into love as time
passed. The love affair between Gat Dula and Maria came to be known to Gat
Panahon, Maria’s father. Gat Panahon was angry. Even Dayang Makiling, Maria’s
mother , was distressed that her only daughter was in love with a mortal. Maria was
then forbidden to go down to earth. Her parents even took away from Maria the power
for enchantment which enabled a deity to look and act like ordinary mortal. But even
though Maria and Gat Dula could no longer meet physically, their love endured.
Maria continued to watch over Gat Dula. During a battle with the army of Lakan
Bunto, a ruler of a neighboring kingdom who invaded the kingom of Bay, Gat Dula
did not suffer a single wound due to the support of Maria’s enchantment.

Unfortunately , Gat Dula’s inability to see Maria caused him to fall ill and die.
Maria implored the gods to give her the soul of Lakan Dula and her request was

Source : English 7 learner’s Material

Detailed Lesson Plan in English 7

Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

A. Content Standards : The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-
colonial Philippine literature as a means of connecting
to the past; various reading styles; ways of
determining word meaning; the sounds of English and
the prosodic features of speech; and correct subject-
verb agreement.

B. Performance Standards : The learner transfers learning by: showing

appreciation for the literature of the past;
comprehending texts using appropriate reading styles;
participating in conversations using appropriate
context-dependent expressions; producing English
sounds correctly and using the prosodic features of
speech effectively in various situations; and observing
correct subject-verb agreement.

C. Learning Competencies : At the end of the 60-minute lesson, 75% of the

/Objectives students are expected to retell a chosen myth or
(Write the LC code for legend in a series of simple paragraphs.
each) (EN7WC-I-h-2.2)

Quarter: 1 Week: 8 Day: 46 Date: _______________________

Subject Matter: Retelling/ Writing simple paragraphs


Teacher’s Guide pages, 89-90
Learner’s Material pages, 113-115
Textbook pages - None
Additional Materials from LR Portal - None

B.Other Learning Resources - None

IV. Procedures

Before the Lesson

Mood Setting
Attendance Check
Presentation of Objective
Guide the students in recalling from previous lesson the different parts of a paragraph.
Possible answers
Introduction, body and conclusion
Tell them that this time they will be taught of the different steps in writing a simple paragraph
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

During the lesson

3. Discuss with them the steps in writing simple paragraph.

Step 1: Choose a general topic

Example: Elders

Step 2: Narrow down your general topic to a specific topic.

Example: Respecting Elders

Step 3: Write up the three questions ( how, when, where, why, who, what)
about your specific topic.
Examples: What are the different ways to respect elders?
Why do you respect your elders?
Who do you consider as your elders?
Step 4: Choose one question ( from step 3) on which to focus your paragraph.
Example: What are the different ways to respect elders?

Step 5: Reword your question( from step 4) into a statement.This will be the
topic sentence of your paragraph.
Example: There are many ways to respect our elders.

Step 6: Write down three sentences that help support your topic sentence. In
this example, these supporting sentences should tell what those ways to
respect elders are.
Examples: I often kiss their hands.
I especially like to listen to their piece of advice.
They still love to do things at home, so I help them.

Step 7: Summarize your topic sentence and three supporting sentences with a
conclusion sentence.
Example: I would continue respecting them to show that I appreciate them
very much.

Source: English 7 Learning Module pp113-114

4. Let them read the following sentences and them write them in the organizer
below following the steps in writing a paragraph.

 They are a living book where we can read valuable stories and get
lessons in life.
 Our young generation today must learn to value the wisdom of our
 The wise elders are fountain of good counsels that can never be
compared to any material wealth in this world.
 The wisdom of our elders must then be treasured by our present
 Our wise elders are a great source of knowledge, wisdom, and
information that will help us , the youths to be better persons.
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

General Topic: _________________

Specific Topic:__________________

Topic Sentence

Detail 1 Detail 1 Detail 1


A. After the Lesson (Evaluation)

5. Let the students retell The Legend of Maria Makiling in a series of simple
paragraphs. Let them follow the steps they have just learned.


Let the students watch a movie program or read a short story and let them share their
reactions in ½ sheet of paper.


No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation

No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below 80%
Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

No. of learners who continue to require remediation

Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?

Detailed Lesson Plan in English 7

A. Content Standards : The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-
colonial Philippine literature as a means of connecting
to the past; various reading styles; ways of determining
word meaning; the sounds of English and the prosodic
features of speech; and correct subject-verb agreement.
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

B. Performance Standards : The learner transfers learning by: showing

appreciation for the literature of the past;
comprehending texts using appropriate reading styles;
participating in conversations using appropriate
context-dependent expressions; producing English
sounds correctly and using the prosodic features of
speech effectively in various situations; and observing
correct subject-verb agreement.

C. Learning Competency : At the end of the 60-minute lesson, 75% of the

/Objective students are expected to use correct juncture/phrasing
(Write the LC code for and rate of speech when reading passages/paragraphs
each) (EN7OL-l-i-1.14.5)

Quarter: 1 Week: 9 Day: 47 Date: _______________________

Subject Matter: Juncture, Phrasing and Rate of Speech
Integration: Mathematics: Use of front slash and number symbols
Strategies: viewing


Teacher’s Guide pages, 107-109
Learner’s Material pages, 136-138
Textbook pages - None
Additional Materials from LR Portal - None

B.Other Learning Resources –

IV. Procedures

Before the Lesson

Mood Setting
Attendance Check
Presentation of Objective

Tell the learners that they will start the class with a game while standing using the
following symbols written in a piece of paper: /, //, #
If the teacher will raise the paper with this sign (/), the students should move their
hips to the right.
If the teacher will raise the paper with this sign (//), the students should move their
hips on their left.
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

And when the teacher will raise the paper with this sign (#), the students will move
their hips forward.
The student who failed to follow the instruction may take their seats and the
remaining one will receive a prize.
After the game, the teacher will ask the students where they usually see the symbols /,
// and #.
The three symbols have different names and different function depends on where they
are going to use it.
(See attachment A.)
Tell the students that the three symbols are used in juncture.
Review to them what is juncture, phrase and rate in reading.
Juncture-The Manner of transition are mode of relationship between two consecutive
sounds in speech.
-refers to the relationship between one sound and the sound/s that
immediately precede it or follow it.
Peace Talks-Pea stalks
An Ode- anode
Ice cream-I scream
White shoes- Why choose
Night Rate-nitrate
A name-an aim
- Phrasing-it is a grouping of words in a sentence in order to express a clear thought
and to catch one’s breath while speaking
- Rate is how fast or slow a person speaks. Rate is part of the paralanguage of speech
along with loudness and pitch. It is not language but it accompanies all of your spoken
use of language and can convey attitude and emotion. You can vary the rate
depending on the emotions you are feeling or the type of message you are


Divide the Class into 6 groups.
Each group will be provided with sentences A and B. They will choose from
the given phrase which they correct from what they heard.(the teacher should
record and let her students listen to the audio presentation)
The group who chose the correct phrase will be given additional points.

1. a. It sprays so be careful b. It’s praise so be careful.
2. a. He said I stink. b. He said “ iced ink”.
3. a. We’ll own a lot b. We loan a lot.
4. a. We may cough soon. b. We make off soon.
5. a. A great ape. b. A grey tape.
6. a. I am keen on your crimes. b. I am keen on York rhymes.
7. a. A lovely plum pie. b. A lovely plump eye
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

The teacher will show a powerpoint presentation about juncture. (see
attachment B)
Ask the students the ff. questions:
1. Is the correct juncture/phrasing and Rate important in reading? Why?
2. How can we apply correct juncture/phrasing and Rate important in our
daily living?
C. ABSTRACTION- review to students all the important points about
juncture/phrasing/rate in reading.

With the same group that the students had, they will answer the exercise in attachment
C. After they answer, they will read the paragraph based on the juncture that they
used in it.
(See attachment C)


Let the students write one paragraph about themselves and let them use the 3 symbols
of juncture.


No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation

No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below 80%
Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson
No. of learners who continue to require remediation
Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Detailed Lesson Plan in English 7

A. Content Standards : The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-
colonial Philippine literature as a means of connecting
to the past; various reading styles; ways of
determining word meaning; the sounds of English and
the prosodic features of speech; and correct subject-
verb agreement.

B. Performance Standards : The learner transfers learning by: showing

appreciation for the literature of the past;
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

comprehending texts using appropriate reading styles;

participating in conversations using appropriate
context-dependent expressions; producing English
sounds correctly and using the prosodic features of
speech effectively in various situations; and observing
correct subject-verb agreement.

C. Learning Competencies : At the end of the 60-minute lesson, 75% of the students
/Objectives are expected to follow directions using a map/
(Write the LC code for EN7RC-I-i-14

Quarter: 1 Week: 9 Day: 48 Date: _______________________


Subject Matter: Follow directions

Integration: Aralin Panlipunan: Identify Cardinal Directions
Math: Graph coordinates on the Cartesian Plane


Teacher’s Guide pages,
Learner’s Material pages,
Textbook pages - None
Additional Materials from LR Portal - None

B.Other Learning Resources - None

IV. Procedures

Before the Lesson

Mood Setting
Attendance Check
Presentation of Objective
A. Preparatory Activities

The teacher will ask somebody from the students to lead the prayer
Before the students will take their seats they will instructed to arrange first their
The teacher will ask the beadle who are absent on this day.

2. MOTIVATION (3 mins)
The teacher let the learners to stand and find a space out from their chairs.
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

They are going to play a game “SIMON SAYS”.

The teacher will play the rule of Simon and whatever she/he says should follow by the
The teacher will command: Simon says-walk 5 steps forward
Simon says-walk 3 steps backward
Simon says-walk 4 side steps to the left
Simon says- walk 5 side steps to the right

The next command will be: Simon says-walk 3 steps to the East
Simon says-walk 4 steps to the West
Simon says-walk 3 steps to the North
Simon says-walk 4 steps to the South

Congratulate learners for following the correct direction. Let the learners take their
The teacher will ask the following questions:
1. Is it easy to follow my instruction?
2. What is your problem in following direction using cardinal points?
3. Where can we see the words EAST, WEST, NORTH and South?


The teacher will review the cardinal points that the students learned in Aralin
Panlipunan subject.(Please refer to attachment A)
Relate to students that the cardinal points are like the Cartesian plane in mathematics.
Review to them how to locate points using the X and Y axis and how to graph it.
(please refer to attachment B)

E. ACTIVITY- The teacher will play a video presentation
F. ANALYSIS- The teacher will ask the ff. question after the video presentation:
1. If you are lost, what are you going to do to locate the destination where you want to
2. Why map is important in following direction?

G. ABSTRACTION- review to students all the important details in the video.

H. APPLICATION- localized treasure hunting activity. The teacher can do this activity
inside or outside their classroom. The class will be divided into 6-7 groups.
-For outdoor, the teacher will give the Map of their school together with the direction
to follow by the students in finding the hidden treasure. (Make sure that you already
prepare the things needed in the activity ahead of time)
-For indoor, the teacher will give the Map of their school. The students will follow
directions given and locate in the map where the treasure is hidden.
(see attachment C)
- The teacher will ask the following questions:
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

1. How do you find the activity?

2. What makes you difficult/easy in finding the hidden treasure?
ASSESSMENT-Please refer to attachment D

Draw a Map from school to your house.


No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation

No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below 80%
Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson
No. of learners who continue to require remediation
Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?


The four cardinal directions, or cardinal points, are the

directions north, east, south, and west, commonly denoted by their initials N, E, S, and W.
East and west are perpendicular (at right angles) to north and south, with east being in
the clockwise direction of rotation from north and west being directly opposite east (see the
image below).
The east, west, north and south are four cardinal directions commonly we see in
the map. In Aralin Panlipunan, you learn that the east is where the sun always raises, so if
we are facing the sun that is our east. Our back portion is the west where the sun set, on our
left is the north and our right is the west. Before, the travellers especially the merchant used
map with cardinal points to locate their route.

Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City





Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

X -10 -5 0 5 10





INSTRUCTION: Plot the following coordinates on the graph. Connect all the points to the
figure you want to create after plotting all the coordinates.

(X,Y) (X,Y) (X,Y) (X,Y)

(0, 17) (2, 17) (-9,16) (9,16)
(-2, 17) (4, 17) (-10,15) (10,15)
(-4, 17) (6, 17) (-11, 14) (11,14)
(-6, 17) (8, 17) (-12, 13) (12,13)
(-8, 17)


Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

(X,Y) (X,Y) (X,Y) (X,Y)

(-8,13) (-8,10) (8,10) (-4,-2)
(-4,13) (-8, 7) (8, 7) (4, -2)
(0, 13) (-8, 4) (8, 4) (0, -2)
(4, 13) (-8, 1) (8, 1)
(8, 13) (-8, -2) (8, -2)

(X,Y) (X,Y)
(-4, -3) (-2, -5)
(-3, -3) (0, -5)
(-2, -3) (2, -5)
(-1, -3)
(0, -3)
(1, -3) STOP
(2, -3)
(3, -3)
(4, -3)





Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

X -10 -5 0 5 10





7-C 7-A 8-P 8-A 8-C 9-C

7-B 9-A
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
JH-COM.LAB. Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City




P. OFF W G-1



School Gate G-10B G-10A
7-C 7-A 8-P 8-A 8-C 9-C
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

7-B 9-A
x 9-B


P. OFF W G-1

xS N


School Gate G-10B G-10A

Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Cartesian coordinates can be used to pinpoint where we are on a map or graph.

Using Cartesian Coordinates we mark a  point  on a graph by how far along and how far
up it is:


The point (4 ,5) is 12 units along, and 5 units up.

X and Y Axis

The left-right (horizontal) direction is commonly called X.


Y The up-down (vertical) direction is commonly called Y.

Put them together on a graph ..

Where they cross over is the "0" point,

we measure everything from there.

The X Axis runs horizontally through zero

The Y Axis runs vertically through zero
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City


INSTRUCTION: Locate the direction being asked

from the following and mark X after each
1.Going out from your classroom, face to the
east side of the map. Walk 20 steps straight
and stop, mark X the landmark at the middle
of the Comfort room and the Principals’
2.From the direction you find on number 1 walk
15 steps straight and from that area turn to
your left facing to the north and locate the
landmark in front of the library.
3.From the landmark, walk 50 steps straight to
the north and locate the 2 storey building.
4.Next, from your present location turn around
going to the west side of the map and pass by
four (4) classrooms and stop to the fifth one.
5.For you to find the hidden treasure, turn to
your left and walk 10 steps going to the south
part of the map. If you find the location of the
hidden treasure, read the land mark and say it
aloud with your group mates.

Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

Detailed Lesson Plan in English 7

A. Content Standards : The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-
colonial Philippine literature as a means of connecting
to the past; various reading styles; ways of
determining word meaning; the sounds of English and
the prosodic features of speech; and correct subject-
verb agreement.

B. Performance Standards : The learner transfers learning by: showing

appreciation for the literature of the past;
comprehending texts using appropriate reading styles;
participating in conversations using appropriate
context-dependent expressions; producing English
sounds correctly and using the prosodic features of
speech effectively in various situations; and observing
correct subject-verb agreement.

C. Learning Competency : At the end of the 60-minute lesson, 75% of the

/Objective students are expected to explain how a selection may
(Write the LC code for be influenced by culture, history,
each) environment, or other factors (EN7LT-I-i-3)

Quarter: 1 Week: 9 Day: 49 Date: _______________________

Subject Matter: Epic ( Indarapatra and Sulayman)
Integration: Respect and obeisance for culture and tradition


A. References
Teacher’s Guide pages, 101-104
Learner’s Material pages, 126-131
Textbook pages - None
Additional Materials from LR Portal - None

B.Other Learning Resources -
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

IV. Procedures
Before the Lesson
Mood Setting
Attendance Check
Presentation of Objective

During the lesson

4. Introduction of the Lesson (1 min)

 The teacher will tell the students that at the end of session they will
discover literature as a means of connecting to a significant past.

 Explain selection may be influence by culture, history, environment, or

other factors

5. Motivation (3 min)

 Direct the learners to look at the picture of Sulayman

 Mention that there are arrows pointing to the different parts of the hero

 Instruct them to answer the questions associated with each arrow that
will reveal the qualities of a hero

 Encourage the learners to share their answers after a period of time

 Elicit as many answer as possible from the learners.

6. Lesson Proper ( 20 min)

 The teacher will help the learners understand the story better by
unlocking the meaning of the difficult words using the context clues.
(see LM Task 6: A Hero’s Guidance)

 Guide the learners in reading the story. Lead them about epics

 Ask the learners to read this information and remind them to be ready
to answer questions.

 Ask the following questions

 What are the basic feature if an epic?

 Who are the characters in an epic?

 What is the importance of epic to our culture?

 Allow the learners to read the story. Remind them to stop in the “Battle
Break” part and answer the question provided.(see LM pp127-130)
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City

 Tell the learners that you will ask questions about the story
 See LM Hero-Detective Case ( Process Questions) pp 130.
1. Who are the four monsters who terrorized Mindanao?
2. How will you describe these monsters?
3. How did King Indarapatra and Sulayman defeat these monsters?
4. How did Sulayman die in the story?
5. If you were King Indarapatra would you follow your brother and
avenge him? Why or why not?
6. Was it right for King Indarapatra to trust the old woman? Why?
Why not?
 Repeat the process until all questions are answered.

After the Lesson

2. Evaluation : Task 8 Onward to Victory (15 min)

 The teacher will group the learners into 5, and ask them to do the tasks

 Group 1: They will create a story board of the adventures of

Indarapatra and part scene in the story

 Group 2 They will create a map tracking the adventures of

king Indarapatra and Sulayman.

 Group 3: The group will create a comic strip of their favorite

scene in the story.

 Group 4: The group will create a tombstone for King

Indarapatra and Sulayman including a message from the two
which can be inspirational.

 Group 5: The learners will write a speech about the journey of

King Indarapatra and Sulaymab to be in an awarding ceremony

 Provide fifteen minutes for the learners to accomplish the task.

 Have them present their work in front of the class after the given
period of time.
 Give your comments and feedback regarding each presentation.


 Assign the learners to research in advance about MOOD.

Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Mambuaya National High School-
Cadayonan Extension
KM 14, Besigan, Cagayan de Oro City


No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation

No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below 80%
Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson
No. of learners who continue to require remediation
Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?

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