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LESSON 17: Creativity NASPE Standards: 3, 5

Grades: Pre K - K
Equipment: Yoga mats, paper, markers / crayons

Theme Creativity

Concept What are different ways I can be creative, or express my creativity?

Time In (Breathing) Dolphin Breath

1-3 minutes

Discussion What is creativity?

3-5 minutes
Brainstorm what creativity is. Is everyone creative? How are creativity and
imagination related? When are you most creative? Think of different ways that we
express creativity where we are actually creating something—art, dance, music,
play, etc. Discuss how creativity is also important in life for problem solving and
finding solutions.

Share with students that we are at our most creative when we are relaxed and
at ease. Share that yoga teaches us tools to get into a mindset where we can be

Warm-Up If I Were a Tree

5 minutes

Yoga Postures Yoga Pose Repetition: Boat, Table, Cow, Cat, Downward Dog, Mountain, Star,
15-20 minutes Folding Star, Frog, Butterfly, Shark x 2, Turtle, Seated Forward Fold, Boat as a
yoga story. Create a yoga story as a class, with students choosing the poses and
giving their input for what happens in the story.

Young children are naturally very creative. Allow students to have fun and
express their creativity. As a teacher, your job is to channel their creative energy
so the class moves forward and stays fun and engaging for everyone. Do this by
incorporating students’ ideas and encouraging them to have fun and be silly
while also remembering the class rules.

Partner Work Double Tree

5-10 minutes
Have children create their own tree (i.e. palm, banana).

Relaxation Magic Carpet Ride

3-5 minutes

Project/ Do a creative drawing of your favorite yoga pose.

3-5 minutes

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