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David is at Farringdon and wants to go to Piccadilly Circus to meet up with Nadia.

– David: Excuse me, could you please tell me how to get to Piccadilly Circus ?
– ?: Of course! Take the yellow “Circle Line” in the direction of “King’s Cross St Pancras”
and get off at “King’s Cross” station. Once there, switch to the blue line called the
“Piccadilly Line” towards Heathrow and get off at Piccadilly Circus. It’s very easy!
– David: Thank you!
– ?: You’re welcome!
– David: OK, I think that I will look at the map…
David has a video call with a new language partner to practice the language a little bit before his trip.
– ?: Hi, David, nice to meet you!
– David: Hi, Alex, nice to meet you, too! I do not speak English very well, but I’m learning!
– ?: No problem. I’m here to help you. How old are you?
–  David: I’m 30.
– ?: Where do you live?
– David: I live in New York.
– ?: Awesome! It’s always been my dream to visit your city. I want to learn more about it.
– David: It’s a very exciting place with a lot of things to see and do.
– ?: That sounds awesome. I definitely want to go there.
– David: First I want to become fluent.
– ?: I’m sure you will, don’t worry. What do you do?
–  David: I’m a history student. What about you? What do you do for a living?
– ?: I teach math at school.
– David: Oh, that’s very cool. Listen, I have to go.
– ?: Let’s talk again soon, OK?
– David: Sure. Talk to you later.
 hablar del tiempo
David is videocalling Alex.
– David: Hi, Alex.
– Alex: Hi, David.
– David: So did you surf today?
– Alex: Unfortunately no. It rained all day long.
– David: Oh. Is that usual in your area?
– Alex: Yes, it doesn’t get too cold in the winter, but it rains a lot. Sometimes we get severe storms.
– David: We don’t wear heavy coats like in other countries but we always carry an umbrella.
– Alex: And it’s like that throughout the country?
– David: No, the south stays dry in the winter, but the temperatures are really low. It’s weird because it’s always
sunny there, but it’s freezing!
– Alex: Wow! I hate cold winters, when it’s gray and windy. That’s so depressing. But I do like the snow!
– David: Me too. Do you ski?
– Alex: Yes, I do. It’s really fun.
– David: So, how’s the weather where you live?
– Alex: Well, sometimes it gets very windy here, you know. That kind of weather is not fun. But in the
summer, it stays warm and sunny. It’s my favorite season.
– David: Mine is the spring.
– Alex: That’s when the weather is perfect here. Not too hot, not too cold. Perfect for surfing.

en el médico
My head hurts. I can not see, but I hear someone…
– Doctor: Can you hear me?
– ?: Yes…
– Doctor: Open your eyes, please!
– I open my eyes, it hurts. I see a person.
– Doctor: Hello!
– ?: Hello!
– Doctor: My name is Martin and I’m your doctor. How are you?
– ?: Not very good, my head hurts.
– Doctor: I see. And what’s your name?
– ?: My name is… is… I cannot remember… What is my name? …
– ?: Why can I not remember my name? What is wrong with me?
– Doctor: Hmm, you don’t remember your name?
– ?: No, I remember nothing.
– Doctor: Sir, I think you have amnesia. You hit your head…
– ?: Where am I?
– Doctor: You’re in the New York City public hospital.
– ?: New York? In America?
– Doctor: Yes, in the United States of America!
– ?: But why am I in America?
– Doctor: I have no idea, but I can hear that English is not your first language. You really don’t have an accent
but I can hear that you’re not American.
– Doctor: I think you’re from a different country. Where are you from?
– ?: I cannot remember anything. And my head hurts…  May I have a drink, please?
– Doctor: Here is a glass of water and some Aspirin.
– ?: Thank you.
– I drink the glass of water. I am scared.
– ?: Doctor, I am alone, and I am not in my country. I do not remember anything, not even my name.
– Doctor: Yes, this is a big problem. But I have an idea. There are some papers and keys in your pockets. You
are also wearing expensive clothes. Maybe you have an important job. Look at this piece of paper, maybe it
can help you remember something.
– I look at it. There is an address in New York. The doctor gives me the keys.
– ?: Mmmm, this does not help, I still do not remember anything…
– Doctor: I’m very sorry, but someone needs to pay your hospital bill.
– I am scared, and I also start to get angry.
– ?: Really? You are thinking about money right now? My head hurts a lot, I am alone, I am not in my
country, and I cannot remember anything! You do not understand. I am scared.
– Doctor: Yes, I can imagine. I’m really sorry. We want to help you.
– ?: OK, then please help me. I want to go to the address on this piece of paper. I need to find a friend or a
family member.
– Doctor: I’m sorry, you can’t leave until tomorrow. But other than this amnesia problem, you’re
very healthy. So tomorrow morning, I can ask someone to go with you to this address. It’s not far.
– ?: Thank you very much doctor. I really want to remember everything and find my family tomorrow.
– Doctor: Yes, we hope so, too. OK, now you need to sleep. Tomorrow is a big day for you.
– ?: Yes, I am very sleepy.
– Doctor: So, goodnight.
– ?: Thank you, doctor. Goodnight.
Indefinite pronouns.
One (Uno-a) What can one do?
None (Ninguno) None of the students.
Some(alguno) Some people speak loud.
Somebody(alguien) Somebody else
Any(Alguno-a) Any of them could be guilty
Either(Cualquiera de los 2) Ana can't dance and he can't either
Neither(Ninguno) I don't want to study. Neither do I.
Both(Ambos) I know both (of the) brothers.
Such (tal) Such is the result.
Other (plural: others)(otro-s) From one side to the other.
Another(Otro-a) They helped one another
Each(cada) Each other.
Nobody(nadie) Nobody knows.
Somebody-someone. La traducción textual sería "algún cuerpo". Si "algún uno" suena raro, "algún cuerpo" -- La traducción textual de esta
palabra sería "algún uno"
Everybody(Todo el mundo)
Nothing(Nada) for nothing
Something(Algo) Is something wrong?
Anything(Algo) Anything else
Everything(Todo) A girl like you could have everything in the World.
I have a pen. Give me another.
One boy is here.
Keep one and give me the others.
One thing or another.
This or the other.
Others things are true.
That is another history.
Here is the other boy
Sometimes I go to the beach on weekend.
Everybody need to do the homework
None of the students work on class today.
Give me some

To look at oneself often in the looking-glass is vanity.
Mirarse a menudo al espejo es vanidad.
There is no powder on my face.
No hay polvo en mi cara.
Give him one of your pens. He has one.
Dale uno de tus bolígrafos el tiene uno.
Some are White, others are red.
Algunos son blancos, otros son rojas
Is there any paper on the floor? I don’t see any.
Hay algún papel en el suelo. No veo ninguno
Which one?
One by one.
Uno a uno.
We help one another.
Nosotros ayudamos
Some are bad and some are good.
Algunos son malos y algunos son buenos.


Early reservation and confirmation are essencial in most major tourist centers during high ocason.
Most arrival points have a tourist information office and that is the place we have to send the tourists when they
are stuck without a room. The tourists will have no language difficulties in the luxury and first class hotels
where most of the staff speak English.

Checking in. (Recepción).

- Receptionist:
Good morning Sir. Welcome to Posada Real de Copan Hotel. My name is Nohelia . what can I do for you
- Tourist:
Yes we have reserved two rooms, a single and a doublé.
- Receptionist:
Sir I can not find your reservation
- Tourist:
I wrote an e-mail to the Hotel last month
- Receptionist:
Ok. I find the confirmation in other carpet. I am very sorry Sir. Would you like in the front or at the back.
- Tourist:
I Would like the single room in the front with a balcony and view. It must be quiet. I want it with a doublé-bed,
sir, conditioning , a radio, cable TV
- Receptionist.
We have reserved that rooms as you want them sir. The cost 100 dollar per night. The breakfast , the lunch and
dinner are included.
- Tourist:

Check in Form.
1.- Last names: Sampson Gómez First and second name: Dudley Fitzgerald
2.- Place of birth: Age:
3.- Nationality: Identity card:
4.- Occupation:
5.- Address:
6.- Telephone: City:
7.- Country: Date: 07/21/2021
Phrases to use in the reservation.
How much?
What is the Price?
Per week.
Per night.
For full board.
That’s too expensive.
How long?
We will be staying
Overnight only
A few days.
A week
I don’t know yet.
Desision (Choice)
No, I don’t like it.
It’s too cold.
Too hot.
Too dark.
Too small,
Too noisy.
Welcome to Honduras.
Welcome to Bay Islands.
Welcome to the Paradise.
Welcome to Copan Ruinas.
Welcome to the Industrial Capital.
Welcome to the Capital.
Homework .
One conversation of 3 people. They arrived to the hotel for a vacation of two weeks.

Commercial Correspondence.

Block Form.
Heading or letter head 16 Marabou Drive
Zip code Saint John, California 98502 (21301)

Reference/Date MR/YS/245 March 15th , 2021

Mr, M Guzman
Inside address or direction Managing Director
15th Avenue 7th street
Souht East, San Pedro Sula
Honduras, Central America.

Salutation- Greeting Dear Sir

We have received your letter of March 1st and we are very sorry that
your order was not delivered as promised.

However the stools will be ready at the end of this week and will be
Body of the letter dispatched inmediately.

We apoligaze for this unexpected delay and we trust that you will
realize that it was owing to circuntances beyond our control,

Complementary close or ending Your faithfully

Signature Yoset Rodriguez

Sales Manager

Ladie Dama
Gentleman Caballero
Sincerely yours Atentamente
Your faithfully Saludos afectuosos
Best wishes. Mejores Deseos
Regard Saludos
With best wishes from Con los mejores deseos de
Truly Yours Le saluda atentamente (EU)
Very truly Yours Le saluda muy atentemente (EU)
Kind/kindes r Regard. Saludos (Especialmente ingles britanico)

Cuando se trata de un amigo cercano o pariente se suele emplear las siguientes formulas.
Love. Much love Love to all
Love from Love from all of us All my love
With love from

O las formas menos intimas:

As always Fondly As ever
Warm/ warmers regard. Yours ever, Affectionately.

Job Application.
23 Belfore Mews
800 Beacon street
Boston, MA 02142
August 2, 2020
2nd avenue 2th and 3th street
Barrio el centro Puerto cortes
Honduras, Central America 21301

Marilyn Morse, Inc.

Interior Desing
4th street and 7th avenue
Barrio Los mangos Puerto cortes
Honduras, Central America 21301
12-6 Chestnut street.
Boston, MA 02267

Dear Sir or Madam:

I am writing to apply for a position in your firm as an interior designer. As you will see from my enclosed resume, I have a
degree in interior design and extensive expirience in this field.

I recently returned from Milan, where I have lived for the past five years, and I am now seeking to join a small team here
in Boston.

I Would be happy to take on a part-time position until a full-time one became available. I hope you will be able to make
use of my services, and I Would be glad to show you a portfolio of my work.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Sincerely Yours, Name and signature.
Dept of Desigm

State University, South Park Drive, Seattle, WA 98231

Phone: (206) 934-5768 Fax: (206) 934-5766
July 28th 2021
Russell Designs
124 Baker St

Your ref. DD/$$/34/AW

Dear Sirs

Re. Mary O’donnell.

I am pleased to be able to write most warmly in support of Ms O’donnell’s Application for the position of designer with
During her studies, Ms O’donnell’s proved herself to be an outstanding student. Her ideas are original and exciting, and
she carrries them through her M. SC . thesis was excelent piece of work. She is a pleasant, hardworking and reliable
person and I can recommend her without any reservation.

Ready player one


Mr. Guzman is having financial problems.

Secretary: I have just had a phone call from the bank, Mr. Guzman. They couldn’t cash in your Check. They were told
there were insufficient founds on your account.

Mr. Guzman: I’m surprised. That Would be the first time. Can you remind me of the amount?

Secratary: It is not a large sum: 5,000 lempiras.

Mr. Guzman: This is all the more surprising . I don’t think that I have overdrawm my accoount . What sort of Check did I
make out?

Secretary: I’m looking into your life.It was a bank Check. We usually pay by bank checks for small amounts and by draft
for large sums. I have kept the stub of the Check which your issued.

The telephone rings.. and Mr. Guzmand aswer it.

Mr Guzman: Good afternoon, Multiprint . This is Mr. Guzman , the General Manager. May I help you?
Bank Manager: It is a pleasure. Mr Guzman I’m the bank manager. I am calling to inform you that the Check has been
rejected for non-conformity of the signature.
Mr, Guzman : Oh! I was verry worried. I thougth that we have seriuos economical problems. Thank you very much four
your phone call. I must inform you that I make out the Check. Please , I need you to cash it.
Bank manager: Of course Mr. Guzman We are very sorry about it but it is for your security. Have a good day!. Good bye.
Mr Guzman: Than you very much.
Secretary : What was the problema?
Mr Guzman: it was rejected because they believed the signature was not true.
Secretary: Oh maybe, they are proving for security System.

Aesop's Fables:
The Swallow and the Other Birds

It happened that a Countryman was sowing some hemp seeds in a field where a Swallow and some other birds

were hopping about picking up their food.

"Beware of that man," quoth the Swallow. "Why, what is he doing?" said the others. "That is hemp seed he is
sowing; be careful to pick up every one of the seeds, or else you will repent it."

The birds paid no heed to the Swallow's words, and by and by the hemp grew up and was made into cord, and
of the cords nets were made, and many a bird that had despised the Swallow's advice was caught in nets made
out of that very hemp.

"What did I tell you?" said the Swallow.

Destroy the seed of evil, or it will grow up to your ruin.

it happened that ocurrió que
Countryman Campesino
Sowing Sembrando
hemp seeds semillas de cáñamo
Swallow golondrina..
hopping about Saltando
picking up Levantando
beware of cuidado con
Quoth dijo (en inglés antiguo)
Repent Lamentar
paid no heed no prestaron atención
by and by Luego
grew up Creció
Cord Cordón
Nets Redes
many a bird muchas aves
Despised Despreciar
Advice Consejo
Caught Atrapados
Evil el mal
Ruin ruina

The Wolf and the Kid

A Kid was perched up on the top of a house, and looking down saw a Wolf passing under him.
Immediately he began to revile and attack his enemy.
"Murderer and thief," he cried, "what do you here near honest folks' houses? How dare you make an appearance where
your vile deeds are known?"
"Curse away, my young friend," said the Wolf.
"It is easy to be brave from a safe distance."
Kid Niño
perched up sentado

Top Alto
looking down mirando hacia abajo
Wolf lobo.
Revile injuriar
Enemy enemigo
Murderer asesino
Thief ladrón
Cried Gritó
Folks Gente
Dare atreverse
make an appearance aparecer
vile deeds actos infames
curse away deja de maldecir
brave valiente
safe segura

Translate into spanish. 11/08

May I go home now?
Mother said that I migth go.
We Would be interested in further details about your books.
Father says that you have the Money.
He could help you with your class.
It may rain before we reach home
Did you say that I migth use your car?
I can take shorthand and use the major Word processors.

Exercise Must not Don’t have to.

1.- It is forbidden. You must not do that.
2.- You don’t have to ask my permission. You can do what you want.
3.- You must not park here. There is a doublé yellow line.
4.- Be on time. You must not be late or we will be leave without you.
5.- You don’t have to be mad to work here but it help.
6.- The train is direct. You don’t have to change trains.
7.- This is very important . You must not forget what I said.
8.- I like Saturdays because I don’t have to go to work.
9.- In bridge, you must not look at other people’s cards.
10.- I’ll tell you a secret. You don’t have to tell anybody else. Promise?

General requirements at the hotel.

Pleas ask the maid to come up.
Who is it?
Just a minute.
Come in!
Is there a bath on this floor?
Where is the plug for the shaver?
What is the voltage here? 110 220 Europe, USA.
Can we have breakfast in our room?
I’d like to leave this in your safe.
May I have an ashtray please?
A bath towel.
An extra blanket.
Some envelopes
More hangers.
Some ices cubes.
An extra pilow.
A reading lamp.
A soap.
Writing paper.
Where is the bathroom?
Cocktail lounge.
Dinning room
Televisión room.
Make sentences with those words or a conversation Wednesday 18th edmodo 11:59 pm.
Difficulties at the Hotel.
The, doesn’t work.
Air condiotioner.
The wash-basin is clogged.
The Windows is jammed.
The blind is stuck
This isn’t my laundry
There’s not hot wáter.
I’ve left the keys in my room.
The bulb is burned out.
The …… is broken
Venetian bland.
Window shade.
Can you get it repaired?
70% of the words into the conversation.

Adverbios de tiempo.
Now. Then. Before. Ever. Today. Soon, Late, Early, Yesterday, Afterward, afterwards.
1.- Now and again, now and then de vez en cuando.
2.- By now. Ya.
3. From now on . de ahora en adelente.
4.- Rigth now. Ahora mismo.
5.- Just now.
(at this moment): en este momento.
(a Little while ago) hace un momento.
6.- Now, now. Vamos! Venga!.
7.- now, where did I put it? ¿y ahora donde lo he puesto?

Then. Adverbio.
1.- (at that time) entonces
2.- (after that) luego después.
3.- (deducing) entonces.
4. By then para entoces.

Read these questions and try to understand them.

1.- Who do you invite you to the leading industrial firm?
Executive and his friend
2.- What does the Britain company offer?
They offer stable job.
3.- Where do they plan to manage the new Project?
4.- How do I get my payment?
Belgic bank
5.- How long does the executive secretary work?
8 hours
6.- When do they take charge of the job?
British company
7.- How much does the typewriter cost?
We don’t know
8.- How many sales departament are here?
The regular verbs end with ed and regular verbs have thier own form to be.
This is only for affirmative form in past tense.

Present Tense Past Tense

Need Needed
Set up Set up
Run Run
Involve Involved
Fill Felt
Report Reported
Invite Invited
Have Had
Plan Planned
Manage Managed
Recommend Recommended
Asist Asisted
Study Studied
Wish Wished
Interview Interviewed
Cost Cost
Tend Tended
Offer Offered
Work Worked
Get Got
Receive Received
Increase Increased
Visit Visited
Take change Took change
Meet Met
Require Required
Fail due Fell
Be true Was/were true
Be on display Was/were display
Put trough Put trough
Include Included
Find Fond
Take up Took up
See Saw
Bother Bothered
Seem Seemed
Mind Minded
Start Started
make Made

What do you do in the mornings?

The World Sleeps.

The DECO (Organization for economic cooperation and developent) reports that:
The French get an average of 8 hours and 50 minutes of sleep a night compared to the USA with 8 hours 38 minutes.
The Koreans only sleep 7 hours and 45 minutes a night , and the Japanese about 8 hours
What time do you get up?
On weekdays I usually get up 6 :00 AM
On weekends. I usually wake up at 8 AM
What time do you go to bed?
On weekdays. 10:30 pm
On weekends. 11:30 PM
On average , how many hours do people in your class sleep?
7 hours.30 minutes
Wake up. despertar
Brush my teeth. Cepillar los dientes
Get dressed. vestirse
Get up. levantarse
Have breakfast. desayunar
Leave home. Marchar de la casa (Irse)
Make the bed. Hacer la cama
Shave. Rasurar.
Take a shower. Bañarse.
Sleep well. Dormir bien
Go to bed. Ir a la cama
Wash my face.
Make up.

On weekdays I usually wake up around 5 30 AM. I get up 5:45 AM. I make the bed often, I take a shower 6. 10 AM.
I shave every 2 days before I take a shower. I live home at 6:30 to the work, I have breakfast 6:45 AM. I Start to work at
7:00 – 8:45 I get a break for the meal. I come back to work at 9:15 AM. After that I come back to work I am an English
teacher at the high school, and it is a pleasure be teaching I done at 12:10 the most of the weekdays.
On weekends I usually wake up around 6:15 sometimes I eat milk with a bread, I like to watch tv special races (F1, Moto
GP), after I have a breakfast around 8:30 with my mother and we talk about to do some stuff for the house. Like clean,
do some workout often.

En la semana regularmente o usualmente me despierto a las 5:30 AM me levanto a las 5:45 luego me baño y voy a
clases a las 7 am arreglo mi cama me
Los fines de semana me despierto

Meet the Griffins.

Peter Griffin and his wife, Lois, live in Atlanta, USA. They have three children. Meg is their first child and thier only
daugther. Chris is their teenage son and stewie is his baby brother. He is just one year old. The family is completed by
Brian, the talking dog. And Peter’s parents, Francis and Thelma. Watch this show every weeknight at 11:30 pm on
channel 44.
Francis Thelma

Peter Lois

Meg stewie

Complete the family table with words from the ad.

Female Male Male and Female
Grandmother Grandfather grandparent (s).
Mother Father Parent (s).
Sister _Brother____ siblng(s)/twins
daugther________ son child(ren)
Niece nephew
Wife______ husband couple
Aunt uncle
Common mistakes.
I have two fathers: my mom and dad. The others in my family are my parents.
Parents relatives.
In pairs, test each other on the relationships .
Who is Lois’s husband. Peter. And who is Stewie’s brother . That’s Chris.
Make it personal.
In small groups, matches the relationships and answer the questions.
1.- What are their names?
2.- Who is who? What are thier relationships?
3.- Where do they live?
4.- what is the different or interesting about them?

There are two different types of questions. Match the Word order to each type.
1.- Information questions.
Where does Peter live?
2.- Yes or not questions.
Auxiliary verb + Subject + Infinitive verb? ASI
Question Word + Auxiliary verb +Subject + Infinitive verb? QASI

Are these ASI or QASI questions?

1.- What is your full name? _____ Yes, my sister lives there
2.- Are you Spanish? _____Miguel Lopez, but please call me Micky
3.- Where do you live? _____Np, I don’t . I live with my girlfriend.
4.- Do you live with your parents? _____In Madrid, I work there.
5.- Where exactly in the U.S do you plan to travel to? _____Yes, I am . I am from Valencia.
6.- Do you know anyone in Alaska? _____Alaska. They say it’s a beautiful place.

How old are you? 97051900 99018724

What is your full name?
My name is
And how old are you?
I am years old.
Do you have a boyfriend? Or girlfriend.
Yes I do. No I don’t
Where do you live?
I live in
And where do your family live? does he, she,it
They live
How often do you visit your dad?
Sometimes, usually on weekends
Great! Do you have any brother or sisters?
I have one sister
I see. And what do you do on weekends?
I go to the beach
OK, and what time do you go to bed on weekdays?
I usually go at 10:30 pm
And our final question! Do you exercise regulary?
Sometimes on weekend
Sometimes, Usually, often, never,occasionally, always.
Complete the questions with do or does in pairs , ask the answer.
1.- What do you do on your birthday?
In my house they usually buy a cake and have some special meal.
2.- Do you give gifts to your family at Christmas?
Yes, we do.
3.- Do you eat a special meal on Christmas Eve? Cena navideña 5-12 pm
Yes, my mother cook sometimes turkey or pozole it’s a mexican food.
4.- Do your mother usually have a party on her birthday?
Yes she does.
5.- What does she do at weedings in your culture?

6.- What does he wants for his birthday? Do I, You, They, We. Does he, she it

Match the response to phrases 1-8

1.- Thank you. _5__ Good , thanks.
2.- Who’s this? _3__ Not much
3.- What’s new? _2__ It’s Jackie.
4.- Congratulations! _4__ Thanks!
5.- How are you? _1__ You are welcome.
6.- See you later _8__ Purple and White.
7.- How old are you? _8__Bye for now.
8.- What color is your house? _7__ 17.

My city is interesting
Because we have the beach, and a lot of people come to have fun.
Jazz is great
I am from New York city.
My favorite color is green.
My english is horrible.
I try to learn more every day
The president is fantastic.
Complete with verb be. Use contractions where posible

Receptionist What _is__ your name?:

Sandy : Sandy Clark
Receptionist: __Are___you American?: is or are.
Sandy: No, I _am___ from Canada. He, she, it is you, we, they are I am
Receptionist:: Where in Canada _are_ you from? Are ot is
Sandy: Vancouver.
Receptionist: That _is__ very nice . What _is_ your address? Is or are
Sandy: 76 Burton road.
Receptionist: : And what _is_ your e-mail address? Is, on, at
Receptionist: Thank you. Here __is_ your key room 89. Is on in

How do you spend your weekend?

Friday Saturday Sunday
Exercise I do exercise at school on Friday morning at 11:35 am
English class we have english class from Monday to wenesday at 7:00 o’clock am.
Get up early I get up early
Go shopping she goes shopping on saturday sometimes we go shopping
Go to bed late I go to bed late. He goes to bed late.
Meet friends I usually meet friends on Fridays. What about you?
Play sports She plays sport’s on Saturday. He,she, it + verb “s”
Watch tv I Watch TV Always. She watches TV on Sunday.

What’s the wheater like?

Noun The sun a cloud wind fog rain snow
Adjetive sunny cloudy windy foggy raining snowing
Verb sunny cloudy windy foggy to rain to snow

El dia de hoy esta soleado y templado, mañana va a llover.
Today, it’s sunny and warm. Tomorrow is gonna be rain.
This weekend it’s suppost to be raining and cool. Sunny, cloudy,
Errores comunes.
How’s the weather like. What’s the weather like.
Is hot. it’s hot.
The time’s good, the weather is good.
It’s winding. It’s windy

Trabajo del 22 de octubre (5 paginas)

Realizar un álbum con los diferentes temas que se han visto en el parcial.
Imágenes con su descripción en ingles.


In this day we make some candies , pumking cake, we have some fun with my family . also we are going to have a special
dinner pizza.

Tarea para el lunes.

What’s the weather like in your area or community?

Four season or two?

Countries with a temperatura climate, like the ones in Europe and North America, have four very defined seasons:
Hot summer in June ,__July___ and August, cold winters in december , january and _february_. With heavy snow in
some countries ; cool windy falls in september, _octuber__ and november and warm springs in march_, april and
In contrast, tropical regions, especially around the equator, have only two seasons;: the dry season and the rainy season.
So in places like India , West Africa, Central America, the north of South America and the North Cost of Autralia, the
rainy season is in their Winter _June, July and August_, and it’s accompanied by very high temperaturas.

Grammar: Present continues for future.

Expand this list of future time expressions.
Morning week
Tomorrow Evening Next Monday,
Night spring, summer, Winter, fall.
Afternoon year, century. Decade.

Use the names as you want Reed, Chris, or Joel.

1.- _Chris__, Joel_and Reed__ are traveling to Mississippi tomorrow.
2.- Reed___ is filming the storm.
3.- Joel_ and __ Chris are studying the photos from the satélite.

Chris: film the trees in the area. Install microphone

Reed: Find the center of the tornado. Calcúlate the speed.
Joel: prepare the equipment . e-mail the information to the TV station.

What are you doing today, Reed?

I’m finding the center of the tornado and calcúlate the speed.
And what about Chris , what’s he doing?
He is filming the trees in the area and Install the microphone

Do you like english?

Why are you learning english?

Aproximately 25% of the world speaks or is now learning to speak english, and the number is rapidly increasing.
1.- Why are you learning English?
a) I have to ____ for my current or future job
b) I want to ____ for pleasure
c) I need to comunicate online ____ I love learning languages.
____ for school.
____ for college
____ in writing
____ speaking
2.- Which are the three most important for you? Number 1 to 3.
___ grammar ____ vocabulary ___ Pronunciation
___ Listening ____ speaking ___ Reading
___ writing ____ all equally.
Which items in 2 do you find the most difficult?
4.- How often do you do these things in English outside class? Mark them.
E= every day V = very often S = sometimes O=occasionally N= never.
_____ read ____ study ____ write ___ Listen to music/ the radio
_____ Watch Tv/movies ____ speak to people ____ other (what?)_____________________

5.- What do you like about your classes?

____ my classmates ____ The Reading ____ other_________________________________
____ The write.
Use to or for.
I need ___ learn English ____ study.
I have ___ learn English ____ my job.
I __ need ___ get a new job.

Questions Offers Responses

1.- Are you bored? _2_Do you want a sweter/my jacket? Yes, please great!
2.-Are you cold? _4_(Do you) want a sándwich/a cookie? Sure why not?
3.-Are you hot? _6_Would you like a coffee/ to go home? Yep / Yeah!
4.-Are you hungry? _5_(Would you) like a drink? Uh-huh, Just
5.-Are you thirsty? _3_Do you want a cold drink/ an ice cream No, thanks.
6.-Are you tired? _1 Wanna go out for a drink? No, really I’m fine.

True or false
___Can I can’t is the same for all persons.
___Short answers are “Yes, I can”, “ No, I can’t”
___Use can to express ability, possibility and permisión.

Complete sentences 1-6 with can or can’t .

1.- I _______ dance very well, but my wife __________. She is a very good dancer.
2.- My mother_____ cook very well. Her food es delicious.
3.- My best friend _____ play rugby or handball. He doesn’t like team sport.
4.- I _____ skate but I ______ ski at all. Skiing is too difficult.
5.- My friends _____ play soccer very well. They play every weekend.
6.- _____ you do any martial art. No, I _____.

Is it impossible for two people to share closet space?

Posted by Victoria Zuylen.

Not impossible, but difficult. At home it’s only me and husband. My others are always organized, but his never.
Sometimes we have problems, but I usually just ignore my husband’s part.

Posted by Kyle.
I confess: I have more clothes than my wife, so my closet is enormous and her is not. Our kids are not very organized,
but they clean their closet. I never look at theirs! My son’s are full of sports equipment too – balls, rackets, skis, etc,

Posted by Tanya.
In my house, we don’t say “mine” or “yours”. Everything is ours. Our closet is small but clean and organized. We share
space and clothes. We occasionaly have a discussion like this : “Whose sweter is this?” “It’s yours” “No, it’s yours!”
A big advantage of living with your twin sister!

Complete with the names from the fórum. Is your situation .

1.- _Tanya lives with her sister. 4.- __Victoria Zuylen doesn’t share closet space.
2.- _Victoria Zuylen lives with her husband. 5.-__Tanya_ has not ploblem sharing.
3.- _Kyle lives with his wife and children. 6..-__Victoria Zuylen has difficulty sharing.

Posted by : sorry for my English but I’m triying to practice.

I live with my parents, my brother and my sister. I don’t have closet in the my room , but mine sister has closet in her, so
we share that space. Our’s closet is organized, but my brother’s very disorganized. My parent have a big bedroom, so
they have two separate closets. My mother’s closet is big and my father is small.

I live with____________/ I live alone.

My closet is big / organized, but my wife / hosband’s / sister’s / brother’s is________________
I share my closet with ____________ I don’t share my closet.
In my closet I have _______________

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