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Chemical composition of cement

CaO Controls strength and

60 – 65%

SiO2 Strength, excess causes 16 – 25%

slow setting

Al2O3 Quick setting, excess causes

3 – 8%
low strength

Fe2O3 Gives colour and fusion of 0.5 – 0.6%

different ingredients

MgO Imparts colour and hardness,

1 – 3%
excess causes cracks

Alkalies Excess causes efflorescence Traces

and cracking

Different types of chain


Type of chain Length Links

Metric chains 20 m /30 m 100/ 150

Gunter’s chain 66 feet 100

Revenue chain 33 feet 16

Engineer’s chain 100 feet 100

Critical State Flow

In critical state flow:

 Froude number is equal to unity

 The specific energy is a minimum for a given discharge
 The discharge is maximum for a given specific energy
 The specific force is minimum for a given discharge
 The discharge is maximum for a given specific force
 The velocity head is equal to half the hydraulic depth in a channel of small
Errors in chaining
 Cumulative Errors:

Systematic errors if not checked, they have serious effect on accuracy. They are classified into

1. Positive error:
The length of the chain is shorter than standard. The error makes the measured length
more than the actual length
2. Negative error:
The length of chain is greater than standard. The error makes the measured length less
than the actual length

 Compensating error:

Accidental errors hence does not pose serious problem to accuracy.

Rigid pavements

 It reduces the stress concentration and distributes the reduced stresses uniformly to the
area under the slab

Flexible pavements:

 It will transmit wheel load stresses to the lower layers by grain to grain transfer through
the points of contact in the granular structure.

Types of Precipitation

 Cyclone:

It is a large low pressure region with circular wind motion (anti clockwise)

 Anticyclone:

It is a region of high pressure (clockwise wind)


 Convective precipitation:

Due to heat, warmer air rises, undergoes cooling and gives precipitation

 Orographic precipitation:

Moist air mass gets lifted up due to the presence of mountain barriers and consequently
undergoes cooling and gives precipitation
Effective Length

End Conditions Effective Length

Both ends Hinged L

Both ends fixed 0.5L

One end fixed and one end free 2L

One end fixed and one end hinged 0.7L

Water Cement Ratio

Important properties of water to be used for cement concrete are:

 Content of organic solids not more than 0.02%

 Content of inorganic solids not more than 0.30%
 Content of sulphates not less than 0.05%
 Content of sulphate alkali chlorides not more than 10%
 Turbidity not more than 2000 ppm
 Acid not more than 10000 ppm
 pH should be between 4.5 and 8.5

Waste Stabilization pond:

 Provides long detention period during which the waste gets stabilized by the action of
natural forces
 The oxygen demand is met by the combined action of algae and the micro organisms
 Three zones exist through the pond depth: aerobic zone at the surface, anaerobic zone
at the bottom and facultative zone at the mid-depth of the pond
 Type of Timber Floors

Type of Timber Floors Span

Ground timber floor 2.4 m

Single Joist timber floor 2.4 to 3.6 m

Double Joist timber floor 3.6 to 7.5 m

Triple Joist timber floor Greater than 7.5 m

Type of Timber Floors


Type of Timber Floors Span

Ground timber floor 2.4 m

Single Joist timber floor 2.4 to 3.6 m

Double Joist timber floor 3.6 to 7.5 m

Triple Joist timber floor Greater than 7.5 m

Drainage of tunnels

 Pre-drainage or preventing the entry of excess water from entering the tunnel before
starting the construction work
 Dewatering of the tunnel i.e. removing the water that has entered the tunnel during the
construction of tunnel
 Permanent drainage i.e. keeoing water off the tunnel after its completion

 It is the slope provided in transverse direction to drain off rainwater

 Prevents the entry of water into bituminous layers, subgrade
 It will provide dry surface to pavement

Critical Hydraulic Gradient

The Hydraulic gradient at the critical condition when the soil particles just begin to move is known
as Critical Hydraulic Gradient Line.


Garnet Hinge:
A hinge with an upright bar and a horizontal strap used for doors and windows without frame

Trestle Scaffolding
 In this type, the working platform is supported on the top of movable arrangements such
as tripods, ladders etc, mounted on wheels
 It is suitable for minor repair works or painting works inside the rooms, upto a height of 5

ement required for 1 cubic meter of concrete

Mix Kg/cu.m

M25 (1:1:2) 610

M20 (1:1.5:3) 400

M15 (1:2:4) 320

M10 (1:3:6) 220

M7.5 (1:4:8) 170

M5 (1:5:10) 130

Drawing Pencil

Tip of Pencil Lead Uses

Cylindrical Shading / Hatching

Conical Lettering & Dimensions

Wedge / Chisel Straight line

Bevel With compass

Marshall mix design criteria for bituminous concrete

Test property Specified Value

Marshall stability, Kg 340 (Minimum)

Flow value, 0.25 mm units 8 to 16

VMA (% air voids) 3 to 5

VFB (%) 75 to 85

Proportions for Nominal Mix Concrete
For any nominal mix shall be proportionately increased if the quantity of water in a mix has to he
increased to overcome the difficulties of placement and compaction, so that the water-cement
ratio as specified is not exceeded.

Grade of Concrete Quantity of water per 50 kg of Cement,


M5 60

M 7.5 45

M 10 34

M 15 32

M 20 30
Hydraulic Co-Efficients
1. Co efficient of velocity
It is defined as the ratio between the actual velocity of a jet of liquid at vena contracta and the
theoretical velocity of jet.

2. Co efficient of contraction
It is defined as the ratio of the area of the jet at vena contracta to the area of the orifice

3. Co efficient of discharge
It is defined as the ratio of the actual discharge from an orifice to the theoretical discharge from
the orifice.

Flow Through Syphon
Syphon is a long bent pipe which is used to transfer liquid from a reservoir at a higher elevation
to another reservoir at a lower lever when the two reservoirs are separated by high level ground.

Syphon is used in the following cases:

 To carry water from one reservoir to another reservoir separated by a hill or ridge
 To take out the liquid from a tank which is not having any outlet
 To empty a channel not provided with any outlet sluice

Computation of Area
1. Average Ordinate rule

2. Mid Ordinate rule

3. Trapezoidal rule

4. Simpson’s 1/3rd rule

Strength of fix
 Strength of fix of a plane table station is the accuracy with which resection can be done
at that station
 Strength of fix will be good, if the instrument station is located within great triangle
 Will be good, if middle station is nearer to instrument station
 Will be good if one angle is small and others are large
 Will be poor if the station lies on great circle

Qualities of a telescope

 Aplanation:

Absence of spherical aberration


 Achromatism:

Absence of chromatic aberration


 Definition:

Power of telescope to produce sharp image


 Magnification:

Ratio of focal length of objective to the focal length of eye piece


Hydraulic gradient line and total energy line

Hydraulic gradient line:
Line which gives the sum of pressure head and datum head of a flowing fluid w.r.t same
reference line.
Total energy line:
Sum of velocity head, pressure head and datum head
TEL = HGL + Velocity head

 HGL is always below TEL

Weirs, Notches, nappe, crest

 Notches:

For measuring rate of flow or discharge of a liquid through a small channel or tank

 Weirs:

A concrete or masonry structure placed in an open channel flow over which the flow occurs

 Nappe/ vein:

A sheet of water flowing through a notch or weir


 Crest/ sill:

The top edge of a weir or notch over which the nappe flows

Splicing of reinforcement
 Splicing of reinforcement should be avoided at a section where the BM is greater than
50% of the moment of resistance of the section
 Not more than 50% of the bars should be spliced at a section
 Bars of diameter greater than 32 mm should not be spliced but should be welded
 The lap length of bars in bending tension shall not be less than Ld or 30Ф
 Width of carriage way

Class of road Width of carriage way

Single lane 3.75 m

2 lane without raised kerb 7m

2 lane with raised kerb 7.5 m

Intermediate carriage way 5.5 m

Multi-lane road 3.5 m/lane


Defects in telescope

1. Spherical aberration:

This defect arising in the terms of curvature of lens in which the rays are not collected exactly at
one point.

2. Chromatic aberration

White light passing through a lens is dispersed into different colours is known as chromatic

Variations in declination
Magnetic declination at a plane is the horizontal angle between the true meridian and magnetic
meridian at the time of observation.

Secular variation Approximately 250 years

Annual variation 1’ to 2’

Diurnal variation 10’ or daily variation

Irregular variation 10 to 20

Type of masonry and Dry Mortar required

Type of masonry Dry mortar required for 1 m3

Random rubble masonry 0.42 m3

Coursed rubble masonry 0.4 m3

Ashlar masonry 0.3 m3

Carbon content in steel


Type of steel Carbon content

Dead steel < 0.1%

Mild steel 0.1 to 0.25

Medium carbon steel 0.25 to 0.6

High carbon steel 0.6 to 1.10

Range of Camber

Range of camber
Type of road surface
Heavy rainfall Light rainfall

Cement concrete and High 1 in 50 (2%) 1 in 60 (1.7%)

type bituminous surface

Thin bituminous surface 1 in 40 (2.5%) 1 in 50 (2%)

Water bound macadam 1 in 33 (3%) 1 in 40 (2.5%)

and gravel pavement
Earthen pavement 1 in 25 (4%) 1 in 33 (3%)

The latitude and departure of the line AB of length l and reduced bearing α is given by

Projection of a line on N-S direction is called latitude
Projection of a line on E-W direction is called departure

Circulation and Vorticity


 Flow along a closed curve

 Scalar quantity
 It is the line integral of the velocity field in a closed curve


 It is the measure of rotation of fluid elements as it moves through the flow

 Vector quantity
 It is the curl of the velocity field

Hardness limits in water


< 75 mg/L Soft Water

75 – 150 mg/L Moderately Hard Water

150-300 mg/L Hard water

>300 mg/L Very Hard water

Reduction Coefficient for Long Columns


Where Cr = Reduction coefficient
B = Least lateral dimension of the column
leff = Effective length of the column    
Different Grades of Road Tar

RT1: Surface pointing in cold weather countries

RT2: Surface pointing in standard Indian climatic condition

RT3: Used for renewal purpose in road construction

RT4: Used for pre mixing road aggregate

RT5: Used for grouting purpose

Fathometer Echo Sounding

 Where the depth of water is too much, an echo sounding machine known as fathometer
is used
 It measures the depth below the boat on which it is installed
 The sound waves emitted at the surface of the water are recorded back after these return
from the underwater surface
 The distance travelled by sound waves can be calculated by D = vt/2
 This method is more accurate

Standards of Noise Levels (In dB)


Area Day Night

Industrial area 75 70

Commercial area 65 55

Residential area 55 45

Silence zone 50 40

Flexible Pavement Design


Ns = Cumulative number of standard axle load
A = Number of vehicles per day when construction is completed considering the number of lanes
n = design life of pavement
F = vehicle damage factor
D = lane distribution factor
r = annual rate of increase in vehicle

Momentum Correction factor (β)

It is defined as the ratio of momentum per second based on actual velocity to the momentum per
second based on average velocity.

 For laminar flow, β = 1.33

 For turbulent flow, β = 1.2

Minimum size of weld


Thickness of thicker plate Minimum size

0 – 10 mm 3 mm

11 – 20 mm 5 mm

21 – 32 mm 6 mm

>32 mm 8 mm

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