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PROUT, 1'., C. HUEB8CHMAN, H. LEVEN~;, AND F. J. SNIDER, P. J., AND J. R. RAPER. 1958. Nuclear migra-
RYAN. 1953. The proportions of nuclear types in tion in the Basidiomycete Schizophullum commune.
Neurospora heterokaryons as determined by plating Amer. Jour. Bot. 4.5: 538-546.
conidia. Genetics 38: 518-.529. - - - , AND - - - . 1963. Nuclear ratios and genetic
RAPER, J. R., AND P. G. MILES. 1958. The genetics of complementation in common-A heterokaryons of
Schizophyllum commune. Genetics 43: 530-546. Schizophyllum commune. Amer. Jour. Bot. (in press).
- - - , AND J. P. SAN ANTONIO. 1954. Heterokaryotic TATUM, E. L., R. W. BARRATT, AND V. M. CUTTER. 1!J-!\l.
mutagenesis in Hymenomycetes. 1. Heterokaryosis in Chemical induction of colonial paramorphs in N euro-
Schizophyllum commune. Amer. Jour. Bot. 41: 69-86. spora and Syncephalastrum. Science 109: 50!J-.511.


Department of Biological Sciences, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida
Everglades Experiment Station, Belle Glade, Florida

MENZEL, MARGARET Y. (Florida State U., Tallahassee), and F. D. WILSON. Cvtotaxonomv of
twelve species of Hibiscus section Furcaria. Amer. Jour. Bot. 50(3): 262-271. IIIus. 19li3.-Meta-
phase-I chromosome numbers and pairing in 88 accessions showed that H. cannabinus, H. costatus,
and H. surattensis are diploid (n = 18); and H. acetosella, H. aculeatus, H. bijurcaius, H.furcellatus,
H. meeusei, H. radiatus, H. rostellatus and H. sabdariiJa are tetraploid (n = 36), with similar low
multivalent frequencies, hence probably allotetraploids each combining 2 well-differentiated
genomes. No intraspecific variation in ploidy was found. Fertile, vigorous F, hybrids between
H. furcellatus and H. bifurcatus showed complete chromosome pairing (n = 36), confirming a close
relationship between the parents. Two African strains of H. diversifolius were octoploid (n = 72)
with low multivalent frequency and hence probably contain 4 differentiated genomes. At least 4,
perhaps 5 or 6, differentiated genome groups are represented in tropical Africa, and at least 2 in
the American tropics.

A SHORTAGE of jute in world markets, which susceptibility to root-knot nematodes (Summers,

began during World War II and has become more Pate, and Wilson, 1958). Genetic resistance exists
acute as jute-producing regions consume ever in H. acetosella Welw. ex Hiern (Pate, Summers,
larger percentages of their own output, has led and Menzel, 1958) and H. sabdariffa L., and to a
to interest in jute substitutes less demanding in lesser degree in H. radiatus Cav. Hibiscus sobda-
cultural requirements and more amenable to eco- riffa has not been successfully crossed with H.
nomical production in other parts of the world cannabinus. The tetraploid species H. acetosella
(cf. Bally, 1955a, b). Two species of the genus and H. radiatus cross readily with diploid H.
Hibiscus (Malvaeeae), H. cannabinus L. ('kenaf') cannabinus (Menzel and Wilson, 1961b), but the
and H. sabdariffa L. ('roselle'), are among the triploid hybrids are practically sterile and the
more promising substitutes. One of the chief ob- fertile, colchicine-induced H. cannabinus-acetosella
stacles to cultivation of kenaf in Florida is its allohexaploid is agronomically unsatisfactory.
, Received for publication August 8, 1962.
Hence, a survey of other relatives of H. cannabinus
This report is based on research conducted cooperatively and H. sabdariffa was undertaken for additional
by the Crops Research Division and the Agricultural sources of genetic variation.
Engineering Research Division, Agricultural Research Hibiscus cannabinus and H. sabdariffa belong
Service, United States Department of Agriculture, and
the University of Florida Agricultural Experiment Sta- to section Furcaria DC. of the genus, charac-
tion, Everglades Experiment Station, Belle Glade, Florida. terized by a leathery or succulent fruiting calyx
The senior author acknowledges the courtesy of the De- with 10 prominent nerves or ribs: each of the .5
partment of Biological Sciences, Florida State University, calyx lobes has a medial nerve, and a commissural
in making available laboratory space and other facilities
for the cytological studies. Thanks are extended to the nerve passes to each sinus and then branches to
many organizations and individuals, some of whom are form a prominent ridge along the margin of each
not mentioned in the paper, whose courtesy and coopera- lobe. The epicalyx bracts (bracteoles) are nu-
tion made it possible to assemble the living. materials and merous, free or joined to the calyx only at the
information on which this study was based."
2 Geneticists, Crops Research Division, Agricultural Re-
base, and frequently divided at the tip into an
search Service, United States Department of Agriculture. inner and an outer fork. Section Furcaria, as de-

limited by Hochreutiner (1900) in the most recent various regional floras and individual species
comprehensive monograph of Hibiscus, comprises descriptions (Masters, 1868; Hiern, 1896; Sprague,
a morphologically well-defined pan-tropical group 1913; Ulbrich, 1921, 1922; Hutchinson and Dalziel,
of 40 or more species which differ from most other 1928; Exell, 1959, 1961; Roe, 1961), and to selected
species of Hibiscus in the basic chromosome herbarium material from the Conservatoire et
number 18 and could logically be considered a Jardin Botanique, Geneva, Switzerland; the In-
separate genus (Skovsted, 1941). The present stitute of Botany, Faculty of Science, Lisbon,
paper presents cytotaxonomic data for 12 species Portugal; and the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew,
of Hibiscus section Furcaria, Great Britain. Voucher specimens of all accessions
MATERIALS AND METHODs-All accessions in- of wild species and many of the cultivars studied
cluded in the present study except those of H. have been deposited in the Herbarium of Florida
aculeaius were grown from seeds at the Everglades State University (Table 1).
Experiment Station farm near West Palm Beach, OBSERVATIONS-All 12 of the species studied
Palm Beach County, Florida. Hibiscus aculeatus (Table 1) had multiples of the basic chromosome
was represented by wild populations in Leon, number 18 established previously for section
Franklin, and Taylor Counties, Florida. Addi- Furcaria (Skovsted, 1941). Chromosome numbers
tional plants of certain accessions were also grown for H. aculeaius (Fig. 4), H. bifurcatus, H. fur-
in Tallahassee in garden and greenhouse. cellaius (Fig. 2), H. meeusei (Fig. 1) and H.
Buds for cytological study were peeled to ex- rostellatus apparently have not been reported
pose the staminal column, fixed in fresh acetic previously except in an abstract of the present
alcohol (1 :3), transferred after 3 or more days to work (Menzel and Wilson, 1961a). The species dis-
fresh acetic alcohol, and stored in a food freezer cussed by Skovsted (1935, 1941) as H. bifurcatus
at about -15 C. Meiotic chromosomes were Cav. was later identified as H. radiatus Cav,
studied in temporary iron-acetocarmine squashes (Menzel and Wilson, 1961b). H. cannabinus, H.
of pollen mother cells. surattensis and H. cosiaius were diploid, H. diversi-
The living accessions were identified by ref- folius was octoploid (Fig. 5), and the other 8
erence to H:ochreutiner's monograph (1900), to species were tetraploid.


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• 3

Fig. 1-5. Chromosomes at metaphase I in pollen mother cells of species of Hibiscus sect. Furcaria. Drawn with the
aid of a camera lueida, X 1450.-Fig.1. H. meeusei A60-176, 36 bivalents.-Fig. 2. H.furcellatus A59-86, 36 bivalents.-
Fig. 3. H. sabdariffa A59-57, 35 bivalents, 2 univalents.-Fig. 4. H. aculeatus A59-117, 36 bivalents.-Fig. 5. H. di-
versifolius A59-94, 72 bivalents,

TABLE 1. Chromosome numbers in species of Hibiscus sect. Furcaria

Plant Chromosome
Species and Florida accession Introduction Voucher number
number or previous authority number number n 2n Source and remarks


H. acetosella Welw. ex Hiern

Skovsted, 1941 72 Trinidad, as H. sp, "African red"
Menzel and Wilson, 1961b HVI 36 Old station stock, Everglades Exp.
Station; red leaves, rose flowers
"Merritt Island" HV13 36 Merritt Island, Fla., cult., from S. E.
McFadden, Jr., Dept. Ornamental
Horticulture, Fla. Agric. Exper. Sta-
tion, Gainesville; green leaves, yellow
A59-126 260164 HV65 36 Botanic Garden, Osaka City Univer-
sity, Japan; red plants, rose flowers
A59-152 260997 HV64 36 Institut National pour l'etude Agrono-
mique du Congo Belge (INEAC),
Yangambi, as H. eetoeldeanus; "P.
Ramps 649"; green, deeply lobed
leaves, yellow flowers
A60-240 265325 HV63 36 Estacion Experimental Agron6mica,
Santiago de las Vegas, Cuba, as H.
sabdarijJa; red plants, .rose flowers
H. asper Hook.'
Skovsted, 1941 72 Northern Rhodesia
H. cannabinus L.
Breslavetz et al., 1934 36
Skovsted, 1935 18 36 Trinidad
Rao, 1935 72 (India?)
Medwedewa, 1936 36 12 strains
Ford, Hl38 ca. 72 Ceylon
Skovsted, 1941 36 4 strains
Tjio, 1948 36 2 strains
BG52-1 18 Selection from Salvadorian kenaf,
A51-43\ PI207883, introduced to
Florida by.....E. Henriquez, Tropical
Fibers Inc.,' iVero Beach, Fla.
BG52-20 18 Ditto
BG52-41 HV70 18 Ditto
BG52-44 18 Ditto
BG52-71 HV69 18 Ditto
BG52-122 HV71 18 Salvadorian (PI207883) X Manchur-
ian (PI207896)
BG52-135 HV74 18 Selection from Javanese (PI207897)
BG53-43 18 Salvadorian (PI207883) X Javanese
BG53-46 18 Ditto
BG53-53 18 Ditto
BG53-90 HV20 18 Egypt (PI209231) var. ECR-986, from
Ministry of Agriculture, Wad Me-
dani, Sudan
A58-7 HV8 18 J. M. Dempsey, Viet Nam
A59-80 257496 18 Nigeria, via Tropical Products Inst.,
A59-147 18 "Cuba 2032L," Est. Exp. Agron.,
A60-180 263202 HV49 18 A. N. Prentice, Ministry of African
Agric., Mt. Makulu Res. Station,
Chilanga, N. Rhodesia
A6D-194 263216 HV48 18 A. N. Prentice, N. Rhodesia

TABLE 1. Continued

Plant Chromosome
Species and Florida accession Introduction Voucher number
number or previous authority number number n 2n Source and remarks

A60-206 263964 18 D. G. Thomas, Dept. of Agriculture,

Kawanda Res. Station, Kampala,
Uganda; calyx not wooly
A307 244862 18 "Cuba 689b-2," Est. Exp. Agron.,
H. dioersijolius Jacq.
Medwedewa, 1936 144 Kirstenbosch, 8. Africa
Ford,1938 ca. 72 S. Africa
Skovsted, 1941 ca. 180 Fiji
Skovsted, 1941 ca. 180 Colombia
A59-94 259173 HV22 72 H. B. Bycroft, National Botanic Gar-
dens, Kirstenbosch, Cape Province,
Union of S. Africa
A60-207 263965 HV87 72 D. G. Thomas, Uganda
H. meeusei Exell a
A.59-84 258739 HV44 36 A. D. G. Meeuse, from the type lo-
cality near Pretoria, Union of S.
A6D-172 263194 HV79 36 A. N. Prentice, N. Rhodesia
A60-176 263198 36 A. N. Prentice, N. Rhodesia
A60-181 263203 HV51 36 A. N. Prentice, N. Rhodesia
A60-197 263219 HVS2 36 A. N. Prentice, N. Rhodesia
H. radiatus Cay.
Skovsted, 1941 72 Trinidad (as H. bijurcatus Cav.)
Tjio, 1948 72 Java ("H. radiatus Willd.")
A214, Menzel and Wilson, 1961b 200834 HV114 36 O. E. White, Mandalay, Burma
A59-53 256035 HV21, 36 Pakistan Central Jute Committee,
HV67 Jute Research Institute, Dacca
A59-148 HVl13 36 Est. Exp. Agron., Cuba, as H. diversi-
[olius No. 19
A59-149 HV111 36 Est. Exp. Agron., Cuba, as H. dioersi-
folius No. 29
A60-231 HVll0, 36 Est. Exp. Agron., Cuba, No. 710b;
HVl18 cream flowers
A60-232 HV109, 36 Est. Exp. Agron., Cuba, No. 712a-2;
HV117 purple flowers
A60-233 HV108 36 Est. Exp. Agron., Cuba, No. 712a-3;
purple flowers
A61-384 275936 HV107 36 T. V. Ramana, Botany Dept., Andhra
Univ., Waltair, India; as H. [urcaius
Willd.; cream flowers
HV116 36 S. E. McFadden, Fla. Agr. Exp. Sta.
No. S60m39
HV11.5 36 S. E. McFadden, Fla. Agr. Exp. Sta.
No. 855m15
H. rostellatus Guill. et Per.
A59-150 260998 HVM 36 INEAC, Yangambi, Belgian Congo,
"P. Bamps 652"
A60-211 263969 HV53 36 D. G. Thomas, Uganda
H. sabdariffa L.
Skovsted, 1935 36 72 Trinidad
Rao, 1935 72
Medwedewa, 1936 72 2 strains
Skovsted, 1941 36 N. Rhodesia, 2 types
Skovsted, 1941 36 Sudan
Skovsted, 1941 72 Nyasaland
Tjio, 1948 72 Java

TABLE 1. Continued

Plant Chromosome
Species and Florida 'accession Introduction Voucher number
number or previous authority number number n 2n Source and remarks

A51-44 207920 HV27 36 E. Henriquez, commercial roselle

3695 36 Kilgore Seed Co., commercial roselle
A52-31 180026 36 India, "var. altissima"
A58-5 HV3 36 J. M. Dempsey, Thailand, "Thai red"
A58-6 HV25 36 J. M. Dempsey, Viet Nam
A58-31 249639 HVlO 36 New Delhi, India
A59-56 256038 HV28 36 Pakistan Central Jute Committee, Jute
Researeh Institute, Daeea
A59-57 256039 HVll 36 Pakistan Central Jute Committee
A59-58 256040 HV4 36 Pakistan Central Jute Committee
A59-59 256041 HV9 36 Pakistan Central Jute Committee
A59-68 256985 HV24 36 Joint Commission on Rural Recon-
struetion, Taipei, Taiwan, as H.
A59-92 259162 HV5 36 M. F. Rose, Gezira Research Station,
Wad Meduni, Sudan; from Kordofan
District, "kurknde"
A59-93 259163 HV2 36 M. F. Rose, Kordofan District, Sudan,
A60-200 263222 36 A. N. Prentice, N. Rhodesia
A60-202 263224 36 A. N. Prentiee, N. Rhodesia
A60-216 263749 36 A. N. Prentice, N. Rhodesia
A60-234 265319 36 Est. Exp. Agron., Cuba
A60-23.'5 265320 36 Est. Exp. Agron., Cuba
A60-236 265321 36 Est. Exp. Agron., Culm
A60-237 265322 36 Est. Exp. Agron., Cuba
A60-238 265323 36 Est. Exp. Agron., Cuba
A60-250 267778 36 Ministry of Agric., Sudan
A61-324 36 J. M. Dempsey, U. S. Operations Mis-
sion, Viet Nam
A61-328 36 USOM, Viet Nam
A61-329 36 USOM, Viet Nam
A61-330 36 USOM, Viet Nam
A61-332 36 USO:.YI, Viet Nam
A61-336 273388 36 C. Y. Chi, Taiwan Agric. Res. Inst.,
A61-338 273390 36 C. Y. Chi, Taiwan
A61-340 273392 36 C. Y. Chi, Taiwan
A61-341 273459 36 Dept. of Agric., Pretoria, Union of S.
Africa, originally from Thailand
A61-356 274246 36 Rural Ministere de l'Eeonomie, Ma-
radi, Nigeria, originally from Senegal
A61-357 274247 36 Rural Ministere de I' Eeonomie, Ma-
radi, Nigeria
A61-370 27.5413 36 Centre de Recherches Agronomique,
Bambey, Senegal
A61-371 275414 36 Centre de Rech. Agron., Senegal
Saier's roselle 36 S. E. McFadden, Fla. Agrie. Exp. Sta.
No. S60m35, originally from Saier
Seed Co., Dimondale, Miehigan
H. surottensie L.
Medwedewa, 1936 72 As "H. bifurcaius = H. eurattensis ..."
Skovsted, 1941 36 Kenya
A59-70 258429 HV56 18 D. G. Thomas, Uganda
A59-151 260999 HV55 18 INEAC, Yangambi, Belgian Congo,
"P. Bamps 648"

H. aculeatus Walt.
A59-1l7 59-4 36 Taylor Co., Fla.
A59-120 59-7 36 Taylor Co., Fla.

TABLE 1. Continued

Plant Chromosome
Species and Florida accession Introduction Voucher number
number or previous authority number number n 2n Source and remarks

H. bijurcatus Cav.
A.59-153 260796 HV 46 36 Botanic Garden, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,
as 1I. kitaibelifolius
H. costaius Rich.
Ford,1938 36 Cuba
A60-243 265329 HV80 18 Royal Bot. Gardens, Kew, England;
originally from Cuba, via Singa-
pore Bot. Gardens
1I. [urcellalus Lam.
A.59-86 HV76 36 Military Trail, Palm Beach Co., Fla.
A59-87 HV77 36 Belvedere Road, Palm Beach Co., Fla.
A60-224 HV78 36 Botanical Gardens, Honolulu, Hawaii,
via D. R. Egolf, U. S. National Ar-
boretum, as H. youngianus
A61-359 HV82 36 G. van den Berghe, Colombia, Dpto.

• The 5 tetraploid strains referred to as H. asper Hook. f. in an abstract of the present study (Menzel and Wilson,
]fl6] a) were subsequently identified as H. meeusei Exell. The 2 species appear closely related, but H. asper occurs north
and west of the Congo Basin to Senegal, whereas H. meeusei ranges from Northern Rhodesia to Transvaal.

Some accessions of H. sabdar(fJa showed a tend- Roxb. = H. suraitensis" to have 2n = 72. Hoch-
ency to asynapsis in some samples of pollen mother reutiner (1900) treated under H. surattensis several
cells, particularly following cold nights in De- taxa, including the tetraploids H. rostellatus Guill.
cember, HHj9 (Table 2). At least one such line et Per. and H. eetveldeanus De Wild. et Durand
(A59-93) had normal pairing in a later collection. (= H. acetosella Welw. ex Hiern) , which more
Other lines collected on the same date were not extensive material later showed to be distinct
asynaptic, which suggests genetic differences be- species. Our diploid strains were H. suratteneis
tween strains. Frequency of multivalents ap- sens. strict. (H. suratiensis val'. genuinus Hochr.).
peared unaffected by the presence of univalents It is probable that the tetraploid strain studied by
(Table 2). Medwedewa belonged to one of the other forms.
Intraspecific variation in chromosome number- Most earlier workers found H. sabdar~ffa to be
In the present study all accessions of a given tetraploid, but Skovsted (1941) reported 2 types
species had the same chromosome number, al- from Northern Rhodesia and 1 from Sudan to he
though more than one chromosome number has diploid. In view of the dearth of known diploids
been reported by other workers for H. cannabinus, in section Furcaria, diploid plants of H. sabdariffa
H. surattensis, H. sabdariffa, and H. dioersifoliu« would be of great interest. We have counted the
(Table 1). chromosomes of 35 of the 57 accessions of H.
Among the 89 strains of H. cannabinus grown sabdar(lfa available, including a wide range of
at the Everglades Experiment Station since 19.18, morphological types; all were tetraploid. More-
18 were analyzed cytologically and found to be over. chromosome pairing in these strains (Fig. 3;
diploid. Results of crosses involving many other Table 2) indicated that, like the other tetraploid
unanalyzed strains gave no indication that any species, they are allotetraploids.
had a different chromosome number. Hochreutiner The variahle species H. dioersifoliu« Jacq. seems
(1900) treated H. cannabinus as a collective species to be the only species of section Furcaria native
which encompassed H. radiatus Cav. (including to both the Old and New Worlds. Two strains
H. unidens Lind!. and H. Lindleyi Wall); H. asper examined hy Skovsted (1941), one from Fiji and
Hook.; and H. acetosella Welw. ex Hiern, all of the other from Colombia, were decaploid, whereas
which are tetraploid. Hibiscus radiatus frequently our 2 African strains and 2 African strains re-
is confused with H. cannabinus in herbaria and ported earlier (Medwedewa, 1936; Ford, 1938)
in seed collections. It seems probable that the were octoploid. Hibiscus diversifolius mav include
reports of Rao (193.5) and Ford (1938) of tetra- two different polyploid complexes, an octoploid
ploid H. cannabinus actually refer to one of these African one and a decaploid New World form.
other species. Relationships of the Old World species--Section
Two strains of H. suraitensis L. studied by us Furcaria achieves its greatest diversity and
and one studied by Skovsted (1941) were diploid, number of species in tropical Africa, and it is
but Medwedewa (1936) reported "H. b~furcatus undoubtedly in this region that both H. canna-

TABLE 2. Mean chromosome configurations in tetraploid species and hybrids of Hibiscus sect. Furcaria

Mean number per cell of

Species or hybrid II III IV I cells


H. cannabinus
colchicine-induced autotetra-
plaid- 15.6 0.3 9.6 1.5 10
H. acetosella
Old Stock- 34.0 0.1 0.6 1.2 42
"Merritt Island" 35.3 0.0 0.2 0.4 9
A59-126 35.7 0.0 0.2 0.0 9
A59-152 35.2 0.0 0.4 0.1 33
A60-240 34.8 0.0 0.6 0.2 9
H. meeusei
A59-84 35.3 0.0 0.3 0.5 4
A60-172 34.7 0.0 0.7 0.0 3
A60-176 35.9 0.1 0.0 0.1 15
H. radiatus
A214- 34.2 0.0 0.9 0.1 26
A59-53 36.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 13
A59-149 34.4 0.0 0.2 2.4 5
A61-384 35.4 0.0 0.3 0.0 7
H. acetosella-radiatus F 1
Old Stock X A214- 34.2 0.1 0.1 2.6 34
H. rostellatus
A59-150 3.'5.4 0.0 0.3 0.1 17
H. sabdariffa
Saier's (1960) 35.0 0.2 0.3 0.2 6
A51-44 (1960) 34.6 0.0 0.7 0.0 12
3695 (1959) 35.8 0.0 0.1 0.0 9
3695 (1960) 34.9 0.1 0.4 0.1 9
A52-31 (1959) 35.7 0.0 0.1 0.2 24
A58-5 (1960) 35.3 0.0 0.1 0.9 7
A58-6 (1959) 31.7 0.0 0.1 8.1 16
A58-31 (1959) 33.0 0.0 0.1 5.4 7
A59-56 (1959) 28.6 0.04 0.2 14.1 26
A.59-57 (1959) 34.4 0.0 0.0 3.0 7
A59-59 (1959) '33.8 0.1 0.3 2.8 24
A59-92 (1959) 34.6 0.0 0.1 2.5 42
A59-92 (1960) 35.3 0.1 0.2 0.1 18
A59-93 (1959) 30.7 0.1 0.04 10.0 21
A59-93 (1960) 35.4 0.1 0.2 0.1 26
A60-200 (1960) 34.3 0.1 0.7 0.4 13
A60-234 (1960) 36.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5
A60-236 (1960) 35.6 0.0 0.2 0.0 5
A60-237 (1960) 34.9 0.0 0.4 0.4 9
A60-250 (1960) 35.7 0.03 0.1 0.03 29
A61-332 (1961) 35.2 0.0 0.4 0.0 5
A61-338 (1961) 30.8 0.0 0.8 7.5 8
A61-340 (1961) 34.6 0.0 0.2 2.0 5
A61-341 (1961) 35.6 0.0 0.1 0.3 8
A61-371 (1961) 35.8 0.1 0.0 0.2 17

H. aculeatus
(59-4 & 59-7) 35.3 0.1 0.3 0.1 15
H. bifurcatus
A59-153 33.7 0.0 1.1 0.2 19

TABLE 2-. Continued

Mean number per cell of

Species of hybrid II III IV I cells

H. [urcellaius
AS9-86 3S.9 0.0 0.0 0.3 34
AS9-87 33.S 0.0 0.0 1.3 4
A60-224 3S.3 0.0 0.3 0.0 6
A61-3S9 3S.6 0.0 0.2 0.0 S
H. bi/urcatus-/urcellatu(F1
AS9-86 X AS9-1S3 3S.2 0.1 0.3 0.3 22
AS9-87 X AS9-1S3 3S.7 0.0 0.1 0.1 49

• Menzel and Wilson, 1961b.

binus and H. sabdariffa were domesticated, prob- 0.1 trivalent, 1.5 quadrivalents, and 0.4 univalents
ably in the western Sudan (Murdock, 1959). in 12 cells, with a maximum of 5 quadrivalents per
Hibiscus acetosella also appears to be cultivated cell. Since the collections were not all from the
(as a vegetable) throughout most of its range, same plant, it is uncertain whether the variation
although it may be wild in Angola, where its in pairing represented differences between indi-
closest wild relatives occur (Exell, 1961). Several viduals or between seasons. Data from A60-207
other ruderal species, e.g., H. diversifolius, H. were too scanty for pairing analysis, but a few
asper, and perhaps H. meeusei, are occasionally quadrivalents were present in a sample of pollen
used for fiber; we are uncertain whether they are mother cells collected in January, 1962. Associa-
ever cultivated. Hibiscus surattensis and H. tions of more than 4 chromosomes were absent
rostellatus are apparently truly wild. Hibiscus in all samples. The prevalence of bivalent pairing
radiatus, occasionally used for fiber, probably is indicates that H. diversifolius is an allooctoploid
native to India and Burma and grows only as an combining 4 dissimilar genomes. It follows that
introduced species in Africa (Ulbrich, 1921). at least 4 differentiated groups of genomes are
Hibiscus acetosella and H. radiatus are allotetra- represented on the African continent alone.
ploids with a relatively low multivalent frequency Meiotic chromosome behavior of hybrids between
compared with that in autotetraploid H. canna- H. diversifolius and H. cannabinus, H. acetosella,
binus and in the H. cannabinus-acetosella allohexa- and H. radiatus (unpublished data) suggests that
ploid. They have one genome, A, similar to that the number is actually 5 or 6.
of H. cannabinus and one dissimilar genome, B Genome relationships of diploid H. surattensis
(Menzel and Wilson, 1961b). The close relation- and tetraploid H. rostellatus, H. sabdariffa, and
ship between H. acetosella and H. radiatus re- H. meeusei remain unknown, since attempts to
ported earlier, evidenced by the fertility of their cross them with other species have been un-
F, hybrids, has been confirmed by crosses between successful.
a number of additional accessions of the 2 species Relationships of New World species--Section
(unpublished data). Nevertheless, all the acces- Furcaria has a second important center of vari-
sions can be assigned without difficulty to one ation in tropical America. The 4 species available
or the other species. Hibiscus acetosella and H. for study all have forked bracteoles and form a
radiatus remain distinct despite the existence of morphologically coherent group. The several other
fertile, widely segregating experimental F? popu- species (Gurke, 1892; Hochreutiner, 1900), many
lations. Each may have had H. cannabinus or a of them very imperfectly known to modern
near relative of it as the A-genome ancestor and botany, are mostly shrubs with simple bracts and
a different diploid species as the B-genome an- appear morphologically more closely allied to H.
cestor. The dearth of known diploids makes it im- diversifolius and to a group of Australian species
possible to suggest what the latter species were; (series Furcaria diversifolia Ulbr.?) than to other
they may be extinct. Afro-Asian taxa.
Although H. diversifolius has twice as many The Cuban species H. costatus is the only known
chromosomes as the tetraploid species, it had no New World diploid. Most pollen mother cells of
higher frequency of multivalents. Pairing varied in A60-243 had 18 bivalents at metaphase I, but
different collections from the same accession. In 1 plant also had 2-5 chromosome fragments in
a sample of 19 pollen mother cells from A59-94 some cells, and 2 other plants exhibited an oc-
collected in January, 1962, no multivalents were casional quadrivalent. It is uncertain whether
found and most cells had 72 bivalents (Fig. 5). these aberrations characterize a wild population
Other samples collected in May, June, and Octo- or arose during the long cultivation of this line
ber, 1960, showed mean pairing of 68.7 bivalents, (Table 1).

The species H. furcellatus and H. bifurcatus are aculeatus resembles neighboring species of Hibiscus
closely related, distinct in our material but inter- section Trionum more than it does other fur-
grading to some extent elsewhere (Hochreutiner, carias. In our experience the latter either bloom
1900, and see the following herbarium specimens sporadically throughout the year with a principal
from Geneva: Gabriel 1802, Gardner 1243, Glaziou flowering season in winter, or bloom strictly
17466, Spruce 1688). Hibiscus furcellatus has the during fall and winter under short-day conditions.
wider distribution, from southern Florida to Co- The presence in the New World of 3 tetraploid
lombia and in the Hawaiian Islands; H. bifurcatus species with low multivalent frequency indicates
occurs from southern Mexico to Brazil. Roe (1961) that at least 2 genome groups are represented.
considered the Hawaiian plants specifically dis- Whether either genome group is also present in
tinct (H. youngianus Gaud.). According to Roe's Africa is unknown, since crosses between Old
criteria for distinguishing H. youngianus from and New World species thus far have been un-
H. furcellatus, all our accessions, from Florida, successful.
Colombia, and Hawaii, are H. youngianus. In our
opinion, Horhreutiner (1900) was correct in LITERATURE CITED
considering H. youngianus a synonym of H. BALLY, W. 1955a. The role of jute and its substitutes
furcellatus. in world markets. CIBA Review No. 108: 3886-3890.
The dose relationship between H. furcellatus - - - . 19.'i5b. Plant fibers alternative to jute. CIBA
and H. bifurcatus adduced on morphological Review No. 108: 3901-3909.
grounds was ronfirmed by the ease with which BRESLAVETZ, L., G. MEDWEDEWA, AND M. MAGITT. 1934.
crosses were made. F 1 hybrids of the crosses Zytologische Untersuchungen der Bastpflanzen. Z.
A.59-153 X A.59-86, A59-153 X A59-87, and Ziicht. 19: 229-234. (Orig. not seen. Cited by Skov-
their reciprocals, grown in 1961, were vigorous, sted, 1941.)
EXELL, A. W. 1959. New and little known species
had a pubescent indument like that of H. fur- from the Flora Zambcsiaca area. Bol. Soc. Broteriana
cellatus, leaves of intermediate shape, and capsules (Ser. 2) 33: 16.'H81.
and seeds like those of H. bijurcoius. Analysis of - - - . 1961. Hibiscus, p. 434-472. In A. W. Exell and
meiotic chromosomes (Table 2) showed that H. Wild. Flora Zambesiaca. Vol. 1, part 2. Crown
chromosome pairing was complete and similar Agents, London.
to that in the parents. A few capsules containing FORD, C. Eo 1938. A contribution to a cytogenetical
apparently viable seeds have been harvested. survey of the Malvaceac. Genetica 20: 431-4.'i2.
Hibiscus furcellatus and H. bifurcatus evidently Fox, W. B., R. K. GODFREY, AND H. L. BLOMQUIST. 1950.
have similar genome constitutions. Notes on distribution of North Carolina plants-II.
Rhodora 52: 2.'i3-271.
Of the species of section Furcaria, H. aculeatus GtiRKE, M. 1892. Malvaceae II, p ..539--598. In K. F. P.
has the most northerly distribution: on the coastal von Martius. Flora Brasiliensis. Vol. 12, part III.
plain from North Carolina (Fox, Godfrey, and Monachii, Lipsiae.
Blomquist, 19.50) south to Florida and west to the HIERN, W. P. 1896. Catalogue of the African plants
Sabine River in Louisiana. Common in northern collected by Dr. Friedrich Welwitsch in 18.53-61.
Florida in palmetto thickets, particularly at the Dicotyledons, Part 1. British Museum (Natural His-
margins of ponds and ditches, it scarcely extends tory), London.
into peninsular Florida. Efforts to establish roots HOCHREUTINER, B. P. G. H100. Revision du genre
and rooted cuttings in a greenhouse in Tallahassee Hibiscus. Ann. Conservat. Jard. Bot. Gen6ve 4:
and in field plantings in Palm Beach County were 23-191.
HUTCHINSON, J., AND J. M. DALZIEL. 1928. Flora of
unsuccessful. Large quantities of fresh seeds rol- West Tropical Africa. Vol. 1, part 2: 265-268. Crown
lected from several wild Florida populations in Agents, London.
1959 failed to germinate. Rootstocks collected MASTERS, M. T. 1868. Hibiscus, p. 194-208. In D.
by R. K. Godfrey in burned-over woods in Oliver. Flora of Tropical Africa. Vol. 1. L. Reeve Co.,
Wakulla County, Florida, in May, 1959, and Ashford, Kent.
transplanted to the garden in Tallahassee have MEDWEDEWA, G. B. 1936. Karyological review of 1.5
persisted for 4 seasons, bloomed, and produced species of the genus Hibiscus. [In Russian, English
a few seeds. summary.] Jour. Bot. de L'URSS 21: .533-.5.50.
Hibiscus aculeatus appears relatively uniform MENZEr" M. Y., AND F. D. WILSON. 1961a. Cytotaxo-
over its range, which is separated by several nomic relationships in Hibiscus scct. Furcarin.
hundred miles from the range of any other species (Abstr.) Amer. Jour. Bot. 48: .535.
of section Furcaria. It differs from the other - - - , AND - - - . 1961b. Chromosomes and crossing
species of the section studied in being strictly a behavior of Hibiscus cannabinus, H. acetosella, and
H. radiatus. Amer. Jour. Bot. 48: 651-657.
summer (long-day") plant. In northern Florida, MURDOCK, G. P. 1959. Africa, its peoples and their
new shoots appear in April and May, flowers begin culture history. McGraw Hill, New York. 456 p.
to open in June, and capsules begin to ripen about PATE, J. B., T. E. SUMMERS, AND M. Y. ME:-lZEL. 1958.
mid-August. In favorable seasons new growth and Resistance of Hibiscus eetveldeanus to root-knot
more flowers may appear in September but the r'nematodes and the possibilities of its use as a source
canes die back and disappear by November, of resistance in kenaf, Hibiscus cannabinlls L. Plant
usually well before first frost. In this respect H. Dis. Reporter 42: 796-797.

RAO, M. B. V. N. 1935. Chromosome numbers in two SUMMERS, T. E., J. B. PATE, AND F. D. WILSON. 1958.
species of Hibiscus (H. sabdariffa and H. cannabinus). Extent of susceptibility of kenaf, Hibiscus cannabinus
Current Sci. 4: 162-175. L., to root-knot nematodes. Plant Dis. Reporter 42:
ROE, SR. M. J. 1961. A taxonomic study of the in- 591-593.
digenous Hawaiian species of the genus Hibiscus TJIo, J. H. 1948. The somatic chromosomes of some
(Malvaceae). Pacific Sci. 15: 3-32. tropical plants. Hereditas 34: 135-146.
SKOVSTED, A. 1935. Chromosome numbers in the ULBRICH, E. 1921. Hibiscus, p. 391-404. In A. Engler.
Malvaceae 1. Jour. Genet. 31: 263-296. Die Pflanzenwelt Afrikas insbesondere seiner tropische
----. 1941. Chromosome numbers in the Malvaceae Gebeite. Bd. II, Heft 2. W. Engelmann, Leipzig.
II. Compt. Rend. Labor. Carlsberg 23: 195-242. 1\)22. Species et sectiones africanae novae
SPRAGUE, T. A. 1913. Hibiscus asper. Kew Bull. Misc. generis Hibiscus L. N otizbl. Bot. Gart. Mus. Berlin
Inf. 1913, No. 10: 418-419. Dahlem 8: 157-171


Department of Biology, Brooklyn College, Brooklyn, New York

GOLDSTEIN, SOLOMON. (Brooklyn Coll., Brooklyn, N.Y.) Development and nutrition of new
species of Thraustochvtrium. Amer. Jcur. Bot. 50(3): 271-27!l.Illus. 1963.-The life cycles of 2
lower Phycomycetes in sea-water-pollen culture arc described and compared with variations ob-
served in nutrient media. Some ecological implications are discussed. Both fungi are obligately
marine and stenohaline. Maximal growth occurred with 2.5 and 3.0% NaCl not replaceable by
KCI. However, omission of KCl from media resulted in reduced yields. Salinity optima were not
temperature-dependent and the organisms grew best at 12-25 C. Neither organism assimilated
nitrogen in the form of KN0 3 or (NH4),S04. Optimal harvests were obtained with glutamate as
the source of nitrogen and with carbon supplied as glucose, maltose, soluble starch, or cellobiose.

PHYCOMYCETES remain a poorly known segment fortuitous nature of the results limited our knowl-
of the ocean's flora although their prevalence in edge of their diversity and distribution. More
polluted littoral waters (Vishniac, 1956) and at- recently, methods utilizing antibiotics as ad-
tacks upon phytoplankton are well established juvants to plating techniques have been described
(Johnson and Sparrow, 1961). Investigators of for the isolation of marine Thallophytes (Pro-
marine Phycomycetes confront "a very real vasoli, Pintner, and Packer, 1951; Vishniac,
problem in endeavoring, first, to find sporangia 1955a, b ; Watson and Ordal, 1957). The applica-
which have not already discharged their zoospores tion of these simple microbiological measures
in the interval between collection and examina- heralds a systematic approach to the investigation
tion, and secondly to provide conditions in the of the marine Mycota.
laboratory favorable for the development and In her exploration of fungus ecology, Vishniac
discharge of these sporangia" (Sparrow, 1934). (1956) employed semiquantitative plating pro-
Accordingly, the establishment of axenic cultures cedures that markedly decreased the role of chance
has been impeded, thus restricting studies of their in the collection of evanescent organisms. She
morphogenetic and metabolic potentialities. The demonstrated that polluted coastal waters sustain
tedious procedures required for the detection of an unexpectedly large population of non-fila-
these bizarre forms by classical means and the mentous Phycomycetes that may exist as free-
living saprophytes competitive with marine bac-
If Received for publication September 6, 1962. teria. These fungi constitute a well-defined
This study was supported by a research grant, E1179 ecological group specifically adapted to growth
from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Dis- in the ocean (Vishniac, 1960) and some are useful
eases, National Institutes of Health, Public Health
Service and by the City University of New York. The as assay organisms for cobalamin and thiamine
major part of the work was done during my tenure as a in sea water (Adair and Vishniac, 1958; Vishniac,
Research Associate in the Department of Microbiology, 1961; Vishniac and Riley, 1961). Except for
Yale University. I wish to thank Dr. Helen S. Vishniae these investigations involving Thraustochutrium.
for the axenic cultures, Miss Jennie Pumphrey for the
excellent technical assistance, and Prof. W. H. Stahl of globosum and unidentified forms, the literature is
the Department of Classics and Comparative Literature, barren of experimental studies of chytridiaceous
Brooklyn College, for the Latin diagnoses. •. _ ~ marine fungi in axenic culture. '

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