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9440025125 1
1. In photoelectric effect if Ia, Ib, Ic are the intensities and Ea, Eb, Ec are energy of incident radiation
and Eb = Ec, Ec > Ea if Ia = Ic and Ib<Ia then correct photo current graph with anode potential for
a metal is
(1) I (2) I
c b


b c
(3) (4) b
c a


2. In Hydrogen spectrum frequency of last line of Lyman series is n1 and frequency for first line is n2.
For Balmer's series frequency for last line is n3 then
(1) n1 = n2 + n3 (2) n2 = n1 + n3 (3) 2n3 = n1 + n2 (4) n1 = n3 – n2
3. Atomic number for two target in X-rays production are z1 and z2. If for z1 electron accelerates with
potential difference v1 and for z2 electron accelerates with potential difference v2. If X-rays
spectrum of z1 and z2 are as shown in figure then
K K

z2 z1


(1) z1 > z2 (2) z1 = z2 (3) z1 < z2 (4) z1 ≥ z2

4. A ray light in incident on an equilateral glass prism placed on a horizontal table. For minimum
deviation which of following is true?


(1) PQ is horizontal (2) RQ is horizontal (3) RS is horizontal (4)Either PQ or RS is horizontally


5. Two rays of monochromatic light of wavelength l initially are in the same phase. If one ray travels
a path x in medium of refractive index n1 and the other ray travels a path y in refractive index n2
then final phase difference between the rays are
2 2 2 2  x y 
(1) (y − x ) (2) ( xn1 − yn2 ) (3) ( yn1 − xn2 ) (4)  − 
     n1 n2 

6. Binding energy per nucleon for nuclei x1, x2, x3, x4, x5 with mass number is as shown in the graph

x3 x4
x2 x5

Then which one is possible reaction
(1) x1 + x2 → x3 + Energy (2) x3 → x1 + x2 + Energy
(3) x3 + x5 → x6 + Energy (4) x4 + x5 → x6 + Energy
7. A ray of light enters in a transparent medium with incident angle i then it is partially reflected and
refracted if reflected and refracted ray are mutually perpendicular to each other then refractive
index of medium is equal to
(1) µ= sin–1 i (2) µ = tan–1 i (3)µ = tan i (4)µ = cot i
8. A light consists of red, blue, green colours incident on a glass slab as shown in figure

After refraction three rays emerge from the slab then ray P has
(1) Red colour (2) Blue colour
(3) Mix of red, blue and green colours (4) Green colour


9. Three metals A, B and C having work function 1eV, 2 eV and 3 eV as shown.

A radiation having three wavelength 400 nm, 500 nm, 600 nm, falls on the metal A, B, C then
I–V graph for A, B, C is (hc = 1240 eVnm)
(1) I (2) I

A B C v A B C v

(3) (4)

A,B C v B A C v

10. The gate indicated in the give circuit

(1) OR (2) NAND (3) NOT (4)NOR
11. According to Bohr's theory correct statements are
i. Orbiting speed of electron decreases as it falls to discrete orbit away from nucleous.
ii. Radius of orbit is directly proportional to quantum number of orbit.
iii. Frequency is inversely proportional to quantum number of orbit.
iv. Nucleus and orbiting electron indicate a bounded system because potential energy of system
is negative.
(1) i & iii (2) ii & iv (3) i, iii and iv (4)ii, iii & iv
12. A soap bubble is slowly blown at the end of an open tube by blowing air at constant rate such that
radius increases continuously. Correct variation of excess pressure ΔP with time is best
represented by
(1) P (2) P

t t

P P
(3) (4)


t t
13. E and B are electric and magnetic field of plane progressive electromagnetic wave is defined as
poynting vector and c is speed of light. Evaluate
1 | E B | 1 B2
(1) 0 E 2 (2) (3) 0 E 2 (4)
2 0 2 0
14. A small electric dipole is placed at the origin in which quadrant electric field is along +ve x-axis
2 1


3 4
(1) 1 (2) 2 (3) 3 (4) 4

15. A flexible circular loop of radius R is placed perpendicularly to a uniform magnetic field. If radius of
the loop is doubled as shown. Correct variation of magnitude of induced emf with time is

t0 2t0
(1) E (2) E

t t
t0 2t0 t0 2t0

(3) E (4)

t t0 2t0
t0 2t0

16. Two impedances z1 and z2 having their voltage at phase difference of 90°. Their resistive
components are different and non zero. Evaluate the correct statement

z1 z2

(1) Both z1 and z2 are inductive in nature
(2) Both z1 and z2 are capacitive in nature
(3) One is inductive and other is capacitive
(4) One is resistive and other is either inductive or capacitive


17. The de Broglie wavelength of the electron in the first Bohr orbit of hydrogen atom is
(1) Equal to the diameter of the first orbit
(2) Equal to circumference of the first orbit
(3) Equal to half the circumference of first orbit
(4) Independent of the size of first orbit
18. The number of significant figures in a number 0.029982 × 10 –5 is
(1) 1 (2) 5 (3)7 (4) 4
19. A quantity Y is given by  0 L , where  0 is the permittivity of free space, L is a length, ΔV is a
potential difference and Δt is a time interval. The dimensional formula for Y is same as that of
(1) Voltage (2) Resistance (3)Charge (4)Current
20. A time varying force is applied on a block placed over a rough surface as shown in figure. Let q be
the angle between contact force on the block and the normal reaction, then with time, q will
m F = 5t

(1) Remain constant
(2) First increase to a maximum value (qmax) and then become constant in a value less than qmax
(3) First decrease to a minimum value (qmin) and then become constant in a value more than qmin
(4) None of these
21. Suppose, y represents the work and x the power, then dimension of will be
dx 2
(1) [M–1L–2T4] (2) [M2L–3T–2] (3) [M–2L–4T4] (4) [ML3T–6]
22. In the cyclic process shown in figure ΔU1 and ΔU2 represent the change in internal energy in
process A and B, respectively. If ΔQ be the net heat given to the system in the process and ΔW
be the work done by the system in the process then

(1) ΔU1 + ΔU2 = 0 (2) ΔQ + ΔW = 0 (3) ΔQ > 0, ΔW < 0 (4) ΔU1 = ΔU2
23. The dimensional formula for electric flux is
(1) [ML2T–2A–1] (2) [M–1L3T–3A] (3)[ML3T–3A–1] (4) [ML–3T–3A–1]


24. Consider a Gaussian spherical surface, covering a dipole of charge q and –q then mark incorrect

– +

(1) qin = 0 [net charge enclosed by spherical surface]

(2) net = 0 (net flux coming out the spherical surface)
(3) E = 0 at all points on spherical surface
(4)  E. ds = 0 (surface integral of over the spherical surface)

25. A particle is released from origin O. There is a uniform magnetic field in negative z-direction.
Positive y-direction is vertically upwards. After falling through 5 m the velocity vector makes an
angle 30° with x-axis. The path of the particle is

O x

(1) Circular (2) Helical with increasing pitch

(3) Straight line (4) None of these

26. Transformer cores are laminated sheets; this is due to minimize

(1) Heat loss (2) Eddy current loss (3) Hysteresis loss (4) Humming loss
27. A conducting wire of length l is moving in uniform magnetic field (B) as shown in figure,


VA = potential at A
VB = potential at B
Choose correct option
(1) VA = VB (2) VA < VB (3) VA > VB (4) VA = 2VB
28. State whether the following two statements are True or False.
(i) Li has the same units as that of magnetic flux.
(ii) Li has the units volt-second and magnetic flux has the units coulomb-ohm. (L = inductance,
i = current)
(1) TT (2) FF (3) TF (4) FT


29. In charging of parallel plate capacitor. The displacement current across an area in the region
between the plate and parallel to it is id and conduction current in the connecting wires is ic. Then
(1) id > ic (2) id < ic (3)id = ic (4) None of these
30. A metal rod moves at a constant velocity in uniform magnetic field as shown in figure.

l V

Electric force on the electrons inside the rod is
(1) Zero (2) From P to Q (3) From Q to P (4) Along v


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1. For two metals P and Q stopping potential and frequency are as shown in figure then


5 10 
(1) P and Q both have same threshold frequency
(2) Maximum kinetic energy for both the metal depends linearly on frequency
(3) Stopping potential are equal for P and Q for the frequency
(4) Q is a better photosensitive material than P
2. If B is the binding energy per nucleon and A is atomic mass number is represented by

(1) (2) B

O 56 A O 124 A

(3) B (4) B

O 96 A O 96 A for path A is t and for B is

3. A radioactive nucleus decay in two different path A and B if mean life 1
t2 then effective mean life is equal to

t1 + t 2
(1) (2) t1 + t2 x
t1 t2 B
(3) t1 t 2 (4)
t1 + t 2

4. What should be minimum length of antenna for effective transmission of signals of wavelength l ?
   
(1) (2) (3) (4)
2 3 4 5
5. A light contains red and blue light when falls on convex and concave lens of same refractive index.
Focal (positive value) length for red and blue for convex lens is fR and fB and for concave are FR
and FB then we must have
(1) fB < fR and FB < FR (2) fB < fR and FB > FR
(3) fB > fR and FB > FR (4)fB > fR and FB < FR


6. Two inputs A and B passes through a logic gate and produce output C then given logic gate is

(1) OR (2) AND (3) NAND (4) NOR

7. Two small bodies of different mass m1 and m2(m1 < m2) initially at rest are pushed apart by an
ideal spring, then incorrect statement is
(1) m1, m2 acquire equal momentum in opposite direction
(2) Both the body will acquire different KE
(3) The mass m2 will acquire less speed
(4) m2 will experienced an acceleration of greatest magnitude
8. A small mass is rotated about x-axis in a circle of radius R as shown in figure with constant angular
velocity ω if LO and LC are angular momentum about origin and centre of circle, then
(1) LO and LC do not vary with time
(2) LO varies while LC is constant with time O x
(3) LO constant while LC is variable
(4) LO and LC both are variable with time z

9. If a capillary of radius r dipped in water, h is the height rise in the tube, if radius of the tube
increases, the correct h-r graph is

h h h h
(1) (2) (3) (4)

r r r r

10. When a liquid heated in an iron vessel its apparent coefficient of volume expansion is x when it is
heated in copper vessel its apparent coefficient of volume expansion becomes y, if a is the
coefficient of linear expansion of iron, then coefficient of linear expansion of copper is equal to
x + y − 3 ( y + 3 − x ) ( x + 3 − y ) ( x + y + 3 )
(1) (2) (3) (4)
3 3 3 3

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 10

11. If a liquid flows in the given tube in streamline motion, then correct pressure variation with length
of tube is

(1) (2) P (3) P (4) P

x x x x

12. Which of the given variation does not represent Wien's displacement law?
(λm = wavelength of maximum spectral radiancy El = spectral emissive power
T = absolute temperature)
(2) log m
(1) (3) E (4)

T 

13. The expansion of unit mass of a perfect gas at constant pressure is shown in the diagram. Here

O b

(1) a = volume, b = temperature in ºC (2) a = volume, b = temperature in K

(3) a = temperature in ºC, b = volume (4) a = temperature in K, b = volume

14. An ideal gas of mass m at state A goes to another state B via three different processes as shown
in the figure. If Q1, Q2 and Q3 denote the heat absorbed by the gas along the three paths, then
(1) Q1 < Q2 < Q3
(2) Q1 < Q2 = Q3 3
(3) Q1 = Q2 > Q3 1
(4) Q1 > Q2 > Q3 V

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 11

15. Two charge particle P and Q enter in uniform magnetic field with same velocity as shown. Choose
incorrect option.

(1) Specific charge of P and Q are equal

(2) Specific charge of P is greater than specific charge of Q
(3) Both charges have same nature of charge
(4) Both have positive charge
16. Point A lies at mid-point of the line joining the centres of the circular wire, which have same radii.
Magnetic field at A is
(1) Zero
(2) Along y-axis x
(3) Along positive x-axis
(4) Along negative x-axis
17. H+, He+ and O2+ all having same kinetic energy, enter in a uniform magnetic field perpendicular
to their velocity. Radii of H+, He+ and O2+ are in the ratio of
(1) 1: 1: 1 (2) 2: 2: 1 (3) 1 : 2 : 2 (4) 2 : 1 : 2
18. Net magnetic force on current-carrying wire as shown in figure.
PQ = QR = l Magnetic field strength = B

Q 60°


(1) IlB, towards right (2) 2IlB, towards right (3) IlB, towards left (4) 2IlB, towards left
19. A metal rod moves at a constant velocity in uniform magnetic field as shown in figure.
Electric force on the electrons inside the rod is P
(1) Zero
(2) Along P to Q l V
(3) Along Q to P
(4) Along the direction of ‘v’ Q

20. Induced electric field lines can be produced in

(1) Vacuum (2) Conducting medium (3) Non-conducting (4) All of these

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 12

21. Figure shows a small magnetised needle P placed at a point O. The arrow shows the direction of
its magnetic moment. The other arrows show different position of another identical magnetised
needle Q. Which configuration corresponds to the lowest potential energy among all the
configurations shown?

P Q3
Q5 Q1 O Q2

(1) PQ5 (2) PQ3 (3) PQ4 (4) PQ6
22. Which of the following is not a Maxwell's equation?
d B
 E  dA =   B  dA = 0  E  dl = −  B  dl =  i
(1) (2) (3) (4) 0C
0 dt

23. The locus of a projectile relative to another projectile is a

1) straight line 2) circle 3) ellipse 4) parabola

24. In the graph shown the force F on a particle due to a conservative field is plotted against its

position ‘x’ measured from origin. Which of the following statement is correct?

1) x1 is position of stable equilibrium 2) x2 is position of stable equilibrium

3) x3 is position of stable equilibrium 4) x2 is position of unstable equilibrium

25. W.r.t a frame fixed to the centre of mass of a two particle system, some statements are given in
following options. Select the correct statement if the particles don’t have same velocity w.r.t. an
inertial frame.
1) The two particles may move in same direction
2) The two particles must move in opposite directions
3) The two particles may have perpendicular velocities
4) The two particles should have same momentum

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 13

26. A satellite is moved from one circular orb it around the earth, to another of lesser
radius. Which of the following statement is true?
1) The kinetic energy of satellite increases and the gravitational potential energy of
satellite-earth system increases;
2) The kinetic energy of satellite incre ases and the gravitational potential energy of
satellite-earth system decreases
3) The kinetic energy of satellite decreases and the gravitational potential energy of
satellite-earth system decreases
4) The kinetic energy of satellite decreases and the gravitational potential energy of
satellite-earth system increase
27. A point charge + q is fixed at same height as centre of an uncharged conducting
sphere placed on a smooth horizontal surface as shown in figure. Neglect the
induced charges on horizontal surface. The conducting sphere is released from rest.
Then the conducting sphere

1) Rolls towards left

2) under goes translational motion towards left
3) Continues to remain at rest
4) under goes translational motion towards right
28. A sphere of mass M and radius R2 has a concentric cavity of radius R1 as shown in figure. The
force F exerted by the sphere on a particle of mass m located at a distance r from the centre of
sphere varies as (0  r  )

1) 2) 3) 4)

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 14

29. Two equal positive point charges 'Q' are fixed at points A(a, 0) and B( –a, 0). Another
test charge q 0 is also placed at O(0, 0). The test charge q 0 is in

(i)Stable equilibrium for displacement along X -axis.

(ii)Unstable equilibrium for displacement along Y -axis.

(iii)Unstable equilibrium for displacement along X -axis.

(iv)Stable equilibrium for displacement along Y-axis.

1) (iii)&(iv)are correct 2) (i)&(ii)are correct

3) Only(i) is correct 4) Only (iii) is correct

 2 
30. Given that y = A sin  ( ct − x )   , where y and x are measured in metres, which of the following
  
statements is true?

1) The unit of  is same as that of x and A

2) The unit of  is same as that of x but not of A
3) The unit of c is same as that of

4) The unit of ( ct − x ) is same as that of


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BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 15

1. A light bulb and an open coil inductor are connected to an ac source through a key as
shown in figure. The switch is closed and after some time, an iron rod is inserted into the
interior of the inductor. The glow of the bulb:

1) Increases 2) decreases
3) Is unchanged as the iron rod is inserted 4) the bulb is fused
2. As the frequency of an ac circuit increases, the current first increases and then decreases.
What combination of circuit elements is most likely to comprise the circuit?
1) Either inductor or capacitor or resistor
2) Resistor and inductor
3) Resistor and capacitor
4) Resistor, inductor and capacitor
3. In general in an alternating current circuit,
1) The average value of current is zero
2) The average of square of current is zero
3) The average power dissipation is zero
4) The phase difference between the voltage and current is zero
4. One requires 11eV of energy to dissociate a carbon monoxide molecule into carbon and

oxygen atoms. The minimum frequency of the appropriate electromagnetic radiation to

achieve the dissociation lies in:

1) Visible region 2) infrared region

3) ultraviolet region 4) microwave region

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 16

5. An e.m. wave of intensity I falls on a flat surface kept in vacuum and exerts radiation
pressure P on it. Which of the following is not true?
1) Radiation pressure is I/c if the wave is totally absorbed.
2) Radiation pressure is I/c if the wave is totally reflected.
3) Radiation pressure is 2I/c if the wave is totally reflected.
4) Radiation pressure is in the range I/c < p < 2I/c for real surfaces.
6. The ratio of mean value over a half cycle to r.m.s. value of A.C is

1) 2 :  2) 2 2 :  3) 2 :  4) 2 :1
Which one of the following curves correctly represents the variation of capacitive
reactance XC with frequency n

1) 2)

n n

3) 4)

n n

Displacement current is same as:

1) Conduction current due to flow of free electrons
2) Conduction current due to flow of positive ions
3) is not conduction current but is caused by time varying magnetic field.
4) is not conduction current but is caused by time varying electric field.

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 17

9. Find the minimum height of the obstacle so that the sphere can stay in equilibrium.


1) 2) 3) R (1 − sin  ) 4) R (1 − cos )
1 + cos 1 + sin 

10. A uniform solid sphere rolls up (without slipping ) the rough fixed inclined plane, and
then back down. Which is the correct graph of acceleration a of centre of mass of solid
sphere as function of time t (for the duration sphere is on the incline ) ? Assume that
the sphere rolling up has a positive velocity.


O t O t

1) 

2) 

O t
O t

3) 

3) 

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 18

11. Let I A and I B be moments of inertia of a body about two axes A and B respectively. The
axis A passes through the centre of mass of the body but B does not.
1) I A  I B 2) If I A  I B the axes are parallel
3) If the axes are parallel, then I A  I B 4) If the axes are not parallel, then I A  I B

12. The figure shows a uniform rod lying along the x-axis. The locus of all the points lying

in the x-y plane, about which the moment of inertia of the rod is same as that about


1) an ellipse 2) a circle 3) a parabola 4) a straight line.

13. Let I be the moment of inertia of a uniform square plate about an axis AB that passes
through its center and is parallel to two of its sides. CD is a line in the plane of the
plate and it passes through the center of the plate, making an angle  with AB .The
moment of inertia of the plate about the axis CD is equal to :


 
1) I 2) I sin 2  3) I cos 2  4) I cos 2  

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 19

The figure shows variation of R, X L and X C with frequency f in a series L,C,R circuit.
Then, for what frequency point, the circuit is purely resistive

1)A 2)B 3) C 4) All points

15. Let F be force acting on a particle having position vector r . Let  be the torque due to

this force about the origin, then:

1) r . = 0 and F . = 0 2) r . = 0 but F .  0

3) r .  0 but F . = 0 4) r .  0 and F .  0

16. A thin rod of mass m and length l is rotating in the form of a conical pendulum, making
an angle  with vertical such that each particle is moving at a constant angular velocity 
about a vertical line.
1) The angular momentum of the rod about the point of hanging is zero
2) The angular momentum of the rod about the point of hanging is constant
3) The angular momentum of the rod about the suspension point is constantly changing
4) The torque on the rod about the point of suspension is constant
17. When a body is projected at an angle with the horizontal in the uniform gravitational
field of the earth, the angular momentum of the body about the center of earth as it
proceeds along its path,
1) remains constant 2) increases
3) decreases 4) initially decreases and after its highest point increases.

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 20

18. A particle moves in a circular path with decreasing speed. Choose the correct
1) Angular momentum remains constant
2) Acceleration ( a ) is towards the center

3) particle moves in spiral path with decreasing radius

4) The direction of angular momentum remains constant
19. The diagram shows a force-extension graph for a rubber band. Consider the following
statements Extension


I. It will be easier to compress this rubber than expand it

II. Rubber does not return to its original length after it is stretched
III. The rubber band will get heated if it is stretched and released
Which of these can be deduced from the graph
1) III only 2) II and III 3) I and III 4) I only
20. In the visible region, the dispersive powers and the mean angular deviations for crown and

flint glass prisms are  and 1 and d and d 1 respectively. When the two prism are

combined, the condition of zero angular dispersion by the combination is

1) d +  'd' = 0 2) d + d = 0 3) d + d = 0 4) (d)2 + (d)2 = 0

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 21

21. A ray of light traveling in medium X is incident on plane surface of two media X and Y and
gets refracted into medium Y. The angle of incidence is i and that of refraction is r. Graph
between sin i and sin r has been shown. Then which of the following is incorrect?

1) refractive index of medium X is greater than that of medium Y.

2) refractive index of medium Y is greater than that of medium X.
3) speed of light in medium Y is three-fourth of that in medium X.
4) total internal reflection cannot take place.
22. An object is placed in front of concave mirror of focal length 30 cm. So that image
coincides with object. Now small amount of water is poured on concave mirror then
which statement is true :
1) Final image will shift near mirror
2) Final image will shift away from the mirror
3) Final image will again coincide with object
4) Final image will not shift
23. In a YDSE, the central bright fringe can be identified:
1) as it has greater intensity than the other bright fringes.
2) as it is wider than the other bright fringes.
3) as it is narrower than the other bright fringes.
4) by using white light instead of single wavelength light.
24. Mark the correct statement
1) In uniform circular motion acceleration is constant
2) In uniform circular motion, instantaneous acceleration is at right angle to velocity.
3) In non-uniform circular motion, instantaneous acceleration is at right angle to it’s
4) All the above

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 22

25. In the given figure, for pure rolling of spheres choose the correct statements

1) Friction on B between plank and sphere is in backward direction

2) Friction on A between plank and sphere is in forward direction and that on B in
backward direction
3) Friction between plank and spheres, on both the spheres is in forward direction
4) Friction between plank and spheres on both in backward direction
26. A ball rotating with angular velocity  about its centre of mass strikes a rough horizontal
surface as shown. After collision path of center of mass of ball will be

1) Parabola to right 2) Parabola to left 3) Straight line 4) Circle

27. A particle is projected with initial velocity u at an angle  with the horizontal, then the
variation of torque and angular momentum of particle about the point of projection, with
time will be

1) 2)

3) 4)

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 23

28. A vertical glass capillary tube, open at both ends, contains some water. Which of the
following shapes may be taken by the water in the tube ?

1) 2) 3) 4)
29. A beaker containing a liquid is kept inside a big closed jar. If the air inside the jar is
continuously pumped out, the pressure just below the liquid surface will
1) first decreases and then becomes zero 2) doesn’t change

3) first decreases and then remains non-zero constant 4) increases continuously

30. Liquid reaches equilibrium as shown, in a capillary tube of internal radius r. If the surface
tension of the liquid is T, the angle of contact  and density of liquid  , then the
pressure difference between P and Q is: [P is a point just below the surface]


1)   cos  4)   cos 
2T T 2T 4T
2) 3)
 r  r cos  r cos   r 


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11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
3 2 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 3
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
1 1 4 2 3 1 4 4 3 1

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 24

1. On mole of an ideal gas goes through a cycle consisting of alternate isothermal and

adiabatic curves. AB, CD are isothermal and BC, DA adiabatic curves. Absolute

temperature of AB, CD isothermal curve are T1 & T2 respectively as shown in the graph.

Find the value of

 dw ( total work doneinthe cyclic process )
QA→ B ( Heat supplied ) + QB→C ( Heat supplied )
Pressure of the gas


Volume of the gas

T1 − T2 T2 T1 − T2 T1 − T2
1) 2) 3) 4)
T1 + T2 T1 T1 T2

2. The P - V diagram of the Isothermal curve as shown figure. One mole of an ideal gas is
taken from the same initial state 1 in two different paths 1 → 2,1 → 3 the quantities of
heat supplied 1 → 2 is Q1, 1 → 3 is Q2 then find the correct relation between them

Isothermal curve


1) Q1 > Q2 2) Q2 > Q1 3) Q1 = Q2 4) Q1  Q2

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 25

3. Consider two identical iron spheres, one which lie on a thermally insulating plate, while
the other hangs from an insulator thread. Equal amount of heat is supplied to the two
spheres : (neglect the heat loss to the surroundings, these experiments are conducted


1) temperature of A will be greater than B 2) temperature of B will be greater than A

3) their temperature will be equal 4) can’t be predicted
4. Two particles A and B initially at rest, move towards each other by mutual force of

attraction. At the instant when the speed of A is v and the speed of B is 2v, the speed of

the centre of mass of the system is

1) 3 v 2) v 3) 1.5 v 4) zero

5. Ultra sonic waves in air produced by a vibrating quartz crystal are

1) Longitudinal
2) Transverse
3) Both longitudinal and transverse
4) Neither longitudinal nor transverse

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 26

6. In the figure shows a pulse travelling along a string fixed to a wall. The pulse reflects
completely after hitting the wall. Which of the following is the correct representation of
the reflected pulse?

1) 2)

3) 4)

7. Which of the following functions of x and t, represent a progressive wave ?

1) y = sin ( 4t - 3x) 2) y = 3) y = 4t + 3x 4) y = 3x 2 + 4t
4 + 4t - 3x
8. Adjoining figure shows the snapshot of two waves A and B at any time t. The equation for
A is y = A sin ( kx − t −  ) and for B is y = A sin ( kx − t ) . It is shown in the figure that wave A
is ahead of B by a distance /k. The motion of a single point, i.e., y versus t for two waves
is best represented by
y 

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 27

1) 2)

3) 4)

9. A sufficiently long vertical organ pipe has a small hole at its closed base.
Initially the pipe is empty. Water is poured into the pipe at a constant rate. The
fundamental frequency of the air column in the pipe
1) continuously increasing
2) first increases and then becomes constant
3) continuously decreases
4) first decreases and then become constant

10. In a resonance-column experiment to measure the velocity of sound, the first resonance
is obtained at a length l1 and the second resonance at a length l2. Then which of the
following is correct
1) l2  3l1 2) l2 = 3l1 3) l2  3l1

4) May be any of the above, depending on the frequency of the tuning fork used

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 28

11. A progressive wave heading in–ve x direction is maintained in a stretched string. At a
certain instant snapshot of some part of string is shown. Choose the correct direction
of velocity of point P at this instant.[Positive x is towards right sde]

1) towards the dotted line 2) away from the dotted line

3) along negative x-axis 4) along positive x-axis
12. A uniform spring has an unstretched length l and a force constant k. The spring is cut

into two parts of unstretched length l1 and l2 such that l1 =  l2 , where  is an integer.

The corresponding force constants k1 and k2 are:

k ( + 1)
1) k and k ( + 1) 2) and k ( − 1)

k ( − 1) k ( + 1)
3) and k ( + 1) 4) and k ( + 1)
 

13. The period of oscillation of a simple pendulum of length l suspended from the roof of
the vehicle which moves down without friction on an inclined plane of inclination  , is
given by:
l l l l
1) 2 2) 2 3) 2 4) 2
g cos  g g sin  g tan 

14. What is the ratio of de – Broglie wave lengths of electron in the second & third Bohr’s
orbits in a hydrogen atom?
1) 2/3 2) 3/2 3) 4/3 4) 3/4
15. Maximum kinetic energy of a photoelectron is E when the wavelength of incident light is
 . If energy becomes four times when wavelength is reduced to one-third, then work
function of the metal is
3hc hc hc hc
1) 2) 3) 4)
 3  2

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 29

16. In a nucleus if F1 is the net force between two protons, F2 is the net force between two

neutrons and F3 is the net force between a proton and a neutron at a separation of 1

Fermi, Then (neglect gravitational force)

1) F1 = F2 = F3 2) F1  F2  F3 3) F2  F3  F1 4) F2 = F3  F1

17. Nucleus A is converted into C through the following reaction A → B +  ; B → C + 2 −

1) A and B are isotopes 2) A and C are isobars
3) A and B are isobars 4) A and C are isotopes

18. In a photoelectric experiment, anode potential with respect to cathode is plotted

against plate current. Select the correct statement from the following (Assuming

intensity of incident radiation is varied at constant frequency)

1) A and B will have different intensities while B and C will have different frequencies

2) B and C will have different intensities While A and C will have Different frequencies

3) A and B will have different intensities while A and C will have equal frequencies

4) A and B will have equal intensities while B and C will have different frequencies

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 30

19. Which one of the following statement is wrong in the context of x-rays generated from
X-ray tube?
1) Wavelength of characteristic X-rays decreases when the atomic number of the target
2) Cut-off wavelength of the continuous X-rays depends on the atomic number of the
3) Intensity of the characteristic X-rays depends on the electric power given to the X-
ray tube.
4) Cut-off wavelength of the continuous X-rays depends on the energy of the electrons
in the X-ray tube.
20. A point positive charge is brought near an isolated conducting sphere as shown in figures.
The electric field is best given by

1) Fig (i) 2) Fig (ii) 3) Fig (iii) 4) Fig (iv)

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 31

21. The Electric flux through the surface

1) in Fig.(iv) is the largest.

2) in Fig.(iii) is the least.
3) in Fig.(ii) is same as (iii) but is smaller than (iv)
4) is the same for all the figures.

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 32

22. Five charges q1, q2, q3, q4, and q5 are fixed at their positions as shown in Fig. S is a

Gaussian surface. The Gauss’s law is given by  Eds = 
S 0

Which of the following statements is correct?

1) E on the LHS of the above equation will have a contribution
from q1, q5 and q3 while q on the RHS will have a contribution
from q2 and q4 only.
2) E on the LHS of the above equation will have a contribution
from all charges while q on the RHS will have a contribution
from q2 and q4 only.
3) E on the LHS of the above equation will have a contribution
from all charges while q on the RHS will have a contribution
from q1, q3 and q5 only.
4) Both E on the LHS and q on the RHS will have contributions
from q2 and q4 only.

23. A point charge +q, is placed at a distance d from an isolated conducting plane. The field

at a point P on the other side of the plane is

1) directed perpendicular to the plane and away from the plane.
2) directed perpendicular to the plane but towards the plane.
3) directed radially away from the point charge.
4) directed radially towards the point charge.

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 33

24. If  Eds = 0 over a surface, then

(a) the electric field inside the surface and on it is zero.

(b) the electric field inside the surface is necessarily uniform.
(c) the number of flux lines entering the surface must be equal to the number of flux lines
leaving it.
(d) Algebraic sum of the charges inside the surface is zero.
1) a, b are correct 2) c, d are correct 3) a, c are correct 4) b, c are correct

25. The Electric field at a point is

(a) always continuous.

(b) continuous if there is no charge at that point.

(c) discontinuous only if there is a negative charge at that point.

(d) discontinuous if there is a charge at that point..

1) b, d are correct 2) b, c are correct 3) a, c are correct 4) a, d are correct

26. If there were only one type of charge in the universe, then

(a)  EdS  0 on any surface.


(b)  EdS = 0 if the charge is outside the surface.


(c)  EdS
could not be defined.

(d)  EdS
if charges of magnitude q were inside the surface.

1) a, b are correct 2) b, d are correct 3) a, c are correct 4) c, d are correct

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 34

27. Refer to the arrangement of charges in Fig. and a Gaussian surface of radius R with Q at
the centre. Then
(a) total flux through the surface of the sphere is
(b) field on the surface of the sphere is
4 0 R 2
(c) flux through the surface of sphere due to 5Q is zero.
(d) field on the surface of sphere due to –2Q is same everywhere.

1) a, c are correct 2) a, b are correct

3) a, d are correct 4) b, d are correct
28. If the surface electric potential of the inner metal (charged) sphere is 10 volt & that of the
outer shell is 5 volt, then the potential at the centre will be :

1) 10 volt 2) 5 volt 3) 15 volt 4) 0

29. Figure shows the electric field lines around an electric dipole. Which of the arrows best
represents the electric field at point P ?

1) 2) 3) 4)

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 35

30. A positive charge q is placed in a spherical cavity made in a uniform positively charged
nonconducting sphere. The centres of sphere and cavity are separated by a small distance
l . Force on charge q is :

1) in the direction parallel to vector l

2) in radial direction
3) in a direction which depends on the magnitude of charge density in sphere
4) direction can not be determined


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

3 2 2 4 1 4 1 2 2 3

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

2 4 1 1 2 4 4 1 2 1

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

4 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 36


1. A rectangular loop carrying a current I is situated near a long straight wire such that the
wire is parallel to one of the sides of the loop and is in the plane of the loop. If steady
current I is established in the wire as shown in the figure, the loop will

1) Rotate about an axis parallel to the wire 2) move away from the wire
3) move towards the wire 4) remain stationary

2. A charged particle is released from rest in a region of steady and uniform electric and
magnetic fields which are parallel to each other. The particle will move in a
1) straight line 2) circle 3) helix 4) cycloid

3. A satellite is moving round the earth in a circular orbit. The following statements are
(i) It is moving with a constant velocity
(ii) It suffers no acceleration
(iii) Its angular momentum w.r.t the earth remains conserved
(iv) Its distance from centre must be equal to 2 times of earth’s radius
The correct option is
1) (i) and (ii) are true 2) (i), (iii) & (iv) are true
3) only (iii) are true 4) (i) and (iv) are true

4. In stopping potential (V)-photo current (I) graph, if V2 > V1 then compare the

wavelengths of incident radiations.

1) l 1 = l 2 2) l 1 < l 2 3) l 1 = l 2 4) l 1 > l 2

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 37

5. The electromagnetic radiations are in the descending order of wavelength in the
following sequence is…
1) IR waves, radio waves, X-rays, visible rays.
2) radio waves, IR waves, visible rays, X-rays.
3) IR waves, X-rays, radio waves, visible rays.
4) X-rays , radio waves, visible rays, IR waves.
6. Pick out the correct statements:
A) Susceptibility of a diamagnetic substance is high and negative.
B) A magnetic needle kept in a uniform magnetic field, experience a force and a torque.
C) In paramagnetic substance, the intrinsic magnetic moment is not zero.
D) The time period of a magnet placed in a vibration magnetometer will be infinity at
magnetic poles.
1) A&C 2) B&D 3) C&D 4) A&B
7. A pnp transistor is said to be in active region of operation, when
1) Both emitter junction and collector junction are forward biased
2) Both emitter junction and collector junction are reverse biased
3) Emitter junction is forward biased and collector junction is reverse biased
4) Emitter junction is reverse biased and collector junction is forward biased

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 38

8. Choose the correct statements from the following graphs.


P Q Vin

Fig: C

A) In fig: A, the point P represent Zener current for a zener diode.

B) In fig: B, In typical characteristics of a solar cell, the point P represent short
circuit current and the point Q represent open circuit voltage.
C) In fig: C, for CE transistor, P< VIN <Q the transistor can be used as an amplifier.
D) In fig: C, for CE transistor, VIN <P the transistor can be used as a switch turned

on with high Vout .

1) A&C 2) B&C 3) A,C&D 4) B,C&D

9. A Carnot’s heat engine working between the temperatures T and T0 (T  T0 ) has

efficiency  .If both temperatures are raised by 100K each, its new efficiency will be.
1) equal to  2)greater than 
3)less than 
4)greater or less than  by depending on the working substance.

10. A given LCR series circuit satisfies the condition for resonance with a given AC source. If
the angular frequency of the AC source is increased by 100% then in order to establish
resonance, without changing the value of inductance, the capacitance must be
1) increased by 100% 2) reduced by 50%
3) increased by 75% 4) reduced by 75%

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 39

11. A rectangular block of size 10cm ´ 8cm ´ 5cm is kept in three different positions P, Q and
R in turn as shown in the figure. In each case, the shaded area is rigidly fixed and a definite
force F is applied tangentially to the opposite face to deform the block. The displacement
of the upper face will be

1) Same in all the three cases 2) Maximum in P position

3) Maximum in Q position 4) Maximum in R position
12. The electric field inside a long cylindrical shell of uniform density is
1) Zero
2) Constant and radial inward
3) Directly proportional to the distance from the centre
4) Inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the centre.
13. Three discs A, B and C having radii 2m, 4m, and 6m respectively are coated with carbon
black on their other surfaces. The wavelengths corresponding to maximum intensity are
300 nm, 400 nm and 500 nm, respectively. The power radiated by them are Qa, Qb, and Qc
1) Qa is maximum 2) Qb is maximum
3) Qc is maximum 4) Qa = Qb = Qc

14. Can we boil water inside the artificial satellite by natural convection
1) Yes 2) No
3) Nothing can be said 4) In complete information is given

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 40

15. For a real object, all of the following statements are correct except :

1) the magnification produced by a convex mirror is always less than one

(except at the pole)

2) a virtual, erect, same sized image can be obtained by using a plane mirror

3) a virtual, erect, magnified image can be formed using a concave mirror

4) a real, inverted, same sized image can be formed using a convex mirror.

16. Both the frequency and the intensity of a beam of light falling on the surface of
photoelectric material are increased by a factor of two. This will :
1) increase both, the maximum kinetic energy of the photo – electrons, as well as
photoelectric saturation current by a factor of two.
2) increase the maximum kinetic energy of the photo-electrons by a factor greater than
two and would increase the photoelectric saturation current by a factor of two
3) increase the maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectrons by a factor greater than
two and will have no effect on the magnitude of the photoelectric saturation current
4) increase the maximum kinetic energy of the emitted photo-electrons by a factor of two
but will have no effect on the saturation photoelectric current.
17. The ratio of wave length of a photon of energy E and de-Broglie wavelength of an
electron of mass ‘m’ having the kinetic energy also E is : (Speed of light = c)
2mc 2 mc 2 2mc 2 mc 2
1) 2) 3) 4)

18. In a simple harmonic oscillator, at the mean position

1) K.E. is minimum, maximum 2) Both K.E. and P.E. are maximum
3) K.E. is maximum, minimum 4) Both K.E. and P.E. are minimum

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 41

19. Two samples of a gas initially at same temperature and pressure are compressed from a
volume V to . One sample is compressed isothermally and the other adiabatically.

The pressure is greater in which process?

1) Adiabatic 2) Isothermal
3) In both the process 4) Data insufficient

20. The K.E of the electron is E when the incident wavelength is  . To increase the K.E of
the electron to 2E, the incident wavelength must be
hc  hc hc
1) 1 = 2) 1 = 3) 1 = 4) 1 =
E + hc E + hc E − hc hc − E

21. A green light is incident from the water to the air water interface at the critical angle
( ) . Select the correct statement.
1) The entire spectrum of visible light will come out of the water at an angle of 900 to
the normal.
2) The spectrum of visible light whose frequency is less than that of green light will
come out to the air medium.
3) The spectrum of visible light whose frequency is more that of green light will come
out to the air medium.
4) The entire spectrum of visible light will come out of the water at various angles to
the normal.
22. A student measured the length of a rod and wrote it as 3.50 cm. which instrument did
he use to measure it?
1)A meter scale
2) A vernier calipers where the 10 divisions in vernier scale matches with 9 division in
main scale and main scale has 10 divisions in 1 cm.
3) A screw gauge having 100 divisions in the circular scale and pitch as 1 mm.
4) A screw gauge having 50 divisions in the circular scale and pitch as 1 mm.

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 42

23. Which of the following best represents the I-V characteristics of a solar cell? (I on y axis,
V on x-axis)

1) 2)

3) 4)

24. Match the person in column I with idea/discovery/invention in column II

Column I Column II

(i) Alexander Bain (p) Scattering of light

(ii) Meissner (q) FAX

(iii) Rayleigh (r) Diamagnetism in super conductors

1) i – r, ii – p, iii- q 2) i-p, ii-r, iii-p 3) i-r, ii-q, iii-p 4) i-q, ii-r, iii-p

25. Truth table for the given circuit is:

(1) (2) (3) (4)

0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1
1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1
1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 43

26. A damped oscillator is excited by applying a variable force F = Fo sin d t . Mass of the

oscillator is ‘m’ and its natural frequency is o . If damping constant is b, find the expression

for displacement amplitude of the oscillator

Fo Fo
(1) (2)
m 2 (d2 − o2 ) 2 + b 2d2 m2 (d2 − o2 ) + b 2d 2

Fo Fo
(3) (4)
b 2 (d2 − o2 ) + m2d 2 b(d − o )

27. Consider two hypothetical media A and B. Shear modulus of elasticity of A is zero but its
bulk modulus is non-zero. Shear modulus of elasticity of B is non-zero but its bulk modulus
is zero.
(i) Longitudinal mechanical waves cannot propagate through A
(ii) Longitudinal mechanical waves cannot propagate through B
(iii) Transverse mechanical waves cannot propagate through A
(iv) Transverse mechanical waves cannot propagate through B
(1) (i) & (iv) are correct (2) (i) & (ii) are correct
(3) (ii) & (iv) are correct (4) (ii) & (iii) are correct
28. Arrange the following forces in the appropriate order of range of action.
(i) Gravitational force (ii) Weak nuclear force
(iii) Electromagnetic forces (iv) Strong nuclear forces
(1) (iv)<(ii)<(i)=(iii) (2) (ii)<(iv)<(i)=(iii)
(3) (iv)<(ii)=(i)=(iii) (4) (i) = (ii)=(iii)=(iv)

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 44

29. Consider the pressure-Temperature phase diagrams (a) and (b) for substances X and Y
respectively. The property of anomalous expansion is exhibited by

(1) substance X (2) substance Y (3) both X and Y (4) neither X nor Y
30. Let ro and r1 be the average inter molecular distance in a solid, and in a gas (at ordinary
pressures and temperatures) respectively. Let r2 be the mean free path of molecules in
the gas. Then ro : r1 : r2 is approximately
(1) 1 : 10 : 100 (2) 1 : 100 : 10
(3) 1 : 1 : 1 (4) 1 : 10 : 10


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

3 1 3 4 2 3 3 2 3 4

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

3 1 2 2 4 3 1 3 1 1

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

2 2 3 4 3 1 4 2 1 1

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 45

1. If h is efficiency of a Carnot engine and a is coefficient of performance of a refrigerator,
then which of the following is wrong?
1) h > 1, a > 1 2) h < 1, a < 1 3) h < 1, a > 1 4) h < 1, a = 1
2. An uncharged conducting sphere is placed inside a charged parallel plate capacitor. The
lines of force look like

1) 2)

3) 4)
3. Consider a light beam incident from air to a glass slab at Brewster’s angle as shown in
figure. A Polaroid is placed in the path of the emergent ray at point P and rotated about an
axis passing through the centre and perpendicular to the plane of the Polaroid.

1) For a particular orientation there shall be darkness as observed through the Polaroid
2) The intensity of light as seen through the Polaroid shall be independent of the rotation
3) The intensity of light as seen through the Polaroid shall go through a minimum but not
zero for two orientations of the Polaroid.
4) The intensity of light as seen through the Polaroid shall go through a minimum for
four orientations of the Polaroid.

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 46

4. Three waves A, B and C of frequencies 1600 kHz, 5MHz and 60 MHz, respectively are to
be transmitted from one place to another. Which of the following are the most appropriate
modes of communication?
1) A is transmitted via space wave while B and C are transmitted via sky wave.
2) A is transmitted via ground wave, B via sky wave C and via space wave.
3) B and C are transmitted via ground wave while A is transmitted via sky wave.
4) B is transmitted via ground wave while A and c are transmitted via space wave.
5. A plane progressive transverse wave is passing through medium along the positive x-
axis at the given instant of time. The nature of the displacement - position (y vs. x) graph
of particles of medium at that instant is as shown in figure. Which of the following
statements are correct. (A, B, C are three particles of the vibrating string)

y B


A) Elastic potential energy per unit length of the string at the point B is more than that at
points A and C
B) Elastic potential energy per unit length of the string at the point C is more than that at
points A and B
C) Velocity of the particle at A is along negative y – axis.
D) Velocity of the particle at C is along positive y – axis.
1) Only B, C, D are correct 2) Only A, C, D are correct
3) Only A, C are correct 4) Only A, D are correct
6. In a photoelectric effect experiment, the frequency of incident radiation is increased n times

(n >1). Then which of the following option is incorrect

1) Saturation current may remain constant

2) Stopping potential decreases

3) The difference of the two stopping potential is equal to ( n − 1)(VS +  / e ) , where  is the

work function and VS is the initial stopping potential

4) The maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectrons increases

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 47

7. Select the incorrect statement
1) Post office box works on the principle of wheat stone bridge
2) In the post office box galvanometer key is pressed before battery key
3) When all keys are in place for the post office box the effective resistance across any
terminals of the box is zero
4) Post office box can be used to measure the internal resistance of cell
8. A soap bubble I of radius R1 is surrounded by another soap bubble II of radius R2. The
bubbles do not touch each other. After sometime one of the bubbles pops (brakes). Then
1) If I pops then R2 increases, if II pops then R1 increases
2) If I pops then R2 increases, if II pops then R1 decreases
3) If I pops then R2 decreases, if II pops then R1 increases
4) If I pops then R2 decreases, if II pops then R1 decreases
9. A diffraction pattern is obtained using a beam of red light. What happens if the red light
is replaced by blue light
1) No change 2) diffraction bands become narrower and crowded.
3) bands become broader and farther apart 4) bands disappear
10. For a given body at different temperatures, according to Wien's displacement law

1) Total area under the three graphs A1, A2, A3 are equal
2) Areas are in the ratio : A1: A2 : A3 = T12 : T22 : T32
3) Areas are in the ratio : A1 : A2 : A3 = T14 : T24 : T34 4) T3 > T2 > T1
11. The dimensions of self- inductance are
1) M LT −2 A −2 2) M L2T −1 A −2 3) M L2 T −2 A −2 4) M L2 T −2 A −1
12. In hydrogen atom the angular momentum of an electron in a stationary orbit is ( 3h / 2 ) .
Here h is the Planck’s constant. The kinetic energy of the electron in this orbit is
1) 1.51 eV 2) 3.4 eV 3) 4.35 eV 4) 6.8 Ev

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 48

13. A solid disc of uniform thickness has density that varies by quadrants as shown, with
number indicating relative densities. If x-y axes are as indicated with centre of disc at
origin, then the equation of straight line drawn through origin and centre of mass of the
disc is

3 1
4 2

x 3
1) y = x 2) y = 3) y = 2 x 4) y = x
2 7

Two satellites of equal mass are revolving around earth, one in elliptical orbit of semi-
major axis 2R and other in circular orbit of radius of orbit 2R (R is earth’s radius). Which
of the following quantities is different for the two satellites?
1) Angular momentum 2) Mechanical energy
3) Time period 4) Torque about the centre of earth
15. An ideal gas undergoes an isothermal process. The pressure (P) of the gas is plotted against
the mean free path  of the molecules. Select the correct graph.

1) 2)

3) 4)

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 49

16. A particle is projected with a certain velocity from point O at angle  0 with the horizontal

(0   0  900 ) .At time ‘t’ the angular momentum of the particle with respect to point O is

1) directly proportional to t 2) directly proportional to t 2

3) independent of t 4) None of these
17. A wire of length l is bent into a circular loop of radius R and carries a current I. The

magnetic field at the centre of the loop is B. The same wire is now bent into a double loop

of equal radii. If both loops carry the same current I and it is in the same direction, the

magnetic field at the centre of the double loop will be

1) Zero 2)2B 3) 4B 4) 8B

18. Consider the motion of a particle under the influence of a central force. Choose the
incorrect statement.
1) The motion of the particle is confined to a plane
2) The position vector of the particle with respect to the centre of the force has a constant
areal velocity
3) Angular momentum of the particle with respect to the centre of the force is a constant
4) Linear momentum of the particle must vary periodically with time
19. The figure shows a colour- coded resistor , the resistance of this resistor is
Violet Gold

Yellow Brown
1) 52 10  20% 
2) 47 10  5% 
3) 53 106  10%  4) 42K   10%

20. A point charge q is placed inside a neutral conducting spherical shell of inner radius 2R

and outer radius 3R at a distance of R from the centre of the shell. The electric potential at
the centre of shell will be times
4 0

q 4q 5q 2q
1) 2) 3) 4)
2R 3R 6R 3R

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 50

21. Two converging lenses with focal lengths f and 2f are positioned at a distance 3f apart. A

parallel beam of light is incident on the lens with focal length f. If d is the incident beam

width, what is the width of the emerging beam?

1) d/2 2) d 3) 2d 4) 4d
22. The figure shows a conducting wire wound in a helical shape so as to form a spring. The

bottom end of the wire barely touches the mercury (a good electrical conductor). After the

switch is closed, current in the circuit causes the light to glow. The bulb will


1) Glow continually with constant intensity

2) Glow briefly and then stop
3) Repeatedly turn on and off like an indicator of a car
4) Glow continually with decreasing intensity
23. The following figure shows a logic gate circuit with two inputs A and B and output C. The
voltage waveform of A, B and C are as shown in second figure below:

The logic circuit gate is:

1) OR gate 2) AND gate 3) NAND gate 4) NOR gate

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 51

24. The ratio of the KE and PE possessed by a body executing SHM when it is at a distance

of 1/n of its amplitude from the mean position is

1) n 2 2) 3) n 2 + 1 4) n 2 − 1

25. An electromagnetic wave of frequency v = 3.0MHz passes from vacuum into a dielectric
medium with relative permittivity 4.0 and relative permeability 1.0. Then:
1) wave length is double and frequency unchanged
2) wavelength is doubled and frequency becomes half
3) wavelength is halved and frequency remains unchanged
4) wavelength and frequency both remains unchanged
26. In the following circuit, the output Y for all possible inputs A and B is expressed by the
truth table:

1) A B Y 2) A B Y 3) A B Y 4) A B Y
0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0
1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0
1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1
27. A rectangular loop carrying a current i is situated near a long straight wire such that the
wire is parallel to one of the sides of the loop and is in the plane of the loop. If a steady
current I is established in the wire a shown in the figure above, then the loop will :

1) rotates about an axis parallel to the wire 2) move away from the wire
3) move towards the wire 4) remain stationary

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 52

28. In a laboratory on emission from atomic hydrogen in a discharge tube, only a small number
of lines are observed whereas a large number of lines are present in the spectrum of a star.
This is because in a laboratory
1) the amount of hydrogen taken is much smaller than that present in the star
2) the temperature of hydrogen is much smaller than that of star
3) the pressure of hydrogen is much smaller than that of star
4) the gravitational pull is much smaller than that in the star
29. A free proton and free electron are placed in a uniform electric field. Which of the
following statements are correct ? (neglect gravitational and magnetic effects)
1. The magnitudes of electric forces acting on them will be equal
2. Their accelerations will be different
3. They will move in the same direction
Select the correct answer using the code given below
1) 1 and 2 only 2) 2 and 3 only 3) 1 and 3 only 4) 1, 2 and 3

30. A steady d.c. current is flowing through a cylindrical conductor. Which of the following
statements is / are correct ?
(i) The electric field at the axis of the conductor is zero
(ii) The magnetic field at the axis of the conductor is zero
Select the correct answer using the code given below
1) (i) only 2) (ii) only 3) both (i) and (ii) 4) neither (i) nor (ii)


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 2 3 2 1 2 2 1 2 4
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
3 1 2 1 1 2 3 4 2 3
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
3 3 2 4 3 3 2 2 1 2

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 53


1. The arrangement shown in figure performs the logic function of


1) AND gate 2) NAND gate 3) OR gate 4) XOR gate

2. The shortest wavelength of the Bracket series of a hydrogen – like atom (atomic
number=Z) is the same as the shortest wavelength of the Balmer series of hydrogen atom.
The value of Z is:
1) 2 2) 3 3) 4 4) 6
3. To measure light intensity we use:
1) LED with forward bias 2) LED with reverse bias
3) photodiode with reverse bias 4) photodiode with forward bias

4. To measure light intensity we use:

1) LED with forward bias 2) LED with reverse bias
3) photodiode with reverse bias 4) photodiode with forward bias

5. The number of undecayed nuclei N in a sample of radioactive material as a function of

time is shown in the graph. Which of the following graphs correctly shows the relationship

between N and the activity A?


1) N 2) N 3) N 4) N

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 54

6. Long distance communication between two points on the earth is achieved through
reflection of e.m waves by ionosphere is known as
1) Surface wave Propagation 2) Sky wave Propagation
3) Space wave Propagation 4) none
7. The number of independent constituent simple harmonic motions yielding a resultant

displacement equation of the periodic motion as y = 8sin 2   sin (10t ) is

 2

1) 2 2) 6 3) 4 4) 3
8. A magnetic needle in a uniform magnetic field experience a torque but no net force. An

iron nail near to a bar magnet experiences

1) force of attraction in addition to torque 2) only torque but not force

3) Only force but not torque 4) neither torque nor force

9. Statement A : The basic difference between various types of electromagnetic waves

lies in their wavelengths or frequencies since all of them travel through vaccume with
the same speed
Statement B : Accelerated charged particles radiate electromagnetic waves
1) A & B are wrong 2) A & B are correct
3) Only A is correct 4) Only B is correct

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 55

10. The input signals at NAND gate is given below

input A

input B





11. Electrons with de Broglie wavelength  fall on the target in an X-ray tube. The cut-0ff
wavelength of the emitted X-rays is
2mc 2 2h 2m 2 c 2  3
1) 2) 3) 4) 
h mc h2

12. An electron is going with constant velocity v in a gravity free region containing uniform

electric filed E and magnetic field B . Then

1) v ⊥ E 2) v ⊥ B 3) v // E 4) v // B

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 56

13. Truth table for system of four NAND gates as shown in figure is :

14. A charged particle enters a uniform magnetic field with velocity at an angle of 45° with
magnetic field. The pitch of the helical path followed by the particle is P. The radius of the
helix will be
P P 2P
1) 2) 2 P 3) 4)
2 2 

15. In which of the following instrument used in the lab there exists an error of random

category known as back lash error

(i) Screw gauge (ii) Micrometer (iii) Vernier callipers

1) (i) and (ii) only 2)(i) and (iii) only 3) (i) only 4) three

16. A sphere , a cube and a thin circular plate all made of same material and having the same
mass are initially heated to a temperature of 2000 C . Which of these objects will cool
fastest and which will cool slowest when left in air at room temperature, respectively ?
1) Sphere, cube 2) Cube, thin circular plate
3) Thin circular plate, sphere 4) All will cool at the same rate

17. In an ordinary YDSE, if width of one of the slits is decreased, then

1) Intensity at minima will increase 2) Intensity at minima will decrease
3) Intensity at maxima will increase 4) Intensity at maxima will remain same

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 57

18. If two soap bubbles of different radii are in communication with each other, then
1) air flows from the larger bubble into the smaller one until their sizes become equal
2) the sizes of the bubbles remain unchanged
3) air flows from the smaller bubbles into the larger one and the larger bubble grows at
the expense of the smaller one
4) air flows from the larger into the smaller bubble until their radii interchange

19. Let v , vrms and v p represent respectively the mean speed, root mean square speed and
the most probable speed of the molecules in an ideal monatomic gas at absolute
temperature T. The mass of the molecule is m. Then
1)no molecule can have speed greater than 2vrms
2)no molecule can have speed less
3) v  v p  vrms
3 2
4) the average kinetic energy of a molecule is mv p
20. In the given circuit, as the sliding contact C is moved from A to B the meters are ideal


1) the readings of both the ammeter and the voltmeter remain constant

2) the readings of both the ammeter and the voltmeter increase

3) the reading of the ammeter remains constant but that of the voltmeter increases

4) the reading of the ammeter remains constant but that of the voltmeter decreases

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 58

21. If 1 and 2 be the angles of dip observed in two vertical planes at right angles to each

other and  be the true angle of dip, then

1) cos2  = cos2 1 + cos2 2 2) sec2  = sec2 1 + sec2 2

3) tan 2  = tan 2 1 + tan 2 2 4) cot 2  = cot 2 1 + cot 2 2

22. A copper wire and a steel wire of the same diameter and length are connected end to
end. A force is applied which stretches their combined length by 1 cm. Then the two
wires have
1) the same stress and strain
2) the same stress but different strains
3) the same strain but different stresses
4) different stresses and strains
23. For substances hysteresis (B – H) curves are given as shown in figure. For making
temporary magnet which of the following is best

1) 2) 3) 4)

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 59

24. Two point masses m1 , m2 ( m1  m2 ) are fixed on the X-axis at (-a, 0) and (a, 0) respectively.

The nature of the graph between resultant gravitational field intensity (E R), and position

distance on X-axis, (The best approximation graph)

1) 2)

3) 4)

25. A uniform thin hemi spherical shell of radius ‘R’ and mass M and it’s base circular plane
centre at the origin present in the X-Y plane as shown in fig. [Z-axis is taken as vertically
upward direction]

What is the direction of gravitational field intensity at the point  , 0, 0

2 
1) Vertically upward
2) Vertically downwards
3) At an angle 300 with vertically upward direction
4) at an angle 300 with vertically downward direction
26. For which of the following bodies in pure rolling on a surface, translational and rotational

kinetic energies are equal

1) Circular ring 2) Circular plate 3) Solid sphere 4) Solid cylinder

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 60

27. An elastic spring of unstretched length L and force constant k is stretched by a small
length x . It is further stretched by another small length y . The work done on the spring
in the second stretching is
k ( x2 + y 2 )
1 2 1 1 1
k ( x + y) ky ( 2 x + y )
1) ky 2) 3) 4)
2 2 2 2
28. The volume of a wire remains unchanged when the wire is subjected to a certain tension.
The Poisson’s ratio of the material of the wire is
A) 0.25 B) 2 C) 0.4 D) 0.5
29. Statement – I
When a material is subjected to a compressional stress, the restoring forces are caused by
interatomic repulsion
Statement – 2
The atoms of a material never repel
A) statement 1 is true, statement 2 is true and statement 2 is the correct explanation for
statement 1
B) statement 1 is true, statement 2 is true and statement 2 is not the correct explanation
for statement 1
C) statement 1 is true, statement 2 is false
D) statement 1 is false, statement 2 is true
30. Statement – 1
Two wires A and B are made of the same material. The length of wire A is twice that of
B but the diameter of A is half that of B. For a given load, the strain produced in B will
be twice that in A
Statement - 2
For a given load and for a given material of a wire, the extension produced in the wire is
directly proportional to its length and inversely proportional to the area of cross section
A) statement 1 is true, statement 2 is true and statement 2 is the correct explanation for
statement 1
B) statement 1 is true, statement 2 is true and statement 2 is not the correct explanation
for statement 1
C) statement 1 is true, statement 2 is false
D) statement 1 is false, statement 2 is true

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 61

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 1 3 3 2 2 4 1 2 2

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

1 1 1 3 1 3 1 3 4 3

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

4 2 4 2 2 1 4 4 3 4

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 62


1. A projectile is fired from level ground at an angle  above the horizontal. The elevation
angle  of the highest point as seen from the launch point is related to  by the relation.
1 1
1) tan  = tan  2) tan  = tan  3) tan  = tan  4) tan  = 2 tan 
4 2
2. AB is an L shaped obstacle fixed on a horizontal smooth table. A ball strikes it at A, gets
deflected and restrikes it at B. If the velocity vector before collision is v and coefficient
of restitution of each collision is ‘e’, then the velocity of ball after its second collision at
B is (Neglect friction between contact surfaces and neglect the gravitational effect.)

1) e2v 2) - e2v 3) - ev 4) Data insufficient

3. A solid cylinder is performing pure rolling motion on a moving platform as shown. Which
of the relation between, v0 ,  , R and v is correct?

R •

1) v0 = R 2) v = v0 + R 3) v = v0 − R 4) v = v0
4. A cubical block of mass M and edge 'a' slides down a rough inclined plane of inclination
 with a uniform velocity. The torque of the normal force on the block about its centre
has a magnitude.
Mga sin 
1) zero 2) Mga 3) Mga sin  4)

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 63

5. For a process on a system (gas enclosed in a vessel), the p − V graph is shown in the figure.
For this process four statements are given as:

pV = constant


I. During the process, work done by the system is continuously increasing.

II. During the process, work done by the system is zero.
III. During the process, internal energy of the gas is continuously increasing.
IV. During the process, heat supplied to the system is continuously increasing.
1) all the four statements are correct 2) only I and IV are correct
3) only II and IV are correct 4) no statement is correct

6. One mole of an ideal gas is taken from state A to state B by three different processes, (a)
ACB (b) ADB (c)AEB as shown in the P-V diagram. The heat absorbed by the gas is

1) greater in process (b) than in (a) 2) the least in process (b)

3) the same in (a) and (c) 4) less in (c) than in (b)
7. The following figure represents a plane wave front AB which passes from air to another
transparent medium and produces a new plane wave front CD after refraction. The
refractive index of the medium is (PQ is the boundary between air and the medium).

cos q1 cos q 4 sin q1 sin q 2

1) 2) 3) 4)
cos q 4 cos q1 sin q 4 sin q 3

8. For CE configuration of a transistor,

1) input resistance is very small while output resistance is very high
2) input resistance is very large while output resistance is very small
3) both input and output resistances are very small
4) both input and output resistances are very large

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 64

9. The following arrangement is equivalent to


1) NAND 2) XOR 3) OR 4) AND

10. The factor which is not an advantage of Frequency modulation over Amplitude
modulation is
1) Better noise immunity is provided
2) Lower band width required for transmission
3) Transmitted power is more useful
4) Less modulating power required
mA 2
11. In the arrangement shown in figure = and the ratio of density of block B and of liquid
mB 3
is 2:1. The system is released from rest. Then

1)block B will oscillate but not simple harmonically

2)block B will oscillate simple harmonically
3)the system will remain in equilibrium
4)none of the above
12. A wave pulse on a string has the dimensions as shown in the figure. The wave speed is
v = 1cm / s . If point O is a free end then shape of wave at time t = 3s is

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 65

1) O 2) O
1 cm

1 cm
3) 1 cm 4) O
2 cm
1 cm
1 cm

13. A large metal sheet carries an electric current along its surface. Current per unit length is
 . Magnetic field near the metal sheet is

0 0 0
1) 2) 3) 0 4)
2 2 2
The variation of induced emf, e with time ,t in a coil if a short bar magnet is moved along
its axis with a constant velocity is best represented as

1) 2)

3) 4)

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 66

15. The combinations of gates shown here are equivalent to

1) OR gate and an AND gate respectively 2) AND gate and a NOT gate respectively
3) AND and an OR gate respectively 4) OR gate and a NOT gate respectively

16. A thin hollow sphere of mass m is completely filled with non viscous liquid of mass m .
When the sphere roll-on horizontal ground such that centre moves with velocity v , kinetic
energy of the system is equal to
4 2 4 2
1) mv 2 2) mv 3) mv 4) None of these
3 5
17. A body of density  is dropped from rest from a height h into a lake of density  (   )

. The maximum depth the body sinks inside the liquid is (neglect viscous effect of liquid)
h h h h
1) 2) 3) 4)
 −  −  

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 67

18. Switch S is closed at time t = 0 . Which one of the following statements is correct ?
r1 r2
. . . .

E1 E2

• •
. .

1) Current in the resistance R increases if E1r2  E2 ( R + r1 )
2) Current in the resistance R increases if E1r2  E2 ( R + r1 )
3) Current in the resistance R decreases if E1r2 = E2 ( R + r1 )
4) Current in the resistance R increases if E1r2 = E2 ( R + r1 )
19. When a surface is illuminated with light of wavelength  , the stopping potential is V.
When the same surface is illuminated by light of wavelength 2 , the stopping potential is
. Threshold wavelength for the metallic surface is
4 8
1) 2) 4 3) 6 4)
3 3
20. A stationary hydrogen atom of mass M emits a photon corresponding to the first line of
Lyman series. It ‘R’ is the Rydberg’s constant, the velocity that the atom acquires is
3 Rh Rh Rh Rh
1) 2) 3) 4)
4M 4M 2M M

21. When a block of iron floats in mercury at 00 C , a fraction K1 of its volume is submerged,

while at the temperature of 600 C a fraction K 2 is seen to be submerged. If the coefficient

of volume expansion of iron is  Fe and that of mercury is  Hg , then the ratio can be

1 + 60 Fe 1 − 60 Fe 1 + 60 Fe 1 − 60 Fe

1) 2) 3) 4)
1 + 60 Hg 1 + 60 Hg 1 − 60 Hg 1 + 60 Hg

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 68

22. In a vernier calipers, n divisions of its main scale match with (n + 1) divisions on its
vernier scale. Each division of the main scale is a units. Using the vernier principle,
calculate its least count.
a a n
1) 2) 3) 4) n + 1
n n +1 2

23. The instantaneous velocity of a particle moving in xy-plane is V = (ay)iˆ + (V0 ) ˆj , where y
is the instantaneous y co-ordinate of the particle and V0 is a positive constant and a is a
negative constant. If the particle starts from origin then its trajectory is:

1) 2) 3) 4)
24. In the figure shown, the instantaneous speed of end A of the rod of length L is v to the
left .The angular speed of the rod at that instant must be

3v 2v
1) v / 2 L 2) v / L 3) 4)
2L L
25. A wide vessel with a small orifice near the base is filled with kerosene (density 
1) and water (density  2) to heights h1 and h2 respectively. If the initial outflow velocity of

water through the orifice is v , then v 2 is equal to

kerosene h1

water h2

 h   h   
1) 2g ( h1 + h2 ) 2) 2 g  h1 + 2 2  3) 2 g  h2 + 1 1  4) 2 g  1  ( h1 + h2 )
 1   2   2 

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 69

To get an output of 1 from the circuit shown in figure the input must be :

(1) a=0, b=1, c=0 (2) a=1, b=0, c=0 (3) a=1, b=0, c=1(4) a=0, b=0, c=1
27. A particle of charge q and mass m moves in a circular orbits of radius r with angular
speed  . The ratio of the magnitude of its magnetic moment to that of its angular
momentum depends on
1)  and q 2)  , q and m 3) q and m 4)  and m
magnetic flux
28. Dimensions of are
electric flux

1) M 0 LT −1 2) M 0 L−1T 3) M 0 L3T 2 A−2 4) M 0 L0T 0

29. Two coherent point sources S1 and S 2 are separated by a small distance d as shown. The
fringes obtained on the screen will be

1) points 2) straight lines 3) semi-circle 4) concentric circles

30. Hysteresis loops for two magnetic materials A and B are given below :

These materials are used to make magnets for electric generators, transformer core and
electromagnet core. Then it is proper to use :
1) A for electric generators and transformers
2) A for electromagnets and B for electric generators.
3) A for transformers and B for electric generators.
4) B for electromagnets and transformers.

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 70

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
3 3 3 4 2 4 3 1 1 2
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
1 4 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
1 2 1 2 3 2 3 2 4 4

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 71


1. Consider a thin spherical shell of radius R with its centre at the origin, carrying uniform
positive surface charge density. The variation of the magnitude of the electric field E ( r )

and the electric potential V ( r ) with the distance r from the centre, is best represented

by which graph?

1) 2)

3) 4)
2. Ultraviolet light of wavelength 1 and 1 (2  1 ) when allowed to fall on hydrogen atoms
in their ground state is found to liberate electrons with maximum kinetic energies
E1 and E2 respectively. The value of Planck`s constant can be found from the relation
1 1
1) h = (2 − 1 )( E1 − E2 ) 2) h = (2 + 1 )( E1 + E2 )
c c
( E − E )  ( E + E ) 
3) h = 1 2 1 2 4) h = 1 2 1 2
c ( 2 − 1 ) c ( 1 + 2 )

Carbon resistor has resistance specified by three bands having colours red, yellow and
black. If the resistor is remolded to make a resistor twice of previous length, the new
colour code will de
1) White, blue, black 2) Red, orange, black
3) Brown, red, black 4) Yellow, gray, black

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 72

4. Magnetic moments of two identical magnets are M and 2M respectively. Both are
combined in such a way that their similar poles are same side the time period in this is
case. T1 .If polarity of one magnets is reversed its period becomes T2 than find out ratio
of their time periods T1 / T2
1 1
1) 3 2) 3) 1 4)
3 3

Two concentric conducting spheres of radii R and 2R carrying charges Q and -3Q
respectively. If the charge on inner sphere is doubled, the potential difference
between two spheres will:
1) Become two times 2) become four times
3) Remain same 4) be halved

6. In the given circuit, when key K is open, reading of ideal ammeter is I. Now key K is
closed, then correct statement(s).

1) If E1  IR reading of ammeter is less than I.

2) If IR  E1  2 IR reading of ammeter is greater than I.
3) If E1 = 2 IR reading of ammeter is zero
4) If E1 = 2 IR reading of ammeter is I

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 73

7. Two identical galvanometers are converted into voltmeter & ammeter by using two
different resistances R1 & R 2 such that R1  G  R 2 where G is resistance of
galvanometer. These are connected to verify ohms law. Choose the correct circuit

1) 2)

3) 4)

8. An ammeter and a voltmeter are initially connected in series to a battery of zero internal
resistance. When switch S1 is closed the reading of the voltmeter becomes half of the
initial, whereas the reading of the ammeter becomes double. If now switch S2 is also
closed, then reading of ammeter becomes

1) 3/2 times the initial value 2) 3/4 times the value after closing S1
3) 3/4 times the initial value 4) 3/2 times the value after closing S1
9. If the angular momentum of a planet of mass m, moving around the sun in a circular orbit
is L, about the center of the sun, its areal velocity is
L L 2L 4L
1) 2) 3) 4)
2m m m m

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 74

10. Current in R 3 in the shown circuit

1) just after closing the switch is zero

2) long time after closing the switch is
R1 + R 2 + R 3

3) just after closing the switch is

4) long after closing the switch is

11. Unpolarized light of intensity I scattered from point A. Intensity of light perceived by the
given observer is

I I I 2 I I
1) I 2) cos 2  3) + sin  4) + cos 2 
2 2 2 2 2
12. A scientist claims to have a perfect technique in which he can spontaneously convert an
electron completely into energy in the laboratory without any other material required.
What is the conclusion about this claim from our current understanding of physics?
1) This is possible because Einstein's equation says that mass and energy are equivalent...
it is just very difficult to achieve with electrons
2) This is possible and it is done all the time in the high-energy physics labs.
3) The scientist is almost correct... except that in converting the electron to energy, an
electron's anti-particle is produced in the process as well
4) This is not possible because charge conservation would be violated.
BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 75
13. Two identical capacitors are arranged as shown. Work function of plate 1 is  . The emf

of battery is . If energy of incident photon is hv (  ) then maximum kinetic energy of
photo electron (of charge –e) reaching plate 2 is

1) hv − 2) hv −  3) hv − 2 4) hv
14. A cubical region of side a has its centre at the origin. It encloses three fixed point charges,
-q at (0, -a/4, 0) + 3q at (0, 0, 0) and -q at (0 + a/4, 0) Choose the in correct option

1) The net electric flux crossing the plane x = +a/2 is equal to the net electric flux crossing
the plane x =-a/2
2) The net electric flux crossing the plane y = +a/2 is more than the net electric flux
crossing the plane y =- a/2
3) The net electric flux crossing the entire cubical region is q /  0
4) The net electric flux crossing the plane z = +a/2 is equal to the net electric flux crossing
the plane x = +a/2
15. Relative permittivity and permeability of a material are r and  r , respectively. Which of
the following values of these quantities are allowed for a diamagnetic material
1) r = 1.5,  r = 0.5 2) r = 0.5, r = 0.5
3) r = 1.5,  r = 1.5 4) r = 0.5,  r = 1.5

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 76

16. A potentiometer circuit shown in the figure is set up to measure emf of cell E. As the
point P moves from X to Y the galvanometer G shows deflection always in one direction,
but the deflection decrease continuously until Y is reached. The balance point between
X and Y may be obtained by

1) Decreasing the resistance R and decreasing V

2) Decreasing the resistance R and increasing V
3) Increasing the resistance R and increasing V
4) Increasing the resistance R and decreasing V

17. Three capacitors C1 , C2 and C3 are connected to a battery as shown in figure. The three
capacitors have equal capacitances. Which capacitor stores the most energy?

1) C2or C3 as they store the same amount of energy

2) C2
3) C1
4) All three capacitors store the same amount of energy

18. For a LCR series circuit with an A.C. source of angular frequency 
1) Circuit will be capacitive if  
2) circuit will be inductive if  =
3) Power factor of circuit will by unity if capacitive reactance equals inductive reactance
4) Current will be leading if  

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 77

19. A fish sees the smiling face of a scuba diver through a convex bubble of air between them,
as shown. Compared to the face of the diver, the image seen by the fish will be

1) Smaller and erect 2) Smaller and inverted

3) larger and erect 4) Larger and inverted

20. A body floats in a liquid contained in a beaker. If the whole system free falls under gravity,
then the upthrust on the body due to liquid is
1) equal to the weight of the body in air
2) equal to the weight of the body in liquid
3) zero
4) equal to the weight of the immersed part of the body

21. The self inductance L of a solenoid of length l and area of cross-section A, with a fixed
number of turns N increases as
1) l and A increases 2) l decreases and A increases
3) l increases and A decreases 4) Both l and A decreases

22. P – V diagram of a cyclic process ABCA is as shown in the following figure. Choose the
correct alternative

1) Q A →B is negative 2) U B →C is positive
3) U C →A is negative 4) WABC is negative

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 78

23. A non-viscous liquid is flowing through a non-uniform pipe from section A to section B
as shown in the adjoining figure. Cross-sectional area of the pipe at A is less than that at
B. Which of the following statement is incorrect?

1) The pressure at A is greater than that at B
2) Velocity at A is greater than that at B
3) Total energy per unit volume of the liquid is greater at A than at B
4) Axis of the pipe cannot be horizontal

24. Light travelling through three transparent substances follows the path shown in the
figure. Assuming that total internal reflection does take place on the bottom surface of
medium 2, arrange the refractive index in the increasing order.


1) 1   2  3 2)  2  1  3 3) 1  3   2 4) 3  1   2

25. Along a streamline

1) The velocity of fluid particle remains constant
2) The velocity of all fluid particles crossing a given position is constant
3) The velocity of all fluid particles at a given instant is constant
4) The speed of a fluid particle remains constant

26. The electric field at a point associated with light wave is given by E = E 0 sin 2f1t.sin 2f 2 t
where f1 and f 2 are two different frequencies ( f1  f 2 ) . If this light wave is incident on a
metal plate whose work function is  . The velocity of fastest moving photoelectron
emitted will be
2 2
1) ( hf1 − ) 2) ( hf 2 −  )
m m
2 1
3)  h ( f1 + f 2 ) −  4)  h ( f1 + f 2 ) − 
m m

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 79

27. Assertion (A): variation of intensity of X- rays is plotted against  . On increasing the
acceleration potential, (  2 − 1 ) increases.
Reasoning (R):  min will decrease but  2 will be same, as wavelength of characteristic X –
rays is independent of the accelerating potential.
Choose the correct statement from the following.

1) A is correct and R is the correct explanation of A.

2) Both A and R correct but R is not the correct explanation od A.
3) A is correct but R is wrong
4) Both A and R are wrong

28. A double-slit apparatus is used to observe an interference pattern projected on a screen

from a stationary light source. If the light source is instead moved toward the double slits
at constant speed along the axis of symmetry, what will be observed on the screen?
1) The interference pattern will remain unchanged.
2) The fringes will move farther apart to a new fixed direction
3) The fringes will move closer together to a new fixed distance
4) The fringes will continue to move further and farther apart as the source is brought

29. A Conductor ABCDE, shapes as shown, carries a current i. It is placed in the xy plane
with the ends A and E on the x-axis. A uniform magnetic field of magnitude B exists in
the region. Choose the INCORRECT option.

1) The force acting on it will be zero, if B is in the x-direction

2) The force acting on it will be Bi in the z-direction, if B is in the y-direction
3) The force acting on it will be Bi in the negative y-direction, if B is in the z-direction
4) The force acting on it will be 2aBi , if B is in the x-direction

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 80

30. Which logic gate is represented by the following combination of logic gates?

1) AND 2) NOR 3) OR 4) NAND


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
4 3 1 2 1 3 4 4 1 1
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
3 4 1 2 1 2 3 3 1 3
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
3 3 3 4 2 3 1 1 4 1

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 81


1. A radiation of energy ' E ' falls normally on a perfectly reflecting surface. The momentum
transferred to the surface is (C = Velocity of light)
2E E E 2E
1) 2) 3) 4)
C2 C2 C C

2. A wire carrying current I has the shape as shown in adjoining figure. Linear parts of the
wire are very long and parallel to X-axis while semicircular portion of radius R is lying in
Y – Z plane. Magnetic field at point O is

1) B = − 0 I  i + 2k
4 R
) Z

0 I
2) B=
4 R
 i − 2k ) I
 I
3) B= 0
4 R
 i + 2k ) I
 I
4) B=− 0
4 R
 i − 2k )

3. Kepler’s third law states that square of period of revolution (T) of a plant around the sun,
is proportional to the third power of average distance r between sun and planet i.e.
T 2 = Kr 3 here K is constant. If the masses of sun and planet are M and m respectively then
as per Newton’s law of gravitation force of attraction between them is F = 2 , here G
is gravitational constant. The relation between G and K is described as
1) K = G 2) K = 3) GK = 4 2 4) GMK = 4 2

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 82

4. Three identical spherical shells, each of mass m and radius r are placed as shown in figure.
Consider an axis XX ' which is touching to two shells and passing through diameter of
third shell. Moment of inertia of the system consisting of these three spherical shells about
XX ' axis is

16 2 11 2
1) mr 2) 4mr 2
3) mr 4) 3mr 2
5 5

5. A parallel plate air capacitor of capacitance C is connected to a cell of emf V and then
disconnected from it. A dielectric slab of dielectric constant K, which can just fill the air
gap of the capacitor, is now inserted in it. Which of the following is incorrect?
1 1 
1) The change in energy stored is CV 2  − 1
2 K 
2) The charge on the capacitor is not conserved.
3) The potential difference between the plates decreases K times.
4) The energy stored in the capacitor decreases K times.

6. A resistance ‘R’ draws power ‘P’ when connected to an AC source. If an inductance is

now placed in series with the resistance, such that the impedance of the circuit becomes
‘Z’, the power drawn will be
1) P 

3) P  R 
 2) P 4) P
Z Z Z

7. Two similar spring P and Q have spring constants K P and K Q , such that K P  K Q . They are
stretched first by the same amount (case a), then by the same force (case b). The work
done by the springs WP and WQ are related as, in case (a) and case (b) respectively.
1) WP  WQ ;WQ  WP 2) WP  WQ ;WQ  WP 3) WP = WQ ;WP  WQ 4) WP = WQ ;WP = WQ

8. If energy ( E ) , velocity (V ) and time (T ) are chosen as the fundamental quantities, the
dimensional formula of surface tension will be
1)  EV −2T −2  2)  E −2V −1T −3  3)  EV −2T −1  4)  EV −1T −2 

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 83

9. Across a metallic conductor of non-uniform cross-section, a constant potential difference
is applied. The quantity which remains constant along the conductor is
1) drift velocity 2) electric field 3) current density 4) current

10. A pendulum of mass ‘m’ is connected to the ceiling of a car which in turn moves with
constant acceleration 𝑎⃗ on horizontal ground. Pendulum is at rest with respect to the
car. There are two observers, A sitting in the car and B is on the ground at rest. Based
on above information choose correct option. (𝑇⃗⃗ is tension force by on mass by the

1) Net force on mass as seen by A is mg + T + ma

2) Net force on mass as seen by B is mg + T + ma

3) Net force on mass as seen by B is mg + T

4) Net force on mass as seen by A is mg + T

11. The shown figure represents a wave front AB which passes from air to another
transparent medium and produces a new wave front CD after refraction. The refractive
index of the medium is (PQ is the boundary between air and the medium).

cos 1 cos 4 sin 1 sin 2

1) 2) 3) 4)
cos 4 cos 1 sin 4 sin 3

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 84

12. The following transistor circuit is equivalent to which logic gate?

1) OR 2) NAND 3) XOR 4) AND

13. Three equal mass satellites A, B, and C are in coplanar orbits around a planet as shown
in the figure. The magnitudes of the angular momenta of the satellites as measured
about the planet are L A , L B , and L C . Which of the following statements is correct ?

1) L A  L B  LC 2) LC  L B  L A 3) L B  LC  L A 4) L B  L A  LC
14. Consider two identical circular loops of same radius, with the second (right side) coil
rotated slightly clockwise relative to the first when looked from above as shown in
figure (a). A large current is suddenly injected into the left side loop. What happen to
the right side loop ?

1) Force to the left, torque rotates clockwise (in top view)

2) Force to the right, torque rotates clockwise (in top view)
3) Force to the right, torque rotates counterclockwise (in top view)
4) Can’t tell without knowing which direction current injected into left loop

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 85

15. For amplitude modulated wave broadcast which of the following cases is most suitable
Wave (A) A m  A C m  C

Wave (B) A m  A C m  C

Wave (C) A m  A C m  C

Wave (D) A m  A C m  C

1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D

16. Two waveforms, 1 ( x, t ) = Asin ( kx − t ) and  2 ( x, t ) = Asin ( kx + t +  / 3) ,

travelling along the x-axis, are superposed. The position of the nodes is given by
 2 
k = ,  = 2f 
  
 1  1
1) x n =  n +  2) x n =  n − 
 6 2  6 2

3) x n = n 4) no nodes are formed

17. The main difference in the phenomenon of interference and diffraction is that :-
1) diffraction is due to interaction of light from the same wavefront whereas
interference is the interaction of (light) waves from two isolated sources.
2) diffraction is due to interaction of light from same wavefront, whereas the
interference is the interaction of two waves derived from the same source.
3) diffraction is due to interaction of waves derived from the same source, whereas the
interference is the bending of light from the same wavefront.
4) diffraction is caused by the reflected waves from a source whereas interference is
caused due to refraction of waves from a source.

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 86

18. A glass capillary of length and inside radius r( r  ) with its upper end sealed is
introduced vertically into water. The atmospheric pressure is p 0 . To what length h has
the capillary to be submerged to make the water levels inside and outside the capillary
coincide. Assume that temperature of air in the capillary remains constant. (Given,
surface tension of water = T, angle of contact between glass water interface = 0 )

1) 2) 3) 4)
pr pr pr 2p0 r
1+ 0 1+ 0 1+ 0 1+
T 2T 4T T

19. Which of the following is heavily doped?

(a) Photo diode (b) Light emitting diode
(c) Zener diode (d) Solar cell
1) All four 2) (a), (b) & (c) 3) (b) & (c) 4) c only

20. In a rainbow, we see two rainbows; primary and secondary. Which of the following
figures approximately represent the order of colors in rainbows?

1) 2)

3) 4)

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 87

21. Negative charge is revolving around a fixed positive charge in a circular orbit. If the
classical idea of an accelerating charge radiating energy is valid, then the negative charge
will not:
1) spiral towards the positive charge, with increasing kinetic energy
2) spiral towards the positive charge with potential energy decreasing at a faster rate
than increase in its kinetic energy.
3) spiral away from the positive charge and finally escape from the binding of the
positive charge
4) revolve around the positive charge with increasing frequency of revolution.

22. Electric and magnetic field of an electromagnetic wave are

1) in phase and perpendicular to each other
2) in phase and parallel to each other
3) in opposite phase and parallel to each other
4) in opposite phase and perpendicular to each other

23. If the amplitude of velocity of a particle acted on by a force F = F0 cos t along x − axis is
given by  0 = , The resonant frequency is
( a − b + c )
2 1/2

b 2b b a
1) 2) 3) 4)
a a 2a 2b

24. The N-P-N transistors are preferred over the P-N-P transistors, because
1) N-P-N transistors have low heat dissipation
2) N-P-N transistors are cheap and easily available
3) N-P-N transistors have higher mobility of electrons then holes in P-N-P transistors
4) N-P-N transistors can handle large power

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 88

25. The system shown in the given fig is in equilibrium. All the blocks are of the equal mass
m and springs are ideal. When the string between A and B is cut then immediately after

1) the acceleration of block A is 2g while the acceleration of block C is g

2) the acceleration of block B is 2g while the acceleration of block C is zero
3) the acceleration of block A is 2g while the acceleration of block B is g
4) the acceleration of block B is g while the acceleration of block C is zero

26. In Young’s double-slit experiment, the separation between the slits is halved and the
distance between the slits and the screen is doubled. The fringe width is
1) unchanged 2) halved 3) doubled 4) quadrupled

27. In a forward biased P-N junction carrying a certain amount of current, which of the
following statement is false?
1) The depletion region width decreases in comparison to unbiased case
2) The electric field strength varies in depletion region
3) The neutral regions behave like ohmic resisters with small resistance.
4) The charge density in the depletion region is uniform.

28. The given network is equivalent to:

B y
1) OR gate 2)NOR gate 3)NOT gate 4)AND gate

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 89

The figure shows a charge q placed inside a cavity in an uncharged conductor. Now if an
external electric field is switched on

1) Only induced charge on outer surface will redistribute

2) Only induced charge on inner surface will redistribute
3) Both induced charge on outer and inner surface will redistribute
4) Force on charge q placed inside the cavity will change.

A disc of radius R is rolling without slipping on a horizontal surface. P is a point at

distance x above its centre O at a certain instant. The radius of curvature of the
trajectory of P at that instant is


(R + x)
(R + x)
1) 2) R + x 3) 4)
x R R−x

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 90


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
4 1 4 2 2 3 1 1 4 3
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
3 4 1 2 4 2 2 2 3 1
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
3 1 3 4 2 4 4 2 1 1

BY ASHOK KUMAR,CELL NO.9440025125 91

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