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Propiedades reoldgicas de algunos productos de frutas

tropicales y su clarificacidn enzimatica

Articulo - Enero 1974


cITAS 294
~ h
3 autores, incluyendo: .
‘ carlos rodriguez
ricardo garcia Universidad del Valle de Guatemala 98
Consultor Industrial Independiente 15 PUBLICACIONES 1,029 CITAS

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proyectos relacionados: Frutas tropicales Ver proyecto

Todo el contenido que sigue a esta pagina fue subido por Ricardo Garcia el 28 de
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Proc. IV Int. Congress Food Sct. and Technol, (1974) Vol fT, p, 18 =~ 26

Rheological properties of some tropical fi

products and their enzymic clarification

R. Garcia, J. Rivera and C, Rolz

Applied Research Division

Central American Research Institute for Industry


Guatemala City, Guatemala CA,


The viscosities of the juices, perees and concentrates of several

fruits were measured with a Brookfield viscometer at constamt temperautre.
Also, the infleence of temperature on the viscosity of some tropical fruit
purees was determined, Four commercial enzymes were tested for clarification
of fruit purces. Clarified juices were all Newtonian fluids as some concentr-
ates whe purecs behaved as pwodoplastic Muids. Cellulase gave the best
reduction im the viscosity of banana puree; polygalacturonase was the best
fot guava and mango purees and beomelain was better for papaya. The
enzymatic attack during clarification manifested itself by a rapid decrease,
Within the first fifteen minutes, of the puree consistency index.


The demand for tropical fruit products like jellies, ice creams, nectars, center f
for bakery items, made out of banana, pineapple, mango, guava and other fruits is j
ing, both in temperate as in tropical countries. Most of these products can be made
of juice or puree fruit concentrates, as it is the least expensive way of
keeping them in a semiprocessed form. In the manufecture of concentrates by vacut
evaporation, the viscosity, hence the juice consistency, has a large effect on the
final quality and on the economics of the unit operation. Viscous purees are tough
handle, the product is labile to overheat in the evaporator and the product might
be homogencous. When this is the case, an enzymatic clarification step is
where viscosity is reduced as a result of biopolymers breakdown or chemical modifi
the suspension is no longer stable and a clear product is obtained, The knowledge o
the rheological properties of these products is then required in order to properly
and control the evaporation process,

A limited amount of data has been published on this respect of tropical fruit
products when compared to the one for temperate fruits (Schaller et al., 1970; Hold
worth, 197}), Some of our results with tropical fruits were published on a report o
limited distribution (ICAITI, 1972) and more recently, Rao et al. (1974) published
theological parameters for banana, guava, mango and papaya fruits from Brazilian cu
The effect of eazyme action during clarification on the rheology of fruit juices

purees has been studied mainly for apples, grapes, apricots and berries (Charley,
Leuprecht and Schaller, 1970a, 1970b; Rokhlenko and Kislenko, 1970; Rombouts ant
Pilnik, 1971; Delecourt, 1972; Ishli and Yokotsuks, 1973; de Vos and Pilnik, 1973),
Again, very litth. work has been done with tropical fruits, Sreekantiah et al.
(1968; 1!
have reported results for guava, banana and mango enzymic clarification, Park et

(1972) have given qualitative data on the clarification of passion fruit and


Juices and purees were obtained employing the following sequence of operations:
peeling by
hand (with the exception of guava), enzyme inactivation by dipping for three
minutes in a 2 %
solution of bsubphite (onty for banana), grows pulping (employing a Heike or o
Langsenkamp pad
pulper? with screens meth from 0.64 to 0.125" of a screw type pulper Chisholm Ryder
with sere
mesh 0.05"), and fine pulping (the Langsenkamp pulper with screens mesh from 0.027
to 0.033"
The rheological, brix and pH measurements were obtained af this point. The
viscometer employe:
was 8 Brookfield LVF, using the spindle No. 4 ut 6, 12, 30 and 60 rpm for the non-
newtonian |
and the spindle No. 1 with the UL adaptor for the newtonian juices. For juice
clarification four
enzymes were wied in a proportion of 0.03 “% by weight with respect to the puree.
The tempera
was comstant at 40°C. The enzymes employed are shown in Table 1. The treated juices
were char
fed on a disk centrifuge (Westphalia) and concentrated on « rotary wiped film
evaporator (ASCO
Rotafilm 50-2). The following fruats were employed in the trials; banana (var.
Valery and local),
Guava (local), mango (local, var. Maden, Irwin, Julie, Sengsrion, T, Atkins),
passion fruit (P, edull:
var. flavicarpa}, papaya (local) and pineapple (local derived from Cayenne).


The rheological properties for passion fruit and pineapple juices. which showed
newtonian behavior, are specified in Table 2, Some of the valucs, as noted, were
with an Ostwald capillary viscometer, The viscosity values should be taken only as
lines as variations might be expected, For example with some samples of centrifuged
sion fruit juice, values as high as 4.55 cp have been obtained at 30°C, at about
the :
Brix. This shows that the degree of ripeness of the fruit at the time the juice is
ed and the difference in cultivars agricultural practice have a tremendous
influence ot
theological properties. This fact is somewhat expected as during the fruit
climateric 1
are drastic chemical changes occurring, mainly enzymatic biopolymer breakdown or ¢
transformations. The inter relationships between rheological and physico-chemica!
perties of fruits during ripening has not been 2 subject of much research, although

Enzyme Characteristics Used During Clarification
Enzyme Activity"
Product Polygalacturonase” Cellulase” ~— Protea
Pectinol 41-P (Rohm & Haas), ...... 2.26 0.20 185
Cellutase 20,000 (Miles). .......... 2.24 0.62 6.1
Hemicellulase CE-100 (Miles). ...... 0,52 0.56 04
Bromelain Conc. 1,100 (Miles). ..... 0.02 0.03 747

« = Specific activity, units/mg protein in sotuthin.

bw Unit: dg reducing groups formed min.
¢ = Unit: Ug tyrosine liberated /min,

work has been reported for bananas by Charles and Tung (1973). Pineapple juice as
obtained has a high newtonian viscosity, mainly due to the insoluble compounds in
suspension. A sample clarified by high speed (IEC Model 20 refrigerated centrifuge,
12000 rpm) centrifugation gives a transparent-yellowish juice with a newtonian
of around 1.3 cp at 30°C. Saravacos (1970) has reported that apple and grape juices
4% Newtonian fluids below SO"Brix and that there is a viscosity difference between
cloudy and clear products, although he depectinized his products by enzymes plus
The theological properties for the purees exhibiting non-newtonian behavior ana
shown in Tables 3 and 4. The data were processed with the power-law or Ostwald-de
model for time independent hon-pewtonian Muids:
K - >
7 ( - )

where ‘y is the shear stress in dynes/cm? , (dv/dr) the shear rate in sec and K, n
the index and flow constants respectively. The shear stress was calculated by
(Garcia-Borrds, 1965; Skelland, 1967):


Tropical Fruit Juice Viscosities

Newtonian fluids

Fruit Sample Brix” Viscosity, cp Temperature °C

Passion fruit, ....,, 0... Clarified by 14.3 2.57 22

centrifugation 2.06".2.33 30

Pineapple. .......0 0... Juice without 14.5 40,32 22


Clarified by 1x 30

6= Values obtained with an Ostwald capillary viscometer.

Tropical Fruits Juice Viscosities at 40° C

Fruit Sample Brix * n= dynes X sec" /om?

Banana. ll, Puree 26.5 “ 85.75
ROM aie i ess een cesees Puree 25.0 a $8.9)
(var. Valery)
MING o's eeeeasock: » Puree 14.8 RI Wb
ON: is tau nsseeicncina; Purce 12.6 23 $3.25
¥ nD? ke

t = measured torque, obtained directly from the viscometer readings

D = spindle diameter

le = effective length of spindle, obtained from calibrating the instrument

with a newtonian system of known viscosity

The shear rate was obtained from (Garcis-Borras, 1965; Skelland, 1967):
‘ av ) 4nN

N = sec
n = slope of logarithmic plot of t ves N

The values of n were obtained from a least squares fit. The above equations wi
the numerical values for all the constants gives:

4nN 8
1167 © 60n ?

With all the data and employing a least squares fit, the values of K for each pr
were obtained from the last equation. All the fruit purees behaved like
fluids and the increase in consistency index K, went from papaya and banana to gua
and mango. However, there is 2 marked variation among different varieties of the
fruit, as shown for mango in Table 4. Rao ct al. (1973) list the papaya puree as
with the lowest K, but their banana sample gave 2 higher consistency index than
mango puree and close to the values shown in Table 4 for the mango varieties of thi
study, Charm (1962) gives values for two banana varieties between 65 to 107 dynes-s
which are closer to the ones reported in this study. The high K values found for
purees resemble the more viscous pear ani apricot Purees reported in the review by
Holdsworth (1971). The purees which behave more like pseudoplastic fluids, the ones
with lower values for the flow constant M, are papaya and mango; then very similar
and banana. Again, the results do not agree with those of Rao et al. (1973) as they
have banana, mango, guava and Papaya from the lowest to the highest n values. [t
be concluded, then, that the rheological values reported to date on tropical fruit
should be taken as guidelines rather than absolute and univers! values for cach
fruit 4

The variation of the rheofogical Properties with temperature for guava puree are

Viscometer lecture =
Tropical Fruit Juice Viscosities for Mango Purees
Variety Temperature Brix ® mn dynes X sec"/er
Amatillo (local), .. 2.22... 2... 40 23.0 26 107.65
Mamey (local), vo... cece cee 40 24.8 28-29 276.02-365.10
CO 23 16.0 28 123,00
NWR 685 i aon oko lg as 23 18.0 31 204,50
De TS Ce yo Se RT cr a 23 14.5 26 105.00
Sensation. ........0..0......, 23 15.3 WW 97.
WAU ca oceneeenns 23 15.0 28 131,80

Variation of Puree Viscosity with Temperature

Fruit: Guava {local variety)

K K(f)
TG 8 dynes see"/em? dynes sec" /cm?
15 0.187 282.6) 198.77
20 0.161 253.38 179.98
30 0.212 214.88 172,76
40 0.328 157.49 161.96
50 0.427 107.28 132,51
60 0.470 100.78 134.14
70 0.442 108,33 137,25
es a ==
Viscosity Decrease during Clarification of Fruit Purees with Peetolytic Enzymes at
Fruit Time, min K/(K initial) % n
Mango (var. Mamey). ..000 0 100 0.26
15s 40 0.26
30 33 0.26
45 27 0.26
60 22 0.26
Banana (var, Valery), ©..0,000 0 100 0.47
Is 65 0.47
30 65 0.47
45 63 0.47
60 48 047
UNS, sc nncsngse sic ces 0 100 0.30
15 30 0.22
30 19 0.10
45 28 0.19
@ 37 0.27
Papaya (local). _..,, picasa stcaaeN 0 100 0.34
15 81 OM
30 §2 0.34
45 73 0.M
& 71 04

* The values of K at different times were obtained with an average 1.

in Table 5. There is an increase of the Mow constant n and a decrease of the
index K with tempersture. The last column gives the K values calculated with a meal
and equal to 0.314, However the n variations are significant at the 5 °4 level,
that the purce is Jess pseudoplastic at higher temperatures. This same behavior was
ed with the rest of the tropical fruit purees. Saravacos (1970) shows data for
and apple purees where K decreases with temperature but he states that the n values
remained practically constant around 0.3, It has been stated (Saravacos, 1970;
1971) that if the serum of the purees contributes significantly to the puree
sootrary to just being a stabilized suspension in a thin liquid, the viscosity
should be
function of temperature, hence the degree of pseudoplasticity or the n value also.

The results of the enzymatic clarification of mango, banana, guava and papaya
purees with pectolytic enzymes are shown in Table 6. In all cases there is a
in the juice consistency index K, as can be observed from the values in the third
The percent reduction was calculated using an average value for n in those cases,
guava, where individual n values had an erratic tendency. With all the purees the
decrease in consistency index took place during the first 15 minutes, indicating
complete pectin (or polymer) breakdown was not required for the reduction, Table 7
shows similar results for banana and guava with cellulolytic and proteolytic
Note that the reduction in K also is greatest during the first 1S minutes of enzyme
attack, with the exception of broemelain, where a thickening was observed during
first part of the reaction and then the consistency decreased. This behavior with
teolytic enzymes was also observed with banana, but not with papaya and mango. Wit
the former fruit, brometsin gave the largest reduction in K.

Thé decrease in viscosity during enzymatic juice clarification was reported initial
by Endo (1965a) for apple juice. However his measurements were done on the juice
serum and not in the whole puree as was done here, Endo tested also citrus pectin
a substrate, obtaining the same results. that viscosity was reduced markedly during
first 15-20 minutes of the reaction. He postulated on the basis of his studies that
{Endo, 1965b) the most reasonable mechanism of enzymatic clarification employing
endo-polygalacturonas: was: solubilization of insoluble pectin bound to suspended
decrease in viscosity of soluble pectin and flocculation of suspended particles.
The sam
results have been reported by Ishil and Yokotsuka (1972a, 1972b) for endo-
and pectin trans-eliminase attack on apple juice, pectic acid and pectin solutions,
On ¢
other hand Baker and Bruemmer (1972) have reported that the addition of pectinases
stabilized orange juice cloud after centrifugation, They showed that the enzymes
polymerized pectic substances to soluble pectic acid molecules which stabilized the
sion. To our knowledge, the data reported on this paper is the first on tropical
purees and it has been shown that the consistericy decrease is obtained not only
pectic enzymes but also with cellulolytic and proteolytic enzymes. Recent results
also the same behavior with amylolytic enzymes. However, as shown in Table 1, com-
mercial enzymes are a mixture of hydrolytic enzymes anyhow and pectin might be not
the only substrate that holds the puree-matrix together but other biopolymers,
starch, hemicelluloses, cellulose and protein might be also responsible. However,
little is
known to date on the reaction products and the biopolymer transformations. Endo
(1964) developed a spectrophotometric method to obtain clarification values for
juice by measuring transmitance at 660 my. He showed (Endo 196$a, 1965b) that tran
mitance values increased as viscosity was reduced with a short lag on time, The
method was applied to the tropical fruit serums but the results were quite erratic,
in an miterval of wavelengths tried from 420 to 660 mp Recently better results have
been obtained with a turbidimeter, which will be reported later on.

Table 8 gives the rheological properties of the clarified, centrifuged concentrates

of various solids contents. Banana, guava and mango were newtonian fluids, but
was non-newtonian from 22 to SS°Brix. No clear explanation can be given to this
fereat behavior, but further work is in progress.

Viscosity Decrease during Enzymatic Clarification of Fruit Purees at 40° C

Fruit Enzyme Time, min K/(K initial) “% * n

Banana (var. Valery). . Cellulase 20,000 0 100 0.4}

is 32 0.3:
30 34 O4¢
60 27 0.38
90 39 0.42
Hemicallulase CE-100 0 100 0.37
1s 53 0.37
*” 34 0.44
60 66 0.34
90 75 0.27
Guava (local). 2.2... Cellulase 20,000 0 100 OR
15 82 0.38
30 62 0.44
45 $5 0.46
60 47 0.46
90 38 0.44
Brometain Cone. 1,100 0 100 0.40
15 124 0.25
30 106 0.29
45 66 O41
60 82 0.40
90 81 * 0.40
* The values of K at different times were obtained with an average
Rheological Properties of Tropical Fruit Concentrates
—<———— ———

Fruit Brix” Temperature °C Viscosity, cp dynes sec"/cm? 9

Banana (var.Valery), .. 49 25 13 ~ -
$3 25 19 eo =
Guava (local), .....,. $8 30 25 - -
Mango (var. Mamey), . 48 25 13 ~ -
54 25 25 - =

Papaya (local). ...,., 22 20 ~ 0.22 0.58

32 20 - 0.58 0.37

43 20 - 1.92 0.33
55 20 ~ 14,79 0.32
Present work’ is being addressed to the effect of clarification on juice
and to study the enzymatic process.


The authors would like to express their appreciation to the Scientific Department
of the Organization of the American States for their partial support of this work.

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