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Melanie S.

MAEd- Educational Management

Quantitative Techniques in Decision Making

1. Choose a quantitative technique in making decision. Explain comprehensively by

giving situations.

 Decision-making needs to be accurate and rational to be effective. It becomes

a challenging exercise especially when decisions are complex and have
implications on major stakeholders. Success of an organization depends on
corrective decision-making. Right decisions may bring success, whereas a
wrong decision may ruin an organization. For the purpose of carrying out
decision-making procedure, a wide variety of decision-making techniques are
adopted. This can be divided into two broad categories- the quantitative and
the qualitative techniques. Qualitative techniques include intuitive approach
to decision making which is qualitative in nature. While, Quantitative
techniques include MIS, DSS, decision-tree and the Delphi method.

 Intuition is an individual’s innate belief about something without conscious

consideration. It is making a choice without the use of conscious thought or
logical inference. For example, when managers make decisions solely on
hunches and intuition, they are practicing management as though it were
wholly an art based only on feelings. The intuitive approach refers to the
approach used when managers make decisions based largely on hunches and
intuitions. It is important for a manager to develop his intuitive skills because
they are as important as rational analysis in many decisions.

2. When making a decision, why is it important to have an alternate solution?

 Decision making is the process of making choices by identifying a decision,

gathering information, and assessing alternative resolutions. Using a step-by-
step decision-making process can help you make more deliberate, thoughtful
decisions by organizing relevant information and defining alternatives. In
addition, decision-making in psychology is regarded as the cognitive process
resulting in the selection of a belief or a course of action among several
possible alternative options. It could be either rational or irrational. Decision
making lies in the way it helps you in choosing between various options.
Before making a decision, there is a need to gather all available information
and to weigh its pros and cons. It is crucial to focus on steps that can help in
taking the right decisions. A range of creative policy or management
alternatives designed to address the objectives is developed. Alternatives
should reflect substantially different approaches to the problem or different
priorities across objectives and should present decision makers with real
options and choices. It is important that we generate as many alternatives as
possible. This will allow us to choose the most effective solution to the
problem. To generate alternative solutions, you must look at the problem in
different ways.

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