Sunday Matins - Tone - 8 - Plagal 4 - 19 June - 1 AP - 1 Matt - All Saints

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Sotir ton psihon imon.

and His Translation to Heaven, to whom He had promised not lying that He would be with them forever; for He is Christ God and the Saviour of our souls.

T h e o t ok i o n
The Congregation Must Stand

Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria & All Africa Archdiocese of Good Hope


iparhis, Theotoke Parthene, dia gar tou ek sou sarkothentos O Adis ihmalotiste, O Adam anakeklite, i katara nenekrote, i Eva ileftherote, O thanatos tethanatote ke imis ezoopiithimen. Dio animnountes Voomen. Evlogitos Hristos O Theos imon, O outos evdokisas, Doxa Si!

Most Blessed art Thou, O Virgin

Theotokos: for through Him Who became Incarnate of Thee, Hell is led captive, Adam is Recalled from the dead, the Curse is made void, Eve is set free, Death is slain, and we have been Endowed with Life. Wherefore we cry aloud, extolling in song: Blessed art Thou, O Christ our God, in Whose Sight it is thus well pleasing. Glory to Thee!

Sunday Matins Hymns 19 June 2011

1 st Sunday After Pentecost - !st Sunday of St Matthew All Saints Sunday

After the Great Doxology, the Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom begins immediately

Also the Feast of St Jude, son of St Joseph the Betrothed, Brother of our Lord & St Judas Thaddeus, Holy Apostles of Christ our Saviour St Zosimos of Antioch, Pisidia St Paisios the Great of Egypt St Barlaam of Shenkursk St John the Solitary of Jerusalem St Paisios of Hilandar, Bulgaria - St Job of Moscow & All Russia St Zenon

Tone (8) Plagal 4 Resurrection Gospel 1 Matthew 28 : 16 20

The Great Commission of our Lord & Saviour, Jesus Christ

Eothinon 1 Katavasias the Ever Blessed Theotokos

Our Eternal Gratitude to God for the Original Text & Translation by Father Seraphim Dedes -the Holy Monastery of St Gregory Palamas - Archdiocese Of America

(To Be Used In Conjunction With The Matins Service Book)

Not for Material Profit

Tone (8) Plagal 4 1AP 1 St Matthew All Saints - 19 June 2011

Psalm 117 /118 - Tone (8) Plagal 4



Kyrios ke epefanen imin. Evlogimenos O ergomenos en Onomati Kyriou!


Lord is God, and has appeared to us. Blessed is He Who comes in the Name of the Lord!

them as never fading flowers and as voluntary victims, and as the Churchs unerring

The Ekekrazan Sin

i dikei, ke O Kyrios isikousen afton


Exomologisthe to Kyrio, oti agathos, oti is ton eona to Eleos Aftou!


Give thanks to the Lord, for He is Good; His Mercy endures forever!
Lord is God, and has appeared to us. Blessed is He Who comes in the Name of the Lord!


Kyrios ke epefanen imin. Evlogimenos O ergomenos en Onomati Kyriou!



Panta ta ethni ekiklosan me,


ke to Onomati Kyriou iminamin aftous.

All the nations surrounded me, but in the Name of the Lord drove them back. I

Profites, Apostoli, sin Osiis Didaskali, sin Ieromartisi Pantes Dikei, ke ginekon e athlisase, ke potho askisase, ton Agion i plithis, ke Dikeon ta tagmata, evfimisthosan, ieres melodies, os tis ano, Vasilias klironomi, os Paradisou ikitores.

Righteous cried, and the Lord heard them. With the Prophets, Apostles and the devoutest Monastic Saints, Hieromartyrs, Teachers and every Righteous man, the Holy Women excelling in Ascesis and Martyrdom, the entire Host of Saints and the Ranks of the Righteous all be extolled today with Divine Hymns, for they are the Inheritors of Heavens Rule and Kingdom, and the Inhabitants of Paradise.


Kyrios ke epefanen imin. Evlogimenos O ergomenos en Onomati Kyriou!


Lord is God, and has appeared to us. Blessed is He Who comes in the Name of the Lord!

Thavmastos O Theos en tis Agiis God is Wondrous in His Saints!

Aftou. tin gin Ouranosantes, areton en fedrotiti, i hristou ton Thanaton mimisameni, athanasias tin proxenon, odon isvadisantes, it a pathi ton vroton, hirourgia tis Haritos, ekkatharantes, i en olo to kosmo omopsihos, enathlisantes genneos, anefimisthosan Martires. By their Virtues effulgent Light, they made earth Heavenly, and they imitated the Death of Jesus Christ. These are those who have walked the Way that leads to Immortal Life. By the surgery of Grace, they removed human passions as Healers of mankind. And united throughout the world the Martyrs have courageously contest. Let us extol all the Saints today.


Para Kyriou egeneto afti, ke esti thavmasti en ofthalmis imon.


This is the Lords doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes.


Kyrios ke epefanen imin. Evlogimenos O ergomenos en Onomati Kyriou!

Lord is God, and has appeared to us. Blessed is He Who comes in the Name of the Lord! Apolytikion of the Resurrection Tone (8) Plagal 4 O Tender hearted One; Thou endured the three days burial, so that Thou might free us from our passions, O our Life and Resurrection: Glory to Thee!


Ex ipsous katilthes O evsplaghnos, Thou descended from on High,

tafin katedexo triimeron, ina imas elevtherosis ton pathon. I zoi ke i Anastasis imon, Kyrie, Doxa Si!


Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati

Glory Verily,

to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit

First Eothinon Doxasticon




Patri, ke Io, ke Agio Pnevmati

Glory to the Father, and to the

Son, and to the Holy Spirit Church is arrayed in the Holy Blood of Thy Martyrs who witnessed throughout the world, as though in purple and fine linen. Through them She cries to Thee: O Christ our

Apolytikion of All Saints Tone 4

Ton en olon to kosmo Martiron Sou, Thy

os porfiran ke visson ta aimata, i Ekklisia Sou stolisameni, di afton voa Si, Hriste O Theos, to lao Sou tous iktirmou Sou katapempson, irinin ti politia

to oros tis Mathites epigomenis, dia tin hamothen eparsin epesti O Kyrios. Ke prokinisantes afton ke tin dothisan exousian pantahou didahthentes, is tin ip Ouranon exapestellonto, kirixe tin ek nekron Anastasin ke tin is Ouranous apokatastasin. Is ke sindieonizin, O apesdis epingilato, Hristos O Theos, ke

the Lord appeared to the Disciples going to the mountain for Ascension from earthly things; and they worshipped Him and learnt from Him the Power given to Him in every place. And they were sent to every place under Heaven to preach His Resurrection from the dead,

Tone (8) Plagal 4 1AP 1 St Matthew All Saints - 19 June 2011

Tone (8) Plagal 4 After Theophany 9 January 2011


Enite O

made Death of no effect: therefore, we worship Thy Burial and Thy Rising.

Sou dorise, ke tes psihes imon to Mega Eleos.

Afton en iho salpingos. Enite Afton en psaltirio ke kithara. Angelos Sou Kyrie, O tin Anastasin kirixas, tous men filakas efovise, ta de Ginea efonise, legon: Ti zitite ton zonta meta ton nekron? Anesti Theos on, ke ti ikoumeni Zoin edorisato..

Praise Him with the sound of the

trumpet; praise Him with lute and harp.

Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton Now and ever, and to the ages of
eonon. ages.

God, send down to Thy People Thy Tender Love, grant Peace from Above to Thy Commonwealth, and to our souls Thy Great Mercy.

O Lord, proclaiming Thy Resurrection, filled the guards with fear, but he cried to the Women and said: Who do you seek the Living with the dead? Being God, He has Risen and given Life to the whole world! Idiomela of All Saints Tone 1

Thine Angel,

Amin To
ap eonos apokrifon ke Angelis agnoston Mystirion, dia Sou Theotoke tis epi gis pefanerote. Theos en asighito enosi sarkoumenos. Ke stavron ekousios iper imon katadexamenos. Di ou Anastisas ton protoplaston, esosen ek thanatou tas psihas imon.



Afton en timpano ke horo. Enite Afton en hordes ke organo. Agious O Kyrios, tous en i ethavmastose, ta aftou gar stigmata ke pathimata, en ti sarki anedexanto, en toutis kosmoumeni, ke tes this kallones, profanes anathemeni, ous imnisomen, os amaranta anthi, os asteras, aplanis tis Ekklisias, os ethelothita Thimata.

Praise Christ

Him with timbrel and dance; praise Him with strings and flute.


the Lord has made wondrous all His Saints who were on earth, for as the Apostle declared, they bore His marks and in their flesh shared His Sufferings, adorning themselves therewith, and distinguishing themselves in the beauty that is Divine. Let us therefore praise and acclaim them as never fading flowers and as voluntary victims, and as the Churchs unerring

Small Litany

First Resurrection Kathisma

Theotokos, through Thee was revealed to us on earth, the Mystery, which was hidden from Eternity, and which the Angels themselves knew not: that God, uniting Natures without confusion, became Man and accepted crucifixion voluntarily for our Salvation; by virtue of which Resurrecting mankind whom He had first created, He Saved our souls from Death. Tone (8) Plagal 4 Rose from the dead, the Life of all, and an Angel of Light cried out to the Women: Cease your tears! Announce the Good Tidings to the Apostles! Cry aloud in Hymns that Christ the Lord has Risen, Who as God was well pleased to Save the human race. to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit


ek nekron, i Zoi ton apanton, ke Angelos Fotos, tes Ginexin evoa: Pavsasthe ton dakrion, tis Apostolis evangelisasthe:Kraxate imnouse: Oti Anesti Hristos O Kyrios, O evdokisas sose os Theos, to genos ton anthropon.



afton en kimvalis evihis. Enite afton en kimvalis alalagmou. Pasa pnoi inesato ton Kyrion

Praise Him with tuneful cymbals;

praise Him with loud cymbals. Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.




Patri, ke Io, ke Agio Pnevmati

Glory Human

Agious O Kyrios, tous en i ethavmastose, ta aftou gar stigmata ke pathimata, en ti sarki anedexanto, en toutis kosmoumeni, ke tes this kallones, profanes anathemeni, ous imnisomen, os amaranta anthi, os asteras, aplanis tis Ekklisias, os ethelothita Thimata.

the Lord has made wondrous all His Saints who were on earth, for as the Apostle declared, they bore His marks and in their flesh shared His Sufferings, adorning themselves therewith, and distinguishing themselves in the beauty that is Divine. Let us therefore praise and acclaim


to mnima Sou Sotir esfragisanto. Angelos ton lithon ek tis thiras apekilise. Genekes etheasanto egigermenon ek nekron, ke afte evingelisanto tis Mathites Sou en Soin. Oti anestis i Zoi ton apanton, ke dielithi ta desma tou Thanatou. Kyrie, Doxa Si.

beings sealed Thy Tomb, O Saviour; an Angel rolled the stone away from the door. The women saw Thee Resurrected from the dead, and they announced the Good Tidings to the Disciples in Zion: that Thee, the Life of all, is Resurrected, and that the


Tone (8) Plagal 4 1AP 1 St Matthew All Saints - 19 June 2011

Tone (8) Plagal 4 After Theophany 9 January 2011

bonds of Death have been loosened. Glory to Thee, O Lord.

L a u d s : Th e Pr a is e s t o G o d - Ps a l m 14 8
Praises To The Lord From All Creation


Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton Now


and ever, and to the ages of ages.



pnoi enesato ton Kyrion. Enite ton Kyrion ek ton Ouranon. Enite Afton en tis Ipsistis. Si prepi imnos to Theo. Afton, pantes i Angelli Aftou. Enite Afton, pase e Dinamis Aftou. Si prepi imnos to Theo.


everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord from the Heavens; praise Him in the Highest. To Thee praise is due, O God.


Praise Him, all His Angels; praise

Him, all His Powers. To Thee praise is due, O God.

di imas gennithis ek Parthenou ke stavrosin ipominas agathe, o thanato to Thanaton skilefsas ke egersin dixas os Theos, mi paridis ous eplasas ti hiri sou. Dixon tin filanthropian sou slimon, dexe tin tekousan se Theotokon, presvevousan iper imon ke soson Sotir imon, laon apegnosmenon. (SMALL LITANY )

Thou Who for our sake was

born of a Virgin, and suffered crucifixion, O Good One, and despoiled Death through Death, and as God, revealed Resurrection: despise not Thy Love for mankind, O Merciful One; accept the Birth giver of God Who bore Thee, and Who entreats Thee for us: and Save Thy despairing people, O our Saviour! in white, Archangel Gabriel appeared bright and shone like lightning at the Saviour Christs gravesite, and he rolled back the stone from the Sepulchres entrance. The guards then were overcome with a mighty fear, and suddenly they became like dead men. Gone, the guards from the Sepulchre; gone, the seal from the stone. Embarrassed be the lawless ones, surely knowing that Christ arose. Son, and to the Holy Spirit

O f t he Re s u rre c t io n - Ps al m 1 50 - T o ne ( 8) Pla g al 4
Let All Things Praise The Lord!


piise en aftis frima engrapton. Doxa afti este pasi tis Osiis Aftou. i ke kritirio parestis, ipo Pilatou krnomenos, all ouk apelifthis tou thronou, to Patri sigkathezomenos: ke anastas ek nekron, ton kosmon ileftherosas, ek tis doulias tou allotriou, os iktirmon ke Filanthropos.


execute upon them the Judgement that is decreed; such Glory will be for all His Holy Ones. Judgement Seat being judged by Pilate, yet Seated with the Father, Thou were not absent from Thy Throne; and Risen from the dead, Thou freed the world from the slavery of the stranger, as Thou art full of pity and Love for mankind.


Lord, although Thou stood at the

lagal S e c o nd K a th i s ma o f t he Re s u rre ct i o n Tone (8) Plagal 4


O Gavriil fedros epesti, os per en idi astrapis, Hristou to Tafo, ke ton lithon ekilisen apo tou mnimiou, ke fovos megas sineshe Sou tous frourous, ke afno eminan pantes osi nekri, apo tou tafou i filakes, ke tou lithou i sfragis, Eshinthite paranomi, gnote, oti anesti Hristos.



ton Theon en tis Agiis Afton. Enite Afton en stereomati tis Dinameos Aftou. i ke os nekron en mnimio, Ioudei Se katethento, all os Vasilea ipnounta, stratiote Se efilatton, ke os Zois thisavron, sfragidi esfragisanto: Alla Anestis ke pareshes, aftharsian tes psihes imon.

Praise God in His Saints;

praise Him in the firmament of His Power.


Lord, although Jews had laid Thee

as a Corpse in a Tomb, yet soldiers were guarding Thee as a sleeping King, and they sealed Thee with a seal as Treasure house of Life, but Thou Arose and granted Incorruption to our souls.


Anastas ek tou tafou os alithos, tes When Thou had Truly Risen from
osies prosetaxas Ginexi, kirixe tin egersin Apostolis os gegrapte: ke dromeos O Petros, epesti to mnimati, ke to Fos en to tafo, oron kateplitteto: Othen ke katide, ta othonia mona,

Patri, ke Io, ke Agio Pnevmati

Glory to the Father, and to the

the Tomb, Thou ordered the Holy Women to proclaim the Resurrection to the Apostles, as it is written; and Peter, coming at full speed, stood by the Tomb and seeing the Light


Afton epi tes Dinasties Afton. Enite Afton kata to plithos tis Megalosinis Aftou. Stavron Sou imin dedokas: fritti gar ke tremi, mi feron kathoran aftou tin dinamin: oti nekrous anista, ke thanaton katirgise: dia touto proskinoumen, tin Tafin Sou ke tin Egersin.


Him for His Mighty Acts; praise Him according to the greatness of His Majesty.

Kyrie, oplon kata tou diavolou, ton Lord,

Thou hast given us Thy Cross as a Weapon against the devil; for he quails and trembles, unable to contemplate Thy Power; for Thou Raised the dead and

Tone (8) Plagal 4 1AP 1 St Matthew All Saints - 19 June 2011

Tone (8) Plagal 4 After Theophany 9 January 2011


The Small Litany & Praises To The Lord

Blessed Theotokos, Pure and Ever Virgin!


First Exaposteilarion of the Resurrection -


Mathites sinelthomen, en ori Galileas, pisi Hriston theasasthe, legonta exousian, lavin ton ano ke kato. Mathomen pos didaski, vaptizin is to Onoma tou Patros ethni panta, ke tou Iiou, ke Agiou Pnevmatos, ke sinine tis mistes, os ipesheto, eos tis sintelias

Let us gather with the Disciples on

the Mount in Galilee to behold Christ in faith, saying, I have received the Power of those on High and those below. And let us learn how to Baptise all the nations in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and how He is present with His initiates to the end of the world as He promised.

horis tou Thiou Somatos, en afto katakimena: ke pistefsas evoise: Doxa Si Hriste O Theos oti sosozis apantas Sotir imon: tou Patros gar iparhis apavgasma.

in the Tomb, was struck with amazement. And so he both saw the grave clothes lying there alone, without the Divine Body, and he believed and cried out: Glory to Thee, O Christ God, because Thou savest us all, our Saviour: for Thou art the Brightness of the Father! ages.

Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton Now and ever, and to the ages of

Amin Epi
Si Hari, Keharitomeni, pasa i ktisis, Angelon to sistima, ke anthropon to genos, igiasmene nae, ke Paradise logike, parthenikon kavhima: ex is Theos esarkothi, ke pedion gegonen, O pro eonon iparhon Theos imon. Tin gar sin mitran, thronon epiise, ke tin sin gastera, Platiteran Ouranon Apirgasato. Epi Si Hieri Kharitomeni, pasa i ktisis: Doxa Si!

Theotokion of the Resurrection

Exaposteilarion of All Saints


Baptistin ke Prodromon, Apostolou Profitas, Martiras, Ierarhas te Askitas ke Osious, Ieromartiras ama, filotheous ginekas, ke tou Dikeous apantas, ke Angelon tas taxis hresostkos, imnis katastepsomen disopountes, tis doxis touton tevxasthe, pros Hristou tou Sotiros.


Baptist John the Forerunner, the Apostles, and Prophets, Martyrs, and Holy Hierarchs, the Devout and Ascetics, and the Divine Hieromartyrs, and the God loving Women, and all the Righteous men of old, and the Angelic Orders, let us extol dutifully honouring them with praises, while entreating our Saviour Christ that we attain their Glory.



ano doxazomenos, Theikos ip Angelon, kolpon Patroon ahrante, mi ekstas aporritos, tis kato sinanestrafi, si de taftis ipirxas, tis Sotirias proxenos, ex agnon Sou ematon, touto Agni, iper Logon sarka danisameni, on aitise tis doulis sou, litron doune ptesmaton.

He Who is Glorified Above as one

Divine by Angels, while He in manner yet untold, left not the Fathers Bosom, with those below He mingled; and Thou, O taintless Lady, hast become the Guardian, Host of this Great Salvation; from Thy Pure Blood, Thou lent Him Thy Flesh beyond comprehension. Beseech Him, O Pure One, that He grant forgiveness of sins to Thy Servants.

Resurrection Evlogitaria, Trisagion Hymn, Theotokion & Small Litany

of Thee, O Full of Grace, all Creation rejoices: the Ranks of Angels and the human race; Hallowed Temple and Spiritual Paradise, Pride of Virgins: from Thee God was Incarnate and He Who is our God before the Ages became a little Child. For He made Thy Womb a Throne and caused it to become broader than the Heavens. Because of Thee, O Full of Grace, all Creation rejoice: Glory to Thee!

Iperkoi of the Resurrection

Mirofori tou Zoodotou, epistase ton mnimati, ton Despotin ezitoun, en nekris ton athanaton: ke Haras evangelia, ek tou Angelou dexamene, tis Apostolis eminion: Oti Anesti O Kyrios parehon to kosmo to Mega Eleos.


Myrrh bearing Women standing at the Tomb of the Giver of Life, were seeking the Immortal Master among the dead: and when they received the Good Tidings of Joy from the Angel, they revealed to the Apostles that Christ had Risen, granting the world His Great Mercy.

Anabathmi - Tone (8) Plagal 4

Antiphon 1 Antiphon 1

Ek neotitos mou
O ehthros me pirazi, tes idones flegi me. Ego de pepithos en si, Kyrie, tropoume touton.


my youth, the enemy has beguiled me with temptations of pleasure. But I, trusting in


Tone (8) Plagal 4 1AP 1 St Matthew All Saints - 19 June 2011

Tone (8) Plagal 4 After Theophany 9 January 2011

misountes Sion, genithitosan di, prin ekspasthine os hortos. Sigkopi gar Hristos avhenas afton tomi vasanon.

the Lord, have put him to shame.


to Thy Power, O Lord!



those who hate Zion truly become as grass, before it is uprooted, for the Lord shall behead them with the cutting sword of Torment. to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever and to the Ages of Ages.

Exesti ta simpanta epi ti Thia Doxi The

Sou. Si gar, apirogame Parthene, eshes en Mitra ton epi Panton Theon ke tetokas ahronon Iion, pasi tis imnousi Se Sotirian vravevousa.

Doxa Amin Agio

Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnemati. Ke nin ke ai ke is tous eonas ton eonon.


whole world was amazed at Thy Divine Glory: for Thou, O Virgin, Who has not known wedlock, has been Translated from earth to the Eternal Mansions to the Life without end, bestowing Salvation upon all who sing Thy praises.



Pnevmati to zin ta panta, fos ek Fotos Theos Mega. Sin Patri imnoumen afto ke to Logo

Amen Life is


in the Holy Spirit for all. He is Light of Light, a Great God. Let us praise Him with

Thian Taftin ke Pantimon Telountes Eortin i Theofrones tis Theomitoros, defte tas hiras krotisomen, ton ex aftis tehthenta Theon Doxazontes.


Antiphon 2 tapinofrovousa, mi ipsothisa apopesi ek sou paniktirmnon.

the Father and the Logos. Antiphon 2 fear, be humbled, O Most Compassionate, lest it rise and fall from Thee.

we celebrate this Sacred and Solemn Feast of the Theotokos, let us come, clapping our hands, O people of the Lord, and Glorifying God Who was Born of her. Holy Children bravely trampled upon the threatening fire, preferring not to worship created things rather than the Creator, and they sang in Joy: Blessed art Thou and praised above all: O Lord God of our Fathers! Praise, we Bless and we Worship the Lord! Offspring of the Theotokos saved the Holy Children in the furnace. He Who was then prefigured has since been born on earth, and He gathers together all Creation to sing: O ye Works of the Lord: Bless ye the Lord and exalt Him above all forever! every mortaL born on earth, carrying his torch, in spirit leap for Joy; and let the Order of the Angelic Powers celebrate and honour THE HOLY FEAST of the Theotokos, and let them cry: Hail, All


I kardia mou to fovo sou skepestho, Let my heart, encompassed by Thy

Ouk elatrefsan ti ktisi i theoforones The

para ton Ktisanta. Alla piros apilin andrios patisantes, herontes epsallon. Iperimnite, O ton Pateron Kyrios ke Theos, Evlogitos I.


to Kyrion O eshikos elpida, ou disi tote ote Piri ta panta krini ke kolasi. Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati. Ke nin ke ai ke is tous eonas ton eonon.


who trusts in the Lord shall not be afraid when Fire shall Judge, and Punish all.




to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Now and ever, and to the Ages of Ages. Godly person sees, foretells, and works Supreme Wonders by the Holy Spirit. He sings to One God in Three Persons. Although manifested as Three, the Godhead reigns


Evlogoumen Proskinoumen ton Kyrios.



Pedas evagis en ti kamino O tokos The

tis Theotokou diesosato, tote men tipoumenos, nin de energoumenos tin ikoumenin apasan agiri psallousan. Ton Kyrion imnite ta erga ke iperipsoute is pantas tous eonas.

Amin Amen Agio Pnevmati pas tis thios vlepi Every

ke prolegi, teratourgi ipsista, en trisin ena Theou melpon. I gar ke trilampi, monarhi to Thion.


as One. Antiphon 3

K a t a v a s i a o f t h e E v e r B l e s s e d T h e o t o k o s - 9 t h Od e


si, Kyrie, proshes klinon mi to ous sou voonti, ke katharon prin aris me apo ton enthevde.

have cried to Thee: O Lord, incline Thine Ear to my voice and cleanse me before Thou take me from all that is here.


gigenis skiratato to pnevmati lampadouhoumenos. Panigirizeto de ailon noon fisis, gererousa TA IERA THAVMASIA tis Theomitoros ke voato. Heris, Pammakariste Theotoke Agni, Aiparthene.


Tone (8) Plagal 4 1AP 1 St Matthew All Saints - 19 June 2011

Tone (8) Plagal 4 After Theophany 9 January 2011



afti imera, Mnimi tou Osiou Paisiou to Megalou.

On this day we Commemorate our

Righteous Father St Paisios the Great of Egypt. this day, the Sunday After Pentecost, we celebrate the Feast of All Saints who are from every part of the world, those in Asia, Africa, Europe and America, from the North and from the South.

Epi tin mitera aftou gin dinon pas Everyone

avthis analisi, tou lavin vasanous i gera to veriomenon.

Ti simeron imera, Kyriaki meta ton On

Pentikostin, tin ton apantahou tis Ikoumenis en Asia, Libii, evropi, ke Ameriki, Vorra t eke Noto, Agion panton Eortin eortazomen. STIHI: Tou Kyriou mou pantas imno tous filous. I tis de mellon, is tous pantas isito.

shall again return to Mother Earth and at once be dissolved, to receive Prize or Punishment in accordance with their life.

Doxa Amin Agio

Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati. Ke nin ke ai ke is tous eonas ton eonon.

Glory to the Father, and to the

Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Now and ever, and to the Ages of Ages

VERSE: I sing praises to all the Friends of my Lord. If one is so destined, to their number be added.

Pnevmati Theologia Monas Trisagia. O Patir gar anarhos, ex ou efi O Ios ahronos, ke to Pnevma simmorfon, sinthronon, ek Patros sineklampsan.

Amen By the Holy Spirit was bestowed

Theology: the One Thrice Holy Godhead: The Father Unoriginate, Who timelessly Begot the Eternal Son and from Whom proceeded the Spirit sharing Form, Throne and Splendour with the Father. Antiphon 4 how good and beautiful it is for Brethren to dwell together. For in this, the Lord promised Eternal Life.


is ahrantou Sou Mitros Presvies, Hriste O Theos, ke panton ton ap eonos Agion Sou, eleison ke soson imas, os monos Agathos ke Filanthropos.


the Intercessions of Thine Immaculate Mother, O Christ our God, and of all Thy Saints from every age, have mercy on us and Save us, as Thou alone art Good and Love humanity.

Antiphon katikin adelfous ama? En touto gar Kyrios epingilato Zoin Eonian.

Idou di ti kalon i ti terpnon, all i to Behold


Katavasia of the Ever Blessed Theotokos ODE 1

Anixo to stoma mou ke plirothisete I

Pnevmatos ke logon erevxome ti Vasilidi Mitri. Ke ofthisome fedros Panigirizon ke aso gnothomenos TAFTIS TA


shall open my mouth and the Spirit will inspire it, and I shall utter the words of my song to the Queen and Mother: I shall be seen radiantly keeping Feast and JOYFULLY PRAISING

endimatos aftou O ta krina tou agrou kosmon kelevi, mi din frontizin. Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati. Ke nin ke ai ke is tous eonas ton eonon.


One Who adorns the lilies of the field commands that no one be concerned about their clothing.






sous imnologous, Theotoke, izosa ke afthonos pigi, thiason sigkrotisantas pnevmatikon, stereoson. Ke en ti Thia Doxi Sou Stefanon Doxis axioson.

O Mother of God, Thou living and

plentiful Fount, grant strength to those united in Spiritual Fellowship, who sing Hymns of Praise to Thee: and in Thy Divine Glory grant them Crowns of Glory.

Amin Amen Agio Pnevmati enoidi etia, panta Contained within the Holy Spirit
ehete irinovravevtos. Thos touto gar esti, Patri te ke Io Omoousion Kyrios is the Cause of all, in Perfect Peace. For He is God of one Essence with the Father and the Son.

to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Now and ever, and to the Ages of Ages.




anexihniaston Thian Voulin tis ek tis Parthenou sarkoseos Sou to ipsistou O Profitis Abbakoum katanoon ekravgaxe. Doxa ti Dinami Sou, Kyrie


the Unsearchable Purpose of God concerning Thine Incarnation from a Virgin, O Most High, the Prophet Habakkuk cried: Glory


Kyrios is ton eona, O Theos Sou, Sion, is genean ke genean.(2)


Lord shall reign forever: Thy God, O Zion, from generation to generation. (2)

Eni, i psihi mou, ton Kyrion


Praise the Lord, O my soul


Tone (8) Plagal 4 1AP 1 St Matthew All Saints - 19 June 2011

Tone (8) Plagal 4 After Theophany 9 January 2011


Kyrios is ton eona, O Theos Sou, Sion, is genean ke genean.


Lord shall reign forever: Thy God, O Zion, from generation to generation.



Small Litany & Praises To God

Gospel 1: Matthew 28 : 16 - 20
The Great Commission of Christ

Thy Victory, my Saviour: Giver of Life: and Thou Enlightened Creation, Lover of Mankind! Therefore, too, the world rejoices AT THY RISING FROM

Kontakion of All Saints Tone (8) Plagal 4

I de Evoeka Mathite eporefthisan is Then

tin Galiean, is to oros ou etxato aftis O Iisous.

the Eleven Disciples went away into Galilee, to the mountain that Jesus had appointed for them. they saw Him, they worshipped Him; but some doubted.


Ke Ke

idontest afton prosekinisan afto, i de edistasan. proselthon O Iisous elalisen aftis legon: Edothi mi pasa exousia en Ourano ke epi gis. Proevthentes Mathitefsate panta ta ethni, Vaptizontes aftous is to Onoma tou Patros, ke tou Iou ke to Agiou Pnevmatos didaskontes aftou tirin panta osa enetilamin imin, Ke idou ego meth imon emi pasa tas imeras eos tis sintelias tou eonos.

When And

aparhas tis fiseos, to fitourgo tis ktiseos, i ikoumeni proferi si Kyrie, tous Theoforou Martirs. Tes afton ikesies, en irini vathia tin Ekklisian Sou, dia tis Theotokou, SINTIRISON POLIELEE!


Jesus went and spoke to them, saying: All Authority has been given to Me in Heaven and on earth. Go, therefore, and make Disciples of all the Nations, Baptising them in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I Am with you always, even to the end of the age.

the First Fruits of Nature, to the Author of all Creation, the earths people offer Thee, O Lord, the God bearing martyrs. Through their intercessions, maintain Thy Church in True and Perfect Peace, and through the Theotokos, PRESERVE HER, O MOST MERCIFUL!

Ikos of All Saints


Amen Resurrection Prayer; Psalm 50/51, Salvation Prayers & Small

Litany Kontakion of the Resurrection Tone (8) Plagal 4
tou Mnimatos, tous tethneotas igiras, ke ton Adam Anestisas: ke i Eva horevi en ti Si Anastasi, ke kosmou ta perata Panigirizousi, TI EK Rising from the grave Thou roused the dead and Raised up Adam. Eve dances at Thy Resurrection, and the ends of the world keep festival at Thy NEKRON EGERSI SOU, POLIELEE. Rising from the dead, O Most Merciful. I k o s o f t h e R e s u r r e c t i o n Tone (8) Plagal 4 tou Adou skilevsas vasilia, ke nekrous anastisas makrothime, ginexi Miroforis sinintisas, anti lipis Haran komisamenos: ke Apostolis Sou eminisas ta tis nikis simvola, Sotir mou zoodota, ke tin ktisin efotisas Filanthrope: dia touto

en pasi ti gi martirisantes, ke en tis Ouranis metikisantes, i a pathi Hristou mimisameni, k eta pathi imon aferoumeni, entavtha simeron athrizonte, prototokon dikniontes Ekklisian, os is ano ton tipon epehousan, ke Hristo ekvosan, Theos mou is, Si me dia tis Theotokou SINTIRISON, POLIELEE.



Those who were Martyred throughout the earth, and those who moved their homes to the Heavens, the imitators of Christs Suffering, and those who removed from us our suffering, here, today, are gathered, shown to be the First Fruits of the Church, having held it as the type of that Above. And they cried out to Christ: Thou art my God: preserve me. This, through the Theotokos, AS THOU ART MOST MERCIFUL.

S y n a xa r io n o f 9 Ja n uar y

Ti Ti

I tou aftou minos, Mnimi tou Agiou Apostolou Iouda. afti imera, Mnmi tou Agiou Martiros Sosimou.

On the 19

day of this month we Commemorate the Holy Apostle St Jude.


On this day we Commemorate the

Holy Martyr, St Zosimas at Antioch, Pisidia.



Thou had ransacked the Palaces of Hades and raised the dead, O Longsuffering, Thou met the Myrrh bearing Women, bringing them Joy instead of sorrow; and to Thine Apostles Thou revealed the Symbols of


afti imera, Mnimi tou Osiou Patros imon Sinonos.

On this day we Commemorate our

Righteous Father St Zeno, Disciple of St Silvan of Palestine.

Tone (8) Plagal 4 1AP 1 St Matthew All Saints - 19 June 2011

Tone (8) Plagal 4 After Theophany 9 January 2011

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