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Front. Chem. Sci. Eng.


Mature versus emerging technologies for CO2 capture in

power plants: Key open issues in post-combustion amine
scrubbing and in chemical looping combustion

Giorgia De Guido (✉)1, Matteo Compagnoni2, Laura A. Pellegrini1, Ilenia Rossetti2

1 Department of Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering “Giulio Natta”, Politecnico di Milano,
Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32, 20133 Milan,Italy
2 Department of Chemistry, Università degli Studi di Milano, INSTM Unit Milano-Università and CNR-ISTM,
Via Camillo Golgi 19, 20133 Milan, Italy

© Higher Education Press and Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2018

Abstract Carbon capture and storage (CCS) have 1 Introduction

acquired an increasing importance in the debate on global
warming as a mean to decrease the environmental impact
of energy conversion technologies, by capturing the CO2 In the last decade, the scientific community has worked a
produced from the use of fossil fuels in electricity lot to reach a better understanding of the world climate and
generation and industrial processes. In this respect, post- of the long-term impact of climate change, which is related
combustion systems have received great attention as a to the emission of greenhouse gases (e.g., CO2, NOx, SOx,
possible near-term CO2 capture technology that can be CH4), of which CO2 is the prevalent one. At the Paris
retrofitted to existing power plants. This capture technol- climate conference (COP21), held in December 2015, 195
ogy is, however, energy-intensive and results in large countries adopted the first-ever universal, legally binding
equipment sizes because of the large volumes of the flue global climate agreement that is due to enter into force in
gas to be treated. To cope with the demerits of other CCS 2020. The Parties to the United Nations Framework
technologies, the chemical looping combustion (CLC) Convention on Climate Change have agreed on strength-
process has been recently considered as a solution for CO2 ening the global response to the threat of climate change. In
separation. It is typically referred to as a technology particular, they have decided to “hold the increase in the
without energy penalty. Indeed, in CLC the fuel and the global average temperature to well below 2 °C above pre-
combustion air are never mixed and the gases from the industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the
oxidation of the fuel (i.e., CO2 and H2O) leave the system temperature increase to 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels,
as a separate stream and can be separated by condensation recognizing that this would significantly reduce the risks
of H2O without any loss of energy. The key issue for the and impacts of climate change”. In addition to this, they
CLC process is to find a suitable oxygen carrier, which have agreed on increasing the ability to foster low
provides the fuel with the activated oxygen needed for greenhouse gas emissions development, in a manner that
combustion. The aim of this work is to explore the does not threaten food production. In this context, all
feasibility of using perovskites as oxygen carriers in CLC parties have been asked to formulate and implement
and to consider the possible advantages with respect to the programmes containing measures to mitigate climate
scrubbing process with amines, a mature post-combustion change [1]. Mitigation actions used by developed country
technology for CO2 separation. Parties mostly focused on the large emitting sectors. In this
respect, it is estimated that fossil fuel-based power
Keywords CO2 capture, monoethanolamine, chemical generation contributes to about one-third of the total
looping combustion, oxygen carrier, perovskites carbon dioxide released from fuel combustion [2]. An
example of mitigation actions include the switch from a
fossil fuel-based economy to an economy that relies on the
use of renewable energy resources, such as biomass, solar
Received September 21, 2017; accepted October 21, 2017 and wind energies. However, given their current state of
E-mail: development, these alternative energy sources cannot fully
2 Front. Chem. Sci. Eng.

replace fossil fuels in the electricity production. Therefore, flue gas that mainly consists of CO2 and H2O. This would
in order to limit CO2 emissions into the atmosphere the allow using simpler post-combustion separation techni-
adoption of other mitigation actions becomes crucial. In ques (e.g., condensation) with significantly lower energy
this respect, the carbon capture and storage (CCS) and capital costs.
technology, which involves the capture of CO2 and its The available CO2 separation technologies for separa-
disposal into geological formations, has been considered as tion of CO2 from the fuel/flue gas stream can be classified
a technically feasible option for the reduction of these as follows: absorption, adsorption, membrane separation,
emissions. In order to capture CO2, a number of processes cryogenic separation, hydrate-based separation. The
is currently available, which can be categorized as follows: advantages and disadvantages each of them poses are
(i) pre-combustion, (ii) post combustion, and (iii) oxy-fuel summarized in Table 1.
combustion. CO2 is removed by absorption in a liquid solvent, either
A pre-combustion system consists in CO2 capture before by exploiting solubility differences (physical absorption)
the combustion step [3]. The first stage of reaction this or by chemical interaction with the solvent (chemical
system comprises produces a mixture of hydrogen and absorption). In particular, chemical absorption by alkano-
carbon monoxide (syngas) from a primary fuel. This can be lamines (e.g., monoethanolamine, MEA) is the most
accomplished by one of the two following routes: by mature method for CO2 separation. Indeed, a big attraction
adding steam (in which case the process is called ‘steam of the absorption approach is that it is already in use
reforming’) or by adding under-stoichiometric oxygen (in commercially, albeit on a very small scale relative to what
which case the process is called ‘partial oxidation’ when would be required by a power station producing hundreds
applied to gaseous and liquid fuels, and ‘gasification’ when or thousands of megawatts of electricity [8]. The main
applied to a solid fuel). CO is then converted into CO2 by drawback is the energy penalty associated with the
the addition of steam (via the ‘water gas shift’ reaction) and regeneration. According to the literature, the CO2 capture
CO2 is finally removed from the CO2/H2 mixture by PSA by MEA absorption will reduce the electrical efficiency by
or by physical absorption processes [4]. A post-combus- 8%–10% points [9]. In addition to this, there are problems
tion system consists in removing CO2 from flue gases after resulting from the corrosive nature of the solvent,
the combustion of fossil fuels in air has taken place. In this particularly in the presence of residual oxygen in flue
type of systems, the flue gas is passed through equipment, gas, which can attack carbon steel and result in amine loss.
which separates most of the CO2, before being discharged Also, stable solvent by-products (salts) can accumulate as a
to the atmosphere. In oxy-fuel combustion, nearly pure result of reaction with acid gas impurities (SOx and NOx)
oxygen is used for combustion instead of air, resulting in a during operation.

Table 1 Comparison among existing CO2 separation technologies

Technology Advantages Disadvantages
Absorption Well established process Energy penalty for solvent regenerationa)
High operational confidence Equipment corrosion in presence of O2
Pre-absorption treatment required to remove solvent-detri-
mental components (e.g., SOx and NOx)
Possible environmental impact and safety problems due to
solvent degradationb)
Adsorption Lower regeneration energy relative to solvent-based processes Particle attrition
Large volumes of solid sorbents
Thermal management of large scale adsorber vessels
Currently not suitable for processing very high gas flows
containing many impurities
Membranes Low energy requirements relative to solvent-based processes Strongly affected by flue gas conditions (e.g., low CO2
Small foot-print concentration and pressure)
Possible modular designc) Potential fouling of membrane surfaces
Uncertainty about the possibility of integration into a power
Not a mature technology
Cryogenics Mature technology already adopted for CO2 recovery Low operating temperatures
Viable for very high CO2 concentrations
Hydrate-based Small energy penaltyd) At the R&D stage

a) This implies a parasitic load on the net output of a power plant of ca. 30% and an increase of the cost of electricity by 60%‒90% [5]; b) amine emissions have been
reported to possibly degrade into nitrosamines and nitramines, which are potentially harmful to the human health and the environment [6]; c) this may allow for flexible
operation; d) 6%‒8%, according to Elwell and Grant [7].
Giorgia De Guido et al. Amine scrubbing and chemical looping combustion for CO2 capture 3

Therefore, despite the huge interest in developing different from the sweetening of natural gas, in which it has
effective CO2 capture processes, pros and cons coexist been used for over 70 years: indeed, unlike natural gas
for every technology, so that “the solution” is hardly sweetening in which gas streams are typically under high
attainable. Hence, this paper contributes to the current pressure and contain little or no oxygen, flue gases from a
discussion about CO2 capture technologies developing a combustion plant are closer to ambient pressure, so the
comparison between a conventional technology, like operating conditions for the absorber are very different,
chemical absorption into an aqueous MEA solution, and meaning that equipment sizes are much larger (absorber
a novel one, like chemical looping combustion (CLC). columns with diameters of 12 m can be found in industrial
After a brief analysis of the existing CO2 capture methods applications) [13,14], and the presence of O2 leads to the
(i.e., pre-combustion, post-combustion and oxy-fuel com- degradation of traditional CO2 absorbents, such as MEA,
bustion), it focuses on post-combustion amine scrubbing as well as to corrosion problems. This suggests the
(currently the most mature CO2 capture technology) and importance of finding a capture method that allows to cope
on CLC that has recently received great attention as a with the demerits of post-combustion technologies and is
combustion process with inherent separation of CO2. In more energy efficient and, thus, less expensive.
this respect, the use of perovskites as oxygen carrier is One of the issues related to the oxy-fuel combustion
investigated, addressing one of the issues related to CLC, i. concerns the temperatures that are reached. Possible
e., the choice of a suitable (efficient, stable and poorly solutions to this issue proposed in the literature consist in
expensive) oxygen carrier. recycling flue gases or injecting water. Thus, the main
drawback is due to the production of the needed oxygen,
which is made by cryogenic air separation: the oxygen
2 Comparison among existing CO2 capture separation plant would consume about 23% to 37% of the
methods total plant output [15], and the energy penalty may reach
over 7% compared with a plant without CCS [6].
Among the three CO2 capture technologies previously To overcome the problems encountered when adopting
described, pre-combustion is mainly applied to coal- the existing CO2 capture technologies, novel ones have
gasification plants, where it has turned out to have the been considered, including CLC. CLC has been identified
lowest cost per tonne of CO2 avoided [6]. Despite that, as having inherent advantages for CO2 separation with
Hoffmann et al. [10] have conducted a performance and minimum energy losses. This may be seen as a very special
cost analysis on advanced combined cycle gas turbine case for oxy-fuel combustion, in which oxygen is
plants operated by natural gas with pre-combustion CO2 selectively adsorbed and activated by an oxygen carrier,
capture system and have obtained a CO2 capture efficiency and made available to the fuel. In this way, the refill of
of 80% with the cost of CO2 avoided reaching $29/t CO2 oxygen in air is separated from the combustion step,
for an advanced design concept. avoiding the dilution of the products stream with nitrogen
As for natural gas fired-power plants, post-combustion and leading to carbon dioxide and water as only products
can be preferably applied with an efficiency of 50% of the combustion steps. This latter mixture is very easily
compared to 60% without capture [11]. Post-combustion separated through condensation of water, leading to
systems have received great attention as a possible near- roughly pure CO2 ready for storage or use, avoiding the
term CO2 capture technology for retrofitting existing energetic penalty present in other competing technologies.
power plants, either gas-fired or coal-fired, and as an This rather new option is compared with MEA
“end-of-pipe” solution. The energy penalty and associated scrubbing, the most popular option available for the
costs for post-combustion CO2 capture are typically separation of CO2. In order to properly assess the reference
elevated due to the low CO2 level in combustion flue MEA scrubbing case it is essential to underline the
gases (i.e., 7%–14% for coal-fired and 4% for gas-fired) importance of using proper tools in modelling this type of
[6], which requires a high effort to reach the concentration system. As for the emerging CLC technology, different
(typically greater than 95.5%) needed for transport and issues are important. A particular focus is set on the
storage. A recent study has reported that the cost of materials used as oxygen carriers, which is the key for
electricity for post-combustion in gas- and coal-fired process productivity. This work investigates the possibility
power plants would increase by, respectively, 32% and to use for this purpose a set of perovskite-type mixed
65% [11]. Hossain and de Lasa have estimated that, for a oxides with general formula LaBO3 (B = Fe, Mn, Co, Ni),
500 MW plant integrated with a MEA-based separation possibly doped at A-position with Sr2+ or Ce4+ or added
unit, about 79% of the cost is associated with the capture with 0.5 wt-% Pt or Pd. The oxygen release properties of
and compression, while 8% and 13% of the cost are, the materials play a key role in understanding their
respectively, assigned to the transportation and storage suitability for application to CLC. Some parameters have
[12]. Moreover, the chemical solvent-based capture been here identified to quantify the oxygen release,
technology has some drawbacks when used in applications together with experimental methods for their correct
4 Front. Chem. Sci. Eng.

quantification, allowing the modelling of the phenomenon. released at chemical equilibrium related to the extent of
These parameters have been also related to experimental reactions. Its estimation is of paramount importance, since
data of methane oxidation. it is directly related to the energy requirement at the
reboiler and determines the temperature increase of the
absorber. In Aspen Plus® the “rate-based” model can be
3 Post-combustion by MEA scrubbing used to avoid the approximation of stage efficiency by
analysing mass and heat transfer phenomena. In this
Nowadays, the most popular option available for the simulation software, the prediction of mass transfer
removal of CO2 from flue gas streams is absorption by coefficients is based on the film theory by Lewis and
chemical solvents. This technology is also widely used in Whitman [21], while other theories can more conveniently
the gas processing industry and, in particular, for refinery be used, i.e., the Eddy diffusivity theory [22]. Due to the
gas treating and for natural gas sweetening. Among the suitability of Aspen Plus® to be user-customized, the
several chemical solvents that can be used for this purpose, simulator has been chosen as framework with integration
alkanolamines have received great attention. MEA, in of an in-house kinetic/mass transfer subroutine in Fortran
particular, has been widely studied for the removal of CO2 developed by some of the authors and currently available
from flue gases. Indeed, it is considered as the best solvent [23]. The developed model has been previously validated
to accomplish that, mainly because of the highest rate of by comparing the absorber simulation results with
reaction that generally also implies a greater mass transfer experimental data of a pilot plant for the purification of
rate [16]. Veawab et al. have found that MEA is the most exhaust gases from a coal-fired power plant [24]. The pilot
efficient aqueous alkanolamine for CO2 absorption with plant facility included two carbon steel columns, one
efficiency over 90% [17]. The drawback is that more heat functioning as an absorber and the other one acting as a
is required to regenerate the MEA solvent, which accounts stripper for solvent regeneration. It also included a lean
for as much as 80% of the total energy in a chemical solvent storage tank, a heater and a cooler in place of the
solvent-based CO2 separation process. Some strategies cross exchanger used industrially, a pump for the
have been proposed in the literature for reducing the regenerated solvent, a liquid accumulator for water
energy consumption in this type of processes. Chakma condensed out of the gas exiting the condenser of the
[16], for instance, has presented a slightly modified version stripper, and an accumulation tank for CO2 obtained from
of a MEA unit, which differs from a typical one because of the top of the partial condenser (the reader can refer to the
the presence of a pre-contactor and of two steam injection work by Dugas [24] for further details about it). Of the
lines in the stripper. This allows to increase the cyclic available 48 tests, only some have been chosen for model
capacity (i.e., the difference in the acid gas loading of the validation, taking into account that the results of the first
lean and of the rich solvent) of MEA from the standard runs (in which the structured packing Flexypack 1Y was
design value of 0.2 mole of CO2/mole of MEA to 0.3 mole used) are inconsistent with the remaining ones (in which
of CO2/ mole of MEA, which represents a reduction of the the random metal packing IMTP #40 was used) and that,
solvent circulation rate. In order to reduce the high energy even among the latter ones, there exist some for which the
requirement of the regeneration unit, some of the authors total material balance is not fulfilled. For these reasons,
have also studied different configurations, namely the cases 29, 30, 43, 44, 47, 48 have been simulated. Table 2
double column and the multipressure column configura- summarizes the operating conditions and the energy
tions [18]. contributions of each selected run: it is possible to observe
However, a key point often neglected in the literature, that the highest heat duties were required with higher liquid
that may lead to a wrong assessment of plant efficiency, flow rates, which typically entered the stripper at cooler
performance and, consequently, cost estimations, is related temperatures because of an inadequate pre-heat [24].
to the correct modelling of the reacting system. The model Results in Table 3 show that, in comparison with the
of the absorption-regeneration system for the chemical default model implemented in Aspen Plus® [20], the
solvent-based capture process has to take into account the improved model allows to achieve better performances as
role of thermodynamics, kinetics and mass transfer, which regards the prediction of the concentration of carbon
influence the chemical absorption process. CO2 and MEA dioxide in the purified gas leaving the absorber [25],
are weak electrolytes, which partially dissociate in the obtaining a lower percentage average absolute deviation
aqueous phase: The high non-ideality of the liquid phase (AAD%).
must be properly taken into account when dealing with This can be explained by the fact that with the proposed
vapor-liquid equilibria and a γ/φ approach is often used by model the absorption process tends to be slower, so that the
commercial process simulators (e.g., Aspen HYSYS®, concentration of CO2 in the purified outlet stream is higher
Aspen Plus®) [19,20]. The thermodynamic model exerts an with respect to that obtained by the default Aspen Plus®
influence also over the determination of the overall heat of model (as shown in the parity plot in Fig. 1) [20], being
absorption of the acid gas in the solvent, being the heat thus closer to the experimental values.
Giorgia De Guido et al. Amine scrubbing and chemical looping combustion for CO2 capture 5

Table 2 Operating conditions and energy contributions for the experimental tests performed by Dugas [24] that have been chosen in this work for
model validation (packing for the absorber: IMTP #40)
LL Mole inlet CO2 Gas rate Liquid rate CO2 removal Actual reboiler duty
Test run [24]
/(molCO2$molMEA–1) /mol-% /(m3$min–1) /(L$min–1) /% /(MJ$h–1)
29 0.28 16.6 11.00 54.9 70 918
30 0.28 16.6 11.00 54.9 70 918
43 0.23 17.0 11.00 39.4 72 756
44 0.23 17.0 11.00 39.4 72 754
47 0.28 18.0 8.23 30.1 69 738
48 0.28 18.0 8.23 30.1 69 775

Table 3 CO2 mole fraction in the purified gas stream leaving the absorber in the test runs [24] considered in this work
Exp. Aspen Plus® default [20] Proposed model [25]
Test run [24]
y CO2,out y CO2,out Abs. err. /% y CO2,out Abs. err. /%
29 0.0532 0.04619 13.18 0.05156 3.08
30 0.0591 0.05022 15.03 0.05558 5.96
43 0.0558 0.04698 15.81 0.05238 6.13
44 0.0540 0.04655 13.80 0.05203 3.65
47 0.0638 0.06682 4.73 0.06753 5.85
48 0.0619 0.06339 2.41 0.06374 2.97
AAD% 10.82 AAD% 4.61

patent named “Production of pure carbon dioxide” [27]. It

was further developed when Ritcher and Knoche
suggested a fuel oxidation reaction scheme involving two
intermediate reactions with a metal oxide as an oxygen
carrier [28]. The term was coined later by Ishida et al. in the
second half of the 1980s [29]. Some years later in the mid
90s, Ishida along with Jin proposed a CLC process for CO2
capture using Fe-based and Ni-based oxygen carriers [30].
Since then, the CLC process has gained an increasing
The CLC process has also been called “unmixed
combustion” since direct contact between fuel and
combustion air is avoided by the use of an oxygen carrier
that brings oxygen from air to the fuel. In this way, oxygen
for fuel combustion is provided without nitrogen, leading
to a nitrogen-free mixture and also allowing a reduced NOx
formation. Thus, in CLC systems the conventional
Fig. 1 Parity plot for the concentration (mole fraction) of CO2 in combustion reaction is replaced by two successive
the purified gas stream leaving the absorber for the test runs reactions forming a chemical loop. The first reaction,
reported in Table 3 which occurs in the so-called fuel reactor consists in the
oxidation of the fuel to CO2 and H2O accompanied by the
4 CLC reduction of the solid oxygen carrier. The second reaction,
which takes place in the so-called air reactor, consists in the
Preliminary economic assessments in the literature have oxidation of the reduced oxygen carrier by air. A schematic
suggested that the CLC technology has the potential for representation of this two-step combustion process is
achieving very efficient and low-cost CO2 capture [12]. It shown in Fig. 2.
is considered to be a promising technology for fossil fuel The recent interest in CCS systems has brought about an
combustion as it prevents CO2 dilution with flue gases, intense research activity on CLC. Despite that, at the
mainly nitrogen. The beginning of this technology dates present time it is not a fully established technology and
back to 1954 [26], when Gilliland and Lewis presented a research activities have been carried out to address the
6 Front. Chem. Sci. Eng.

carrier represents one of the main challenges still to be

faced for a large-scale implementation of CLC systems.
This requires to use a suitable oxygen carrier, which must
have the following characteristics [12]: (1) reactivity in
both reduction and oxidation cycles; (2) ability to
completely combust the fuel; (3) stability under repeated
oxidation/reduction cycles at high temperatures (typically
in the range 600–1200 °C) [41]; (4) fluidizability;
(5) resistance to agglomeration; (6) resistance to the
friction stress associated with high circulation of particles;
(7) environmental compatibility; (8) economical feasibil-
Up to 2010, more than 700 different materials were
compiled [41]. Previous literature on CLC presented
transition metal oxides such as nickel, copper, cobalt,
iron and manganese as good candidates given their
Fig. 2 Schematic representation of the CLC technology (MexOy favorable reductive/oxidative thermodynamic properties.
denotes the generic metal oxide acting as oxygen carrier, MexOy –δ Moreover, in addition to bulk metal oxide materials, also
the reduced material sent to the regeneration step) supported ones have been considered in order to increase
reactivity, durability and fluidizability of the oxygen
issues for large-scale implementation of this technology. carrier. In the case of a supported metal oxide oxygen
Among them, the following issues can be mentioned: (1) carrier, the active metal is deposited on an inert support,
selection of the oxygen carrier; (2) representation of the such as Al2O3, MgAl2O4, SiO2, TiO2, ZrO2, YSZ and
kinetics of reduction and oxidation of oxygen carriers; (3) bentonite. Since every type of oxygen carrier material has
development of suitable reaction schemes, also taking into its own merits and demerits, also supported mixed metallic
account the metal-support interactions and coke formation; materials have been studied, resulting to have a better
(4) reactor design. reactivity when compared with their monometallic coun-
As for the design of the reactor, the configuration of two terparts. In this respect, the bimetallic Co-Ni/Al2O3 can be
interconnected fluidized bed reactors (air and fuel reactors) mentioned [42,43]: it has been demonstrated that the
has been reported to appear as a preferred best option synergistic effect of NiO and CoO ensures a stable
[2,31–34]1). A different possible configuration that may be conversion during repeated CLC cycles and that the
applied to gas-fired power plants may consist of multiple addition of Co can also favorably modify metal-support
fixed bed reactors, which alternate a combustion and a interactions, reducing the Ni/support contact and, thus,
regeneration step. This latter option may be simpler to reducing the possible formation of nickel aluminate
implement and does not require to use materials very (NiAl2O4) during the oxidation step. Nickel aluminate is
resistant to abrasion, but its efficiency depends on the much less reducible than Ni oxide, thus depressing activity
amount of oxygen made available by the material. in the fuel reactor. Among mixed oxides, perovskite-based
Reaction schemes have been proposed, but more compli- oxygen carriers have been also tested for CLC applica-
cated ones could be developed in order to also account for tions. Perovskites are mixed oxides with general formula
the formation of complex compounds that can occur ABO3, where A is an alkali, alkaline earth or rare earth
because of the metal-support interactions. metal and B is an element in the transition series or in the
Regarding reaction kinetics, two general types of models main groups III, IV or V [26]. As reported by Readman et
have been considered to represent the kinetics of reduction al. [44], perovskites are well-known combustion catalysts
and oxidation of metal-supported oxygen carriers: the in the presence of oxygen or air and, as a result of the high
nucleation and nuclei growth model and the unreacted oxygen mobility in the bulk, they are believed to permit the
shrinking core model [35–40]. In this respect, it has been achievement of good kinetics in an oxidation process in the
found that the former one provides a better description of absence of additional oxygen added. Perovskite-type
both the reduction and the oxidation steps. oxides can lead to good results thanks to their stability in
Among the previously reported issues, the first one widely different oxygen stoichiometries and easy oxygen
concerning the selection of a reactive and stable oxygen release/recovery cycles. Examples are CaMn1 – xBxO3 – δ (B

1) (a) Ryu H-J, Jin G-T, Yi C-K. Chemical-looping combustion process with inherent CO2 separation; Reaction kinetics of oxygen carrier particles and 50kWth
reactor design. Proceedings of the World Congress of Korean and Korean Ethnic Scientists and Engineers. Seoul, Korea, 2002; (b) Ryu H-J, Jin G-T, Yi C-
K. Demonstration of inherent CO2 separation and no NOx emission in a 50 kW chemical-looping combustor: Continuous reduction and oxidation
experiment. Proceedings of the 7 International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies. Vancouver, 2004; (c) Johansson E, Lyngfelt A,
Mattisson T, Johnsson F. A circulating fluidized bed combustor system with inherent CO2 separation-application of chemical looping combustion.
Proceedings of the 7 International Conference on Circulating Fluidized Beds. Niagara Falls, Ontario, 2002
Giorgia De Guido et al. Amine scrubbing and chemical looping combustion for CO2 capture 7

= Al, V, Fe, Co, and Ni) [45], La1 – xSrxFeO3 – δ [46], and substitution of one or both the cations with ions of different
CaMg0.1Ti0.125Mn0.775O2.9 – aδ [47]. A key parameter to valence, leading to a general formula AA’BB’O3δ. The
assess the suitability of the material for this application is different ionic radius of the here selected ions and their
the rate of oxygen transport across the lattice, which is in different affinity with oxygen affect the transport rate due
turn related to the reducibility of the B-site ion and to the to both lattice distortion and metal-oxygen interaction
microstructure and defectivity of the material. strength. The effect of doping at A position was instead
The use of perovskites can be of interest considering focused on modifying the amount of available oxygen in
CLC applied to natural gas, which allows using fixed beds the structure and the oxygen vacancies concentration. In
rather than fluidized beds as reactors, thus requiring less particular, Sr2+ would increase the amount of oxygen
strict characteristics to the oxygen carrier. To the authors’ vacancies, thus favouring oxygen mobility, whereas Ce4+
knowledge, very few studies in the literature deal with the induced a surplus of oxygen in interstitial (extraframe-
use of these materials in CLC. In this respect, Brandvoll work) position.
has reported the possible use of perovskites as oxygen The oxygen release properties of the materials play a key
carriers in CLC [4], pointing out the low-temperature role in understanding their suitability for application to
stability (e.g., perovskites of the general type LanConO3n – 1 CLC. We have identified and quantified some parameters
have been reported to undergo decomposition at tempera- to check the oxygen release properties of each oxygen
tures above 650 °C) [48], which can be increased by carrier, together with experimental methods for their
adding elements such as Sr and Fe, resulting in compounds correct quantification allowing the modelling of the
with the general formula La1 – xSrxCoyFe1 – yO3 – δ. Read- phenomenon. These parameters have been related to
man et al. [44] have investigated the structural properties of experimental data of methane oxidation.
various members of this series under both oxidative and
reductive atmosphere in order to find a potential material 4.1 Perovskite oxides performance
for use in a chemical looping type reactor. Their results
have led to conclude that the high cobalt content samples 4.1.1 Experimental
are not suitable as oxygen carrier if no phase segregation is
desired (in order to avoid particle break up by internal The detailed description of the experimental methods set
stress). On the contrary, the low cobalt content sample up for the quantification of the oxygen release properties of
La0.8Sr0.2Co0.2Fe0.8O3 – δ maintained the cationic lattice mixed oxides and the relative modelling algorithms are
upon reduction, only exhibiting a hexagonal/orthorhombic comprehensively described elsewhere [50–52], referring to
to cubic phase transition, but it turned out not to have the laboratory experiments. The latter allowed to establish
redox properties required for chemical looping due to fast kinetic parameters for oxygen transport across the oxide
reduction and re-oxidation of the perovskite under the lattice and to quantify the amount of available oxygen in
conditions used by Readman et al. [44]. Linderholm has the material.
reported that the perovskite CaMn0.875Ti0.125O3 shows The oxygen release properties of the materials were
promise as a CLOU-carrier, where CLOU stands for determined by temperature programmed desorption (TPD)
“chemical looping with oxygen uncoupling”, which differs and reduction (TPR). The experiments were carried out on
from classical CLC because of the release of gaseous ca. 0.15 g of catalyst, loaded into a continuous, tubular
oxygen by the oxygen carrier in the fuel reactor [49]. quartz microreactor, heated by an electric furnace and
Quite simpler compositions of perovskitic materials controlled by an Eurotherm 2408 TRC. The composition
have been used in this work. Indeed, the present study is an of the outlet gas was continuously monitored by means of a
evaluation of a set of perovskite-type mixed oxides with quadrupolar mass spectrometer (MKS, PPT Residual Gas
general formula LaBO3 (B = Fe, Mn, Co, Ni) as potential Analyser). Examples of TPD and TPR patterns are
oxygen carriers for CLC, possibly doped at A-position reported in Fig. 3.
with Sr2+ or Ce4+ or added with 0.5 wt-% Pt or Pd. The TPD of pre-adsorbed O2 was carried out in 30 Ncm3/min
native perovskite structure (CaTiO3) has a well defined, flowing He (purity≥99.9999 vol-%), after pre-treatment at
regular lattice, where all the oxygen positions are, in 800 °C in He for 1 h, saturation at 750 °C for 1 h in 20
principle, occupied. The mechanism of oxygen transfer Ncm3/min flowing air (purity≥99.9995 vol-%) and cool-
across the lattice is based on oxygen hopping through ing down to 50 °C, in flowing air as well. Prior to
vacant sites. Therefore, the availability of oxygen “holes” desorption, the sample was equilibrated in 30 Ncm3/min
(or vacancies) in the lattice would decrease the activation flowing He at 50 °C and, then, heated (10 °C/min) up to
energy for oxygen transport. Vacancies can naturally occur 800 °C. After the same pre-treatment previously described,
in some distorted lattices, due to irregularly occupied the TPR experiments were carried out by continuously
framework positions, ultimately depending on the compo- feeding 30 Ncm3/min of a 10 vol-% H2 in He gas mixture,
sition of the material, i.e., the relative sizes of the two while heating (10 °C/min) from 50 up to 800 °C.
cations arranging in the structure. On the other hand, TGA analysis was carried out using a Perkin Elmer
additional vacancies can be formed by partial isomorphous TGA7 instrument on ca. 20–35 mg of the sample
8 Front. Chem. Sci. Eng.

Fig. 3 Examples of (a) TPD analysis of sample La0.9Ce0.1MnO3 (blu, solid line) and LaMnO3 (red, dotted line); (b) TPR pattern relative
to sample LaCoO3

(sensitivity 10–5 g), either in step or ramp mode. The step Arrhenius form of the kinetic constant for oxygen
mode analysis was performed after pre-treating and pre- desorption. The oxygen release rate was calculated from
saturating the sample as reported above. The temperature the TPD data as:
was, then, set at 570 °C in N2 flow for 4 h. Further steps of  
FHe Pi
50 °C each followed up to 750 °C. In ramp mode, a heating ri ¼ –1 : (2)
rate of 10 °C/min was used in N2 flow from room Vsample P0
temperature up to 800 °C.
In Eq. (2), FHe is the molar flow rate of the carrier gas, Pi
Methane oxidation activity under anaerobic conditions
the oxygen partial pressure detected by the spectrometer at
(first step of the chemical looping cycle) was tested on the
Ti, and P0 the background oxygen partial pressure.
same testing grid by continuously feeding 20 Ncm3/min of
The selected model for oxygen desorption was the
1.04 vol-% CH4 in He gas mixture, after pre-saturation of
Polanyi-Wigner equation [53–55]:
the sample in air. The temperature was raised by 10 °C/min
up to 800 °C. The results have been compared with its rdes ¼ kn Θn , (3)
oxidation under aerobic conditions while co-feeding 20
Ncm3/min of air. where Θ represents the oxygen surface coverage, as a
measure of available oxygen concentration. Combining all
the equations above one can obtain:
4.1.2 Results and discussion      
FHe Pi 1 Pi
Different methods have been compared to assess the ri ¼ –1 ¼ –1
oxygen release properties of perovskite mixed oxides, Vcat P0 τ P0
depending primarily on the nature of the B-site ion and on  
n Ea
possible dopants in A-position. TPD and TGA experiments ¼  n Θ exp – , (4)
have been used to determine qualitatively the onset RT
temperature of oxygen release. Two possible peaks, called or the analogous logarithmic form, used for data regression
α (max 500 °C) and β (onset temperature higher than (Eq. (5)).
550 °C), were possibly present (Fig. 3(a)). For CLC the β
peak is more significant, since it is related to the release of Ea E
lnri ¼ ln n þ nlnΘ – ¼ lnA0 ð n ,ΘÞ – a : (5)
bulk oxygen due to the reduction of the B-site ion RT RT
(reversible during the second step of the process, i.e., Based on the kinetic modelling of the oxygen release for
regeneration in air). The TPD data were elaborated as different perovskites as defined by TPD and TGA
follows (the interested reader can find all the details in ref. experiments, different kinetic regimes have been identified
[52] and in the literature cited therein). The reaction rate as detailed elsewhere [52]. At low temperature the process
was expressed as: is kinetically limited by oxygen transport through the
Ea lattice, with decreasing activation energy upon increasing
ri ¼ A⋅exp ⋅f ð½O2 ,nÞ, (1) concentration of structural defects. Doping with an ion
(Sr2+) of valence lower than that of La3+ induces a decrease
where ri was the desorption rate at Ti,f([O2],n) a given of the activation energy for oxygen transfer. A further rate-
expression for the dependence on oxygen concentration determining mechanism is surface recombination of
and on the reaction order n, A was the pre-exponential oxygen, becoming predominant only at very high
factor and Ea (kJ$mol–1) the activation energy of the temperatures, when oxygen mobility is sufficiently fast.
Giorgia De Guido et al. Amine scrubbing and chemical looping combustion for CO2 capture 9

Consistent results have been obtained by combining Table 4 Quantitative titration of oxygen (as mol/kgcat) by TPR analysis
independent analytical methods that make use of dynamic (experimental data from ref. [51])
oxygen release, such as TPD or TGA under non-isothermal Sample Titrated oxygen Oxygen ratio,
conditions. In contrast to this, the isothermal TGA analysis /(mol$kgcat–1) RO
correctly indicates a diffusion-limited process and the LaCoO3 6.88 0.110
effect of doping on the activation energy for oxygen
La0.9Sr0.1 CoO3 6.10 0.098
release, though the estimation of the activation energy for
La0.9Ce0.1 CoO3 6.45 0.103
oxygen diffusion was in poor accordance with the results
obtained through dynamic methods. 0.5wt-% Pt- LaCoO3 5.60 0.090
The measured activation energy for the spontaneous 0.5wt-% Pd- LaCoO3 6.67 0.107
oxygen release from samples saturated with oxygen has LaMnO3 6.21 0.099
been tightly correlated to their composition. In particular,
La0.9Sr0.1 MnO3 7.55 0.121
for the series of manganites, oxygen release started at ca.
600 °C, with an activation energy of 1722 kJ/mol for La0.9Ce0.1 MnO3 6.82 0.109
LaMnO3, of 1472 kJ/mol for the sample doped with Sr, 0.5wt-% Pt- LaMnO3 3.65 0.058
of 962 kJ/mol for the sample doped with Ce. Thus, 0.5wt-% Pd- LaMnO3 4.91 0.079
doping increased effectively the rate of oxygen release Fe2O3 a)
9.37 b)
NiOa) 6.56b) 0.21
By looking at the methane oxidation activity, higher
reducibility of the B3+ ion was beneficial to the decrease of a) from Lyngfelt et al. [2]; b) calculated as maximum available oxygen amount
based on the nominal oxygen ratio reported in Lyngfelt et al. [2]
the light-off temperature for methane oxidation, but if its
subsequent re-oxidation was not sufficiently fast, this can than that reported for Fe2O3. It should be underlined that
be detrimental for the overall catalyst performance. the oxygen ratio reported in the cited reference is a nominal
A quantitative TPR analysis has allowed to quantify the value, i.e., the maximum mass fraction of oxygen available
oxygen non-stoichiometry and to determine the content of assuming the full reduction of the metal. That value is
available oxygen. This is an important parameter in reactor usually coupled with conversion, which represents the
sizing for the first stage of a CLC process and has been evolution of oxygen release across the reactor or during
related to catalytic activity showing that the higher the time (0.98 in the cited examples for both nickel and iron
titrated oxygen amount (referring, in particular, to the low- oxides).
temperature reduction feature), the higher the catalytic An advantage for the use of a perovskite-based mixed
activity for methane oxidation. An exception is represented oxide is the elastic structure of the oxide if compared with a
by Pt-doped samples, which show very high activity single oxide. Indeed, perovskites can exchange a relative
though their oxygen release properties are lower than other high amount of oxygen maintaining the overall crystal
samples. structure almost unaltered (except for some distortion).
The amount of available oxygen (as mol/kgcat) has been This prevents major modifications of the oxide lattice, thus
obtained from quantitative TPR data, which are reported in a longer material life is expected with respect to single
Table 4 for some representative samples. From these data it oxides, which are subject to cyclic major modifications that
appears that the material which makes available the higher may cause embrittlement in their particles.
amount of oxygen is La0.9Sr0.1 MnO3. As reported above, Finally, when testing methane conversion under anae-
this sample is also characterised by a relatively low robic conditions, a relation has been found between
activation energy for oxygen release. activity and oxygen release as measured by TPD of pre-
The oxygen ratio in Table 4 has been calculated as: RO = adsorbed oxygen [50]. The lower the oxygen desorption
(mox – mred)/mox, that is the normalised difference between temperature, the higher and faster the methane combustion
the solid carrier mass in oxidised and reduced form, as a activity. For instance, La2NiO4 began to be active at
measure of the oxygen availability. Basically, the values of 400 °C and achieved 100% methane conversion at 750 °C.
titrated oxygen and of oxygen ratio can be used as an This sample showed very low temperature oxygen release
estimate of d reported in Fig. 2. The RO values here during TPD, with an intense α peak at 300–400 °C and β
obtained (Table 4) range between 0.06 and 0.11, lower than peak onset at ca. 550 °C. By contrast, LaFeO3 did not
what reported for the Fe2O3 and NiO single oxide carriers release O2 up to 800 °C during TPD and, consequently, it
(see, for example, the data reported by Lyngfelt et al. [2], did not reach full methane conversion, with the slowest
recalled in Table 4 for the sake of clarity). This is expected reaction rate of this samples set.
due to the presence of heavy ions (such as La and Sr) in the
formulation of the material. However, the overall oxygen
availability (‘Titrated oxygen’ in Table 4) is higher for the 5 Conclusions
present materials with respect to the nominal oxygen ratio
for NiO samples reported in the literature, though lower This paper contributes to the current discussion about CCS
10 Front. Chem. Sci. Eng.

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