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Ruzol, Celine R.


1. What are your key takeaways after all the activities, reporting, and assessments
about environmental pollution?
In this module, I learned how urgently we must preserve the ecology and the
earth. We should be aware of how crucial it is to maintain stability in all activities that
meet their material demands because human activity is causing pollution to grow
exponentially faster than global progress. As a result, required steps must be taken to
control and lower pollution. These industries (industrial, residential, commercial,
agricultural, etc.) are among the major polluters of the environment, and many have the
potential to harm the ecosystem seriously. The best solutions to this issue may be aided
by thoroughly understanding pollution's theoretical and practical effects.
The activities, reporting, and assessments opened my eyes in the realm of
environment. It gives me a keen sense of environmental concern which I would carry in
every activity that I will be doing to help the environment in my own simple little steps.
2. After all these module learnings, what is your message to the youth?
This new generation has an increasingly strong social and environmental
awareness and the energy and knowledge to lead our societies towards a low carbon and
resilient climate. We young people should raise awareness, promote renewable energy,
adopt environmentally friendly practices, and implement adaptation and mitigation
projects. Everyone is involved in preserving the natural environment. Thus, we as
members of the youth should be leaders. We should inspire each other, aiming for a
better future. We should take action to lessen the environmental problems and be
responsible individuals to protect the environment.
3. What are the small steps/actions we can immediately do in order to catalyze change
for the environment?
Your carbon footprint is the effect of your daily activities on climate change in terms of
CO2 equivalent units. Governments can sign policies to reduce GHGs, but reduction
targets cannot be reached unless action is taken individually. Currently, the average
individual carbon footprint is being exceeded in most regions and globally. Keep track of
yours using a carbon footprint calculator. Several general and country-specific calculators
are available online. After all, to manage, you need to measure.
Consume only what you need and avoid any waste. Also, use your consumer power to
favor environmentally friendly products and eat less meat. If people do not purchase a
product, manufacturers will stop producing it.
Energy efficiency adds up to an additional source of fuel. It can help businesses save on
overhead costs in heating, air conditioning, refrigeration, transportation, etc., and saves
you money at home. So, whether at your house, school, or office, use energy-efficient
appliances and unplug all electronics when not in use.
Saving the world requires well-informed citizens. Use figures, facts, and a hands-on
approach to educating your family, friends, and communities about the climate crisis.
Maybe even write for the local newspaper. Knowledge is power.
Young people around the world, just like you, are standing up to politicians and polluters.
Demand that governments pursue favorable policies on climate change. Ask them to
include young people in such decision-making processes. Similarly, ask corporations to
publish their carbon footprints and reduce their contribution to environmental threats,
especially climate change.
4. What is your pledge and promise to our environment?
I promise to make personal commitments to support environmental protection. I pledge
to make sure everyone I know understands how important it is to live more sustainably
in order to preserve the environment for coming generations.

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