B. What Are The Factors Triggering Semantic Changed?

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B. What are the factors triggering semantic changed?

Changes in meaning are as common as changes in form. Both changes can be internally or
externally related to different factors. The paradigm in morphology is, in semantics, semantics
have a lot of prototypes, but this field words and their meaning/s stand and affect one another
under the system communication process. People constantly and normally adjust the use of
words and the alteration of meaning, sometimes this happened because the speaker may have
different intention each time. If a different intention for a word is shared by the speech
community and becomes established in usage then a semantic change has occurred. That is
what we call sematic shift, Semantic shift simply refers to the change of meaning or talk of
change in a neutral way.

There are different types of semantic change and also many reasons for it, even so, this paper
will only discuss three reasons among the rest.

 Social reasons (i.e., contact situation with "undemarcation" effects)

Just as the meaning of words is tied to the communities in which they are used, so too is
semantic change. But how does lexical semantic change manifest differently for social reasons?

Language as a sign mechanism of communication, a system of discrete signs that serve to

communicate and can express the totality of a person’s potion of the world as a social
phenomenon. The social stipulation is expressed in the social functions of the language as a
means of people communication. The word conveys some information, reinforces accumulated
knowledge, delivers emotional pleasure or displeasure, orders or expresses a desire, etc. The
paragraph above is from the study of “Functions of language in the social context” (Korneeva;
Kosacheva, Parpura, 2019)

Moreover, the affiliation of the language to social phenomena is manifested in the fact that the
language is a keeper of information about the past of mankind, about the history of peoples,
nations. However, language also reflects and consolidates the realities, abstract concepts
developed by the people, owing their existence to the specific conditions of the working, social
and cultural life of the certain people. Hence, Language as an instrument of knowledge makes it
possible to get new information about the reality that surrounds us, producing only theoretical
activities mediated by the language, and not referring directly to practical activities. In the
personality formation and education, the language in human society performs the following
functions: the communicative and cognitive functions and the influence function. This influence
semantic change in the sense that people have to adjust their language overtime to meet the
demands of effective communication that suits the present situation time.

Another thing about the occurrence of semantic change, society has a significant influence on
the statements formation and on the functioning of the language system. The interpersonal or
social role function determines the connection of the language with the situation in which it is
used and allows the user to create the text, that is, connected, situationally determined
segments of discourse. These functions are used to determine the semantic potency, consisting
of a huge number of choices when using language. The system of choices is the grammar of
this language. In the statement all functions are implemented simultaneously, but each of the
grammatical contrasts is based on one of them. Modality is associated with the interpersonal
function; procedure - with the conceptual function, the textual one turns the sentence into a

 Aesthetic-formal reasons (i.e., avoidance of words that are phonetically similar or

identical to negatively associated words)

Semantics tends to focus on the communicative properties of verbal behavior. It is perfectly

reasonable that the central communicative purpose of meaning should take center stage and
that the establishment of words and meanings to account for verbal behavior should have
become the main concern. However, not all the phenomena of verbal behavior can be
accounted for by language systems it can also be reflected on the aesthetic-formal reasons.

Why does semantic change occur for aesthetic reason? Semantic change triggers in an
aesthetic reason because of our intention to avoid words that are phonetically similar or identical
to negatively associated words. Like the word Hostess, this word takes on a whole new
meaning in our country, it is widely used as a euphemism for a prostitute the word change to
GRO (Group Relation officer) to make it more formal and acceptable. Same with the words,
janitor and custodian, nanny and caregiver, squatter to informal settlers.

if you want to be nice, clear, and effective communicator pick your words carefully but have the
ability to deliver it appropriately, in a verbal communication, wrong utterance, mistakenly
stressed words, negligence in pitch can lead into different meaning. I remember the line of my
undergraduate professor, “it is not what we say that counts, it is how we say things to other
people in a way that it should be appealing to the ears, it is respectful, acceptable, and easy to

"We naturally tend to think of speech levels in terms of good, better, and best, and we incline to
regard the transition from high rhetoric to low slang as a descent in the scale of values." (Potter
1996) This statement sums up the phenomenon of aesthetic sense and response to language
and rightly places such aesthetic concerns in the language, although it must be noted that the
set of value scales is much larger than good-bad and high-low. Language reflects attitudes,
social and even moral standards. Our responses transcend language. They are indicative of an
important area of cognition beyond factual or logical thinking, but which is intimately linked with
verbal behavior.

 Communicative-formal reasons (i.e., abolition of the ambiguity of forms in context,

keyword: "homonymic conflict and polysemic conflict")

In a formal communication, it is necessary to be clear and concise. There are words that depicts
different or many meanings, also words that are lengthy and difficult to articulate or spelled.

Semantic change happened in a communicative-formal reasons, for example abolition of the

ambiguity. those words with more than one meaning are called ambiguous words. Based on the
semantic relationship among meanings, ambiguous words can be categorized into at least two
classes. Homonyms are one class of ambiguous words, and they have unrelated multiple
meanings. For example, bank means financial institution, and it also means land near the river.
Polysemes are another class of ambiguous words, and they have multiple related meanings.
For example, head means part of body, top, leader, etc which are all related to each other.

Ambiguas words are oftentines substituted with jargons special words or expressions that are
used by a particular profession. Jargons specify a meaning unlike homonyms and polysemes.
This makes the conversation between people in a formal communication easily get what the
other means.
The alteration of meaning occurs because words are constantly used and what is intended
by speakers is not exactly the same each time. If a different intention for a word is shared by
the speech community and becomes established in usage then a semantic change has

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